#surprised i managed to draw thsi.
spatio-rift · 2 years
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years
Hi u didn't ask for this but uhhh uh you deserve it , because, ur cool, or smthin. ANYWAYS
Hey Kia, your art is genuinely amazing, I truly mean this. But that alone isn't really "enough" of a compliment.... so, I love you're style... but what exactly? Well I love the way you always are able to morph expressions to fit a scene properly, enough to look really expressive, but not top much to look unnatural. I love how you're able to shape the heads and eyes of a character, subtly or not, in a way to make them more... them?
I love how you color so comfortably and pleasantly, it's like a free treat to the eyes. Your understanding of composition, be it conscious or not, always surprises me (/pos), my eyes always find the just right place to rest, and you somehow don't make designs feel obnoxious or crowded even when they SHOULD be annoying to look at, you make it work!!! You just make everything so... CONSUMABLE, in the BEST WAY.
And oh, ohhhhh don't get me started on your storytelling and writing. I LOVE reading your fic(s). They're compelling, fun, engaging, everything I'd want. They always lure me in and keep me thinking about. The way you do storytelling in comics too, it's fascinating truly. You can position things, draw rhem out, cut them short... in JUST the right way for an amazing emotional pay off.
Not only that... your comics and art are so MEMORABLE!!! I catch myself thinking back to so many of your pieces fondly, or find myself taking subconscious inspiration off of things. One in particular always sticks out in my mind, but it's most likely due to my bias towards angst and Dreamtale. That short mini comic being... hm, I don't remember it exactly, but it was of Dream and Nightmare, they had unique designs, the setting was cool. Dream was crying, scared maybe. Nightmare was angry, then remorseful. I can remember each panel so clearly in my head. It was a very nice experience.
You also shade and light pieces beautifully, you always manage to take my breathe away with your full scenes. They're always so brilliantly crafted, I adore them SO much.
Now, for a more recent piece I've come to adore for who knows why... that art of Dream!Sans you made for that anon! The colors, the anatomy, the expression. It's so so fucking good, it's soft, it's careful, it's so full of love.
Something to note about me, is I can smell or taste images/videos, I want you to know the overlying taste/smell of your art is "Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Creme" which is a very positive taste/smell.
I've never wanted to eat someone's art so bad before.
Thank you so much Kia, genuinely, honestly.
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OUGUOEYYUE...........DOIVE........THSI IS TOO NICE..............
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cloudysfluffs · 4 years
This Is No Laughing Matter
Lee!Plankton anon here. Here's the fanfic. Hope you like it.
It was just another day at the Chum Bucket. Plankton sat in the middle of his lab, surrounded by blueprints and plots to snatch the Krabby Patty Secret Formula. He was looking at them all, muttering incoherent things to himself and giggling loudly like a madman. He may have failed multiple times, sure, but he wasn't one to back down. One person knew that for sure: His wife: Karen.
Karen usually had more patience, but for some reason today, she didn't have her usual patience. She glared at him from her position in the corner of the lab. The muttering and the insane giggles were starting to get under her skin. She had to quiet him, but how? The purple-haired woman started to ponder on ways to do such a feat.
Then, an idea struck in her head. The idea was a bit childish, Karen admitted, but right now, it would do. She sneaked up behind her husband and snatched him from the blueprints pile, him yelping with surprise. She then pinned him to the wall, his hands above his head with one hand.
"K-Karen," The evil genius asked, shaking a little, "w-what are y-you doing?"
"Oh nothing, big guy," Karen smirked at her husband's nervousness, "just this!"
She then dug her fingers on her free hand into Plankton's stomach, eliciting a squeal and boyish giggles from the aforementioned villain.
"K-Karen!" He managed within the oncoming giggles, wiggling his arms in a futile attempt to free himself. "W-What's the meanihihihing of thihihihis?! This is no laughing matter!!"
"Oh really~?" The wife retorted playfully back, an impish grin plastered on her face, "Well, if this is no laughing matter, then why are you laughing? That doesn't seem right, now does it~?"
Karen's grin soon melted into an adoring smile as she watched the green-haired husband of her struggle while practically trying to speak words that were doused in giggles.
However, Karen was starting to get bored with just getting his one spot. She knew if his worse spot, one that if he was ever tickled there, he'd virtually do anything for it to stop: His neck.
The purple-haired woman grinned impishly once more as she stopped attacking his stomach, Plankton panting to regain air, undid his collar, and held her hand right above the spot. Plankton still giggled wildly, as he was now on the verge of laughter, Karen chuckling.
"What~?" She questioned him, slowly moving her hand to his neck, "I'm not doing anything......yet~"
"Y-You wihihihihilll though!!" He riposted through giggles.
Karen fake gasped, her smirk widening into a mischievously diabolical grin,
"I think I better call on reinforcements." She then lowered her free hand into her bag and pulled out a feather, one Plankton dreaded. She then slowly moved it towards his neck, the villain struggling a lot more frantically now.
"K-Karen!! N-No!" He pleaded desperately.
"Karen yes~" Karen chuckled and started to dance the feather all over the sensitive flesh on her husband's neck.
 It didn't take long for her to get a reaction, just one or two seconds if she had to guess: Wild cackling and barely comprehensible pleading from Plankton himself.
"OKAY OKAY KAREN!!" He managed without his words being drowned in unbridled laughter, "WHAT IS IT YOU WANT?!!"
"So glad you asked, big guy," She smirked, twirling the feather on the crook of his neck, "I want you to quit your scheming, and spend some time with me."
"I WILL!!! I WILL!!! JUST STOP PLEASE!!!" Plankton replied before his words were drowned in laughter.
Karen stopped her assault, unpinning him from the wall. He then immediately latched himself onto Karen, pinning her to the floor with a wild grin on his face, despite his panting. The purple-haired woman's cheeks were soon coated with a dark red blush.
"The lion is hungry, Karen~" He purred, "For revenge~" He kissed her deeply, surprising her. She kissed back nonetheless.....that is, until she had to pull away due to her own girly giggles pouring from her mouth as Sheldon exacted his revenge. The blueprints and schemes were soon a distance memory.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO CUTE AND GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANON i would die for you!!!!!!!!!!💕💖💕💖💝💝💕💝💕💝💖💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕💝💕
it was so well written and cute and aaaaaaaaaahshdjsjdjsjd!!!!!!!!!!!! if it's okay with you, could i draw some doodles based on thsi fic?(ill link it when i post em if its ok) bc i absolutely love it!!!!!! thank you for submittin!!!!!!!
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Ooh, this one is fun!! Okay, so I changed a few things for flow story-wise, but it should still fit. Also I did a little more world-building off-screen than I should of but... it was fun.
Roger has been told to keep an eye on certain advisors, what he isn’t expecting is for them to be so bold with sending actual assassins while they’re in the middle of court. Dressed up in their rival nation's colors ofc. He’s able to dispatch the first assassin with ease, but gets a crossbow bolt to the shoulder. The few loyal knights rush in, but Roger’s main goal is to get Freddie out of the castle.
So he takes him through the back tunnels that Brian showed them when they were younger to sneak out. He’s not surprised to see that the warlock is already halfway to the throne room. Brian takes Freddie’s arm because of course the young prince wants to get back to his people.
They don’t know how much support they still have in the castle, Roger reminds him so they have to go.
As it turns out the crossbow bolt was poisoned. Predictably, so by the time they reach the middle of the forest, no doubt thanks to Brian’s magic because he’s looking close to passing out.
Freddie is freaking out because his two cheif protectors (brothers, companions, friends, something else?) are both vunerable, and his father never really let him learn martial skills beyond wrestling and the like. And he knows the tales of this forest and about the spirits and Fae that run the woods.
When Brian finally sucumbs to his exhaustion and Roger to the poison, Freddie is sure thsi is the end for all of them because then there’s rustling in the trees. A young(?) elf stumbles through the underbrush.
“What are you doing here? Humans are forbidden here.”
“I don’t mean any harm, we don’t. My friends, they need a healer. One is badly poisoned.”
John checks over the pair, wincing as Roger’s wound grows sickly and green. He knows helping humans is a crime, but they also charish all life, so he smears on a salve on the wound and crushes herbs into the warlock’s mouth.
Then he waits, because the humans probably won’t do anything while he’s there with his weapons.
It turns out all the humans needed was the night. Elf magic and healing is far more potent than humans (even if Bri has to hesitantly explain that he has elven blood in him and that’s why he’s so good a magic becuase he’s up much faster than any human should be even without the help).
Once Roger is up, he wants to back and shore up their support and reclaim the castle. The coup needs to be settled effectively and swiftly so that the people don’t get restless. Brian argues that they need to do everything under the radar because they might not have the majority support.
John watches this for a few hours. How the two humans (or rather human and half-human) will be at eachs other’s throats back off and resume. The other human seems content to let them bicker, but every once and awhile the two arguing ones will defer to the other. It doesn’t take him much longer to realizes that this is an Important Human techincially in charge of the two bickering ones.
Then comes the army through the forest. John feels how the woods scream in terror. He takes off, surprised to find the humans come with him. His village is being ransacked by the Human Army. He takes off to fight them, and much to his surprise the warlock is with him as well.
They fight until they get overrun and then the warlock (Brian he thinks he heard) pulls him away, saying that its too late. John reluctantly agrees, a useless death his not a heroic one. Brian takes him to somewhere in the forest that he knows well, but not many know of.
“Sorry, it was the first thing that had enough of your past presence here,” Brian shrugs.
The other two appear in a shimmery mist. John sees the waystone in Roger’s hand. It must be attuned to Brian. Which is no small feat to do.
With John’s permission, the humans (and half-human) manage to set up a rebel base of some sort. Reaching out their allies which are much fewer than he knows they hoped for. He’s also turned it into a sort of refugee camp for those of his village and other’s affected to regather in. Which technically means its a joint army for the first time in thousands of years.
Even the humans defer to him in rank despite not being an Offical Member of the Army. He guesses its because Freddie is always with him (or within eyesight of him) and Roger seems to allow his presence when he chases others away from Freddie ( “I don’t care what they say, or how long they’ve served the crown. I’m not letting anyone I don’t know or trust near him”).
No one ever tells him explicitly but he knows it has something to do with why they ended up in the forest in the first place as Roger was poisoned and Brian knocked out to near exhaustion. Not that John has any complaints, because Roger gives the same treatment to both elves and humans which strangely enough helps builds bonds.
John is also quick to learn why Roger is Freddie’s chosen gaurd, after he soundly defeated four would be troublemakers that tried to disregard his commands. He’s impressed at the speed Roger possess, almost as quick and dexterious as an elf.
Freddie on the other hand is well liked by his followers. He’s kind and caring, while a bit entitled at times, John’s never heard of a more pleasent human. When they’re with the other commanders, Freddie always makes sure to keep everyone’s voices heard (including the elves) and doens’t have much paitent for the bickering of his commanders (even if Roger has less so).
John figures that Freddie must be similiar to their council but born into this position. Humans are far more prone to greed, but Freddie earns every man’s loyalty (and John is quickly finding that he is one of them).
Then there’s Brian. The half-human warlock. Brilliant but prone to worrying and magical mishaps. John has never seen anyone (elf or human) more intune with the ley-lines of the world. Although more than once John has found himself guarding an unconsious Brian because he exhausted himself in his quest to find the things they’ll need to reclaim Freddie’s throne.
He also has the most understanding with Brian, because while the Warlock might not know their culture completely, he does know parts of it. And usually he’s pretty good at explaining why certain threads get crossed between humans and elves in their camps.
John also just enjoys the way magic wraps around Brian and makes him warm.
About three months into this entire mess John realizes that he’s sort of fallen in love with them. In elven culture, more than one lover is accepted irregardless of gender, sometimes it’s even encouraged because of low-birthrates. Humans aren’t like that, he’s found. Especially when he’s heard stories of soldiers wives making homes with those left behind.
He would like to draw away, but the three won’t let him. Everytime John wants to go on a scouting brigade, Roger will join him (ultimately leaving Freddie with Brian or bringing the prince along). John tries to organize things on the elven side, Freddie is next to him, trying to figure out ways to make their rations and supplies last longer (wait, you use the rine of the fruit? We don’t eat it, so let’s set up a collection place!). Brian, just seems to know where he is (not that it’s hard John, you’ve got a pretty specific energy).
What Brian fails to tell him, that he has to learn from one of their own Spell-weavers is that he has a specific energy that matches the others. Not that Brian knows the significgance, until said spell-weaver explains it to him. (John somewhat enjoys how humans do have boundries of things others can tell someone else).
Brian naturally tells Freddie and Roger. John has to sit through a very awkward confession (because they hadn’t really thought about why they all fit together, but yeah kissing and courting each other sounds very nice). So now that they’re all on the same page of romantic love. John couldn’t be happier.
They still have a castle to seige, and that might not go well. John tries to ignore that.
John stays with the elves and arches during the siege and subsequent battle. Roger is on the front lines along with Freddie, and John knows he won’t stray far from the prince but he can’t actually see them to verify, and Brian is taking a group through the secret hallways of the castle to get them from the inside as well.
He doesn’t know who to be more worried about, since save for a stray arrow, he’s mostly protected. While he fells as many as he shoots arrows, he can’t shake the feeling that something might go wrong. Roger could (would. will) sacrifice himslf to keep Freddie from feeling a fatal blow. Freddie might not be able to stop a fatal blow and he and Roger got seperated. Roger could sacrifice himself and Freddie still fall.
It’s the last one that has him deffering command to second, and starting to run through the battle. 
He can’t help Brian. The warlock is too far out of his reach, but John can’t stop the thoughts of everything that could go wrong. The traitors might have learned of the passages. They could’ve collasped. Giant spiders. Someone getting too close to Brian before he can cast. Somone nullifying his magic.
“John?” Roger slides next to him.
As expected Freddie is only a few feet away from him, and Roger’s eyes are trained directly on his prince.
“Sorry. I couldn’t. I wanted to be up. I can’t.”
Roger nods and pulls the shortsword off his belt, “I know you’re good with your bow, but here.”
The three of them start carving a path towards the gates. John keeps an anxious watch on the sky waiting for the signal. So does Freddie. So does Roger.
Eventually the orange sparks hit the sky and the second phase of their plan occurs. The castle gates fall and the inside had already been routed. Except he can’t see Brian. Roger and Freddie are fine, Freddie’s already assuming his duty as now King, but he can see that they’re looking for Brian too.
John worries for a split second about what’s going to happen between elves and humans, but he’s more worried about where Brian could be.
Then he sees a curly mop of hair stumbling towards them. Exhausted but unharmed. Roger urges him to go to Brian with his eyes, because he still has to be A General and get things settled.
John can’t help but ask Brian when he wraps around  him, “what’s going to happen to this. To me?”
Brian snorts, “if you think you’re going to be able to get away from Freddie and Roger now that they have you, you’re sorely mistaken.”
“And you?” John wonders if Brian doesn’t care about him as much as the others.
“I don’t have to worry about not being able to find you again.”
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