#surprised we didn't see any photos of any of the Kings doing that tbh
meganechan05 · 3 months
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"Yes, my princess?"
Himeno couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach every time they called her that. She should've gotten used to it by now, but their affectionate words always made her heart flutter. Then again, she was the only person the Impartial Supreme Justice spoiled. Even if she was just a mere peasant to everyone else.
"Do you think we would've gotten along in another timeline? If we didn't become who we are today?"
She watched as they turned to the sky above them, a small smile on their face. "Who knows? But I'd like to believe we would. Maybe the roles would be different."
"Different how?"
"Say you were the Queen of Ishabana instead and its best doctor. I'd still be Chief Justice. We would be worlds apart if that was the case. But I'd like to think that somehow, we'd meet and fall in love like we have in this timeline."
"Even if I'm a selfish Queen?"
"Even then."
"Even if people call me a spoiled brat?"
"Even then." They turned to her. "What about you? If I was different in that timeline? If I followed my training and not who I am today?"
Himeno softly smiled. "I'd feel the same."
"Even if I'm someone who pushes others away?"
"Even then."
"Even if everyone hates me instead?"
"Even then."
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remimibanana · 7 months
Supernova 2023 Day 1 Report!
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I had the opportunity to go to Supernova 2023 at Adelaide where I cosplayed on Day 1! It was a big convention filled with so many people and cosplayers from all sorts of media!
I went with my good friend Pie (@piedivide) who you will see throughout the report! Thank you for the fun weekend!
I had to split up the report because I hit the image limit, here is Day 2!
The report is below the cut!
My Cosplay
I cosplayed as Sucrose in her OnePlus collaboration outfit! It’s a pretty simple but cute outfit! This was the first time I ever styled a wig, which turned out much better than I thought it would in all honesty lol
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Day 1
I had to catch the train since the con is in the city, and the one I was on was fully packed since there was also the Christmas Pageant running (in November strangely…it’s not even December!).
Of course, I was the only one in cosplay on the whole train, so I had to sit in the corner with all these people staring at me.
I was surprised to see no cosplayers on the train, because last time there were a few people who were in cosplay so I felt less embarrassed sitting there in full cosplay.
One train ride later, and I arrived in the city!
I met up with Pie, who was dressed up as Casual Kazuha! I was heading to the usual bench that I sit and wait at, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Pie! His cosplay was so cool! I especially loved the wig styling!
We had some Hungry Jacks (or Burger King as it’s called everywhere else but Australia) before going to the con! You know, for the meme. And because we skipped breakfast for it.
I ordered some chicken nuggets and large fries, while Pie ordered a kids meal lol
He got this Rubble spinning toy from Paw Patrol that I couldn’t recognize right away. It was really derpy and poor Rubble’s body wasn’t painted so it was just yellow.
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See? Poor thing. Pie threw it in the bin rather heartlessly.
I took too long to eat the nuggets so my fries got cold ;;
Once we ate, we headed to the convention! It was at the showgrounds, so we caught the train there. It was my first time going to the showgrounds by train, so it was a cool experience!
Never been on that line before.
We didn’t know where we were going, so we followed the sea of people and hoped we were going in the right direction lol
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There’s me in front of it all! This was the first time I was at the showgrounds since like…2016? Crazy.
Entering the convention was pretty simple once we found our way! We ordered tickets online so we just had to get the QR Code for them scanned. We received a wristband that apparently we couldn’t take off since it was meant to last for both days.
Not sure how great of an idea that is tbh, but I do get it. At least they told us we could always come back and get a new one if something happens to it.
This time I didn’t break the wristband! Are you proud of me?
Pie put on mine a bit loose, so it kept trying to fall off. It actually did fall off at one point, but at least I could take it off after.
So it was all good!
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Inside the convention, as you can see above, was so cool! So big! You could get lost within all the stalls and places. I remember the first moment I walked in, I was in awe.
Pie and I walked around, taking in all the sights and seeing what the convention had to offer. We saw so many cosplayers as we walked, I took the time to admire them all and freak out.
Someone actually asked for photos of us right away, and it was so cool! I didn't think we would get asked for photos that quickly!
Speaking of cosplayers, we got so many photos with them! Last convention, we didn't get many so I'm glad this time we did! Well, it was Pie asking for me and me just being there haha (thank you Pieeeeee).
Let me go through each of the pictures and write a whole bunch of praise because everyone looked amazing!!!
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We didn't think we would see any Fontainian Cosplays at all, but there they were! We saw Furina during our walk through the Artist Alley, and knew we had to get a photo!
They seemed to be busy though every time we saw them, and we didn’t want to bother them so we sort of just kept walking and waiting until they were sort of free.
It seemed like we would never get an opportunity to.
Until Pie literally went over and asked for a photo once we saw they weren’t too busy lol
They were so kind! And pretty!
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Okay, so Pie and I talked about what Genshin Cosplayers would make us freak out before the con if we saw them walking around. Pie chose Neuvillette (based) and I chose Lyney because I love Lyney.
But I really didn't think we would see a Lyney cosplayer. I kept an eye out, of course.
Until we did.
Pie was the one who pointed them out and of course I freaked out immediately. It was Lyney! In the flesh!
And we beelined to them, waiting until they weren't busy so Pie could ask for a photo lol
They were at a stall looking around at all the products there, and so we decided to look around too so we weren't standing there awkwardly waiting.
To our surprise, the Lyney cosplayer was the one who came up to US and complemented us on our cosplay!
They were so niceeeeeee
Pie took this opportunity to ask for a photo.
We got our photos and I of course freaked the heck out after.
That’s all I wanted in life. Lyney photo. \(//∇//)\
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I saw them walking around and I was freaking out because I love Tokyo Mew Mew! It was my first anime before I even knew it was an anime! I watched the Serbian dub growing up, so it has a special place in my heart.
I really didn’t think I’d see both Mew Ichigo and Mew Berry here! Especially Mew Berry, it was my first time seeing a cosplay for her!
They looked so good!
I was staring at them from afar as we walked, until I mentioned how I’d like a photo with them and Pie asked for me (thank you Pieeeee).
They were so nice! They did such cute poses too, just like the ones in the manga!
Mew Ichigo complemented my cosplay and I was over the moon.
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For context, at AnimeGO, Pie and I kept seeing a Maid Xiao literally everywhere we went. We joked that if we called them, they would come to us lol
We didn’t take any pictures since we didn’t feel as comfortable I suppose asking for photos without being in cosplay.
And to our surprise, we saw Maid Xiao again here at Supernova! They seem to be following us everywhere lol
Pie went to ask to take a photo, since we were in cosplay and it was our chance! We did all together!
The Ameno team! Maybe we’ll see them again next year lol
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I spotted Nahida from afar and knew I needed a photo!
Nahida is one of my absolute favorites, ever since I played Act II in Sumeru. My love for her only solidified in Act V, she’s an absolute badass!
The Nahida cosplayer was so cute and nice!!
They were with their parent or guardian (at least I assume) and they were very nice as well!
I was looking the wrong way for Pie’s photo of us because I was staring at their parent or guardian’s phone lmao
But I did finally stare into Pie’s phone aha (sorryyyy)
They asked for a photo with all three of us together and we did! I hope they liked the photo!
They talked about how much they loved our outfits and the fact we did a “casual spin” on them, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Makes me so happy when I think about it hehe
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Fun fact, this is the elusive Il Dottore that kept evading me back at AnimeGO! It was awesome to see them again here as well!
Their friend was cosplaying Collei from the manga, which I thought so but I wasn’t completely sure until I saw them properly lol
So we all got a photo!
And that’s all the photos we got (at least on my end, Pie got some more, like with another Kazuha and 9S! I’d show them but image limit arghhhh).
I’m so happy we got loads of them! We mentioned we wanted to take more photos so I’m glad we did that successfully!
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There were food stalls there! Such as a coffee/crepe stand, an Indian food stand, a Boost Juice stand, a hot chips stand, and a pretzel stand Pie and I went to!
Pie looked at me as soon as we walked past the Boost Juice stand and started going on about how much I love Boost Juice and I literally turned to look at him all deadpan and went "no" LMAO.
I don't really like smoothies, why is there pieces in my drink I'm trying to drink?! I'm more of a juice person that has nothing in it lol
We never tried a real Pretzel before (we only get those small baked ones prepacked here in Australia), and took this as our opportunity to have some! We both got the standard salted one, and it was really good!
So soft and warm, I loved it!
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There were many games! All multiplayer and all were pretty fun!
We first played Melty Blood: Type Lumina (apparently, I'm taking Pie's word for this lol). I only recognized Mash from Fate/Stay Night, so that's who I chose!
I managed to beat Pie by spamming the circle button the whole time lmao
Then we played Sonic Origins, where Pie was absolutely amazing at it. And then there was me lol
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We played Smash Brothers Ultimate where I managed to beat Pie's butt multiple times somehow. But Pie did win too at times! It was fun playing with all the DLC characters I never had the chance to play with before!
I got to play as Pyra and Mythra, Sora and even Steve!
I love fighting games, they're so much fun. It takes the right inputs to unleash combos and win.
For example, my favourite Street Fighter game is Street Fighter III: Third Strike. It's so good!
Chun Li is my main. Love her.
Anyway, fighting game supremacy.
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Just Dance 2023!
I LOVE Just Dance. My favorites are Just Dance 3, 4 and 2014, being the ones I played the most growing up.
I don’t usually brag about it, but I’m pretty good at it. I can get 5 stars in many songs (at least on the Wii versions). I told Pie that one day I would show off my skills.
To my surprise, Supernova were going to have a Just Dance Area!
After telling Pie all about it before the con since he didn’t notice it before I told him, we decided we had to do some songs! It was a must!
I would dance.
I was glad to see it was the Switch version of the game, it’s pretty similar to the Wii (you use a joycon instead of the Wii remote). So, I knew I would be alright…probably.
Pie let me choose all the songs very kindly (even though I did ask if he wanted to choose a song because I felt like I was sort of hogging it all haha).
I was excited, you can't blame me!
The first song we did was ievan polkka, a classic Hatsune Miku song! My name is Miku, so obviously doing a Miku song is a must.
I already knew this dance pretty well, so of course I got a Megastar! Pie did really well too!
These are the new rankings in the later games, the older ones only went to 5 stars so I find them really strange lol
The second song we did was Livin' a Vida Loca by Ricky Martin! I love this song. This is one of the songs that I can get 5 stars every single time I play it.
No joke. One day I need to prove it somehow lol
Of course I got a Superstar, and Pie did too! Very impressive!
Now the last song I did was Rasputin.
We were meant to do it together, but uh…there were some complications lol
This was going to be our last song, since there were people waiting and I didn’t want to be a bother by dancing any more songs (although I really did want to! There were so many more I wanted to do!).
These two people came up to us and asked if they could join us since four people could dance at once. Of course, we agreed!
That’s when the trouble started.
You would think connecting four joycons would be easy.
For some reason, only three of them would connect at one time. We tried to many times to connect and reconnect them, even we went into the controller settings and tried reconnecting there!
Then the switch feed died randomly. The screens were fully black, and we didn’t even do anything! Things weren't going well at all _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Pie surrendered his joycon to one of the people very kindly, so he was off to the side watching us trying to fix the Switch. I remember looking back at him multiple times and shrugging in disbelief.
At the end, the screens were back up but we could only connect two joycons for some reason. At that point, we gave up and decided to just dance the song because clearly it wasn’t going to work any better than it was now.
I was one of the ones who had their joycon connected, so I was able to see I got the highest Megastar hehe
It was a lot of fun dancing! I absolutely had a blast, and I was tired by the end of it.
Next time I want to Just Dance again!
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After our fun time with Just Dance, we took to the Artist Alley!
It was filled with so many different artists with so many different styles! It was so cool walking through them all and admiring all of the pretty art!
There was this one particular artist that such stunning prints from so many different media like Star Rail, Genshin, Disney and more! They were the same artist I got my Silver Wolf Print from actually! Absolutely incredible art.
We were tempted to buy them and there, but we told ourselves that Day 2 would be the day to go all out in terms of spending.
And then there was me buying prints from another stall lmao
I bought a Hu Tao, Wanderer and Nene and Aoi in their pretty Kannagi outfits from TBHK! I couldn’t resist as soon as I saw them.
I really like the Wanderer one—
We also bought some books! Pie and I both got the Ask Iwata book! I bought Volume 3 of Spy x Family, while Pie picked up Assassination Classroom Volume 14!
The bookstore chain were having a “buy one, get one half price” promotion. Got to capitalize on it.
Manga is my life.
We walked past two stands with swords, and one of them let us hold a sword! I never held a real sword before until that point, so I was excited to try!
Here's us with a Lion's Roar above, where Pie looked very epic and I just looked stupid lmao
Why was I holding it like that?
It was way heavier than I thought it would be, Pie passed it to me while I was holding my phone and I took it with one hand, where my arm literally dropped down at the sudden weight lol
Swords are epic.
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Pie wasn’t able to go home right away after the convention since he had an inspection going on that wouldn’t finish by then.
And he asked me if I could stay back and hang out.
I, of course said yes. I had no objections.
I never told my mum when I was leaving anyway. She told me to send a message when I’m on the train sooooooo....yes.
And so, about halfway through the convention, I asked the faithful question: "so what are we doing after the con?"
That’s when we realised we had no idea what we were doing after the con lol
We thought about it for a while, giving out suggestions between us but it was hard since it was a Saturday and everything was practically closed after 5pm (the con ended at 6pm).
Library? Closed. The gardens in the city? Closed.
That's when I suggested Karaoke! Rather, I asked if the Karaoke place was even open on Saturday.
We found out it was, and there was the thing we could do!
We have always wanted to do Karaoke but it never seemed to align. It would always be dark by the time the place opened. We were in cosplay as well, so it was the perfect opportunity to!
I could only stay for an hour or so since I didn't want to stay too long after dark. I don't live in the city and the city gets sketchy at night, which was one of the reasons why we couldn’t do it earlier.
But it would still be really fun!
With that decided rather spontaneously, we spent the rest of the time on our phones mostly. Scrolling through social media, you know the drill.
We played these Instagram pause games of HSR and Genshin where you would get a scenario such as being in high school and then you would pause to see who is your best friend and the such. It was a lot of fun!
We got some crazy combinations, as expected from a game such as this.
Dan Heng wanted to kidnap me and I was okay with that lol
Mika was one that stalked Pie a bit too much during these games, so Pie developed a hatred for the dude lol
Once the con ended, we headed to the train station!
My eyes decided to kill themselves like usual as soon as we walked out because it was really windy, and we also went the wrong way for a bit aha
But we found our way to the train station! Don't worry!
Out of the train, we walked straight to the building where it resided! It's near the train station luckily, so I didn't have to walk too far in the dark once we finished our singing.
The building was kind of ugly and pretty sketchy in all honesty. There were these stairs we had to climb and the whole time I was like..."are we sure this is the place?"
But it looked much better on the inside! I was surprised.
There was a nice person behind the desk that had lots of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) behind them. It’s not like we wanted any but it’s cool to see them.
We were easily able to book a room, and they gave us two microphones!
The room we were in was a bit small but it had disco lights and a screen with large speakers! It was so cool, I felt so pumped to sing from the moment we walked in!
All you had to do was connect to the internet at the place and cast your phone to the screen with Youtube and boom! You could sing any song you want (as long as there is a Karaoke/Instrumental version of the song you want).
I won't write all the songs we did, since we did a whole bunch but:
Pie did Writing on The Wall by Will Stetson and Reach For The Stars from Sonic Colours, which was so cool!! I did アイドル by YOASOBI while being barely able to keep up aha and Super Sonic Racing from Sonic R!
By the time the hour was over, all we wanted to do sing for another hour! It felt too short in all honesty. It was such an experience singing and watching someone else sing too!
I was quite nervous to sing, but I did get more confident as the hour went on!
I also need to learn more Japanese songs because I don’t know enough Japanese songs fully lol
I did know one at least pretty well, being 光るなら by Goose House. I really like that song.
Since it was a duet song (well it has more than one person singing it), Pie and I decided to sing it together!
We were in the middle of duetting 光るなら but then the lights and music shut off instantly in the middle of the song Σ(・□・;)
It was so sudden! I was so confused, we were left in total darkness for a bit wondering what happened. The lights switched back on and the person from the desk came into view.
That's when we learnt our hour was up and we packed up and headed our way to the train station. I wanted to sing more…
We would redeem ourselves next time! We would do Karaoke again, there’s no way we wouldn’t!
I had to wait for a bit for the train to come, so we talked about our plans for Day 2...which you can find out what we did in my Day 2 report!
Thank you for reading my Day 1 report! I hope it was fun reading though my experience! *\(^o^)/*
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x-exo · 3 years
Lolol I had st first thought maybe you were busy so I didn't send right away but then it was getting long with time so I tried once, then twice and another until I gave up thinking either the app doesn't like me or maybe I annoyed you djajdjajdsj BUT you made that post and I gasped. Quickly sent an ask which you got so yay!! *happy dances* i must ask how are you doing!? I hope well, I see you made another sideblog hehe. I support
Now onto our beans!! First monsta x, ahhhh just, perfection. Literally monsta x always delivers with perfect style and music. Legit if you want some mafia themes with some sxhmexy spice then monsta x is for you lol. I'm a bit sad to shownu didn't join the promos *sigh* but i understand! Hyungwon and jooheon did a great job covering his part (which I was surprised to hear their vocals because usually in my experience they would either lip sing to the backing track or leave the spot empty for the missing member so to hear them sing was a surprise!) No wins sadly but its alright, the boys did amazing nonetheless and am proud of them! Fjakdjak me with secrets as well. I'm bopping and am thinking 'wait, why do I understand what they are singing' then I noticed it was in English as well haha. Gambler is on repeat alot I just cannot get enough of it
Now onto exo, the kings. The legends, the boys are back *insert the boys are back from hsm3* this comeback is everything. I legit cannot say anything bad about the title track nor bsides, they are all great and fun to listen to! No skips, the fact they even worked on it to make it like a gift for the fans. I'm going to cry ndkajdja. CAN WE TALK ABOUT LAY VEING FULLY HERE LIKE !?!? HELLO MISTER LAY, WELCOME BACK! I legit thought this would be like tempo but worse because while news was saying a 'full' exo comeback, no news for lay for a while and while I was happy to see his teasers (forever am salty we only have one album of lay at all which is the jewel case version. I understand things might be tricky but still ya know?) I was fishy lol. I had no trust with sm but to our surprise we hear lay more properly. Sure he could have more lines but he isn't pulling an nct winwin so I'm not complaining!! I will take this over tempo lol. Apparently they shot the mv during minseok and his bday so that made me extra soft, exo won over butter so I'm happy dancing. As they should, as they should. Records were broken so all I can say is stan exo for a better life I guess.
Now seventeen!! Its finally comeback time so thoughts on the comeback? Ngl I at first didn't bop to ready to love, I feel bad because always their comebacks were ones I always enjoyed and liked right away but yet, this time around I watched the mv and listened to the song and was sitting there confused like ??? That was all, I felt a bit like there was something missing within the song but I couldn't tell what and it was bugging me for a week njdjajd. However, I had the song on repeat and it grew on me!! Which is very much ok I think, while I did feel bad, im human and we all have different tastes and not everyone will like title tracks! The chorus is super catchy and the guitar? I think it is the guitar lol, that you hear is fantastic. I still think the song is missing something but this might be just me being nit picky. It is a huge summer bop, very much fitting for seventeen.
Ok that is all for me, I shall be going! Let us hope this also sends or else I am fish slapping my phone lol
I did... for pentagon... lord help me 🙌 good thing they're not releasing anything anytime soon so i can focus on my OTHER sideblogs fuihdiufhif
yeahhh it's a pity he couldn't join promotions :(( but anything for his health and wellbeing (but maybe they could have let him do the naiver now lives and fan signs but 🤷🏻‍♀️) it was so cute seeing him go to the concept store thingy and getting his albums and photo cards and visiting his boys during music shows pls he's so endearing i lov him!! I feel bad they couldn't even get one win with gambler bc it's sooooo good omg it's really one of the best title track releases this half year but since music show wins don't care about quality but only quantity...yeah SAD but I it's nice seeing jooheon so happy with his baby song I hope he's super proud of the masterpiece he's made!
EXO. SEXTUPLE MILLION SELLER EXO. They did THAT! without promotions whatsoever and without stepping a foot inside any music shows!! sciuhsdicudfvb legends only 💅🏼 same! i'm glad we could hear yixing in all the songs omg sm could have made it worse so i'll take what i can get and i'll cherish it! and now we've got THE KYUNGSOO making his solo debut!!!! aaahhhhh I can't wait to listen to all his songs omg i bet they're all so nice and good 🤧 also apparently he filmed his mv back in his hometown and with kids and stuff so yeah PREPARE THE PAPER TISSUES!!
WELL. I don't really vibe with this comeback tbh idk RTL sounded good in the teasers but then the mv dropped and the album dropped and I- idk i wasn't feeling it (not gonna lie and say i haven't been singing the "runaway" part on repeat in my head FOR DAYS) but idk it doesn't feel like a seventeen song if that makes sense??? as for the rest of the album...I only like Anyone tbh...I feel bad for not vining with the rest but as you said we're human so all we have to do is wait for the next comeback! not gonna talk about the mv bc it was pretty meh for my taste tbh (coming from home; run... now they give me super saturated images, no story and a rain scene that makes it impossible to even see the members...) but yeah also it's so sad all that's happened during this comeback period... first minghao not being able to participate on the choreo, then the covid and quarantine thing not allowing them to step out of their rooms for ten day right after they had their first offline fansign with carats and now coups falling and injuring himself and not being able to end promotions on a high note... this comeback feels kind of cursed :(( but after all they seem happy so that's what really matters! (I'm living for seungkwan's ending fairy moments tbh lmaooo)
That's it for today! sorry for taking so long to answer fiuhfguyfhn i'll be fast next time I promise! I hope you're good! 🥰💕💖
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