#surrogacy cost in Ukraine
becomeparentsurrogacy · 5 months
Low cost surrogacy in Ukraine
At Become Parents, we will provide you with the cheapest surrogacy program while still fulfilling your specific financial demands. Throughout the years, we have assisted and encouraged many couples as they pursued their goals of having children through surrogacy in Ukraine. Furthermore, we have collaborated with some of the best surrogacy clinics to provide you with the most reasonable and low cost surrogacy in Ukraine.
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sporadicobjectunknown · 10 months
Surrogacy Cost in Ukraine
Surrogacy has emerged as a viable option for couples struggling with infertility or those unable to conceive naturally. Ukraine has gained prominence as a leading destination for surrogacy due to its favorable legal framework, experienced medical professionals, and comparatively affordable costs. In this article, we delve into the details of surrogacy costs in Ukraine, shedding light on various factors that contribute to the overall expenses.
The Legal Landscape
Ukraine’s legal stance on surrogacy is one of the primary reasons for its popularity among intended parents from around the world. The country has clear and well-defined laws that protect the rights of both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. Unlike some other countries, surrogacy in Ukraine allows for a straightforward establishment of parental rights, making the process smoother and less legally complicated.
Cost Breakdown
The cost of a surrogacy journey in Ukraine can vary widely based on several factors. On average, the total cost may range from $30,000 to $50,000, which is significantly more affordable compared to countries like the United States, where costs can easily surpass $100,000.
Medical Expenses
Surrogate mother’s medical procedures and care
Fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer
Pre-natal care and screenings
Delivery and postnatal care for the surrogate
Legal and Administrative Fees
Surrogacy agency fees
Legal representation for the intended parents
Documentation and paperwork, including birth certificates and parental rights establishment
Surrogate Compensation and Support
Surrogate mother’s compensation for her time, effort, and the risks associated with pregnancy
Additional allowance for maternity clothing, travel expenses, and other related costs
Miscellaneous Expenses
Accommodation and travel for intended parents during the surrogacy process
Translation and interpretation services, if necessary
Contingency fund for unexpected medical or legal requirements
Advantages of Surrogacy in Ukraine
Cost-Effectiveness: As mentioned earlier, the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is notably lower than in many other countries offering similar services, making it an attractive option for intended parents on a tighter budget.
Experienced Medical Professionals: Ukraine boasts a skilled medical community, including fertility specialists and obstetricians who are well-versed in assisted reproductive techniques. This expertise ensures a higher likelihood of successful pregnancies.
Favorable Legal Framework: The clear legal guidelines surrounding surrogacy provide a secure environment for intended parents, reducing the chances of legal complications and ensuring a smoother process overall.
Timely Process: The efficient administrative procedures, along with the availability of surrogates, contribute to a relatively shorter waiting time compared to other destinations.
Comprehensive Support: Reputable surrogacy agencies in Ukraine offer comprehensive support throughout the journey, providing assistance with medical, legal, and logistical aspects.
Considerations and Additional Costs
While the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is notably lower, intended parents must consider a few additional factors that could affect the overall expenses:
Multiple Attempts: Sometimes, multiple IVF attempts might be required before a successful pregnancy is achieved, leading to additional medical costs.
Selective Reduction or Termination: In cases where there are multiple embryos implanted, selective reduction or termination might be recommended due to medical reasons, which could incur extra costs.
Travel and Accommodation: Intended parents may need to travel to Ukraine multiple times during the process, leading to additional expenses for flights, accommodation, and meals.
Legal Consultations: While the legal framework is well-defined, intended parents might still require legal consultations or additional services, which could result in added costs.
Unexpected Medical Complications: Though rare, medical complications during pregnancy might lead to unforeseen medical expenses.
Surrogacy in Ukraine offers a promising solution to couples and individuals struggling with infertility, providing a combination of affordability, experienced medical professionals, and a supportive legal environment. The overall cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is influenced by a variety of factors, including medical procedures, legal requirements, surrogate compensation, and additional expenses.
Before embarking on a surrogacy journey, it’s crucial for intended parents to thoroughly research and understand the costs involved, while also considering potential additional expenses. Consulting with reputable surrogacy agencies and legal professionals can provide valuable insights and guidance, ensuring a smoother and more transparent experience.
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surrogacycare · 1 year
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Surrogacy Cost in Ukraine
At the present time Ukraine become surrogacy heaven in the world due to its medical support service and the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is low from other country. For more information you can visit here: https://surrogacy.care
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eggdonationukraine · 4 days
Efficient & Reliable Egg Donation Ukraine with Skilled Staff
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Find excellent Egg Donation Ukraine. Get professional treatment, reasonably priced packages, and a high success rate. Step onto the path of parenthood now!
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Cost of surrogacy in Ukraine
Surrogacy in Ukraine offers an affordable and accessible option for hopeful parents. The cost typically ranges from $30,000 to $50,000, including legal fees, medical expenses, and compensation for the surrogate mother. This competitive pricing, along with Ukraine's well-regulated surrogacy laws and experienced medical professionals, makes it a popular choice for those seeking the gift of parenthood through surrogacy.'
More Infdo:- https://www.selectivf.com/surrogacy-ukraine/
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coochiequeens · 2 days
If reproductive purchasers are so desperate for a baby that they don't care that it will be developing in a literal war zone then maybe they shouldn't have a baby. And don't get me started about asking women to go through pregnancy and childbirth in a war zone for a baby that's not even theirs.
Before Russia’s invasion, Ukraine was an international surrogacy hub. Relatively low cost and a favorable legal framework led to thousands of babies born every year thanks to Ukrainian surrogate mothers, many of them for overseas parents. Despite the war and the risks, hopeful foreigners keep coming to Ukraine. Mariia Prus has the story.
See article for video
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indianeggdonors · 1 year
Surrogacy can be a life-changing experience, offering a path to parenthood for those who may not have been able to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term on their own. It's important to consult with a reputable surrogacy agency or fertility clinic to explore all of your options and make an informed decision.
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Where To Find Best Surrogacy Agency In Ukraine at Low cost
Do some online research: You can use search engines like Google to search for Low cost Ukraine surrogacy agency. Make sure to read the reviews and feedback from previous clients.
Consult with a fertility specialist: If you are already consulting with a fertility specialist or clinic, they may be able to recommend reputable surrogacy agencies in Ukraine.
Join surrogacy forums: You can join online forums and communities dedicated to surrogacy, where you can connect with other intended parents and get recommendations for surrogacy agencies in Ukraine.
Check the surrogacy laws in Ukraine: Make sure to understand the surrogacy laws in Ukraine and the legal process involved. A reputable surrogacy agency should also be able to guide you through the legal process.
Compare costs: Surrogacy can be expensive, so it's important to compare the costs of different surrogacy agencies in Ukraine. However, keep in mind that the cost should not be the only factor you consider. The reputation and experience of the agency are also important.
Remember that surrogacy is a complex process, and it's important to work with a reputable agency that has experience and a good track record. It's also important to understand the legal and ethical implications of surrogacy and to seek the advice of a qualified legal and medical professional before making any decisions.
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cealtrachs · 2 years
Have been seeing so many cutesy surrogacy stories lately, and every time I can’t help but think how do we know these women are being treated well? How do we know they weren’t forced to sign an contract barring them for suing their agency or ‘clients’ if they’re mistreated by either party? Which agencies contractually require their surrogates to post social media content promoting the industry? Are surrogates penalized (financially or otherwise) by their agency if they go public about their negative experiences? Is there a National, local, or international ‘bill of rights’ for surrogates, or do we hope that the PR stories are accurate? Are surrogates sued for breach of contract or forced to pay back the money spent on their care if they can’t proceed? Do they have freedom to select their own hospital and birth plan? Diet? Healthcare procedures? Why do surrogacy websites make articles promoting the countries where couples can find ‘low cost surrogate mothers’ with ‘guaranteed birth plans’? Why are former surrogates in Ukraine, one of the most popular destinations for ‘international surrogacy,’ stating that they were treated like cattle? How do people account for international demand for surrogacy already exceeding the supply of women willing to consensually do this work? If people think that Americans donating blood plasma to make ends meet is dystopian, how can they look at an industry that is set to reach $33 billion in value by 2027 and not at least wonder which rights or corners are being cut to generate this much money?
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Why consent from both partners is crucial during Same-sex surrogacy?
There are numerous discussions around surrogacy and its related aspects around the world. Yet, Gay surrogacy didn’t receive such attention from the experts. That said, being a surrogate for same sex surrogacy requires significant emotional, financial, and legal commitments. Gay couples, who frequently encounter additional legal and social obstacles, must carefully consider their options before deciding to use a surrogate. Also, the agreement of both parties is essential to a surrogacy process to get successful. This consent guarantees that both parties are ready for the obligations and adjustments that come with becoming surrogate parents. This post explores the reasons why both partners' consent is essential in a gay surrogacy arrangement, emphasizing the ethical, legal, and psychological aspects.
Why consent is important?
The role of consent is quite imperative in every procedure and not just same sex surrogacy in Cyprus or any other country. That said, legal consent is not just a formality in the surrogacy context; rather, it is the foundation of the entire procedure. This is the reason it's especially important for gay surrogacy. On the other side, parental rights cannot be established in many jurisdictions without the express consent of both partners, according to the legal framework.
By guaranteeing that both partners are legally acknowledged as the child's parents from the beginning, this legal recognition helps avoid future disputes over parentage and custody.  On the other side, complicated contracts outlining the obligations of the intended parents and the surrogate are a requirement of same sex surrogacy in Greece.
By giving their consent, both partners guarantee that they are legally bound to carry out these responsibilities, which include paying for the surrogate's prenatal care, covering medical costs, and assuming custody of the child after it is born.
At the same time, it is crucial to make sure that both partners have given their formal consent and that surrogacy agreements acknowledge them in nations where gay rights are still developing. It shields them from future legal challenges from government agencies or relatives who might not respect their parental rights.
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A Look at Emotional and Ethical Aspects
While consent is highly important, we cannot undermine the importance of the emotional and ethical aspects. Moreover, the same sex surrogacy process involves a lot of emotion in addition to legalities. In order to make sure that both parties are emotionally invested and ready for the highs and lows of the surrogacy process, mutual consent is essential. Becoming a surrogate takes time and can be stressful at times, which can strain relationships. By giving their consent, a couple can be sure that they are equally dedicated to this path and will share the same emotional rewards and burdens. It strengthens the bond between you and creates a welcoming atmosphere for the child.
Similarly, choosing to use same sex surrogacy in Ukraine to become parents presents a number of emotional obstacles, such as adjusting to social stigma, the surrogate's pregnancy, and the eventual duties of parenthood. For these difficulties, both partners must be emotionally and psychologically ready. Consent guarantees they have considered these factors and are in agreement.
Also, consent guarantees that no partner is forced or feels under pressure to consent to surrogacy. This is essential to preserving the relationship's integrity and everyone's wellbeing—including the surrogate and the child.
The Realistic Facets of Parenting
 The role of intended parents starts with the birth of child during surrogacy for gay couples in Australia. Moreover, they got to take care of several responsibilities at once. Also, several practical preparations are needed when raising a child, ranging from daily care giving to financial planning. Here's how these aspects are affected by mutual consent. Being a surrogate comes with a lot of expenses, including support for the surrogate, legal fees, and medical costs. Both partners' agreement guarantees that they have thoughtfully discussed and are ready to manage these financial ramifications.  Also, being a parent via same sex surrogacy in Cyprus is a full-time job with lots of responsibilities. A balanced approach to childrearing is ensured when both partners agree to surrogacy, indicating that they are prepared to split these responsibilities, from school runs to late-night feedings.
Do know that children need security and stability. That said, in a gay surrogacy arrangement, the consent of both partners is essential for long-term planning, including inheritance, health care, and education. It guarantees that both parents will support the child in all of their future undertakings.
Final words
Same sex surrogacy does come along with its set of challenges across various parts of the world. In addition to being required by law, the agreement of both partners in same sex surrogacy in Ukraine is essential to creating a secure and caring family. It guarantees that both parties are prepared to begin the journey of parenthood in a legal, emotional, and practical sense.
Also, both partners pledge to support the surrogate, themselves, and their child in the end by agreeing to surrogacy, opening the door for a responsible and rewarding parenting experience. For the safety and welfare of all parties concerned, it is becoming increasingly more important to acknowledge the significance of mutual consent in surrogacy as societies continue to change in their understanding and acceptance of varied family structures.
Source: https://surrogacyconsultin.wixsite.com/surrogacy-consultanc/post/why-consent-from-both-partners-is-crucial-during-same-sex-surrogacy
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becomeparentsurrogacy · 4 months
What makes the cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine comparatively lower than in the rest of Europe?
The expense of surrogacy is one factor that determines whether or not a couple or individual will consider surrogacy. Furthermore, when it comes to the most economical surrogacy choices in Europe, surrogacy in Ukraine has emerged as an excellent choice for couples from all over the world. Furthermore, the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is far cheaper than in the United Kingdom or any other European country. So read this article to know what makes the cost of Surrogacy in Ukraine comparatively lower than in the rest of Europe.
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sporadicobjectunknown · 10 months
Surrogacy Cost in Ukraine
The Cost of surrogacy in Ukraine through Med Fertility can vary based on different factors such as medical procedures, legal services, and accommodation. On average, the total expenses may range from $30,000 to $50,000. This comparatively affordable cost, along with the country's well-established surrogacy laws and medical facilities, has made Ukraine a popular destination for couples seeking surrogacy options. It's crucial to consult directly with Med Fertility for accurate and up-to-date cost information tailored to individual circumstances.
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surrogacycare · 1 year
Same sex surrogacy v/s single parent surrogacy in Ukraine: What you should know?
As an intended parent plan to pursue same sex surrogacy or single parent surrogacy in Ukraine, they come across a list of questions and doubts on their way. First up, everyone wants to know the core difference between the procedures involved in both the options.
Secondly, they would like to know about the costs, role of sperm or egg donor and related aspects. That said, if you are an intended parent opting for same sex surrogacy in Ukraine or single parent surrogacy, you must read this blog till the end
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How different is same sex surrogacy from single parent surrogacy?
There are many similarities and differences between single parent surrogacy and same sex surrogacy. First up, the people or couples involved, their marital status, and the legal and social issues surrounding their surrogacy arrangements are different in same-sex surrogacy and single-parent surrogacy.
Number of people involved
Same-sex surrogacy in Ukraine: This practice involves a couple made up of two people who are the same sex. Besides, this can be two men or two women who want to use surrogacy to have a child. Moreover, they could use a donor egg or sperm, or they could use their own genetic material.
Single parent surrogacy in Ukraine: A single parent is a person who wants to become a parent through surrogacy but does not have a partner or spouse. Also, this could be a man or a woman who uses either their own genetic material or sperm or eggs from donors.
On the other side, the cost of surrogacy in Ukraine for both single and same sex parents would be almost similar. This is due to the involvement of sperm and egg donors within the surrogacy arrangement.
Type of Arrangement
Same sex surrogacy in Ukraine: Same-sex partners may be engaged or married or may be in a civil partnership. Typically, they work together to pursue surrogacy as equal partners, sharing the obligations and legal rights entailed by the surrogacy arrangement.
Single parent surrogacy in Ukraine: Those who decide on surrogacy may or may not be dating someone or have a partner. Also, as a single parent who will be solely responsible for the child’s upbringing and legal rights, they embark on the surrogacy journey.
Social and Legal Aspects
Same-sex surrogacy: In many jurisdictions, this practice may be subject to restrictions or legal hurdles. While some nations or regions may forbid or restrict same-sex couples from using surrogates, other nations or regions may have specific laws that permit or control it. Besides, the acceptance of same-sex surrogacy in society and in various cultures can also differ.
Surrogacy by a single parent: may also be subject to social and legal restrictions. Besides, some jurisdictions might have particular rules or restrictions for single people interested in surrogacy. Also, depending on societal and cultural norms, social acceptance and support for single parents who use surrogacy can vary.
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Is same sex surrogacy in Ukraine and single parent surrogacy in Ukraine legal?
As of now, Ukraine only permits surrogacy for married heterosexual couples within the country. Besides, the same rule applies for both local and international citizens. Moreover, one need to duly abide by the surrogacy laws in Ukraine before signing up for a surrogacy agreement.
On the other hand, the intended parents come as the legal parents of the surrogacy child even before its birth. So, we can say that if you are pursuing surrogacy in Ukraine for the heterosexual couples, this country comes as the best option.
What are you alternative options ?
If you are looking for best countries for same sex surrogacy and single parent surrogacy, you can check through the below mentioned options:
Surrogacy in USA
As of now, USA comes as the best country for all the same sex and single parents. While surrogacy laws vary from state to state in the country, you will find all the support and assistance from law and jurisdiction.
Moreover, the cost may come as the only concern for many potential parents in the same regard. Still, given the quality of services available in the country, it could be quoted as the best alternative to surrogacy in Ukraine.
Surrogacy in Canada
 Just like USA, Canada also permits surrogacy for everyone irrespective of their gender, caste and sexual preferences. So, you can proceed with your surrogacy aspirations without any major concerns. Moreover, only altruistic surrogacy is allowed in the country. Hence, you cannot pay the surrogate mother more than her incurred expenses.
 Talking about the cost of surrogacy for same sex parents and the single parents, the country facilitates a standard program for $150000 for an individual.
Final words
With surrogacy for same sex and single parents prohibited in Ukraine, you can always go for the given alternative options. Still, regardless of the country and type, always connect with a trusted surrogacy agency to get the desired results. That way, you can always achieve your parenthood goals without dealing with any kind of legal or social obstructions.
Source: https://surrogacycareservices.wordpress.com/2023/07/05/same-sex-surrogacy-v-s-single-parent-surrogacy-in-ukraine-what-you-should-know/
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eggdonationukraine · 7 days
Change Life with the Expert Help of Egg Donation & Surrogacy
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Explore kind choices for Egg Donation and Surrogacy to support the creation of loving families. Learn about our helpful services and get started right now.
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Cost of surrogacy in Ukraine
Surrogacy in Ukraine offers an affordable and accessible option for hopeful parents. The cost typically ranges from $30,000 to $50,000, including legal fees, medical expenses, and compensation for the surrogate mother. This competitive pricing, along with Ukraine's well-regulated surrogacy laws and experienced medical professionals, makes it a popular choice for those seeking the gift of parenthood through surrogacy.
More Info:- https://www.selectivf.com/surrogacy-ukraine/
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coochiequeens · 9 months
"Like many people who go through surrogacy, Cathy said it was not a choice; it was their only option." While I feel bad for what Cathy went through surrogacy was NOT her only option. Adoption is also possible.
By Kate McDonald
As a bill that seeks to regulate aspects of surrogacy goes before cabinet, Prime Time spoke to families who have used international surrogates.
"My house was silent. When you have a stillborn baby, your house is silent." Cathy Wheatley was seven months pregnant when she had a spontaneous uterine rupture. Her daughter, who she named Helen, died at birth and Cathy found out she could not carry any more pregnancies. "I lost my little girl," Cathy said. Despite their devastating loss, Cathy and her husband Keith Wheatley, from Co Wicklow, were determined to have their family.
Like many people who go through surrogacy, Cathy said it was not a choice; it was their only option."When a doctor mentions surrogacy, your first reaction is, people like me don't do that. You know what I mean? Like, we're just ordinary, everyday people on a farm in Wicklow. "But when they looked into it, they found that there were Irish couples doing it.
"You have to be very careful to make sure that you do all your research so that you know that you're doing the best that you possibly can for your babies, but also for your surrogate, because without your surrogate, you wouldn't have your babies," Cathy said.
The Wheatleys decided to go to a clinic in Ukraine, where they met Ivanna, who would eventually carry and give birth to their twins Ted and Elsie.
"It's the biggest thing in the world to give your babies to somebody to carry and to mind until they can give them back to you," Cathy said.
"I love those kids but I don't love them as my own; those are different feelings. Like it’s my nephew or cousins, not like my son or my daughter," Ivanna said.
Ivanna told Prime Time she became a surrogate mother after the birth of her second son.
"That is something I wanted to do because I love helping people, I love the feeling of being pregnant and I thought why, why don’t I help?" Ivanna said.
Cathy and Keith Wheatley remortgaged their house to front the cost. They paid just under €40,000 to their clinic in Ukraine, of which €14,000 was compensation for their surrogate Ivanna.
"I’m pregnant for nine months. I don’t work. But I have two kids. And my kids have basic needs" Ivanna said.
"They needed food, they needed education, they need dresses – everything that a normal kid needs. If I am surrogate, I am pregnant, I can’t work. It’s not like you are getting a lot of money with that - not like you decide 'I need money’ so I’ll go and get a baby for somebody. [It’s] not like many people think it is."
With legal fees, flights and accommodation, their total spend was €70,000.
"They don’t pay you for being pregnant in Ukraine, they compensate for your time," Ivanna said.
The Wheatleys and Ivanna developed a deep relationship and kept in touch after the twins’ birth.
When Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, the Wheatleys brought Ivanna and her children to live with them in Ireland.
"If we talk about what happened in my country now, they came and they saved my life and they saved the life of my kids because four years ago I gave life to their kids," Ivanna said.
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Brian and Kathy Egan had always planned to have four children. But after having her first son, Harry, Kathy had six miscarriages and she said she knew a larger family wasn't to be.
"It obviously gets harder every time to pick yourself up after it and try again. But we still felt very strongly that we'd be able to do this."
Kathy had no issue getting pregnant but couldn’t sustain the pregnancies. After another two miscarriages, the Egans began to consider surrogacy.
"Because it's new to you, you're second-guessing everything, you really want to make sure you have the right information. It's going to be the right clinic, the right surrogate, and everything is right in every way," Brian said.
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Kathy and Brian Egan
The cost of surrogacy in the US and Canada ruled that region out for them, so they began looking elsewhere. They decided to go with a clinic in Lviv, Ukraine.
"Within a month, we were matched with a surrogate who matched my blood type, and we went ahead. But unfortunately, at the 20-week scan, we discovered there was a fatal fetal abnormality within the heart."
That first surrogate pregnancy ended in miscarriage, but the Egans then found a second surrogate.
"We did Zoom or Skype calls with Mariana, our surrogate. Her first response after every checkup was, 'now, can we tell Kathy & Brian?'"
"She's a very strong lady and quite business-like too. She was in no doubt that this was helping us both," Brian said.
Baby Luke arrived in May 2019 while Brian, Kathy and big brother Harry were at home in Kilkenny. They travelled through the night to get to Lviv.
"You cannot get there quick enough. You'd swim there," Kathy said.
"He was tiny. He was four weeks early, but he looked like Harry looked when he was born. So, I knew straight away which one to walk over to."
"You feel like, you know, you've been talking to him for months and praying and hoping to meet him, but it's like no other feeling," Kathy said.
The entire process cost the Egans about €100,000, they said.
Two years later, in June 2021, the family were stunned when Brian was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
"I didn't know what to say, really. That ‘cancer’ word anyway, you're all over the place," Brian said.
Eleven days after he was diagnosed, Brian’s prostate was removed. The surgery was a success, but his next blood test indicated the cancer had spread.
"At that stage I genuinely felt I didn't have long left. I was looking at Luke, he was two, didn't know if he was going, I was going to see him being three."
Brian received radiotherapy treatment and is still getting hormone treatment, which he says is going well.
However, due to the lack of regulation around the legal status for parents of children born through surrogacy, the Egans were left in a precarious situation.
Current Irish legislation does not cover legal issues that arise in surrogacy. The legal status and rights of all people involved are covered by the laws dealing with non-surrogate births.
This means the surrogate mother, who gives birth to the child, is the child's legal mother under Irish law. In the Egan’s case, Kathy is not Luke’s legal parent, although genetically he is her son as he was born using Kathy’s egg and Brian’s sperm.
"We just realised, if I pass away prematurely, Luke is effectively an orphan of the state." said Brian. "Kathy is just his legal guardian. He would not have a parent, he has different rights to Harry."
Brian and Kathy decided to take a case to the High Court, saying the State had failed to recognise Kathy as Luke’s mother.
The Egans were in court in April but have recently paused their action after hearing assurances that long-promised surrogacy legislation will be brought before the Oireachtas soon.
Under proposed terms of the Health (Assisted Human Reproduction) Bill 2022, parents of children born through surrogacy will be recognised as legal parents, if they meet certain criteria in the jurisdiction in which the surrogacy is intended to take place, and also the criteria to be specified in the Irish legislation.
Senator Mary Seery Kearney and her husband Dave tried to have a baby via IVF.
"We did 13 rounds.... I was pregnant on five occasions...unfortunately, they all resulted in a miscarriage," she said.
"We're a very close couple, but it's a very, very stressful experience. All my life... I wanted to be a mother. I wanted my own child," she said.
Mary initially thought that surrogacy was for well-off people: "My view was Elton John did surrogacy, really rich people did surrogacy. We were ordinary people, already indebted from all of the IVFs we had done."
When she began researching, she initially relied on Google. She said the most impressive website she found was for a clinic in Kyiv.
"We flew over, we gave them €12,000 upfront, and nothing came of that," she said.
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Senator Mary Seery Kearney
After that experience in Ukraine, Senator Seery Kearney and her husband found a clinic in India and a surrogate who would carry their child.
"We were so grateful to this woman, and I also felt a huge responsibility for her," Mary said.
They said they sent gifts every couple of weeks and engaged with the surrogate mother all the way through. When the pregnancy reached the 20-week mark, they allowed themselves to hope it would be a success.
"I have to say, right up until the moment we stood outside the theatre, I didn't really believe. I believed that something was going to go wrong. Because you, you carry that trauma into the experience," she said.
But when they were called inside they knew it was real.
"I literally ran, I screamed and ran, 'this is my little girl,' handed into my arms," she said.
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Now advocating in the Oireachtas for changes to made to Irish surrogacy legislation, Mary thinks 'goodwill' payments should be made to the surrogate to cover their costs during the pregnancy, but does not agree with commercial surrogacy: in which an agency takes a fee and passes on a portion of it to the surrogate.
"Throughout the process you have doctors paid, clinicians paid, you have the travel agent's paid, you have the lawyers paid.
"The only person that isn't entitled to any goodwill gesture at all is the person who's giving birth, who's carrying the pregnancy and giving birth. And that there is no reason why a goodwill payment could not be made to that surrogate," she says.
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