#susan abramson
evan-collins90 · 2 years
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‘High Tech Haven’ private residence in New York City, NY 
Designed by Leonard Braunschweiger 
Scanned from ‘Bedrooms and Private Spaces: Designer Dreamscapes’ (1997) by Marcie Stuchin & Susan Abramson
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Dining Room Turned Office – Say What?
In today’s guest post, Susan Abramson, principal designer of Toronto Designers, is tackling an issue familiar to many Toronto homeowners…making the most out of limited space.
Susan is a native of Montreal, with degrees in design and business from both Canada and the UK, Susan has made Toronto her home for the past 20+ years. Her skills at really listening to her clients’ needs makes her unpretentious approach to design fresh and fun.
As a designer, I am invited into my clients’ homes to help them live better, and one of the biggest dilemmas is simply not having enough space for all their needs. Enter the dining room turned office for a space that can be used 360 days of the year, converting back to dining for the five days a year it’s likely needed for its original purpose!
Putting a number to useable space like this helps you realize the potential benefit to your daily life and hopefully makes it easier to see how a dining room can serve you so much better as a home office… if that’s what’s needed of course.
Check out these great examples of how your dining room might look if you too converted it to an office and let us know what you think! Would you consider turning your dining room into an office?
Loved Susan’s article???….take a look at these gems from her own blog:
Dining in the Kitchen again
Want to turn your living room into your dining room?
Author Bio
Susan Abramson – Principal designer of Toronto Designers
A native of Montreal, with degrees in design and business from both Canada and the UK, Susan has now made Toronto her home for the past 20+ years. Her skills at really listening to her clients’ needs makes her unpretentious approach to design fresh and fun. Check out her website for more information on her services, fees and a portfolio of real-life homes she helped curate.
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hanorganaas · 6 years
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Today I make one of the hardest posts I ever had to make, one I never thought I would ever make actually, after an incredible 88 years of life My Nanny Susan Abramson passed away. Nanny was one of the most kindest, funniest, beautiful and above all the most courageous women I knew and was a true epitome of what a Jewish Matriarch was. I will miss her jokes, her sassy attitude and of course her intense optimism she put up even at the end of her life and when my future daughter is born and I tell her stories about the woman she is named after, she will be proud to share a name with you. Rest in Power Nanny, the stars just became a little brighter tonight! ✨👵🏼✨ #grandma #restinpower #proudgranddaughter #loveyoutothemoonandback
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bspolink1348 · 3 years
Les nouveautés de la semaine (28/09/21)
À la une : Mastery of non-mastery in the age of meltdown / Michael Taussig
Cote de rangement : GF 21 T 260405 / Domaine : Anthropologie
“For a long time, we humans have excelled in mimicking nature with the goal of exploiting it. Now, with the existential threat of global climate change on the horizon, the ever-provocative Michael Taussig asks what it would take to change ourselves so as to save our world. Acknowledging the possibility of collapse and our all-too-human impotence in the face of accelerating disaster, this book is not solely a reflection on our tragic condition but also a theoretical effort to reckon with those human faculties that have fed our ambition for dominance over nature. At stake is an ultimate undoing of our sense of control--a "mastery of non-mastery." Animated by the urgency of a planet approaching meltdown, Taussig captures our moment, and all its attendant mythologies, with luminescent clarity." - Quatrième de couverture 
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L'homme sans argent : le livre culte de la décroissance / Mark Boyle
Cote de rangement : GF 78 B 260402
A handbook for wellbeing policy-making : history, theory, measurement, implementation, and examples / Paul Frijters and Christian Krekel
Cote de rangement : HD 87 F 260414
Économie politique internationale : mondialisation et gouvernance globale / Stéphane Paquin
Cote de rangement : HF 1359 P 260393
Perdre le Sud : décoloniser la solidarité internationale / Maïka Sondarjee ; préface de Haroun Bouazzi
Cote de rangement : HF 1359 S 260399
L'éducation aux temps du coronavirus / sous la direction de Stéphane Bonnéry et Étienne Douat
Cote de rangement : LC 93 E 260394</p>
L'inbound marketing : attirer, conquérir et enchanter le client à l'ère du digital / Stéphane Truphème
Cote de rangement : HF 5415 .1265 T 260395
Customer data + privacy
Cote de rangement : QA 76 .9.A25 C 260407
Imaginer l'autonomie : Castoriadis, actualité d'une pensée radicale / sous la direction de Vincent Descombes, Florence Giust-Desprairies
Cote de rangement : B 2430 I 260400
Grandir : éloge de l'âge adulte à une époque qui nous infantilise / Susan Neiman
Cote de rangement : BF 710 N 260401
Métamorphoses : clôture-ouverture / Kostas Axelos
Cote de rangement : CB 428 A 260396
Introduction à Howard S. Becker / Philippe Masson
Cote de rangement : HM 479 .B435 M 260398
Féminismes dans le monde : 23 récits d'une révolution planétaire / sous la direction de Pauline Delage et Fanny Gallot
Cote de rangement : HQ 1155 F 260403
A feminist theory of refusal / Bonnie Honig
Cote de rangement : HQ 1190 H 260413
Anthropology and ethnography are not equivalent : reorienting anthropology for the future / edited by Irfan Ahmad
Cote de rangement : GN 25 A 260412
Beyond the case : the logics and practices of comparative ethnography / edited by Corey M. Abramson and Neil Gong
Cote de rangement : GN 316 B 260404
Experimental games : critique, play, and design in the age of gamification / Patrick Jagoda
Cote de rangement : GV 1469 .17 J 260416
Instafame : graffiti and street art in the Instagram era / Lachlan MacDowall
Cote de rangement : ND 2590 M 260406
Disformations : affects, media, literature / Tomáš Jirsa
Cote de rangement : NX 650 J 260411
Media : a transdisciplinary inquiry / edited by Jeremy Swartz and Janet Wasko
Cote de rangement : P 90 M 260408
The prosperity paradox : fewer and more vulnerable farm workers / Philip Martin
Cote de rangement : HD 1521 M 260410
Megacorporation : the infinite times of Alphabet / Glen Whelan
Cote de rangement : HD 9696 .8 W 260409
Statistiques descriptives et probabilités : L1-L2 / Yves Croissant
Cote de rangement : HA 29 .5 C 260397
Intelligence artificielle
How humans judge machines / César A. Hidalgo, Diana Orghian, Jordi Albo-Canals, Filipa de Almeida, and Natalia Martin
Cote de rangement : Q 334 .7 H 260415
Tous ces  ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 11 octobre 2021.
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flarechaser · 6 years
Bibliography for my term paper on evolutionary studies of homosexuality
A large part of this paper was critiquing how these studies were being done, and that included citing some pretty egregious examples of using out of date and discriminatory language. Some of those words are included in the titles. Please take care of yourself when reading these. A lot of it is interesting, and there are a lot of resources here for producing better, community oriented, respectful research that's applicable across the humanities. But it can get overwhelming. Bailey, J M, and P Bell (Bailey and Bell 1993, 313-322) 1993 Familiality of female and male homosexuality. Behavior genetics 23(4):313–22. DOI:10.1007/BF01067431. Bailey, J. Michael, Michael P. Dunne, and Nicholas G. Martin (Bailey et al 2000, 524-536) 2000 Genetic and environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78(3):524–536. DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.78.3.524. Bailey, J., RC. Pillard, MC. Neale, and Y. Agyei (Bailey et al 1993, 217-233) 1993 Heritable Factors Influence Sexual Orientation in Women. Arch Gen Psychiatry 50(3):217–223. Barber, Nigel (Barber 1998, 387-401) 1998 Ecological and psychosocial correlaties of male homosexuality. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 29(3):387-401. Bentler, P M, and P R Abramson (Bentler and Abramson 1981, 225-251) 1981 The science of sex research: some methodological considerations. Archives of sexual behavior 10(3):225–251. DOI:10.1007/BF01543077. Blackwood, E. (Blackwood 1985, 1-17) 1985 Breaking the mirror: the construction of lesbianism and the anthropological discourse on homosexuality. [Review] [74 refs]. Journal of Homosexuality 11(3–4):1–17. DOI:10.1300/J082v11n03. Blanchard, Ray (Blanchard 2012, 551-556) 2012 Fertility in the mothers of firstborn homosexual and heterosexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41(3):551–556. DOI:10.1007/s10508-011-9888-0. Bobrow, David, and J Michael Bailey (Bobrow and Bailey 2001, 361-368) 2001 Is male homosexuality maintained via kin selection ? Evolution and Human Behavior 22:361–368. DOI:10.1016/S1090-5138(01)00074-5. Buhrich, Nell, JM Bailey, and NG Martin (Buhrich et al 1991, 75-96) 1991 Sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sex-dimorphic behaviors in male twins. Behavior Genetics 2(I):75–96. Byne, William, Susan Bradley, Eli Coleman, Evan Eyler, Richard Green, Edgardo J Menvielle, Heino F L Meyer-Bahlburg, Richard R Pleak, and D Andrew Tompkins (Byne et al 2011, 1-35) 2011 Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance. Am J Psychiatry(July 2011):1–35. DOI:10.1037/e516782010-001. Camperio Ciani, Andrea S., Lilybeth Fontanesi, Francesca Iemmola, Elga Giannella, Claudia Ferron, and Luigi Lombardi (Camperio-Ciani et al 2012, 2878-2887) 2012 Factors Associated with Higher Fecundity in Female Maternal Relatives of Homosexual Men. Journal of Sexual Medicine 9(11):2878–2887. DOI:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02785.x. Camperio Ciani, Andrea, and Elena Pellizzari (Camperio-Ciani and Pellizzari 2012) 2012 Fecundity of Paternal and Maternal Non-Parental Female Relatives of Homosexual and Heterosexual Men. PLoS ONE 7(12). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0051088. Camperio-Ciani, A., F. Corna, and C. Capiluppi (Camperio-Ciani et al 2004, 2217-2221) 2004 Evidence for maternally inherited factors favouring male homosexuality and promoting female fecundity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271(1554):2217–2221. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2004.2872. Catania, Joseph A., David R. Gibson, Dale D. Chitwood, and Thomas J. Coates (Catania et al 1990, 339-362) 1990 Methodological problems in AIDS behavioral research: Influences on measurement error and participation bias in studies of sexual behavior. Psychological Bulletin 108(3):339–362. DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.108.3.339. Camperio-Ciani, Andrea, Francesca Iemmola, and Stan R. Blecher (Camperio-Ciani et al 2009, 449-455) 2009 Genetic factors increase fecundity in female maternal relatives of bisexual men as in homosexuals. Journal of Sexual Medicine 6(2):449–455. DOI:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00944.x. Dawood, Khytam, Richard C. Pillard, Christopher Horvath, William Revelle, and J. Michael Bailey (Dawood et al 2000, 155-163) 2000 Familial aspects of male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 29(2):155–163. DOI:10.1023/A:1001955721992. Denmark, Florence, Nancy Felipe Russo, Irene Hanson Frieze, and Jeri A Sechzer (Denmark et al 1988, 582-585) 1988 Guidelines for Avoiding Sexism in Psychological Research. American Psychologist 43(7):582–585. Fenton, K. A., A. M. Johnson, S. McManus, and B. Erens (Fenton et al 2001, 84-92) 2001 Measuring sexual behaviour: Methodological challenges in survey research. Sexually Transmitted Infections 77(2):84–92. DOI:10.1136/sti.77.2.84. Forrester, Deanna L., Doug P. Vanderlaan, Jessica L. Parker, and Paul L. Vasey (Forrester et al 2011, 339-352) 2011 Male sexual orientation and avuncularity in Canada: Implications for the Kin selection Hypothesis. Journal of Cognition and Culture 11(3–4):339–352. DOI:10.1163/156853711X591288. Herek, Gregory M., Douglas C. Kimmel, Hortensia Amaro, and Gary B. Melton (Herek et al 1991, 957-963) 1991 Avoiding Heterosexist Bias in Psychological Research. American Psychologist 46(9):957–963. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.46.9.957. Hershberger, Scott L (Hershberger 2016, 212-222) 2016 A Twin Registry Study of Male and Female Sexual Orientation. The Journal of Sex Research 34(2):212–222. Hoffman, Louis, and Justin Lincoln (Hoffman and Lincoln 2011) 2011 Science, interpretation, and identity in the sexual orientation debate: What does finger length have to do with understanding a person? [References]. PsycCRITIQUES 56(15). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0023178. Idani, G. (Idani 1991, 83-95) 1991 Social Relationships between Immigrant and Resident Bonobo (Pan paniscus) Females at Wamba. Folia Primatologica 57(2):83–95. DOI:10.1159/000156568. Iemmola, Francesca, and Andrea Camperio Ciani (Iemmola and Camperio-Ciani 2009, 393-399) 2009 New evidence of genetic factors influencing sexual orientation in men: Female fecundity increase in the maternal line. Archives of Sexual Behavior 38(3):393–399. DOI:10.1007/s10508-008-9381-6. Jensen Krige, Eileen (Jensen Krige 2017) 2017 Woman-Marriage, with Special Reference to the Loυedu. Its Significance for the Definition of Marriage. Journal of the International African Institute, Vol . 44, No. 1 44(1). Kirkpatrick, R. C. (Kirkpatrick 2000, 385-413) 2000 The Evolution of Human Homosexual Behavior. Current Anthropology 41(3):385–413. DOI:10.1086/300145. LeVay, Simon (LeVay 1997, 172-193) 1997 Chapter 9 Genes. In Queer science: the use and abuse of research into homosexuality, pp. 172–193. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA Manson, Joseph H, Susan Perry, and Amy R Parish (Manson, Perry, and Parish 1997, 767-786) 1997 Nonconceptive Sexual Behavior in Bonobos and Capuchins. International Journal of Primatology 18(5):767–786. DOI:10.1023/A. Melton, Gary B. (Melton 1989, 933-940) 1989 Public Policy and Private Prejudice Psychology and Law on Gay Rights. American Psychologist 44(6):933–940. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.44.6.933. Melton, Gary B., Robert J. Levine, Gerald P. Koocher, Robert Rosenthal, and William C. Thompson (Melton et al 1988, 573-581) 1988 Community Consultation in Socially Sensitive Research: Lessons From Clinical Trials of Treatments for AIDS. American Psychologist 43(7):573–581. DOI:10.1037/0003-066X.43.7.573. Morin, Stephen F. (Morin 1977, 35-58) 1977 Heterosexual bias in psychological research on lesbianism and male homosexuality (1979-1983), utilizing the bibliographic and taxonomic system of Morin (1977). Journal of homosexuality 13(1):35–58. DOI:10.1300/J082v13n01_03. Murphy, Timothy F. (Murphy 1998, 1-11) (Murphy 1998, 13-48) 1998 Introduction. In Gay science: the ethics of sexual orientation research, pp. 1–11. Columbia University Press, New York. 1998 Chapter 1 Scientific Accounts of Sexual Orientation. In Gay science: the ethics of sexual orientation research, pp. 13-48. Columbia University Press, New York. Parish, Amy Randall (Parish 1994, 157-179) 1994 Sex and food control in the “uncommon chimpanzee”: How Bonobo females overcome a phylogenetic legacy of male dominance. Ethology and Sociobiology 15(3):157–179. DOI:10.1016/0162-3095(94)90038-8. Rahman, Qazi, Anthony Collins, Martine Morrison, Jennifer Claire Orrells, Khatija Cadinouche, Sherene Greenfield, and Sabina Begum (Rahman et al 2008, 962-969) 2008 Maternal inheritance and familial fecundity factors in male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 37(6):962–969. DOI:10.1007/s10508-007-9191-2. Rahman, Qazi, and Matthew S. Hull (Rahman and Hull 2005, 461-467) 2005 An empirical test of the kin selection hypothesis for male homosexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior 34(4):461–467. DOI:10.1007/s10508-005-4345-6. Rind, Bruce (Rind 2016, 397-407) 2016 Biased Use of Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Male Homosexuality in Human Sexuality Textbooks. 35(4):397–407. Roscoe, Will (Roscoe 1987, 81-172) 1987 Bibliography of Berdache and Alternative Gender Roles Among North American Indians, Journal of Homosexuality, 14:3-4, 81-172 Schroder, Kerstin E E, Michael P Carey, and Peter A Vanable (Schroder et al 2005, 96-99) 2005 Methodological Challenges in Research on Sexual Risk Behavior: III. Response to Commentary. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 29(2):96–99. Smuts, Barbara, and John M. Watanabe (Smuts and Watanabe 1990, 147-172) 1990 Social relationships and ritualized greetings in adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis). International Journal of Primatology 11(2):147–172. Strassberg, Donald S., and Kristi Lowe (Strassberg and Lowe 1995, 269-382) 1995 Volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior 24(4):369–382. DOI:10.1007/BF01541853. Vasey, Paul L (Vasey 1996, 539-551) 1996 Interventions and alliance formation between female Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata, during homosexual consortships. Animal Behaviour 52(1991):539–551. DOI:10.1006/anbe.1996.0196. Vasey, Paul L., and Doug P. Vanderlaan (Vasey and Vanderlaan 2012, 209-215) 2012 Sexual orientation in men and avuncularity in Japan: Implications for the kin selection hypothesis. Archives of Sexual Behavior 41(1):209–215. DOI:10.1007/s10508-011-9763-z. Williams, Walter (Williams 2001) 2001 Benefits for Nonhomophobic Societies: An Anthropological Perspective. In Ed. Warren Blumenfeld Homophobia: how we all pay the price. Beacon Press, Boston. Wiederman, Michael W. (Wiederman 1999, 59-66) 1999 Volunteer bias in sexuality research using college student participants. Journal of Sex Research 36(1):59–66. DOI:10.1080/00224499909551968. Wilson, Edward O. (Wilson 1975) 1975 Sociobiology: the new synthesis. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Wrangham, Richard W. (Wrangham 1993, 47-79) 1993 The evolution of sexuality in chimpanzees and bonobos. Human Nature 4(1):47–79. DOI:10.1007/BF02734089.
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Daily Crunch: Trying on Apple’s watchOS 7
The public beta of watchOS 7 is here, Amazon may be looking to turn malls into distribution centers and Skillshare raises $66 million. This is your Daily Crunch for August 10, 2020.
The big story: Trying on Apple’s watchOS 7
Brian Heater walks us through all the changes coming in watchOS 7. It sounds like the operating system isn’t getting a dramatic upgrade — particularly in comparison to MacOS — but there are still some important changes that should help Apple stay at the top of the smartwatch industry:
Updates include the new hand-washing featuring, cycling directions, new workouts and, most importantly, a number of sleep-tracking features. The last bit is, without question, the most requested addition to the watch — and equally important to Apple’s bottom line, a category the company had fallen behind on relative to the competition … The sleep tracking here works with the sensors already on-board existing devices and joins a number of third-party solutions.
The tech giants
Abandoned mall department stores may become Amazon’s next fulfillment centers — One of the largest owners of shopping mall real estate in the United Stages has been talking to Amazon about transforming its anchor department stores into distribution hubs, according to The Wall Street Journal.
iOS 14 redirects web links from News+ publishers directly to the Apple News app — If you click on a link to a paywalled story published by a News+ partner, iOS 14, iPadOS 14 and macOS Big Sur will take you straight to the article page in the News+ app, even when the link ostensibly points to the publisher’s own website.
Amazon relaunches Twitch Prime as Prime Gaming — In both its old and new incarnations, Twitch Prime/Prime Gaming offers free games, game content (like weapons and skins) and a free Twitch channel subscription, all as part of a standard Prime membership.
Startups, funding and venture capital
ByteDance valuation under huge pressure as TikTok sale nears — The company’s price tag is under tremendous pressure as it’s set to shed its prized asset TikTok, several investors told TechCrunch.
With a renewed focus on creative skills, online learning company Skillshare raises $66M — Skillshare CEO Matt Cooper said 2020 has been a year of rapid growth, even before the pandemic forced large swaths of the population to stay home and turn to online learning for entertainment and enrichment.
A Faraday Future prototype hits the auction block — Although Faraday Future never produced a production vehicle, the company managed to create several prototypes, and one of them will be available for sale soon.
Advice and analysis from Extra Crunch
Seed funding tips and tricks from Uncork Capital founder Jeff Clavier — Clavier said that at the end of 2019, it was estimated there were more than 1,000 firms focusing on seed investing in the market, but by the end of this year, there will be about 2,000.
Unpacking Duck Creek Technologies’ IPO and hoped-for $2.7B valuation — Duck Creek Technologies is looking to go public on the back of growing SaaS revenues.
Three growth marketing experts share their best tools and strategies for 2020 — Recapping observations from our Early Stage virtual event from Graphite’s Ethan Smith, Sound Ventures’ Susan Su and Got Users’ Asher King-Abramson.
(Reminder: Extra Crunch is our subscription membership program, which aims to democratize information about startups. You can sign up here.)
Everything else
Trump administration announces major midband spectrum auction for 5G — Today, the midband of U.S. spectrum is heavily utilized by government services like the military.
Original Content podcast: ‘The Umbrella Academy’ returns for a messy-but-delightful second season — Not only did I cry during the finale, I also got sniffly while just describing the finale.
The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 3pm Pacific, you can subscribe here.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Goldman Sachs' new managing-director list is out — and it's the largest class in the firm's history (GS)
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for The New York Times
Goldman Sachs announced its largest-ever class of managing directors.
Of the 509 promoted, 44% are millennials.
The firm announces managing-director promotions every two years.
It's one of the most coveted positions on Wall Street, a step below partner at the premier investment bank.
Goldman Sachs just announced a new class of 509 managing directors — the largest class in the firm's history.
The position is one of the most coveted on Wall Street, one step below partner at the prestigious investment-banking firm. The firm now has 2,148 managing directors, making up 7.1% of the company's workforce.
It's also one of the youngest classes the bank has promoted — 44% are millennials, up from 30% in 2015.
Other headline stats about the class:
66% started their careers as analysts or associates at Goldman Sachs.
24% of the class is women, down from 25% in 2015.
130 were promoted in the securities division, up from 102 in 2015.
101 were promoted in investment banking, up from 97 in 2015.
52 were promoted in technology, up from 38 in 2015.
Eight were promoted in consumer and commercial banking — the division that houses the bank's online-lending business, Marcus — compared with zero in 2015.
Here's the full statement:
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced that it has selected a new class of Managing Directors, effective from January 1, 2018, the start of the firm's next fiscal year.
"Our new Managing Directors have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our people, clients and culture during their tenures at the firm, and we wish them continued success as they take this important next step in their careers," said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs.
The following individuals have been promoted to Managing Director:
Gregg Abramson Sanjay Acharya Khalid Albdah Amal Alibair Karthikeyan Anbalagan Rolf Andersson Volker Anger Jonathan Armstrong Ken Ashley Lavanya Ashok Sebastian Ayton Jonathan Babkow Julio Badi Amitayush Bahri Soren Balzer Robert Barlick Jr. Philip Barreca Santiago Bau David Bauer Oksana Beard Lee Becker Virender Bedi Stuart Beer Christian Beerli Amanda Beisel Yumiko Bekku David Bell Pierre Benichou Andrew Benito Marco Bensi Laura Benson Stephen Bergin Daniel Berglund Greg Berry Shital Bhatt Dipanjan Bhattacharjee Anu Bhavnani Carissa Biggie Vineet Birman Daniel Bitel Anne Black Richard Blore Emmanuel Bodenstein Timothy Braude Sean Brenan Hugh Briscoe Nathaniel Bristol Leo Brito Troy Broderick Levee Brooks Eric Brothers Robert Bruns III Anthony Bunnell Meg Burke Susan Burt Sean Butkus Russell Byrne Edward Byun Adam Cahill Alessandro Calace Cristiano Camargo Ken Cawley Swapan Chaddha Patrick Chamberlain Richard Chambers Daphne Chan Lily Chan Ben Chance Ginger Chang Vikram Chavali Alex Cheek Jae Joon Choi Ken Choi Paul Choi David Clark Denis Cleary Daniel Cleland-James Ayanna Clunis Pamela Codo-Lotti Jesse Cohen Paul Coles Simon Coombes Jenny Cosco Philip Coureau Nathan Cowen Matthew Cox (Securities) Shaun Cullinan Christine D'Agostino Emile Daher Hiren Dasani Russell Day Pierre De Belen Merche del Valle Caitlin DeSantis Jack Devaney Thomas Devos Mats Dewitte Hristo Dimitrov Tim Dinsdale Isabella Disler Christian Ditullio Terence Doherty Yakut Donat Nicola Dondi Brian Dong Jason D'Silva Stefan Duffner Jane Dunlevie Marie Duval Julien Dyon Rohini Eapen Zach Eckler Sayaka Eda Jason Eisenstadt Chris Emmerson Tiffany Eng Chendan Esvaran Erkko Etula Liz Ewing Michael Fargher Matteo Farina Leigh Farris Sarah Faulkner Tom Favia Brett Feldman Jennifer Feng Jon Ferguson Alex Field Herbert Filho Alex Finston Dean Flanagan Greg Flynn Trip Foley Andrew Ho Kwon Fong Moran Forman Michael Fox Caroline Fraser Daniel Freckleton Tim Freeman Reto Frei Giles French Kirsten Frivold Michael Fu Rob Fuentes Kenji Fujimoto Carrie Gannon Chantal Garcia Akhil Garg Alex Garner Nick Gelber Andrew Gent Gizelle George-Joseph Andrea Gift Sean Gilbride Andreas Glaser Yong Suan Goh Sona Gohel Amir Gold Jeremy Goldstein Steven Gonzalez Jeff Gowen Adam Greene Tom Groothaert Hannes Gsell Ashwin Gupta Ali Haji Ayaz Haji Robert Hamilton Kelly Victoria Hampson Raja Harb Andy Harding Ryan Harster Selma Hassan Stephen Hawinkels Jacqueline Haynes Jason He* Craig Hempstead David Herrmann David Hickey Thomas Hilger Mitch Hochberg Jodi Hochberger Jane Hodges Peter Hodgkinson Dylan Hogarty Tim Holliday Naftali Holtz Amy Hong Jason Hudes Earl Hunt Joseph Hwang Yoshinori Ide Kazuya Iketani Daniel Jackson Ankit Jain (Risk) Gaurav Jaitly Jan Janssen David Jeria Alnawaz Jiwa Kim Johns Scott Johnson Elis Jones Neil Jones Robert Jones Philip Joseph Anand Joshi Shawn Joshi Ritu Kalra Michael Kaprelian Nadeem Kayani Alicia Keenan Neil Kelleher Tom Kennedy Aqil Khan Sarah Kiernan Daniel Kim Eugene Kim (IMD) Jason Kim (GIR) Sora Kim Kristy Kinahan Eugene King Laura Kirk Kunal Kishore Elliot Klapper Jayee Koffey Jason Koon Jennifer Kopylov Daniel Korich Ichiro Kosuge Vladimir Kotlyar Samuel Krasnik Katherine Krause David Kraut Sergey Kraytman Nitin Kulkarni Ram Kulkarni Dileep Kumar (Securities) Santosh Kunnakkat Wendy Kwong JP Lall Bill Lambert David Landman Yi Larson Niccolo Laudiero Nick Laux David Lee Phillip Lee Samuel Lee Shawn Lee Michael Leister David Lerner Naomi Leslie Matt Levine Na Li Haining Liang Nancy Licul Monica Lim Michelle Ling Srujan Linga Philip Linton Alan Liu Daniel Liu Eric Liu Heiman Lo Juan Lorenzo Tian Lu Wayne Lu James Lucas Dennis Luebcke Martin Luehrmann John Lynch Gina Lytle Leo Ma* Caesar Maasry Geoff MacDonald Robert Magnuson Toshiyuki Makabe Mariano Mallol Geydar Mamedov Kara Mangone Donna Mansfield Ajit Marathe Gilberto Marcheggiano James Marchese Michael Marcus Joshua Matheus Ann Mathews Chris Mathie Brian McCallion Graham McClelland Anne McCosker Michael Meehan (Compliance) Taylor Mefford Neil Mehta Adam Meister David Mericle Vitali Meschoulam Eric Meyers Alex Mignotte Andras Mikite Christopher Milligan Rahul Mistry Mike Mitchell Neil Moge Waleed Mohsin Babak Molavi Joel Monson Guy Morgan James Morris Antoine Munfa Aimee Mungovan Yuji Murata Dan Murphy Josh Murray Brian Musto Shehzad Nabi Devarajan Nambakam Ramanathan Narayanan Ganapathy Natarajan Danielle Natoli Murad Nayal Karim Nensi Scott Neu Dennis Ng Ken Ng Benjamin Ngan Joy Nguyen Salman Niaz Anders Nielsen (IMD) Howard Nifoussi Jun Niki Leah Nivison Laura Noble James Nolan Lauren Oakes Lynn Oberschmidt Allison O'Connor John O'Connor Shunil Ohrie Damian Ordish Leke Osinubi David Ossack Sathiya Padmanaban Danielle Pallin Salvador Pareja Dalmir Pasini Clorinda Pasqua Chris Pawson Paris Pender Patrick Perkins Philippe Perzi Wendy Peters Andy Phillips Flavio Picciotto Michael Pieck Sam Pirog Thomas Plank Joseph Plotkin Wade Podlich Ashish Pokharna Caitlin Pollak 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thaipvn2018 · 5 years
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Chọn lọc bộ stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh tâm trạng nhất mới cập nhật - Hình (1)
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Stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh–những dòng status khá tâm trạng do Tuhaovietnam.com.vn vừa mới cập nhật. Những dòng status này là nỗi niềm,là những chia sẻ nói lên sự mệt mỏi,chán chường với cuộc sống hiện tại đầy rẫy áp lực,lo toan. Tổng hợp những stt mệt mỏi bằng Tiếng Anh dưới đây sẽ cho bạn cái nhìn sâu sắc về những bước thăng trầm trong cuộc sống. Để từ đó cố gắng vượt qua tất cả khó khăn, rèn luyện tính kiên cường để chống chọi với thế giới ngoài kia bạn nhé! Stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh tâm trạng nhất Viết những dòng status tiếng anh tâm trạng mệt mỏi cũng sẽ những cái hay riêng. Bởi có những tâm sự thật sự mình không muốn nói thẳng ra … Dưới đây mình sẽ tổng hợp loạt Stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh tâm trạng nhất ngắn gọn,súc tích. Các bạn cũng tham khảo nhé. 1. A good mood is like a balloon. One little prick is all it takes to ruin it. – Samsoniter( Một tâm trạng tốt giống như một quả bóng bay. Một mẹo nhỏ là tất cả những gì nó cần để làm hỏng nó.) 2. The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. – Voltaire( Quyết định quan trọng nhất bạn đưa ra là có tâm trạng tốt.) 3. You have to learn how to stay in a good mood as you overthrow the sour, puckered hallucination that is mistakenly referred to as reality. – Rob Brezsny( Bạn phải học cách giữ tâm trạng tốt khi bạn lật đổ ảo giác chua chát, bị nhầm lẫn là thực tế.) 4. Good moods’re as fragile as eggs. Bad moods’re as fragile as bricks. – David Mitchell( Tâm trạng tốt đẹp như mong manh như trứng. Tâm trạng tồi tệ như mong manh như gạch.) 5. Smile, and the world will smile with you. Laugh and they’ll all think your on drugs. – Anonymous( Hãy mỉm cười, và thế giới sẽ mỉm cười với bạn. Cười và tất cả họ sẽ nghĩ về ma túy của bạn.) 6. The thing with pretending you’re in a good mood is that sometimes you can. – Charles De Lint( Điều giả vờ bạn đang có tâm trạng tốt là đôi khi bạn có thể.) 7. When life is stressful, do something to lift your spirits. Go for a drive. Go two or three thousand miles away. Maybe change your name. – Anonymous( Khi cuộc sống căng thẳng, hãy làm gì đó để nâng đỡ tinh thần của bạn. Đi cho một ổ đĩa. Tới hai hoặc ba ngàn dặm. Có thể thay đổi tên của bạn.) 8. When you’re in a good mood, bring up the past. When you’re in a bad mood, stick to the present. And when you’re not feeling emotional at all, it’s time to talk about the future. – Marilyn vos Savant( Khi bạn đang có tâm trạng tốt, hãy khơi lại quá khứ. Khi bạn đang ở trong một tâm trạng tồi tệ, hãy bám lấy hiện tại. Và khi bạn không cảm thấy xúc động chút nào, đã đến lúc nói về tương lai.) 9. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. – Marcus Aurelius( Hạnh phúc của cuộc sống của bạn phụ thuộc vào chất lượng suy nghĩ của bạn.) 10. Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. – Mother Teresa( Hãy hạnh phúc trong khoảnh khắc, thế là đủ. Mỗi khoảnh khắc là tất cả những gì chúng ta cần, không hơn.) 11. I travel light. I think the most important thing is to be in a good mood and enjoy life, wherever you are.– Diane von Furstenberg( Tôi đi du lịch nhẹ. Tôi nghĩ điều quan trọng nhất là phải có tâm trạng tốt và tận hưởng cuộc sống, mọi lúc mọi nơi.) 12. A cute outfit can really make your day. If I wear something I look good in, my mood just goes way up. – Jennette McCurdy( Một bộ trang phục dễ thương thực sự có thể làm cho ngày của bạn. Nếu tôi mặc thứ gì đó tôi trông ổn, tâm trạng của tôi sẽ tăng lên.) 13. You know, a dog can snap you out of any kind of bad mood that you’re in faster than you can think of.– Jill Abramson(Bạn biết đấy, một con chó có thể đưa bạn ra khỏi bất kỳ tâm trạng tồi tệ nào mà bạn đang ở nhanh hơn bạn có thể nghĩ đến.) 14. I feel like music can affect you in so many ways. When you hear a song with a happy melody, it can change your mood; it can change your day. – Kygo( Tôi cảm thấy như âm nhạc có thể ảnh hưởng đến bạn theo nhiều cách. Khi bạn nghe một bài hát với giai điệu vui vẻ, nó có thể thay đổi tâm trạng của bạn; nó có thể thay đổi ngày của bạn.) 15. I always like a good song: puts me in a good mood. – Waris Ahluwalia( Tôi luôn thích một bài hát hay: đưa tôi vào một tâm trạng tốt.) 16. People who fail to use their emotional intelligence skills are more likely to turn to other, less effective means of managing their mood. They are twice as likely to experience anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even thoughts of suicide. – Travis Bradberry( Những người không sử dụng các kỹ năng trí tuệ cảm xúc của họ có nhiều khả năng chuyển sang các phương tiện khác, kém hiệu quả hơn để quản lý tâm trạng của họ. Họ có gấp đôi khả năng trải qua lo lắng, trầm cảm, lạm dụng chất gây nghiện và thậm chí là suy nghĩ tự tử.) 17. To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I’m in a good mood – don’t meet me in a bad mood. – Avril Lavigne( Để hiểu tôi, bạn phải gặp tôi và ở bên tôi. Và chỉ khi tôi có tâm trạng tốt – đừng gặp tôi trong tâm trạng tồi tệ.) 18. I’m doing my best to be mindful about how I’m living: to be kind and patient, and not to impose a bad mood on somebody else. Being mindful is as good a way to be spiritual as anything else. – Deirdre O’Kane–(Tôi đang làm hết sức để chú ý đến cách tôi sống: trở nên tốt bụng và kiên nhẫn, và không áp đặt tâm trạng xấu cho người khác. Chánh niệm là một cách tốt để có được tinh thần như bất cứ điều gì khác.) 19. Addiction isn’t about substance – you aren’t addicted to the substance, you are addicted to the alteration of mood that the substance brings. – Susan Cheever( Nghiện không phải là về chất – bạn không nghiện chất này, bạn nghiện sự thay đổi tâm trạng mà chất đó mang lại.) 20. If I’m in a bad mood, or if I’m uncomfortable, it’s probably what I’m wearing that’s making me feel that way. – Billie Eilish( Nếu tôi đang ở trong một tâm trạng tồi tệ, hoặc nếu tôi không thoải mái, có lẽ những gì tôi đang mặc khiến tôi cảm thấy như vậy.) Stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh chất lừ Trong cuộc sống của mỗi chúng ta chắc hẳn ai cũng sẽ có những lúc vui lúc buồn, hẳn sẽ chẳng có ai là hoàn hảo được cả. Vậy những lúc tâm trạng buồn chán bạn thường làm gì, còn tôi trước kia những lúc tâm trạng tôi thường viết những lá thư cho người để dãi bày tâm trang. Còn giờ đây khi có Facebook những lúc buồn tôi thường lên Facebook viết stt mệt mỏi bằng Tiếng Anh chất nhất. 21. Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life. (Đau khổ là tri thức, người biết nhiều nhất bi thương nhiều nhất, cây tri thức không phải cây đời) 22. Strange how laughter looks like crying with no sound and how raindrops look like tears without pain. (Thật lạ lùng cách mà tiếng cười trông giống như khóc than trong câm lặng và cách mà những giọt mưa trông giống như nước mắt mà không có nỗi đau) 23. There are days like that, quietly, not sad, not happy, slowly drift… the end of a day. (Có những ngày như thế, lặng lẽ, không buồn, không vui, chầm chậm trôi… Qua hết một ngày) 24. If you leave me when I fail, don’t catch me when I succeed. (Nếu bạn rời bỏ tôi khi tôi thất bại, đừng đến bên cạnh khi tôi thành công) 25. It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and allways wonder! (Thà biết rồi thất vọng còn hơn không bao giờ biết và luôn băn khoăn) 26. An intelligent person is like a river, the deeper the less noise. (Một người thông minh sẽ như một dòng sông, càng sâu càng ít ồn ào) 27. Some people choose to stay single simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing. (Một số người chọn sống độc thân đơn giản vì họ quá mệt mỏi với việc cho đi tất cả mọi thứ và rốt cuộc chẳng được gì) 28. Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. And sometimes, the best lessons learned, came from the worsr mistake made. (Những bài học của chúng ta được nguỵ trang bởi những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Và đôi khi, bài học hay nhất mà chúng ta được học, đến từ những sai lầm tồi tệ nhất. Thật ra quan trọng là sau những sai lầm ấy ta rút ra được điều gì) 29. If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone’s sadness. (Nếu bạn không thể trở thành cây bút chì để viết nên niềm hạnh phúc cho một ai, thì hãy cố gắng trở thành một cục tẩy tốt để xoá đi nỗi bất hạnh của ai đó) 30. Peace does not mean the one where no noise, no trouble, and no toil. When we are in a storm, we will feel the calm of mind.  (Bình yên không có nghĩa là 1 nơi không có tiếng ồn ào, không khó khăn, cực nhọc. Bình yên là ngay chính khi ta đang ở trong phong ba bão táp, ta vẫn cảm thấy sự an nhiên trong tâm hồn. Đó mới chính là ý nghĩa thực sự của sự bình yên) 31.  No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. (Không có ai xứng đáng với những giọt nước mắt của bạn, người xứng đáng với chúng thì chắc chắn không để bạn phải khóc) 32. Sometimes crying is the only way your eyes speaks when your mouth can’t explain how broken your heart is. (Đôi khi khóc là cách duy nhất đôi mắt của bạn lên tiếng khi miệng bạn không thể diễn tả nổi trái tim bạn tan vỡ thế nào) 33.. The word ‘happiness’ may lose its meaning if it were not balanced by ‘sadness’. (Từ ‘hạnh phúc’ có thể trở nên vô nghĩa nếu nó không được cân bằng bởi ‘nỗi buồn’) 34. When you’re happy, you enjoy the music but when you’re sad, you’ll understand the lyric. (Khi bạn vui, bạn tận hưởng âm nhạc, nhưng khi bạn buồn, bạn hiểu được ca từ) 35. The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling. (Nỗi đau tệ hại nhất là khi bạn cười chỉ để ngăn nước mắt khỏi rơi) 36. To laugh with others is one of life’s great pleasures. To be laughed at by others is one of life’s great hurts. (Cười với người khác là một trong những  vui thú lớn nhất của cuộc đời. Bị người khác cười là một trong những sự tổn thương lớn nhất của cuộc đời) 37. We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. (Chúng ta không bao giờ có thể học được sự can đảm và kiên nhẫn nếu chỉ có niềm vui trên thế gian này) 38. Silence is the most powerful scream. (Im lặng là tiếng thét mạnh mẽ nhất) 39. For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near, My greatest grief is that I leave nothing that claims a tear. ~ Lord Byron. (Tôi không đau lòng vì quá khứ hạnh phúc hay hiểm nguy cận kề. Nỗi buồn khổ lớn nhất là tôi chẳng để lại sau lưng thứ gì khiến người ta phải rơi lệ) 40.The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. ~ Charles Dickens (Nỗi đau li biệt chẳng có nghĩa lý gì so với niềm vui tái ngộ) 41. People said if you don’t appreciate what you have, you feel regret when you lose it. But there is something that we appreciate but ultimately you still lost it. (Người ta bảo rằng: nếu bạn không biết trân trọng những gì mình đang có, thì khi bạn mất đi mới cảm thấy hối tiếc. Vậy mà có những thứ ta rất trân trọng nhưng cuối cùng vẫn mất đấy thôi) 42. Let the tears fall and soften the wound in your heart.  (Hãy để những giọt nước mắt rơi và làm dịu đi vết thương trong lòng bạn) 43. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry ( Không có ai xứng đáng với những giọt nước mắt của bạn, người xứng đáng với chúng thì chắc chắn không để bạn phải khóc) 44. Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. And sometimes, the best lessons learned, came from the worst mistakes made. (Những bài học của chúng ta được nguỵ trang bởi những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Và đôi khi, bài học hay nhất mà chúng ta được học, đến từ những sai lầm tồi tệ nhất. Thật ra quan trọng là sau những sai lầm ấy ta rút ra được điều gì.) 45. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. ( Ghét những gì bạn có tốt hơn là yêu những gì bạn không có.) 46. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (Cuộc sống giống như việc lái một chiếc xe đạp. Để giữ được thăng bằng, bạn phải tiếp tục di chuyển.) 47. It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder.! (Thà biết rồi thất vọng còn hơn không bao giờ biết và luôn băn khoăn.) 48. An intelligent person is like a river, the deeper the less noise. ( Một ngư��i thông minh sẽ như một dòng sông, càng sâu càng ít ồn ào.) 49. Some people choose to stay single simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing. (Một số người chọn sống độc thân đơn giản vì họ quá mệt mỏi với việc cho đi tất cả mọi thứ và rốt cuộc chẳng được gì.) 50. Never say all you know. And never believe all you hear. ( Đừng bao giờ nói tất cả những gì bạn biết. Và đừng bao giờ tin tất cả những gì bạn nghe.) Nếu ai đang buồn hay tâm trạng không được tốt hãy đọc những dòng stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh này để lấy lại tinh thần nhé. Nếu bạn thấy hay ý nghĩa các bạn có thể lấy đăng lên tường Facebook của mình thoải mái. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn vào những bài viết sau! Chúc các bạn luôn vui ! Nếu muốn,các bạn có thể chia sẻ thêm loạt stt ốm mệt mỏi,biết đâu bạn lại tìm thấy tâm trạng của mình ! The post Chọn lọc bộ stt mệt mỏi tiếng Anh tâm trạng nhất mới cập nhật appeared first on Tự Hào Việt Nam. https://ift.tt/2LvDkah
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cryptswahili · 5 years
SXSW 2019 Ultimate Guide to the Panels, Parties, Performances
SXSW 2019 Ultimate Guide to the Panels, Popups and Parties
277 of the most epic events featuring Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Max Minghella, Elizabeth Moss, Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson, Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss, Joe Lubin, Beastie Boys and more
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The iconic tech arts music festival, South by Southwest (SXSW), is nearly upon us with a hundred thousand influencers about to descend upon the ten day bacchanal that takes place in Austin, March 8 through March 17.
It’s a star-studded spectacle unlike any other with thousands of events offered around the clock featuring tech visionaries to presidential hopefuls to celebrities and rock stars. This year’s line up features Mark Cuban, Henry Winkler, Beastie Boys, Neil Gaiman, Michael Pollan, Cameron and Tyler Winkelvoss, Joe Lubin, Tim Ferris, Susan Fowler, Chip Conley, George Hotz, Olivia Wilde, SNL Sasheer Zamata & Aidy Bryant, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brooklyn Decker, Priscilla Chan, Lance Bass, Ethan Hawke, David Byrne, Trevor Noah, Nile Rodgers, Dan Rather, Jake Tapper, Kara Swisher, Craig Newmark with possible appearances by Anna Kendrick, Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Max Minghella, Elizabeth Moss, Fred Armisen, Elle Fanning, Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson, Zac Efron, Elijah Wood, Beto O’Rourke, Will Forte, Jason Sudeikis, Nick Offerman, Nick Cave, Woody Harrelson, Malcolm Gladwell, Matthew McConaughey, Kevin Costner, Kathy Griffin, Meryl Streep, Charlize Theron, Rick Rubin and Snoop Dog.
If you’re new to SXSW, check out this podcast I did with industry veteran Brian Zisk who shared top tips for making this your best show ever. Advice includes:
Picking up your badge the night before as registration is open late
Skipping the lines with SXXpress passes via the SXSW GO app
Building in extra time to get to venues with this handy map
Bringing an umbrella, swimsuit and layers as weather varies widely
Eating healthy and enjoying the free yoga, self-care and meditation classes
Remembering SXSW is about seredipty and stamina, if you miss half of what you planned, it might open the door to epic celebrity encounters
Below are my top picks and I’ll be adding as more are announced. Follow me @contentnow for all of the shenanigans!
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Friday, March 8, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: PANEL-Priscilla Chan WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102391 A former teacher and pediatrician, Priscilla Chan will describe how the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative aims to pair technologists with people on the frontlines — like scientists focusing on disease prevention, prosecutors working to make the criminal justice system more fair, and teachers struggling to meet the unique needs of every student.
WHAT: PANEL-Buzzfeed Jonah Peretti, Jill Abramson WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102389 A conversation between Jonah Peretti, co-founder and CEO of BuzzFeed, and Jill Abramson, author of Merchants of Truth. Join them as they discuss building a media empire and the business of news today.
WHAT: PANEL-New Yorker Liza Donnelly WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11–12pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, 3rd Floor, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP81805 A New Yorker editorial cartoonist and writer for decades, Liza will explore satire in the Age Of Trump and examine humor’s role in disrupting- now and in the past- and what can be learned from anger. Using her new form of digital storytelling, called visual journalism, she will explain what it is, and walk the audience through how the unique skills of a cartoonist can become useful tools for all. Throughout the talk she will draw digitally onstage, in real time and transmitting to screen, allowing for understanding of the power of the act of drawing and cartooning. Liza will exlore how creative innovativation can help us be more human; and globally change the world through humor.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Mindful Self Care WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11–12pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, 2nd Floor, Room 201–202 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP84745 Over a million people miss work daily due to burnout and unmitigated stress. Through facilitator-led conversation, group participation, and hands-on demonstrations, this session explores how mindfulness-based self-care can be an antidote to burnout. In this session, we’ll explore why “feeling stressed” differs from “being burned out.” Together, we’ll unpack the mental, physical, financial, health, personal, and professional impacts caused by burnout. This session also examines how our resistance to self-care is often enmeshed with our desire to rescue others before rescuing ourselves. Participants will learn how adopting easy-to-learn daily rituals for mindful self-care can shift mindsets, enhance moods, and create happy, healthy workplaces.
WHAT: PANEL-Kara Swisher, Arlan Hamilton, Olivia Wilde WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11am-5pm WHERE: VOX HOUSE, The Belmont, 305 W 6th DETAILS: http://voxmediaevents.com/sxsw Join The Verge, SB Nation, Eater, Polygon, Vox, Curbed, and Recode to see what your favorite podcast hosts actually look like, rediscover your passion for video games, experience the depth of emotion that comes from being a true sports fan, challenge your thinking through participation in unscripted conversations, sub networking for connecting, and eat your way through Austin and other cities.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Make Your Own Hippie Fashion Dolls WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11–1pm WHERE: Westin, 310 E 5th, 3rd Floor, Continental 1 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103104 Fashion Artist, Stephanie Jimenez Schiller will teach you the ins and outs of sketching your own Hippie inspired Paper Doll. From bell bottoms to flower crowns, the simple to follow Live Tutorials make it a breeze for all skill levels to sketch along. So put on your best hippie inspired outfit and get ready to sketch, design and learn how Fashion is intertwined with the era it shares space with.
WHAT: PANEL-Maria Shriver on Alzheimer’s WHEN: Friday, March 8, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101172 Maria Shriver hosts a candid conversation about women’s brain health and the mind-blowing implications for us all. Joining her are Dr. Farida Sohrabji, founder and director of the Women’s Health in Neuroscience Program at the Texas A&M College of Medicine and advocate for the inclusion of gender/sex differences in biomedical research, and actress Alexandra Socha, an Advocate with the Alzheimer’s Association. Hundreds of thousands of women are losing their minds to Alzheimer’s each year, and no one knows why. Of the minds that develop Alzheimer’s, 2/3rds of them belong to women. Women are at the center of this global health crisis, but they may also hold the key to unlocking a cure for everyone.
WHAT: PANEL-Reuters Nick Cohen, Hazel Baker WHEN: Friday, March 8, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, 3rd Floor, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP89712 A startlingly realistic new breed of AI-driven faked videos is starting to emerge, circulated by propagandists and other shadowy actors via social platforms. These videos appear to show news events, or public figures speaking, and seem to be published by legitimate news outlets. However, they are in fact highly sophisticated AI-driven video forgeries. This session explores what strategies and technologies news outlets and consumers should be adopting to defend themselves against this frightening new development.
WHAT: POPUP-Whiskey Tasting WHEN: Friday, March 8, 2, 3, 6pm WHERE: FORT WORTH HOUSE, Bungalow, 92 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38417 Join the Head Distiller, Whiskey Scientist and Master Mixologist of Texas’ largest artisanal whiskey brand for a three-part course showcasing how their unique approach to environmental exploration, sensory science and flavor fusion is taking whiskey to new horizons. Experience and taste how their innovative methods are pushing boundaries and changing the status quo.
WHAT: PANEL-Recode Peter Kafka with Kevin Reilly WHEN: Friday, March 8, 2–3pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103071 Kevin Reilly is the legendary President of TBS & TNT, Chief Creative Officer Turner Entertainment and Warner Media Direct-to-Consumer. In addition to leading the top-rated TNT and TBS networks, Reilly was also recently appointed to oversee content strategy for the new WarnerMedia streaming service. Peter Kafka is the executive editor at Recode, the business and technology network from Vox Media; host of Recode Media, the weekly podcast dedicated to the future of media and technology; and co-executive producer of the Code Conference. He has been covering media and technology since 1997, when he joined the staff of Forbes magazine. Together they’ll be looking at the future of television, and whether Prime Time will ever really go away.
WHAT: PANEL-Etsy, Barneys, Poshmark WHEN: Friday, March 8, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Four Seasons, 98 San Jacinto, Ground Floor, Ballroom AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP82040 Join industry experts for an inside look at how online marketplaces have allowed entrepreneurs to find success on their own terms, regardless of gender, age, or education. Barneys set the standard for highlighting independent designers in the ’80s, and in today’s world of e-commerce, new leaders like Etsy and Poshmark are propelling the next generation of creative entrepreneurs, and especially women. Hear Barneys Creative Ambassador Simon Doonan, Etsy’s Trend Expert Dayna Isom Johnson, Designer Reuben Reuel of DEMESTIK, and Poshmark’s Tracy Sun speak to how these marketplaces are far ahead of curve on creating a successful platform for diverse entrepreneurs.
WHAT: PANEL-George Hotz WHEN: Friday, March 8, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102411 We are in a simulation. Has it occurred to you that means God is real? By drawing parallels to worlds we have created, we ask, from inside our simulator, what actions do we have available? Can we get out?
WHAT: POPUP-Intelligent future panel with basketball, design jeans WHEN: Friday, March 8, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: SAP HOUSE, Cafe Blue, 340 E 2nd at Trinity DETAILS: https://events.sap.com/us/south-by-southwest/en/home What is human? What is the future? Only the rest of our lives. When we look at it from that angle, we start to ask some tough questions. How do we want it to be? Who decides? Why is it always “Man vs Machine”? Can we work with technology instead of fearing it? Yes, we can. Science fiction is fast becoming science fact as mankind achieves seemingly superhuman feats like industrializing space and controlling machines with a thought. Amidst this era of startling change, one lesson becomes clear. Stability is no longer the byword for success. What drives innovation is its opposite, the evolution of man and machine in tandem.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Yoga for the Wounded Heart WHEN: Friday, March 8, 3:30–5pm WHERE: Westin, 310 E 5, 2nd Floor, Paramount 1 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP91499 Join philosopher, seasoned yoga instructor, and award-winning author Tatiana Forero Puerta in this two-hour workshop based on her book, Yoga for the Wounded Heart. Emotional wounds can profoundly affect our daily lives, as well as our ability to forge connections with others and experience genuine freedom. This workshop will utilize movement, lecture, group work, and concentration techniques to explore the theory and practical application of yogic tools that have the power to heal hearts.
WHAT: PARTY-Startup Crawl WHEN: Friday, March 8, 4–8pm WHERE: Capitol Factory, 700 San Jacinto DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sxsw-startup-crawl-2019-tickets-51100382620 Tour the latest and greatest of Austin’s startup community. You’ll take the shuttle from stop to stop for a free beverage, to drop off a resume, see office space or explore Austin’s startup scene.
WHAT: PANEL-Cameron & Tyler Winkevoss WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103025 Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss believe the cryptocurrency revolution has the potential to re-architect trade, the financial system, the Internet, and the future of money as we know it. But they also know it won’t be easy and will require a thoughtful, rules-based approach. A lot has changed since Cameron and Tyler first got involved with bitcoin in 2012 and Gemini cryptocurrency exchange they launched in 2015. In this session they will discuss what’s on the horizon for Gemini and the crypto industry in 2019, and why they believe the current ‘crypto winter’ will be a time of lasting innovation.
WHAT: PANEL-Presidential candidate Andrew Yang WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 4th Floor, Salon A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP89764 Today, dignity and value are so tied to our work that it’s hard to imagine a world where that isn’t true. However, as automation makes more human labor obsolete, we need to think differently. Is Universal Basic Income the solution? Join Andrew Yang for a rational discussion on the future of work, the merits of UBI, and why we need to shift to a human-centered form of capitalism.
WHAT: PANEL-Fandango, Rotten Tomatoes, The Guardian, RogerEbert.com preview SXSW Film Festival WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Room 16AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103033 Get insider tips, strategies and advice you can use to maximize your time at the SXSW Film Fest and a sneak preview of SXSW’s most anticipated screenings, conference sessions and movie-related happenings. Critics will share insider news about surprise screenings that are off the radar of the general public.
WHAT: PANEL-New York Times Sam Dolnick with Ken Druckerman WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103098 “The Weekly,” coming soon to FX and Hulu, brings The New York Times to the screen for the first time, allowing viewers to see the world through 1,550 journalists. 160 countries. 2,500 stories a week. Learn more about the new series from Sam Dolnick, assistant managing editor at The New York Times, Ken Druckerman, executive producer of “The Weekly” and the co-founder and co-president of LEFT/RIGHT.
WHAT: PODCAST-Maria Shriver WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, L2 Brazos Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102915 Maria Shriver shares insights into love, pain, forgiveness, gratitude, family, faith, connection, loneliness, and the art of self-reinvention to inspire meaningful conversations.
WHAT: PANEL-Color Factory, Burning Man, Brooklyn Museum WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Ballroom G DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP86163 Pop-Ups are the fastest growing segment in the consumer space to test innovative concepts and products with an experience driven generation, playing an integral part in connecting people to brands through unique hands on environments. Pop-Up Museums are drawing hundreds of thousands of fans to their attractions annually by marrying music, art, VR and more. Explore creating an emotional journey in 12 rooms or less, elements of designing a successful experience with space, location, and content, and marketing tactics to draw attendees and incorporate brand partners.
WHAT: PANEL-Quartz Tim Fernholz - How Sci-Fi Influences Tech WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–6pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, Salon F DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP86251 What does it mean when many of the richest and most powerful people on the planet — like Elon Musk, Larry Page, and Jeff Bezos — think how they think and do what they do in large part because of the science fiction they read and watched when they were 12? What were the key sci-fi authors and ideas that most inspired them, and continue to influence them and Silicon Valley more broadly? Is that influence ultimately a good thing or a bad thing? And what can we all learn about innovation from science fiction? Join bestselling sci-fi authors Malka Older (“Infomocracy”) and Eliot Peper (“Bandwidth”) along with journalist Tim Fernholz (“Rocket Billionaires: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the New Space Race”) as they examine the tech industry’s long-running relationship with fictional futures.
WHAT: FILM-The Inventor: Out For Blood In Silicon Valley WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 5–6:58pm WHERE: Astin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010791 In 2004, Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford to start a company that was going to revolutionize healthcare. In 2014, Theranos was valued at $9 billion, making Holmes, who was touted as “the next Steve Jobs,” the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world. Just two years later, Theranos was cited as a “massive fraud” by the SEC, and its value was less than zero. Director Alex Gibney tells a Silicon Valley tale that was too good to be true. With all the drama of a real-life heist film, The Inventor examines how this could have happened and who is responsible, while exploring the psychology of deception.
WHAT: PARTY-Smart Home VIP Cocktail Party WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5–8pm WHERE: Yonomi Austin HQ, 720 Brazos, 8FL, Suite 810 DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sxsw-2019-smart-home-vip-cocktail-party-by-yonomi-schlage-resideo-gentex-and-stacey-on-iot-tickets-55579045421 Drinks, hors d’oeuvres and discussion of trends shaping the smart home industry in 2019 and beyond.
WHAT: FILM-The Wall Of Mexico WHEN: Friday, March 8, 5:30–7:20pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2009135 Don, a young handyman, is hired by the Aristas, a wealthy Mexican-American family with two outrageously decadent daughters. The source of the Aristas’ wealth is a mystery to Don. Living in nearby Winfield, he soon learns tensions are high between the Aristas and the poor white townspeople, and that this has something to do with the Aristas’ well, which Don is asked to guard at night. People are superstitious about the well. Don learns the Aristas are selling wellwater at alarming prices. Don becomes infatuated with the younger daughter, Tania. As the water level drops, possibly from theft, the situation comes to a boil, and the Aristas decide to build a massive wall.
WHAT: PARTY-Carver Museum Opening Night WHEN: Friday, March 8, 6–10pm WHERE: Carver Museum, 1165 Angelina DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sxsw-opening-reception-the-carver-tickets-55857109117 DJ Kay Cali will provide the soundtrack for the evening with just the right mix to get your evening started right. Appetizers and beverages.
WHAT: FILM-The Infiltrators WHEN: Friday, March 8, 6:15–7:45pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2011193 A young Mexican man walks into a Border Patrol station in Florida. He seems disoriented and he admits that he recently crossed the border illegally. The stunned Border Patrol agent handcuffs the man and sends him to a detention center for immigrants facing deportation. However, once behind bars, we learn a few things about the young man. His name is Marco and he’s looking for someone…another detainee…and Marco has a plan…The Infiltrators is a suspenseful telling of an incredible true story, a little-known chapter in American activism, and a rare insider experience of a for-profit immigrant detention center — an institution that is rapidly expanding across the American landscape.
WHAT: FILM-Us (Jordan Peele) WHEN: Friday, March 8, 6:30–8:30pm WHERE: Paramount, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008369 Us, from Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele (Get Out), stars Oscar® winner Lupita Nyong’o as Adelaide Wilson, a woman returning to her beachside childhood home with her husband (Winston Duke), and their children for a summer getaway. Haunted by an unexplainable trauma from her past and compounded by a string of eerie coincidences, Adelaide grows increasingly certain that something bad is going to befall her family. After a day with friends (Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker), the Wilsons return to their vacation home to discover the silhouettes of four figures standing in their driveway. Us pits an ordinary American family against a terrifying opponent: doppelgängers of themselves.
WHAT: FILM-Romantic Comedy WHEN: Friday, March 8, 6:45–8:03pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar E, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008824 Romantic Comedy is a documentary that goes beneath the surface of our favourite films, seeking to better understand the way we view love, relationships and romance. From It Happened One Night to Runaway Bride, from clumsy meet cutes to rain-soaked declarations of love, these films reflect our experiences but are often just as problematic as they are comforting. They’re hugely successful and deeply loved by many, but — being frequently dismissed as guilty pleasures — they have often avoided critical analysis. Helped by a chorus of critics, actors and filmmakers, and original songs by her band Summer Camp, director Elizabeth Sankey embarks on a journey of investigation and self-discovery.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Friday, March 8, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: FILM-Texas Shorts WHEN: Friday, March 8, 8:15–10:03pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom’s Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010810 Caught among toxic masculinity, a sequin dress and a teenage crush, a teen skater, growing up in rural Texas, will have sex for the first time in the back of their dad’s truck. I am Mackenzie is a short coming of age drama about adolescence and the feeling of not belonging; the feeling of being an alien to your home, your peers, your body, your gender. It is a story about rushing towards love, and making mistakes; a story about finding the courage to look honestly at yourself.
WHAT: FILM-The Hottest August WHEN: Friday, March 8, 8:45–10:19pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar A, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010839 A complex portrait of a city and its inhabitants, The Hottest August gives us a window into the collective consciousness of the present. The film’s point of departure is one city over one month: New York City and its outer boroughs during August 2017. It’s a month heavy with the tension of a new President, growing anxiety over everything from rising rents to marching white nationalists, and unrelenting news of either wildfires or hurricanes on every coast. The film pivots on the question of futurity: what does the future look like from where we are standing? And what if we are not all standing in the same place? The Hottest August offers a mirror onto a society on the verge of catastrophe.
WHAT: FILM-Mr. Jimmy WHEN: Friday, March 8, 8–10:50pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar B, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008852 In snowbound Tokamachi, Japan, teenaged Akio Sakurai took refuge in his room, escaping to another world with a pair of headphones and a pile of Led Zeppelin records. Moving to Tokyo, Akio worked as a kimono salesman by day, but by night became “Mr. Jimmy,” adopting the guitar chops and persona of Jimmy Page. For 35 years, Akio recreated vintage Zeppelin concerts note-for-note in small Tokyo clubs, until the “real” Jimmy Page stopped by one night, and Akio’s life changed forever. Inspired by Mr. Page’s ovation, Akio quits his “salary man” job, leaving behind his family to move to Los Angeles and join “Led Zepagain.” Soon cultures clash, and Akio’s idyllic vision of America meets with reality.
WHAT: FILM-X & Y WHEN: Friday, March 8, 9–10:52pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 2, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008880 Swedish director and visual artist, Anna Odell (The Reunion), conducts a social experiment in which she aims to challenge the gender roles that men and women have in the society of today. In a purpose-build warehouse set she confronts herself with the Swedish actor and masculine icon Mikael Persbrandt, and invites seven other top Scandinavian actors to live with them and act as alter egos of herself and Mikael. The group embarks on a game without rules, which leads to real conflicts and funny, absurd and emotional situations since Trine Dyrholm, Jens Albinus, Vera Vitali, Shanti Roney, Sofie Gråbøl and Thure Lindhardt for many weeks will have to “stay in their roles” at all times.
WHAT: FILM-Yes, God, Yes WHEN: Friday, March 8, 9–10:17pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008724 In the Midwest in the early 00s, sixteen-year-old Alice has always been a good Catholic girl. But when an AOL chat turns racy, she discovers masturbation and becomes guilt-ridden. Seeking redemption, she attends a mysterious religious retreat to try and suppress her urges, but it isn’t easy, especially after a cute boy starts flirting with her. Alice’s sense of shame is spiraling when she uncovers a shocking truth about the retreat’s most devout. Desperate and confused, she flees and meets an unlikely ally who offers an alternative view of what it means to be good. For the first time, Alice realizes she can decide for herself what to believe and finally gets the release she needs.
WHAT: FILM-Greener Grass WHEN: Friday, March 8, 9:15–10:56pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010860 A deliciously twisted comedy set in a demented, timeless suburbia where every adult wears braces on their straight teeth, couples coordinate meticulously pressed outfits, and coveted family members are swapped in more ways than one in this competition for acceptance.
WHAT: FILM-Sword of Trust WHEN: Friday, March 8, 9:15–10:43pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008776 When Cynthia & Mary (Jillian Bell & Michaela Watkins) show up to collect Cynthia’s inheritance from her deceased grandfather, the only item she’s received is an antique sword that was believed by her grandfather to be proof that the South won the Civil War. The two attempt to unload the object to a curmudgeonly pawnshop owner (Marc Maron) & his man-child sidekick Nathaniel (Jon Bass). When Mel and Nathaniel discover there’s a black market for the relic, the two pairs reluctantly join forces to sell this rarefied ‘prover item’ to the highest bidder. The adventure that ensues takes the four of them on a wild journey into the depths of conspiracy theory and and Southern disillusionment.
WHAT: FILM-What We Do In The Shadows* WHEN: Friday, March 8, 9:15–10:43pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2009323 Set in Staten Island, “What We Do in the Shadows” follows four vampires who have been roommates for hundreds and hundreds of years. The screening will be followed by an extended Q&A with select cast and crew.
WHAT: FILM-Body at Brighton Rock WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11:30–12:57am WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010841 Wendy, a part-time summer employee at a mountainous state park, takes on a rough trail assignment at the end of the season, trying to prove to her friends that she’s capable enough to do the job. When she takes a wrong turn and ends up deep in the backcountry, she stumbles upon what might be a potential crime scene. Stuck with no communication after losing her radio and with orders to guard the site, Wendy must fight the urge to run and do the harder job of staying put — spending the night deep in the wilderness, facing down her worst fears and proving to everyone — including herself — that she’s made of stronger stuff than they think she is.
WHAT: FILM-Boyz In The Wood WHEN: Friday, March 8, 11:55–1:22am WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010863 Set deep in the Scottish Highlands, Boyz In The Wood is an anarchic cocktail of generational politics, hip-hop loving farmers, and hallucinogenic rabbit shites.
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: PANEL-Starbucks Howard Schultz WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101168 Howard Schultz, Starbucks founder, grew up in the public housing projects of Brooklyn. His only inheritance washis mother’s belief that he could create a better life for myself. He became the first in his family to go to college, and went on to live the American Dream.
WHAT: PANEL-Guy Kawasaki WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 3rd Floor, Room 9ABC DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101986 Guy Kawasaki will be sharing insights from his latest book, WISE GUY, his life story and lessons on humility, values, finding the balance between living well and living responsibly, and how to launch and run a great business.
WHAT: PANEL-Foursquare Dennis Crowley WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102387 Ten years ago, Dennis Crowley launched Foursquare at SXSW, blowing the lid off the tech scene with the “check in.” Much has changed since then. These days we all share our location in ways that are clear (Instagram tagging, Snap maps) and others that are less obvious, with location collection in the background of our apps and phones. What does this mean for the future? For our personal privacy? What can we do with all the location data and the tech that powers its collection?
WHAT: PANEL Future of Sports Season Tickets WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 4th Floor, Salon 3 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP82881 The season ticket market is valued at 10 billion annually and growing nationwide. When compared to daily fantasy, valued at 7 billion, and esports valued at less than a billion, why is the season ticket thought to be “dead”? Season tickets allow teams to build new stadiums, secure media rights, drive sponsorship revenue and seen as a benchmark for business performance by owners and leagues executives alike. This session will bring together thought leaders from teams in the NFL, NBA, MLS as well as startups providing technology to the season ticket market to unpack the narrative that season tickets are dead. Speakers will provide data and use cases to illustrate why the season ticket is alive and well with fans and what smart teams are doing to address this underserved revenue channel.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Yoga WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Fairmont, 101 Red River, 4th Floor, Wisteria Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP81195 Drums and other ancient music instruments looped LiVE during your yoga session.
WHAT: POPUP-festival tickets giveaway WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 10–6:30pm WHERE: BOSE HOUSE, Half Step, 75 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38517 The #BoseFrames pop-up has been touring the U.S. and has finally landed in Austin. Come check out our debut sunglasses collection with built-in Bose speakers for an immersive audio experience unlike any other. Feeling Lucky? Stop by to enter the #BoseFramesSweeps for a chance to win tickets to a music festival of your choice.
WHAT: POPUP-free lunch, tacos, hip hop happy hour WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 10–6pm WHERE: FORT WORTH HOUSE, Bungalow, 92 Rainey DETAILS: http://www.FortWorth.com/SXSW Hang out with the musicians, culinary artists, filmmakers and innovators who call Fort Worth home. Experience the future of air travel. Ride with Mayor Betsy Price and meet Chef Tim Love. Hip Hop Happy Hour with Lou Charles. Music from DJ Sober, Danni & Kris, Abraham Alexander, DJ Jason Fairies of Neon Indian and more. Hourly whiskey mixology. Film and travel meet-ups. Hot salsa challenges. Free taco lunch Saturday. Closing night queso party with Quaker City Night Hawks! Presented by Visit Fort Worth.
WHAT: POPUP-cosmetic makeovers WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 10–8pm WHERE: REALSELF HOUSE, 84 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38244 Part spa, part gallery, part boutique focused on removing the mystery from cosmetic treatments and procedures so that women can make smart, confident decisions about their beauty needs.
WHAT: PANEL-Mark Cuban, Peter Kafka WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11am-5pm WHERE: VOX HOUSE, The Belmont, 305 W 6th DETAILS: http://voxmediaevents.com/sxsw Recode Media Live hosted by Peter Kafka, Executive Editor of Recode, featuring serial entrepreneur and investor, Mark Cuban.
WHAT: PANEL-Vox Jim Bankoff with Soledad O’Brien WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102450 Vox Media’s Chairman & CEO Jim Bankoff sits down with CBS’ Soledad O’Brien for a conversation on what’s next for media and entertainment.
WHAT: PANEL-LA Times Norman Pearlstine WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3rd Floor, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP89545 Why women aren’t adequately represented in newsroom leadership from a male perspective.
WHAT: PANEL-Planetarium Afterhours: Do It In A Dome WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Ballroom G DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP90751 By day, they’re known for their stunning views of the universe. By night, they transform into unique, intimate, and immersive spaces that blend art, music, and technology in unexpected ways. In Boston, and around the world, modern digital domes are inviting artists and innovators into their spaces to envision new possibilities and create powerful shared experiences that are unmatched by traditional stage venues. This panel, consisting of producers, artists, and leaders working in the Planetarium industry, will share concepts and processes from past events and discuss how these incredible venues can push creatives from all realms to think about their work in new ways, resulting in transcendental experiences for audiences and transforming perceptions of what a modern Planetarium can be.
WHAT: FILM-Autonomy (Malcolm Gladwell) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12:20pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theatre DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008779 Celebrated journalist and author Malcolm Gladwell leads the first comprehensive documentary look at self-driving cars in Autonomy. The film is a cinematic exploration of the world of automated vehicles — from their technical history to the personal narratives of those affected by them to the many unanswered questions about how this technology will affect modern society. Autonomy features interviews with industry pioneers and scenes with cutting-edge “AVs” in action around the world. Inspired by a special issue of Car and Driver, Autonomy reinforces the context of where the “car” meets the coming revolution in mobility, presenting an essential primer on the subject and how it will affect you.
WHAT: FILM-Mickey and the Bear WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12:27pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008714 It’s April in Anaconda, Montana, and headstrong teenager Mickey Peck (Camila Morrone) is doing what she can to keep her single, veteran father (James Badge Dale) afloat, navigating his mercurial moods, opioid addiction, and grief over the loss of his wife. Secretly, Mickey fantasizes of going to college on the west coast and finally living life on her own terms. When Hank’s controlling, jealous behavior turns destructive, Mickey must decide between familial obligation and personal fulfillment as she puts everything on the line to claim her own independence.
WHAT: MENTOR-David Allan, CNN WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12:46pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 4th Floor, Salon 8 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101993
WHAT: FILM-Come As You Are* WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–12:46pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008761 Inspired by a true story — three young men with disabilities (Grant Rosenmeyer, Hayden Szeto, Ravi Patel) flee their overbearing parents for a road trip to a brothel in Montreal that caters to people with special needs, in order to lose their virginity and embrace their independence. Gabourey Sidibe stars as their nurse driver, Janeane Garofalo and C.S. Lee also star as concerned parents hot on their trail. A remake of the award winning, critically acclaimed 2011 Belgian film HASTA LA VISTA.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-free yoga, self-care, meditation WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11–6pm WHERE: WELLNESS EXPO, Palmer Center, 900 Barton Springs, Hall 1-2 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38266
WHAT: FILM-Running with Beto WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11:30am–1:04pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008805 This behind-the-scenes documentary follows Beto O’Rourke’s rise from virtual unknown to national political sensation through his bold attempt to unseat Ted Cruz in the US Senate. Embedded with Beto for the final twelve months of his campaign, the film follows his journey in real time through intimate access to Beto, his family, and a team of political newcomers who champion a new way of getting to know a candidate — one Texas county at a time. The film reveals the challenges and triumphs of an unconventional campaign as Beto navigates an onslaught of negative advertising, inevitable strain on his family, and the pressure of delivering for legions of supporters.
WHAT: FILM-Shorts Program I WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11:45am–1:27pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar E, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010818 Little Grey Bubbles Kim and Marlon were best friends, despite the fact they’d never actually met. The unlikely pair, her a young woman thriving in New York City and him an older married man in a small town in Canada, communicated exclusively online. Just before he died, he sent her a message that said he had something really important to tell her. He never got the chance. In an effort to find out what it was, and to get a deeper sense of the friend she lost, she travels to his small-town home to attend his funeral. May When Randolph is approached in the park by a middle-aged white woman who introduces herself as Genevieve, he realizes she’s the person he’s been waiting for. After some small talk, Randolph instructs Genevieve to act like they know each other before leading her across the park and into a parking garage elevator to sell her some weed. Struck by the interaction and Randolph’s confident demeanor, Genevieve invites him to smoke with her. On Genevieve’s back patio, they share a blunt and slowly begin to open up to each other, realizing they are now connected in more ways than one. Nice Talking to You Two strangers — both hearing persons — form an instant connection at an American Sign Language (ASL) event, talking exclusively in ASL. They spend the night together, strolling through NYC, enjoying a newfound attraction without a spoken word uttered between them. But, part way through, they both realize that they’re each hearing persons. Out of convenience, they shift to verbal communication, and, as they do, they quickly lose their romantic spark. Virgins4Lyfe It’s the last night of Astrid’s (14) and Issi’s (14) holiday by the beach. The mission is clear, especially for Issi: to find a guy and hopefully lose her virginity before the holidays are over. This is their last chance. During the evening they meet Samuel and Rashid, who take the girls to a bar. But the friendship between the girls are put to the test when Astrid and Samuel hits it off, and Astrid seems to get what Issi was chasing so desperately.
WHAT: FILM-Jezebel WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12pm–1:28pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar C, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008813 In the last days of her mother’s life, 19 year old Tiffany crashes with five family members in a Las Vegas studio apartment. In order to make ends meet, her older sister, a phone sex operator, introduces her to the world of internet fetish cam girls. Tiffany becomes popular as the only “live black model” at the new adult site and soon becomes too close to one of her frequent callers. Dynamics shift in the sister relationship as each woman explores and exploits their sexuality, using their created fantasy worlds as an escape from the realities of their challenging real life circumstances. This bizarre coming of age story depicts sisterhood in a most unusual way.
WHAT: FILM-Pink Wall WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12pm–1:25pm WHERE: 800 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008772 Six scenes. Six years. Six moments that shaped the relationship of Jenna and Leon. Pink Wall examines what defines us, the pressures of gender expectations, and our perpetual struggle between life and ambition.
WHAT: WELLNESS EXPO-Reshaping Body Image WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12pm–1:30pm WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs, Wellness Circles DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38502 Our body can bring us pleasure and wisdom, yet for so many the body is a never ending improvement project. Body image can shape our identity if we solely focus on how we are seen by others in our daily interactions and on social media. Getting away from screens and listening to the body’s inner workings is a vital pursuit. Through creative and somatic exercises, this circle will guide you and connect you.
WHAT: EVENT-SXSW Innovation Awards Showcase WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12pm–6pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Hall 1 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38280 65 finalists across all 13 competition categories will be on hand to demo their innovative projects for SXSW attendees, who will have the chance to vote for their choice to win the People’s Choice Award.
WHAT: POPUP-Free Waygu, J-Pop, Pachinko WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12pm–10pm WHERE: JAPAN HOUSE, 800 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38254 Immerse yourself in all things Japan! From singing Karaoke-style, watching Japanese parade floats to participating in traditional dance; Try a hand at the Pachinko machine and play games, games, games! Schmooze with authentic Buddhist priests to gaming geeks. Listen to Japanese court music, Japanese ballads and J-Pop! Enjoy the beauty of Japanese woodblock prints and read poetic haikus. Eat and drink to your heart’s delight — sushi, wagyu beef, ramen, rice wine, and more! From traditional to pop to high tech, your experience will be a mind-boggling variety!
WHAT: PANEL-New York Times, Axios, CNN, Buzzfeed WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3FL, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP93220 As the industry continues to change rapidly, media companies are experimenting with new distribution and business models, including producing premium programming, developing unique and far-reaching content sharing strategies, and establishing membership programs, subscription models, and paywalls. As the “Pivot to Video” and over-reliance on platforms is left behind, what’s next for digital media and monetization? Hear from leaders at BuzzFeed News, The New York Times, and CNN as they discuss how they’re managing to thrive in this crowded media environment in this session moderated by Axios media reporter Sara Fischer.
WHAT: PANEL-Ike Barinholtz, Amber Heard, Padma Lakshmi WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP92380 Pop culture is a powerful mechanism to make social activism cool and accessible. Actors, comedians, musicians, athletes and other entertainers and influencers use their platform and visibility to bring attention to important issues, and fans and consumers increasingly expect their favorite artists to speak out against oppression and injustice. As pop culture’s success in shifting public sentiment rapidly grows and becomes more powerful, how do celebrities craft their strategies and tactics in pushing for social change? How do artists decide when and how to get involved with organizations and issues and what does that process look like? What does a successful relationship look like? How do they convince people to care about the issues they hold so dear and encourage more people to use their platforms for good?
WHAT: PANEL-Daily Show Trevor Noah, CNN Jake Tapper WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101670 CNN Anchor & Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper sits down with Daily Show host Trevor Noah and correspondents Ronny Chieng, Michael Kosta, Desi Lydic, Dulcé Sloan, Roy Wood Jr. and Jaboukie Young-White to panel harder than anyone has ever paneled before. They’ll discuss how today’s fast-paced media cycle has changed (and keeps changing!) the late-night comedy landscape. The Daily Show team will offer an inside look at how they tackle politics, race and social issues on the show. And they’ll also dive into how both their digital team and Emmy Award-winning series “Between the Scenes” lend a fresh perspective to the larger conversation that happens with their audience.
WHAT: EVENT-Female Founder Meetup WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Fairmont, 101 Red River, Wisteria DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP82820 A networking event to meet likeminded entrepreneurs, share successes + setbacks, and encourage collaboration. Hosted by an attorney for female founders will share insights on how to grow their businesses.
WHAT: PANEL-Rent the Runway, West Elm WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Four Seasons, 98 San Jacinto, Ground Floor, Ballroom AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102619 Can we live a “fully rented life” in today’s sharing economy? Is it more environmentally, economically and emotionally empowering to live a life where our clothes, homes, cars, music, entertainment, bikes, and more are rented? Can we simplify our daily lives while being more selective about what we choose to own? Two industry leaders, Rent the Runway and West Elm, explore how to influence consumer behavior and shape the future of what it means to participate in today’s sharing economy.
WHAT: MENTOR-Nadav Aharony, Uber WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 4th Floor, Salon 8 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101008
WHAT: PANEL-Sundance Insitute, Tribeca Film Institute, ITVS WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Stephen F Austin, 701 Congress, Ballroom B DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101816 Round Table Sessions allow attendees to learn from the industry experts that sit at each of the three tables in this session and from their peers as well. This session will be on funding and artist support.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Screenwriting with WGN PURE WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 12:30–2:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L3 Room 8ABC DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102209 Join Michael Amo (Creator, Writer and Executive Producer) and David MacLeod (Executive Producer) of WGN America’s PURE for an inside look at the unique ways to develop a script into a series in this ever-changing television landscape. From creating a riveting storyline, to casting and production, to the various network and streaming distribution options, Michael and David detail their road from script-to screen with their latest project, PURE — the Mennonite drug-trafficking crime drama.
WHAT: POPUP-Whiskey Tasting WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 1:30–4:30pm WHERE: FORT WORTH HOUSE, Bungalow, 92 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38418 Join the Head Distiller, Whiskey Scientist and Master Mixologist of Texas’ largest artisanal whiskey brand for a three-part course showcasing how their unique approach to environmental exploration, sensory science and flavor fusion is taking whiskey to new horizons. Experience and taste how their innovative methods are pushing boundaries and changing the status quo.
WHAT: FILM-Breakthrough (Woody Harrelson) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 1:45–3:15pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008783 Breakthrough tells the astonishing story of a renegade scientist’s visionary quest to find a cure for cancer, the disease that killed his mother. Today, Texan Jim Allison is a 2018 Nobel Prize winner for discovering how to prompt a cancer patient’s own immune system into defeating their disease, but for decades he waged an often-lonely struggle against the painful skepticism of the medical establishment. Narrated by Woody Harrelson, and featuring music by Willie Nelson, Mickey Raphael, and a powerful score by Mark Orton, Breakthrough tells Jim’s story in a way that is inspiring, informative and highly entertaining.
WHAT: WELLNESS EXPO-Yoga With Adrienne WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3pm WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs, Wellness Circles DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38165 From high-profile philanthropic initiatives to offering a platform that drives human connection, to building a brand centered on advancing health and wellness, this panel of female entrepreneurs and executives — who are in the business of making people feel good — will delve deeper into what, why, and how creating positive, feel-good initiatives within a for-profit business model not only increases your bottom line but yields long-lasting results for employees, consumers, and shareholders.
WHAT: PODCAST-Forever 35 WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, L2 Brazos Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP81649 In just six months, Forever35 has become one of the leading podcasts for women. Kate Spencer and Doree Shafrir will share tips from skincare to fashion to self-care for entrepreneurs.
WHAT: MENTOR-Maureen Hoch, Harvard Business Review WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3:15pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 4FL, Salon 8 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103053
WHAT: WELLNESS EXPO-Getting To Know Your Authentic Self WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3:30pm WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs, Wellness Circles DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38580 Every one of us has within us a power, a gift. It’s more than a job or even a skill. It’s a quality of being that is unique to us and that makes us come alive to share with the world. Join this intimate circle to reconnect with the essence of your authentic self. Share stories and feel into this quality of being with other amazing inspired humans. Come explore how we can all live this version of ourselves more fully, day-to-day.
WHAT: FILM-Go Back To China WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3:37pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008712 The semi-autobiographical film follows spoiled rich girl Sasha Li (Anna Akana), who after blowing through most of her trust fund, is forced by her father (Richard Ng) to go back to China and work for the family toy business. What begins simply as a way to regain financial support soon develops into a life altering journey of self discovery, as Sasha discovers her passion for toy designing and learns to reconnect with her estranged family. A bittersweet portrait of a fractured family, the film also offers an honest look at the human cost of things that are made in China.
WHAT: FILM-A Man Dies A Million Times WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2–3:37pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 2, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008817 A true story, set in the future. About seeds and genetic diversity, about growth and decay, about love and war, about hunger of all kinds. About what it means to be human, even when all your humanity is stripped away. Caught in the grip of a war-torn Russian winter, the city is starving to death. Despite their hunger, Alyssa and Maksim heroically work to preserve the treasures of the world’s most important seed bank — treasures that hold the key to the future of their country’s food supply — even though its sustenance could mean their survival.
WHAT: WELLNESS EXPO-Breathwork WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2:30–3:30pm WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton, Conscious Conversations DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38504 Breath Facilitator, Nicole Rager, will teach you how your breath is directly related to what is happening for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She’ll lead you through guided breathwork exercises to help you increase insight, energy, and release stored emotions and negative beliefs.
WHAT: FILM-Little Monsters WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2:45–4:15pm WHERE: Paramount Thetre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010918 Dave, a washed-up musician, volunteers to chaperone his nephew’s Kindergarten field trip after taking a shine to the plucky schoolteacher, Miss Caroline. Dave’s intentions are complicated by the presence of world famous child entertainer and competitor for Miss Caroline’s affections, Teddy McGiggle. One thing none of them bargained for, however, is a sudden zombie outbreak, from which Dave and Miss Caroline must protect the children.
WHAT: FILM-Sakawa WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2:45–4:06pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar C, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008826 What human story lies behind the phenomenon of ‘internet fraud’? In Sakawa we meet three Ghanaian youngsters who, out of desperation, turn to internet scamming with the help of black magic. ‘Ama’ is a young mother and a newcomer on the scene. ‘OneDollar’ tries to save the money to travel to Italy. Francis, who is the most experienced of them all, learns the others the tricks of the trade. What is viewed in the West as fraud, is seen by the Sakawa-boys as the exploitation of available resources. These resources come in the form of electronic waste, dumped in Ghana by the West.
WHAT: FILM-Vision Portraits WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2:45–4:03pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008742 Vision Portraits is the personal story of filmmaker Rodney Evans (Brother To Brother) as he embarks on a scientific and artistic journey, questioning how his loss of vision might impact his creative future. Through illuminating portraits of three artists: a photographer, a dancer and a writer, the film looks at the ways each artist was affected by the loss of their vision and the ways in which their creative process has changed or adapted.
WHAT: FILM-Shorts Program 2 WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3–4:43pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar E, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010817 Framework A mysterious man exits the freeway and drives out into the French rural landscape. Just as he is about to make a u-turn, he crosses paths with a group of teenage boys hanging out at the local soccer field. After a few beers and common experiences shared, the man invites the boys to follow him to an unknown destination. Can they really trust this charismatic stranger? Bodega With his daughter’s wedding quickly approaching, a Syrian deli owner, Amir, is struggling to let go. He distracts himself by joking and bickering with his employee, Ali, while they work the night shift. Down the street, a high school girl, Iris, lies to her father on the phone and prepares for a night of partying. When Iris and her friend Rachel meet a handsome stranger in Amir’s deli, things don’t go as planned. Reminded of his own daughter, Amir decides to help the girls out. Youth A teenager finds herself in new territory after she decides to approach her crush at a party. When they end up alone in his car, she is pushed to consider her own boundaries for the first time. Incel Sam is a reclusive, anti-social young man who has been absorbed into a toxic web forum. He finds solace with those who share the same self-described title as him — Incel (short for ‘involuntarily celibate’). When his countless real-life efforts at love fail, this anonymous community pushes him over the edge to a dangerous conclusion.
WHAT: FILM-Villians* WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3–4:28pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008895 Mickey and Jules are lovers on the run, headed southbound for a fresh start in the Sunshine State. When their car dies after a gas station robbery, they break into a nearby house looking for a new set of wheels. What they find instead is a dark secret, and a sweet-as-pie pair of homeowners who will do anything to keep it from getting out.
WHAT: PANEL-John Pierson, Jason Blum WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP100635 In 1993, John Pierson — a big shot who helped launch a number of first time American independent filmmakers including Spike Lee, Michael Moore, Richard Linklater, Kevin Smith, Rose Troche and Guin Turner — met Jason Blum, a kid fresh out of college, when they worked on a forgotten feature called My Life’s In Turnaround together. 25 years later, Jason and his company Blumhouse Productions have conquered the universe. Blum is a two-time Academy Award-nominated and two-time Emmy and Peabody Award-winning producer. His multi-media company is known for pioneering a new model of studio filmmaking: producing high-quality micro-budget films. How the hell did he get from there to here and how do these two view that evolution?
WHAT: PANEL-Neil Gaiman WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102635 Neil Gaiman is the bestselling author of American Gods, now a critically acclaimed, Emmy-nominated TV series. He will speak about his mini-series adaptation of Good Omens.
WHAT: PANEL-CNN Jeff Zucker, Vanity Fair, Joe Pompeo WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101169 Join Joe Pompeo, senior media correspondent for Vanity Fair, as he turns the tables on CNN’s Jeff Zucker to discuss the future of journalism and how the world’s most recognized brand in news intends to survive (and thrive) a generation of cord cutters and an increasingly-crowded digital marketplace.
WHAT: PANEL-NBC Amber Ruffin Jenny Hagel WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, L2 Brazos Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102623 Late Night Trash Can, rejected tv pitches get resurrected! “Late Night with Seth Meyers” writers Amber Ruffin and Jenny Hagel will read jokes, sketches, and desk pieces that they have pitched during their years at Late Night that didn’t make it to the show and they’ll share the stories about why the pieces were rejected — and what they learned from it.
WHAT: PANEL-Guy Kawasaki with Presidential candidate Maize Hirono WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102344 Join Guy Kawaski for a fireside chat with US Senator Mazie Hirono (D) from Hawaii, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Guy promises a far-ranging discussion about the state of American government, the inside story of how Washington DC works, and the threats and promises of the American political system.
WHAT: PANEL-Simpsons Writers WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Room 12AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP92449 How do artists work and live together without driving each other crazy? Al Jean and Stephanie Gillis, writers from “The Simpsons,” discuss how they have thrived together creatively despite contrasting working styles.
WHAT: PANEL-Bumble WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 6FL, Salon G DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP82240 Women make up the majority of active social media users on platforms made by mensubjecting them to bullying, trolling and harassment as a result, women are turning to private platforms, finstas (fake instagrams), and 1:1 group private messaging. This panel will discuss the emergence of female-focused platforms and how these spaces can provide safety, authenticity, and empathy.
WHAT: PANEL-Dan Rather on CRISPR WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3FL, Salon FG DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102404 CRISPR, a revolution in how we as a species see our world, and ourselves. Panel will discuss where we draw the line between hopeful medical advances and the dystopia of designer babies and how we can make sure everyone can participate in a debate about what it means to be human?
WHAT: PANEL-Craig Newmark, Vivian Schiller WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3FL, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP84266 A movement is underway to revitalize local news across the country in an effort to better inform Americans, building relationships of trust between news organizations and their communities to shut out misinformation and disinformation. This panel will feature leaders in this movement including Vivian Schiller, CEO of Civil Foundation; Craig Newmark, head of Craig Newmark Philanthropies; R.L. Nave, editor-in-chief of Mississippi Today; and Steven Waldman, co-founder and president of Report for America.
WHAT: FILM-La Mala Noche WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 4:45–6:19pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 2, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008876 DANA, a smart and beautiful woman resorts to prostitution to make a living. She must deliver most of her income to a mafia boss, who protects and exploits her. She’s good at what she does, a job she landed by mistake, out of love. Perhaps, if she behaves well enough, she might get her freedom, but her daughter’s illness and addiction to a pharmaceutical drug will prevent her from reaching her goals. An unexpected incident will give her the opportunity to break free from her captor and seek justice with her own hands.
WHAT: PANEL-Cheddar, Hulu, Amazon WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5–6pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 6Fl Salon F DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP83202 Tech companies are making efforts to encourage inclusion, but there are still few women in leadership roles. How are these leaders tackling the unique challenges of managing teams that are in many cases, predominantly male? How are they mentoring teams to build more inclusive work environments?
WHAT: PODCAST-Rachel Hollis WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5–6pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103140 Hollis is the author of the #1 New York Times best-seller Girl, Wash Your Face.
WHAT: FILM-Porno WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5–6:38pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008718 Abe is a burgeoning perv with a guilty conscience. Todd is Abe’s spazzed out BFF and partner in grime. Chaz is a girl with a boy’s name who hides her feelings behind a thick layer of goth eyeliner. Ricky is the star jock with a secret in his pants he dare not expose. What these uptight dweebs could never have guessed is that the wholesome movie theater they work at used to have a lot more than just gum stuck to the seats. When a remnant of the theater’s porno past surfaces, the kids are visited by a sex demon that gives them a taste of the dark side.
WHAT: PARTY-Bad Crypto Podcast Meetup WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5–7pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-bad-crypto-meetup-hard-fork-tickets-53508560545
WHAT: FILM-The Gift: The Journey of Johnny Cash WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5:15–6:48pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008851 Johnny Cash stands among the giants of 20th century American life. But his story remains tangled in mystery and myth. This documentary, created with the full cooperation of the Cash estate and rich in recently discovered archival materials, brings Cash the man out from behind the legend. Taking the remarkable Folsom Prison recording as a central motif and featuring interviews with family and celebrated collaborators, the film explores the artistic victories, the personal tragedies, the struggles with addiction, and the spiritual pursuits that colored Johnny Cash’s life.
WHAT: FILM-Becoming Leslie WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5:30–6:45pm WHERE: Rollins Theatre at the Long Center DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008809 Told with unapologetic humor, Becoming LESLIE is a portrait that follows the life of a vagabond who became a cultural icon. Known only as “Leslie,” he shined a satirical light on police accountability and was a liberating shape-shifting mirror for many — a personification of pure self-expressionism. At the height of his fame, Leslie was found left for dead, leaving the entire city in shock. After cheating death, he makes a comeback but the real struggle begins as his efforts to preserve his own identity are paralleled with that of a rapidly changing city. Becoming LESLIE offers a unique look into life of a man on the streets searching for peace and a true sense of home.
WHAT: FILM-Sunset Over Mulhullond Drive WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5:30–7:07pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar A, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008807 Hidden away at the end of Mulholland Drive, just north of Los Angeles, lies the Motion Picture & Television Fund. Its residents were once the backbone of the American showbiz. The Fund gives them a home and new meaning in their old age. For age doesn’t stop these unsung Hollywood heroes. Still going strong in their own studio, they produce short films and pursue other creative projects. Our documentary follows on one such project from the first brainstorming session all the way to the premiere, revealing enduring dreams and hopes beyond the limelight — and lessons in life and love.
WHAT: FILM-Doc Shorts 2 WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5:45–7:24pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar B, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010814 The Separated On June 13, 2018, Honduran asylum-seeker Anita and her five-year-old son, Jenri, were forcibly separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Thanks to a pro bono lawyer, Jodi Goodwin, who aggressively advocates for their release from their respective ICE detention centers, Anita and Jenri are reunited after a month apart. But the damage has been done. The Separated, a new documentary from The Atlantic, is an intimate window into the chaos and trauma caused by the separation.
WHAT: FILM-Nothing Fancy: Diana Kennedy WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 5:45–7:24pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008733 At five feet tall and 95 years old, Diana Kennedy is larger than life: a foul-mouthed fireball far more feisty and energetic than her age and petite frame let on. British ex-pat and the author of nine Mexican cookbooks, Diana has spent over sixty years researching and documenting the regional cuisines of Mexico on her own. Diana has lived ‘off-the-grid’ on an eight-acre ranch outside Zitácuaro, Michoacán since the 1970’s: composting, growing her own crops, and using solar power to run her home. Aware of her own mortality, she is working tirelessly to solidify the legacy of her life’s efforts, with the hope of turning her home into a foundation for culinary education in Mexico.
WHAT: FILM-The Beach Bum (Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dog, Zac Efron) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 6–7:35pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008751 THE BEACH BUM follows the hilarious misadventures of Moondog (Matthew McConaughey), a rebellious rogue who always lives life by his own rules. Co-starring Snoop Dog, Zac Efron, and Isla Fisher, THE BEACH BUM is a refreshingly original and subversive new comedy from director Harmony Korine (Kids, Spring Breakers).
WHAT: FILM-Good Omens WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 6:30–8pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010996 Aziraphale is a fussy angel. Crowley is a loose-living demon. They’ve both been on Earth for over 6,000 years. During that time they’ve grown quite fond of it, and, against all odds, each other. But there’s a problem — the Antichrisst has arrived here on Earth, which means the world they have become too fond of will end in flames, if they don’t manage to save it. This wildly imaginative and screamingly funny drama follows Aziraphale and Crowley as they join forces in an attempt to find an eleven year old Antichrist (and his dog) and avert the Apocalypse. Armageddon is coming — but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
WHAT: FILM-River & The Wall (Beto O’Rourke, Ben Masters, Will Hurd) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 6:45–8:34pm WHERE: Rollins Theatre at the Long Center, 701 W Riverside Dr. DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008803 The River and the Wall follows five friends on an immersive adventure through the unknown wilds of the Texas borderlands as they travel 1200 miles from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico on horses, mountain bikes, and canoes. They set out to document the borderlands and explore the potential impacts of a border wall on the natural environment, but as the wilderness gives way to the more populated and heavily trafficked Lower Rio Grande Valley, they come face-to-face with the human side of the immigration debate and enter uncharted emotional waters.
WHAT: FILM-The Peanut Butter Falcon (Shia LaBeouf, Dakota Johnson) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8–9:33pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008769 THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON is an adventure story set in the world of a modern Mark Twain that begins when Zak, a young man with Down syndrome runs away from a nursing home where he lives to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler and attending the wrestling school of The Salt Water Redneck. Through circumstances beyond their control Tyler, a small time outlaw on the run becomes Zak’s unlikely coach and ally. Together they wind through deltas, elude capture, drink whisky, find God, catch fish, and convince Eleanor, a kind nursing home employee with a story of her own to join them on their journey.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: PARTY - BuzzFeed CW Roswell / So ET WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8pm-Midnight WHERE: Mohawk, 912 Red River DETAILS: https://soextraterrestrial.splashthat.com Join BuzzFeed and The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico for drinks, bites and beats.
WHAT: PARTY-British Embassy Future Art & Culture Party WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8pm — Midnight WHERE: UK HOUSE, Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38304, https://www.futart.net Future Art and Culture showcases art, tech and innovation from England through digital installations, VR and mixed reality experiences, provocative discussions and live coding. Drinks, networking and live music.
WHAT: FILM-Run This Town WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8:30pm — 10:09pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008774 After graduation, Bram gets his dream job at a local newspaper. In his mind he’s the next Woodward (but he’s probably more of a Bernstein). A year in, he realizes that maybe the paper business is no longer what he’d seen in the movies. Instead of investigative journalism, he is writing easily consumable Top 10 Lists — Best Hot Dogs in the City! Ten Ways to Tell You Grew Up in the 90s! After the paper is hit with another round of layoffs, Bram stumbles upon a potentially explosive story involving the city’s controversial mayor. But he needs to beat the mayor’s smooth talking aide, Kamal, to the punch. This could be Bram’s big break — if he had any idea how to be a real journalist.
WHAT: FILM-Leave The Bus Through The Broken Window WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 8:45pm — 9:53pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar C, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008815 An American expat arrives in Hong Kong to make a documentary about an international art fair but finds himself out of his depth. He turns the camera on himself and the film becomes a deeply personal and unexpectedly comedic story about authenticity, heartbreak and that time he got lost in a shopping mall.
WHAT: FILM-Her Smell (Elizabeth Moss) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9–11:15pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010870 Becky Something is a ’90s punk rock superstar who once filled arenas with her grungy all-female trio Something She. Now she plays smaller venues while grappling with motherhood, exhausted band mates, nervous record company executives, and a new generation of rising talent eager to usurp her stardom. When Becky’s chaos and excesses derail a recording session and national tour, she finds herself shunned, isolated and alone. Forced to get sober, temper her demons, and reckon with the past, she retreats from the spotlight and tries to recapture the creative inspiration that led her band to success.
WHAT: FILM-Love, Death & Robots (Davd Fincher) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–11pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2009268 Love, Death & Robots is a collection of animated short stories that span the science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy genres. With a bold approach to each story’s narrative, episodes are intended to be easy to watch and hard to forget. The series draws inspiration from the eclectic and provocative genre material that influenced both Miller’s and Fincher’s formative interests in storytelling. The production united a global animation community, calling on the talents and unique perspectives of innovative animation studios, directors and artists from around the world. From blood-thirsty demons from hell and robots gone wild to sentient dairy products: Love, Death & Robots is a never before seen animated anthology charged with energy, action, realism and unapologetic dark humor.
WHAT: FILM-Mothers Little Helpers WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–11:08pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar E, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008936 When Joy Pride, a groovy 70’s burn-out on the caboose of the flower power movement, learns she has weeks to live, her estranged children come together to do right by a mother who always did them wrong. Mother’s Little Helpers is a funny dysfunctional family drama, based on true events, about how family ties can twist and tear you — and though they may not break you, they might send you to prison. The film is about deconstructing tall tales and saying goodbye to a parent- but someone who was *barely* a parent. More like someone who was your friend’s drug dealer.
WHAT: FILM-Long Shot (Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Charlize Theron) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 9:30–11:30pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008982 When Fred Flarsky reunites with his first crush, one of the most influential women in the world, Charlotte Field, he charms her with his self-deprecating humor and his memories of her youthful idealism. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte hires Fred as her speechwriter. A fish out of water on Charlotte’s elite team, Fred is unprepared for her glamourous lifestyle in the limelight. Sparks fly as their unmistakable chemistry leads to a round-the-world romance and a series of unexpected and dangerous incidents.
WHAT: FILM-Aleksi WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 10:30–11:58pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 2, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008865 Aleksi is approaching her 30s but still stuck under her parents’ roof. While ignoring her pressing responsibilities, she follows her impulses with various men: Christian, an American photographer who she bonds with due to the similar interests; Goran, a local musician with whom she has an intense physical chemistry; and Toni, an older, richer, charming playboy who tries to lure her with the extravagance of yachts, parties and expensive drugs.
WHAT: FILM-Daniel Isn’t Real (Elijah Wood producer) WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 11:55pm–1:31am WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010837 Traumatized 8-year old Luke invents an imaginary friend named Daniel who leads them both into a world of fantasy and imagination. After Daniel tricks Luke into doing something terrible, Luke is forced to lock him away. Twelve years later, Luke brings Daniel back — and he now appears as a charming, manipulative young man with a terrifying secret agenda.
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: POPUP-British Embassy Future Art & Culture Party WHEN: Sunday, March 9, 10–4pm WHERE: UK HOUSE, Latitude 30, 512 San Jacinto DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38305, https://www.futart.net Future Art and Culture showcases art, tech and innovation from England through digital installations, VR and mixed reality experiences, provocative discussions and live coding. Drinks, networking and live music.
WHAT: POPUP-festival tickets giveaway WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 10–6:30pm WHERE: BOSE HOUSE, Half Step, 75 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38518 The #BoseFrames pop-up has been touring the U.S. and has finally landed in Austin. Come check out our debut sunglasses collection with built-in Bose speakers for an immersive audio experience unlike any other. Feeling Lucky? Stop by to enter the #BoseFramesSweeps for a chance to win tickets to a music festival of your choice.
WHAT: POPUP-free food, drinks, digital health panels WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 10–6:30pm WHERE: RALLY HOUSE, Waller Creek Boathouse, 71 Trinity DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38258 Welcome to the future of digital health. An interactive and immersive experience that brings to life the world of Rally and how they empower a healthy tomorrow. The Rally House will showcase inspiring interactive art installations, fresh food and drink and one-of-a-kind giveaways. Outside, on a patio overlooking the river, you’ll get the best views in Austin with a natural environment to rest, recharge, and get the most out of SXSW. The Rally House will be the day-time place to be.
WHAT: MENTOR-Missy Laney (Adult Swim/TBS) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12:30–1:45pm WHERE: Stephen F Austin, 701 Congress, Ballroom A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102095
WHAT: POPUP-Create & Cultivate WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 10:30–7:30pm WHERE: Allen House, 1104 San Antonio DETAILS: https://www.createcultivate.com/austin-pop-up-2019#rsvp 10:30–11:30 Breakfast, 2:30–3:30 Lunch, 6:30–7:30pm Happy Hour Brands + Influencers panels
WHAT: PANEL-Craig Newmark WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11am-5pm WHERE: VOX HOUSE, The Belmont, 305 W 6th DETAILS: http://voxmediaevents.com/sxsw Recode Media Live hosted by Peter Kafka, Executive Editor of Recode, featuring serial entrepreneur and investor, Mark Cuban.
WHAT: PANEL-Gwyneth Paltrow WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103142 Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow is also a best-selling cookbook author, singer and entrepreneur. In 2008, Paltrow founded goop from her kitchen table. goop has grown into a lifestyle brand devoted to helping women make their own choices count in the various facets of their lives — from style, travel, work, food, and beauty to physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Poppy Harlow anchors the weekday edition of CNN Newsroom alongside Jim Sciutto. She also hosts the CNN podcast BossFiles with Poppy Harlow.
WHAT: PANEL-Susan Fowler WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101151 In the era of social media, it often seems like our individual and collective attention spans are too short. But in the past two years, the things that have made the biggest changes in the world are long, personal, and serious stories. In this session, Susan Fowler will discuss the power of telling personal stories in a fast-paced and unattentive world.
WHAT: PANEL-Hans Ulrich Obrist WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103139 In this lecture, Hans Ulrich Obrist will consider the future of technology, drawing on a wide range of artistic projects to demonstrate the possibilities that artificial intelligence presents for the creation of new art forms. Through seminal projects, such as Billy Klüver’s ‘Experiments for Art and Technology’ (1966) — which brought artists together with engineers — Obrist will highlight the early antecedents of art’s relationship to technology. From the Serpentine Galleries’ digital commission of James Bridle to Sondra Perry’s blue screen technology and 3D avatars to Ian Cheng’s sentient artwork, BOB (Bag of Beliefs), Obrist will propose artists as significant producers of our future realities. The lecture will also address the danger that things may be lost, such as the extinction of cultural phenomena and, with reference to Édouard Glissant, the importance of resisting the homogenizing forces of globalization in our digital age.
WHAT: PANEL-Quartz Emily Withrow, Washington Post Elite Truong WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd Street, Floor 3, Salon E DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP84164 Artificial intelligence is already revolutionizing the news industry, as organizations use machine learning to automate thousands of stories, sift through massive data sets to find trends and outliers, and build bots that scale individual conversations with their audiences. That’s just the beginning. But as the potential for artificial intelligence grows, so do the ethical implications. This session will explore the pitfalls and possibilities of how AI will transform the way we report — and consume — the news.
WHAT: PANEL-Covering the child-separation crisis at the border WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd Street, Floor 3, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP88029 Last spring, Americans were outraged when they learned what the Trump Administration was doing to immigrant children at the border. Families were being separated without any plans to reunite them. The government was deporting parents without their children and confused kids were subjected to traumas that won’t soon go away. This panel will explore the reporting behind one of the Trump Administration’s most controversial immigration policies and the ongoing child-separation crisis at the border. Featurig Jonathan Blitzer of The New Yorker.
WHAT: MENTOR-Katy Rozelle (Paramount) for screenwriting WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12:15pm WHERE: Stephen F Austin, 701 Congress, Ballroom A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103014
WHAT: FILM-ALICE WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11–12:15pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008707 Alice, a happy and perfect wife and mother has her life turned upside down when she discovers her husband is living a secret life. She is left abandoned with a child and is ruined financially. Her fight back leads her into a world of discovery, not only about her husband but also about herself.
WHAT: FILM-Building The American Dream WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11:30–12:45pm WHERE: Zach Threatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008785 Across Texas an unstoppable construction boom drives urban sprawl and luxury high-rises. Its dirty secret: abuse of immigrant labor. BUILDING THE AMERICAN DREAM captures a turning point as a movement forms to fight widespread construction industry injustices. Grieving their son, a Mexican family campaigns for a life-and-death safety ordinance. A Salvadorian electrician couple owed thousands in back pay fights for their children’s future. A bereaved son battles to protect others from his family’s preventable tragedy. A story of courage, resilience and community, the film reveals shocking truths about the hardworking immigrants who build the American Dream, from which they are excluded
WHAT: FILM-Human Nature WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11:45–1:32pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008788 The biggest tech revolution of the 21st century isn’t digital, it’s biological. A breakthrough called CRISPR gives us unprecedented control over the basic building blocks of life. It opens the door to curing disease, reshaping the biosphere, and designing our own children. Human Nature is a provocative exploration of CRISPR’s far-reaching implications, through the eyes of the scientists who discovered it, the families it’s affecting, and the genetic engineers who are testing its limits. How will this new power change our relationship with nature? What will it mean for human evolution? To begin to answer these questions we must look back billions of years and peer into an uncertain future.
WHAT: POPUP-Free Waygu, J-Pop, Pachinko WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12pm–10pm WHERE: JAPAN HOUSE, 800 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38254 Immerse yourself in all things Japan! From singing Karaoke-style, watching Japanese parade floats to participating in traditional dance; Try a hand at the Pachinko machine and play games, games, games! Schmooze with authentic Buddhist priests to gaming geeks. Listen to Japanese court music, Japanese ballads and J-Pop! Enjoy the beauty of Japanese woodblock prints and read poetic haikus. Eat and drink to your heart’s delight — sushi, wagyu beef, ramen, rice wine, and more! From traditional to pop to high tech, your experience will be a mind-boggling variety!
WHAT: MENTOR-Chris Demarais (Rooster Teeth) for screenwriting WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Stephen F Austin, 701 Congress, Ballroom A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102141
WHAT: PANEL-Elizabeth Moss, Brandy Carlile WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4, Room 18ABCD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101692 Artist profile of Elisabeth Moss, best known for Mad Men and The Handmaid’s Tale.
WHAT: PANEL-New Yorker Digital Journalism WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3FL, Salon E DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP93066 New Yorker staff writers Naomi Fry, Doreen St. Félix, and Jia Tolentino will join Ringer editor-in-chief Sean Fennessy for a discussion on digital journalism, what makes for good (and bad) writing on the Internet, and how a 94-year-old publication like The New Yorker has successfully found its voice on the Web.
WHAT: PANEL-From Zero to Showrunner in Five Years WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Room 15 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP91545 Law & Order’s Suzanne O’Malley was teaching Yale students how to become showrunners/executive producers in network television just 6 years ago. Now three have their own network series: Roshan Sethi MD (creator The Resident); Alexander Maggio (Madam Secretary); Justin Noble (Brooklyn 99). This panel reunites the four of us to share the remarkable stories of how each one of these former students made it.
WHAT: WELLNESS EXPO-Yoga with Adrienne WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 1–2pm WHERE: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs, Fitness Stage DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38467
WHAT: POPUP-Canadian live musc, cocktails, AR/VR eSports panels WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 1:30–3:30pm WHERE: CANADA HOUSE, 92 Rainey DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-rise-of-the-vancouver-arvr-ecosystem-tickets-55993105887, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vancouver-the-centre-of-the-e-sports-world-tickets-55994861137 VR/AR panel, lightning pitches, networking, demos, 5–7pm cocktails, 7pm-2am live music from Vancouver artists
WHAT: PANEL-Wired Nicholas Thompson with Roger McNamee, Zucked WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2–3pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Ballroom D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103031 A conversation between Roger McNamee, an early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg and the author of the new book “Zucked”, with Nicholas Thompson, the editor in chief of Wired. They will discuss the history and future of Facebook, and how a company set up to make the world more open and connected is now dealing with criticism that it has undermined American democracy, created social anomie, and abetted genocide. How did Facebook become what it is today? Is it truly fixing its problems now? And where is it going next? Expect a lively conversation between two people who have studied the company deeply and for years.
WHAT: PANEL-Pixar WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2–3pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Room 16AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP92681 Pixar designers share insights about how an idea gets translated from a design sketch, and onto the screen.
WHAT: MENTOR-Dan Freedman (Lionsgate) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2–3pm WHERE: Stephen F Austin, 701 Congress, Ballroom A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102235
WHAT: FILM-Pig Hag WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2:30–3:54pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008704 Single 36-year-old travel nurse, Jodie, thinks maybe something is wrong with her. Harassed by her sisters and flooded with images of others on social media, Jodie obsesses over whether she will meet someone, if all men are garbage, and if her ‘uterus will rot out’ before she has children. While at a Gun’s N’ Roses concert, she meets Dustin and is hopeful she has finally met her potential match — until he ghosts on her the next day. Overwhelmed, Jodie’s four gay best friends are by her side as she confronts hard truths and figures out her next move. Pig Hag looks at how society’s expectations for women may influence their barometer for success and the choices they make.
WHAT: FILM-The Art of Self Defense WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 2:45–4:29pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008759 The dark comedy “The Art of Self-Defense” stars Jesse Eisenberg and is set in the world of karate. Eisenberg plays a man who is attacked at random on the street and enlists in a local dojo, led by a charismatic and mysterious Sensei , in an effort to learn how to defend himself.
WHAT: FILM-J.R. “Bob” Dobbs Church of the SubGenius (Linklater) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 3–4:25pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008811 What started out as an inside joke amongst two self proclaimed weirdos in Ft. Worth, Texas soon becomes much more than they bargained for. Frustrated by the rising consumer-driven culture, out of work pals Douglass St. Clair Smith and Steve Wilcox decide to turn their conservative southern ideology on its head and invent a new religion all their own. Spurred on by the overreach of religion and zealous televangelists of the day, the pair concoct religious monikers (Reverend Ivan Stang and Dr. Philo Drummond), a newly minted prophet (J.R. “Bob” Dobbs), and devise a crusade to expose the conspiracy of normalcy by using humor as the ultimate weapon.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Henry Winkler teaches an acting class! WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 3:30pm–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102631 Henry Winkler co-stars as acting teacher Gene Cousineau on the new HBO dark comedy, Barry, for which he received an Emmy Award and Critics Choice Award for Best Supporting Actor opposite series star, Bill Hader. Winkler has enjoyed over four decades of success in Hollywood and continues to be in demand as an actor, producer, and director. Join Henry Winkler as he leads an entertaining and insightful acting workshop in front of an audience.
WHAT: PARTY-The Onion/AV Club Just Another Manic Monday WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 3:30pm–12am WHERE: Mohawk, 912 Red River DETAILS: https://manicmonday2019.splashthat.com 10:45pm Deerhunter headlines outside stage
WHAT: PANEL-Michael Pollan, Tim Ferriss on psychedelics WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 5–6pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP100967 A renaissance is underway in the scientific study of psychedelics, both as a mode of therapy for mental illness and as a tool for understanding the mind. Tim Ferriss takes up these issues and more in a conversation with Michael Pollan, the author of How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics teaches us about Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression and Transcendence.
WHAT: FILM-Sister Aimee WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 5–6:27pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar E, 1120 Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010797 In 1926 America’s most famous evangelist is a woman. And she’s looking for a way out. Fed up with her own success, she gets swept up in her lover’s daydreams about Mexico and finds herself on a wild road trip towards the border. Based on true events. Mostly made up.
WHAT: FILM-Music Videos-Bishop Briggs, Childish Gambino, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Anderson .Paak, Kaskade, Tuneyards WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 5:15–6:41pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar B, 1120 Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010812
WHAT: FILM-Olympic Dreams WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 5:30–6:53pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008767 In the highly exclusive Athlete Village at the Olympic Winter Games, Penelope (ALEXI PAPPAS), a young cross-country skier, befriends Ezra (NICK KROLL), a volunteer dentist, after a disappointing finish in her competition. Penelope and Ezra share a special but limited time together. OLYMPIC DREAMS is the first scripted film shot in an Athlete Village during the Olympic Games. OLYMPIC DREAMS stars Alexi Pappas, Nick Kroll, and real Winter Olympic athletes including Gus Kenworthy. In addition to being an actress and filmmaker, Alexi also competed at the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The entire film was shot by a one-person crew (JEREMY TEICHER) during the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018.
WHAT: FILM-Extra Ordinary WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 5:30–7:03pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008709 Rose, a sweet, lonely driving instructor in rural Ireland, is gifted with supernatural abilities. Rose has a love/hate relationship with her ‘talents’ & tries to ignore the constant spirit related requests from locals — to exorcise possessed rubbish bins or haunted gravel. But! Christian Winter, a washed up, one-hit-wonder rock star, has made a pact with the devil for a return to greatness! He puts a spell on a local teenager- making her levitate. Her terrified father, Martin Martin, asks Rose to help save his daughter. Rose has to overcome the fear of her supernatural gift & work with Martin to save the girl, get the guy and be home in time for a light snack…maybe a yogurt or something.
WHAT: FILM-Museum Town (Nick Cave, Meryl Streep) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 6–7:14pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008731 In 2017, MASS MoCA became the largest center for contemporary art in the world. This is the story of a unique institution, the small town it calls home, and the great risk, hope, and power of art to generate cultural and economic rebirth. With original music by Wilco bassist John Stirratt and appearances by artists ranging from James Turrell to David Byrne to Bill T. Jones, Museum Town reveals how an idea becomes a reality, tracing the creation of artist Nick Cave’s monumental installation UNTIL, a reflection on gun violence, race, and the American Dream. Soundtracked by Talking Heads, Sharon Jones, Big Thief, Wilco, Moses Sumney, and many more. With the voice of Meryl Streep.
WHAT: FILM-The Highwaymen* (Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 6–8pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008755 Kevin Costner plays legendary lawman Frank Hamer and Woody Harrelson will play his long-suffering sidekick Manny Gault. Though both men were out of the Rangers by the time Bonnie & Clyde started their robbery reign, they were commissioned as special investigators, coaxed back by a consortium of banks to assemble a posse and end the robbery spree of the notorious gang reputed to have killed 13 cops — and others. The Highwaymen takes the vantage point of the formidable posse headed by Hamer, an old style Texas Ranger who’d survived 100 gunfights and killed 53 people.
WHAT: PARTY-Startup Showcase & Libations WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 7–11pm WHERE: Maggie Mae’s, 323 E 6th DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/startup-night-sxsw-2019-presented-by-eventbrite-registration-54991330550 Startup Night SXSW 2019 presented by Eventbrite is where entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, creatives, and industry leaders gather under one roof to mix, mingle, drink and be merry!
WHAT: PARTY-Belgian House WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 7–11pm WHERE: BELGIUM HOUSE, Uncle Billy’s Brewery, 1530 Barton Spring DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/belgian-cafe-at-sxsw-2019-tickets-55751657709 Join the Belgian Delegation at Uncle Billy’s Brewery to meet with innovative and creative companies & startups and discover promising Music talent from Belgium, such as Tamino, Buscemi and Le Motel. As there is no Belgian party without good beer, especially for this occasion, Austin’s crowd will have the chance to taste a new beer, result of collaboration between the University of Liège and the Uncle Billy’s Brewery from Austin.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: FILM-Boy Howdy! Story of Creem Magazine WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8–9:13pm WHERE: Alamo S Lamar E, 1120 Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008838 Capturing the messy upheaval of the ’70s just as rock was re-inventing itself, the film explores Creem Magazine’s humble beginnings in post-riot Detroit, follows its upward trajectory from underground paper to national powerhouse, then bears witness to its imminent demise following the tragic and untimely deaths of its visionary publisher, Barry Kramer, and its most famous alum and genius clown prince, Lester Bangs, a year later. Fifty years after publishing its first issue, “America’s Only Rock ’n’ Roll Magazine” remains a seditious spirit in music and culture.
WHAT: PARTY-Belgian House WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8pm-1am WHERE: BERLIN HOUSE, Buffalo Billiards, 201 E 6th DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/official-berlin-interactive-night-tickets-55275379147 SXSW brings the best rising artists from Berlin to Austin to showcase at the festival. On our last night we will bring some legendary Berlin nightlife vibes into the BerlinSaloon. Mingle with Berlin’s tech and startup scene while listening to these artist and enjoying free drinks.
WHAT: FILM-The Weekend (SNL Sasheer Zamata) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:15–9:41pm WHERE: Alamo S Lamar B, 1120 Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010852 Zadie (Sasheer Zamata) is 29, a stand-up comedian and, as she puts it, “extremely single.” It has been three years since she split with Bradford, though the two remain close friends. Close enough that when Zadie invites him to her mother’s bed and breakfast, Bradford brings along his current girlfriend, Margo. As the weekend progresses, no one is spared from Zadie’s acerbic wit — Margo least of all. If things weren’t uncomfortable enough, the three are soon joined by Aubrey, a handsome stranger from Montreal with no idea what sort of situation he’s checked into.
WHAT: FILM-Adopt A Highway (Ethan Hawke) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:30pm — 9:48pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008757 After being released from prison following a twenty year sentence for a minor offense, an ex-con must learn to navigate the modern world while coming to terms with his own life which has moved on — all while caring for the abandoned baby he finds in a dumpster.
WHAT: FILM-It Started As A Joke (Reggie Watts) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:30pm — 9:45pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Laamr DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008791 IT STARTED AS A JOKE is a feature documentary that chronicles the decade-long run of the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival — including a final farewell show. The film celebrates Eugene’s unique brand of humor and his role in the alternative comedy movement, offers a bittersweet goodbye to an era, and reminds us of the healing properties of comedy — even in the most challenging of life’s circumstances. The film includes interviews with MICHAEL IAN BLACK, KRISTEN SCHAAL, WYATT CENAC, IRA GLASS, JOHN HODGMAN, KUMAIL NANJIANI, REGGIE WATTS and MICHAEL SHOWALTER, along with performances by JANEANE GAROFALO, JIM GAFFIGAN, JON GLASER, MIKE BIRBIGLIA, BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT and more.
WHAT: FILM-It Started As A Joke WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:30pm — 10:13pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008800 Award winning country songwriter Luke Dick spent his toddler years living in a strip club. During the 1970’s oil boom, The Red Dog was the rowdiest and most popular strip club in Oklahoma City. For five years it was the only home and family Luke and his mom had. She was a teenaged runaway, dope-addicted single mother, stripping with a fake I.D., and he grew up amidst the drugs, the danger, and the never-ending party. Now 30 years later, Luke has a toddler and a newborn of his own. As he began asking his mom questions about his own childhood- and what she was thinking letting a toddler run around in that place- she turns out to be more hilariously forthcoming than he ever imagined.
WHAT: FILM-I’m Just F*cking With You WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:45–10:06pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 6th DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008766 The 7th feature-length installment of Blumhouse Television’s Into The Dark series focuses on a man and his sister who endure a night of increasingly frightening practical jokes during a stay at a secluded motel.
WHAT: FILM-Everybody’s Everything (Lil Peep) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 8:45–10:40pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar A, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008848 Creating a unique mix of punk, emo and trap, Lil Peep was set to bring a new musical genre to the mainstream when he died of a drug overdose at just 21 years old. From the streets of Long Beach and Los Angeles to studios in London and sold out tours in Russia, the artist born Gustav Ahr touched countless lives through his words, his sound and his very being. During a sweeping journey from the depths of the underground to a meteoric rise through the music industry, Gus wrestled with what it meant to be Lil Peep and in turn, what Lil Peep meant to so many. EVERYBODY’S EVERYTHING is an intimate, humanistic portrait that seeks to understand an artist who attempted to be all things to all people.
WHAT: FILM-Frances Ferguson (Nick Offerman, Keith Poulson) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 9–10:15pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008765 Frances Ferguson, the eponymously named character at the center of Bob Byington’s new film, is discontent. Like a lot of us, she does a bit of “acting out” and pays the price — an arrest, a trial, incarceration. And then a new identity, one that’s not terribly comfortable. Nick Offerman narrates this deviant comedy, based on actual events.
WHAT: FILM-Booksmart (Olivia Wilde, Will Forte, Jason Sudeikis, Lisa Kudrow) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 9–10:15pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008753 Told from a wildly original, fresh and modern perspective, Booksmart is an unfiltered comedy about high school friendships and the bonds we create that last a lifetime. Capturing the spirit of our times, the film is a coming of age story for a new generation.
WHAT: FILM-Snatchers WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11:30–2:03am WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010830 Sara’s one of the cool kids… but she’s totally terrified of losing her status. She’d be a lot more secure if she could just win back her super-hot ex, Skyler, but he’s not interested unless they move to the next level… She decides to take the plunge — but something about Skyler changed on his summer trip to Mexico… something in his nards. Sara wakes the next morning only to find that she’s nine-months pregnant. Desperate to keep this under wraps, she turns to the only person she can trust: her nerdy ex-best friend, Hayley. But after a trip to the clinic results in Sara birthing something other-worldly, the girls realize their night is only just getting started.
WHAT: FILM-Girl On The Third Floor WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11:45–2:18am WHERE: Alamo Lamar D, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010845 Bursting pipes, rotting walls, and unidentifiable slime were not what Don Koch (WWE legend Phil “CM Punk” Brooks) expected when he convinced his wife Liz (Trieste Kelly Dunn) that he could rehab their new Victorian home himself. In over his head, under duress, and tempted by his old weaknesses, Don soon discovers that the house has its own dark, sordid history and won’t be so easy to renovate after al1.
WHAT: FILM-Tone-Deaf (Kim Delaney) WHEN: Sunday, March 10, 11:55–2:21am WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010843 After losing her job and imploding her latest dysfunctional relationship, Olive wonders if she’s dealing with typical millennial angst or something more disastrous. Deciding it’s time for a change, Olive leaves her apartment in the city for a relaxing weekend in the country. She rents a house from HARVEY, an old-fashioned widower who’s struggling to hide his psychopathic tendencies. Olive was hoping for a therapeutic trip to resolve her emotional problems, but her focus soon shifts to survival.
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Monday, March 11, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: POPUP-coffee talk to rally for affordable housing WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9–7pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, 3FL DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38551 Join us for coffee and conversation in the Healthy Housing Lounge to discuss the latest innovations taking place in communities around the country to ensure residents have access to secure, affordable housing.
WHAT: POPUP-CI&T Innovation Kitchen WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9–7pm WHERE: Courtyard Marriott, 300 E 4th Street DETAILS: https://campaign.ciandt.com/sxsw2019, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cit-presents-innovation-kitchen-registration-54983649576 Hear experts from the world’s leading brands such as Bayer, Coca-Cola, General Motors, MetLife, and Stitch Fix how they scale innovation to drive competitive differentiation. Enjoy recharge lounge, festive bites, caffeine bar and deconstructed cocktails.
WHAT: PANEL-Stacey Abrams WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Room 18ABCD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102784 Profile of Stacey Abrams served eleven years in the Georgia House of Representatives, seven as Minority Leader, and in 2018, Abrams became the Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia, when she won more votes than any other Democrat in the state’s history. She was the first black woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major party in the United States.
WHAT: PANEL-Milk Bar Christina Tosi WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, Salon AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP90911 Milk Bar founder, Christina Tosi, shares how she transformed her whimsical dessert destination into an internationally recognized icon through the steadfast pursuit of experimentation, creativity, and the power of brand.
WHAT: PANEL-SNL Aidy Bryant, Elizabeth Banks WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Room 18ABCD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103044 Artist on artist interview each other.
WHAT: PANEL-Olivia Wilde WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11–12pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Room 18ABCD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102633 Olivia Wilde is a modern-day renaissance woman with a resume ranging from director, to actress, producer and activist. Her directorial film debut Booksmart will release wide on May 24th of this year. Wilde has starred in a range of award-winning and critically acclaimed films including Meadowland, Her, Rush, and A Vigilante, and has worked with some of the biggest directors in Hollywood including Martin Scorsese, Spike Jonze, and Reed Morano. Additionally, she has directed music videos for The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-Actor/Actor Meetup WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11–12pm WHERE: Fairmont, 101 Red River, Sunflower DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP87296 If you want to know more about actor/agent relationships or you just want to chat with other actors and agents in the industry, this is the meet up for you. Welcome actors, casting directors, agents, and anyone interested in connecting.
WHAT: FILM-South Mountain WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11–12:25pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008722 Lila (TALIA BALSAM), is an artist who teaches at a community college and has built a modest rural paradise in New York’s Catskill Mountains with her husband, Edgar (SCOTT COHEN). Soon after their teen daughters head off on Summer adventures, and her best friend Gigi (ANDRUS NICHOLS) begins Chemotherapy, Edgar reveals he’s begun a new family with another woman, leaving Lila alone for a season of explosive grief and self re-discovery that focuses on an unconventional friendship with a younger man (MICHAEL OBERHOLTZER).
WHAT: FILM-Kathy Griffin, A Hell Of A Story (Kathy Griffin) WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11:30–1:04pm WHERE: Zach Theatre, 202 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008796 No matter how polarizing you may find her, this is an unprecedented story in US history. An attempt to decimate an American citizen from the highest levels of government. From losing an entire career, receiving death threats, being the subject of a federal investigation, it only took Kathy Griffin one afternoon to learn the impact one photo could have to ignite a continuous smear campaign. When the gossip blog TMZ published a photo of Griffin holding a mask that looked like the severed head of President Trump which quickly went global, on May 30, 2017, everything she had worked for in her life vanished overnight and she became the target of the President and the Department of Justice. In her first comedy concert film, Griffin shares the scary and hilarious behind the scenes stories of her fight to stand up for her first amendment rights. From Trump to celebrities, no person or topic is off limits. Watch this Phoenix rise and have a good laugh while you are doing it!
WHAT: FILM-For Sama WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11:30–1:04pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102411 For Sama is a feature documentary that tells the astonishing story of a 26-year old female Syrian filmmaker, Waad al-Kateab, who filmed her life in rebel-held Aleppo through 5 years of the Syrian uprising. She fell in love, got married and had a daughter all whilst filming the violence raging around her and in particular documenting the challenges the conflict imposed on women and children. Along with a close group of friends, she stayed in the city to fight for her dream of a free Syria.
WHAT: FILM-I See You (Helen Hunt) WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11:30–1:04pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010833 In a perfect town filled with perfect families, twelve-year-old Justin Whitter has gone missing. Greg Harper, lead investigator on the case, struggles to balance the pressures of the investigation which has brought to attention a similar case thought to be buried in the past, while finding a way to forgive his well-heeled wife, Jackie, for a recent infidelity. Great strain is put on the family as Jackie’s guilt slowly gnaws away at her grip on reality, and when a malicious presence manifests itself and puts their young son, Connor, in mortal danger, the cold, hard truth about evil in the Harper household is finally uncovered.
WHAT: PANEL-Ethan Hawke, Jason Blum WHEN: Monday, March 11, 2–3pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103072 Artist on artist interview each other.
WHAT: FILM-Shangri-La WHEN: Monday, March 11, 2:45–4:15pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008886 Shangri-la, the iconic Malibu recording studio, is the setting for a new collaboration from Rick Rubin and Academy Award-winning director Morgan Neville focusing on creative conversation and the emotional side of music making.
WHAT: PANEL-Atelier Crenn Dominique Crenn WHEN: Monday, March 11, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101170 Discussion of the democratization of access to the pure, clean food and flavors of our ancestors, bringing culture back to our tables, habits back to our cooking, and health back to humanity.
WHAT: POPUP-The Try Guys, Hannahlyze Podcast WHEN: Monday, March 11, 3:30–6pm WHERE: PATREON HOUSE, Augustine, 86 Rainey DETAILS: https://createonyourownterms.splashthat.com Introducing Patreon’s House of Creativity, home to curated collaborative programming, interactive exhibits, daily exclusive performances, and nightly live shows from creators on our platform and musicians changing the industry.
WHAT: PANEL-Ringer Sean Fennessey, Big Picture Podcast, Oscar recap WHEN: Monday, March 11, 5–6pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103073
WHAT: CONCERT-Amanda Palmer, Cautious Clay, Novo Amor, Zola Jesus WHEN: Monday, March 11, 3:30–6pm WHERE: PATREON HOUSE, Augustine, 86 Rainey DETAILS: https://createonyourownterms.splashthat.com Introducing Patreon’s House of Creativity, home to curated collaborative programming, interactive exhibits, daily exclusive performances, and nightly live shows from creators on our platform and musicians changing the industry.
WHAT: FILM-The Day Shall Come (Chris Morris, Anna Kendrick, Marchánt Davis) WHEN: Monday, March 11, 6:30–7:57pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008763 Based on 100 true stories, the explosive new film from Chris Morris is an emotionally gripping, laugh out loud thriller that exposes the dark farce at the heart of the homeland security project: It is harder to catch a real terrorist than it is to manufacture your own.
WHAT: CONCERT- FRAGILE ROCK WHEN: Monday, March 11, 8–8:40pm WHERE: Barracuda, 611 E 7 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2011595 Fragile Rock is the world’s only emo puppet band. They return to SXSW after starring in their own NPR Tiny Desk Concert. They are very real and very felt. This 8-piece band of puppets, musicians, and singers, launched in Austin, Texas in 2014 and is the brainchild of Brently Heilbron. The band’s live shows are wild and unpredictable earning growing media buzz from SXSW, Nerdist, Yahoo Music, Boing Boing and NPR. Let the Fragile Rock in and prepare yourself for the puppet pain.
WHAT: FILM-SHRILL (SNL Aidy Bryant) WHEN: Monday, March 11, 8–8:40pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2009319 From Executive Producers Lorne Michaels and Elizabeth Banks comes Shrill, a comedy series starring Aidy Bryant (Saturday Night Live) as Annie, a fat young woman who wants to change her life — but not her body. Annie is trying to start her career while juggling bad boyfriends, a sick parent, and a perfectionist boss. Shrill, a six-episode Hulu original comedy series is executive produced by Lorne Michaels, Elizabeth Banks, showrunner Ali Rushfield, Lindy West, Andrew Singer of Broadway Video and Max Handelman of Brownstone Productions. Ali Rushfield, Lindy West, and Aidy Bryant serve as co-writers. The series is produced by Warner Bros., Broadway Video, and Brownstone Productions. Warner Bros. will serve as the international distributor. The screening will be followed by an extended Q&A with select cast and crew.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Monday, March 8, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: PARTY-Localeur 6th Annual Birthday Party WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9pm-2am WHERE: Whisier’s, 1816 E 6th DETAILS: https://www.localeur.com/RSVP Beats by MICK & ulovei.
WHAT: FILM-GOOD BOYS (Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg) WHEN: Monday, March 11, 9:30–11:05pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008979 The writers of Superbad and the producers of Sausage Party take on sixth grade in Universal Pictures’ Good Boys. After getting invited to their first kissing party, three best friends (Room’s Jacob Tremblay, Keith L. Williams, Brady Noon) accidentally destroy a drone they weren’t allowed to touch. To replace it, they skip school and set off on an epic odyssey of bad decisions, involving inadvertently stolen drugs, the police, and lots of tears. From Point Grey producers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the writers of Superbad and Pineapple Express, and James Weaver (Neighbors), Good Boys is also produced by Lee Eisenberg and directed by Gene Stupnitsky, co-writers of Bad Teacher. NBC world premiere.
WHAT: FILM-7 Reasons to Run Away From Society WHEN: Monday, March 11, 11:55pm-1:10am WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010819 The family, the poor kid who appears on TV, the sixth floor neighbours, the tenant and the real estate agent, the business couple, the guy progress has run-over and the couple about to get married. Seven stories that mix horror and comedy. Seven moments of black comedy as strange as unexpected. Seven surreal visions of a society that can’t progress, a dysfunctional society.
WHAT: FILM-Symphonic Cinema (Lucas Van Woerkum) WHEN: Monday, March 11, TBD WHERE: Edwin’s, 700 E 6th DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2010900 Symphonic Cinema is an innovative new format, in which classical music masterpieces are visualized into newly created dramafilms. The films are presented in concert halls around the world with live orchestra. Using customised software, filmmaker Lucas van Woerkum follows the conductor and orchestra’s interpretation, matching tempi and dynamics to create a visual layer as he performs as ‘image soloist’. In contrast to the modern ‘film live in concert’ format, the film responds to the music. Conductors and orchestras are free to perform completely unrestricted and interpret the music as they wish, whilst the audience is drawn even deeper into the stories of the music. Symphonic Cinema debuted in 2010, and in 2015 the first feature-length production (Stravinsky The Firebird) received five sell-out performances at the Royal Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, after which the film toured around the world with highlights in London with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and in Beijing at the National Center for the Performing Arts.
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: MIXER-Coffee nomads meetup WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Fairmont, 101 Red River, Sunflower DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102617 For people who love coffee, collaboration and preservation of local coffee shops as coworking spaces. And if your go-to networking hook is “Wanna grab coffee?”, this is the place for you.
WHAT: PANEL-Feed your soul, creating wellness and permanent change WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 3FL, Room 10AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102342 There are countless diets, cleanses, and 30-day challenges all geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and feel more energy. Yet, these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. With all the nutrition guidance available, why do millions of people struggle with their weight, anxiousness, and depression around the subject? Join holistic wellness expert, Carly Pollack, as she guides you through her no-BS approach to making permanent change. You’ll leave knowing how to take massive action and create the health and life you deserve.
WHAT: PANEL-Bloomberg-Did a robot write your news? WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 9:30–10:30am WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, Salon E DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP86073 Using technology to create automated news content presents unique challenges and questions. How do you make sure the data are timely? How do you ensure the information is correct and not misleading? What impact does automation have on journalists and how they do their jobs? This panel will discuss the benefits and issues that arise as automated journalism becomes integrated into newsrooms. Chris Collins, Bloomberg Senior Executive Editor for Breaking News & Markets; Lisa Gibbs, AP Director of News Partnerships; and Adela Quinones, Bloomberg Product Manager & Team Lead for News and Social Media Technology will participate in a conversation led by Nicholas Diakopoulos, Assistant Professor and Director of the Computational Journalism Lab in the School of Communication at Northwestern.
WHAT: PANEL-Create a 90 day action plan to achieve your goals WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 9:30–11:30am WHERE: Westin, 310 E 5, Gallery Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP92660 Do you struggle with moving your goals from the dream stage to creating concrete plans that make them a reality? The Stop Dreaming & Start Planning 90-day action plan process is designed to help professionals create a 90-day action plan to achieve personal and professional development goals. Attendees leave equipped with the tools to create an actionable plan in the area of their life that is most important to them.
WHAT: PANEL-Brian Solis WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 11–12pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102409 In his 2018 SXSW presentation, Brian Solis cast a light on the dark side of digital devices and social media. He explored their impact on day-to-day life, how we learn and work, how we think, how we communicate and also, and the unforeseen, and widespread consequences of technology’s impact. Following his talk, he too found his work affected by his day-to-day digital routines. He set out to solve his problem and share his findings with all of those struggling with digital distractions. The result is his new book, debuting at SXSW, “Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive and happy life.” In this talk, he will open life and the lives of those he studied to see the full impact of the diversions we don’t think twice about today. He’ll also share his Lifescale approach to breaking-free from distractions, increasing focus and productivity, sparking meaningful creativity and unlocking new possibilities.
WHAT: FILM-Aquarela WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 11:30–1pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2011018 Aquarela takes audiences on a deeply cinematic journey through the transformative beauty and raw power of water. Filmed at 96 frames-persecond, the film is a visceral wake-up call that humans are no match for the sheer force and capricious will of Earth’s most precious element. From the precarious frozen waters of Russia’s Lake Baikal to Miami in the throes of Hurricane Irma to Venezuela’s mighty Angel Falls, water is Aquarela’s main character, with director Victor Kossakovsky capturing her many personalities in startling visual detail.
WHAT: PANEL-Digiday Kerry Flynn, Twitter Kay Madati, Wired Wonbo Woo, Conde Nast Teal Newland WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2nd, 3rd Floor, Salon E DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP83842 Viewers consume video content differently across various digital platforms. As a result, creators must produce with specific audiences in mind to optimize engagement. Big Content, Any Screen: Reach Viewers Everywhere is a panel that will discuss reaching a new audiences on any screen for iconic brands as well as diversifying programming strategies to accommodate new technologies.
WHAT: PANEL-How Waymo Builds Self-Driving Trucks WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 6FL, Salon F DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP91278 A behind-the-scenes look at how self-driving trucks are built, trained, and tested by Waymo. Trucking is a vital part of the global economy and self-driving trucks have the potential to make this sector safer and more efficient. This session will dive into the cutting-edge technology behind Waymo’s self-driving trucks and the extensive testing they go through.
WHAT: PERFORMANCE-Watch what crappens live! WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 12:30–3:30pm WHERE: PATREON HOUSE, Augustine, 86 Rainey DETAILS: https://createonyourownterms.splashthat.com Introducing Patreon’s House of Creativity, home to curated collaborative programming, interactive exhibits, daily exclusive performances, and nightly live shows from creators on our platform and musicians changing the industry.
WHAT: FILM-Teen Spirit* (Max Minghella, Elle Fanning) WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3–4:33pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008860 The film follows Violet, a shy teenager living in a small European town who dreams of pop stardom as an escape from her dismal surroundings and shattered family life. With the help of an unlikely mentor, Violet enters an international singing competition that will test her integrity, talent and ambition. Driven by a pop-fueled soundtrack, Teen Spirit is a visceral and stylish spin on the Cinderella story.
WHAT: PANEL-Entertainment Weekly with Kathy Grifin WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, L2, Brazos Room DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103048 EW’s Shana Naomi Krochmal interviews Kathy Griffin about her first comedy concert film, “Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a Story,” and how she staged her own comeback.
WHAT: PANEL-How To Tell Your Startup Story with CNBC Catherine Clifford, WSJ Veronica Dagher, Bloomberg Jean Ellen Cowgill WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 4FL, Salon D DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP86096 Take a deep dive during this interactive session featuring leading journalists covering startups, venture capital and technology. Seasoned journalists will be moderated in a discussion by the Case Foundation. You’ll learn their tips for founders seeking to break their next big story, what makes an effective and compelling pitch, how to build relationships with reporters and how to make your company stand out. At the session conclusion, we will invite attendees to share their pitches with the journalists for feedback in real time. Come to this session with your media pitch!
WHAT: PANEL-Flying Cars Bell’s Michael Thacker, Uber’s Danielle Burr WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: La Condesa, 400 W 2nd DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/innovation-policy-day-2019-registration-55714877699 This panel will discuss the advantages of and challenges for urban air mobility in cities and how industry and government are addressing the policy, economic, social, environmental, and legal barriers. Part of day of programming at CTA Innovation Policy Day kicked off with 9am Breakfast.
WHAT: PANEL-Crunchbase News with David Blumberg VC WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, 6FL, Salon F DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP87971 New technologies in automation, riding sharing, electrification, pedal power and long-haul transportation have the potential to create new mobility markets and commercial opportunities that were unimaginable 10 years ago. This new reality is forcing transportation companies to evolve to keep up with challengers who are pushing the innovation envelope. Investors on this panel will discuss the emerging technologies transforming the way we think of mobility and what they believe are the most exciting and investment-worthy frontier technologies funding. Panelists will also discuss what frontier technology startups need to demonstrate in order to gain funding versus startups that are working to gain traction in more established industries.
WHAT: PANEL-Chip Conley, Airbnb WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 3FL, Room 10AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102783 At age 52, after selling the company he founded and ran as CEO for 24 years, rebel boutique hotelier Chip Conley was looking at an open horizon in midlife, and, then he received a call from the young founders of Airbnb, asking him to help grow their disruptive start-up into a global hospitality giant. He had the industry experience, but Conley was lacking in the digital fluency of his 20-something colleagues. Chip’s bestselling book tells the story of the emerging “modern elder” who is both a wise mentor and a curious intern and why every company could use a few modern elders. Experience is making a comeback. Learn how to repurpose your wisdom.
WHAT: PANEL-Jack Conte, Ben Folds, Amanda Palmer WHEN: Monday, March 12, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: PATREON HOUSE, Augustine, 86 Rainey DETAILS: https://createonyourownterms.splashthat.com Introducing Patreon’s House of Creativity, home to curated collaborative programming, interactive exhibits, daily exclusive performances, and nightly live shows from creators on our platform and musicians changing the industry.
WHAT: WORKSHOP-General Assembly-Building a Movie Recommendation Engine in Python WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 3:30–6pm WHERE:Westin, 310 E 5, 3FL, Continental 3 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102708 Ever wonder how Netflix made that recommendation that led you to binge watch Black Mirror all weekend? Are they mind readers or is it smart algorithms? Join General Assembly instructors for an interactive workshop where we will learn how recommendation engines work. This will involve a little bit of linear algebra. Don’t worry if you’re new to the subject! We’ll cover all the basics. We will then build a movie recommendation engine using pandas, scikit-learn and the famous MovieLens dataset. Requirements: A laptop is required for this workshop with the latest version of Anaconda (Python 3.7) installed. You can download it for free here: https://www.anaconda.com/download. Attendees should have intermediate experience with coding in Python; must know how to start up a Jupyter Notebook; must be familiar with the pandas and scikit-learn libraries
WHAT: FILM-Red 11 (Robert Rodriguez) WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 4-6:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Atom Theater DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008884 The Robert Rodriguez Film School is a masterclass in low budget filmmaking. In 60 minutes, Rodriguez shows how he made his new film, RED 11, on a 7K budget, immediately followed by the World Premiere of Red 11. Red 11 is a horror/thriller set in a dark, twisted version of the Legal Drug Research business. Based on notes written 25 years ago, the film shows the quirks, characters and comedy of Rodriguez’s experiences being a human lab rat, with a sci-fi and horror twist. College kids turned Lab Rats make quick money, and our hero, Rob, is there to pay off his $7,000 debt. But when things go wrong, he isn’t sure if the hospital is trying to kill him or if it’s side effects from the drugs.
WHAT: FILM-I Am Richard Pryor WHEN: Monday, March 12, 5:15–6:46pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2010821 I Am Richard Pryor tells the story of the legendary performer and iconic social satirist, who transcended race and social barriers by delivering his honest irreverent and biting humor to America’s stages and living rooms until his death at 65. Featuring an iconic comedic cast, historians, activists and artists who provide a unique brushstroke into the complex world of Pryor. The film dives deeply into the psyche of a comedic genius whose mother was a prostitute, father a pimp, and grandmother a madam. Pryor dispensed a penetrating comedic view of African American life — essentially comedy without jokes — that struck a chord with audiences of every ethnic, social and economic disposition. Principal Cast: Lily Tomlin, Tiffany Haddish, Howie Mandel, Sandra Bernhard, Jimmie Walker.
WHAT: PARTY-Perkins+Will Design Tacos WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 6pm WHERE: Spreetail, 416 Congress DETAILS: https://perkinswillatsxsw2019.splashthat.com Spirits from Treaty Oak, live music from Mobley, tacos from The Peached Tortilla, and special furry guests from Emancipet. Puppy party!
WHAT: FILM-Brainiac: Transmissions After Zero (Fred Armisen) WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 6:15–8:03pm WHERE: Alamo Lamar B, 1120 S Lamar DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008840 In the mid 90’s the Dayton, OH music scene became a hot spot generating world wide buzz from the influential indie rock being produced there (The Breeders, Guided by Voices). Arguably the most innovative of them all was the band Brainiac, led by musical genius and insanely charismatic front man Tim Taylor. The band was opening for Beck and being courted by major labels when Tim was tragically killed in a bizarre auto accident leaving his family and bandmates to pick up the pieces. This film explores the band’s music, legacy, massive influence on pop culture and how people survive and cope with the loss of loved ones.
WHAT: Concert-Chris Staples WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 8–8:40pm WHERE: Mohawk Outdoor, 912 Red River DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2008959 (audio)
WHAT: FILM-SXSW Film Awards WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 8–9:30pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38496 The 2019 SXSW Film Awards honors the superlative creativity and talent demonstrated by filmmakers and designers in the SXSW Program. A true celebration of vision and talent both behind and in front of the camera, this year’s program encompasses 131 Feature Films including 101 World Premieres, 9 North American Premieres, 3 US Premieres, and 64 films from first-time filmmakers, 101 Short Films (including music videos), 5 Episodic Premieres, 12 Episodic Pilots, 25 Virtual Cinema Projects, and 30 Title Design entries. Join in celebrating the 2019 program with the SXSW Film Festival Team!
WHAT: FILM-The Chills: The Triumph & Tragedy of Martin Phillipps WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 8–9:32pm WHERE: Alamo Ritz 1, 320 E 6th DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008846 Martin Phillipps came tantalizingly close to conquering the international musical world with his band The Chills, but instead fell into decades of debt and addiction in his hometown of Dunedin, New Zealand. At 54, he’s been given a dire medical prognosis, forcing him to face his demons and realise his musical ambitions before it’s too late. This intimate portrait follows the eccentric Martin as he reconciles a lifetime’s worth of curious collections, looks back on a catalogue of heavenly pop hits and relives his place in the iconic Flying Nun and Dunedin sound. With a startling sense of humour even in the blackest moments, we bare witness to one man’s universal battle with the fear of failure and the jarring reality of his own mortality.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: CONCERT-Tomkat WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 1–1:50pm WHERE: Cooper’s BBQ, 217 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2006249 https://youtu.be/_o-lYF2K6TY
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: PANEL-N’Sync Lance Bass WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101936 Lance Bass is the quintessential illustration of a highly successful and driven jack-of-all-trades: singer, host, actor, producer, writer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and cosmonaut. Beyond his fame as a member of the phenomenally successful group *NSYNC, where the group sold an impressive 80 million plus records worldwide, Bass has made himself a household name. Producing is his true passion with several films (documentaries and features) and television shows under his belt including: Boy Band Con, Lance Loves Michael-E! special, Celebrity Home Raiders, Kidnapped for Christ, Mississippi: I Am, The Grand, Lovewrecked and On the Line.
WHAT: PANEL-David Byrne WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102954 In January 2018, Grammy, Golden Globe, and Academy-award winning musician, filmmaker, and writer David Byrne launched a multimedia project titled Reasons To Be Cheerful. Named after the song by punk artist Ian Dury, RTBC became David’s personal way of dealing with what’s happening in the world. By utilizing his worldwide reach and platform, he began sharing research successful and replicable examples for positive change within the areas of Civic Engagement, Climate/Energy, Culture, Economics, Education, Health, Science/Tech and Urban/Transportation, with the aim of giving people the information and tools to act locally. If change had been achieved in one place, it may happen elsewhere, too.
WHAT: PANEL-Amanda Palmer WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP100571 After leaving a major label in 2008, I turned to crowdfunding: first on my own site, then by breaking records on Kickstarter. I built a team and sold albums directly to my community. This session is going to dive deep into the trials and tribulations, and hidden time-sinks of using crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon; but also the hidden gold. Over time, my use of crowdfunding and lack of reliance on the “system” has meant an unexpected freedom in art-making which has, in turn, kept my connection with my fanbase alive and authentic, with less focus on what I’m Selling and more focus on what I’m Making. And, more importantly, on the connection between artist and audience as a transcendent — and necessary — part of this strange ride we call Life.
WHAT: PANEL-Brian Zisk’s Music Tech Elevator Pitch WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, 4FL, Room 404 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP85350 Pitch your startup, services and skills, find resources, or connect with others who might be interested in working together. Preparation is not necessary, but if definitely encouraged. Fast-paced, fun, and full of new opportunities.
WHAT: CONCERT-Spain day paella, sangria WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 1–5pm WHERE: Brush Square Park, 409 E 5 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38612
WHAT: HACKATHON-SXSW Hackathon Awards WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 1–5pm WHERE: Omni, 700 San Jacinto, Capitol Ballroom A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38184 Teams will show off their new creations to a team of select industry judges. Teams will use their coding savvy, problem solving skills, and an array of APIs & SDKs to compete for cash prizes. Celebrate imagination, ingenuity, and the newest pioneers in the emerging entertainment & tech worlds.
WHAT: PANEL-Bozoma Saint John WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2–3pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, Salon H DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102634 Bozoma Saint John is Chief Marketing Officer at Endeavor, a global leader in entertainment, sports and fashion operating in more than 30 countries with a portfolio of companies including WME, IMG, and UFC. In her role, Saint John focuses on driving marketing efforts across Endeavor’s growing portfolio, including on behalf of Endeavor Global Marketing clients and premium brands. Collectively, the Endeavor network specializes in talent representation and management; brand marketing, sponsorship and licensing; media development, sales and distribution; event operation and management; and sports training and league development.
WHAT: PANEL-Waymo on designing self-driving cars WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2–3pm WHERE: JW Marriott, 110 E 2, Salon 5 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP93078 Over the last 100 years, cars have gotten faster and smarter. But, the way people use them hasn’t fundamentally changed… until now. Today, self driving cars are more than a moonshot, they’re a reality. And turning this technology into a service that people can use in their daily lives requires a whole new set of considerations. Consider the design challenges at hand when you have a virtual driver, and a vacant driver’s seat: How do riders indicate they’re ready for their trip to start? How should the car communicate what it’s seeing, doing and what route it plans to take to inform and assure riders experiencing the technology for the first time? And down the line, how might we design cars differently when you don’t have to consider a human driver?
WHAT: FILM-Knock Down The House WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2–3:26pm WHERE: Stateside Theatre, 719 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2011014 When tragedy struck her family during the financial crisis, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had to work double shifts in a restaurant to save her home from foreclosure. After losing a loved one to a preventable medical condition, Amy Vilela became enraged with America’s broken health care system. Cori Bush took to the streets when police shot an unarmed black man in her neighborhood. Paula Jean Swearengin was fed up with watching friends and family suffer and die from the effects of coal pollution. At a moment of historic volatility in American politics, these four women build a movement of insurgent candidates challenging powerful incumbents in Congress. Their efforts result in a legendary upset. Principal cast: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Amy Vilela, Paula Jean Swearengin, Cori Bush.
WHAT: CONCERT-StubHub Showcase TBD WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2–7pm WHERE: Bangers, 79 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38435 Experience the best of SXSW with StubHub Sound Stage at Banger’s. We’re hosting two days of epic performances, not to mention homemade sausages and the most beers on tap in Texas. Come join us!
WHAT: FILM-Boy Band Con-Lou Pearlman Story (Lance Bass, Aaron Carter) WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 3–4:33pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008836 The Boy Band Con: The Lou Pearlman Story is a documentary feature that tells the story of famed boy band impresario Lou Pearlman. The film tracks his life from his childhood in Queens, through discovering mega-bands *NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys, and chronicles his later life, including his perpetration of one of the largest Ponzi schemes in American history. This is the first time this story has ever been told from the perspective of the people involved, from the Boy Band members themselves, to Ponzi scheme investors to Lou’s childhood friends. Interviewees include : Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick (NSYNC), AJ McLean (Backstreet Boys), Aaron Carter and Ashley Parker Angel (OTown).
WHAT: PARTY-Hackathon Afterparty WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 4–6pm WHERE: CU29, 720 Brazos DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38579 Come join the developers, coders, and artists who’ve just spent 24 hours building new technologies for Music, AR/VR, AI, and blockchain for a celebration and after party!
WHAT: FILM-True Stories (David Byrne, John Goodman, Swoozie Kurtz, Spalding Gray, Annie McEnroe) WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 6:30–7:59pm WHERE: Paramount Theatre, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008887 Music icon David Byrne was inspired by tabloid headlines to make his sole foray into feature-film directing, an ode to the extraordinariness of ordinary American life. The Talking Heads front man plays a visitor to Virgil, Texas, who introduces us to the citizens of the town during preparations for its Celebration of Specialness. As shot by cinematographer Ed Lachman, Texas becomes a hyperrealistic late-capitalist landscape of endless vistas, shopping malls, and prefab buildings. In True Stories, Byrne uses songs to stitch together pop iconography, voodoo rituals, and a singular variety show — all in the service of uncovering the mysteries that lurk under the surface of everyday experience.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: CONCERT-Cautious Clay WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, Midnight-12:45am WHERE: Cheer Up Charlie’s, 900 Red River DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2010533
WHAT: CONCERT-IKON WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, TBD WHERE: ACL Moody DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2007802
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: PANEL-Pitchfork Puja Patel with Chvrches Lauren Mayberry, Garbage Shirley Manson WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 11–12pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4, Salon H DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101135 Join Garbage front woman Shirley Manson and singer-songwriter Lauren Mayberry for a Keynote conversation (in association with PRS Foundation’s Keychange program) about creativity, the music industry and the female identifying narrative.
WHAT: PANEL-Business Insider Sarah Silverstein, Ripple David Schwartz WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP90108 In this candid interview, David will address cryptography, distributed ledger technology, and how blockchain is changing the foundation of our global economic system. Let the second era of the internet — the Internet of Value — begin!
WHAT: PANEL-Nile Rodgers WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 18ABCD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103141 Among music legends, Nile Rodgers is truly exceptional. He amplifies his legacy as a multiple GRAMMY-winning composer, producer, arranger and guitarist by constantly traversing new musical terrain and successfully expanding the boundaries of popular music. Merck Mercuriadis is a Canadian-American music executive and music manager. He is the current CEO, Founder and managing partner of Hipgnosis Songs Ltd, an artist management firm, publisher, and record label based in London and Los Angeles. Rodgers and Mercuriadis will discuss the enduring power of the song and the deep hidden meaning of songwriting.
WHAT: PANEL-MIT Neha Narula, Blockchain Capital Jimmy Song WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 12:30–1:30pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP82943 The technology has recently been divided into two main camps: Permissioned (private) blockchains, which primarily focus on bringing blockchain-based solutions to enterprises, and permissionless (public) blockchains, most notably Bitcoin, which aim to bring a fully decentralized cryptocurrency and distributed applications to the masses. Both camps have been hailed as world-altering breakthroughs, and accused of being worthless fads. Will the real blockchain please stand up?
WHAT: CONCERT-StubHub Soundstage TBD WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 2–7pm WHERE: Bangers, 79 Rainey DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38435 Experience the best of SXSW with StubHub Sound Stage at Banger’s. We’re hosting two days of epic performances, not to mention homemade sausages and the most beers on tap in Texas. Come join us!
WHAT: PANEL-Joe Lubin WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, 6FL, Salon H DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101146 Joseph Lubin, co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain and founder of ConsenSys, has a track record of bringing bold visions into reality. ConsenSys stunned the world by announcing its acquisition of Planetary Resources, a pioneer of private space exploration. Little has been shared about the marriage of the two companies, until now. What will the world’s most dynamic blockchain organization do with deep space capabilities? Join Joe Lubin and a very special guest as they unveil bold plans for democratizing our future in space, and a call to action of moonshot proportions.
WHAT: PANEL-Artory Lindsay Moroney on the tokenization of art WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, 6FL, Salon J DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP91329
WHAT: PANEL-Estee Lauder, Nikki Lane, AEG rise of country music WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Room 16AB DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP90469 Why are the biggest lifestyle brands jumping on the country music bandwagon? According to CMA, 42% of the U.S. is made up of country music consumers and the last decade has seen a 57% increase in fans between 18–24 years old — coming to 115 million people and counting. With $400B spent annually across lifestyle categories like beauty, the affinity for country fans amongst brands makes both dollars and sense. Investments from major fashion and beauty brands that go beyond traditional “downhome” categories are also booming at music festivals like Stagecoach in Indio, CA. Hear from innovators like country music star Nikki Lane, AEG, and Estée Lauder on why they’re bringing their brands to life across country, surprising statistics about country fans, and how they’re engaging audiences through country music.
WHAT: FILM-BLUEBIRD* WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 6:30–7:57pm WHERE: Paramount, 713 Congress DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/films/2008834 It was 1982, and Amy Kurland, a 27 year-old culinary school graduate, was opening a café in the strip mall of an upscale Nashville suburb. She had no idea it would eventually become the most influential listening room in America. Featuring unforgettable performances by Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks, Maren Morris, Vince Gill, Jason Isbell and many more, we’ll explore the past and present of this accidental landmark, hear the origin stories of music royalty, and follow emerging singer-songwriters as they chase their dreams. Principal Cast: Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Trisha Yearwood, Maren Morris, Vince Gill, Jason Isbell, Steve Earle, Connie Britton, Charles Esten.
WHAT: CONCERT-AMANDA PALMER WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 6:30–7:57pm WHERE: Central Presbyterian Church, 200 E 8 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2004658 Amanda Palmer is a singer, songwriter, playwright, pianist, author, director, blogger and ukulele enthusiast who simultaneously embraces and explodes traditional frameworks of music, theatre, and art.
WHAT: CONCERT-Grandchildren WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 6:30–7:57pm WHERE: 720 Club, 720 Red River DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/artists/2006578
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Thursday, March 14, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: CONCERT-Wyclef Jean WHEN: Thursday, March 14, TBD WHERE: Paris, 214C E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/MS45232 The music that Wyclef Jean has written, performed, and produced — both as a solo superstar and as founder and guiding member of the Fugees — has been a consistently powerful, pop cultural force for over two decades. In 1996, the Fugees released their monumental album The Score. As a solo artist, Wyclef has released seven albums that have sold nearly nine million copies worldwide, including his 1997 debut The Carnival and 2000’s aptly titled The Eclectic: 2 Sides II a Book. Jean’s latest studio album, Carnival III: The Fall and Rise of a Refugee, his first in eight years, was released on Sept. 15, 2017. The album was named one of the “25 Most Anticipated Albums” of the fall by Billboard Magazine that year. In December, Wyclef wrote and performed a song, “Dimelo,” along with X-Factor winners, Rak-Su. The song rose to the top of the charts in less than a week in the UK. Wyclef is currently working on a new project, Wyclef Goes Back to School, which is a collaboration with students he met while touring the United States and visiting colleges across the country.
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Friday, March 15, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: POPUP-free Irish breakfast WHEN: Friday, March 15, 7am-6pm WHERE: BD Rileys, 204 E 6th DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38561 The now famous Full Irish Breakfast at SXSW will take place in B.D. Riley’s on 6th St in Austin, Texas on Friday, March 15th. The Full Irish Breakfast is your chance to see a selection of acts from across Ireland in an intimate setting while we serve you your breakfast Irish style. To listen to the bands and to RSVP go to www.musicfromireland.org. The first 150 through the door of B.D. Riley’s will get a voucher entitling them to a free full Irish breakfast
WHAT: PANEL-Beastie Boys Adam Horovitz, Michael Diamond WHEN: Friday, March 15, 11–12pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L4 Ballroom D, 500 E Cesar Chavez DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP103102 Beastie Boys is a trio consisting of Michael “Mike D” Diamond, Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz, and the late Adam “MCA” Yauch (1964–2012), formed in 1981 as part of New York’s hardcore punk underground. The group’s first full-length album, Licensed to Ill, was the first rap album to reach #1. With seven multi-platinum albums from 1986 to 2011, including Licensed to Ill, Paul’s Boutique, Check Your Head, Ill Communication, Hello Nasty, To the 5 Boroughs and Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, Beastie Boys are one of the longest-lived hip hop acts worldwide. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012, received the MTV Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award in 1998, and have won three Grammy Awards. Beastie Boys Book, written by Adam Horovitz and Michael Diamond, was released in October and debuted at #1 The New York Times Bestsellers List. They will be interviewed by Amazon Music head of editorial Nathan Brackett.
WHAT: GAMING-Arcade bunker WHEN: Friday, March 15, 11–6pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, Hall 1 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38127 Relive the classic arcade experience while playing both the newest releases and your all-time favorite games at the Arcade Bunker. Join in on daily tournaments and organized play sessions throughout all three days of SXSW Gaming.
WHAT: MENTOR: Justin Sacks (Chrono.gg) WHEN: Friday, March 15, 12:30–1:45pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 3FL, Austin Suite DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102732 Mentor Sessions offer 15 minutes of one-on-one interactions with industry leaders and professionals from all areas of the games industry.
WHAT: MENTOR: Cherie Hu (Forbes/Billboard) WHEN: Friday, March 15, 2–3:15pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 4FL, Room 17A DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101995 Mentor Sessions offer 15 minutes of one-on-one interactions with industry leaders and professionals from all areas of the games industry.
WHAT: PANEL-Senator John Boehner with Acreage Holdings WHEN: Friday, March 15, 2–3pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102949 Medical marijuana has been legalized in 33 states plus the District of Columbia, and 11 of those states have also initiated an adult-use program. It’s not a matter of if, but when the rest of the United States will enjoy full access to cannabis. In this session, former Speaker of the House of US Representatives John Boehner and Chairman and CEO Kevin Murphy of Acreage Holdings, the largest US operator in cannabis, will discuss the likely paths to national legalization and the challenges and opportunities America’s fastest growing industry face today.
WHAT: PANEL-Wyclef Jean goes back to school WHEN: Friday, March 15, 2–3pm WHERE: TBD DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP101178 During the promotion of his latest album, “Carnival III,” Wyclef visited various colleges such as Howard, Temple, UCLA, USC, NYU, UMass Lowell, and more. Each of his visits were wildly successful. Not only did Wyclef give a masterclass at each school, he quickly connected with students and made an impact on them. In turn, those students also made an impact on him. He describes the experience as “going back to school” as he learned as much from the students as they learned from him. The content captured on this journey has not only impacted the lives of the students Wyclef chose to mentor, it has also inspired viewers to follow their dreams in a positive and healthy way. Because of this positive impact, Wyclef has been recording the “Wyclef Goes Back to School” Album. The album will contain all original songs produced by Wyclef, but will feature students from each of the schools visited either as musicians, side artists, etc. Through this project, Wyclef is striving to create a platform for undiscovered musicians and artists with raw talent who may not have millions of views on YouTube or followers on Social Media. For him, it is ALL about the talent.
WHAT: PANEL-Crunchbase Mary Ann Azevedo, Jimmy Song WHEN: Friday, March 15, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, 6th Floor, Salon J DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP87883 Entrepreneurs seeking funding to build blockchain startups have long had to seek support from traditional VCs. Today, many have bypassed that path by funding their startups selling tokens directly to investors, which is proving as a great way to raise money without giving up core company ownership or decision-making power. While it’s clear the tech ecosystem benefits from new funding methods, the panelists believe that while token offerings can be legitimate ways to finance startups, they aren’t for every company. Panelists will give their unique perspective on when to consider an offering (e.g. speed, control), when it’s not (e.g. regulatory challenges), and why startups might consider both crypto and traditional financing mechanism to create tomorrow’s next billion dollar business.
WHAT: PANEL-Brian Zisk’s Digital Money Meetup WHEN: Friday, March 15, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Hilton, 500 E 4th, 4FL, Room 406 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102918 Join Creators involved in building the Digital Money Ecosystem to meet, greet, and get to know each other.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Friday, March 15, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
WHAT: PARTY-SXSW Gaming Opening Party-Questlove WHEN: Friday, March 15, 8/10pm-1am WHERE: The Main, 610 E 6 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38562 SXSW Gaming will team up with the creators behind Blankos Block Party, Mythical Games, to host this year’s SXSW Gaming Opening Party on Friday, March 15th! As a teaser to the Blankos release, attendees will be treated to a curated remix of cool music, art culture, rare collectibles and social meet-ups. Blankos Block Party will premiere at SXSW Gaming with a “First Look” showcase featuring a DJ set by world-renowned musicologist Questlove. Influencers and party-goers alike will be the first in the world to meet the fun-filled characters of Blankos and playtest the game!
Saturday, March 16
WHAT: POPUP-free breakfast, tacos, coffee WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 7am-6pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw Each morning free breakfast tacos, tips on putting your best face forward from our profile experts, and exciting programming.
WHAT: MENTOR-Eric Monacelli (Marvel) WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 3FL, Austin Suite DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/PP102588
WHAT: PARTY-Gaming Happy Hour WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 5–6pm WHERE: Austin Convention Center, L1, Hall2, Arcades4Home DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38631
WHAT: EVENT-SXSW Gaming Awards WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 7–9pm WHERE: Hilton Grand Ballroom, 500 E 4 DETAILS: https://schedule.sxsw.com/2019/events/OE38133 The SXSW Gaming Awards recognizes the greatest titles, teams, and individuals from across the gaming industry. Since its premiere in 2014, the show has exploded in attendance to become a must-see stop for thousands of attendees during SXSW Gaming. Join special guest hosts and presenters for the sixth-annual SXSW Gaming Awards as we honor dozens of phenomenal games from 2018 with exclusive surprises and entertainment throughout the night.
WHAT: CONCERT-TBD WHEN: Saturday, March 16, 8–11pm WHERE: BUMBLE HIVE, Jo’s, 242 W 2nd DETAILS: http://www.bumble.com/sxsw
SXSW 2019 Ultimate Guide to the Panels, Parties, Performances was originally published in Hacker Noon on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
New story in Politics from Time: The Senate’s First Attempts to End the Shutdown Failed. No One Knows What Happens Next
As expected, both procedural votes that would have paved a path to ending the longest government shutdown in U.S. history failed Thursday.
The procedural vote on the proposal backed by President Donald Trump, which included $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall, received 50 votes in the Senate, with 47 opposing. The proposal backed by the Democrats, which would have temporarily opened the government until February 8 with no money for a wall, received 52 votes, with 44 Senators opposing. Both needed 60 votes in order to advance.
Both proposals were essentially dead on arrival. No lawmakers heading to the vote Wednesday expressed any confidence that either would receive the necessary votes.
In a bad sign for Trump, only one Democrat crossed party lines to vote on Trump’s proposal, while six Republicans did so for the Democrats’. After the votes, a small group of these senators took to the floor to push to reopen government for three weeks while negotiations continue. At the same time, Democratic leader Chuck Schumer was meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
It’s not obvious to members of Congress what comes next. “I have no idea,” Kentucky Rep. John Yarmuth, who chairs the House budget committee, said on Wednesday when asked about a possible path forward after these votes. “Has anyone come up with one?”
The failed votes happened on the 34th day of the partial government shutdown, and the same week that thousands of federal workers would miss their second paycheck. But while both sides of the aisle, at least in Congress, acknowledge that a compromise must be reached, they seem unclear about how to get there, although different groups in both chambers are crafting various options, or at least putting forward different ideas. Democrats in the House of Representatives have been working on their own terms of negotiations for border security, which they are expected to officially unveil on Friday.
“We want to make slear to the American people what we support in eventual negotiations on border security, after the government is re-opened,” one Democratic aide told TIME.
The Democrats’ proposal, however, is not expected to include any money for a physical wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, a sticking point for Trump, since the wall is the reason he decided to shut down the government in the first place. Republicans in Congress are similarly adamant that there be some sort of physical structure. “I don’t believe anyone in America thinks you can have border security without some form of a barrier,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
In the Senate, a group of bipartisan Senators have been meeting regularly to plot a legislative compromise. “[We] have been meeting many many times,” said Maine Sen. Susan Collins, who voted for both proposals.
Republican Sen. John Cornyn said the only way out of this impasse was to “keep talking.” But that has not been happening. Democratic leadership has not met with the President since Jan. 9, when he stormed out. And despite the movement in both chambers, no imminent meetings have been scheduled yet.
Republican leadership has griped that Democrats are unwilling to come to the table. But Pelosi implied Thursday that, since Trump is ultimately the one who would sign the legislation re-opening the government, he has to facilitate the meeting. “It’s the President of the United States,” she said. “We would meet with him any time he wants to meet.”
Despite the growing frustration, there was the smallest inkling of optimism that these votes, the first the Senate has taken on the shutdown in nearly a month, were a tiny step towards progress. “I think it is time to be encouraged; I think we’re actually on the path to seeing a breakthrough,” said South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott. “The fact that we’re actually having votes … means we’re heading in the right direction.”
By Alana Abramson on January 24, 2019 at 04:25PM
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nickyschneiderus · 6 years
Liberals are jonesin’ for impeachment after Mueller questions leak
Late last night, the New York Times published a list of four dozen questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask President Donald Trump.
  The questions—which focused on possible collusion as well as obstruction of justice—were swiftly dismissed by the president this morning.
So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian Witch Hunt were “leaked” to the media. No questions on Collusion. Oh, I see…you have a made up, phony crime, Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 1, 2018
But despite the president’s denial, those on the left saw it as a major step in what they hope will be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency.
FUN FACT: When the @FBI or #SpecialProsecuter asks you a question…THEY already KNOW the answer
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— Susan Doyle (@SusanDoyle1963) May 1, 2018
tick tock https://t.co/64bnCXRUZ2
— Eddie Plaut (@EddiePlaut) May 1, 2018
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— The Editor Devil (@fairchild01) May 1, 2018
Others who have been hot for the investigation ever since it was launched saw this as a brilliant negotiating tactic by Mueller, who has cornered the president by getting these questions out into the press.
1. MAJOR breaking news here from NYT: They have a list of DOZENS of questions Mueller wants to ask Trump. I believe there is NO WAY Mueller leaks this unless his team knows they're NOT going to sit down with Trump. I believe that GJ subpoena is coming. https://t.co/gOFSRNOpnI
— Ale (@aliasvaughn) May 1, 2018
2. While there have been negotiations (and I believe those broke down months ago, contrary to reports), I do not believe Mueller was THIS specific with Trump's lawyers. I do believe the leak comes from Mueller's team.
— Ale (@aliasvaughn) May 1, 2018
5. In my opinion the ONLY sensible scenario here is that Mueller knows he is NOT going to interview Trump, and he's going to subpoena him, and this? Turns on PUBLIC pressure big time AND allows reporters to LOOK for things. LOTS of hints in there.
— Ale (@aliasvaughn) May 1, 2018
8. As @maddow too is saying, and that's been my pick for by far most likely option, Mueller knows he's NOT going to sit with Trump, so he is allowing these to be out. Result: Trump freakout AND major hints being out in public. AND reporters can investigate.
— Ale (@aliasvaughn) May 1, 2018
Some on the left had more layered theories: If the leak didn’t come from Mueller and it wasn’t a masterstroke by the president’s team to get ahead of the investigation, then it was absolutely a botched gambit by Rudy Guiliani.
(Because, you know, the president can only mess things up, according to them.)
Did Giuliani leak this list? This story seems like the freedom of the press to impede an investigation… https://t.co/8OK4zo1F3u
— Sean Astin (@SeanAstin) May 1, 2018
Rudy Giuliani has really nailed it in his efforts to wind down the Mueller probe. https://t.co/wc4ECuxlzD
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) May 1, 2018
The news was met with the most glee by a couple members of the holy trinity of Russia collusion experts, Louise Mensch and Seth Abramson, who saw this a clear indication Mueller was planning on indicting Trump for his “crimes” against the Republic.
(Or in Mensch’s case, indicting him again.)
It’s full of questions on collusion. No questions about money laundering because you’re already indicted for RICO under @comey cc @RepAdamSchiff https://t.co/7FbJZlfQYO
— Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) May 1, 2018
Abramson went so far as to say that this was a clear sign that Mueller could recommend felony charges against Trump, which could bring about an impeachment referral from the Justice Department.
Mueller is asking the thought-oriented questions not to inculpate/exculpate Trump but to learn how he'll need to frame his documentary/testimonial evidence to pierce Trump's—now nailed-down—lies. Action-oriented questions are the ones that could lead to felony charges for lying.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 1, 2018
2/ Questions about Trump's thoughts are intended to lock him into a narrative he can't stray from later on, allowing Mueller to frame his evidence (going forward) accordingly. Questions about actions are straight-up traps for the sort of man—Trump—who'd definitely lie to the FBI.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 1, 2018
Trump, for is part, is currently still a free man and also the president.
This article has been updated. 
from Ricky Schneiderus Curation https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/mueller-questions-trump-resistance-twitter/
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6 Cat House Designs That Prove Just How Purr-fect They Can Actually Be
Cat houses and play structures may be great for the felines in your life, but in terms of home decor, they often leave a whole lot to be desired. So if you’re embarrassed by the sight of that jute-wrapped pole or rug-covered cat tree in your living room, you will be delighted to know that cat houses have come a long way.
Want proof? Check out these too-cool-for-school cat houses from the annual Architects for Animals’ Giving Shelter event to raise money for FixNation, which provides free spay/neuter services for homeless cats. The gorgeous cat habitats are created by a group of architects and designers in Southern California, shown off at the Herman Miller Showroom in Culver City, and then auctioned off for the charity.
While these pedigreed cat residences are all one of a kind, the architects all say it’s quite easy for anyone to knock off their work with a bit of balsa wood, scraps of felt, and a glue gun. We asked these designers about their rules on how to build a DIY cat house that satisfies the felines as well as their design-oriented owners.
1. A cat house doesn’t have to look like a ‘house’
Abramson Teiger Architects built this cat house out of PVX pipe.
Meghan Bob Photography
Why does a cat house need to look like a cat house? Well, it doesn’t. Why not create one that looks like modern art instead!
To build this structure, Abramson Teiger Architects took big pieces of PVX pipe, lined the insides with red felt, then connected them into a cat house that evokes a giant game of jacks.
2. A cat habitat should be playful
The “Ball of Twine” by Abramson Teiger Architects
Meghan Bob Photography
The beauty of this cat habitat is that kitty can not only nap in it, but also play with it, batting it right off the stand and across the room. Then there’s the ersatz hamster ball potential—the possibilities are endless!
And best of all, you will never believe how easy it would be to duplicate this giant “Ball of Twine” by Abramson Teiger Architects. Architect Douglas Teiger confided that he’d made this adorable abode by simply dragging brown twine through Elmer’s Glue and wrapping it around a beach ball. After the glue dried, he punctured and removed the ball, leaving the sphere of twine. That perfectly round opening? He taped a bucket to the beach ball. And the round base is an Elmer’s Glue–coated rope coil. Place a colorful round pillow inside, and voila! You have a shelter that’s as fun to play with as it is to look at.
3. A cat habitat can be upcycled junk
Recycled cat shelter by d3architecture made from discarded HVAC equipment
Meghan Bob Photography
This kitty structure is the size of a sturdy piece of playground equipment, and d3architecture designed it to evoke the outdoor world of feral cats. The designers used materials found in alleys—in this case, discarded HVAC equipment. They created a wild array of tunnels and passageways for kitties to explore and play in, but at the center is a tranquil space where they can chill.
If you live in an area where you have a decent amount of space and a number of cats, feral or otherwise, this one would be relatively inexpensive and easy to assemble.
4. A cat habitat should feel good
Seven Chamber Kitty Condo by HOK Product Design
Meghan Bob Photography
Susan Grossinger of HOK Product Design knows that texture is important to cats, so she lined the interior of these circular chambers with the softest plush fur she could find for cozy cat napping. Then she wrapped the entire kitty condo structure with a banner of sturdy burlap, not just to help hold it together, but to also give the cats something to claw, meeting a greater number of feline kneads, er, needs.
5. A cat habitat should be cozy
The “Catosphere” from Standard Architecture and Design
Meghan Bob Photography
This “Catosphere” has a bit of a Sputnik vibe and was designed for outdoor use, but we think it would look great inside in any Mid-Century Modern setting. This one is made of a prefab concrete shell, but if you’re going to try this at home, you could easily use clay or concrete planter bowls, says architect Jeff Allsbrook. He raised the structure off the ground with brass legs, but you can use whatever inspires you at your local home improvement store.
This one has gorgeous teak pivoting wall panels, but if you don’t want to go that fancy, you could simply use wooden dowels to let the sun in and separate the ceiling from the floor. But whatever you do, don’t forget to put a comfy (washable) pillow inside. This shelter was meant for cat napping, after all.
6. A cat habitat can be fun for humans, too
The UnFURled sculptural cat shelter by Perkins + Will
Meghan Bob Photography
“It’s hard to say what cats like to look at,” says Nathan Mattson of Perkins + Will, who designed the UnFURled cat structure along with colleague Louis Peiser. They came up with something sculptural that humans would like to look at, and something functional that would give cats varied experiences. By the way, humans get varied experiences as well, because those parts fit together like Tinkertoys, and the whole structure can be reconfigured to fit your space. 
The post 6 Cat House Designs That Prove Just How Purr-fect They Can Actually Be appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/cat-houses-that-prove-just-how-cool-they-can-be/
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dizzedcom · 4 years
Three growth marketing experts share their best tools and strategies for 2020
Three growth marketing experts share their best tools and strategies for 2020
At last month’s Early Stage virtual event, channel growth experts joined TechCrunch reporters and editors for a series of conversations covering the best tools and strategies for building startups in 2020. For this post, I’ve recapped highlights of talks with:
Ethan Smith, founder and CEO, Graphite
Susan Su, startup growth advisor, executive-in-residence, Sound Ventures
Asher King-Abramson,…
View On WordPress
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
Senators had their first chance to ask questions of the prosecution and defense in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Wednesday, and while their queries covered topics from executive privilege to American foreign policy, the outcome of the trial could boil down to just one: Will John Bolton testify?
Democrats drove at that point in their very first question, putting the focus squarely on Trump’s former National Security Advisor. “John R. Bolton’s forthcoming book states that the President wanted to continue withholding $391 million in military aid to Ukraine until Ukraine announced investigations into his top political rival and the debunked conspiracy theory about the 2016 election,” read the question by Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, and posed to the House managers. “Is there any way for the Senate to render a fully informed verdict in this case without hearing the testimony of Bolton, Mulvaney and the other key eyewitnesses or without seeing the relevant documentary evidence?”
It was a bold opening gambit by Democrats that established Bolton’s allegations as the new focal point in the historic impeachment trial, with Minority Leader Schumer and his colleagues drumming up urgency over putting Bolton on the witness stand and Republicans trying to block him from testifying.
Bolton’s manuscript reveals the kind of firsthand account of Trump admitting a quid pro quo that Republicans have insisted for months was missing from Democrats’ case. Republicans have reacted by trying to undermine his credibility, dismissing the longtime GOP operative— who served in the Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush administrations before working for Trump for 17 months — as an opportunist looking to cash in on his book sales.
“Frankly, if I listened to him, we would be in World War Six by now, and goes out and IMMEDIATELY writes a nasty & untrue book,” Trump tweeted before questions began on Jan. 29. “All Classified National Security. Who would do this?”
For a guy who couldn’t get approved for the Ambassador to the U.N. years ago, couldn’t get approved for anything since, “begged” me for a non Senate approved job, which I gave him despite many saying “Don’t do it, sir,” takes the job, mistakenly says “Libyan Model” on T.V., and..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2020
….many more mistakes of judgement, gets fired because frankly, if I listened to him, we would be in World War Six by now, and goes out and IMMEDIATELY writes a nasty & untrue book. All Classified National Security. Who would do this?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2020
When Trump dismissed Bolton in September 2019, just as the Ukraine pressure campaign was coming to light, it was clear that, unlike his two predecessors, Bolton would not go quietly. After the president announced his firing in characteristically public fashion, tweeting that Bolton was “holding me back!,” Bolton texted conservative media figures to dispute the account. Over the course of the impeachment inquiry, he hinted he had more to share, and soon followed up with the announcement that he was writing a book: “The Room Where It Happened.”
The book title itself gets to the heart of why Bolton would be a crucial witness for Democrats: His account would be the first direct, eyewitness account of Trump explicitly talking about a quid pro quo. Bolton, who has said he would appear if subpoenaed, is “preparing” for the “possibility” that might be subpoenaed to appear in the impeachment trial, according to an email his lawyer Chuck Cooper sent to the National Security Council on Jan. 24—which TIME obtained on Jan. 29— urging a swift review of his manuscript. “If he is called to testify, it seems certain that he will be asked questions that will elicit much of the information contained in the chapter of his manuscript dealing with his involvement in matters relating to Ukraine,” Cooper wrote. “We do not believe that any of that information could reasonably be considered classified.”
Democrats have quickly seized on Bolton’s account not only push to for his testimony— as well as other witnesses including acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney— but for additional evidence as well. They have pressed for the inclusion of documents that have come to light since the House impeachment inquiry concluded in December, including emails from White House officials asserting that the military aid was being held up at Trump’s direction. In their opening arguments, House impeachment managers made the case that these documents would ultimately corroborate the accounts of more than a dozen officials who testified in the fall.
“Witnesses can be clever in their answers,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, the only member of the House and Senate to have been involved in three impeachment investigations. ”But the documents don’t lie.”
Schumer’s first question was far from the only reference to Bolton on Wednesday, with many Democrats using their allotted time to advocate for his testimony. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, lobbed a soft-ball question at the House managers about whether Trump’s lawyers are correct when they claim there is no direct evidence of Trump leveraging military aid to Ukraine in exchange for investigations into his political rivals. In responding, Colorado Rep. Jason Crow, a House impeachment manager, said no, ran through some of the House’s evidence of the alleged quid pro quo, and added, “There is a way to shed additional light on it. You can subpoena Ambassador Bolton, and ask him that question directly.”
Four Republican senators would need to vote with the whole Democratic caucus in order to call witnesses for the trial. On Wednesday, it was still unclear whether enough of the undecided Republicans would peel off to vote with the Democrats in the pivotal vote on Friday. Republican senators Susan Collins of Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah have both signaled they are likely to vote to call witnesses; Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Rob Portman of Ohio are also all being closely watched. Murkowski, Romney and Collins were pointedly given the first opportunity to ask a question on Wednesday.
The Democratic leader still isn’t sure if enough Republicans will join his members when it comes time to vote. “Is it more likely than not? Probably no,” Schumer said Wednesday of the probability of calling witnesses. “Is it a decent good chance? Yes.”
Trump’s defense team pushed back hard on the continued pressure to call Bolton, arguing against his appearance on both constitutional and practical grounds. Bolton “has all the nation’s secrets” from his time as National Security Advisor, Deputy White House Counsel Patrick Philbin argued, which should merit near “absolute” privilege in his conversations with Trump. “To suggest the National Security Advisor — ‘Well, we’ll just subpoena him, he’ll come in and it won’t be a problem’ — that’s not the way it would work,” Philbin said. “There would be grave issues raised attempting to have a National Security Advisor to the President come under subpoena to testify.”
Philbin also addressed the more mundane concerns about Bolton’s appearance in response to a question from Portman. “All of the regular business of this body will be slowed down, hindered, prevented, while that goes on,” Philbin said, talking about how calling witnesses could drag out the length of the trial in the Senate.
And Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow warned that if Bolton is called as a witness, it could open a Pandora’s box of new witnesses taking the stand. “It should certainly not be, though, that the House managers get John Bolton and the President’s lawyers get no witnesses,” he said. “We would expect that if they’re going to get witnesses, we will get witnesses.”
Tables for both the defense team and the House managers were covered in documents and binders through the long session, and the defense lawyers used old-fashioned cue cards to keep themselves within Chief Justice John Roberts’ request for 5-minute answers: as a defense lawyer spoke behind the lectern, one of his colleagues would hold up a small white card with “2” written on it at the 2-minute mark. They also had cards to count down at 1 minute, and matters of seconds.
Throughout the day, though many raised questions about subpoenas issued by the House, constitutional law, and U.S. policy towards Ukraine, Senators kept returning to questions about Bolton, using their final opportunities to make their case in the chamber for why he should or shouldn’t be called to appear. “We’re not here to argue witnesses tonight,” Sekulow said towards the end of the day, after related questions came up repeatedly. “But it obviously is an undercurrent.”
The Senators know that Wednesday’s and Thursday’s question sessions could have a dramatic impact on Friday’s crucial witness vote. “The momentum is to not have that happen, to not have witnesses,” Sen. John Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, said in the halls of the Capitol. “I’m ready to vote to move to final judgment. I think the great majority of Republican senators have gotten to that position.”
But, Barrasso noted: “Some want to still listen to the questions and answers over the next two days, and make their final decision on Friday.”
—With reporting by Alana Abramson/Washington
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Three growth marketing experts share their best tools and strategies for 2020
At last month’s Early Stage virtual event, channel growth experts joined TechCrunch reporters and editors for a series of conversations covering the best tools and strategies for building startups in 2020. For this post, I’ve recapped highlights of talks with:
Ethan Smith, founder and CEO, Graphite
Susan Su, startup growth advisor, executive-in-residence, Sound Ventures
Asher King-Abramson, founder, Got Users
If you’d like to hear or watch these conversations in their entirety, we’ve embedded the videos below.
Ethan Smith: How to build a high-performance SEO engine
Relying on internet searches to learn about growth topics like search engine optimization leads to a rabbit hole of LinkedIn thinkfluencer musings and decade-old Quora posts. Insights are few and far between, because SEO has changed dramatically as Google has squashed spammy techniques “specialists” have pushed for years.
Ethan Smith, owner of growth agency Graphite, says Google didn’t kill SEO, but the channel has evolved. “SEO has built a negative reputation over time of being spammy,” Smith says. “The typical flow of an SEO historically has been: I need to find every single keyword I possibly can find and auto-generate a mediocre page for each of those keywords, the user experience doesn’t really matter, content can be automated and spun, the key is fooling the bot.”
Artificial intelligence has disrupted this flow as algorithms have abandoned hard-coded rules for more flexible designs that are less vulnerable to being gamed. What SEO looks like today, Smith says, is all about trying to “figure out what the algorithm is trying to accomplish and try to accomplish the same thing.” Google’s algorithms aren’t looking for buckets of keywords, they’re looking to distill a user’s intent.
The key to building a strategy around SEO as a company breaks down into six steps surrounding intent, says Smith:
Target by intent
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Goldman Sachs' new managing director list is out
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for The New York Times
Goldman Sachs just announed a new class of managing directors.
Here's the statement:
NEW YORK, November 8, 2017 -- The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced that it has selected a new class of Managing Directors, effective from January 1, 2018, the start of the firm’s next fiscal year.
“Our new Managing Directors have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our people, clients and culture during their tenures at the firm, and we wish them continued success as they take this important next step in their careers,” said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs.
The following individuals have been promoted to Managing Director:
Gregg Abramson Sanjay Acharya Khalid Albdah Amal Alibair Karthikeyan Anbalagan Rolf Andersson Volker Anger Jonathan Armstrong Ken Ashley Lavanya Ashok Sebastian Ayton Jonathan Babkow Julio Badi Amitayush Bahri Soren Balzer Robert Barlick Jr. Philip Barreca Santiago Bau David Bauer Oksana Beard Lee Becker Virender Bedi Stuart Beer Christian Beerli Amanda Beisel Yumiko Bekku David Bell Pierre Benichou Andrew Benito Marco Bensi Laura Benson Stephen Bergin Daniel Berglund Greg Berry Shital Bhatt Dipanjan Bhattacharjee Anu Bhavnani Carissa Biggie Vineet Birman Daniel Bitel Anne Black Richard Blore Emmanuel Bodenstein Timothy Braude Sean Brenan Hugh Briscoe Nathaniel Bristol Leo Brito Troy Broderick Levee Brooks Eric Brothers Robert Bruns III Anthony Bunnell Meg Burke Susan Burt Sean Butkus Russell Byrne Edward Byun Adam Cahill Alessandro Calace Cristiano Camargo Ken Cawley Swapan Chaddha Patrick Chamberlain Richard Chambers Daphne Chan Lily Chan Ben Chance Ginger Chang Vikram Chavali Alex Cheek Jae Joon Choi Ken Choi Paul Choi David Clark Denis Cleary Daniel Cleland-James Ayanna Clunis Pamela Codo-Lotti Jesse Cohen Paul Coles Simon Coombes Jenny Cosco Philip Coureau Nathan Cowen Matthew Cox (Securities) Shaun Cullinan Christine D'Agostino Emile Daher Hiren Dasani Russell Day Pierre De Belen Merche del Valle Caitlin DeSantis Jack Devaney Thomas Devos Mats Dewitte Hristo Dimitrov Tim Dinsdale Isabella Disler Christian Ditullio Terence Doherty Yakut Donat Nicola Dondi Brian Dong Jason D'Silva Stefan Duffner Jane Dunlevie Marie Duval Julien Dyon Rohini Eapen Zach Eckler Sayaka Eda Jason Eisenstadt Chris Emmerson Tiffany Eng Chendan Esvaran Erkko Etula Liz Ewing Michael Fargher Matteo Farina Leigh Farris Sarah Faulkner Tom Favia Brett Feldman Jennifer Feng Jon Ferguson Alex Field Herbert Filho Alex Finston Dean Flanagan Greg Flynn Trip Foley Andrew Ho Kwon Fong Moran Forman Michael Fox Caroline Fraser Daniel Freckleton Tim Freeman Reto Frei Giles French Kirsten Frivold Michael Fu Rob Fuentes Kenji Fujimoto Carrie Gannon Chantal Garcia Akhil Garg Alex Garner Nick Gelber Andrew Gent Gizelle George-Joseph Andrea Gift Sean Gilbride Andreas Glaser Yong Suan Goh Sona Gohel Amir Gold Jeremy Goldstein Steven Gonzalez Jeff Gowen Adam Greene Tom Groothaert Hannes Gsell Ashwin Gupta Ali Haji Ayaz Haji Robert Hamilton Kelly Victoria Hampson Raja Harb Andy Harding Ryan Harster Selma Hassan Stephen Hawinkels Jacqueline Haynes Jason He* Craig Hempstead David Herrmann David Hickey Thomas Hilger Mitch Hochberg Jodi Hochberger Jane Hodges Peter Hodgkinson Dylan Hogarty Tim Holliday Naftali Holtz Amy Hong Jason Hudes Earl Hunt Joseph Hwang Yoshinori Ide Kazuya Iketani Daniel Jackson Ankit Jain (Risk) Gaurav Jaitly Jan Janssen David Jeria Alnawaz Jiwa Kim Johns Scott Johnson Elis Jones Neil Jones Robert Jones Philip Joseph Anand Joshi Shawn Joshi Ritu Kalra Michael Kaprelian Nadeem Kayani Alicia Keenan Neil Kelleher Tom Kennedy Aqil Khan Sarah Kiernan Daniel Kim Eugene Kim (IMD) Jason Kim (GIR) Sora Kim Kristy Kinahan Eugene King Laura Kirk Kunal Kishore Elliot Klapper Jayee Koffey Jason Koon Jennifer Kopylov Daniel Korich Ichiro Kosuge Vladimir Kotlyar Samuel Krasnik Katherine Krause David Kraut Sergey Kraytman Nitin Kulkarni Ram Kulkarni Dileep Kumar (Securities) Santosh Kunnakkat Wendy Kwong JP Lall Bill Lambert David Landman Yi Larson Niccolo Laudiero Nick Laux David Lee Phillip Lee Samuel Lee Shawn Lee Michael Leister David Lerner Naomi Leslie Matt Levine Na Li Haining Liang Nancy Licul Monica Lim Michelle Ling Srujan Linga Philip Linton Alan Liu Daniel Liu Eric Liu Heiman Lo Juan Lorenzo Tian Lu Wayne Lu James Lucas Dennis Luebcke Martin Luehrmann John Lynch Gina Lytle Leo Ma* Caesar Maasry Geoff MacDonald Robert Magnuson Toshiyuki Makabe Mariano Mallol Geydar Mamedov Kara Mangone Donna Mansfield Ajit Marathe Gilberto Marcheggiano James Marchese Michael Marcus Joshua Matheus Ann Mathews Chris Mathie Brian McCallion Graham McClelland Anne McCosker Michael Meehan (Compliance) Taylor Mefford Neil Mehta Adam Meister David Mericle Vitali Meschoulam Eric Meyers Alex Mignotte Andras Mikite Christopher Milligan Rahul Mistry Mike Mitchell Neil Moge Waleed Mohsin Babak Molavi Joel Monson Guy Morgan James Morris Antoine Munfa Aimee Mungovan Yuji Murata Dan Murphy Josh Murray Brian Musto Shehzad Nabi Devarajan Nambakam Ramanathan Narayanan Ganapathy Natarajan Danielle Natoli Murad Nayal Karim Nensi Scott Neu Dennis Ng Ken Ng Benjamin Ngan Joy Nguyen Salman Niaz Anders Nielsen (IMD) Howard Nifoussi Jun Niki Leah Nivison Laura Noble James Nolan Lauren Oakes Lynn Oberschmidt Allison O'Connor John O'Connor Shunil Ohrie Damian Ordish Leke Osinubi David Ossack Sathiya Padmanaban Danielle Pallin Salvador Pareja Dalmir Pasini Clorinda Pasqua Chris Pawson Paris Pender Patrick Perkins Philippe Perzi Wendy Peters Andy Phillips Flavio Picciotto Michael Pieck Sam Pirog Thomas Plank Joseph Plotkin Wade Podlich Ashish Pokharna Caitlin Pollak Charles Pollock Joe Porter Travis Potter Rohit Prabhu Richard Privorotsky Andrew Pucher Jay Rabinowitz Ankit Raj Harsha Rajamani Dmitry Rakhlin Yasser Rathore Edoardo Rava Elizabeth Reed Alexandre Reinert Stephen Reinhard Irfan Rendeci Christian Resch Andrew Rhee Riccardo Riboldi James Rinsler Caroline Riskey Helen Robinson Mark Rosen Amit Roy Joe Ryan Bernhard Rzymelka Takehiro Sakuramoto John Sales Rob Sarazen Vineeta Saxena Dominik Schaefer Andrea Scott Majid Sebti Bipin Sehgal Arseni Seregin Irma Sgarz Paulomi Shah Shreyas Shah Sunny Shah Faisal Shamsee Daniel Shapiro Mahesh Sharma Shripal Sharma Mai Shin Romy Shioda Toshimichi Shirai Mark Short Pankauz Shrestha David Shrimpton Obaid Siddiqui Mike Sidorov Scott Silverglate Stefani Silverstein Amy Silverzweig Jasdeep Singh Gabriella Skirnick Michael Sklow Maxine Sleeper Michael Slomienski Michael Sloyer Nicholas Smith (IBD) Ruth Smithson Christine Smyth Ben Snider Stacy Sonnenberg Cleaver Sower Ro Spaziani Brian Steele Johannes Steffens Duncan Stewart Stephen Stites Laurent Storoni Caroline Styant Joel Sulkes Mancy Sun Winnie Tam Nachiket Tamhane Ken Tang MK Tang Amish Tanna Melissa Teng Ross Tennenbaum Greg Thompson Fiona Thomson Justin Tobe Jason Tofsky Brad Tuthill Masahiro Uchiyama Nehal Udeshi Saad Usmani Meg Vaden Pramod Vaidyanathan Adam Van de Berghe Fred van der Wyck Suzanne van Staveren Andrew Vass Mahesh Vellanki Kadambari Verma Christopher Vilburn Iva Vukina Heng Vuong Ketan Vyas Joe Wall Jeffrey Wang Jiantao Wang Joshua Wang Lily Wang (Technology) Sherry Wang Victoria Ward (Compliance) Jeff Warren Noriko Watanabe Ramey Watkins Sam Watkins Heiko Weber Niki Webster Scott Weinstein Ryan Westmacott James Westwood Keith Wetzel Mark Wetzel James Whittingham Sabine Wick Robert Wieser Devin Wilde David Wilkins John Wilkinson Andrew Williams Ed Wong (IBD Technology) Eric Wong (Internal Audit) Kate Wood Amanda Wu Douglas Wu Joanne Xu Liang Xu** Rupam Yadav Kazushi Yamaguchi Hubert Yang Lisa Yang Basak Yavuz Zeynep Yenel David Yu Brian Zakrocki Thomas Zeppetella Yi Zhang* Adib Zouein Patrik Zumstein Piotr Zurawski Jonathan Zwart
*Employee of Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Company Limited **Employee of Beijing Gao Hua Securities Company Limited
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