#sustainable Westchester
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Currently, we are paying 9.015 cents per kWh.
Sustainable Westchester wants you to pay 15.5 cents per kWh.
It is unconscionable that some communities have chosen to opt into this program, which is more financially burdensome to the consumer.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
By Isabel Vincent
The cash from Soros and his acolytes has been critical to the Columbia protests that set off the national copycat demonstrations.
Three groups set up the tent city on Columbia’s lawn last Wednesday: Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Within Our Lifetime.
At the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” students sleep in tents apparently ordered from Amazon and enjoy delivery pizza, coffee from Dunkin’, free sandwiches worth $12.50 from Pret a Manger, organic tortilla chips and $10 rotisserie chickens.
An analysis by The Post shows that all three got cash from groups linked to Soros. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash to JVP.
The fund is chaired by Joseph Pierson, and includes David Rockefeller Jr, a fourth-generation member of the oil dynasty, on its board of directors. The non-profit gives money to “sustainable development” and “peace-building.”
And a former Wall Street banker, Felice Gelman, a retired investment banker who has dedicated her Wall Street fortune to pro-Palestinian causes, funded all three groups.
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17Free sandwiches from upscale takeout joint Pret a Manger are on offer at the encampment, worth up to $12, and $10 rotisserie chickens. Cash for the encampment has come from billionaire investor George Soros.NYPJ
Both SJP and JVP were expelled from Columbia University in November for “threatening rhetoric and intimidation.” JVP blamed Israel for the Oct 7 Hamas terrorist attack that left 1,200 Israelis dead.
“Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence,” JVP said in a statement on its website.  
SJP called the terrorist strike on Israel “a historic win.”
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17Also on offer for the thirsty anti-Israeli protesters camped out at Columbia is free coffee from Dunkin’. Behind the scenes, the groups organizing the encampment have received cash from Soros and another former Wall Street banker.NYPJ
An analysis by The Post shows how Soros and Gelman’s cash made its way to the students through a network of nonprofits that help obscure their contributions.
Soros has given billions to the Open Society Foundations which his son Alexander — whose partner is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide and the estranged wife of pervert Anthony Weiner — now controls.
In turn, Open Society has given more than $20 million to the Tides Foundation, a progressive nonprofit “fiscal sponsor” that then sends the cash to smaller groups.
Those groups include A Jewish Voice for Peace, which between 2017 and 2022 has received $650,000 from Soros’ Open Society. Its advisers include the academic Noam Chomsky and the left-wing feminist author Naomi Klein.
JVP has been a prominent part of the protests at Columbia and one of its student members was among a group expelled from the university for inviting the leader of a proscribed terrorist group, Khaled, to the “Resistance 101” Zoom meeting.
Soros has also donated $132,000 to WESPAC, called in full the Westchester People’s Action Coalition Foundation.
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aces-and-angels · 9 months
Could you please do a M!MC x Abel where the MC gets really flustered by nicknames, and Abel takes every opportunity to take advantage of it.
Congratulations on 100 followers :3
ooo- what a fun prompt! i know this took a while to get to you, anon. ty for bearing with me- enjoy the blurb 🖤
Nicknames, Abel x Rowan (M!MC)
Abel's life was in shades of pink. 
Faded- like the old apron that hung on the hook by the oven. Two sizes too small and covered in oil stains too stubborn to be washed away; it was safe to say it’d seen better days. And he remembered those all too well even as the years went by. He absently traced the letters that were carefully stitched into the fabric over and over, feeling the bumps and curves against his skin. All of it forming a name that stayed right by his heart. 
His father spent a week practicing his stitch work on old fabrics until his hands were made up of more bandages than fingers. A small smile graced his lips at the memory.
"Papá, do they hurt?"
"Does what hurt, mijo?" Abel gestured to his heavily bandaged hands. "Oh, these? They're fine, mira." He dropped his needle, wiggling his fingers freely. "I even have my thumbs."
Despite his reassurance, Abel continued to frown. "Mamá says not to play with sharp things."
"She's right. Sharp things are dangerous."
"Then why are you poking yourself so much?"
His father burst into a rich, rumbling laughter, which only confused him further. "It's not on purpose. I'm practicing."
"Practicing for what?" With his curiosity fully piqued, he abandoned his desk for a spot at his father's side. An old Danish butter cookie tin packed with spools of thread sat between them. Being this close, he noticed the same word messily stitched on every piece of fabric. "What's a lo-de?"
"Lupe," his father corrected with a chuckle. "That's mamá's name."
His eyes widened. "Really?"
"Cross my heart," he swore, drawing an 'X' over his chest while barely containing a smirk. "You remember mamá's new job at the bakery?"
“Uh-huh,” he chirped excitedly.
"Well, all bakers have a good apron. So I'm making a special apron just for her."
"Because I love your mamá. And when you're in love with someone, you'll do anything to see them smile."
"Even if it's scary?"
"Even then."
His mind spun wildly at his father's statement. Even more so at how sure he sounded. "Do you love me that much, papá?"
"Mijo, tú eres mi sangre. No hay nada que no haría por ti."
Abel furrowed his brows. What did blood have to do with anything? "So... yes?"
Bright eyes, soft and tender, gave away his answer. "Si, te amo mucho."
Neon- the kind that was almost too painful to look at. There was a shortage- a lost shipment of medical supplies that was due to arrive a week prior. It hadn’t been recovered when Abel found his way to Westchester Medical Center. When the time came, all the nurses had on hand were rolls of hot pink casting tape borrowed from the pediatric ward. Those first moments of consciousness were mostly a blur.
“You’ve sustained multiple injuries…” 
“We’ll need to operate…” 
“Your parents… they…” 
Weeks passed before his siblings were cleared to visit. Matthias thought it’d be best to wait until he was through the worst of it. Though, it was tough to tell when that really was for him. All he had to show for in that time was some mobility in his fingers and a stiff neck that would come and go. It was hard to get comfortable with broken ribs. Even harder to breathe. But the PTs were adamant he focus on deep breathing every hour to prevent himself from developing pneumonia.  
The first thing Cesar noticed were his arms.
“They’re so bright,” he gaped, hand outstretched. 
“Careful, Cesar. Your brother is still hurt,” Matthias reminded him, his voice gentle yet stern. Cesar froze midair before dropping his hand back to his side sheepishly. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Your arms look cool, mano.” 
“Thanks, manito,” Abel chuckled, wincing slightly. “Nurse Hannah left a surprise for you.” 
Cesar’s face brightened instantly. “Really? What is it?” 
His mouth stretched into an enigmatic grin. “Look for yourself,” he answered vaguely, nudging his head towards the mini fridge in the corner of the room. Cesar leapt from his seat and ran to the fridge. A joyous shriek pierced through the whirs and hums of all the machines he was hooked up to, followed by the fridge door slamming shut. 
“Chocolate pudding!” It wasn’t long until he tore through the seal, licking up the bit of pudding stuck on the other side of the foil. He’d devoured nearly half his cup when the front door slid open. 
“We’re back with markers,” Lola chirped, waving a pack of sharpies triumphantly in the air. “Now we can sign mano’s casts!”
“I thought you two said you were going to the vending machines down the hall,” Matthias said, shock evident in his voice. 
“We were… but then we saw a lady holding one of those get-well-soon teddy bears and we got the idea to go check out the gift shop,” Mercedes explained matter-of-factly. 
“What? I’m not good enough for a teddy bear?” 
“Mano, you already have three,” Mercedes sighed, pointing at the stuffed animals lining the windowsill. 
Half an hour later, neon pink was met with a series of gold, silver, and green scribbles. His favorite was scrawled across his left forearm. A message worth muscling through the eye-strain: 
Te queremos muchísimo, mano ~ Lola, Mercedes, Cesar :)
Rosy- more beautiful than any flower. Flowers didn't leave Abel’s heart pounding, yearning for more. That was all because of him. Flushed from the tips of his ears down to his neck, Rowan was a sight to behold. A person to treasure. And most importantly, a boyfriend to fluster relentlessly. 
“Order #54. Order #54.”
Two mugs of hot chocolate- one with extra cinnamon, the other with a generous portion of whipped cream- were placed on the pickup counter. Abel began to rise from his chair, but Rowan quickly stopped him. 
“I got it,” Rowan said, motioning for him to sit back down.
“You sure?”
He scoffed fondly. “Am I sure I can handle carrying two drinks? Yeah, I think I’ll manage.”
“We also need napkins,” Abel snickered, earning him a light shove on his shoulder. 
“Alright, smartass. I’ll grab extra just for you.” He was mid-turn when Abel suddenly grabbed his wrist. Rowan looked back with a raised brow. “What is it? 
“Thank you, baby,” Abel hummed oh-so-sweetly, pressing a kiss to the inside of his palm. Rowan sputtered, much to his delight. It took everything in him not to whip out his phone and take a picture right then and there. No matter how many times he pulled this stunt on him, it never got old.  
“Uh-,” Rowan quickly cleared his throat, “n-no problem.” He spun on his heels, speed walking to the counter and apologizing profusely after almost knocking into another patron. Abel’s self-satisfied smirk widened as he relished the pink tinge dusting the tips of his boyfriend’s ears. The sight when he turned back, drinks in hand, was even better.  
Rowan’s blush lingered throughout their date, thanks to Abel. Whenever it’d start to fade, he slipped another name. Honey. Handsome. Mi sol. And without fail, Rowan’s cheeks flared a glorious, bright red. Hiding a laugh behind his mug, Abel mischievously wondered what else he could turn red. 
An answer they both happily found out as they stumbled through their front door, lips intertwined. 
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The Thing With Feathers
We are posting this on behalf of JCR/Departer on the ILW discord, who does not have a tumblr but who has been participating in ILAW. Art by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd.
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Pairings: Connor x MC Word Count: 9499 Premise: The battle is won and the Power contained. What comes next? Takes place during and after Ch. 23 of ILW.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
- Emily Dickinson, “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers”
- I -
The partially cured horrors with more on the loose. A failed blood moon ritual. Everest Snow merging with his human self. Lincoln McQuoid’s watch retrieved from the lake below, restoring him to life after a gruesome death. Learning the unfiltered truth about Matthias, his grisly demise, and how he became the new anchor. Discovering the full history behind Westchester’s problems and the source of the Power. Realizing that the Power was merely contained, and that Matthias-as-anchor would eventually need replacing.
None of this compared to what Demelza was asked to do in the aftermath.
Demelza received a phone call from Jocelyn’s parents the day after the carnival, asking for her help in sorting through Jocelyn’s belongings and moving everything out of her apartment after the funeral.
“Why me?” Demelza asked, still reeling from learning who was on the other line.
“We didn’t really know our daughter,” Jocelyn’s mother – Susan – admitted. “Jocelyn was never home growing up. She had been spending most of her time with you and your group of friends over the past couple of months… at least that’s what we saw whenever she updated her Pictagram.”
“I’ll do it,” Demelza said. “I’ll come over and help you and the rest of your family.” She pretended not to hear the heartbreaking sob that had escaped Susan’s lips before hanging up the phone.
Demelza’s eyes fell upon the beleaguered group, exhausted from the day’s events. Harper’s blond hair was pulled into a knot at the back of his head, and he kept his broken leg elevated on a folding chair Demelza found in the closet. He and Parker held hands at the kitchen table, and Danni, Imogene, and Tom sat with them. They each nursed a large, steaming mug of coffee. Elliot sat next to Harper with a cup of hot chocolate. Noah lay on the couch in a deep sleep recovering from using the Power earlier in the cave. Demelza and Connor’s patchwork quilt covered him, and he held Kenna, his stuffed animal moose, in the crook of his left arm. Lincoln stood over the couch and kept a protective eye on Noah while Connor sat in front of the fireplace, enraptured by the flames therein. Connor’s flaxen hair was wet and his skin dewy from a hot shower. He was wrapped in a fleece blanket the color of the sea, and bandages covered his forehead and arms from the cuts and scrapes he sustained while in the cave. He turned and gave Demelza a soft smile, and she was grateful to have him back.
Amalia sat in the chair next adjacent to the couch with her head in her hands. Her body and mind were exhausted, yet she could not sleep. Abel and Everest stood together in the corner. Abel rubbed circles on Everest’s back as his long, brown curls shielded his tear-streaked face.
Everest had emerged from the cave with Abel, Amalia, and Lincoln, with the latter’s watch hidden beneath his tightened grasp. Lincoln had stood next to Everest, his eyes haunted and bearing a new knowledge that was still too old yet impossible to name.
“The watch would only let me save one person!” Everest had cried. “I brought back Lincoln, but I couldn’t save Jocelyn!” He looked at the group and said, “I would’ve brought her back too if I could. I’m sorry.”
Everest’s face had crumpled as he slouched over and sobbed. His loud guttural cries had hit the air like lightning in reverse. Abel had put his arms around Everest and kissed the side of his head as a means of comfort.
“Don’t blame yourself, Everest,” Abel had said, his voice low, serious, and gentle all at the same time. “You’ve been our rock through this whole ordeal and have looked out for everyone else’s safety over your own. You did everything you could. You stopped the Blood Moon Ritual and put an end to Matthias’ evil deeds. You healed Connor. You saved Lincoln. You protected Noah and kept him from becoming the next anchor.” Abel had cupped Everest’s face in his hands with tenderness and said, “You can rest now.”
“I’m sorry, Demelza,” Everest had choked out. He removed his glasses and wiped his eyes before putting them back on again. “I can’t stay here. I must move on, and I hate that me doing that means you can’t. I know how much you and Connor wanted to leave Westchester after all this.”
“It’s okay, Everest,” Demelza had responded truthfully. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “I knew that I wouldn’t be able to leave when you told me Matthias became the new anchor. The problem’s taken care of for the next two hundred fifty years due to Matthias reaching that age here on earth.” She smiled despite everything. “That gives me and the rest of the Power Keepers time to come up with a contingency plan when that time comes, but we’re hoping it won’t. We’ll keep building our tribe and doing our research, and figure out a way to heal the Power without hurting anyone or needing another anchor again. Besides, Westchester needs a constant to see them through everything, and who can do that better than me?”
“Thank you for understanding.”
Demelza cleared her throat and brought herself back to the present. “That was Jocelyn’s mom on the phone. Her funeral is set for the end of this week. She wants me to help her go through Jocelyn’s things afterwards.”
Connor stood from his spot by the fire and let his blanket fall to the ground. He strode over to Demelza and wrapped his arms around her. He smelled of peppermint soap, pine, and campfire from sitting by the hearth. “Do you need my help?” he asked.
“No,” she said. “This is something I have to do on my own.”
- II -
Jocelyn’s funeral fell on a frigid, albeit sunny day with a cloudless blue sky. Susan, Jocelyn’s father Henry, younger sister Jasmine, and grandfather George greeted visitors at the funeral home, where Jocelyn’s service was just one of several that took place there over the past few days. A magnificent arrangement of hydrangeas, irises, lilacs, and orchids in various shades of purple covered the closed casket. Jocelyn’s former and current students shuffled in, each of them placing a handwritten card and colorful origami animal in amongst the flowers. Fellow teachers and the principal at the middle school she had worked at came, as did her track and field coach and professors at Westchester Community College. Her teammates, former high school cross country coach, and extended family were all in attendance.
Demelza even saw Cody’s mother present. She looked like her late son, but had a pinched, hollow face lined face like an old, well-used map folded several times over. Prominent crow’s feet sat on the edges of her eyes and her mouth was turned downwards, and Demelza knew it had not moved from that position in the past four years. She hugged Susan the moment she came in and the two women remained in an embrace for several long moments before the service started.
Britney slipped in moments before with shorter hair and the edges of her face sharper than they had ever been. She kept her arms folded and her gaze downward, knowing she was out of place here. Even though Britney and Jocelyn were close in middle school and high school, Jocelyn died as a stranger to her.
Demelza felt fidgety and on edge throughout the memorial. Connor kept his arm around her, serving as a calming force to her nerves. Harper, Parker, Elliot, Danni, and Imogene never had the opportunity to know Jocelyn well but came and showed their support. Tom sat with Noah, Sunny, Luis, and the rest of the witches, their expressions serious and eyes wondering what might have been. Lincoln kept his head down, suppressing his remorse and survivor’s guilt. Amalia’s dark eyes shone with unshed tears whilst Abel and Everest let theirs flow freely. Everest turned into Abel and brought him close, his shoulders heaving as he sobbed into Abel’s chest. Demelza turned away from the sight and knew Everest could not stay in Westchester, nor could she ask it of him.
She squirmed in her seat throughout the rest of the funeral. Connor put his hand on her knee as Jocelyn’s family, her old coaches, coworkers, and former students spoke about her. Demelza felt as though she was hearing about a person she didn’t truly know. She let her eyes wander during the picture slideshow Jocelyn’s sister compiled because she knew she wouldn’t recognize the person onscreen.
- III -
Everyone had kept to themselves after the funeral. Connor went to the shed to do some metal and woodworking. Noah went back into the woods, desiring to hear, commune, and find solace there again. Abel and Lincoln returned to their respective apartments for the last time, packing up their belongings and confirming the release from their contracts. Amalia got her car washed and vacuumed, and Everest deep cleaned the room he and Amalia had shared. Harper, Parker, Elliot, Danni, Imogene, and Tom had returned to Pine Springs.
Demelza thought about this as she left the café where she had helped see Abel and Everest off. Amalia and Lincoln were leaving the next day, and they didn’t plan on returning, save for the memorial Demelza had scheduled two months from now. She wanted the opportunity for herself and her friends to honor Jocelyn and everyone else lost to the Power in their own way. She got into her car, drove to Jocelyn’s old apartment complex, and mused on the walls being built amidst a tragic loss. Jocelyn had done the same after losing Cody.
Demelza knew it was up to her to keep those walls down and be the unifying force of the group – the constant – they all needed. She parked her car in the small, dingy parking lot and headed toward Jocelyn’s apartment, where the front door hung ajar. Several large garbage bags filled to the brims and knotted tightly sat outside, waiting to be taken down to the dumpster. Demelza tried not to think about all the trash inside as she stepped into the place where Jocelyn had once lived and breathed.
Henry and George cleaned the small kitchen and arranged for movers to take the old furniture and decorations to Goodwill. Meanwhile, Jasmine packed up the non-perishable food items for the local food bank and put the linens in another box. She took those boxes down to her car while Susan went through Jocelyn’s clothes. She placed each item into a “donate” or “toss” pile, but folded Jocelyn’s favorite denim jacket gently and set it aside. Demelza disinfected and cleaned the bathroom after Susan and Jasmine finished removing everything inside, then moved onto dusting, sweeping, and cleaning the sitting room.
After the movers left with the furniture and decorations, Susan and Henry brought out three boxes from her old room. Demelza gulped as George and Jasmine joined them, knowing what was ahead.
Jasmine opened the first box and pulled out a red, white, and blue plaid hybrid sweatshirt. Demelza recognized it immediately, as it had once belonged to Cody. She turned away from Jocelyn’s family and placed a hand over her mouth to keep herself from gagging. The coat still smelled like him: of Abercrombie and Fitch Oud Amour cologne, Axe antiperspirant spray, and salty sweat.
“Sorry,” Demelza coughed. “Just something I wasn’t expecting.”
“I never liked Cody,” Jasmine commented. “He was a jerk and yet Jocelyn always chose him over me.” She threw the sweatshirt on the ground in disgust.
Susan folded the sweatshirt with a frown and placed it next to Jocelyn’s denim jacket. “I wish we did more, Henry. We should’ve kept a better eye on her.”
“You didn’t know,” Demelza said. “Jocelyn was a private person. You can’t beat yourselves up over this.” She held Susan’s gaze and said, “Jocelyn was trying. She wanted to be better… but you could’ve – should’ve – loved for her who she was instead of who you wanted her to be.”
Henry turned away; he looked shameful.
“I’m sorry,” Demelza told them. Again. “I should’ve done more too.”
She spent the rest of the day helping Jocelyn’s family sort through the rest of her personal items contained in the boxes. Photographs of Jocelyn with Britney and Cody. Cross country and track team pictures. Numerous commemorative plaques, medals, and trophies from athletic competitions. Cross country and track shirts signed by her coaches and teammates. Brittle and dried flower corsages from school dances she attended with Cody that perfumed the air around them. Numerous scrapbooks Susan put together with painstaking effort documenting Jocelyn’s life. Mixed CDs with playlists Britney and Cody had curated just for her. Written notes Jocelyn had shared with Cody. A single polaroid of Jocelyn and Cody cheek-to-cheek with too wide grins and squinty eyes.
Demelza paused as she picked up an old, used copy of The Giver from inside the last box. She opened the book and gasped at the written inscription therein:
Dear Jocelyn,
Don’t lose hope. You’re getting there. You’re doing better than you think. Nothing is ever truly broken or lost unless you make it so. You can be and make the change you wish to see.
One day you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come. I’m proud of you already.
Your friend,
Demelza swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and wiped the tears from her eyes. Everest saw the best in Jocelyn despite knowing her past. He forgave her even after learning that she had tracked him and fed that information to Matthias. He reconciled the person Jocelyn used to be with the person she was becoming or at least wanted to be. He hated himself for not being able to save Jocelyn even though he couldn’t.
Demelza noticed a piece of paper peeking out about a hundred pages in. She opened the book to that spot and came across Jocelyn’s untidy scrawl written with a purple pen on a lined piece of paper ripped from a miniature notebook. Ink stains and smudges covered the edges but could not mask what Jocelyn had written down:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
By: Emily Dickinson
Demelza sniffed and read the poem again.
It was a fragile thing, light and breakable like the gossamer wings of a bird in flight. It could slip away in the night without you having ever known it was there in the first place.
Yet hope remained constant and reserved a place for itself in your soul once you kept it; always singing, withstanding the storms of life, keeping you warm in the coldest chills, remaining calm upon the unsteady seas, and never asking for anything in return.
Jocelyn had hope despite herself. Hope for her future happiness. Hope in her apologies. Hope in her newfound friendships. Hope for the chance to move forward. Hope for a world where the Power would never hurt anyone again.
This part of Jocelyn remained tethered to the earth in a way no one else could see but that would live on past the rest of them.
Henry noticed Demelza looking at the paper upon which Jocelyn had written the poem and the book from whence it came. “Do you want to take those things with you? Something of Jocelyn’s for you to keep?”
“Yes,” Demelza answered. “Thank you.”
Demelza decided she would send Everest’s book back to him. She had seen him reading it in the cabin during their downtime. Everest had said The Giver was his favorite book and that his father had often read it to him.
Demelza stood from her place on the floor and hugged each member of Jocelyn’s family before leaving the apartment for good. Demelza hauled all the trash bags to the dumpster so they wouldn’t need to. Then, she folded the piece of paper - evidence of a life once lived - and placed it inside her wallet so she would always carry Jocelyn’s memory and hope for a better world with her wherever she went.
- IV -
Connor had presented Demelza with a custom-made engagement ring after the memorial she hosted just for their core group. Demelza had accepted and smiled upon seeing it placed on her left ring finger, knowing that Connor knew her innermost parts. He knew the sinews that bound her flesh and bones together, the blood that flowed freely through her veins. He knew her fierce and mighty heart, determined soul, and how hard she fought for the people she loved.
Demelza reflected on this as she lay on the warm sands of Moorea, Tahiti four months later. She and Connor flew around the world for a much-needed, month-long respite after they caught the last horror and administered the half-baked cure Harper and Sunny had provided. It gave the victims their minds and sanity back, but left them with ashen skin, vampiric teeth, and claws sharper than that of any animal. Doctors from the best hospitals still worked with them on the aftereffects while scientists had attributed the cause to acid rain. Demelza was grateful for Connor and his true and unconditional love for her, how he had told her that they did all they could, and to put aside the what if’s and that what might have been of the situation.
She grabbed a handful of the pale gold, soft silt of sand, let it run through her fingers, and remembered the memorial hosted in her parents’ backyard. She had provided the champagne and firewood while Lincoln took time away from sorting Matthias’ affairs and giving away his millions of dollars to join them. Amalia took another road trip back to Westchester from Portland before beginning her final year at the University of Oregon. Harper, Parker, Danni, Imogene, Tom, Elliot, and his boyfriend Robbie had made the drive down from Pine Springs. Noah had grilled chicken and hamburgers for the main course and brought homemade side dishes and desserts, having rediscovered his passion for culinary arts. Demelza had known Abel and Everest wouldn’t be in attendance and understood why. She had received a note from Everest after mailing his book back to him, letting her know that he and Abel had settled in northern California and were happy with their new lives.
Demelza continued running her fingers through the sand as she watched the ocean waves break onto the shore. The surf went forward and backward like clockwork, keeping time with the rhythm of nature. The Westchester woods had gotten their groove back, but Demelza knew nature would eventually run its course and that Matthias-as-anchor would eventually need replacing to keep things in harmony. But Demelza knew she wouldn’t be alone in that task or in finding a way to heal the Power without sacrificing an innocent life.
“Hey, you,” Connor whispered in her ear. He sat down next to her, kissed her freckled shoulder and pulled her close. He fixed his grey eyes on the sea and looked calm and relaxed for the first time in years. His eyes were clear and radiant, posture no longer slouched with carrying burdens and sorrows others could not see, and his skin emitted an effervescent glow from his time spent in the Tahitian sunshine. Connor’s hair lightened from his time outside and he had gotten a much-needed trim right before they left on their vacation. His hair was still long but looked much healthier than it had before.
“Hey yourself,” Demelza said. She cupped Connor’s face in her hands and kissed him hard. He tasted like mango, coconut, and chocolate. “How was your walk?”
“It would’ve been better if you came too,” Connor answered. He stretched his long legs out in front of him, kissed Demelza’s temple, and ran his gentle hand through her hair. “We should get married when we get back. It’s time to move forward.”
Demelza nodded. “You’re right.” She leaned into Connor’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around her again. “I’m grateful we don’t have to deal with the Power by ourselves anymore. We can finally start our lives – and throw the best party of the century while doing it. We’ll have it in our backyard. Sunny, Luis, and the witches can help us decorate. Noah and his friends at culinary school can help us with the menu and taste testing. He’s only in his first semester and is itching for a project already. We’ll invite our friends, keep things small and intimate.”
“What about your parents?”
Demelza knew on a certain level she couldn’t shut her parents out of her wedding. They were the only blood family she had left, the distance having only grown wider with age. Their siblings and parents – both sets of Demelza’s grandparents – were long dead. Demelza’s mother and father had given her life just as the sun had started setting on theirs. They had started making more of an effort after what happened at the homecoming dance those years ago. But they were strangers, nonetheless.
“They can come,” she said. “They can be the family ghosts like they’ve always been.” She looked up at Connor and asked, “What about your dad?”
“I haven’t heard from him since he filed for divorce from my mom,” he said. “My dad didn’t even call after she died. He wouldn’t have cared if something had happened to me. Why would I want him to come?”
“We’re two peas in a pod,” Demelza said. “No extended family whatsoever.” She didn’t possess the heart to add that Connor didn't have any blood relatives left either. That would always hang in the air between them like smoke after a fire. Connor’s dead family – both literally and figuratively – would always linger, having seeped into every crevice imaginable even though the flames were long put out.
She trailed a finger down Connor’s taut stomach, making patterns on his six-pack and twirling the line of blond hair stretching down his stomach. “It’s partly why I want to make babies with you – lots of them.”
Connor grinned and flipped Demelza over onto her side. He undid her black bikini top, sticky from the summer heat and tossed it aside before Demelza grabbed his hand and guided it downward between her thighs. His grin grew wicked, and he said, “Let's have some fun first.”
- V -
The wedding occurred three months later beneath a wooden stick arch interwoven with freesias, garden roses, larkspur, peonies, wildflowers, and angel feather grass in every color imaginable. It stood in front of the pine trees in their backyard, and beneath the yellow, orange, pink, and purple hues of the sunset. Multicolored paper lanterns floated midair above the semicircle of gold chairs facing the archway. The air smelled of honeysuckle, rosemary, and sage.
Demelza faced Connor, their smiles wide and close to bursting. Demelza donned pearl earrings with a flower crown and lace veil that fell straight past her shoulders and nearly touched the train of her vintage wedding dress. Connor wore a new suit and black bow tie that fit him perfectly with a boutonnière that matched the flowers in Demelza’s hair and the bouquet she held in her manicured hands.
They went without bridesmaids and groomsmen due to the small, intimate nature of their wedding. Demelza’s parents sat in the center of the semicircle, and it pained her to see how old they really were. Noah came with his girlfriend Chelsea Vincenzo, a fellow culinary student from a large Italian American family that owned a pizza parlor in the next town over and had embraced him as a second son. Harper sat with Parker, Elliot, and Robbie; both couples were stronger than ever. Danni had her camera in tow and sat between Imogene and Tom. Amalia and Lincoln were there, each talking turns along with Abel in calming Everest and pulling him from the ledge. Abel had told them that they would stay for the wedding and reception but had a quick turnaround time; Demelza and Connor understood and were grateful Abel and Everest had made the sacrifice to come. Sunny and Luis stood under the archway with them as co-officiators, and the rest of the Westchester witches came and mingled with Connor’s high school friends.
A golden chair sat empty amidst the wedding guests, the very spot where Jocelyn should’ve been – alive and celebrating with them. Demelza knew the chair was also for Stacy and Mayor Green, evidence of a family forever fractured by death. She thought of Andy, Ava, Dan, Jane, Lily, and Lucas, and how their lives were cut short, their potential never realized.
Connor noticed Demelza staring at the vacant chair and squeezed her hands. “I miss them too,” he said. “But they’re here in spirit. They want us to be happy.”
“I know.”
The ceremony went smoothly. Sunny and Luis pronounced Connor and Demelza as husband and wife whilst the sunset faded into the blue-black sky above. Sunny and Luis waved their hands, sending the paper lanterns up into the air, where they burst and trailed flecks of gold and miniature translucent baubles filled with light. The full moon became visible amidst a vast display of stars and the constellations, which were visible for all to see and gave off a glowing, radiant light.
Everyone congregated to the other side of the manicured lawn, where they sat united at a long table with Queen Anne’s lace running down the center with fairy lights illuminating from the mason jars placed alongside the sprays of floral arrangements like Demelza’s bouquet. They feasted on a menu Demelza and Connor had curated with the help of Noah, Chelsea, and their classmates at culinary school: bruschetta; garlic knots; Caprese and Italian chopped salads; roasted vegetables; spinach ravioli; vegetarian lasagna; margherita, pepperoni, and prosciutto pizzas. The red wine and assorted Italian cream sodas flowed whilst a folk band played instrumental versions of Demelza and Connor’s favorite songs in the background. The chocolate wedding cake came out along with various gelato flavors, bombolini, cannoli, and cups of cappuccinos, espressos, and lattes.
The conversation never stalled and soon everyone left the table to dance. The tempo picked up the pace in time to everyone’s movements and vibrant conversation; even Demelza’s mother and father loosened up.
Demelza and Connor took turns dancing with each other, Demelza’s parents, and their friends, getting caught up on how they were. They learned of Harper’s time in medical school and him pursuing neonatology along with Parker heading a Big Brother/Big Sister program in Pine Springs; Elliot and Robbie researching colleges and apartments together; Imogene’s time in veterinary school and her volunteer work rescuing and rehoming abused animals; Tom’s graduate studies in robotics; Danni’s journalistic work being picked up by national news wires; Amalia’s law school applications and studying for the LSAT; Abel’s acceptance of a large monetary grant giving him the opportunity to explore archaeological sites in Central and South America; Everest’s time in college, following in his father’s footsteps pursuing pediatric medicine, and the help he received from Harper regarding prerequisites and the application process for medical school; and how Lincoln embraced more artistic mediums and began taking on clients.
Demelza stepped away and approached Noah, who stood off to the side with a glass of water. He smiled as Chelsea led Luis, Sunny, Elliot, Robbie, Danni, Amalia, Abel, Everest, Connor, and his high school friends in dancing the tarantella.
“Needed a break, Marshall? I did.”
“Me too,” Noah said. “Planning and successfully carrying out a reception menu is a lot of work.” He took a sip of water and grinned even wider. His honey brown eyes were glassy, with everything he felt brimming the surface, but he was present, nonetheless. “I still tire easily. But at least I can sleep this off before working the dinner shift tomorrow.”
“You were fantastic, Noah,” Demelza told him. She threw her arm around his shoulders and said, “You’ll be in demand for all sorts of events at this rate.” She watched as Chelsea continued dancing with the other guests, her long black curls bouncing with every twirl. “You work in the kitchen at the restaurant Chelsea’s family owns?”
Noah nodded. “I don’t need to. The money from the settlement the city gave me will cover me for the rest of my life. Who knew coming back from the dead, having a kidnapping cover story, a selfish mom, a dad who decided to show up out of nowhere, and the coroner botching everything for not confirming my identity with DNA four years ago could be so beneficial, right? But I like having something to do when I’m not at school. Sometimes Chelsea’s dad lets me get creative with the menu.”
Demelza noticed Noah mentioning his parents. She knew his mother had played the victim and would never acknowledge how much she had hurt her son. He had severed ties with her after realizing that she would never change. But his father had left shortly after Jane died those years ago and was never heard from again.
Until now.
"Your dad contacted you?" Demelza said. "How did that turn out?"
“He lives in Spokane and wants to reconnect, but I don't know if I want to. My dad wasn't there for me back then, so what right does he have to be in my life now?" Noah said. "I think he only got in contact with me for damage control and to make himself look good. He has another family, Demelza. Where would I fit into that?"
"You never know," Demelza responded. "I'm sure your dad has his reasons for leaving and not being around all these years. Maybe he didn't have a choice."
"It's possible," Noah said. "It wouldn't surprise me if my mom forced him to stay away after the divorce. She is the most toxic person I've ever met in my life - and that's saying a lot. It's a huge part of why I cut her off. Chelsea's parents treat me better than she ever did."
Demelza’s eyes fell on Chelsea sharing a joke with Imogene and Tom, her olive skin shining, and burgundy lips parted in a smile revealing two perfect rows of straight white teeth. "Do you think she’s the one?”
“I do,” Noah said. “I know it’s still early stages, but we’ve talked about getting married and having a family together. We’ll date longer, get through school, and get Baby Jane’s established first, though.” He paused for a moment. Tears fell from his sad eyes as his bottom lip quivered. “I wish Jane could’ve met Chelsea. She would’ve loved her.”
“Jane would be so proud of you, Noah. She wouldn’t want you to be sad. She wouldn’t want you staying stuck in the past.” Demelza hugged Noah and told him, “Keep living your best life, Marshall. You’re one of the lucky ones.”
- VI -
The dancing went past midnight. The band packed up their instruments while everyone saw Demelza and Connor off in his Camaro decorated with Just Married! bunting, balloons, flower streamers, and tin cans secured to the back. The moon was still out and the constellations still shone brightly above them.
Demelza reached for Connor’s hand in the center and interlaced her fingers with his. He smiled and squeezed her hand while he drove, the tin cans clanging against the road beneath them.
“I love you,” Connor told her. “Everything we’ve been through brought us here. It was all worth it.”
“I love you too,” Demelza replied. She kissed Connor’s hand and said, “I know you wanted to leave Westchester after everything. I feel stupid asking you this, but you’re okay with staying here?”
Connor ran his thumb over Demelza’s fingers, his hand staying clasped in hers. “You’re not stupid, Demelza. You’re the best person I know. A stupid, selfish person would’ve seen someone else’s distress and ignored it. You saw a need and answered the call. We have a home and a life in Westchester, and people helping us out with the Power. We’ll get there - and all the while, you’ll be the glue holding everyone together.”
Demelza and Connor reached a stop sign. He gave her hand another squeeze and said, “Whenever you find yourself needing a break from being the constant, come to me and I’ll take it on for a while. We have Noah, Sunny, Luis, the witches, and our friends in Pine Springs helping us too. We’re not alone in this. We’re not responsible for the world’s problems. Our children won’t be, either.”
“You always know what to tell me,” she said, thinking of the past four years they spent together: when their eyes locked on the same windy road for the first time in years; his concern upon seeing her covered in bruises and teaching her self-defense; when Connor sacrificed his own plans to help her, Stacy, and their friends after learning about the Power; the way he always put her needs ahead of his; the moments he put his life on the line for her. “You keep your word. You’re not just talk.”
“I hope not!” Connor laughed. He winked at Demelza playfully and said, “I like to think I keep my word both in and outside the bedroom.”
“Oh, stop!” Demelza exclaimed. “I know you do; and we have two weeks on the Amalfi Coast for you to have your way with me.”
They reached their destination for the next two days: a ritzy hotel with a view of the lake and mountains where they would rest before flying to Amalfi, Italy for their honeymoon. The concierge checked them in and had a valet bring their luggage to their suite. Two bottles of chilled rosé in an ice bucket with accompanying champagne glasses, a large pot of hot chamomile tea on a warmer with cream, sugar, and two teacups, a tray of various finger sandwiches, a charcuterie board, and a platter of chocolate covered strawberries with a large bouquet of yellow roses on the entry room table greeted them as they walked in.
Demelza looked at everything therein and said, “I’m stuffed. Who on earth thinks we still have room in our stomachs for all this?”
Connor held up an envelope with their names on it. “I think we both know the answer to that question.”
He opened the envelope, took out a vintage greeting card decorated with artwork of a bride and groom riding off in an old school Rolls Royce, and read:
Dear Connor and Demelza,
Congratulations on the wedding! We figured you’d enjoy these post-coital snacks.
Noah and Everest wanted to bake you a “Congrats on the wedding sex!” cake, but we (Abel and Amalia - the greatest people you’ll ever know) put our feet down. You’re welcome for us insisting on something classy. That, and we know more than enough about what you do behind closed doors.
Enjoy your honeymoon and please don’t scar the other guests the way you did us.
-Amalia, Abel, Everest, and Noah
Demelza and Connor looked at each other before falling over on top of each other in a fit of laughter.
“Oh God,” Demelza said. She pinched the bridge of her nose and lay her head atop Connor’s chest. “You don’t think Noah picked up on anything or saw us going at it when he was a ghost, do you?”
“He hasn’t said anything about it,” Connor said. “Maybe he’s blocked out the memory.” He ran a finger across Demelza’s cheekbone. “You’re beautiful.”
“You’re handsome.” Demelza reached up with her hand and began undoing Connor’s bow tie and unbuttoning his shirt. She had a lot of practice. “You want to take this to the bedroom?”
Connor nodded, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up along with him. He held her in his arms and carried her bridal style into the bedroom, where they looked forward to the rest of their lives and the future awaiting them on the horizon.
- VII -
“This was not how I imagined us spending our first wedding anniversary,” Demelza grunted. She arched her back and groaned as hot sweat seeped into her hair and hospital gown, and accumulated at her forehead before falling down her face, neck, and the rest of her body.
“You're doing great, sweetheart,” Connor soothed. He held a bowl of cold water and dipped a washcloth inside before using it to wipe Demelza’s face and neck clean. He set the bowl and washcloth down on the end table, grabbed her hand in his, and placed his other hand softly on her head. "You got this. The doctor said it won't be long now."
"That - was - forever - ago," Demelza panted. A rough contraction rippled through her body, and she cried out in pain as Connor squeezed her hand and held her close.
“Breathe through it, sweetheart,” he encouraged her. “You can do it.” He hit the call button as his eyes locked with Demelza’s, both of them realizing that their lives would soon change forever.
The pregnancy hadn’t shocked Connor and Demelza, but they weren’t expecting it either. Children were always in the cards and Demelza and Connor had an active sex life, but she was always consistent and up to date with her birth control. She had also just resumed college and wanted to wait a few years. Demelza had never considered that she was pregnant until she and Connor attended the All Hallows Eve party hosted by Sunny, Luis, and the rest of the Westchester witches. Sunny didn’t greet her and Connor as “the lovers” or “the soulmates” as they usually did, but rather as “the family.”
Demelza had made an appointment the next day and Connor came with her. He told her she could terminate if she wanted and that they could wait longer before having children. Demelza had considered it, but her gaze locked on the ultrasound screen and she saw a miniature Connor with his floppy halcyon hair and her brown eyes running happily through a meadow on a cloudless day. She couldn’t let the image in her mind go or do away with what the two of them had made together after seeing that.
Demelza’s mother and father were thrilled at the news. She had mixed feelings about it. The knowledge that they would be better grandparents to her child than they were as parents to her felt like an unhealed wound. But Demelza knew she couldn’t deprive her child the experience of knowing his grandparents; nor could she ignore their endeavors to be better and the improvements they had made, especially when Connor didn’t have any family left.
Amalia, Abel, Everest, and Lincoln weren’t surprised when Connor and Demelza had told them she was pregnant during their monthly FaceTime chat.
“The two of you were always going at it in the cabin,” Amalia had reasoned. “I can never look at or into kitchen pantries the same way again.”
“You were always so loud,” Everest had said. “I had to listen to the Relaxing Whale Sounds album on Spotify with the volume on full blast just to block you out and get myself to sleep at night.” This earned him laughter from the group and a hard, albeit affectionate slap on the shoulder from Abel.
Demelza and Connor had blushed as Abel said, “Now he can’t sleep without listening to it for at least an hour beforehand.” He grinned widely and added, “We’re excited for you! I’ll send you all the parenting books I have and help get the little one’s library started.”
Lincoln had chuckled and said, “You both were always so obvious. You’ll be amazing parents, though. I’ll block off a few days to get the nursery painted and add on any artistic touches you want.”
Noah and Chelsea, Harper and Parker, Elliot and Robbie, Danni, Imogene, and Tom had responded with enthusiasm. They got together with Sunny, Luis, the witches, Demelza’s parents, and Connor’s high school friends and threw a lakeside baby shower for her and Connor a month before her due date. Noah and Chelsea had planned the menu again with fresh fruit cups, Greek salad, saffron rice, fresh hummus and bean dips with homemade pita bread, Mediterranean chicken kabobs, falafel pitas, baklava, lemon cake, and non-caffeinated sweet iced tea.
Amalia and Lincoln also celebrated with them. He had flown in from Las Vegas on the same day she drove down from Portland on her way to California before starting law school at Stanford University. She had sorted through all the gifts, clothes, and supplies Demelza and Connor had received, and organized the parenting guides, children’s books, and presents Abel and Everest sent over. Abel was busy preparing for his first big archaeological dig in the Patagonian region and Everest was occupied with summer classes, but they had sent their love. Lincoln had painted the nursery, and helped Connor and Noah with moving and arranging the baby furniture Connor had built.
Everything was ready yet Demelza felt far away from it all. The doctor and three nurses came in and began preparing for the delivery, and she found herself wanting to turn back time.
“Connor, I’m scared,” she admitted amidst the flurry of nurses getting her into position. “This happened so fast. What if I’m bad at this parenting thing? What if I end up hurting him?”
“Demelza, look at me,” Connor told her. He pressed his forehead to hers and said, “You’re an amazing mom and you'll keep getting better with time. You being worried about messing things up when our son isn’t even here yet shows how much you love him already.” He kissed her on both cheeks, laced his fingers with hers, and said, “I’m right here with you. I’m not going anywhere.”
The doctor looked up from the foot of the bed and said, “Someone’s ready to make his debut. We can have him out with five pushes if you’ll bear down in three, two, one…”
Demelza pushed, and felt her hand tighten in Connor’s grasp. She accidentally bit her tongue and tasted blood while the coppery scent wafted past her nostrils and made her feel lightheaded. Connor squeezed her hand harder, which brought her back into focus.
Demelza pushed a second time and sensed more people entering the room; but when she looked, it was just Connor, the doctor, and nurses until a familiar voice like honey on the rock pierced the air.
“This kid is going to be so lucky growing up knowing from the beginning that it’s okay to be different; and with you taking him to see Sunny, Luis, and the rest of the witch coven all the time.”
Ava. She smiled and had a casual, edgy elegance about her even in death that Demelza could never hope to achieve in life. She said, “Have Luis teach the kid how to make fire with his fingertips. That’ll come in handy when he gets older.”
“That is completely irresponsible, Ava.”
Lucas. He gave Ava a long, serious look like a professor reprimanding an irresponsible student before turning to Demelza. Ava rolled her eyes but grinned at him and Demelza before taking off. Lucas relaxed his stare as a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth and traveled upward before meeting his eyes.
“Demelza, please teach your child the proper fire safety protocols and how to use a fire extinguisher,” he advised. “The last thing Westchester needs after the past few years are roaring fires everywhere. Really though, your child is so lucky to have you as his mother.”
Dan came into view next. His countenance was a light upon Demelza and she felt his grin illuminate the space around her. “Your son is already loved by so many people he has yet to meet. I know you won’t let him forget that.”
“Of course she won’t.”
Andy. He stood tall and was at peace with himself. “Demelza, you’re going to love and accept your child for who they are, just like you did with me.”
“And me.”
Lily. She looked calm and content with herself and her surroundings and possessed a security about herself she never had before. “You always looked out for me and anyone who needed it. You still do. I know your son will follow in your footsteps and do the same.”
Demelza pushed for the third time and locked eyes with Stacy. She was radiant and full of confidence. “Keep going! You’re almost there!” she exclaimed. “I’ll always be looking after my nephew even when you can’t see me. Make sure he knows how much his Aunt Stacy loves him, okay?”
Demelza nodded as the doctor said, “I see the baby’s head.” She looked up, turned her attention towards Connor, and added, “He takes after his dad with all that blond hair.”
Connor let a joyous laugh escape from his lips and looked at Demelza with tears brimming the surface of his eyelashes. “Did you hear that, sweetheart? Our son has the same hair as me!”
“I knew he would,” Demelza wheezed. She leaned back and recentered her focus as Connor released his grip on her and wiped the sweat off her face and neck again. He kissed her forehead and gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze before taking hold of her hand once more.
The doctor looked at Demelza and said, “We should be able to have him out with two more pushes. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Demelza leaned into herself, and felt her body contort into something she didn’t know as she pushed for the fourth time. “I'm tired,” she whispered to herself. "I don't think I can do this anymore.”
“Yes, you can.”
Demelza still never fully captured what Jane had looked and sounded like in the void, or fully grasped who she would’ve been, had she not died. Yet Jane stood next to her with a commanding presence, unwavering gaze, long auburn waves, and the same pale brown eyes as her twin brother that she knew so well.
“Keep your eye on the horizon,” Jane said. “Just like you did when you looked inside yourself and saved Noah. Just like you will when your son grows up and needs help navigating the path ahead.” She paused, as though listening for something at the door. “I need to go. You have one more visitor.”
“Wait! Please don’t leave!” Demelza whimpered. “I just got you back.” She felt Jane’s presence diminish as her body took control of each extremity and bent them into something unrecognizable. She sensed someone new standing next to her and moaned. “Please… help me… whoever you are.”
A familiar, deadpan voice surrounded her. “You know, whenever I found myself feeling tired during cross country or track practice, my coach would always tell me to push through it; just like you’re doing now.”
Demelza blinked and found herself facing Jocelyn. Her left eye was restored, and her face no longer bore the deep, dark gashes from Power-controlled monsters. Jocelyn looked older and more mature, like she had fully grown into her facial features. She wore her long brown hair pulled back with a tortoise shell clip, which emphasized her angular bone structure and the distinctive contours of her face. Demelza never realized how striking Jocelyn truly was; then again, she had never bothered to look, let alone see.
“You’ve been hearing that a lot though,” Jocelyn said. “You’re probably sick of it. My coach would also tell me to pick my knees up so I could run faster and get to the finish line quicker; but I don’t think you can do that right now.” She gave Demelza a sharp look and said, “I don’t know what you’re freaking out about. Nobody’s ever really ready to become a parent, you know? Those parenting books from Indiana Jones can only help so much. It’s all about what you do or don’t do, and honestly? You and Breakfast Club already love the hell out of your kid. Everyone’s just frothing at the mouth to make you both Parents of the Year.”
“Gee, thanks,” Demelza grumbled sarcastically. “What’s your point?”
Jocelyn stared at her and said, “Just do it! Like the Nike commercials! They told me to buy their running shoes, so I did.”
“Oh, Jocelyn.”
“You know what I mean!” she snapped. “When it’s your kid, you just have to dive right in and accept the good, bad, and ugly of everything! It’s not about making yourself look good to other people or molding your kid in your image, it’s about letting him be his own person and loving him regardless!”
She hesitated for a moment and added, “I think you and Connor will be good parents, Demelza. I know you’ll both love your kid no matter what… you won’t force him to be someone he’s not… the way my parents did to me. But I’m grateful you helped them get closure. Thanks for doing that.”
“You’re welcome, Joss.” Demelza coughed and felt an intense pain course through her. She knew it was time for that fifth and final push.
Jocelyn noticed the change in Demelza and said, “I’ll help see you through this last stretch. Do what the doctor tells you.”
She nodded and pushed at the doctor’s instruction. She felt Jocelyn leave just as her son slid through one limb at a time and finally entered the world.
“He’s here!” the doctor said, exhilarated. She held him up for Demelza and Connor to see. “The time of birth is 3:49 in the afternoon!”
Connor threw his arms around Demelza as their son cried in the background, making his presence known. “You did it, sweetheart! You were wonderful!” He kissed Demelza, set her gently back against the bed, and tucked her hair back. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Demelza said, placing a hand on Connor’s cheek. “I couldn’t have done this without you.” Her eyes found the station in the back, where two of the nurses cleaned the baby, took his measurements, and checked his vitals. She saw his head full of blond hair and noticed he had long arms and legs, big feet, and large hands for a newborn. “Go check on him,” she told Connor.
Connor nodded and gave her another kiss before taking off. She lay still and took deep breaths in through her nose and out through mouth as the doctor cleaned her up. The third nurse switched out her pillow, lowered the front of her hospital gown, and wiped her hair and skin down with fresh water before cleaning the foot of the bed.
Demelza watched while Connor cut the umbilical cord with jittery hands. His eyes were luminous and smile so wide she thought his face would split in half. Then the nurses wrapped the baby in a soft blue blanket and placed him in Connor’s arms. His expression changed to one of awe and reverence as he held his son for the first time.
Demelza knew Connor became a new person at that moment. A whole new level of healing was underway. The cracks engraved deep inside Connor would never disappear or restore what was lost. But the baby filled those crevices with gold and brought back a sense of peace Connor had spent years yearning for.
Demelza’s eyes met Connor’s as he walked over and placed the baby directly on her chest. His skin met hers as she put her hands on his back, inhaling his sweet newborn scent. She felt the gold flow through her veins and noticed how weightless her son felt upon her.
“Hi,” Demelza said. “I’m your mom. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
He made eye contact with Demelza and yawned before burrowing into her. He fell asleep with one hand resting on her shoulder and the other one next to her collarbone.
Connor wrapped his arms around both her and their son. He kissed her on the side of her head and said, “The nurses told me our son will be big and tall when he grows up. I can’t wrap my brain around that. It was the strangest thing. I held him and felt as though I was holding a bag of feathers.”
Demelza thought of the poem Jocelyn had written down on notebook paper and once used as a bookmark. It still sat in Demelza’s wallet and the memory of finding it felt as though it had happened a lifetime ago.
Now it manifested in the part of her soul that lived and breathed outside her body and kept her warm all the same.
- VIII -
Demelza and Connor found themselves in their own hospital room a few hours later. She felt refreshed from showering and wore a long and loose nursing top, a pair of Connor’s well-worn plaid pajama pants, and fuzzy red socks. She held their son and laid against Connor on the hospital bed with the clean, crisp sheets, comforter, and pillows he insisted on bringing from home. Connor had also showered and changed into sweatpants, an old Portland Trail Blazers shirt, and socks that matched Demelza’s. He reached over and stroked their son’s forehead, nose, and both cheeks with a gentle finger before letting him take hold of it in his newborn grasp.
“He has your eyes,” Connor said. “It’s hard to tell right now, but I can’t wait to see you in them when he’s older.”
“He looks like you,” Demelza said. “You have no idea how happy that makes me.” She smiled at the baby and said, “We love you, little guy. We’re so excited to be your mom and dad.”
“The little guy needs a name. We can’t keep calling him that for the rest of his life and the hospital won’t discharge us until we fill out the birth certificate.”
Demelza nodded and thought of the world her son was just born into. It contained pockets of natural beauty, histories older than time itself, hidden discoveries, and untold stories. Yet the world had withstood endless abuse, witnessed countless evils, and wasn’t immune from corruption or those who would use the gifts bestowed upon them to hurt others.
Her son didn’t come into a world where he would have to worry about the Power hurting those he loved the way she and Connor once did.
Rather, he came into one that possessed a fragile, delicate hope, yet offered a new way forward whilst still carrying the wisdom of the past.
Demelza thought of those who had passed on, and how they returned to lift her up and provide her with the strength she needed to deliver him.
She knew what the perfect name would be.
“How about Atlas?” Demelza suggested. “It’s a book of maps that holds the past, present, the way ahead, and hope for the future.” Her gaze turned from her son, to Connor, and back again. “Atlas Connor Green. His middle name will be for you.”
Connor smiled before releasing his finger from Atlas’ grip and retrieving his phone from the end table. He spent a few minutes scrolling and turned the screen towards her. He had pulled up a baby names website that listed the meaning and origin of their son’s new name: bearer of the heavens, from Greek mythology.
“It’s perfect,” Connor said. He set his phone down and ran a soft hand through Atlas’ hair. A far off, wistful look came over his face. “Atlas came into this world with heaven at his back. They were all there - my sister, Jocelyn, everyone we’ve lost - they all came together to bring him here to us.”
“I know,” Demelza said. “I’ll never forget them; and we’ll make sure Atlas knows them too.”
Connor bent down and kissed Atlas atop his head before resting his lips on Demelza’s. “Happy anniversary sweetheart,” he told her. “I have so many reasons why I’ll never forget this day.”
“Happy anniversary, love,” Demelza replied. She smiled down upon their new son.
“Happy birthday, Atlas. Welcome to the world, to this place with feathers.”
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gastrohv · 8 days
Reasons To Opt For Medical Weight Loss in Westchester County, White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Bronxville, NY
Being overweight is common. While it is not a problem per se, gaining too much weight is certain to affect the physical and emotional well-being equally. Trying out numerous tricks by listening to the words of amateurs who may have lost some weight once upon a time is the best way to go for a systematic approach. The person aspiring to cut the flab and gain good health and normal body proportions is advised to consider medical weight loss in Westchester County, White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Bronxville, NY. ​ Trying to lose weight has become a social practice of late, with the young generation obsessed with it. No DIY technique can sustain long-term goals to ensure a healthy life and not merely shed weight for the wrong reasons. Consulting with an obesity doctor or a medical professional specializing in the problem can be effective. The professional will not be convinced by words alone. Instead, the following tests will be advised so that the patient can understand the reason for gaining weight. Formulating a customized solution becomes easier for the doctor when the following test results are available:
· Health History · General Physical Examination · BMI · Waist Circumference · Existing Health Conditions
Possible Treatment for Weight Loss
There is no single formula to ensure weight loss. Instead, the doctor will try different approaches with a customized plan being designed for each patient. A combination of multiple methods can provide the right results. Some of the tried and tested ways to reduce weight slowly and steadily include the following:-
Changing Dietary Habits · Consuming less calories · Opting for fresh food that is less calorific · Healthy food choices include all types of nutrients · Restriction of certain foods · Healthy meal replacements
Regular Physical activity
· Low to moderate exercise, including walking, cycling, and swimming · Increase in physical movement · Use of technology to keep track of the results Behavioral Changes
The emotional problems associated with weight gain may be addressed appropriately by the following:
· Undergoing Counseling · Joining a Support group However, the concerned doctor may also prescribe medication to combat weight loss. The medical professional will also note the side effects and alter the medicines as needed.  People with stubborn obesity may be advised to undergo an endoscopic procedure that limits the space within the stomach. Some of the most popular procedures are:- · Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty · Lap band surgery · Intragastric balloon
Thankfully, there is an advanced way to reverse weight gain now that does not involve an invasive procedure. Innovative Peptide Therapy has emerged as one of the best ways to achieve weight loss and improve general health.
Regular digestive issues such as heartburn or bloating must not be ignored. It is essential to consult a skilled gastro Dr in White Plains, Westchester County, Bronxville, New Rochelle, and Yonkers, NY, to obtain relief and have the underlying problem treated perfectly.
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mysterymirrors · 16 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Michael Kors Stephanie Tan Leather Pumps.
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Find Stylish Furniture in Scarsdale NY: Top Stores and Design Tips
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Scarsdale, NY, is a charming village known for its beautiful homes and discerning residents with a taste for elegance. When it comes to furnishing these homes, finding the perfect pieces that blend style and functionality is essential. If you're searching for "furniture in Scarsdale NY," you're in luck! This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the top furniture stores in the area and offer valuable design tips to help you create a space that reflects your unique style.
Top Furniture Stores in Scarsdale NY
Scarsdale boasts a diverse selection of furniture stores catering to various styles and budgets. Whether you're looking for classic, contemporary, or eclectic pieces, you'll find something to suit your taste. Here are a few of the top destinations for furniture shopping in Scarsdale:
Scarsdale Furniture: A local favorite, Scarsdale Furniture offers a wide range of high-quality furniture for every room in the house. Their knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect pieces to match your style and budget.
Calligaris Westchester: This store offers a unique selection of contemporary Italian furniture, known for its innovative designs and high-quality materials.
Ethan Allen: This well-known brand offers timeless designs and exceptional craftsmanship. Their Scarsdale showroom showcases a curated collection of furniture, accessories, and design services.
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams: If you prefer a more modern aesthetic, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams is a great choice. Their furniture is known for its comfort, style, and sustainability.
West Elm: This popular retailer offers stylish and affordable furniture with a contemporary edge. Their Scarsdale location features a wide selection of furniture, décor, and gifts.
Restoration Hardware: For those seeking a luxurious and sophisticated look, Restoration Hardware is a must-visit. Their Scarsdale gallery showcases a curated collection of high-end furniture and décor.
Design Tips for Furniture in Scarsdale NY
Selecting the right furniture is only half the battle. Arranging it in a way that creates a harmonious and functional space is equally important. Here are some design tips to help you make the most of your furniture in Scarsdale NY:
Consider the Scale: Choose furniture that is proportionate to the size of your room. Oversized pieces can make a small space feel cramped, while undersized furniture can get lost in a large room.
Create a Focal Point: Every room needs a focal point to draw the eye. This could be a fireplace, a piece of art, or a statement piece of furniture. Arrange your furniture to highlight this focal point.
Balance Functionality and Style: While aesthetics are important, don't forget about functionality. Choose furniture that serves a purpose and makes your life easier.
Mix and Match: Don't be afraid to mix and match different styles and textures. This can add visual interest and personality to your space.
Use Lighting to Your Advantage: Lighting can dramatically impact the look and feel of a room. Use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create the desired mood.
Additional Tips for Finding Furniture in Scarsdale NY
Do Your Research: Before you start shopping, do some research online and in design magazines to get a sense of the styles you like.
Set a Budget: Furniture can be expensive, so it's important to set a budget before you start shopping. This will help you narrow down your options and avoid overspending.  
Measure Your Space: Before you buy any furniture, measure your space carefully to ensure that the pieces you choose will fit.
Don't Be Afraid to Negotiate: Many furniture stores are willing to negotiate on price, so don't be afraid to ask for a better deal.
Consider Hiring a Designer: If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional designer to help you create the space of your dreams.
Finding stylish furniture in Scarsdale NY doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a little research and planning, you can easily find the perfect pieces to transform your home into a haven of style and comfort. Remember to consider the scale of your space, create a focal point, balance functionality and style, mix and match different styles and textures, and use lighting to your advantage. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a space that you'll love for years to come.
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downtoearthmarkets · 2 months
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From August 4-10, Down to Earth Markets is celebrating National Farmers Market Week 2024!
Over the past decade, the number of farmers markets in New York State has grown rapidly, as shoppers prioritize local food and a direct connection with their farmers and food producers. Today, New York has more than 400 farmers markets, including Down to Earth Markets’ nine locations in Westchester, Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn.
The mission of the Farmers Market Federation of New York, of which Down to Earth Markets has been a longtime member, is to support and promote the viability of farmers markets in our state. This year, the Federation’s theme for National Farmers Market Week is "Farmers Markets are Third Place Makers," highlighting the vital role that farmers markets play as communal spaces, aside from home and work.
Every day of National Farmers Market Week, we are sharing one way in which Down to Earth’s farmers markets are place-makers, providing vibrant, welcoming spaces for community gathering and local commerce.
✨ Farmers Markets Make Space for CONVERSATION In today's post-COVID world, finding meaningful social interaction can be challenging. Farmers markets have become essential spaces for those seeking connection. Down to Earth Markets’ farmers markets provide a wholesome and inspiring environment where everyone is welcome. Come for the fresh produce and stay for the conversation with vendors and neighbors!
🌍 Farmers Markets Make Space for CULTURAL EXCHANGE At Down to Earth’s farmers markets, you’ll discover a diversity of cultural backgrounds, reflected in the variety of products and experiences shared by our vendors. Our vendors often come to market excited to share a family recipe, a heritage of farming or a passion for introducing new crops and flavors to their customers.
Visiting our markets is like taking a stroll through history. Many of our vendors have been part of Down to Earth Markets since our founding in 1991, each with a unique perspective to tell. These stories enrich our local communities and create welcoming spaces for everyone.
♻️ Farmers Markets Make Space for SUSTAINABILITY At Down to Earth Markets, we champion sustainability. By shopping local with us, you support small-scale, diversified farms, many engaging in regenerative and organic farming methods that improve soil health, protect native pollinators, and reduce carbon emissions.
Plus, Down to Earth has partnered with Green Tree Textiles to provide textile recycling in all our farmers markets. Some markets offer composting programs, allowing you to drop off food scraps to be transformed into nutrient-rich soil and fertilizer. We host Earth Month recycling programs, ensuring proper disposal and reuse of hard-to-recycle plastics. Additionally, we encourage the use of reusable tote bags to help reduce plastic pollution.
💚 Farmers Markets Make Space for FAMILIARITY & COMFORT Farmers markets are more than just places to buy fresh produce; they're welcoming spaces where we come together, feel at ease, and build community.
Regular visits mean seeing familiar faces and sharing moments with friendly farmers and neighbors. The weekly rhythm adds a comforting routine to our lives, filled with the joy of fresh goods and warm conversations.
💪 Farmers Markets Make Space for HEALTH & WELLNESS  Down to Earth’s farmers markets are community hubs for healthy living. Enjoy abundant fresh, local produce, seasonal recipes, and nutrition programs like FMNP, Fresh Connect, and NYC Health Bucks, making wholesome foods accessible for all.
Some of our farmers markets also offer specialized nutrition programming like the Power of Produce (POP) Club for kids as well as free cooking demos and tastings. Visit your local market and discover all the ways we can help you live a healthier life!
🔊 Farmers Markets Make Space for OUTREACH At our farmers markets, we're more than just a place to buy fresh produce! From pet food drives to mental health support information and much more, our markets serve as platforms for outreach and engagement. Our free community table program creates opportunities for nonprofits, mission-driven groups, and community organizations to connect with people, spread their message, and offer invaluable resources.
🌟 Farmers Markets Make Space for TRUST & SECURITY Farmers markets are spaces in which we connect with farmers and food makers, share information, and build trust in our food system. From exchanging recipes to talking about agricultural practices, farmers markets are where direct relationships between producers and consumers occur. When you know who made or raised it, you can feel confident about the quality of food you’re buying each week.
Happy National Farmers Market Week to all and we look forward to seeing you in our markets this weekend!
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mgppaintingservice · 2 months
Affordable Kitchen Cabinet Repainting Services Across New York & New Jersey with MGP Painting
Are your kitchen cabinets looking outdated or worn out? Replacing cabinets can be a costly and disruptive process, but there's a smarter, more budget-friendly solution: repainting. 
At MGP Painting, we specialize in affordable cabinet repainting services across New York and New Jersey, transforming your kitchen with a fresh new look without the hefty price tag of a complete remodel. 
Discover why cabinet repainting is the best choice for your home and how we can help you achieve a stunning kitchen makeover.
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Why Repaint Your Cabinets?
Repainting your kitchen cabinets offers a range of benefits compared to replacing them. 
First and foremost, it's significantly more cost-effective. While new cabinets can run into the thousands, cabinet repainting provides a dramatic transformation at a fraction of the cost. Not only does it save you money, but it also saves you time and hassle. The process of repainting is quicker and less disruptive than installing new cabinets, allowing you to enjoy your updated kitchen sooner.
Moreover, opting for cabinet repainting is an environmentally friendly choice. By refurbishing your existing cabinets, you reduce waste and contribute to sustainability, making a positive impact on the environment. 
To understand more about the cost differences between painting and replacing kitchen cabinets, check out our detailed comparison on the cost of painting kitchen cabinets vs replacing them.
MGP Painting’s Cabinet Repainting Services
MGP Painting pride themselves on offering top-notch cabinet repainting services. Our team of skilled professionals uses high-quality materials and advanced techniques to ensure a flawless finish. From selecting the perfect color to applying a durable, long-lasting paint, we handle every aspect of the process with meticulous care.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the glowing testimonials from our clients. They appreciate not only the exceptional quality of our work but also our dedication to providing a smooth, hassle-free experience.
Service Areas
We proudly serve a wide range of locations across New York and New Jersey. Our affordable cabinet repainting services are available in:
Rockland County: Bear Mountain, Blauvelt, Congers, Garnerville, Haverstraw, Hillburn, Monsey, Nanuet, New City, Nyack, Orangeburg, Palisades, Pearl River, Piermont, Pomona, Sloatsburg, Sparkill, Spring Valley, Stony Point, Suffern, Tallman, Tappan, Thiells, Tomkins Cove, Valley Cottage, West Haverstraw, West Nyack.
Bergen County: All towns and zip codes.
Orange County: All towns and zip codes.
Westchester County: All towns and zip codes.
Our extensive coverage ensures that you receive local expertise and personalized service no matter where you are in these regions.
The Repainting Process
Wondering what to expect during the cabinet repainting process? Here’s a step-by-step overview:
Consultation and Estimate: We start with a free consultation to discuss your vision and provide a detailed estimate.
Preparation: Our team prepares your cabinets by cleaning, sanding, and priming them to ensure the paint adheres properly.
Painting: We apply high-quality paint in your chosen color, using techniques that guarantee a smooth, even finish.
Finishing Touches: After the paint has dried, we inspect the cabinets for any touch-ups needed and ensure everything is perfect.
Final Walkthrough: We conduct a final walkthrough with you to ensure you’re completely satisfied with the results.
Tips for Preparing Your Cabinets for Repainting
To get the best results from your cabinet repainting, follow these tips:
Clear Out Cabinets: Remove all items from your cabinets and drawers.
Clean Surfaces: Thoroughly clean your cabinets to remove grease and grime.
Protect Surroundings: Cover floors and countertops to protect them from paint splatters.
For more tips read our full blog: Key Considerations When Repainting Kitchen Cabinets
Success Stories
We have transformed countless kitchens with our cabinet repainting services. Check out some of our success stories, featuring before-and-after photos and positive feedback from our clients. These real-life examples showcase the dramatic changes we can achieve and highlight our commitment to quality craftsmanship.
Why Choose MGP Painting?
We stand out for its dedication to excellence and customer service. Our team is skilled, reliable, and focused on delivering outstanding results. We use only the best materials and techniques, ensuring that your cabinet repainting project is completed to the highest standards. Plus, our competitive pricing and special offers make us the top choice for affordable kitchen makeovers.
Contact Us
Ready to give your kitchen cabinets a fresh new look? Contact MGP Painting today for a free estimate. Call us at 845-290-5284 or visit our website to schedule your consultation.
Choosing us for your cabinet repainting needs means opting for affordability, quality, and expertise. Transform your kitchen with our professional cabinet painting services and enjoy a stunning new look without the high costs of replacement. Let MGP Painting help you achieve the kitchen makeover you’ve been dreaming of!
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avantmidlothian · 2 months
Modern Comfort
People searching for one bedroom apartments in Midlothian will find Avant an excellent choice. Offering one-, two-, and three-bedroom homes, this community is designed for modern living. Residents can enjoy a community vegetable garden, perfect for growing fresh produce. The 24-hour package room with cold storage ensures perishables are kept safe. Select homes feature EV charging stations and private garages, adding convenience and sustainability. For car owners, the carwash station with a vacuum makes maintenance easy. Pet owners will appreciate the on-site pet park, providing a dedicated space for their furry friends to play. Avant offers ideal apartments in Midlothian, combining luxury, comfort, and a sense of community.
The Transportation System in Midlothian, Virginia
Midlothian, Virginia, features a well-connected transportation system that makes getting around convenient for residents and visitors. The area is served by major highways like Route 288 and Powhite Parkway, providing easy access to nearby cities and attractions. Public transportation options include bus routes operated by GRTC, offering reliable service throughout the region. Midlothian also has bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly paths, promoting active lifestyles and alternative commuting methods. For those traveling by air, Richmond International Airport is just a short drive away. The transportation network in Midlothian supports commuting to work, shopping trips, and leisure activities, enhancing the overall accessibility and livability of the community.
Historic Woolridge Road in Midlothian, VA
Historic Woolridge Road in Midlothian, Virginia, is a charming stretch known for its scenic countryside and historic homes. It winds through peaceful landscapes, offering picturesque views of rolling hills and old trees. The road is lined with historic houses that reflect the area's rich heritage, providing a glimpse into the past. Historic Woolridge Road is popular among locals and visitors alike for its beauty and tranquility, making it a favorite spot for leisurely drives or walks. Whether you're interested in history or architecture or simply enjoy scenic routes, Historic Woolridge Road offers a peaceful retreat and a chance to experience the timeless charm of rural Virginia.
Marshalls Store in Midlothian Moving to Westchester Commons
Marshalls is a popular store known for its concept of offering brand-name clothing, accessories, home goods, and more at discounted prices. It's part of the off-price retail model, which means they buy merchandise from manufacturers and department stores at a lower cost and pass the savings on to customers. Marshalls carries a wide range of products, including fashion for men, women, and children, as well as items for the home, like decor, kitchenware, and bedding. The store's layout encourages treasure-hunt shopping, where you can find great deals on well-known brands in a variety of styles and sizes. Marshalls is a favorite among bargain hunters looking for quality items at affordable prices.
Link to map
Grove Shaft Ventilation Building 13301 N Woolridge Rd, Midlothian, VA 23114, United States Head east on N Woolridge Rd 0.5 mi Turn right onto Walton Park Rd 1.1 mi Turn right onto Queensgate Rd 0.1 mi Turn left onto Walton Bluff Pkwy 1.4 mi Turn right onto Lucks Ln 0.4 mi Turn left onto Evergreen E Pkwy 0.2 mi Turn left 0.1 mi Avant at Midlothian 12801 Lucks Ln, Midlothian, VA 23114, United States
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Don’t get taken advantage of by Sustainable Westchester.
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orthocaresurgical · 3 months
Choosing the Best Car Accident Injury Doctor: Key Considerations for Westchester Residents
Following a car accident, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial for ensuring a swift and successful recovery. For residents of Westchester who have sustained injuries in car accidents, choosing the right car accident injury doctor is essential for receiving proper care and treatment.
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effectiveelectric23 · 4 months
Commercial Landscape Lighting Design Westchester
In the picturesque landscapes of Westchester, enhancing the beauty and functionality of commercial spaces after dark is both an art and a science. Effective Electric, a leading provider of electrical solutions, brings innovative and energy-efficient landscape lighting designs that not only illuminate but also elevate the aesthetics of any commercial property. This article explores the key elements of Effective Electric's approach to commercial landscape lighting Westchester, ensuring properties stand out while promoting safety and sustainability.
Understanding Your Vision At Effective Electric, our design process starts with you. We take the time to understand your vision, goals, and the unique characteristics of your property. Whether you aim to create a welcoming ambiance for customers, highlight architectural features, or improve security, we listen to your requirements and preferences.
Site Evaluation Our team conducts a thorough site evaluation to assess existing conditions, including landscape features, building architecture, and any potential challenges. This step is crucial to developing a customized lighting plan that maximizes the aesthetic and functional potential of your property.
Design Principles Aesthetics and Functionality Our lighting designs strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. We use various lighting techniques to highlight focal points such as signage, entrances, and architectural details, while also ensuring pathways and parking areas are well-lit for safety.
Energy Efficiency We prioritize energy-efficient solutions to help you save on operating costs and reduce environmental impact. Our designs incorporate LED lighting, smart controls, and timers to optimize energy use without compromising on performance.
Layered Lighting Effective Electric employs a layered lighting approach, combining ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a dynamic and inviting atmosphere. This technique allows us to address different lighting needs and enhance the overall visual appeal of your property.
Key Lighting Techniques Uplighting Uplighting involves placing fixtures at ground level and directing light upwards to highlight trees, shrubs, and architectural elements. This technique adds depth and drama to your landscape, creating striking visual effects.
Downlighting Downlighting is used to illuminate walkways, seating areas, and garden beds from above. It provides functional illumination while minimizing glare, making it ideal for enhancing safety and visibility in high-traffic areas.
Path Lighting Path lighting ensures safe navigation through walkways and garden paths. We carefully position fixtures to provide adequate illumination without overpowering the natural beauty of your landscape.
Spotlighting Spotlighting is used to draw attention to specific features such as statues, fountains, and unique plantings. This technique adds a focal point to your landscape, creating visual interest and enhancing the overall design.
Smart Lighting Solutions Incorporating smart lighting technology into your landscape design allows for greater control and customization. With automated systems, you can adjust lighting levels, colors, and schedules to match different events and seasons, all from your smartphone or computer.
Motion Sensors and Timers Motion sensors and timers enhance security and energy efficiency by ensuring lights are only on when needed. These features are particularly useful for Commercial Landscape Lighting Design Westchester, especially in parking lots and pathways. By providing illumination when movement is detected and conserving energy when the area is unoccupied, we ensure both safety and sustainability.
Sustainability At Effective Electric, we are committed to sustainable practices. Our designs prioritize the use of recyclable materials, energy-efficient fixtures, and environmentally friendly installation methods. By choosing sustainable solutions, you not only benefit from lower energy costs but also contribute to a greener future.
Installation and Maintenance Professional Installation Our experienced technicians ensure that every fixture is installed correctly and safely. We use high-quality materials and adhere to best practices to guarantee the longevity and reliability of your lighting system.
Regular Maintenance To keep your landscape lighting performing at its best, we offer comprehensive maintenance services. Regular inspections, cleaning, and adjustments ensure that your system remains in top condition, providing consistent illumination and extending the life of your investment.
Customer Satisfaction Effective Electric is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service. From the initial consultation to the final installation and beyond, we work closely with you to ensure your complete satisfaction. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and reliability sets us apart as the premier choice for commercial landscape lighting in Westchester.
Conclusion Transform your commercial property with the expert landscape lighting design services of Effective Electric. By combining creativity, technology, and sustainability, we create outdoor spaces that are not only beautiful but also safe and functional. Let us illuminate your business's exterior and make a lasting impression on everyone who visits. Contact us today to start your journey towards a brighter, more inviting commercial landscape.
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homeimprovement31311 · 4 months
Westchester Home Improvement License
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Westchester Home Improvement License guide! If you’re a homeowner or contractor in Westchester County, New York, looking to undertake home improvement projects. It’s crucial to understand the licensing requirements set forth by local authorities.
For More Information: Westchester Home Improvement License
This introduction aims to provide clarity and guidance on obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to ensure compliance with regulations and standards in Westchester County.
Navigating the landscape of home improvement regulations can be complex. but with the right information and resources, you can proceed with confidence and peace of mind.
Whether you’re planning to renovate your kitchen, remodel your bathroom, or undertake any other home improvement project. This guide will help you understand the steps involved in obtaining a home improvement license in Westchester County.
From understanding the types of licenses required for different types of projects to learning about the application process and associated fees. This introduction will serve as a valuable resource to help you embark on your home improvement journey responsibly and legally.
Westchester Home Improvement License Exploring the Basics
Renovation trends continually evolve, reflecting shifts in design preferences, technological advancements, and societal values. Here are some prominent renovation trends gaining traction in recent years:
Smart Home Integration:
Homeowners are increasingly incorporating smart technology into their renovation projects, integrating features such as smart lighting, thermostats, security systems, and voice-controlled assistants for enhanced convenience, security, and energy efficiency.
Open Concept Living Spaces:
Open floor plans remain popular, emphasizing fluidity and connectivity between the kitchen, dining area, and living spaces. Removing walls and barriers creates a sense of spaciousness and promotes interaction among family members and guests.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials:
There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-conscious choices in renovation projects. Homeowners are opting for materials such as reclaimed wood, bamboo flooring, recycled glass countertops, and low VOC paints to reduce environmental impact and promote healthier indoor air quality.
Outdoor Living Spaces:
With a greater focus on outdoor living and entertaining, homeowners are investing in the creation of inviting outdoor spaces. This includes the addition of decks, patios, pergolas, fire pits, outdoor kitchens, and landscaping features that blur the lines between indoor and outdoor living.
Multi-Functional Spaces:
Flexibility is key in modern homes, with a trend towards multi-functional spaces that can adapt to various needs and activities. Examples include home offices that double as guest rooms, Murphy beds in small apartments, and versatile furniture with built-in storage solutions.
Spa-like Bathrooms:
Bathrooms are being transformed into luxurious retreats, featuring spa-like amenities such as oversized showers with rain showerheads, freestanding soaking tubs, heated floors, and ambient lighting. Natural materials, such as marble and stone, contribute to a serene and indulgent atmosphere.
Bold Colors and Patterns: Homeowners are embracing bold colors and patterns to add personality and visual interest to their spaces. This includes statement walls, vibrant accents, geometric patterns, and maximalist designs that break away from neutral color palettes.
Vintage and Retro Revival: There is a resurgence of interest in vintage and retro aesthetics, with homeowners incorporating nostalgic elements from past eras into their renovation projects. This includes retro appliances, mid-century modern furniture, vintage fixtures, and eclectic decor pieces.
Energy-Efficient Upgrades: Renovation projects often include energy-efficient upgrades aimed at reducing utility costs and environmental impact. This may involve installing energy-efficient windows, upgrading insulation, replacing outdated HVAC systems with more efficient models, and integrating renewable energy sources such as solar panels.
Personalization and Customization: Homeowners are seeking ways to personalize their spaces and express their unique tastes and lifestyles through custom design elements, bespoke furnishings, and curated collections that reflect their individuality and create a sense of belonging.
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lanabriggs · 5 months
Who is Michael Shvartsman in the world of finance?
Born and raised in New York City, Michael Shvartsman developed a passion for finance at an early age. After graduating with honors from a prestigious university, he embarked on a career in investment banking, where he honed his skills in financial analysis, risk management, and strategic planning. However, it was his entrepreneurial spirit and desire to make a meaningful impact in the industry that led him to establish Rocket One Capital.
In the world of finance, Michael Shvartsman stands out as a leader, entrepreneur, and investor. As the founder and owner of Rocket One Capital, he has carved a distinctive path marked by innovation, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From humble beginnings to building a successful investment firm, Shvartsman’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, strategic thinking, and unwavering commitment to his principles.
At the core of Shvartsman’s philosophy is a commitment to integrity, transparency, and client-centricity. “Building trust is paramount in the financial industry,” he emphasizes. “At Rocket One Capital, we prioritize the needs and interests of our clients above all else. By fostering open communication, delivering results, and upholding the highest ethical standards, we strive to earn and maintain the trust of our clients.”
Michael Shvartsman’s approach to work is characterized by a blend of innovation and pragmatism. He recognizes the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market landscape while remaining grounded in fundamental principles of sound investment practices. “Innovation is key to staying competitive in the financial industry,” he remarks. “However, innovation must be balanced with discipline and a thorough understanding of market dynamics. At Rocket One Capital, we leverage cutting-edge technology and data-driven strategies to identify opportunities and optimize returns for our clients.”
As the leader of Rocket One Capital, Michael Shvartsman has set forth a bold vision for the company’s future. With a focus on delivering exceptional value and driving sustainable growth, he seeks to expand the firm’s footprint globally while maintaining a personalized approach to client service. “Our vision is to become a leading force in the financial industry, known for our innovation, expertise, and unwavering commitment to our clients’ success,” he explains. “We aspire to be a trusted partner for investors seeking to achieve their financial goals and navigate the complexities of today’s market.”
Learn more:
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westchesterproperty5 · 5 months
Maximizing Efficiency: The Role of Digital Property Management in Westchester
In the competitive realm of real estate management in Westchester, staying ahead requires more than just traditional practices. Adria Property Management has redefined the landscape by embracing digital innovations to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction. Their commitment to leveraging technology sets them apart as pioneers in the field.
One of the key pillars of Adria Property Management's approach is their utilization of digital property management systems. By employing cutting-edge software solutions, they empower property owners with real-time insights and control over their assets. From rental collection to maintenance requests, every aspect of property management is seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly interface, accessible from anywhere at any time.
For property owners seeking unparalleled convenience and transparency, Adria's digital platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools. Through automated processes and customized reporting features, they ensure that every aspect of property management is optimized for efficiency. This not only saves time but also minimizes the potential for errors, fostering trust and confidence among clients.
Moreover, Adria Property Management's digital prowess extends beyond the realm of traditional property management tasks. Their forward-thinking approach encompasses innovative marketing strategies tailored to the digital age. By harnessing the power of social media, targeted advertising, and online listing platforms, they maximize property exposure and attract quality tenants, ultimately driving profitability for property owners.
In addition to streamlining operations and enhancing marketing efforts, Adria Property Management leverages digital solutions to prioritize tenant satisfaction. Through online portals and mobile applications, tenants can easily submit maintenance requests, make payments, and communicate with property managers, fostering a positive rental experience. This proactive approach to tenant management not only reduces turnover rates but also cultivates long-term tenant relationships, bolstering property value in the process.
Furthermore, Adria Property Management's commitment to innovation extends to sustainability initiatives. Through digital monitoring systems and energy-efficient solutions, they help property owners reduce their environmental footprint while cutting costs in the long run. By integrating sustainability practices into their digital property management framework, Adria demonstrates their dedication to both client success and environmental stewardship.
Adria Property Management's embrace of digital solutions revolutionizes real estate management in Westchester. Through their seamless integration of technology, they elevate efficiency, transparency, and sustainability in every aspect of property management. Whether you're a property owner seeking optimal returns or a tenant in search of a superior rental experience, Adria stands as the premier choice for digital property management in Westchester.
The future of real estate management lies in the digital realm, and Adria Property Management is leading the way towards a more efficient and innovative landscape in Westchester.
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