A follow up on my thoughts of college player!eren and best friend!reader
- as everyone else seems to agree, college best friend! Eren would totally be an athlete, and a total player
- an athlete, an alright student, but damn hot to boot
- he always seems to stroll into class right before the professor starts talking, with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder
- he never brings his laptop, never brings a notebook. He just somehow fishes a pencil out from his low slung sweatpants and sits there, twirling it between his fingers 
- he always has an endless string of hookups, borne mostly of his fan club that seems to have his schedule memorized, always waiting outside of his classes 
- somehow though, you managed to become friends with him, best friends at that 
- perhaps it was because you were already in a relationship when you met, because Eren, although he may be a player, still has rules he follows and cheating is something he would not condone 
- you did not grow up with him as Mikasa and Armin had, but to others, you might as well have, your spot by his side so solidified, you were an honorary member of his “family” group 
- but there are some things Eren could not talk to Mikasa about, and things Armin wouldn’t understand 
- so he gives you a call 
- anytime, anywhere, he would chat with you for hours as you nod along absentmindedly, his voice echoing on speakerphone as you tap away on your phone 
- he tells you of the late-night activities he gets dragged out to by his team, tells you of the shenanigans they get up to, and all his romantic encounters 
- you just hum along, trying to keep all the names clear in your head as you listen
- neither of you realize when the relationship took a turn 
- it started one day when Eren told you about a new hookup (fling he called it). After all, it was final year and she already accepted a job offer halfway across the world 
- as he was telling you about her messy hair, their late-night post coital mcDonalds runs, and about her complaints of the marks he would leave, you felt this uncomfortable twist of your stomach 
- “why her” was the first thought you had - and that moment scared you because you had not thought that in the nearly 4 years you spent with Eren
- you wondered perhaps if he was doing it mildly on purpose, goading you into a confession 
- you started reading into his texts a little too much, feeling the tingle and rush of warmth to your cheeks at his flirtation 
- “you suck” you'd say, “you love it, admit it” he’d reply, his teasing getting more and more bold 
- little did you know, what you were feeling started for Eren far before 
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He would so wear like black leather gloves
Imagine he gets his hands dirty and his perfect hair getting messy👀
I had to cover my face for a solid minute before responding to this
mob boss erwin x reader, 18+ pls, very suggestive
It takes a lot to get Erwin to remove his gloves. The sight of his fingertips splattered red with evidence of his...successful business deals was not too distant a memory, but one that is simply beneath him now.
Even the ever impassive Levi will cast a sidelong glance and murmur a quiet "sir?" when Erwin tugs at his gloves with a dark glint in his eyes, looking down at the unfortunate soul who is currently cowering and begging for his life on the cold concrete.
These days, Erwin was untouchable. The face of a governor, the demeanour of a leader, but the cold, bloodlust that makes even those who hear of his name in passing quake in their boots ensures that the warm daylight is one that is rarely graced with his presence. He owns the shadows. He owns the night. He even owns everything that dares go bump in the night.
But for you, oh for you, Erwin will gladly pull off his gloves, loosening it finger by finger as his eyes never once leaves yours, watching as you squirm and whimper impatiently as he takes his time. He'd bring the loosened glove to your lips, satisfaction evident in his heavy exhale as your tug the garment loose with your teeth.
That's right...it takes a lot for Erwin to remove his gloves. After all, what is to be splattered on his fingertips is much more enjoyable than blood.
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Valentines Day 2023 Event Masterlist
All the letters from my Valentines Day 2023 Event will be posted below!
Please block the tag “Valentines Day Letters 2023” to avoid seeing related posts.
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My dear Levi,
Hope you are well, my love. It’s been a few months I have last seen you. Is it selfish of me to miss you?
Our home has been lonely without you. The bedsheets are too cold. The shirts don’t smell no longer like you. My mornings are nothing without you. I miss you, I miss your smell, your arms, I miss lying with you in our bed, I miss talking with you.
I can’t sleep knowing you aren’t with me. I can’t sleep because I can’t help but be scared that you won’t ever come back from the expeditions.
So, please love, come back alive, come back to me.
Your love,
From your worried tone, it seems my previous letters to you have not been received. After all, so many of our mailers ride out into the night without making it to the city. I wonder now how many of your words never made it to me.
I hope you receive this letter, if not the others. There is good news. We are heading home. The town we were in was hospitable, and the villagers pleasant, but it was not home. Not without you.
I write as the others are still packing the wagon. Perhaps by the time you receive this, I will be handing you this letter myself. What a surprise that would be.
I am well. I am safe. I am coming back to you.
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[Context: This letter is linked to what I wrote last year XD after my drunken confession to Levi, he did make me 'confess' to him again in private. We started dating in secret (hehe) after that.]
Levi, my love,
In a blink of an eye, a year had passed since that day. Yet, my feelings for you remain as strong as always, and likewise, the embarrassing memory of my drunken confession last year as well.
It still seemed like a dream when you asked to meet me at the stables back then. I truly thought you were joking when you said it was only going to be you and me.
I could still remember the shaking of my hands when you made me repeat whatever I said while I was drunk. I prayed with all my might that you weren't going to make me run laps afterwards.
I could still remember the warmth of my cheeks when you gave me a gentle smile instead, muttering a 'tch, come here,' before pulling me into your embrace. Our hug only lasted seconds, yet to me, it felt like time was frozen in place.
I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach when you let go of me. You told me to close my eyes, and right after, your lips were on mine. My heart felt like it was bursting out of my chest, and I wondered if you felt the same.
I could still hear the loud thumping of my heart after you took my hand and walked me back to my bunk, and you told me that today is the day where we began. I smiled so wide my cheeks started to hurt, and you just ruffled my hair and said good night.
Even though time passed and many things changed, my love for you remains the same. You'll always be my lover, the holder of my heart, my future, and my man.
Yours forever,
You complain, but it was the least you could do to confess to me again while sober. Otherwise, I would have never hear the end of it from the others.
I was worried you would not feel the same once the wine wore off. I figured, no one but the horses need know if that was the case. Thinking back, that was not a very good spot to choose.
You should not write such things in letters you know. We open these letters with all the rest, and now the others are looking at me with that glint in their eyes. The rest of the evening will be filled with "ohhh what did she say this time? Let us read your little love note too Levi!"
I will save the time and ink and tell you the rest in person. Writing is not my strong suit and the last thing I want is for someone else to get their hands on this letter. But I suppose I could spare that thought. I love you too. Then, now, and forever.
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My Dearest Erwin, 
After so many years, this letter may not come as a surprise to you. I fear I haven’t been as hidden with my feelings about you as I should’ve been. Especially considering… everything. 
I know we wouldn’t have met if you weren’t sent to protect me. The world wouldn’t torment me if I were born lesser, because then I could be yours and you could be mine, and lord knows it’s too cruel for a kindness like that. How painful it is that the universe puts you so close yet keeps you just out of reach. 
But I want you to know that even if I can't have you, if I can't touch and love you the way I want or the way you deserve, the only thing my heart longs for is you. I sit through lessons, and beside my father in court and all I want is to be anywhere else. Somewhere quiet, without tradition and war. Somewhere where I can be with you. 
You’re around so often, and yet you seem so far away. How I love the walks in the garden we take, where you offer your arm so I don’t trip. Or the dances, even though I barely see you aside from the one dance we have together. I never feel safer knowing that you're so close by my side or right outside the door. I have to put on a face for so many things, be brave and act accordingly. I wish I were able to speak this to your face but I fear my words would fail me. Or my body would betray me and cause me to not say anything at all. 
How often I have been so close to saying it to you only to stop myself in the name of being proper and doing my duty. The way you stick by me on my sickbed, or remember what honey I liked best in my tea. These things, you being yourself, you don't even know how hard it's been for me not to say anything even though I know it's for the best. 
Yet here I am, writing a letter anyway as if somehow it means less. But no matter how I tell you, it's no less true. I love you Erwin. With every fibre of my being, I love you. The list of things I wouldn't give to be with you is easier to remember than the list of things I would. I could give everything. 
I know nothing good could really come from my confession, nothing except knowing that perhaps you’ll be mine. 
Forever yours, Nemo
Your Royal Highness,
I write my reply by candlelight, for fear of prying eyes. Even now you slumber just beyond my reach, but oh, princess, my princess, how I long to be with you.
I have accepted years ago the fact that to be by your side is all I will ever have of you. To silently watch over you, to give my life for you.
Those moments we shared in the garden I believed to be my duty, but now I admit they were selfish. I wanted to offer you my hand out of fondness and nothing else. To hold your hands in mine and pretend, just for a moment, that we live in a world where there was no duty. No duty to the crown, to his Royal Highness the King, to tradition.
To do away with all of it, I would give my title, my knighthood, my honours, everything. If just to spend a moment away from it all with you. To dance more than once dance with you before handing you off to your many suitors, or to speak up when you father admonishes you before the court for your lack of interest in that snivelling prince who thinks he is, for one second, worthy of your hand.
And now, my dear princess, even now I must read your words over and over, for fear they may disappear if I pry my eyes away. I now know fate was not so cruel to allow us to meet and for a simple royal guard such as myself to fall so deeply in love without reprieve. To know your feelings, to understand that those moments were not my own, oh how I cherish them.
You are right, however your highness, for nothing good could come of your gilden words. I will carry your letter by my heart, but you must never write me again. There are dangers beyond your comprehension within these walls, and there are eyes and ears abound. What we share must be kept hidden, for my safety, and more importantly, yours.
I will carry you with me no matter how far I stray. No matter where it is my duty to the crown takes me, know that my heart is with you. Always. Forever.
Indeed, forever yours,
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(Pretend my first letter wasn't sent back in 2021! LOL And thank you for encouraging me to send in another letter. I adore Levi so much and I appreciate you doing this event!!)
Hello again Levi,
It’s been a while since I last wrote to you. Hopefully you haven’t forgotten your fellow tea drinker from the Garrison. I’ve heard reports about how busy the scouting regiment is right now, so I understand it must be hard to find time to write. I only hope that you are in as good of health and spirits as you can be despite the strenuous nature, both physically and emotionally, of your position.
You’ll probably think this is silly, but the main reason I’m writing to you is because Valentine’s Day is coming up very soon. I’ve always thought of it as a sort of frivolous holiday myself. But with the way things have been lately, maybe it isn’t such a  bad idea to focus on something more positive and lighthearted. And if I’m being honest, you’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I miss our cozy meetings at the cafe and the comfortable chats we always share. Hopefully I don’t come off as presumptuous by asking this, but even if we can’t see each other in person, what do you think about being each other’s Valentines?
Whatever your answer is, I want you to know that you have someone here thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Sincerely, Cindy
It is nice to receive a letter from the Garrison that isn't related to a materials request. When I first received this, I was wondering if perhaps it was misaddressed to me. After all, I rarely handle to political wrangling between regiments. Imagine my surprise.
Your wishes of good health and spirits are well received. I hope you are faring well yourself. It has been a while since our last correspondence, but I have to say I do keep an eye out for you during our rare excursions into the city. That cafe you so love is still faring well.
Admittedly, I have not much experience with Valentine's Day, you will have to forgive me. Perhaps we could meet at that cafe tomorrow after evening rounds. We could celebrate together in any way you desire.
Until tomorrow,
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okay. Context for this. Forbidden romance (royal au but not specified)
To My Dearest Zeke,
Hello, Love. I hope this letter finds you in good company. My heart aches as I write this, but I do know that it’s for the best. I would like to preface this with telling you how I’ve cherished every moment we’ve shared. Every stolen kiss in the dark corridors or the caves behind the palaces. I hold you in the highest regards and I do not believe that will ever change. Despite all of this, I fear I can no longer see you.
I can no longer, in good conscious, allow myself to put you in this position. I would never forgive myself if we were to be found out and your right to throne be compromised. In the end, as much as I wish to be, I am simply not worth it. You need to be able to rule one day. I want to see that for you, Darling. Maybe one day, when things are less risky for us, we can come back to each other.
I love you more than words can describe. When we are apart, my chest constricts and I feel as though I cannot breathe. But alas, for you, I’d do anything. So for the time being, I shall hold my breath if it means you’ll be able to live as freely as possible.
With Love,
My love,
I know you are receiving my letters. I know it.
If by now you do not know it yet, you will now. I do not want the throne. What is all this power if it means I cannot have you? What use is a castle if you are not its master. What use is an army when I cannot even fight for my heart? What is a throne if you are not beside me?
You long knew my father much prefers the new Queen. I was never a match for my younger brother. While I used to resent it, I now find it a blessing, as it allows me to choose my path.
I have told father my decision. It is done. Come back to me my love. Or send word. Are you by the lake? Perhaps that clearing in the forest we used to sneak away to during the first summer hunt? I had checked the caves nearly every night since your disappearance, so I know you not to be there.
Do not run away from me again. I will find you. I promise.
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My dearest, Levi.
Hello, love. I write you this letter to wish you the happiest Valentine’s Day ever, my sweet!
I hope you have a great day and take good care of yourself. Treat yourself to something nice for me in this special day, love, will you? You deserve to be taken care of like you take care of others all year long, and what a better day than Valentine’s to get your favorite blend of tea and a nice book to enjoy while taking warm bath? I myself while make sure to enjoy some good wine.
Remember to rest and eat well, not just on Valentine’s Day but everyday of the year. I know life gets really hard at times and that feeling like you are carrying most of the world’s weight on your shoulders can drag you down, but you are a good and kind man and need to treat yourself the same way you believe others deserve to be treated. Rely some more on your friends and the people that love you, darling, for they all will be eager to help you. And don’t neglect yourself, neither physically or mentally, you don’t need to earn good things nor prove that you deserve them, so don’t be so hot headed an treat yourself with kindness. Don’t make it harder on yourself than it already is by punishing your mind and body, my love.
I love you, Levi. And there are many people around you that love you too, remember this.
With love, Marta.
It is so like you to worry about me on a day like today. While the youngsters are celebrating, for us it is a day like any other. Perhaps that is a good thing, after all, every day since meeting you has been cause for celebration.
I am sorry you have to write me to celebrate Valentine's Day. I will do my best to return by dawn, as planned. While away, the treats of every day life do not feel the same. The blend of tea to bitter, and the wine sour. I am missing my sunshine.
You remind me every day that there are still good people in the world, those who are worthy of trust and loyalty. Slow as I am to trust, I am slowly learning to rely on others. But as I recall, you seem to like my hot-headedness. Am I wrong perhaps?
I miss you dearly as well. Fear not, by tomorrow, I will be home.
Happy Valentine's Day my love,
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Ahhh for your valentines event❤️ Levi please? i’ll add personal information here: my pronouns are they/them, the name used is Rose, and my preferred pet name is sweetheart. the context is that i’m something of a traveling nurse that’s mostly stationed in the SC but I go all over, and in this case (during the end of the uprising arc / when kids from the underground are being helped) I’ve been in the underground helping people, and have been away from levi for an extended period of time (like a few weeks). he’s my partner. I’m set to return soon, but like I promised him I’d do, I’m writing to him because he’d ofc be extremely worried about me going there, and because of his duty he couldn’t come with me. (also thank you for hosting this event :))
Dear Levi,
I know I’ve apologized over and over, and I also know it’s unnecessary, but I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. I miss you so much.
And again, I’m still safe. The increased MP presence seems to be a positive thing for once, very much more or less, but I think what the people appreciate most of all is being helped. The idea of living in all this darkness is… I don’t know, horrifying.
There might have been a close call since the last letter you sent, but the situation is handled (I know you’d want me to be honest).
And besides, my tenure here is almost over. So you don’t have to complain about that sweater not smelling like me anymore. I can read between the lines when you tell me to hurry up, baby. Just a few more days.
I miss you,
Your Rose
My dearest Rose,
Good of you to finally write me. Here I was thinking I would have to add another pair of eyes on you to ensure your safety. I do still have people I know from there, after all.
You enjoy your work, and it is an important job. Your patients are lucky to have you. While your duties takes you away to places I cannot follow, I do support you, despite what I might say.
Keep on eye on hose MPs, half of them cannot be trusted, as you know.
You also need not worry about your sweater. I however, do not know what you mean when you talk about it no longer smelling like you.
Absolutely no idea.
Do not even think to laugh as you read the above. It is as if I could hear your laughter even now. Hurry back my dear. There are things besides your smell that I miss.
Keep your wits about you sweetheart. After all, other than myself, there is no one I can trust to keep you from harm down there. I of all people, know that all too well.
Awaiting your return,
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Hello! I would like to participate to the Valentine's Day event ^^
It isn't really a confession letter but I hope it is still okay…? 
(Btw sorry for my bad English I'm still learning). 
Oc (Sayaka, she/her) backstory : She grew up with abusive and indebted parents and lost contact with them as they later abandoned her. She stayed at her best friend’s house for the rest of her teenage years, considering her and her parents as her real family since they helped her during her childhood. One day, she went out and was suddenly trapped in the crowd who were waiting for the scouts to return from an expedition. This is when she met Levi for the first time but she didn’t think much about him. It was later when she joined the scouts (because she didn’t want children to live miserably like her) that she got to know him and the other veterans. They got together after 4 years of friendship and got married after 4 more years of dating. 
For her personality : Sayaka is a really sweet and nice person but can be really scary when angry. She also likes to tease Levi because of how expressive he can be. 
Letter part : 
Dear Levi,
It’s been such a long time since I haven’t write a letter to you, but I just thought it would be the right moment to do it (and you know how I love showering you with affection~). It is not going to be a long one I promise. But I really wanted to thank you for being in my life ; for making me smile everyday, for comforting me when I feel overwhelmed… Even the little things like bringing me tea when I’m working or cleaning my room. And you never expected something in return so I felt like I don't thank you enough for this. 
Growing up in a toxic environment, I got really insecure about myself, whether it is the way I look or my personality, but you made all those insecurities disappear and without even doing anything special (not gonna lie I thought you were some kind of magician at first). I hope that I can also do that for you, make all your pain and worries fly away like you did for me, because I really love you and I want you to feel as safe and happy as possible. 
And now moving on to the fun part… ~
Since it is Valentine's day, I prepared you a little something as a thank you. The only thing I'll be asking you is to show your pretty face at 8pm in my office. Don't be late, okay? I'll be waiting for you. 
With all my love and affection, 
(PS : I already told Erwin about this little surprise so don't worry about the paperwork tonight.) 
I should have known it was you and your little schemes. Erwin had this shit-eating grin on his face all day. At first I thought he was glad to be handling all the extra paperwork of mine that he suddenly decided to take on. Now, I wonder what it was that you told or promised him in return that has him acting like a cat who just caught a mouse.
Or maybe this was you calling in that favour he owed you? From that incident last month? I had never seen you that angry my love. At anyone, let alone Erwin. I think for a second, even he was terrified of you.
Thanks to your little scheme, I have nothing much to do this evening. Perhaps I will come by your office a little earlier. I hope that is allowed. It has been far too long since I have had more than a passing word with you.
I will see you soon.
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This event looks like so much fun. Thank you so much for running it!
Name: Rebecca (but prefer Becki nickname or sweetheart) Age: 18+ (34 in real life) Pronouns: She/her Character: Levi Ackerman
Dear Levi,
I hope this letter finds you well and safe, (as much as you can be as a Scout). I hope you're not working yourself too hard. You may be far stronger than other people but you need to rest and take care of yourself too. Anyway that's all I would like to say on the matter. I don't want to come across as a nag after all. I just worry... a lot, admittedly. I know how capable you are. I trust how capable you are. I guess that's what happens when you love someone. Anyway I wanted to get that bit out the way. I'm sure you're probably rolling your eyes at me now. I know expeditions will increase again once spring officially gets here so I've been dreading this time of year, in a way. So please excuse the worry.
I really miss you. I hope there'll be an opportunity for you to come and visit before the next expedition. I could cook for us and we don't need to do anything particularly fancy. I love Valentine's Day but I find a lot of the pomp around it non-essential to what really matters - being with the person you love. Of course, I understand if you're too busy and please let me know if you are. It's just been a while since I've seen you and, as I say, I've been missing you terribly, especially lately.
I love you. Stay safe.
Love Becki
I nearly had to chase Hanji out of my office last time you came by with your cooking. They nearly broke the door of its hinges trying to sneak off with those buns you made. For your safety, and the door's, perhaps your suggestion of me visiting you would be better.
That is not to say I will be too busy to see you. After all, I would always make time for you.
You are right that the cold is giving way to longer days now, and danger still lurks around every corner. But with increased missions come increased need for supplies. In fact, I am sure the others can make do without me for an evening.
I hope tonight is not too much of an imposition on you. I will bring some of those flowers you like. The ones that compliment your eyes.
Until then,
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Valentines Day Event 2022 Masterlist
All the letters for my Valentines Day Event 2022 will be here!
Sorcha x Levi
Trish x Levi 
Rei x Levi
Kaja x Levi
Nishat x Levi
Lhéa x Levi
Madison x Levi
Himani x Levi
M☁️❤️ x Levi  | Part 2
Peach x Levi
Joey x Levi
Anon x Levi *unplanned pregnancy mention*
Pluto x Levi
Ella x Levi
Anto x Erwin 
Mnemosyne x Erwin 
Anon x Erwin (18+) 
Lily x Erwin
Scout Dr X Erwin
Anon x Erwin (18+)
Poh Bunny x Erwin
Ace x Zeke
Kennedy x Eren  | Part 2
Mia x Eren
Clara x Eren | Part 2
Claire x Jean 
Eliza x Jean
Jay x Jean
Bren x Jean
Zarfa x Jean
Anon x Porco
T x Porco (PAIN) | Part 2
Birch x Porco
Allie x Porco
Callie x Armin
e. x Armin
Bean x Hange
Mars x Yelena 
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I just want erwin to slow deep fuck me missionary style, my legs wrapped around his waist like man pin me down with your heavy mascular body ✨😈✨
oh my god anon you sent me to outer space
tags: breeding, beeeeg dikk erwin, cervix kissing, missionary, squirting, explicit smut, mdni
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He had been neglecting you, work piling up from the day before, and the day before that...and the day before that. Endless paperwork, endless new clients. It was a good sign he supposed, business was doing well, so well that he had to bring on more staff, staff that then needed to be vetted, trained, ensuring his vision for the company would be upheld at every level. As was his way, the secret to his success.
But this takes time, and while you understood, it had been far too long since you've seen more than an hour of your husband, far too long since you've said more than a groggy "welcome home baby" and felt more than his soft kiss on the forehead as you drifted off.
Erwin knew he was needed, knew you loved him more than anything, but didn't quite realize the gravity of his absence until now. A surprise visit home, his meetings moved to the next day because come hell or high water, he was going to spend your wedding anniversary spoiling you silly.
Your frustrated groan led his brows to furrow, rushing to the master bedroom in case you were in need of some help. Turns out, you were.
Your head was thrown back on the pillow, one hand tugging and pulling at your bare breasts, nipples pebbling in the cool air. Your favourite little bullet vibrator was pressed to your slit, but by your whines, you were far, far off from getting off.
He swallows thickly, cock straining in his now uncomfortably tight trousers. He goes to remove his belt, the jangle of the buckle making you lift your head. Instead of any surprise or guilt, all he saw in your eyes was desperation.
"Please" you were begging, eyes glassy, fingertips shaking as they reached for him, legs spreading wider, strings of your arousal snapping against your thighs. "Please Erwin"
"How long?" he asks, taking his time to undress, fingers going impossibly slow as he unbuttoned his dress shirt, removing cuff links, the ones you had gotten him years ago.
A couple blinks of your bleary eyes, watching your husband strip. Layer by layer, article by article until only the buzzing of the now forgotten vibrator brought your focus back on him, confusion swimming in your eyes as he repeats his question.
"How long," Erwin asks again, finally bare before you, and you swallow, watching as his cock bobs against his stomach, already an angry red, so impossibly hard you could see every vein. "How long have you been trying, and failing to cum without me?"
He takes a grip of your legs, and you react automatically, wrapping and locking your ankles behind his waist, tugging him closer to your leaking slit with a whine. He bumps the head of his cock against you, pressing right at your swollen clit, so sensitive from your earlier attempts.
"How long baby?" he asks again, a small roll of his hips making you squeal and wiggle, trying to get more of that delicious friction you needed.
"Ho-hour!" you managed, fixing your eyes back on him, wide and watery, begging, wanting. "Please," you beg again, "please help. Can’t…can’t without you”
He grins, each roll of his hips gathering more of your slick against his length, each thrust teasing at your clit, watching as your body reacts, clenching, desperate to take him into your tight warmth.
"Help?" he continues to tease, acting as if he wasn't just as desperate for you, as if he had the self control to hold out much longer without throwing your legs over his shoulder and fucking you into the mattress until you were a babbling mess.
"Help me Erwin," you were so good, so pliant, so desperate for him. So sensitive, your back arching beautifully off the bed as he runs a thumb across your breasts. "make me-" you choke on a moan, his cock once again catching, so, so close to where you needed him, "make me cum, please"
He leans down at this point, gripping your wrists in one hand and pinning above your head, your writhing dampened by the weight of his body on yours, making your breath come out in gasps, each one a whimpered "yes" or "more".
Lining himself up, he groans, the heat of your core already radiating to his cock, and he wasn't even in you yet.
Your keen mixes with his groan as he pushes past the initial resistance of your muscles, "fuck-fuck you need to relax for me baby" as you whimper, eyes rolling back as the delicious stretch you thought you had forgotten the very feeling of once again overtakes your entire body. Your body was buzzing, like an elastic pulled to its snapping point, but stubbornly refusing to do so. With each inch of him that you took, your legs started to shake, feeling so full, so taken care of, so absolutely dwarfed by the man who currently held your body in the palm of his hand.
Your eyes shoot open when his fingers brush against your clit, the pinch making you scream and leak around him as your hips buck. He uses this motion to slam his hips against yours, fully sheathing himself, the glee shining in his eyes as your breath catches in your throat, knitted brows and gasps of "full, so full, so...so big" fall from your lips.
The burn from the stretch is elating, and you can feel each throb of his pulse inside you, each one helping you adjust to his size. Before you know it, you're once again writhing beneath him, begging him to move. He's careful not to push any further, not wanting to cause you too much pain with each rub of his cock against your cervix, but you beg for it, you demand it, as with each thrust, you pull him deeper inside you, your ankles pressing hard against his back.
The ever stoic and charming CEO, no one would ever catch this side of him, reduced to curses and grunts, worshipping the body of his greatest love with each roll of his hips. His normal hard to come by praises are overtaken with repeated grunts of "good girl", his usual quiet observation replaced with "fuck, fu-uh how are you so damn tight", his goals, usually held close to the vest, spilling out of his mouth, "gonna make you cum for me baby, make you feel so good, m'sorry, neglecting you for so long, m'sorry, go-gonna make it up to you mkay?"
His hips leave yours, only to slam against you again, your glistening slick leaving strings that snap against his own carefully trimmed hairs. Each action is slow, too slow for your desperate nature, but each one is calculated, knowing exactly how to draw out your pleasure, knowing exactly which spots to hit to make you come undone. He shifts his angles, until your body starts to throb around him, the pressure building and building with each scrape of his veins against that spot inside you. Your earlier frustrations come back now with a vengeance, all the earlier ruined orgasms worth it as they build up in your belly, reaching a fever pitch as Erwin finally pulls from you what you had been begging for, what you had been longing for.
Your scream is soundless, body finally succumbing to the insurmountable pressure and pleasure he was bringing, and you finally cum, thrashing in his grip, tucked securely underneath his comforting warmth and weight, "I've got you, let go baby, thats it" murmured against your clammy skin. He pulls out of you gently, soft circles against your pulsing clit helping you ride it out. He means well, but you had been wound up for too long, and his actions do little more than push you headlong into another, this one punctuated with a screech as you're once again convulsing, the snowballed pleasure building up once again, so, so fast, when all of a sudden, you're gushing, spraying his arm, the sheets, and wetting the front of his body.
Too fucked out to register anything, let alone embarrassment, you let it happen, trusting in Erwin to catch you at the end. You know, that eventually, his fingers will slow, and perhaps, he will bring you to completion again, this time with his mouth as he suckles against your skin, a reward for being "such a good girl for me".
You know that the reservation he had made for dinner would be the only appointment you'll keep tonight, that he'll stuff you full before dressing you up in the new dress he had gotten for you, hidden in a box in his briefcase. You know that he'll watch with pride as you shift at dinner and gasp as globs of his seed drip from you, and you know, the moment he gets you home, you'll be once again at his mercy. He's been neglecting you after all, and what better day to make up for everything, until you're fully satiated, limp and leaking. Fully his. Today, and forever.
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Some husband!Erwin Headcanons because I’m absolutely ruined thinking about him. Special thanks to @anlian-aishang as always for putting up with me and giving me the worst best brainrot 🥺
Tags: pregnancy mention, breeding (if u squint), use of “daddy” ONCE just ONCE i swear
- you always knew he was destined for greatness, and never tried to take precedent in his life
- that’s probably one of the main reasons he fell in love with you
- when you met in university, his slicked back hair, carefully ironed slacks, and a resume already more populated than a grad students’ was not what made you gawk at him
- it was the way how he was so absolutely and utterly terrified, face to face with the resident raccoon of the business building, perched on top of the garbage can, nibbling at a half-eaten sandwich
- you practically had to drag him away before the very angry critter attacked
- after that encounter, you seemed to see Erwin everywhere: at the front of the lecture hall of that class you hated, in line for coffee, chatting with his TA, in the parking lot as he unlocked his car, gesturing for you to get in, that “of course it’s no trouble at all!” to give you a ride home
- you stayed by his side through his countless degrees. His MBA after his bachelors, his professional training courses, the countless interviews and staff meetings
- while your own degree was framed on the wall next to his, his way was always to take care of you
- you could work, if you wanted to of course. But he couldn’t stand to see you tired, imagining having to put in long hours, your adorable sleepy face on display for everyone in the board room
- so, at home you stayed, his perfect little wife
- his shiny black credit card, the number already memorized, was always at your disposal. Picking out some earrings? His gentle voice will sound over the receiver, “If you like both pairs baby, get them. Pick out a matching necklace too okay?” Why you still called to consult baffled him. He would buy you the whole store if you just said the word, but the ever loving, doting husband that he is, he’d stay patiently on the video call, watching you try on pair after pair, giving his honest feedback as clients are left to stew outside his office. After all, you were the most important.
- something he never forgot in all these years, was the importance of eating meals with you
- he’d get up early in the morning, just to make you a cup of coffee and bring it to you in bed, because no matter how early he leaves, he knows you want to give him a kiss goodbye, to let him know his lunch was in the fridge, and to not be late for dinner
- sometimes, sometimes, he’d forget his lunch at home on purpose, just to pretend to be surprised when you stroll into his office, lunch bag in hand, much to the chagrin of his secretary, who would discreetly close the door behind you
- Erwin, who takes the time to go grocery shopping with you, because he genuinely cares and wants to hear you ramble about “that recipe you saw the other day”
- Erwin, who sheepishly rubs the back of his neck when you double check the fruit he picks, tossing back yet another one that had a very obvious soft spot on it
- Erwin, who sneaks snacks into the cart, not because he wants it, but because he knows you do
- Erwin, who swears he’s lost his mind when one night, in your fucked out babbling, calls him daddy, begging for him to go deeper, faster
- Erwin, who, god forbid, hears a tremor in your voice as you call him. As he asks you where you are, he can hear the beeping of a machine, and runs out of the office, breaking nearly every traffic law only to crush your body to his own on the sterile crunchy sheets of the hospital bed
- Erwin, who scolds you with tears in his eyes when he asks what happened, only to be interrupted by the doctor who walks in, a big smile on her face as she congratulates the both of you, because he was going to be a dad
- Erwin, who buys you lingerie on Valentine’s Day because it’s a present for you, and for him, and he’ll let you show off all your presents to him, parading around the house testing his patience
- Erwin, who will shower you with gifts because how could he ever repay you for all you do for him? Carrying around his child, to be without your favourite sushi and your beloved coffee.
- husband Erwin, who attends all the birthing classes and hospital tours with you, clipboard in hand to ask incessant questions, ensuring that his darling wife will be receiving the highest of quality of care during the pregnancy
- Erwin, who starts to choke on sobs as you’re screaming in the back seat of the car he is racing to the hospital, trying to keep calm as he reminds you to breathe, and that he’s so sorry for doing this to you
- Erwin, who is getting his hand nearly broken by your grip in the delivery room, nearly getting kicked out twice for yelling at the doctors to “Do something dammit!” because you were in so much pain
- Erwin, who the minute the baby is placed in his arms, starts to sob, turning to you in a mix of adoration and love, “You’ve worked so hard baby. Look how beautiful…your eyes, your smile….beautiful.”
- Erwin, who definitely won’t let you leave the house now, because all he can think about, is how much he misses the way you glowed, the way you waddled around the house, and the way you would place his hands around your belly, giggling as he peers at you wide-eyed, “was that a kick?”
Taglist (pls let me know if u want to be taken off/added! This is an 18+ list): @raabzyjan @jean-does-not-have-a-horseface @lostinwildflowers @daenerysdracarys @hiqhkey @messymanifestation @dontusethisproduct @annexerca @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @peachysimp @lammello @deludedimagines @itspastellemons @flamingblinglove @galactict3a
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Suz… ahdhjdhdjsh all of it is sending me, the mutual pining is the icing on top
Head empty, just the thoughts of them missing subtle pining looks in each other’s direction. The way Levi would sometimes stand outside your door, raising his hand to knock, but pausing as he tries to think of a good enough excuse to spend more time with you. It always ends with him turning away, pushing hands into his pockets whilst vowing next time, he’ll finally knock. (Lmao imagine opening the door and he’s just standing there🧍‍♂️)
Or the way he silently loves being the first one to see you in the morning. OR the way someone you bring home at night, gets the coldest treatment from him the following morning. And anytime they tell this to you, all you could do is laugh because that wouldn’t make sense… Why would Levi dislike anyone who’s in your bed at night?
Sorcha I finally got the brain cells to reply to this.
Pining roommate Levi who stands by your door, his hand ready to knock, retracting his hand and quickly shuffling away when he hears sounds from your room.
Roommate!Levi who makes dinner whenever he has the chance, and always makes way too much as an excuse to get you to sit and eat with him, to be able to watch you close your eyes and groan as you mumble praises at his food.
Roommate!Levi who is thankful you let him shower first because the thought of running into you, steam spiralling as dewdrops linger from the tendrils of your hair that escape the towel, and the gorgeous way you smell - goddamit did you use his body wash again- like you were his makes him lose his mind.
Roommate!Levi who thinks it has to be a coincidence when he finds you napping on the couch whenever he’s home late, television illuminating your features, colours dancing off your lashes, reflecting off your pouted lips as you groan, subconsciously feeling his gaze as you shifted, kicking off the blanket and revealing your body wrapped up in a hoodie. His hoodie.
Roommate!Levi who came back early from a visit home one weekend, to see an extra pair of shoes. Mens shoes by the door. He slept with a pillow over his head that night because how could he bear to hear the sounds that came from your room? The sounds of another man making you keen and groan, to hear your breathless sighs through the walls and the low gravelly grunts that should have been his echoing through the stupid air vents.
Roommate!Levi who makes you coffee in the morning, steely eyed gaze freezing your friend in his steps. His hasty wave dismissed with a glare, before his voice noticeably softened as he spoke to you, asking how many pieces of bacon you wanted, and how you liked your eggs.
Roommate!Levi who didn’t speak to you for the next week after that incident, coldly dismissing you, staying out late, ignoring your texts inviting him to dinner because you made his favourite.
Roommate!Levi who gets angrier and angrier with each of your efforts to repair the relationship. It all came to a head one night, when he creeps out of his room to get yet another glass of water, the green glow of the kitchen clock a horrible reminder of his sleeplessness. That is, until the subject of his insomnia appears, rubbing sleep from your eyes, midyawn. Your legs are deliciously bare, hair an adorable mess, the shirt you had on (god it was also one of his) lopsided and revealing a tantalizing sliver of collarbone. He realizes that night that you were it for him. He would never be able to get over you.
Roommate!Levi who sits you down after that night. Who reminds you that lease review was coming up, and that he would be moving on from the place, that you were free to look for another roommate. Who refuses to meet your teary eyes as you beg and plead with him to tell you what you did wrong, was it the empty mugs in your room? Was it the way you borrowed his hoodies? Was it the way you left your hair around the house?
Roommate!Levi who shakes his head at everything you mention, because how could he hate those things about you? How could he explain how it kills him when you sweep home, lingering cologne on your scarf hiding the red marks on your neck. How could he explain how everytime you wear his clothes he keeps them for days, relishing in the way you scent mixes with his own along the collar. How could he explain that he loves you so much that it physically hurts to see you with anyone else.
Roommate!Levi who is roommate no longer, who moved out to a single bedroom that isn’t quite the same without your presence. Who holds back a groan when one day, he hears a knock at the door, wrenching it open ready to give the person a piece of his mind for disturbing his night when all of a sudden, you’re in his arms, pressing your frost-kissed nose into his neck, fingertips gripping him tight, so tight.
Roommate!Levi who, between the hiccups is able to discern how much you missed him, how nothing was the same after he left. How you’d give anything to have him back again. Between your blubbering of please, and I’m sorry he could’ve swore he caught the whisper of I love you.
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