#suzuka ichinose
j-fashion-wearer-otd · 6 months
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Today’s J-fashion wearer is Ichinose Suzuka from The Only Thing A Gyaru Who Can’t Do Anything Can Do! She wears kogyaru!
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snowmantita · 9 months
Professions of my divisions (Tokyo, Nagano and Koto) and those of my moots @/trivializetriven (Takasaki, Suzuka and Akihabara) and @/nozomi-tokyod w/ me (Chiba and Kobe)
Dobers - Tokyo Division
Hideki Tsutsujimori - Philosophy Professor
Hana Izanami - Actress
Nozomi Aimono - Computer and technology student.
HellKillers- Nagano Division
Jomei Takahashi - Chef
Takeo Kirishima - Tattoo artist
Ayato Fudo - Race car driver.
Mad Lynx - Chiba Division
Chise Amaguni - Composer
Yuudai Ito - Confectioner
Hikari Sasaki - Radio Announcer
Funky Junkie - Kobe Division
Kai Ichinose - Baseball player
Sayuri Mori - Croupier
Mitsuki Yamashita - Idol
Bloody Dawn - Koto Division
Dai Araki - Actor
Usagi Tsukuyomi - Office worker
Yuki Suzuki - Visual Kei
Extint Era - Takasaki Division
Amei Mortis - Model
Mallaceine Laidir - Video Editor
Melphiene Laidir - Military
Outlaw Riders - Suzuka Division
Iris Konstantine - Mechanic
Shiela Ennes - Detective
Asher Verwin - Zookeeper
Rush Tricks - Akihabara Division
Amelia Ventrique - Magician
Kiyoshi Seiya - Librarian
Min-woo Dong - Train station worker
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riruhappy · 4 years
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Voice Actress Reina Kondo to Release Concept Album "Lena in The 11th Dimension" on December 1
    Japanese record company Nippon Columbia announced on October 11 that voice actress Reina Kondo will release her first concept album "11-jigen no Lena" (Lena in The 11th Dimension) on December 1, 2021. The album contains five newly-written songs, including "Boku ga Aisareru Hi wa" (The Day I'm Loved), for which she co-wrote the lyrics for the first time.
  The press release introduces the album as "an adrenaline-filled entertainment work sublimated with high intensity sound." The producer hisakuni, who wrote/composed/arranged all five songs in the album, also writes on Twitter, "All the songs are connected, and the whole album tells one story."
  A teaser clip that that you can feel the atmosphere of the album is posted on her official YouTube channel. She says in the end of the clip, "There is me, inside of me."
        Her latest artist photo:
      After working as a child fashion model, Kondo started her voice acting activities in 2015. Her well-known anime characters include Hana Ichinose in Slow Start (2018), Suzuka Nagami in My Sister, My Writer (2018), Ryo Shinonome in Cinderella Nine (2019), Nina Maehara in Dropout Idol Fruit Tart (2020), Sakura Kouno in Horimiya, and Yui Yamazato in Those Snow White Notes (2021).  
  She made her solo singer debut with her first single "Sakura Maichiru Yoru ni" (On a night when the cherry blossoms are fluttering down) in April 2021. The song was featured as the ED theme for the spring 2021 TV anime Battle Athletes Victory ReSTART!
    "Sakura Maichiru Yoru ni" MV:
    Source: Nippon Columbia press release, Reina Kondo official YouTube channel
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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rickyriddle · 7 years
Akuma no Riddle characters’ name analysis
Hi everyone! So, I was doing some researches about the AnR characters' name, especially the kanjis, for my AnR kids headcanon. I discovered some interesting stuff so I wanted to make a post about the meaning of the characters' name and kanjis.
Azuma Tokaku (東 兎角): Azuma mean east and Tokaku is written with the kanji rabbit (兎, usagi) and horn (角, tsuno). Rabbit horn is an expression in Japanese that means impossible or something that shouldn't exist. Tokaku's grandmother gave her this name because according to her, Tokaku's strength would be so terrifying that her enemies would think it's impossible. That's also why Tokaku is sometimes referred as a rabbit.
Inukai Isuke (犬飼 伊介): Inukai means "dog keeper" (犬=dog, inu, 飼=keeper). I find it funny since people often portrait Isuke as a dog because of her name, but in fact, she's not the dog but its owner (which means the dog is a certain redhead...). Really the perfect name for someone who wants to be called with the honorific sama. I don't know much about the name Isuke, other than it's a male name and it's written with the kanji for "I" (伊) and “through” (介, kai).
Kaminaga Kouko (神長 香子): Kaminaga can mean chief and is written with the kanjis god (神, kami) and length (長, naga). The latter can also be read as chief. A perfect given name for the leader of everything, which also reminds of her past in a religious orphanage. Kouko is written with the kanji for incense (香, ka) and the kanji for child (子, ko). 香子 can also be read as Kaoriko, which means child's perfume. Maybe it's a symbolic for Kouko being trained as a child to be an assassin using bomb, since incense is something that needs to be burn, but at the same time, incense isn't dangerous and is even pleasant. Maybe it's linked to Kouko's desire to not be an assassin anymore.
Kirigaya Hitsugi (桐ヶ谷 柩): So, Kirigaya is written with the kanjis tung pill (桐, kiri), months (ヶ, ke) and valley (谷, tani). I've no idea what it's supposed to mean. Maybe a reference to poison? All I care is that there's "gay" in it...I'm so mature. Anyway, apparently, Hitsugi's sole kanji, 柩, means coffee. Coffee, a drug, which means...intoxication. Her names are all about toxine! It's a conspiracy! Okay no, I really got nothing other that for her name. Oh, there's another kanji that is also read Hitsugi, 棺, which means coffin. Really suspicious…Edit: "Kirigaya" can also mean "valley of paulownias". kiri meaning the latter word and gaya meaning valley.
Kenmochi Shiena (剣持 しえな): Kenmochi means swordship and it's written with the kanji sword (剣, ken) and possession (持, ji). kinda ironic for a girl who didn't fight at all, it looks more like a name for Chitaru (even more ironic since Shiena got poisoned over her supposed crush on Chitaru, perhaps this name was chosen because of that?). About her first name, ell apparently, according to google translate, it means sorry. That just makes me laugh. I guess she's really sorry to have been poisoned by a loli yandere. Okay, more seriously, about the kanji. There's To (し), huh (え, what?), and...literally what (な). Okay. Then we should call her Swordship Sorry now. Couple of years ago I'd read that しえ means purple, but I can't find the source now. Too bad, because it's Otoya's hair colour and it made my OtoShie shipper heart go doki doki. Edit: Shiena’s name can also be written 詩絵菜, with the kanjis 詩 (shi) meaning "poetry, poem", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". I’m not sure if it’s relevant since her name in AnR isn’t written that way, but it could be a reference to her more artistic self, especially regarding theater. Tho it’s kinda ironic if it’s the case, since her least favorite food is vegetable.
Sagae Haruki (寒河江 春紀): So, Sagae is written with the kanji cold (寒, samu), river (河, kawa) and jiang (江, kô). So...she's a cold river. Perhaps it's a reference to being free? Water does feel like freedom. Haruki can mean Spring Season Tree or Spring Century. It's written with the kanji spring (春, haru) and age (紀, nori). I guess Haruki is a sunny person? I don't really have a lot of stuff for her name, sorry.
Shuto Suzu (首藤 涼): Shuto is written with the kanji neck (首, kubi) and wisteria (藤, fuji), which is a type of flower. So wisteria neck. I guess that the neck of a flower is the stem, so Suzu's head...is a flower? Well, she does have a lot of knowledge in flowers. Then her name Suzu, it's a really interesting case. Her name's sole kanji is 涼, which means cool/fresh, and is usually read as Ryō. But in the same Suzuka, which means fresh breeze it's written with the kanji 涼, and 風 (kaze, wind). Suzu's ending song is also named Suzukaze. Maybe it’s related to Suzu rather cool personality. Usually, the same Suzu is written with the kanji 鈴, which means bell.
Takechi Otoya (武智 乙哉): Takechi is written with the kanji war (武, Take) and intellect (智, akira). So intellectual war, perhaps it’s related to her manipulative nature when it comes to kill her victim. It can also be written Takeshi. 武 is really a kanji related to military and martial, and it’s used to write the word samurai, warrior. Perhaps a reference to Otoya being an assassin, or rather, a serial killer. Otoya can also be written  二矢, which means two arrows. Far-fetched, but perhaps it’s linked to the fact her weapon, scissors, had two blades. Her actual name is written with the kanji for second part (乙, otsu), and alas (哉, kana). Not so sure what it could mean.
Namatame Chitaru (生田目 千足): Namatame is written with the kanji living (生, nama), rice field (田, ta) and eye (目, me). Kinda make me reminds how we all thought Chitaru died, but it’s revealed at the end that she survived, that she’s living. She also said that she likes rice. For the eyes, perhaps it’s related to justice? It reminds me of the idiom an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But that idiom referred more to vengeance than justice, which goes with what I think of Chitaru’s action in the series. Rather than doing actual justice, what she did was vengeance. Chitaru’s name can mean A thousand steps, and it’s written with the kanji thousand (千, sen) and leg (足, achi). All I got for that is that steps is important in sword fighting, and with the thousand, perhaps it’s because Chitaru is really experienced swordswoman.
Hashiri Nio (走り 鳰)/Kuzunoha Nio (葛葉 鳰): Hashiri means running, and it’s written with the kanji running (走, hashi) and the hiragana ri (り). It’s a fake name Nio gave herself for Class Black, because she didn’t want Tokaku to know she was from the Kuzunoha clan, the rivals of the Azuma clan. She chose it because she will always be running for the chairwoman. Nio’s name is written with the sole kanji 鳰, which means nio. Nio is an old name for the grebes that lived in Lake Biwa. It’s a name the chairwoman gave her because Nio didn’t have a name before, she was only referred as runt (or chibi in Japanese). Apparently, it’s the name of a bird from the place Nio was born (Shiga I think). Kuzunoha is written with the kanji arrowroot (葛, Kuzu) and leaf (葉, ha). I’m kinda surprised, I was expecting her name to mean west, like Azuma means east. But arrowroot is a West Indian herbaceous plant from which a starch is prepared. So it’s somehow related to west. Interesting fact, when Haru read her classmates’ name at the beginning, she used the honorific kun for both Isuke and Nio, and later she’s surprised to see that both of them are girls, which means Nio is most likely a male name too. Haru had also use kun for Tokaku, Hitsugi, Haruki and Otoya. Funny detail, but hiragana is usually used for feminine names.
Hanabusa Sumireko (英 純恋子): Hanabusa is written with the sole kanji 英, which means Ei, English in Japanese. It can also be read as "Hanabusa" (meaning "the calyx of a flower") but it can also be read as "Hana" (meaning "flower"). Sumireko did seem to like flowers, and I think it can symbolize her elegant nature. English is often viewed as noble, so perhaps it’s also related to the choice of her name. Her name Sumireko can also be read as Junko, who’s usually written 純子 (I’m trying hard to not make a danganronpa reference). The kanji used are pure (純, jun), love (恋, koi) and child (子, ko). The pure love of a child. Kinda ironic for a girl whose childhood consisted of assassination attempts against her.
Banba Mahiru (番場 真昼)/Banba Shinya (番場 真夜): Banba can mean place and is written with the kanji for number (番, ban) and place (場, ba). Perhaps number is a reference of their two personalities in the same place (the same body?). Mahiru can means midday or broad daylight, while shinya can mean midnight or full night, a clear reference to their day and night split personality. There’s two other way to write Shinya. It’s either 深夜 (Shinya, late at night) or 真也 (Shin’ya, that mean trust, believe, real or genuine). Shinya’s name seems to be a mix of both, and perhaps this name was chosen because Shinya is the only person Mahiru trust. Interesting fact, Mahiru can be both a girl and a boy name, while Shinya is always a male name. Shinya also uses the pronoun ore, which is almost only used by boy, and is a rude way to talk. So perhaps Shinya identify as a boy (but I don’t personally think so but who knows). Interesting thing. If you remove the first letter of Mahiru, it gives Ahiru, which means duck in Japanese (アヒル). I’m not sure if it was intentional but it sure is funny, considering Banba’s liking for plastic ducks.
Ichinose Haru (一ノ瀬 晴):  Ichinose is written with the kanji 一 (one, ichi), the katakana no (ノ) and the kanji age (瀬, se). It can also mean "Position of current" (ichi no se) in Japanese. Perhaps because Haru is the current queen bee to be tested? One is Tokaky’s number, but perhaps the one here is somehow as a reference as her being the target, since it’s the first number. Her name Haru usually means springs, but in her case, it’s written with the kanji for sunny (晴, hare). It’s not the same kanji as in Haruki’s name. According to Tokaku (and Shinya too?), Haru smells like the sun, which fits her same. It can also fit Haru’s bright personality.
Kaiba (カイバ): Kaiba is written with the katakana power (カ, ka), the (I think) katakana a (イ) and ba (バ). It can mean seahorse in Japanese.
Mizorogi Ataru (溝呂木 辺): Mizorogi is written with the kanjis groove (溝, mizo), ryo (呂) and wood (木, ki). It’s ironic that he as a kanji about groove (some kind of depression) in is name, since he’s pretty depressed near the end of the series. Ataru can also be written 陽, which means the sun, and is both a male and female name. Ataru’s name is written with the kanji side (辺, hen). Maybe it’s linked to his sunny personality and the fact he’s a side character.
Yuri Meichi (百合 目一): Yuri means lily, a type of flower, and those are the exact kanjis for the word yuri, referring to girl’s love manga in Japan. Kouga and Minakata must have found this really funny, since the chairwoman is behind everything and it’s a yuri manga. It’s written with the kanjis hundred (百, hyaku) and synthesis (合, gô). Meichi can mean eye and is written with the kanjis eye (目, me) and one (一 , ichi). 目 is also the first kanji for the word goal and purpose. I find it interesting that she also has the kanji ichi in her name, like Haru. The name Meichi is fitting for someone who’s an ambitious person who wants to be the best, which could fit the chairwoman, especially her current position.
Azuma Mako (東 まこ): Mako is written with the katakana up (ま, ma) and this (こ, ko). Up, maybe for up there, in heaven. Perhaps it’s a reference to the fact she’s dead and in heaven.
Azuma Karami (東 空身): Karami can mean sky. It’s written with the kanjis sky (空, sora) and body (身, mi). Again, sky can refer to heaven, referring to the fact she’s dead and in heaven, just like her sister.
Inukai Eisuke (犬飼 英介). Eisuke can also be written 英輔. His name is written with the kanjis English (英, ei) and through (介, kai). The first kanji is the same as Hanabusa’s kanji and the same as Isuke’s last kanji. It can also be written 栄祐 and 栄助 , which means glory, honour (栄, ei) and divine intervention, protection (祐, suke) or help, aid (助, suke). Eisuke did help Isuke when she was a kid, and I guess for an assassin, he has some honour.
Irina (イリーナ): I think those are katakana, which are usually used in Japanese for foreign names. Irina does seem like she’s not or not fully Japanese because of her darker skin.
So that’s it. I used a lot of different sources, so perhaps some of the kanjis are erroneous. If you know other things about the names and kanjis, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send me a message. Thanks for reading!
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riruhappy · 4 years
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hey so I am in a perpetual state of “ur voice is incredibly grating” and “you look like a disgusting monster” but at least I have suzu to look at :]
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riruhappy · 4 years
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Hi just know I’m canon Kanan thx
bonus without the wig bc I thought I looked like one of them handsome girl characters that get the gay route in an otome
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riruhappy · 4 years
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devildom suzu 😎
bonus: she’s already tall but I decided to amp it up to the max for this specific AU
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riruhappy · 4 years
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same girl, rapid improvement, in only 6 months time
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riruhappy · 4 years
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Taiyou is finally getting their feet off the ground again and I just wanna let everyone know I’d do anything for these people deadass 🥺
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riruhappy · 4 years
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a few words. if bunny suzu was too much for ur soul have an angel suzu (which you can put your own OC on! go feral tag me if u do it)
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riruhappy · 5 years
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riruhappy · 4 years
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no words just bunnysuit suzu
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riruhappy · 4 years
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I immediately felt a chill grasp my bones before making this
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riruhappy · 5 years
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Hi I have stickers up for sale and I’d like to be able to get gas for my car lol (thanks to @jelloshards for the suzu holding a neso design bc it’s crazy good and super nice of them to let me sell their design like bro 🥺)
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riruhappy · 4 years
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anyway I remembered something funny today
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