#sv exchange 2k19
svexchange2k19 · 4 years
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Gift for the dear @ladiesloveduranduran! What started out as an idea for a fantasy AU which was listed in your prompts, became this… The image just popped into my head and I couldn’t NOT do it. Hope you like it :3 Happy Year of the Rat to you and the whole SV nation! 🐀💚
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
yoooooo thomas middleditch liked my insta post of the art I made to promote @svexchange2k19!!
BTW you can still sign up!! 2 days left!!
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
SV Exchange: Gift Reveal
Hello everyone! The time has come for the revealing of the gifts. Here is a masterlist of all the gifts, in no particular order:
an illustration for @ladiesloveduranduran from @curlyricho
Donald Duck: Theatricuddles from @programasaurusrex
Perfect Illusion: for @lucifers-lawyer from @ariana-paris
True Colors: for @blackfodder from A_bit_not_good_yeah
Hello, or is This Goodbye?: for A_bit_not_good_yeah from fallfromgraceonmyface92
Too Big for Your Britches: for @blackfodder from   fallfromgraceonmyface92 
Sally Hawkins Dance: for fallfromgraceonmyface92 from @joycecarolnotes
Five Years Down the Line: for @joycecarolnotes from @ladiesloveduranduran
Set It Up: for fallfromgraceonmyface92 from @lucifers-lawyer
never _ a pirate AU: for @curlyricho from @blackfodder
Debugging Procedures: for @programasaurusrex from Theatricuddles
together_a five times prompt: for @ariana-paris from @blackfodder
and a bonus: a treat fic for @ladiesloveduranduran by @lucifers-lawyer
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the exchange. It’s been a pleasure, and I hope you all (participants or not!) enjoy the works!
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
Treat List!
What’s a treat list? It’s an anonymous list of exchange participants’ requests that I’m posting here so that anyone (regardless of if you’ve signed up to do the exchange or not) can create gifts matching these prompts if they want to :))
This part of the exchange is strictly optional (no obligation from anyone to do this) and it’s also not an exchange (i.e. if you make a treat, you don’t get something back ... other than the knowledge that you’ve made someone very happy :)).
Treats can be basically anything you want! E.g. a quick doodle, a few lines of a drabble, or anything more complex/long if you choose :)
How to submit a treat:
Please email [email protected] with ‘Treat for Prompt [x]’ in the subject line, e.g. ‘Treat for Prompt 1’
If you want to post your treat publicly on your Tumblr/AO3 account, please only do so after the exchange’s gift reveal date (25 January 2020). Close to this date I will let you know who the treat recipient was and you can then tag/link/mention them in your post, send it to them if you want, etc.
The Treat List
/// PROMPT 1 ///
First choice of ship: Ed Chambers/Richard
Second choice of ship: Big Head/Jian-Yang
Additional ships: Jared/Richard / Gilfoyle/Monica
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? Teen and Up. Mature and Explicit Welcome.
Content preferences: Evil!Richard or Possesive/Jealous!Ed Chambers. Angst with happy outcomes.
Ed Chambers secretly hiring himself as an employee. Richard hates him and always hears Jared talking about him.
Pied Piper actually succeeds AU. Jared dealing with super powerful Richard who needs to be brought down a peg.
Big Head secretly knowing what’s up and handling Jian-Yang, playing him like a fiddle.
Content weaknesses: I will reject nothing. Everything involving SV is good.
Content limits: No limits. The dirtier the better.
Anything else you want to share with your gift creator? If you've ever stopped yourself from writing something because you thought the fandom would judge you. Give me that.
/// PROMPT 2 ///
First choice of ship: Jared/Richard
Second choice of ship: Gilfoyle/Monica
Additional ships: Dinesh/Gilfoyle
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? If so, please list in order of preference. Mature, Explicit, Teen, Everyone
Content preferences: Fluff, angst with a happy ending, porn with plot/porn with feelings
Pied Piper Christmas Party
Finale fix it fic
Sick fic
Meet the Parents
Pretty much any AU other than high school
Content weaknesses: Preferably not Erlich x Richard, Richard x Gavin, Richard x Bighead, or Jared x Gilfoyle
Content limits: Non-con, domestic violence, gay bashing
/// PROMPT 3 ///
First choice of ship: Jared/Richard
Second choice of ship: Gilfoyle/Monica
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? No preference
Content preferences: Content: fluff or h/c, comedy, but most importantly, romance.
Prompts/suggestions: Boy howdy do I love tropes. I love hijinks, farce comedy, fake relationship stuff, and bad, fumbly sex where they get to giggle and be nervous without inhibitions. But also, if you have a hankering for something specific, throw it at me! no story is going to be better than one You genuinely want to write.
Content weaknesses: gilfoyle/dinesh, anything with Erlich
Content limits: rape/ non con, underage (Like if they're 17 or something that's fine but they gotta be the same age ish)
Anything else you want to share with your gift creator? Uh... I love you
/// PROMPT 4 ///
First choice of ship: Jared/Richard
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? As much as I love explicit art and fic, I would prefer not to receive any in this exchange.  Teen/mature/whatever is all good for me
Content preferences: I enjoy humor, fluff, and drama.  Please no angst
Historical AU
Fantasy AU
arranged marriage/marriage of convenience
established relationship
Content weaknesses: none
Content limits: No explicit violence or gore please.  hurt/comfort is ok as long as the focus is on comfort.  Oh, and no major character death!
/// PROMPT 5 ///
First choice of ship: Jared/Richard
Second choice of ship: Ed Chambers/Richard
Additional ships: Gilfoyle/Monica
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? 1) Explicit 2) Mature
Content preferences: in no order - angst with a happy ending; comedy; pining/mutual pining; romance; gratuitous smut; tenderness
Prompts/suggestions: in no order - bed sharing; soulmate AUs; Alone on the Water AU; high school AU with misfits finding each other and pining SO MUCH PINING; Richard sees Jared in a tux for the first time; inappropriately timed proposal; Richard bids on Jared at a date auction for charity; Jared works as a stripper, Richard becomes a regular; Pied Piper Christmas party complete with mistletoe and drunken shenanigans; any version of Richard and Jared confessing their love for each other
Content weaknesses: Dinesh/Gilfoyle, Big Head/Jian Yang, Dinesh/Gilfoyle/Monica.
Content limits: non-con (references to past abuse, like mentions in Jared's past, are ok, just nothing onscreen)
Anything else you want to share with your gift creator? Thank you for making a gift for me!
/// PROMPT 6 ///
First choice of ship: Jared/Richard
Second choice of ship: Ed Chambers/Richard
Additional ships: Dinesh/Gilfoyle/Monica
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? No preference.
Content preferences: hurt/comfort, pining, angst with a happy ending, porn with feelings, domestic life, AUs, established relationship, humor
Richard comforting Jared;
pirate AU;
I just really like established relationship… when the characters know each other really well, when they have their own shared stories, jokes etc;
For the Ed Chambers ship – maybe something using that whole “Richard trying to be alpha” storyline from 6x04
Content weaknesses: any hints of Gavin/Richard
Content limits: Omegaverse, mpreg, hardcore violence, unusual specific kinky stuff like that. And fluff. Cuteness is cute, but in ships it often makes me cringe, sorry *covering eyes with hands* Tenderness though! Tenderness is good. Good Shit™
Anything else you want to share with your gift creator? Tbh I just want you to have fun doing this! So I hope you do (have fun I mean) :)
/// PROMPT 7 ///
First choice of ship: Dinesh / Gilfoyle
Second choice of ship: Big Head / Jian-Yang
Additional ships: Jared / Richard
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? No.
Content preferences: Hurt/comfort, angst.
Prompts/suggestions: Season six.
Content weaknesses: None
Content limits: None
/// PROMPT 8 ///
First choice of ship: Dinesh/Gilfoyle/Monica
Second choice of ship: Gilfoyle/Monica
Additional ships: Big Head/Jian-Yang
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? Any is fine
Content preferences: Any as long as there’s a touch of comedy in there.
Prompts/suggestions: Depending on pairing, some ideas:
Monica wants to try something new, Gilfoyle is into compersion, and Dinesh is into … well, Gilfoyle, mainly, but hey, Monica is kind of hot. So they get together and do a little experimenting.
5 times someone found out about Gilfoyle and Monica when they were trying very hard to hide it, and once time they told everyone. Bonus points for the 5 times being a range of reactions from turned on to disgusted, with a lot of astonishment thrown in.
Jian Yang moves back from China and everyone else moves out, so it’s just him and Big Head, chillin’ out, playing some games, shooting some cans, hooking up and kind of digging each other’s radically different vibe, like, a lot.
Or whatever the author has in mind for those pairings, I’m easy!
Content weaknesses: N/A
Content limits: N/A
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Sign-ups are open!
You have until the end of 6 December 2019 (Pacific Time / UTC -8:00) to sign up. Please read the following carefully. I know it’s long; forgive me. I’m only being as thorough as Jared Dunn would want me to be.
By signing up to participate in this exchange, you agree to the following:
To keep the secrecy of the exchange, you will not reveal what you asked for as a gift, or the identity of the person you are creating a gift for.
You will try your best to create a gift that matches at least one of your assigned recipient’s prompts/suggestions, and you will try your best to avoid any of their content weaknesses.
You must not include anything from your assigned recipient’s content limits in your gift.
You will put a reasonable amount of time and effort into creating your gift.
If you are unable to complete your assignment by 12 January 2020, you must tell me as soon as possible via email ([email protected]) so I have time to make pinch hitter arrangements.
If you have any problems with your assignment, you will send me an email and we can discuss; please do not contact your recipient directly, as this is a secret exchange.
How to sign up
Copy-paste the form below and email it to [email protected]. Do NOT submit in any other way (e.g. Tumblr ask, blog post, etc.)
The sign-up form
All ships that you list in your preferences must be from the nomination list.
All fields are mandatory. If any of these don’t apply to you (e.g. you don’t have any content preferences or content limits) please write ‘N/A’ or ‘no preference’ etc.
‘In order of preference’ means in descending order, i.e. your first choice first, followed by your second choice, then your third, etc.
Email address: This must be a valid email address that you are able to access regularly, as it will be used for all exchange communication.
Name: How you want to be identified on the list of exchange participants that will be published on this blog when sign-ups close. This can be whatever name you want.
Tumblr URL: If you don’t have a Tumblr URL, never mind; you don’t need to have a Tumblr to participate in the exchange.
Any accounts you want to be linked to your name on the participant list: e.g. your Tumblr URL, AO3 username link, Instagram, Pixiv, etc. If you don’t list any, I will publish only your name with no linked accounts.
Are you age 18 or over?
Recipient preferences AKA what you want to receive as a gift. This section will be shared with your assigned gift creator.
First choice of ship:
Second choice of ship:
Additional ships:
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? If so, please list in order of preference. You can list different ratings for different gift types if you like (e.g. no preference art, but prefer mature/explicit fic).
Content preferences: Any kind of broad genre/mood you have a preference for, e.g. hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, fluff, comedy, etc.
Prompts/suggestions: Give a description of any prompts for the type of gift you want to receive. This can be tropes, settings, situations, plot ideas, anything really (e.g. fake dating trope, college AU). You can list as many prompts as you like (please list them in preference order if you have a preference) but please note that prompts are just suggestions. Your gift creator will try their best to follow something from your list but there is no 100% guarantee (e.g. if they feel they don’t have the ability to fulfil exactly what you ask for). You are, however, guaranteed to get a gift of your favourite ship.
Content weaknesses: Please list all characters/ships that you prefer NOT to receive in your gift. There’s no 100% guarantee that you won’t receive assignment with these characters, but the admin will do their best to avoid assigning you these. If you don’t have list anything here, you may be matched up with any ship in the nomination list.
Content limits: Please list any kind of content that is a hard limit for you, e.g. certain themes, squicks, or potential triggers. Your assigned gift creator will make sure not to include these in your gift.
Anything else you want to share with your gift creator?
Creator preferences AKA what you want to create as a gift for someone else
What kind of content are you able to create out of the following: fanfiction; fan art; graphics (gifs, edits, manips, etc); fan videos?
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? If so, please list in order of preference. You can list different ratings for different gift types if you like (e.g. no preference art, but prefer mature/explicit fic).
Content preferences: Any kind of content you prefer creating (ship, type of content [art/fic/etc.], genre, mood, etc.)
Content weaknesses: Please list all characters/ships that you prefer NOT to create content for. There’s no 100% guarantee that you won’t receive an assignment with these characters, but the admin will do their best to avoid assigning you these. If you don’t have list anything here, you may be matched up with any ship in the nomination list.
Content limits: Please list any kind of content that is a hard limit for you, e.g. certain themes, squicks, or potential triggers. The admin will make sure you don’t get assigned any of these.
Is there anyone that you’re uncomfortable being matched with? If for whatever reason you’re not comfortable either receiving content from a particular person, or creating content for them, I’ll make sure not to pair you with them.
Do you want to do more than one exchange? If so, how many? If you decide to do two exchanges instead of one, for example, you will create two gifts and receive two gifts.
Are you willing to be a pinch hitter? Pinch hitters are people who create gifts for recipients in the event that their original gift giver can’t complete their assignment. Please note: you will not receive a gift in return.
Do you want your recipient preferences to be made public (your name won’t be included) so people who aren’t your assigned gift giver / aren’t part of the exchange can create gifts for you if they like? These are called ‘treats’, and can be anything from a 100 word drabble or quick sketch, to something more complex. (Note: as a participant in the exchange, there is no obligation to make treats, or anything else other than your assigned gift. It’s just a nice thing you can do if you want to and have the time to :))
Anything else you want to share with the exchange admin?
That’s it!
If you have any questions, feel free to message/ask me on this blog, or email [email protected]
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
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Silicon Valley Winter Exchange 2k19: #GetHype
It’s happening! It’s a Secret-Santa-style gift exchange of fanfic/fan art/etc. based on Silicon Valley HBO!
You have until 6 December 2019 to sign up; if you’re interested in joining, now’s your chance! Make stuff, get stuff, and (if you so choose) anonymously have your gift desires published on a list so anyone who wants to can make you little extra non-exchange treats too :))
All the links:
Sign-up form
Ship nomination list
Want to be a pinch hitter? Sign up here!
All the information/FAQ/rules: a masterpost!
Whether you’re joining or not, feel free to help out the exchange by reblogging this post / spreading the word! Thank you xoxo
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
1. I’m extending the sign-up deadline! You now have until Friday 6 December to sign up! It was originally today (2 December) but given that 1) the participant list so far is relatively short, 2) i realised i don’t actually need a whole darn week to match everyone up before sending out assignments, 3) i haven’t been promoting this nearly as obnoxiously as i could’ve so i want to spread the word more so anyone who wants to participate has the chance to ... thought I’d change that.
2. More people who wish to receive/create Dinesh/Gilfoyle content are especially welcome! The dinfoyle faction is currently a little underrepresented :) (This is NOT to say that you shouldn’t sign up if you aren’t interested in dinfoyle. Please, feel free to sign up with any ship that’s on the nomination list <3)
3. A note about sharing, please do feel free to reblog/share any posts I make on this blog including to any friends who aren’t on Tumblr but you think would be interested in joining the exchange : )
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Nominations open!
Character/ship nominations for the exchange are open!
Here’s the nomination form.
You have until 15 November to submit ships and/or characters that you want to receive as gifts and/or are willing to create content for. When sign-ups open, you will only be able to request/offer ships and characters that are on the list.
This is to ensure that no participants who say they can create for any ships/characters will be taken be surprise by unexpected ships/characters such as rare pairs :) The nomination list also makes it easier for people to say they can create for (or are willing to receive) things like 'any ship/character except for X and Y' because they'll know exactly what 'any' might include.
Go go go! And if you have any questions feel free to contact me on this blog or by emailing svexchange2k19[at]gmail.com
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Nominations so far
Nomination form is here
Hello everyone! Ship/character nominations for the exchange close 15 November (Pacific Time -8:00 UTC). Thought I’d publish what’s been nominated so far:
Ed Chambers/Richard
Big Head/Jian-Yang
That’s it! Those are all the ships that have been nominated so far. So if you want to receive a gift in the exchange that features a ship not on this list, or if you want a non-ship/gen gift (AKA no romantic/sexual relationship), then please submit your desired ships/characters :)
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Welcome to the official Tumblr of the Silicon Valley winter gift exchange 2k19! I am your humble host @retrauxpunk​. Please refer to the info/FAQ page for an overview of the exchange. More info will be posted in time (specifically on pinch hitting and how exactly to submit and anything else I think of).
Here’s a TL;DR version:
Ship nominations open 8 November AKA tomorrow AKA GET HYPE
Sign-ups open mid-November, submission deadline is mid-January 2020. Works will be revealed late-January 2020.
Accepted works for the exchange are: fic, fan art, graphics/manips/gifs/etc., and fan videos
Special thanks to @svexchange2k18​ for their help!
Please direct all queries to this blog, not to my personal Tumblr.
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Nomination List
Nominations have closed and here are the resuls!
Ed Chambers/Richard
Big Head/Jian-Yang
Looks like everyone wants ships this year. No complaints from me :)
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
updates coming
hello friends! i am sorry for my recent absence (was away and didn’t have consistent enough laptop/internet access to post things properly) and am very sorry for my failure to provide adequate information before fucking off to a different country for a bit. i had a bunch of things i had to get sorted before departing and it’s totally my fault i didn’t get around to the below. so:
in the next 24 hours (so, 27 or 28 Dec depending on where you live) I will post submission info (how to submit your assignment) and the treat list (anonymised list of people’s gift requests so that anyone can make a little extra gift for them regardless of if you’ve signed up to the exchange or not).
i’ll also email out the submission info to participants too :)
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
names have been sent
heya exchange participants — you should now have all received an email with the name(s) of your gift recipients. feel free to add those to your Tumblr/AO3 submissions!
if you haven’t received any email and it’s not in your spam folder either, feel free to hit me up here, by email at [email protected] or on my main @retrauxpunk
just a week left until the reveal! xoxo
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
Submissions close 12 Jan 2020!
hello exchange participants! there’s about a week left to submit your assignments :) here’s how to submit
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svexchange2k19 · 5 years
Pinch hitter sign-ups open
A pinch hitter is someone who will complete an additional assignment (i.e. create an extra gift) if a creator ends up dropping out of the exchange partway, or fails to submit their assignment by the deadline.
If you sign up to be a pinch hitter and get given a pinch hit assignment, you’ll have to create an extra gift without receiving something in return.
Please remember, if you’re a pinch hitter, you’ll have to create a gift within a shorter time frame (and in addition to your main assignment) — please only sign up if you’re confident that you’ll have the time/resources to do so :)
You may have only 12 days to finish your pinch hit volunteer work —the submission deadline is 12 January 2020, and works are revealed on 25 January.
If we end up needing pinch hitters, we’ll contact you as soon as possible via email.
Interested? Firstly, thank you very much for being willing to do something extra to make sure everyone gets a gift in the exchange! :DD <3
Secondly, please fill in the form below and email it to [email protected] — please do not submit it in any way other than email (e.g. Tumblr ask, etc.).
Pinch hitter sign-up form
Email address:
Name: How you want to be identified on the list of exchange participants that will be published on this blog when sign-ups close. This can be whatever name you want.
Tumblr URL: If you don’t have a Tumblr URL, never mind; you don’t need to have a Tumblr to participate in the exchange.
Are you age 18 or over?
Do you want to be identified on a published list of pinch hitters? If so, let me know how you want to be credited and if you want any of your accounts (Tumblr, AO3, etc) to be linked.
Creator preferences AKA what you are are willing to create as your pinch hit gift
What kind of content are you able to create out of the following: fanfiction; fan art; graphics (gifs, edits, manips, etc); fan videos?
Do you have rating preferences out of the following: general (no age restriction); teen and up; mature; explicit? Feel free to list your preferences in order, or specify if there’s any rating you do not want to create for, etc.
Character/ship preferences: List all characters/ships you have a preference creating for.
Content preferences: List any kind of genre/mood/trope you prefer creating, e.g. hurt/comfort, pining, fluff, comedy, etc.
Weaknesses: List all characters/ships you prefer NOT to create for (this doesn’t guarantee 100% you won’t get assigned these, but the admin will do their best to avoid assigning them to you).
Content limits: List all hard limits here (e.g. squicks, triggers, etc.) and the admin will make sure you don’t get assigned any of these.
Is there anyone you aren’t comfortable creating content for? The admin will make sure you don’t get paired with them.
Anything else you want the exchange admin to know?
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svexchange2k19 · 4 years
assignments will be sent out 11 Dec 2019
hello friends! due to some unforeseen delays I’m gonna be a couple days late sending out the assignments — 10 or 11 rather than 8 December. sorry everyone!
check your email addresses in a couple days :)
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