ladynoirist · 6 years
@sviske replied to your post “if you ever want to know what my parents are like, just know that the...”
does your dog have its own room
she evicted me from mine ; (
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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Erik Wøllo ‎- Ceremony.wav Erik Wøllo ‎- Tide 2.wav Erik Wøllo ‎- Little Dream In Turquoise.wav
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sviske · 7 years
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I’ve got a nightshift today and I’m already tired hahaha
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odullius-blog · 7 years
 i’ve seen sviske  do some song suggestions and doodle something based on it, i would like to try to :) i really like incorporating music with my art maybe some of you know i use lyrics of songs i like within most of my pieces otherwise they’re lyrics i’ve composed. Send me your favourite song regardless in different language and i shall draw something inspired by it!
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Original fantasy content. Below is initial information about this world and characters worth focusing on. More information will be posted upon request. I don't need to share anything, I do it for the sake of the audience.
Continent of Etria
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*Bad drawing by me 👍. Islands are in process*
Countries (with capitals and type of leadership):
Europa - Jemna. Not-elected council (self appointed council).
Heutian Empire - Corner. Monarch (family lineage).
Kangen - Braun. Elected council.
Republic of Crate - Zeveh. Elected council.
Svisk - Tylos. Was Monarch, now elected council.
Urum - Kayuru. Emperor (either family lineage or appointed).
Brief summary of the history:
Kangen and Svisk used to be one, but with differences of leadership, Kangen broke off and made their own name. Heutian Empire tried to rule over Kangen and Svisk, but consistently fail, then claim it as a “noble sacrifice” to avoid being seen as weak. Urum and Europa were and remain untouched by the Heutian Empire. The borders of Urum and Europa have remained the same for hundreds of years, the borders are held by ancestral magic bound to boulders. Think of Urum and Europa as untouchable forces without intimidation tactics. The Republic of Crate was once part of the Heutian Empire, but broke off due to a revolution 80 years prior to “present”, the conflict was caused by tension between the working class and the monarch (the reason differs depending who you ask). 50 years prior to “present”, a horrible winter storm devastated Svisk, but with help from Urum, Kangen, and Europa, the people of Svisk survived.
List of characters (more coming soon):
Initial party:
Ascian - m, vampire, rogue. Europa.
Mirza - m, human, monk. Urum.
Jaromir - m, human, paladin. Kangen.
Nesrin ‘Nesi’ - f, tiefling, druid. Kangen.
Caespes - m, elf, wizard/scholar. Europa
Drazhan - m, human, bard. Svisk
Tulay - f, half-elf, druid. Kangen
Verena - f, a councilwoman. Europa
Zephyr - f, sorceress. Heutian Empire
Rhysand - m, village elder. Kangen
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momocicerone · 7 years
Tagged by: @sviske​ Your art slays and i’m perished a;lsdkjf 
Tagging: @fujiseigen @ask-gin-vodka @v-a-a-n-i @chanting-to-u @muffindragon227 @froodyie
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (2017) (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
[stares at 2017 fanart works] (nope nope nope...)
I’ll go with fanfics! I have very different reasons to love each of these works so I’ll do it in chronological order!
P.S: Damn You:  As far as one sitters go, this one definitely takes the cake. Born from a brief Skype convo that basically went: “Imagine Iwaizumi sending angry letters to Oikawa after breaking up.” And it’s silly and innocent and angry at the same time, and I’m both proud and embarrassed that this is my hq legacy lol.
軌跡 : This is one of the most personal things I’ve ever written and it has a special place in my heart. An actual love letter fic that borderlines in self-insert but not really. Can you believe I did this in three hours? Because to this date, I can’t.
Bitter, Sweet: Why do I love this fic so darn much? Perhaps I feel like this is the most accurate portrayal of CoAi out of all my other fics. Maybe I feel like this is the most plausible scenario and the best confession scene I’ve ever written (and I’ve written quite an awful lot of them). Also this is the turning point for me when I realized that, holy shit... I can actually write CoAi. 
Rarity: I know u guys kinda hate this one because of the bad ending but you gotta admit as per writing style, this is a top tier of mine together with Chasing Clouds (which I won’t add to this list because tbf just thinking of that fic makes me anxious). And the pacing. OH, THE PACING. Why can’t I pace my other fics just like this one?
baby blues: ngl I am absolutely baffled that this is not my most popular coai fic hahaha. Because I thought you guys were here for the fluff and I mean, this [gestures at whole fic] , I mean it doesn’t get any fluffier than this. I usually cringe while reading fics back but this one makes me smile <3
aaand that’s a wrap!
No wait, actually I had a hard time choosing only five because apparently I’m a narcissistic fck but special mentions to Driven & Eight Ways To Kiss Miyano Shiho , and the only fanart that doesn’t make me wanna kms atm (i know it’s cheating cuz that one’s from last week but shhhh)
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Artist list announcement!
Hello everyone! We apologize for the long wait. It has been so, so difficult for us to choose out just a few among you 300 amazing artists. We hereby present to you, at long last, our 45 participating artists:
@aluox @ask-estonia @c0l0rcoded @canfranalot @chiisagi @cioccolatodorima @eli-draws-stuff estherwycheng @fabilenio @freedomeagles @fruk-off-hetalia @iyuro @jali-jali @jeananasartblog @k-y-t-s-k-o @kallenillustrated @l-azi-ly @lily-clare @lissomey @marinovannyeogurchiki @mieudiary @mimimonart @mon0ch monochromemap @moonidew @nascens @natalianman @nidsk @odullius @paonoru q_mnt @quckidon @sketchytea soph @suckmyicelandick @sully-s @sviske @theaveragesuperhero @thelulugang timesketcher @tiramiszu @tusindfryds yuu
Congratulations to all of those who made it in! Be sure to read the FAQ and Guidelines before you work on your submission and, as always, drop us a message for any question you might have. We look forward to seeing your work!
To those of you who we unfortunately could not place on the list due to limited resources: Stay tuned! We might open a second round of applications depending on circumstances!
We are sincerely grateful for the interest from all of you. Your support is everything to us, so please keep staying by our side, and keep being awesome <3
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froydisvang · 7 years
slutt med ro etter 3,5 minutter (så vil jeg hjem)
hjem for meg er deg eller meg kanskje sammen med deg jeg vet ikke men hjem for meg er i hvert fall alltid presskannekaffe. og ferske dadler på krukke i vinduskarmen, muligheten til å lage så mye hummus jeg vil.
hjem er tanken om fred og ro at jeg ikke alltid må alt som man alltid må kan bare eksistere om så for kun et øyeblikk likevel, det er litt mer bekymringsfritt for jeg er alltid bekymringsfull.
hjem er å våkne opp i myk seng med myk mann meg og deg pluss usagte ord minus masse mas jeg aldri prøver å ordne opp i.
hjem er søvnløse netter, for nå er jeg jaget jevnlig av jævlig jamring jeg mente ikke at det skulle bli slik tapte tanker kanskje litt tårer men sjeldent for jeg drikker bare sort kaffe eller øl og sprit og dehydreres.
søvnløs løsner jeg låsen om deg og du forsvinner fra mitt hjem det er deg uklar men underbar og jeg blir helt ute ute av meg selv useriøs er mitt mellomnavn men slutt å si sånt jeg prøver å presse på er ikke problemfri prøv heller full (problem)full
men slutt å sløse med meg slik jeg alltid gjør vis meg et annet eksempel jeg kommer hjem nå eller kanskje ikke bare hjemsøkt av hjemlige følelser kommer aldri hjem kommer bare på tull du ber meg bare å komme og så lyver jeg.
hjemme henger hemmelighetene fast   og så blir de stilt på rekke og rad på veggen som bilder eller stilt spørsmål ved slik jeg alltid stilner ved synet av deg uten meg.
hjemme er det en slags uklar klarhet jeg klarer ikke men nesten klart nok klarer jeg å se meg selv slik sannhet er svimler av svake syn om nytt nei eller bukk og brekk meg ned til tusen knas.
skulle ønske hjem var annet enn som så men likevel er hjem også en hjemmebakt brødskive med avocado på om jeg er heldig pesto også.
det er endeløs valpekjærlighet for hjemme er jeg enda liten selv om jeg allerede føler meg gammel og grå innrøyket som inntørket sviske eller aprikos som jeg putter i min müsli og kaller meg sunn det kalles hykleri.  
jeg er aller mest hjemme i tryggheten din men den har jeg mistet slik jeg mister alt annet ute på byen en eyeliner eller enda en siggpakke også meg selv men jeg kommer alltid hjem hvert fall til husly og hangovermat.
hjem er å gjemme seg fordi det er skjermet og beskyttet men kan man noe for å ikke ønske annet jeg synes hjem er viktigst av alt alle arbeider for.
men til sist er vel hjem kun deg selv og dine tanker er de ikke overkommelige forglemmer du deg selv og ditt hjem later som at det ikke er så viktig og vandrer vekk, var det virkelighet uansett? aller helst vil du bare forsvinne,
over og ut
- frøydis (skrivelinjen, borups højskole 2017) 
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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