#Michael Bundt
Michael Bundt
from the lp Electri City
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wrensgeekyvibes · 1 year
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Back to Utopia
I almost stopped watching Utopia because the storyline wasn't grabbing me, but I am so glad I decided to watch this episode (S01E04) if only to hear CMS enthusiastically shout, "Motherf*cking bundt cake!" Which is exactly how I respond to baked treats.
He is very much a villain in this, and I am here for it.
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saranwrapall · 10 months
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
Cig! I am back for another edition of my favorite game: DOES CIG KNOW THIS BRITISH BAND
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Today’s band is: Glass Animals ! They are London based, but I believe they are from Oxford. (Btw this photo was taken by an absolutely incredible music photographer and portraitist named Pooneh Ghana I follow her on instagram and she’s so so amazing. My dream is for her to photograph Tarlos one day hehe ANYWAY)
A couple songs you have likely heard: Heat Waves | Pork Soda
Reasons why I think you, Cig, would like this band. 1) Their music is very fun and tropical, they experiment with a lot of different sounds in really unexpected ways. Also their songwriter, Dave, loves to tell stories in his songs. So each song is a different story from a different perspective. Also! He’s British but he grew up in Texas because his dad is a snail scientist who worked at UT!!! So he has some …interesting stories about growing up in Texas 👀 2) Despite their name, this is a fruit themed band. They have songs about pineapples, melons and coconuts, gummy bears, tangerine speckled eyes, PORK SODA?? And they always bring a pineapple on stage for the pineapple song. Fun fact! They were banned from bringing their pineapple into the Reading/Leeds festival but they SMUGGLED IT IN ANYWAY
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3) They have a very cute style. Dave dresses quite similarly to Ronen with his very elaborate and expensive sweaters (JUMPERS), and he’s always got fun glasses. I think you would get some inspo from him. 4) They have some of the most engaged and creative fans. They have a website that they have uploaded all the files for their album art and other band related art onto and told their fans to go wild. There’s so much incredible fan art as a result, and they not only encourage it but they regularly repost it on their socials. Liiiiike?????
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Haha oh my gosh. Well. I absolutely had never heard about this band until today. I really like the photo! I've always vibed with how boybands pose in quite a cuddly way, would you believe. I like that the songwriter is called Dave and that he has excellent taste in jumpers and glasses like I do. I like how I now know more about Dave's dad than I do my own. I like the fanart! And the smuggled pineapple. The overall dedication to fruit probably means they are Jamie Oliver's favourite band.
I will check out their tunes but I can't say for sure if i'll like them more than I like George Michael. The bar is pretty high.
While searching for a George Michael gif I found Aretha instead serving (rhymes with) bundt so obviously I had to select her:
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shippingfangirl013 · 1 year
Getting older sucks.
It’s “I made my first friend in that elementary school classroom,”
And “I used to sit on those swings with my first childhood friend, playing make-believe and talking about the newest movie we wanted to go see,”
It’s “I used to get off the bus with you after school and stay at your house every other night because I didn’t want what my parents were having for dinner,”
It’s “We used to have sleepovers in my room, and I remember that I loved going to your house because it meant playing with our American Girl dolls. We’re in the same family, but I saw you more than half my friends sometimes. I miss seeing you now, even though we only live 10 minutes away, it still feels like the years have crept between us.”
And “We met in 4th grade, but I’ve known you all my life. You knew my first crush and I knew yours. You loved Sam Winchester and I loved Dean. We sat on the benches at recess, reading books about Helen Keller and talking about how excited we were to play the violin next year. Gavin always went on about how he loved some tv show with monsters off of Cartoon Network while we read. You loved One Direction, Harry Styles was your first love, I’m sorry for that fight we had in 7th grade, I was an asshole and I hope you know that I love you, I wish you never dealt with half the shit life has thrown at you, I’m sorry that I was too young to understand how to handle the sinking grief that you went through in 8th grade, I promise you that I would take it all away if I could, I’m sorry for ignoring you when you told me my first serious boyfriend wasn’t actually a nice guy. I should have listened to you. I’m sorry I let him get between us.”
It’s “you were mean to me, but I miss you. We were young, but I don’t think that you’re a bad person anymore. I loved your art and I hope you still create wondrous works. You inspired me to start drawing, and I’m grateful for that. I miss watching Dan and Phil with you, and Michael Clifford will always remind me of you. Thank you for sitting next to me in the classes we had together, I’m glad we had lunch together too, I felt less alone eating crappy high school lunches with you before Spanish class. I hope you’re doing okay, and I know we talk from time to time, but I miss seeing your face.”
And “I loved you. You broke me. I have nothing to say to you for what you did to me, but I remember the way that your freckles danced around your face, curving upwards towards the sun when you smiled that lopsided grin at me. We were young and stupid, and I thought that was what love was. I know that I was mean to you too, and I want you to know that I’m sorry for that. I wanted forever with you, I didn’t even know you, I loved you, but even the brightest blaze of fire can turn cold in the dampened wet of winter.”
It’s “I met you in college, but you are someone who has never hurt me. Your laughter is like the musical notes you play on the flute, you are sharp and witty and I’d go to the ends of the world with you, only if you wanted to. We survived freshman year together. You handed me Kleenex at 3 am and held my hair back when I got too drunk. You walked me home with some of our friends, and you asked me to look at a magazine after the party and I said that there were people dancing on a trifle cake. You showed me a photo of a Bundt cake with raspberries on top the next morning. You helped me study, even when I was a pain in the ass, and you’ve made me laugh when I’d much rather cry. We rode horses together on weekends when we had time. You helped me get through one of the worst breakups I’ve ever had. I’ve cried on your shoulder more times than I can count, we’ve had more movie nights with friends in the dorms than I can remember. I’m grateful that I always had a travel buddy when it came time to go home for Winter Break. Two hours goes by much quicker when you’re screaming the soundtrack of Frozen II in the car. You reminded me that I’m a good person. You remind me of that a lot, and even though I know that I can be exhausting and hard to handle, you’re always there to lend an ear or offer advice, and if I just need support, I know I can count on you. We always stayed up late on your birthday, midnights during finals week were never boring when your mom sent you a package to open, every item wrapped with care, because she wanted you to celebrate even if you weren’t home yet. You love dragons, and I’m awful at drawing them, but I drew one for you anyways. I’m glad we had an apartment our senior year. I hate that we live 8 hours away. Thank you for introducing me to Mikayla. I’m sorry about the fights that we’ve had. I’m grateful to you and Mikayla for showing me what healthy friendship is.”
And “I’ve known you since 8th grade but we’ve never met in person. I think about you all the time. I’m proud of who you’ve become. Thank you for being such an amazing friend. You’re such an inspiration to me. I wish we lived closer, I wish I could come visit.”
It’s “I haven’t talked to you in a while. We FaceTimed every day after school in high school. You’re engaged now, and I’m so happy for you. I hope he treats you well, I’m sorry I live so far away, I want you to have everything you want in life. I came to your graduation party, I was so excited when you came to my house and surprised me. I miss you, I hope you’re doing okay. I know I’m awful at texting back, I need to text you more.”
And “I read your eulogy at your service. I hope I did right by you. I wanted to honor your memory, and somehow, the right words came to me after crying over blank paper for hours. I hate that you’re gone. I hate that I can’t talk to you anymore. I don’t know how to live without you.
(How do I live without you?)
I hope I honored you and your memory with what I wrote. . . I hope everyone knows how much I love and miss you. I hope you know how much I love you. If there is a Heaven, say hi to Molly and Monica for me. Say hi to Mavi and Bear and Precious too. I listen to Taylor Swift all of the time now. I listen to One Direction too.
You were my first real friend. And that’s not to say I didn’t have friends before, but you were the first that stuck around. It was like Lilo and Stitch, times two. We found each other and became friends, and then in 4th grade, I picked Sam to become friends with… and then we were a trio. I remember all of the trouble we got into… it feels like yesterday.
(God, how I wish it were yesterday, because then you’d still be here.)
Your grandparents cried when I came over to pick up your stuff. I cried when your grandma gave me your Ron Jon’s hat and that stupid scarf you always wore and damn near strangled me with when we would wrestle with one another. I hugged your cat Harley for you, I wish I had been able to visit your house more. You always wanted to come to mine, and I never knew why, but “your house is more fun than mine,” always came the reply. I never quite believed that, but I didn’t push you.
I started watching Golden Girls, it makes me think of you. Kally is getting older now too, she’s 16, I know that when we were younger, we joked that cats that old went to Star Clan. I hope she goes to live out the rest of her days with you up there, at least I know she’ll be loved and looked after when it’s her time to rest. You were supposed to be in my wedding, but as it stands now, that will be a long ways away.
Life is odd, and it’s always changing, and you of all people, know how much I hate change. (How do I keep living when I’ve lost so many people that I once cared for?)
How do my grandparents do it? Losing friends they’ve known for years? How does anyone do it? Living without the people you thought you’d never lose is the worst feeling ever, and I’m scared to live if it means that everyone I care for could die tomorrow.
I’m glad you were able to love someone and that he was able to love you in return. You deserved a lifetime of happiness. I hope that he knows you passed on, I tried to contact him, but I never asked you for a name.
I can’t sleep some nights knowing that I was the last person you willingly called at 2 in the morning. I hope you can forgive me for not picking up. I miss you more than words can say.
(Do you think if I had been there for you, things would be different? Would you still be here if we hadn’t drifted apart in high school?)
I wish we hadn’t drifted apart in high school.
I wish things didn’t have to end, I wish someone could invent a way to tell when things would come to an end, so I could cling to it more tightly, telling those people how much I love them, how important they are in my life, and how much I loathe change. . .
I wish I never had to read your eulogy. It was the second hardest thing I’ve ever done, missing you, grieving you. . . That’s the first.”
~ a short collection of the people I’ve loved
(This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of other new friends that I have and love right now, because I’m lucky to have so many people that care about me & I’m lucky to be able to care about them and get to know them as well.
This just… needed to come out tonight.
And I didn’t really include family in this, but I was more-so focused on friends that I’ve had and lost over the years.)
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bamboomusiclist · 8 months
1/28 おはようございます。Tom Waits / Franks Wild Years ITW-3 等更新しました。
Benny Carter / New Jazz Sounds mgn-1044 Herman Foster /Ready and Willing lp727 Joe Bushkin / In Concert Town Hall RS-6119 Martin Taylor / Spirit of Django Akh030 Barney Kessel / Blue Soul blp30161 Ben Webster / Live at the Haarlemse Jazzclub catlp11 Klaus Flenter / the Trio mlp198526 Marco Di Marco / Best & Unreleased Mjc0500 Doug Raney / Something's Up scs1235 Darji Darwin Gross / Meets Hank Jones sjp171 Helmut Aniko / Helmut Aniko & VIB Project c6031195006 Stevie Wonder / the Secret Life of Plants t13-371c2 Isley Brothers / Smooth Sailin 925586-1 Grant Green / Shades of Green bst84413 Michael Bundt Just Landed Cosmic Kid As63069 Steely Dan / the Royal Scam abcd-931 Steely Dan / Gaucho mca-6102 Tom Waits / Foreign Affairs 7e1117 Tom Waits / Swordfishtrombones ILPS-9762 Tom Waits / Franks Wild Years ITW-3
~bamboo music~
530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号
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thekimdelacreme · 1 year
Today's Workout:
Hour long walk Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 2 Denise Austin 3 Week Boot Camp (Athletic Conditioning, Ab Blast)
Today's Food:
Breakfast: Golden Grahams and milk, coffee Dinner: HEB Poblano chicken lasagna, mini chocolate bundt cake, 2 Nutter Butters Cocktail: Orange vodka tonic 1 L water
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ancientcosmonauts · 6 years
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nofoodjustwax · 3 years
Deutsche Elektronische Musik 3: Experimental German Rock and Electronic Music 1971-81 [Track Notes]
Deutsche Elektronische Musik 3: Experimental German Rock and Electronic Music 1971-81 [Track Notes]
LPx3, Compilation Released in 2017 on Soul Jazz Records Styles: Kosmische Musik, Progressive Electronic, Krautrock, Psychedelic Folk, Experimental Rock Vibe: Exploratory, Eclectic, Spacey, Spacey, Futuristic, Pastoral Track Notes ( * = Recommended )A1 – Klauss Weiss – Wide Open Space Motion – 2:20 Driving sequencerMid-tempo groovespacey synths & padsA2 – A.R. Machines – I’ll Be Your Singer,…
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deejayjunkdrawer · 7 years
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Michael Bundt
from the lp Neon
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mitchmrner · 3 years
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i’m not crying theres just something in my eye
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snowshinobi · 2 years
given that Kyo's so into food + he travels a lot (sometimes alone) for work, I agree w folks who say Kyo can cook. Third reason is Senjuro; I highly doubt that their dad made proper meals for himself, let alone his kids. Young Kyo had to figure out some basic food stuff pretty fast if he wanted his lil bro to eat well, and you bet that was one of Kyo's priorities. Fourth reason is Mitsuri—she loves eating too, I bet she's got some knife skills and other kitchen tips to teach her mentor!
so Kyo can cook, but here's my hot take ok: he cannot bake. the moment he opens the flour bag, any shreds of patience he usually musters up for kitchen activities suddenly evaporate. Kyo wants to know why he can't just dump all ingredients into a bowl and thrash em. what's folding?? god that takes so long, is it really worth it? wait what temp were we supposed to preheat the oven too? Senjuro already did that, hell yeah, best little brother in the wor—hey hey why is Sen cracking the eggs into a separate bowl? pick out the stringy white bits? why??? we're whisking everything together anyway it doesn't matter!
Senjuro tries to give Kyo very easy tasks like buttering the bundt pan, 5min later Kyo has butter all over his hands and keeps dropping chunks of it on the floor bc he's dancing along to the George Michael's Greatest Hits playlist that Senjuro put on before preheating the oven. this way Kyo won't absentmindedly reach over to change the song with messy fingers.
baking with Kyojuro requires constant damage control, which Senjuro is a pro at, so the brother duo can actually make things. from scratch, even! Mitsuri favors box stuff (she's a busy lady, it's cupcakes now or cupcakes never) and gets talked into eyeballing measurements and fudging preheat temps bc this will either turn out surprisingly well or laughably awful and she wants to see it. When things go wrong Kyo is CRUSHED, Mitsuri thinks it's hilarious, and Senjuro fetches the castela so they can all have a ready-made consolation treat.
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takeoutsceneries · 4 years
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~ Peach Bundt Cake ~ A delicious bundt cake with an orange glaze served with peaches and cream on the side.
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obey-me-angel-bros · 4 years
May I interest you boys in some Bundt Cakes? I only have chocolate I unfortunately but I hope you like them! Also Jophiel, where did you get that dress you gave Asmo? How did you even get his size?
The word you chose for the purpose of addressing us is certainly amusing, but yes, we would like some cake.
Thank you for sharing it with us ^^
I think tea would fit the cake perfectly.
I will return in a bit.
-Big Brother Lucy☀
Hm? You mean the birthday gift?
This one?
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I made it myself actually.
Designing the official wear of high ranked angels is another duty of my court. Before you ask, yes, I personally designed the Elite Council's wear.
Michael's too.
Moreover, I just happen to be the one to approve or deny the final option, so I made this dress as a gift for Asmo's birthday and formally accepted it as his official wear.
I can't say that Michael wasn't angry at me for that, but I still think it was worth it~ 💕
Yes! Yes! It was! I liked the dress a lot!!! >w<
As for the size of the dress, I just have a good eye for things like these~
As much as I hate to agree with him, it was quite unprofessional.
I mean, aside from making us worry about you, since you just disappeared when the ceremony was about to start, you also put your court's pattern on the dress, as if he is already part of it.
*Soft gasp*
Oh no, Gab...
You sound just like him...
I suppose everyone's right when they say you're just like Michael...
How embarrassing
That's a very dirty move.
You know I actually love the dress, aside from the pattern...
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charlottemadison42 · 4 years
Abridged excerpt from Operation: Lockdown by @asideofourown:
“Goodnight, angel,” Crowley said slowly, and hung up the phone.  He bit his lip, hesitating.  Something had been… off about that call, right?  He wasn’t just imagining things, lonely after weeks of isolation?  Because he thought, maybe, that... that Aziraphale might be in trouble.
Crowley stared down at Aziraphale’s contact photo, a slightly blurry picture of the beaming angel in front of the duck pond at Saint James’ park, and then muttered, “Fuck.”
He scrambled up from where he had been lounging on his throne, rounding his desk and rooting around in the drawer for something to write on.  He found an old notebook and a pen he had stolen the last time he went to the bank, and scribbled down at the top of the first clean page, HOW TO SAVE AZIRAPHALE FROM THE BASTARDS ANGELS HOLDING HIM HOSTAGE
...Obviously, Aziraphale had been speaking in code from the very beginning, knowing that Crowley would eventually catch on.  He must have used his one phone call (that was a hostage thing, right?) to call Crowley, to tell him in code that he was being held against his will in his bookshop by revenge-thirsty angels, and that Crowley had to come and rescue him from their evil clutches.  So what, exactly, had Aziraphale’s clever code conveyed?  First off, he had suggested that Crowley ought to be out and about despite the current rules— a clear indication that he needed Crowley to come and rescue him, and that he would have to come in person. Aziraphale had also mentioned a party, which had to mean that multiple angels were holding him captive. Crowley did some quick research, and then jotted down on his planning sheet that there must be between five and ten angels— that was the proper number for a birthday party, according to the first article that Google gave him, and in all honesty Crowley didn’t think he’d be able to fight off more than ten angels anyway. Crowley wracked his brain, trying to remember the cakes Aziraphale had listed out— each clearly a clever clue for who was with him in the bookstore. 
Bundt cake: supposedly of American origin, which meant that Gabriel and his annoying accent were definitely behind this. 
Sponge cake: the first recipe had been recorded in 1615, which was (entirely not coincidentally, just as Aziraphale had intended him to understand!) the year Crowley had almost gotten discorporated by a surprise inspection at Aziraphale’s old flat by Uriel. 
Angel’s food cake: made with whipped egg whites, which was obviously intended to remind Crowley of the time he had accidentally egged what turned out to be the car Sandalphon had been using while on Earth to help Aziraphale with some blessing assignment in the 1990s. 
Sourdough, specifically four kinds:  according to angel-symbolism-r-we.co.uk, the number four was associated with practical matters, seriousness, and order, which was Michael to a tee. 
And finally there was Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, or Black Forest gateau: obviously a callback to the time Aziraphale and Crowley had spent a year camping together in the Black Forest of Germany back in the 16th century, accidentally assigned to influence the same peasant uprising before Aziraphale had been recalled for reassignment by the Metatron himself!  So this went all the way to the top.  And in terms of code, Aziraphale had said it outright: he had said, “although I had to miracle in the cherries.”  It was clear as day, A-I-H-T-M-I-T-C stood for Am in hostage trap, mayday, I trust Crowley.  He trusted Crowley to come for him, to help him.  Crowley couldn’t let him down.  “Right,” Crowley said out loud, setting his pen down with a clack and getting to his feet.
Crowley grabbed his grappling hook, his night-vision goggles (not that he needed them to see, but it was the spirit of the thing), and a hellfire-forged dagger. 
“Alright, Anthony J. Crowley,” he said to his own reflection, and went for a brave smile.  It wasn’t shaky, at least, although he looked a little queasy.  “Let’s do this.  Let’s go rescue our angel from those fucking winged wankers holding him hostage.”  
Read the rest at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23993200!!!
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