bloomingapricots · 5 months
I’m the Older Brother of the Villain, Those Who Dare Touch Him Will Pay
Updated here first at AO3
Shen Duzhe had no thoughts of being an older brother before, he didn't even know the concept till his younger brother was born. Despite their rocky beginnings, Shen Duzhe loves his brother and younger siblings very much.
The reader is called Dúzhě (读者) which means “reader”
Duzhe is male and the eldest Shen sibling here
There is some of my feelings as an older sibling
Shen Yuan’s younger sister will be called Hóng (虹) meaning “Rainbow”
Chapter 1 (Here) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter One
“Because you’re an older brother” are words that Shen Duzhe despised most. “You’re an older brother, be more mature” are words Shen Duzhe heard often. “As an older brother, you have to be responsible for your younger siblings” it was not like Shen Duzhe asked his parents for siblings and wanted to be responsible. “You’re siblings, you have to be nice” just because he shared the same blood as them does not mean he should automatically like them.
When Shen Duzhe first learned he was going to have a brother, he did not react much, after all, it was just him and his parents for much of his life up till his younger brother was conceived. And as a child of rich parents who worked so they could live comfortably and lavishly, Shen Duzhe lived without wants. He was more interested in the room his brother will be living in for the next two decades, as Shen Duzhe’s child brain thought it was a pleasant room to look at and the chair in there was very comfortable to sit in.
When Shen Jiu was born, Shen Duzhe was with his grandparents and when they drove to the hospital for him to meet his brother, he did think his brother was cute. As with most families, since Shen Jiu was a newborn he had most of their parents but Shen Duzhe was fine with it since as a rich family they had hired a nanny for Shen Duzhe and he was distracted enough to not feel resentful about it. And it was fun watching Shen Jiu as he wiggled around. It was when they were a lot older, when Shen Jiu started walking and talking that Shen Duzhe started resenting having a brother.
It was not because of Shen Jiu’s action though, it was the action of the people around them that made him feel a bit resentful. The constant words about having to be more mature, having to be more responsible, that if Shen Jiu was hurt or upset, Shen Duzhe was scolded for not keeping an eye on him. As such, the duty of being an older sibling. Such feelings of pressure and expectation of being the older sibling felt suffocating, that being responsible for another person’s well being felt unfair, especially when it resulted in their parents being upset with him. The day Shen Duzhe fully got what it meant to be an older sibling was when he encountered a terrified Shen Jiu after he woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare about his past life.
It was late at night and Shen Duzhe forgot to grab himself a bottle of water for his bedside. As he shuffled to the closest kitchen, out of sheer luck since he was lazily scanning the same old hallway, he spotted a lump huddle at the end of a window drape.
“Jiu Jiu?” Shen Duzhe called out as the lump was pretty small and no adult would hide in a curtain drape. All Shen Duzhe heard was a whimper in response. “Jiu Jiu, Fuqin and Muqin would be fine if you crawled into their bed,” Despite being resentful about the expectation of being a big brother, beside that topic, their parents do occasionally spend one-on-one or two-on-one with him. And Shen Jiu is still young enough that they don’t have to give him tough love yet. Shen Duzhe stood in front of the lump for a long awkward moment as this was technically the first time in a long while he was alone with his brother. “Jiu Jiu... did you have a nightmare?” Shen Duzhe can’t guess any other reason and he was right to guess as the lump flinched. “Again, Fuqin and Muqin will comfort you if you go to them,”
“Go away,” Shen Jiu finally responded, his voice muffled.
“...” Shen Duzhe, as smart as he was, was still a child, and as much as Shen Jiu was an adult reincarnated as a child, is a child with child level limitation now. So Shen Duzhe did what a child would do with a sibling, who in his mind was being unreasonable, and became aggressive. Shen Duzhe tried to drag Shen Jiu out of the drapes but Shen Jiu clanged onto it like his life depended on it till they both started crying in frustration. “Jiu Jiu! let goooooo!” Shen Duzhe sobbed.
“No.” Shen Jiu replied. As Shen Duzhe tugged on Shen Jiu, Shen Jiu started screaming his frustration out. “Why did I have to reincarnate with my memories! That stupid beast face keeps appearing when I sleep!”
“Jiu Jiu, no one is getting into our house without Fuqin and Muqin knowing or past Uncle!” Shen Duzhe replied.
“No! That beast is messing with me again!” Shen Jiu yelled. It was a miracle that the two have not woken up the entire mansion yet. After Shen Duzhe tugged Shen Jiu one too many times, Shen Jiu let go but then tackled Shen Duzhe and started hitting him. Surprisingly, to Shen Duzhe, Shen Jiu’s punch was pretty weak so he was not hurt that much beside his back as he fell on his back. As Shen Duzhe was distracted by his thoughts Shen Jiu started crying again which snapped Shen Duzhe out of his thoughts. “I can never escape! Always a slave! Never thought of!” As the fight left Shen Jiu, he sobbed on top of Shen Duzhe.
“...You would not be here if Fuqin and Muqin did not think of you,” As much as the word sounds sweet, Shen Duzhe is a seven year old child who was not a reincarnator so he was looking at Shen Jiu like he was stupid.
“Stop looking down at me! You hate me for taking your place!” Shen Jiu yelled.
“Huh? Why would I hate you?” Shen Duzhe asked.
“You hate me for taking your parent’s affection! You look down at me for being so weak!” Shen Jiu replied.
“That’s stupid,” Elegantly stated by the seven year old. “You are a baby, a baby could die from something simple like falling from your high chair. That’s not being weak, that is…” As Shen Duzhe tried to think what to say, Shen Jiu sobbed again and subconsciously clung to Shen Duzhe. Shen Duzhe awkwardly rubs his five year old brother’s back in comfort. “Uh, I don’t hate you, Jiu Jiu, I’m just annoyed with the grown ups telling me I have to be mature and responsible. And while I haven’t thought of having a brother, I don’t mind having you as my brother,” After a frustrating fight, the two sleep on the floor and as much as their parents wanted to be mad at the two for getting out of bed and ended up sleeping on the floor. They could see the two growing closer after their fight, especially since Shen Jiu now personally seeks out Shen Duzhe and Shen Duzhe spends time with him.
As the two got older Shen Jiu became an older brother too with the birth of Shen Yuan and later the birth of their younger sister, Shen Hong. Shen Jiu was put into therapy and Shen Duzhe now with a more developed brain had a better understanding of what Shen Jiu had said when they were younger and believed in him. After all, Shen Jiu was incredibly grumpy, unusually so, and Shen Duzhe saw far too many nights of Shen Jiu sneaking into his bed with haunting and terrified eyes. Shen Duzhe sometimes heard Shen Jiu begging someone called Yue Qi to not leave him.
“Jiu Jiu, you’re going to pop a blood vessel at this rate from how hard you hate-reading that web novel Yuan-er despises,” Shen Duzhe stated as he sat across the kitchen island from his brother Shen Jiu. After Shen Yuan showed Shen Duzhe and Shen Jiu the web novel that he thought was the trashiest of trash, Shen Duzhe and Shen Yuan noticed the change in Shen Jiu’s expression. The fact that Shen Duzhe’s beloved, pampered, spoiled, baby brother Shen Yuan, who can read a person like a brick wall also saw Shen Jiu’s change in expression was a concern. Was a concern for all of them. And Shen Duzhe connected the dots and when he looked back to Shen Yuan, it seems like he also connected the dots as when Shen Yuan and their baby sister, Shen Hong, was in their late preteens, Shen Jiu told them about his reincarnation.
“No. Don’t tell me, Gege, that Proud Immortal Demon Way… that Shen Qinggqiu-!” Shen Yuan started to yell.
“Yes…” Shen Jiu confirmed in a small voice. A voice Shen Duzhe has not heard since childhood.
“Yuan-er, call Meimei and get food,” Shen Duzhe ordered and Shen Yuan quickly left after yelling he will. Shen Duzhe closed Shen Yuan’s laptop and carried Shen Jiu’s to his room, in the apartment the two of them shared. Shen Yuan still lived with their parents and Shen Hong.
“And you’re ru-” Shen Duzhe cut himself off as he thought the word ruin might trigger Shen Jiu. “That is in the past, a past you cannot return to and a past that cannot reach you here. The you now is Shen Jiu, who is the treasured black jade of the Shen family,”
“Gege…” Shen Jiu stated after a moment of silence. Shen Duzhe stood up to stand next to Shen Jiu.
“In this life, you are a spoiled, pampered, rich second young master,” Shen Duzhe gently took the tablet, with Proud Immortal Demon Way open, out of Shen Jiu’s hand. “You have a good relationship with your siblings and parents so there is no need to fight for your position in the Shen family. You are in the modern world, so you're not restricted on how you act nor are you caged. You are free to do whatever and your family will support you in every way. You will never be hurt, our parents and your Gege will make any assaulter pay no matter what, no matter the price,” That might have sounded, as Shen Yuan would say, a bit Yandere at the end.
“... I’ll stop,” Shen Jiu said.
“Shall we catch a movie with Yuan-er and Meimai?” Shen Duzhe asked, hoping to brighten Shen Jiu’s mood.
“Can it be just the two of us?” Shen Jiu asked in reply.
“Alright,'' was Shen Duzhe’s answer.
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