#svsss reader insert
bloomingapricots · 5 months
I’m the Older Brother of the Villain, Those Who Dare Touch Him Will Pay
Updated here first at AO3
Shen Duzhe had no thoughts of being an older brother before, he didn't even know the concept till his younger brother was born. Despite their rocky beginnings, Shen Duzhe loves his brother and younger siblings very much.
The reader is called Dúzhě (读者) which means “reader”
Duzhe is male and the eldest Shen sibling here
There is some of my feelings as an older sibling
Shen Yuan’s younger sister will be called Hóng (虹) meaning “Rainbow”
Chapter 1 (Here) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter One
“Because you’re an older brother” are words that Shen Duzhe despised most. “You’re an older brother, be more mature” are words Shen Duzhe heard often. “As an older brother, you have to be responsible for your younger siblings” it was not like Shen Duzhe asked his parents for siblings and wanted to be responsible. “You’re siblings, you have to be nice” just because he shared the same blood as them does not mean he should automatically like them.
When Shen Duzhe first learned he was going to have a brother, he did not react much, after all, it was just him and his parents for much of his life up till his younger brother was conceived. And as a child of rich parents who worked so they could live comfortably and lavishly, Shen Duzhe lived without wants. He was more interested in the room his brother will be living in for the next two decades, as Shen Duzhe’s child brain thought it was a pleasant room to look at and the chair in there was very comfortable to sit in.
When Shen Jiu was born, Shen Duzhe was with his grandparents and when they drove to the hospital for him to meet his brother, he did think his brother was cute. As with most families, since Shen Jiu was a newborn he had most of their parents but Shen Duzhe was fine with it since as a rich family they had hired a nanny for Shen Duzhe and he was distracted enough to not feel resentful about it. And it was fun watching Shen Jiu as he wiggled around. It was when they were a lot older, when Shen Jiu started walking and talking that Shen Duzhe started resenting having a brother.
It was not because of Shen Jiu’s action though, it was the action of the people around them that made him feel a bit resentful. The constant words about having to be more mature, having to be more responsible, that if Shen Jiu was hurt or upset, Shen Duzhe was scolded for not keeping an eye on him. As such, the duty of being an older sibling. Such feelings of pressure and expectation of being the older sibling felt suffocating, that being responsible for another person’s well being felt unfair, especially when it resulted in their parents being upset with him. The day Shen Duzhe fully got what it meant to be an older sibling was when he encountered a terrified Shen Jiu after he woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare about his past life.
It was late at night and Shen Duzhe forgot to grab himself a bottle of water for his bedside. As he shuffled to the closest kitchen, out of sheer luck since he was lazily scanning the same old hallway, he spotted a lump huddle at the end of a window drape.
“Jiu Jiu?” Shen Duzhe called out as the lump was pretty small and no adult would hide in a curtain drape. All Shen Duzhe heard was a whimper in response. “Jiu Jiu, Fuqin and Muqin would be fine if you crawled into their bed,” Despite being resentful about the expectation of being a big brother, beside that topic, their parents do occasionally spend one-on-one or two-on-one with him. And Shen Jiu is still young enough that they don’t have to give him tough love yet. Shen Duzhe stood in front of the lump for a long awkward moment as this was technically the first time in a long while he was alone with his brother. “Jiu Jiu... did you have a nightmare?” Shen Duzhe can’t guess any other reason and he was right to guess as the lump flinched. “Again, Fuqin and Muqin will comfort you if you go to them,”
“Go away,” Shen Jiu finally responded, his voice muffled.
“...” Shen Duzhe, as smart as he was, was still a child, and as much as Shen Jiu was an adult reincarnated as a child, is a child with child level limitation now. So Shen Duzhe did what a child would do with a sibling, who in his mind was being unreasonable, and became aggressive. Shen Duzhe tried to drag Shen Jiu out of the drapes but Shen Jiu clanged onto it like his life depended on it till they both started crying in frustration. “Jiu Jiu! let goooooo!” Shen Duzhe sobbed.
“No.” Shen Jiu replied. As Shen Duzhe tugged on Shen Jiu, Shen Jiu started screaming his frustration out. “Why did I have to reincarnate with my memories! That stupid beast face keeps appearing when I sleep!”
“Jiu Jiu, no one is getting into our house without Fuqin and Muqin knowing or past Uncle!” Shen Duzhe replied.
“No! That beast is messing with me again!” Shen Jiu yelled. It was a miracle that the two have not woken up the entire mansion yet. After Shen Duzhe tugged Shen Jiu one too many times, Shen Jiu let go but then tackled Shen Duzhe and started hitting him. Surprisingly, to Shen Duzhe, Shen Jiu’s punch was pretty weak so he was not hurt that much beside his back as he fell on his back. As Shen Duzhe was distracted by his thoughts Shen Jiu started crying again which snapped Shen Duzhe out of his thoughts. “I can never escape! Always a slave! Never thought of!” As the fight left Shen Jiu, he sobbed on top of Shen Duzhe.
“...You would not be here if Fuqin and Muqin did not think of you,” As much as the word sounds sweet, Shen Duzhe is a seven year old child who was not a reincarnator so he was looking at Shen Jiu like he was stupid.
“Stop looking down at me! You hate me for taking your place!” Shen Jiu yelled.
“Huh? Why would I hate you?” Shen Duzhe asked.
“You hate me for taking your parent’s affection! You look down at me for being so weak!” Shen Jiu replied.
“That’s stupid,” Elegantly stated by the seven year old. “You are a baby, a baby could die from something simple like falling from your high chair. That’s not being weak, that is…” As Shen Duzhe tried to think what to say, Shen Jiu sobbed again and subconsciously clung to Shen Duzhe. Shen Duzhe awkwardly rubs his five year old brother’s back in comfort. “Uh, I don’t hate you, Jiu Jiu, I’m just annoyed with the grown ups telling me I have to be mature and responsible. And while I haven’t thought of having a brother, I don’t mind having you as my brother,” After a frustrating fight, the two sleep on the floor and as much as their parents wanted to be mad at the two for getting out of bed and ended up sleeping on the floor. They could see the two growing closer after their fight, especially since Shen Jiu now personally seeks out Shen Duzhe and Shen Duzhe spends time with him.
As the two got older Shen Jiu became an older brother too with the birth of Shen Yuan and later the birth of their younger sister, Shen Hong. Shen Jiu was put into therapy and Shen Duzhe now with a more developed brain had a better understanding of what Shen Jiu had said when they were younger and believed in him. After all, Shen Jiu was incredibly grumpy, unusually so, and Shen Duzhe saw far too many nights of Shen Jiu sneaking into his bed with haunting and terrified eyes. Shen Duzhe sometimes heard Shen Jiu begging someone called Yue Qi to not leave him.
“Jiu Jiu, you’re going to pop a blood vessel at this rate from how hard you hate-reading that web novel Yuan-er despises,” Shen Duzhe stated as he sat across the kitchen island from his brother Shen Jiu. After Shen Yuan showed Shen Duzhe and Shen Jiu the web novel that he thought was the trashiest of trash, Shen Duzhe and Shen Yuan noticed the change in Shen Jiu’s expression. The fact that Shen Duzhe’s beloved, pampered, spoiled, baby brother Shen Yuan, who can read a person like a brick wall also saw Shen Jiu’s change in expression was a concern. Was a concern for all of them. And Shen Duzhe connected the dots and when he looked back to Shen Yuan, it seems like he also connected the dots as when Shen Yuan and their baby sister, Shen Hong, was in their late preteens, Shen Jiu told them about his reincarnation.
“No. Don’t tell me, Gege, that Proud Immortal Demon Way… that Shen Qinggqiu-!” Shen Yuan started to yell.
“Yes…” Shen Jiu confirmed in a small voice. A voice Shen Duzhe has not heard since childhood.
“Yuan-er, call Meimei and get food,” Shen Duzhe ordered and Shen Yuan quickly left after yelling he will. Shen Duzhe closed Shen Yuan’s laptop and carried Shen Jiu’s to his room, in the apartment the two of them shared. Shen Yuan still lived with their parents and Shen Hong.
“And you’re ru-” Shen Duzhe cut himself off as he thought the word ruin might trigger Shen Jiu. “That is in the past, a past you cannot return to and a past that cannot reach you here. The you now is Shen Jiu, who is the treasured black jade of the Shen family,”
“Gege…” Shen Jiu stated after a moment of silence. Shen Duzhe stood up to stand next to Shen Jiu.
“In this life, you are a spoiled, pampered, rich second young master,” Shen Duzhe gently took the tablet, with Proud Immortal Demon Way open, out of Shen Jiu’s hand. “You have a good relationship with your siblings and parents so there is no need to fight for your position in the Shen family. You are in the modern world, so you're not restricted on how you act nor are you caged. You are free to do whatever and your family will support you in every way. You will never be hurt, our parents and your Gege will make any assaulter pay no matter what, no matter the price,” That might have sounded, as Shen Yuan would say, a bit Yandere at the end.
“... I’ll stop,” Shen Jiu said.
“Shall we catch a movie with Yuan-er and Meimai?” Shen Duzhe asked, hoping to brighten Shen Jiu’s mood.
“Can it be just the two of us?” Shen Jiu asked in reply.
“Alright,'' was Shen Duzhe’s answer.
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Shang Qinghua: Your honor, I would like to present my client’s internet search history.
Shen Qingqiu:
Shen Qingqiu: I think I’d rather just confess to the murder.
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llostwriter · 3 months
Never Meant To Be | SVSSS Fanfic
- Nonbinary Reader
When you found out that you were reincarnated as a wandering orphan, forcing you to steal to survive. You lost count of the times that you would get beaten up upon getting caught by the villagers. The looks of disgust from the villagers upon seeing your raggy clothes and dirty face were imprinted on your small mind. Intelligence was nothing in this world; all that mattered was the ranking of an individual. There were times when you ended up starving on the streets or almost freezing to death.
It wasn't even surprising that, soon enough, the human traffickers found you. The original owner of the body was found by the human traffickers before you were even in the body. The human traffickers make weekly visits to the orphans, demanding that the orphans give them the taels that the orphans gathered from begging on the street. The ones that weren't able to give any received a beating. All the good spots in the areas were taken by the other orphans, while you were left with the crappiest area, which is mostly deserted.
The income was so low that you even decided to leave this village and beg elsewhere. The traffickers caught you again, and you received another beating. Only then did you learn that the orphans are only allowed to beg within the village.
Every week of the first few months, you have received a beating from the traffickers.
The orphans could hardly fend for themselves, so they didn't even bother sharing any of their stuff with you. Resorting to having to even fight them for some ointments. Yes, there would always be some additional bruises after the fight; however, you did get your ointment. You know that your life is miserable the moment you even have to fight a dog for a blanket. Even the white cat from the village council’s madam gives you the disdainful treatment. Hissing at you whenever you look at its pearly white fur.
You were envious of the white cat. It gets better treatment and is cleaner than the combination of you and the other orphans. You remembered watching out of the village council madam’s window, drooling at the lotus cake being fed to the white cat daily, who later licked its paw.
One day, in the village, there was a huge fire that ended up spreading out to the borders of the village. Everybody was evacuating, while you stood confused and helpless. Almost accepting the new path of death, ending this misery of yours. You would have never expected that a cultivator would rescue you. Your memories of his appearances were blurry. The only thing that you have left of him is the ripped-off piece of his light green robe.
Away from the human traffickers, your life was somewhat peaceful. You would be found stuffing your mouth with mysterious berries that you found in the forest. The stomachaches taught you which berries to pick and which berries not to pick. Cleansing the filth off yourself in the rivers.
You find yourself in a new village and hear from the villagers about Cang Qiong accepting new disciples. That would be a good chance to turn your life around.
There was something familiar about that name, but you were not able to find out exactly what it was.
You watched the large crowds of hundreds of people. There were some other orphans, some kids dressed in rich silk robes, and some kids from the casual village household. The task was plain and simple; it was just digging holes. A few of the rich folks were complaining of dirtying their robes: “This is too filthy!”. “I can’t handle this any more!” “I’m telling my mommy and daddy about this!”. “This is so unfair!” “Why am I doing the work of a slave?!” so many complaints.
So they ended up ordering their servants to do it for them, resulting in the rich folks getting disqualified. “Wait until my parents hear about this! They’ll shut this mountain completely down!” but as expected, those complaints were all barks and no bites.
The sun beat down on your back as you hunched over the earth, your long, pointed nails digging into the clay. Untrim nails for months, maybe even years; you were not sure since you only occupied the body a few months ago.
Each thrust of your hand was met with gritty resistance. The earth, dry and stubborn, yielded only grudgingly. Tiny particles of clay, fine as dust, clung to your nails, causing a gritty discomfort that snaked up your arms, sending chills through you. Regardless of your gender, the sensation was maddening, a constant reminder of the tenacity of the very ground you were attempting to conquer.
There were some smart kids who dug platforms stacked upon each other like stairs from the soil. That is to make it easier to get out of the hole.
However, that also wastes a lot of time, and time is precious.
Your brow furrowed, and you bit your lip, the scent of nature mingling with the dust that clung to your clothes. The discomfort was a constant, a nagging reminder of the futility of your task. Yet, you dug on. It was more than just a hole you were creating; it was a statement, one that would completely change the turn of fate.
Each inch dug was a battle—a slow, agonizing victory. The earth, unforgiving and relentless, fought back, the damp clay clinging to your nails like a tenacious parasite. But you pushed on; you drew in grim concentration, your eyes burning with a singular focus.
You knew the pain and discomfort were necessary parts of the process. It was the price you paid for the freedom of creation, for defying the expectations of practicality. The discomfort was a reminder that you were pushing boundaries and challenging the very fabric of reality.
Finally, with a groan, the earth gave way. By the time the ending was announced, the hole, deep and narrow, was complete.
You looked around, and that's when you saw him. You identified him from the crowd by his green robes. The feeling of familiarity and nausea hit you like a wave.
Your survivor, your angel, is the one that’s going to drag you out of this hellhole.
He noticed you; his paper fan spread out, covering half of his face. He narrowed his eyes at you indifferently.
Being a disciple of Qing Jing Peak Lord was not that bad; your life clearly improved. You don't have to fight other orphans or animals for anything. All living expenses were provided for you. You shared your daily tasks with the other disciples. During your free time, you’ll spend time watching your Shizun from afar. Aside from that, the looks of admiration and gratitude were obvious.
The wind carries the rumors.
It has only been a few months since you became a disciple, and you have already heard your share of the rumors surrounding your savior.
The rumors surrounding your savior were outrageous; you would never bring yourself to believe them, even if there were doubts surrounding them.
in the following months. You have always kept a safe distance from your savior. You can’t deny that there were desires of wanting to have physical contact with your savior. It was pure nonetheless, but it still felt wrong. Even after you left behind your past of being an orphan, you still felt filthy and tainted. You were disgusted by yourself. It wasn’t long before you realized that you had romantic feelings for your savior.
But you never have the courage to confess. Your savior was close, yet felt so distant at the same time.
A young disciple named Luo Binghe had just arrived, and he was taken in as your Shidi. From the start, he showed himself to be a hardworking and persistent teenager, always displaying politeness towards everyone. However, despite his good nature, your savior began to treat him unfairly, burdening him with an excessive number of tasks compared to the other disciples. This sudden change in attitude was puzzling.
Witnessing Luo Binghe being disciplined unjustly, you found yourself tending to his wounds and gradually forming a close bond with him. Despite the mistreatment, he never blamed Shizun for his hardships. As time went on, the male disciples following your savior joined in on the unfair treatment, directing their animosity towards Luo Binghe by assigning him all the unwanted tasks. Despite this, Luo Binghe continued to fulfill his duties without complaint.
Nonetheless, it pains you to see your savior acting like a monster.
You were unsure how it turned out this way. One day, your savior’s personality completely changed. It was almost like they were completely different people. It was also the first time that your ‘savior’ approached you willingly, apart from missions. You were happy about it, but something felt horribly wrong at the same time.
You have always had that feeling since you first became a disciple. It was wrong for a disciple to have romantic feelings for their Shizun.
This was different; it was almost as if this was an imposter living in your savior’s body; their aura was different. The imposter gives out a more outgoing and calm vibe, while your savior gives out a more indifferent and cold vibe. There is no possible way that one person could change in the span of hardly one day.
But how is it possible that somebody would look exactly like your savior? Did your savior have a twin brother? If yes, where is your savior right now? There’s no possible way that your savior would just abandon his disciples and his title without a single word.
The imposter attempted to mend your relationship; however, it didn’t work. The longer that the imposter stayed, the more hatred that you grew for him.
At the same time, you were glad that he’s now nicer to his disciples and Shidi Luo Binghe. But you simply can't get over the fact that the imposter is using your savior’s body without any permission.
Months turned into years, and your hatred toward the imposter grew numb, just like your feelings. There was no use for it anymore. You ended up leaving the peak and becoming a wandering cultivator.
When your Shidi Luo Binghe married the imposter, they invited you, hoping that you would come. Which you did.
As you watched the smiles imprinted on both your Shidi Luo Binghe and the imposter, Only then did you realize that you had officially lost your savior. Forever.
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maypersonne · 1 year
Shang Qinghua really does think that he is unlovable huh
He really thinks that he is of no value to anyone if he isn't making himself useful he will be disposed off and that will be it
He genuinely believes no would ever want him so he manipulate and posture as a lesser so to be seen as a necessary annoyance rather than the pest he believes himself to be
He hates all the work he has to do but he prefers exhaustion to the paranoia and anxiety that eat him up when he isn't showcasing his value
He is in a constant battle just to be acceptable rather than loved so he can just be in the presence of those who are dear to him
Like damn like father like son I can see where binghe got all his issues like airplane bro stop unloading it all on your OCs look you gave the poor dear anxiety
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walpu · 5 months
Bodyguard reader who gets whammed into a world where Aven' expy gets attached to them... and then when Reader finally returns to Aven, him and his expy are just playing tug of war with reader 💀💀
imagine Aven and his expy are just spamming reader with high bonus and salaries while they just compete on who can get the more extravagant items for Reader, all while poor reader is just... very confused on why their getting bombarded with monetary gifts, they want kisses and cuddles instead, their just a pathetic wet cat for Aven's affection :((
Okay bear with me. I don't know if you're familiar with the Scum Villain Self Saving System novel BUT the main plot is that the mc transmigrates in the goddamn porn novel he mostly hates but he's a big fan of the protag (important note, the protag has a very VERY questionable moral compass and is practically a villain) so he keeps reading it anyway just for him (and to be a hater but whatever). The thing is. He transmigrates as the scum villain who is responsible for making the protagonist so bitte. Anddd who also dies horrible. So ofc the mc doesn't want to die horribly and he tries his best to be nice to the protag and eventually he changes the narrative and they end up together etc etc THE MAIN PPOINT I'M TRYING TO GET ACROSS there's an extra chapter where the og protag ends up in the rewritten world and he meets the mc and he's shocked how nice and loving he is. He openly wonders why in his world this person who he was looking up to tormented him but in this world they are loving and caring towards his other self, wondering what he did wrong.
ANYWAY I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say. expy!Aven, who's reader hated him, meets the version of reader who loves his alternative self and he's CRUSHED and angry and so so sad :)
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eyes-of-mischief · 6 months
weekly fic recs | 47
prompt: self-insert/OC-insert
fandoms: bnha, knb, mdzs, naruto, svsss
Causality of Temporal Paradox by MirrorDaltokki
"A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use." - Washington Irving
In which you are very clearly not having a good time slipping through time and space.
Lucky for you, there's at least one constant. Hawks seems to not mind you showing up in his bed over and over again throughout his life.
But hey, look at the upside. There's pro-heroes, so that's kind of cool.
Cleaning Crew; Teaching Kids to Value their Safety, for Fun and Profit by Reavv
Takenaka Hideo is a thirty-two year old, in mild desperation for money, who has just been hired as a new janitor for UA's support staff. He has a quirk that lets him find lost objects, a liaison with the police because of it, and desperate desire for competent co-workers.
Oh, and he's already lived a previous life, in a world where quirks and heroes didn't even exist.
Not a big deal, though. It's not like you ever see the janitor playing a big part in action movies. He's here to get paid, and that's it.
On the opposite side of the equation, class 1-A has to wonder at the new UA cryptid that always seems to show up when things are on fire, and who keeps trying to convince them to let the adults handle the fire extinguisher.
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades by Vroomian
You don't care about sports, and you didn't ask for this nonsense.
so miracles happen after all. by リリス - riris (arurun)
Paralyzed from the neck down, a former basketball star wished only for one thing.
And like a miracle, he wakes up in a new world, in a new body-- and there's only one thing he wants to do now, so he starts running.
"Wait, is this that basketball anime?"
Ball Is Life, But You Still Need To Pay Rent by vermillion_crown 
Here's the thing. Taiga has a little breakdown (politely, in the cabin restroom at 3:37 AM PST while the other passengers are dead asleep) and gets over it in the span of the eleven hour flight into Tokyo. The leftover memories in his head really help with perspective, let's just say.
He likes basketball. Loves it, even. Sure, maybe another team sport might do the trick in a pinch, but his body and reflexes are optimized for basketball. It'd be a waste of time to change tracks
Ball is life, but you still need to pay rent. Okay, well officially, his dad's paying the rent. But the sentiment still stands, right? There are other things to worry about.
Who the hell peaks in high school?
(SI/OC as Kagami Taiga, who just wants to ball—all the chūnibyō shit be damned.)
by foot it's a slow climb by Vroomian
(graphic depictions of violence) (major character death)
So. Let's get this straight - I didn't set out to derail any plot. My plan was to lay low and stay away from canon. It's just...
My plans tend to fail.
i told you when i came i was a stranger by Caramelized
A modern OC arrives in Yiling before the start of the Sunshot Campaign. She has no friends, no money, and no cultivation. She knows what's coming, but what could she possibly do about it? *** “Well…” I looked down at my fingernails and tried not to squirm. “If there were a way to separate Wei Wuxian from Madam Yu without ruining his relationship with his siblings, I’d encourage it. Like, as an example, marriage.”
Xichen blinked. “To you?”
“No. Absolutely not. What even—?” The thought was so abhorrent I couldn’t hold it in my head. My brain spat it right back out. “To your brother.”
Xichen blinked. Again. “To Wangji?”
“This is a concern of yours?”
“I realize it’s not my business at all,” I admitted. “But you asked.”
Doing the Work by MarbleGlove
There’s more to peace than the absence of war. The work is as hard and uncertain as any Shinobi mission.
AKA: A highly self-indulgent fic in which a civilian woman helps an orphaned Sasuke and winds up saving the world.
Making Lemonade by Meeceisme
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Waking up after dying to a whole new life in a brand new body is a little outside his frame of reference. But he'll do his best to make the best of this weird as hell situation. Worse comes to worst he'll grab all his favourite people and run the hell away from this mad place.
Featuring: Konoha's atrocious orphanage system, cynical child soldiers and Kakashi's guilt complex.
wataru, wataru by unolvrs
“Kirigakure didn’t need help. They needed salvation.”
No one knows anything about the Mizukage. Only that she’s kind. She likes to smile. She likes seafood like every other Mizu-born. And that there’s something inexplicably wrong with her. There’s something wrong with the Mizukage whom the Kiri-nin call a ‘god’.
—or, Wataru Wataru was never really a powerhouse, in this life or the last, but she’s resourceful. She knows cults, pyramid schemes, and corrupt politicians like the back of her hand, so of course, she becomes the Mizukage and becomes a god along the way.
exec_ep=diviega/. by MirrorDaltokki, MULmul
(mature) (major character death)
AKA: Female Protagonist Fights the System Because She Doesn't Want to Live on the Lesbian Peak Just Because She Won't Sleep With Luo Binghe and She Can Write This Piece of Trash Novel Better than The Stupid Author
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danmeiconfession · 2 months
This is just an opinion.
I’m sorry, but I can’t support a protagonist like Shen Yuan if he can’t respect the body of the person he’s taken over. The transmigration trope in many of these novels often leads to the erasure of the original soul, which makes me feel sad for them. While I understand why many fans like his character, I can’t root for him anymore. There’s a sort of horror in knowing that he and the rest of the readers pushed for such a bleak ending for Shen Jiu. An omnipotent being forces him to be a scum villain, and the person who condemned him has now taken over his body, his name, and married his abuser, his torturer. Imagine how horrified he’d be to learn he’s married to his own disciple—it’s disgusting. Someone who is just like all the men in his life takes away his autonomy and the name he earned; Shen Qingqiu is literally ripped away from him.
I remember someone mentioning that Shen Jiu follows the formula of MXTX's shou protagonists, and they’re right. The only difference is that he’s not allowed to gain a second chance. When Wei Wuxian tried to save the Wens, it cost him everything, similar to how Shen Jiu’s attempt to save his martial brother set off a domino effect of tragedy.
There’s a difference between Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan. Unlike Shen Yuan, whose path is clear and predictable, Shen Jiu’s very rare but kind actions often lead to dire consequences. Each time he tries to do something good, the world retaliates harshly. That’s why I like Shen Jiu more. I don’t mind a character’s misdeeds if they reveal something profound about them. Shen Jiu’s attempts to do good, even when they backfire, show his sincerity. Shen Yuan’s choices, on the other hand, seem easy and don’t require much moral struggle.
What saddens me is that a rich, lazy millennial is thrust into the body of a traumatized orphan and somehow gets the happy ending. Even if he didn’t ask for it, there’s a moral duty to respect the original character he's inhabited now because without Shen Jiu’s body, Shen Yuan would have no purpose is that even a lie because what goals or aspirations did he even have? We truly have nilch to go off what he's like without he's online persona but frankly he's a bad person to me if he harasses an author and makes no effort to even get himself to express his emotions especially his apathy like the fuck bro what going on here bro?? How do you just not give a shit about anything besides your beloved LBG like he's cuckoo up in the head like a few bolts and screws were lost in the making of his birth.
It actually made me mad, to be honest. I wish the author had never created Shen Jiu as a character because it spoiled my enjoyment of the book that I took as fun entertainment. SVSSS was the first transmigration story I read that gave the original soul such an important role. Other stories often use these bodies as self-insert devices, but knowing Shen Jiu is an actual character made me see him differently.
I also find it unsettling that Shen Yuan has to live as another person for the rest of his life. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. If the author isn’t going to do an identity reveal in an MXTX story, what does that say about Shen Yuan’s relationship with everyone else and the ML included? Wouldn’t everything fall apart? Doesn't that mean something is off lol???
This omission to me kinda undermines the foundation of his relationships, especially with the main love interest. Living a lie means that Shen Yuan’s connections are based on a false premise. If those around him, including the main love interest, don’t know who he truly is, their interactions and feelings might be based on their own misconceptions. In essence, the story hinges on Shen Jiu because his life and identity are the foundation upon which Shen Yuan builds his new existence and I find SY careless and disregard of that to be unappealing for a protagonist to follow .
I can see how the System's role in "SVSSS" can be interpreted as a form of horror, especially considering the implications for Shen Jiu. Here's an expanded take on your guys idea a theory of sorts:
The System's reasoning for booting Shen Jiu out and replacing him with Shen Yuan could be seen as a chillingly calculated move. Shen Jiu’s unwillingness to follow the predetermined outline and his resistance to the System's goals could have led to his removal. The System’s primary objective seems to be the satisfaction and happiness of Luo Binghe, the protagonist. Given the tragic nature of "PIDW" (Proud Immortal Demon Way), the System might have sought a more compliant individual to ensure a more favorable outcome for Luo Binghe.
If the protagonist, Luo Binghe, obsessively desires companionship and affection from Shen Qingqiu, and the original Shen Jiu isn't reciprocating, the System might decide to alter the course of the world. This new beginning involves replacing Shen Jiu with someone who not only understands the narrative but is also deeply invested in Luo Binghe's happiness—someone like Shen Yuan. As a form of punishment for Shen Jiu’s disobedience, the System forces him to take a backseat, helplessly watching as events unfold with Shen Yuan in control of his body.
This scenario adds a layer of horror, as it portrays the System as an omnipotent force capable of rewriting lives and fates to suit its goals. Shen Jiu’s autonomy is completely stripped away, and he’s forced to witness his own life being manipulated and his identity being overridden. By replacing Shen Jiu with Shen Yuan, the System ensures that Luo Binghe’s desires are met, but at the cost of Shen Jiu’s existence.
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esamastation · 1 year
Here's some svsss fanfic and crossover ideas...
1. When everything is all over, Shen Qingqiu finds that he's accidentally multiplied - there's him in Shen Jiu's body and there's him in the mushroom body. Two Shen Qingqius, with identical personality and memories, independent of each other. (Luo Binghe is thrilled. Two Shizuns!)
1.5 Same idea, but instead of two Shizuns it's one Shizun - with two bodies. (Luo Binghe is still thrilled. Shen Qingqiu, not so much. It's very confusing, controlling two bodies simultaneously!)
2. Shen Yuan transmigrates into Liu Qingge during his Ling Xi cave Qi-deviation. Everyone thinks he loses his mind - but he's just as obsessed about monsters as before, so they ultimately roll with it. On the day of Luo Binghe's destined fall into the Endless Abyss, Liu Qingge jumps right after him.
3. Cang Qiong Mountain Peak Lords all get transported into mdzs and can't get home on their own. While waiting for Luo Binghe to come after his husband, they decide to do what they were chosen to do - build a mountain sect. Unbeknownst to them, they begin exerting their influence just at the start of the war.
4. Desmond Transmigrates into PIDW and becomes a famous disciple of the Drunken Immortal Peak. (And maybe eventually it's Peak Lord? Either way, the wines he makes are magical.)
5. After inserting Shen Yuan into the timeline, System empties its bin - and dumps Shen Jiu into the Grey. Reader!Desmond deals with it - and eventually the System too.
I miss writing. Also, if anyone knows a fic where Shen Yuan transmigrates as Liu Qingge, please lemme know, I really wanna see one.
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eyesforahead · 9 months
Mxtx x male reader
A cross over.
When a modern era young man transmigrated in PIDW that has crossovered with other Novel's such as MDZS & TGCF thing's are bound to be both fun & traumatizing!
Name & Description are different but originally this was on my ao3 some things are arranged to suit it being an X reader. My ao3 is Elijah_Ezra.
-- MAIN SHIPS WILL NOT HE CHANGED ( such as hualian , wangxian. )
shang qinghua is. I have favorite's.
-- Canon, what canon plot line?
-- Don't like, don't read.
-- Hate towards me or anyone is not tolerated.
-- This is a crossover.
-- A lot of spelling mistakes probably.
-- No upload schedule.
-- What Ships is reader in? I'm aiming for it to be a Liu Qingge X Reader however if this is not liked I take recommendations as well.
Shen (Name) groans and sighs before getting up from the chair to grab his sword Bǎohù
It was time for the Disciple selection..
He flew down and was immediately greeted by the peak lords he was well liked and loved unlike his elder brother Shen Jiu or also known as Shen Qingqiu.
That’s right he (Last name) ( First Name) , A lazy modern guy , died and transmigrated into PIDW not only that as an OC insert the scum villains younger brother!
Airplane , what kind of messed up tragic sad backstory did you need to give Jiu-Ge?!
Naturally they grew up together which meant his childhood sucked too!
Granted not that bad compared to him as that Qiu Jianluo took a very good liking to him and loved his naïve personality he was rarely beaten.
Which now knowing WHAT Qiu Jianluo liked and was thinking made him want to scream cry and rip off his skin to erase the feeling the skin that was touched by him.
What seemed liked innocent hugged were actually very much not innocent.
years later and after much trauma he became a peak lord!
So, that's that! Yippie hooray for you.
The (History of God's and Ghost's) "神与鬼的历史" (Shén yǔ guǐ de lìshǐ) peak lord!
It is the same ranking as Qing Jing Peak.
In this peak they learned about God’s and Ghost’s that are hidden and roaming around somewhere.
Their cultivation was communication with them.
Some Ghosts would occasionally help them when in need by lending them their strength.
In turn they would also help the ghost move on.
However, this is not safety assured as ghosts can be deceiving.
Shen (Name) would know himself, he’s half possessed by one called SYSTEM who forces him to do certain shit!
Shen (Name) grimaces remembering that memory when the SYSTEM took control of his body and just chopped off someone’s dick.
‘ You didn’t need to use my body! ‘
{ D: Then, who else would SYSTEM posses? Your brother? No, thanks. }
‘ Die. ‘
{ SYSTEM will die when HOST 002 dies. }
Ah, right. Did he mention the author transmigrated with him?
Airplane Shooting towards the sky transmigrated into Shang Qinghua.
“ Didi, are you alright? You’re frowning. “ Shen Qingqiu asked snapping him out of his thoughts.
He hummed and looked towards the disciples hoping that today he will meet the protagonist Luo Binghe .
Yue QingYuan nodded at him and asked if he will choose a disciple.
Right, He himself rarely accepted new disciples they had to be specific and needed to be blessed or gained the attention of a god or ghost.
But as he looks down no one seems to have the veins that are gold or red.
Gold means a god has noticed them.
Glowing Gold means they have been blessed by one.
Red means a ghost has either noticed them or blessed them.
It was surprising to learn ghosts can bless people.
A ghost’s blessing boosts up your QI similar to the gods blessing but a ghost blessing also gives you luck while God’s give you some protection but not luck that would be on you!
Suddenly again he heard Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu fighting which is normal. However, they were fighting over a disciple.
He didn’t feel like getting involved and zoomed out before Shang Qinghua whispered to him.
‘ Bro, Go with Shen QIngqiu that’s Luo Binghe he took! ‘
he glared at Shang Qinghua for not telling him sooner and ran after Shen Jiu.
THE man was beautiful with long brown hair and warm eyes.
The male wished he can help the poor soul yet, he is not allowed to interfere only drop some helpful information nothing more…
His peak was often described as a picturesque peak ( he was very proud of his peak ) adorned with tranquil ponds. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the beauty of the lily pads floating gracefully on the surface.
Koi fish gracefully glide through the water, their vibrant colors adding a touch of elegance.
The croaking of frogs adds a harmonious melody to the scene. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the sight of fluttering butterflies brings a sense of joy.
The overall ambiance feels inviting and pristine. Even the teachers and classes exude warmth and friendliness. It's a place where one can find solace and inspiration.
Near the peak lord's house you'll see a more beautiful building. The building is a shrine. Inside of it is a statue of the main god they learn about.
However, the statue isn't alone along with it is the God's husband.
The crown prince and also now heavenly emperor Xie Lian & his husband Crimson Rain Sought Flower Hua Cheng.
If you're lucky enough (or you're Shen (Name) ) you'll see silver butterflies flying around.
It make's a wonderful painting , silver Butterflies in the moonlight.
From the outside the shrine has an ornate and elaborate design, with intricate carvings.
Inside the shrine, you'll find a serene and reverent atmosphere. 
To the side inside the shrine is a long table where offerings and candle's are lit.
His peak is always calm and right now that's where he wants to be not in his olders brother bamboo house with tension so high he's surprised the kid Luo Binghe hasn't fainted.
' It's the tea scene where he pours hot boiling tea on him ' he thinks.
He wishes he can move from his brother's side yet he can't.
The tea is poured , the child gasps and the master leaves looking back once at his brother.
Shen (Name) immediately goes to the poor disciple.
He grabs the towel from the table and gently wipe away the hot tea.
"I'm sorry, please don't mind my brother."
The child looks up naive brown eyes shining at him.
"N-no shifu it was this Disciples fault."
The peak lord can't help how his heart melts.
Shen (Name) from the past hated this scene and didn't understand why Shen Qingqiu did this. The Shen (Name) who he is now understands.
Luo Binghe's eye's and hair are similiar to Qiu Jianluo.
The child's name make it even worse. Luo Binghe..Luo...
Ning Yingying didn't help either immediately calling him A-Luo...
... something Qiu Haitang used to call her brother Luo-Ge...
Still, it's no excuse to what happened to this child but he can be sympathetic.
He'll show him around himself and leave he can't be absent from his peak but he can visit his brother and this child.
Maybe, in the way he'll see his cute shidi Liu Qingge.
Dropping off Luo Binghe at his dorm's in which he knows he won't be staying there longer Shen (Name) leave's and goes to the shrine.
He needs some advice..
He knows the god probably won't respond but he'll feel his presence and that's enough.
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dancingaura925 · 2 months
As an experiencedTM danmei reader, I've come across many genres, and I feel like that the one genre that the SVSSS fandom needs to exploit is the interstellar genre. Why? Because it'd be fucking hilarious. Hear me out:
In the original work, Luo Binghe is - instead of part demon part human - is part zerg part human. Zerg, if you aren't familiar, is basically the interstellar genre's version of reallyyyyyy strong aliens, and depending on the author, can range from actual literal beasts to human-like creatures with insect features to just straight up humans with nice-ass wings, which can then have different degrees of autonomy due to this hivemind they've got with the Zerg Queen. Basically, nobody has any clue on what a proper Zerg should be, but nobody cares :D
In addition, these stories often have a human empire dedicated to fighting against these Zerg. This may include a main planet where the emperor lives and other planets with different nobles, territories, military bases, etc. It almost always has a research lab on the main planet that usually have some sort of dastardly scheme related to the main plot. On top of that, these empires are very militaristic, with mechas and combat and mental power and all sorts of interstellar travel
Do you see where this is going?
Once upon a time, Tianlang-Jun (perhaps the descendant from the Zerg Queen) and Su Xiyan (a researcher) fell in love with each other in the research facility. SXY was assigned to TLJ because the research facility wanted to know how to harness the Zerg Queen's power to once-and-for-all wipe out the Zerg race. However, once the two got together, they started to plot how to get out and along the way, LBH was conceived. OPM, the ex-head researcher got FURIOUS and badabing badaboom, you've got SXY on the run before sending LBH to another place to survive.
Fast forward a lot, LBH shows up at the Cang Qiong Military Academy, which is split up in different divisions under different commanders. For LBH, he goes to the Qing Jing division where he is led under General Shen Qingqiu, someone who often boasts of his own mental power and lies and takes other people's credit to get to the lofty position he is today.
When LBH is training, he starts standing out in unusual ways. His physical prowess is through the roof, but his mental power is abysmal, which is bad because that's kinda how you use mechas, and often, physical strength can be enhanced with mental power (kinda like cultivation). So LBH is bullied, harassed, etc, and all the while, SQQ is like "this dude is a beast/derogatory".
Insert a long few years, including a Zerg invasion with none other than Sha Hualing. You go, girl.
When the Empire's Military Academy Tournament (could not think up a name rn) shows up, he's sent to go and instead of being sent into the Abyss, he's sent through a wormhole to a Zerg-infested place, where he learns more and stuff. Wowee!
He comes back with revenge on humans and stuff and integrates both the humans and Zergs under his iron fist. The fight against the emperor takes up like a hundred chapters or whatever.
So that's the OG version. Now, let's insert a millenial mess that is SY as SQQ and see how he handles being in the military. He better put to use that military training Chinese kids are put through.
On the other hand, if you wanted to take a completely DIFFERENT direction, have LBH be a test subject in the lab and have SY transmigrate into a researcher. LBH was supposed to be a human weapon, designed from intentional breeding. SY, knowing LBH will break out and cutely demolish the human race, tries to befriend him, teaches him everything. LBH, despite being a weapon designed to destroy the Zerg race, falls in love. And then he breaks out. Cue drama and kidnapping.
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bloomingapricots · 6 months
The Cunning Cat and Lazy Fox
Updated here first at AO3
I wrote this at work and I’m hella tired so sorry if a bit of my unhingedness bleeds in this
Might change the chapter title later
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 (Here) | Chapter 5
Chapter Four | The Hamster’s Polar Bear Meeting the Fox and Fighting the Cat
Your date with Shen Jiu went well. The banquet at the village chief’s home was delicious and everyone in Peony village was so kind and generous. Shen Jiu ate a lot on the insistence of the kind aunties and you were able to encourage him to dance with you. Currently, both of you are sitting at “Lover’s Lake” which is a short walk from the village chief’s house and it is a popular spot with couples as there is a tradition of couples releasing boat lanterns with their names written together onto the lake. And even though the lantern sunk once it reached the middle, it is said to be a good thing and not a bad thing as it means the lantern will stay at the bottom forever which means the couple’s love will remain forever.
“A very typical couple spot,” You commented after releasing a lantern with Shen Jiu on the lake and then sitting at a bench nearby.
“Agreed,” Shen Jiu replied.
“At least the boat lanterns are made of peony petals instead of paper and the candles are made from soybean so the land’s balance isn’t thrown off,” You added. “And it is interesting that as long as the boat lantern sinks in the middle, it is not a bad fortune for the couple,”
“And our boat just reached the middle,” Shenn Jiu stated.
“Yeah,” You replied. You and Shen Jiu watched intently as your boat lantern floated in the center of Lover’s Lake and slowly sank to the bottom. There was a brief ripple of light from the center of the lake. You and Shen Jiu remained quiet as the both of you stared at the lake as other couples’ boat lanterns arrived at the center, sunk, a rippled of light appeared, and repeated again and again. “I guess this is what makes Lover’s Lake different from the water couple’s spot,”
“... A-Duzhe,” Shen Jiu called out after a moment of silence.
“Yeah,” You replied.
“A-Duzhe must… better stay with Jiu-er or he will imprison you, A-Duzhe is after all responsible for Jiu-er,” Shen Jiu stated after grabbing your right hand.
“Ahahah alright, A-Duzhe will stay with Jiu-er till he no longer needs me,” You replied, locking your fingers together with Shen Jiu. The two of you sat at the lake till the banquet came to an end.
After returning to Cang Qiong Sect then Qing Jing Peak and giving your report to you Shizun. You gave him his herbs and a bag of white peony tea leaves as a souvenir from your trip with Shen Jiu.
“Has disciple Shen Jiu seduced you enough?” Your Shizun teased.
“Is that rumor still going around?” You huffed.
“Getting caught by disciple Liu Mingcheng and the gossip spread by disciple Qi Ziyuan and her martial siblings has done large damage to his reputation. Head Disciple A-Duzhe should have nipped it in the bud,” Your Shizun stated.
“This disciple understands his wrongdoing, this disciple will collaborate with Shen Jiu-shidi to strategize scheme to make that rumor disappear,” You bowed to your Shizun.
“This master is looking forward to it,” Your Shizun smiled. Tomorrow you will have to be more proactive in getting Shen Jiu the reputation, achievement, and skill to surpass you into becoming the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak.
What started out as a normal day. Waking up with Shen Jiu in bed with you, training your junior siblings, doing your errands for your Shizun, tense tea time with Yue Qi, and trying to hang out with Shang Huaisang. When you went to hang out with your hamster of a junior brother to talk strategy for fixing Shen Jiu’s reputation at a small house you had built just for your rendezvous with Shang Huaisang, his wet dream of a man happened to be there. It did not end well, in fact, you just fucked yourself to the demon world and your one-way home is ready to kill you. The future Mobei-jun is glaring at you as the two of you are cramped in a small cave hiding from his uncle. Just your luck, at least you know you will at least get something noteworthy at the end of this.
“For fuck sake, Xiao Bei, did you really think you would not be discovered when you visit my Shang-shidi?” You cursed in English before glaring at the chest in front of you. The cave was really small as you were pressed right up against Mobei-jun, you have started to call him Xiao Bei since he is not the northern desert king yet and to be a little menace, as well as the irony because of his demon heritage he was really tall. Your face is inches from his chest, no doubt Airplane-bro will whine when he hears this from you.
“Yours?” Xiao Bei questioned.
“Yes mine, Shang Huaisang is my Shidi and friend,” You tilt your head up with a challenging glare at Mobei-jun. “You better listen to my Shidi well, he is overworked as it is,” You felt his demonic qi swirl around you.
“And why should this prince listen to a lowly cultivator?” Xiao Bei questioned, you felt a claw hand at the back of your neck.
“This one is no lowly cultivator nor are they a righteous one either,” You replied, aiming your sheathed dagger at Xiao Bei’s family jewels. As you and Xiao Bei had a tense standoff, you both heard the sound of footsteps and looked over at the opening of the cave.
Appearing at the mouth of the cave was one of Linguang-Jun’s henchmen, you quickly unsheathed your dagger and launched it at the henchmen with far too much strength, the dagger sliced the henchmen’s head clean off. As you crawled out of the small cave, Xiao Bei following you, you carefully looked around for any more of Linguang-Jun’s henchmen. As you heard steps coming closer you ready your dagger but you were grabbed by the back of your uniform and dragged into a portal as you felt an arrow scratched your arm. Despite the scratch being small, you felt as if your whole arm was lit on fire and spread to the rest of your body. As you blackout from the pain, you feel cool hands on your back and under your knee.
As you awoke to a wail, you slowly opened your eyes. It’s really cold, you thought. As you sat up, the first thing you saw was Shang Huaisang sobbing and pacing.
“Shang-shidi?” You groaned.
“Duzhe-shixiong!” Shang Huaisang yelled and in the blink of an eye appeared by your bedside. “Shixiong! Are you okay? You no longer feel poisoned are you?” He asked.
“Ah…” You recalled an arrow grazing you as you presumably Xiao Bei pulled you with him through his portal and the feeling of being burned. You circulate your qi “No, I’m fine now,”
“Great,” Shang Huaisang sighed in relief then stared at you with dread “Now please calm down Shen-shixiong as he is in the Northern Deseret Palace, arguing with my prince and is very much about to fight him,” As you stare into your junior brother's eyes, a part of you did want to see what would happen but you can see how stress he is and you promised Shen Jiu that you would be there for him.
“Lead the way,” You sighed.
As you entered one of the gardens of the Northern Deseret Palace, you heard swords lashing.
“Oh no!” Yelled Shang Huaisang and he grabbed your wrist to hurry you along. In the middle of a destroyed patch of frosted willowing silver wisterias was Shen Jiu attacking Xiao Bei while Xiao Bei was just defending himself. You quickly notice that Shen Jiu now has a spiritual weapon.
“Ooo has Jiu-er gained Xiu Ya sword?” You questioned.
“YES! After accidentally entering the demon world with my prince and then getting poisoned, you were in a coma for…”
“Ah,” You can guess the sequence of events that happened while you were recovering. “I assumed I was in a coma for a concerning amount of time and you had to go to Jiu-er to help me?”
“Yeah, you were in a coma for almost three weeks. After a week of your poisoning and I as well as my prince having no idea what kind of poison it was, I went to Shen-shixiong. He was not happy, at all, but since it came to you, he agreed to cover for us and figure out the antidote.” Shang Huaisang paused for a moment and spoke more softly. “However, after giving you the antidote and still not waking after a week. I accidentally stumbled upon Shen-shixiong during a private emotional moment as he was screaming and sobbing for you to wake up as well as other things,” He sighed. “I was, of course, caught and somehow was able to comfort him, and he isn’t angry at me anymore but since you are awake now, please calm him down before he rips off my prince’s head,”
“Alright, I’ll go save you dream man,” After digesting Shang Huasiang’s info dump, you agreed to stop the one-sided battle.
Thinking back to this time, you were glad to be poisoned as it was the start of Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu getting closer and later sworn brothers, as well as Shen Qingqiu being comfortable in his role as a senior brother. You were pretty sure Shen Qingqiu was friends with Mobei-Jun by now, even if neither wanted to admit it, as Mobei-Jun would spend time with Shen Qingqiu when neither you nor Shang Qinghua was available. Or it could just be Shen Qingqiu threatening Mobei-Jun to come to learn politics and strategy so that Mobei-Jun won’t rely heavily on Shang Qinghua and overwork your already overworked junior brother.
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7redmoon · 1 year
Mxtx really did open up their word file for their first ever novel (to publish) and said [insert meme] "I am going to write a novel that is so subtly mocking of the present situation of writers and readers community all the while making very bold statements about recent erosion of quality of freelance original works, how plot driven stories are preferred by the mass over good character driven stories, for the single reason that it's easier to comprehend and form opinions." and they wrote svsss.
From the day I started reading it first (even if I dropped it then) and now that I've almost finished the novel, I couldn't help but be marvelled by how fucking BADASS it is to have such a strong opening statement as their debut work. I think mxtx is truly deserving of most of the hype they get.
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winktalks-com · 7 months
I love svsss because it surprisingly depicts young ao3/tumblr/other fiction website level writers and readers very accurately.
I mean both the mc and the writer of Proud Immortal Demon's way having dick joke usernames makes me feel so represented as someone who sees a name insert box and immediately goes to type something along the lines of cock@ndb@!!z$
Shen Qingqiu is especially relatable because I too read a whole book i don't particularly enjoy just because it has one thing I do like
I so hope I don't get into something else rn because apparently i can only like one thing at a time???
Like i basically dropped tgcf to start svsss. Thinking of going back to finish tgcf since i satisfied my urge of "rrrrrr let's see what this other funky book was about"
that witch hat atelier anime is very tempting
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a-ramblinrose · 9 months
Hello My Dears!
dreamer | reader | word weaver
Call me Rose! My gender is a *insert weird noise here* but I’m fine with she/her/they. Really just be polite and it’s all good. Can Poet be a gender? Hmmm must think on this. This blogger is 30 because the passage of time is a trap no one can escape from. Except vampires but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who wants to drink blood?
 I’m an avid bookwyrm with a massive hoard of a TBR Pile and an even larger library of books I’ve loved. Discovering fanfiction only increased my consumption of words and my fic bookmarks are a vast labyrinth to get lost in. 
This blog is a mix of books and miscellaneous fandoms run 90% by queue to give some verisimilitude of functionality/organization to my chaos. I do tag. Mostly basic tags with a rare creative tag from the early days but my tagging system is pretty self-explanatory.
Feel free to ask questions please! I love to talk books!!!
Current Reading Tag || Original Posts || 2024 Reading
And under the cut is a list of authors & fandoms that show up on my blog, well a smattering of them anyway!
Favorite Authors:  Terry Pratchett, Ursula K. Le Guin, Neil Gaiman, Becky Chambers, Ben Aaronovitch, Robin McKinley, Megan Whalen Turner, Tamora Pierce, Phillip Pullman, Tanya Huff, Eiichiro Oda, Hiromu Arakawa, T. Kingfisher, Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù, J.R.R. Tolkien, & many many more
Favorite Poets:  Mary Oliver, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, John Keats, Rumi, E.E. Cummings, Leonard Cohen, Andrea Gibson, Billy Collins, Ocean Vuong, Richard Siken, & many many more
Random Fandoms:  Batfamily, Star Wars, MDZS, TGCF, SVSSS, BNHA, ASOIAF, Discworld, Sandman, FMA, One Piece, Sailor Moon, The Magicians, Studio Ghibli, LotR, Clamp, Black Sails, The Queen’s Thief, & many many more
"Wherever I’ve lived my room and soon the entire house is filled with books; poems, stories, histories, prayers of all kinds stand up gracefully or are heaped on shelves, on the floor, on the bed. Strangers old and new offering their words bountifully and thoughtfully, lifting my heart."
― Mary Oliver
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mybrainisoveractive · 10 months
Ahem ahem I present to you, not in any order, some words/phrases/ideas I associate with these fandoms (including things from fanfics & memes):
Percy Jackson- baby seal eyes
- Percy 'imma just insult the Gods' Jackson
- literally any demigod memes or/and water related memes (tho technically can be used for H2O)
Naruto- Sasugay
- that one drawing of Sasuke sitting with his fingers interlocked and just staring
-the bad timing pause effect on Sasuke (distorted body in an 'S' shape and arms in an inverted 'C' shape) with the caption 'I can see you! ' in a black box with the caption: S A S U K E he can see you'
White Collar - Neal NO!
- Mozzie making ridiculous theories
- crossover with Batman/DCU
Danny Phantom- little ghosty
- little baby man (LBM)
- literally anything green and/or glowy
- vivisection (AO3 tag)
- crossover with DCU/JLA/Batman
Merlin BBC (TV Show) - Arthur 'I must be lucky! ' Merlin 'hell no, that was me'
- clotpole (actually spelled 'clotpoll' outdated slang term for idiot/dolt)
- 'your Royal Pratness'
- Gay but Not Gay aka very very Close Platonic friends
- crossovers with Harry Potter (AO3)
Lout of the Count's Family (LCF) / Trash of the Count's Family (TCF) - Cale 'i want slacker life' , never really actually had the opportunity to Slack, half of which is his own fault
- Cale 'lemme just stab myself with a stick through my heart'
- ✨Misunderstandings✨
- 'cough cough.. oh shit there's blood'
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS) - Shen 'I need to hug the thighs of the protagonist' Yuan
- 'I can't be OOC!' That is Still OOC anyway
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Self-insert Fanfic
- Kim 'im gonna sacrifice myself' Dokja/Kim 'im Yoo Joonghyuk' Dokja
- squid
- dumpling
- Sunfish
- regression
- existential crisis
- space time continuum
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK) - death, death and dead
- Gojo aka the one with expensive eyes (and everyone simps for it)
Demon Slayer - Muzan 'he dies, she dies, everyone di- oh shit' Kibutsuji
Attack On Titans (AOT) - Eren 'im gonna kill all titans as revenge! But also..Like you know.. (✨becomes a titan✨)' Yeager
- Levi aka (also) the one everyone simps for (who is also a germophobe)
Case Closed (CC)/Detective Conan (DC) - teen ➡️ child
- teenchild blends in but still comes across murders and help solves it
- Teenchild also goes to teen-pretending-to-be-adult (dead dad)'s heist.
-Teenchild has crush on teen who is taking care of teenchild
- Teenchild is canonically called shinigami
Untitled Goose Game - a normal everyday murderous Goose
- 🪿 🔪
Batman- Furry Combat Brigade
- too many goddamn universes to keep up
- Bat 'i work alone' man/ Bat 'adoption problem' man
- alive ➡️ dead ➡️ alive
- Tim's lost spleen/ Tim Drake's Missing Spleen tag on AO3
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) - war, war some more war
- Ironman vs captain America thingy
- wrinkled grape with stones
-Some time travel thing
-ironman with stones
Harry Potter - 'you are a wizard, Harry! ' 'you are a hairy wizard! "
- annual murder attempts
- 'did ya put ya name in da goblet of fire?!!?! ' Dumbledore asked calmly
My Hero Academia (MHA)/Boku no Hīrō Akademia (BNHA) - we do not talk about the ships, there are no ships sailing anywhere, not today, not in my mind, especially not the weird ones, please
- weird powers
-how did some students get in class 1-a?
-some people simping for Aizawa (his neck? I think)
- midnight's death 😔
- Aizawa's leg
- Hawk's... Everything(sad boi)
二哈和他的白貓師尊/The Husky and His White Cat Shizun/Erha (2ha)- sad backstory
- similar to SVSSS but sadder (probably cause of the different povs)
- love triangle (I think?)
Alex Rider - child spy
- Bombs✨
-quite a lot of dead people for a teen book
-child assassin
Special mention(s):
-Hellblazer #247 (John Constantine)
-badly explaining all of omniscient reader in 6 minutes (YouTube vid by ferd) (if you want to know about orv without being spoiled but confused)
- So This is Basically My Hero Academia (YouTube vid by JelloApocalypse)
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
here are all my fic recs from...
aftg - all for the game atla - avatar: the last airbender aot - attack on titan | shingeki no kyojin bsd - bungou stray dogs bnha - boku no hero academia | my hero academia dbh - detroit: become human dc descendants disney - walt disney dn - death note dr stone fma - fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood) genshin - genshin impact ghibli - studio ghibli hannibal hp - harry potter + fantastic beasts and where to find them hq - haikyuu jjk - jujutsu kaisen knb - kuroko no basket | kuroko's basketball mcu - marvel cinematic universe mdzs - mo dao zu shi + chen qing ling | the untamed merlin mp100 - mob psycho 100 naruto orv - omniscient reader's viewpoint pjo - percy jackson and the olympians + related fandoms sherlock solo leveling svsss - scum villain's self-saving system sxf - spy x family tgcf - tian guan ci fu | heaven official's blessing tmnt - teenage mutant ninja turtles tua - the umbrella academy tw - teen wolf yoi - yuri!!! on ice
i regularly alternate between prompt and non-prompt posts
all prompt posts here
all non-prompt posts here
list of all prompt posts:
amnesia animal bureaucracy/office dimension travel (no crossover) eating disorder/food problems empathy/telepathy escort/sex work fae fairy tale elements harry potter fusion/crossover murder mythical creatures naruto crossover possession/body sharing recovery resurrection sixth sense au/ghosts self-harm self-insert/oc-insert sleep social media suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts time loop time travel terminal/chronic vehicle
find me on ao3 at heartofsilverseas
i will mention if a fic is mature/explicit and all its archive warnings except for 'creator chose not to use archive warnings'
if i miss any warnings please let me know! same as if i recommend a fic more than once, because i accidentally do that sometimes
fandom (especially anime) and fic recommendations, reviews, and prompts are always welcome!
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