#swamp sounds
takataapui · 1 month
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the bog eternal - a very swampy solo-journalling ttrpg by takataapui
A very swampy solo-journalling ttrpg about fighting against oppression with your inherent attributes. Will you win that fight, or will you be just another statistic of bogs that have been drained. Don't read into this. It definitely isn't an allegory for anything. It's just a game about a bog. A bog that is being harmed by forces outside it's control, by oppressive systems, by people doing and perpetuating harm against you and other bogs like you. Listen, stop reading into it. It's just a game about using your inherent traits to fight back against those previously mentioned forces. Aka humans. Humans are the worst. Like I said, nothing beneath the surface here. You'll need a d4, a d6, and something to record your battles. Save the bogs. Donate to and/or volunteer for your local wetland trust. Some options provided.
less than 24 hours later, I'm back with another boggy ttrpg to secure my place as the weird little bog ttrpg boy.
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haveyouheardthisband · 5 months
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areyoudoingthis · 4 months
I don't know what the chances are but for the people asking a successful renewal campaign consists of tweeting until your fingers bleed (only reason I ever made a twitter account), concentrated efforts to tweet at certain times of day every day or every few days to keep the tag trending (you can use third party apps to schedule tweets), raising money for publicity stunts (signs in very visible places, mailing campaigns, we flew an airplane over netflix hq that time) and to donate to charity while you're at it. that's how shows get picked up for final seasons in my experience
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seahag-swampwitch · 11 months
hello love,
I'm proud of you for making it this far.
rest here with me for a moment.
know you're going to be okay.
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abirddogmoment · 2 days
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A yellow headed blackbird
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forestgreenivy · 1 year
My favorite sound. 🍃
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question for anyone with thoughts on the subject: books about true events are expected to be accurate. if you read a book called "the teapot dome scandal" (or whatever) you would expect to read about the events of the scandal.
if there was a chapter in the middle of it that you found out later was completely made up by the author just to keep you engaged cuz he thought you might be bored otherwise - with no notice that it had switched to fiction - you would be mad, right? you would have expected it to be made clear to the reader what is real and what is a fictional insertion. because, even if it doesn't have a bibliography or notes, you expect such a book to be factual, because it's explicitly about the teapot dome scandal which is a thing that really happened. (again, just an example.)
but it's different for tv or movies, when something crosses from book to digital it's immediately accepted that it will be quite fictionalized and inaccurate and that's just how it is. a tv show about the scandal would have fake characters and a total messed up timeline and tons of dramatic license just by default. if you were picky about it people would be like "well just enjoy things."
why is the standard so vastly different? is it because tv and movies are less "serious"? i feel like that's not a popular position - and yet it would seem so cuz otherwise what is the reason that tv is not seen as capable of presenting actual history? i was talking irl about this and my friend said it's because tv has to be fictionalized to be more successful and interesting. but lots of history books are sold to the general public and quite interesting and even the most mass-appeal paperback histories would still be rightfully criticized for freely mixing fact and fiction.
why is tv history supposed to be totally different than written history? it's like taken for granted that history prevented in a visual medium NEEDS to be full of dramatic inaccuracies. i'm struggling to understand this.
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somnas-writes · 10 months
Laurence really enjoys eye contact. It unsettled people but he adores staring into the eyes of those he loves.
He commits every little detail and feature to memory.
He can remember it all. Even years later when he’s left them all behind, he recites the little details to keep himself from losing the one piece of humanity he has
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tiramegtoons · 7 months
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resting day
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technovillain · 2 months
songs for when you just get so tangled at the towers
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grasstimes · 9 months
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More sketchbook stuff!!
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webtoon-brackets · 3 days
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Of Swamp and Sea:
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I don't mean to pressure you friend, but do you have an idea of when you're going to open commissions back up, if at all?? I'm very very curious
i will Eventually! right now im pretty overwhelmed with life, & as a result the comms im working on right now are already taking way longer than i'd like - so i figured its best to finish those and not accept any more until i'm in a place where i can focus & get things finished in a more timely manner
and i really dont know when that Eventually is! my living situation is very tenuous & also on a timer - i might reopen commissions in a month, maybe in a few, they might be closed until the new year or longer. i just don't know! i have no certainties in my life atm! but when i do reopen, there Will be a schmancy new sheet with more options than "clean sketch bust w/ flats" lol
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xavalav · 2 years
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new c!eret design <33333
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electric-rabbits · 2 months
Its been 5 years since Wasteland Baby????? And Hozier released an accoustic version of Be?!?!?!?!?! Holy shit
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chaos-worm-on-a-string · 10 months
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A transparent Mini Monty for all of your needs
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