#sweats at unfinished summer homework
chauchaus · 1 year
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Porco Galliard drabbles
he would always do the homework with you, maybe bringing along chips and two bottles of mineral water and set them on the table when he arrived at the dorm lounge, where you texted him you would be.
actually that wasn't even a lounge, just a community table in each floor of the building. in the summer semester the weather wasn't so kind and you could felt the heat creeping in your armpits and the back of your knees. He made an excuse to sit beside you but not the opposite anymore. the way he looks at you and you saw it too, in the corner of your eyes, then as if he was caught red handed, he looked away.
and you too, you act nonchalantly, stared right back into the screen where there was a 72- page long paper you were supposed to make a report on.
why are you looking at me as if you wanted to kiss me so bad?
"why are you hesitant?"
"i'm just asking for it." you look at him, he whose pupils bloomed like watercolor. his cheeks got hot, his whole face actually, he changed from looking sunburnt to become the sun itself because how are you flushing too? you couldn't stand looking into his eyes for longer, for fear that he would be tired of you and look away. now he's biting his lips, biting back some risky words that would lead your relationship go so far it cannot go back.
"hey... are you done thinking?" you can tell how serious he is by the way sweat started to form on his nose. are you? his question turned into a rock that you trip over then sent you into a deep hole right in front of your face. is this real? it is indeed, so real you wanted to disappear right away because you have never been good with the important decisions. but your demons and angels are shaking you up from your sleep of denial and they were screaming "dammit answer him!" but can you?
he had always been looking at you
in the shadows, in the corner of your eyes,
his nose and yours are so close you couldn't slide a bill through that space. but he was slow and steady. he searched for that hint of confirmation in your eyes. but he can't see anything but the reflection of himself in it.
your lips crashed together, and it was the kind of moment that made you visualize waves meeting the shore. his lips dry as sand and yours glazed with the balmy moisturizer. you're sharing a kiss with him and maybe a bit lip balm too. his eyes half lidded and suddenly he looked up at you, and mind you, you were still kissing. aren't people supposed to close their eyes sharing a kiss? but damn, what for? you found out later that if you shut down other senses and let the mouth do what it does, you feel the moment better.
i think of these as my "sketches". messy and unfinished. when it comes to my muse, i am greedy. so much things i want to do to him.
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((I’ve been seeing some BNHA AU stuff, and was inspired to try it out too!))
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mxgichour · 4 years
things i associate the members of skz with
chan - the transition period of summer into fall, when the leaves start to change and the weather gets cooler. starry skies and bonfires. drunk singing with all your friends. sleepless nights and black coffee. silver jewelry and black clothes. warm hugs. power. strength. unconditional love.
minho - a cold breeze. an old dance room with cracked mirrors and broken a/c. cat eyes. the color gray. the rarest but prettiest of smiles. bitter coffee. red wine. blisters and bruises and scars. broken hearts. lo-fi.
changbin - child-like wonder. a half-moon on a cloudy night and all you can see is the hazy glow from behind the clouds. late autumn when all the trees are in shades of red and orange. cool, dark water. coffee rings on a wooden table. a pair of headphones that only works when you twist the cord in the right way. black hair. lush forests.
hyunjin - puppies. healed fractures. the color blue. a sunshower. grass stains and scraped knees. split lips and bloodied knuckles. iced coffee and oversized t-shirts. contagious laughs. sweat.
jisung - a lion cub. fire. eyeliner and dangling earrings. fireworks. bony fingers and a sharp tongue. fangs and a ferocious bite. an itch under your skin. blistering summer days spent on the beach. the color orange. black sand. boundless energy. blood. loud music.
felix - strawberry lemonade. blonde hair and soft pink lips. the sun. sweaters and freckles. sunburns. the ocean. the sky. infinite kindness. the color yellow. love letters. sunflowers. laughter.
seungmin - fresh linen. cotton t-shirts and the color mocha. light wood and unscented candles. old leather bound books with yellow pages. ice. white roses. dogs. dark roast coffee. rain.
jeongin - the color pink. a gentle breeze whisking through an open window. old laptops and unfinished homework. glasses. innocence. pride. love. foxes. retro.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
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[ID: A dark camping side with a fire pit in the foreground. A white frame highlights the logs and the fire. Orange sparks ascend into the sky. Underneath the white frame stands the title ‘A Warm Place at the Fire’. End of ID.]
As promised, @goldendaysareahead​ a little fanfic about my Camp Hestia AU!
I hope you enjoy it and thank you for @the-real-annabeth-chase​ for being yet again an amazing beta!
A Warm Place at the Fire (3,8k) 
“There! We’ve almost made it!” yelled Bode. His hooves would have brought him much faster near his goal if it weren’t for the mortal legs next to him that trampled to keep up with his speed. Thunder crackled in the distance which made Bode’s brown skin glow in an unusual pale blue.
The satyr looked over his shoulder. His enhanced hearing made him filter out the noise much better. It also helped him focus on the danger behind him. The growls, the hissing and the mass that the animal carried as it surged ahead to kill its prey. “Don’t look behind you!” panted Bode as his friend was about to turn his head.
“Are you kidding me?” coughed the young boy. His legs were burning, and his lungs felt like they were set on fire. “Look who’s talking!”
“Parker, now’s not the time!”
Everything today fell apart. Everything today was nothing but a major disaster. Everything… was simply strange. Parker was used to strange things. He had a vivid fantasy as a kid and always talked about the plants singing for him before he started elementary school. But today really took the cake.
It started with Parker failing three reports at school and slowly peaked to Parker’s father getting robbed in his shop, to said father calling Bode to tell him to put Parker far away in a summer camp for gifted kids out of all places and now after running through the busy streets of New York City, a hell of a ride in a taxi cab that three blind ladies who fought over one single eyeball drove, some weird animal hybrid had sensed them and decided to hunt them the minute they arrived in Long Island.
Oh, and Bode Underwood, Parker’s newfound best friend and neighbor who had just transferred to his middle school, was apparently a satyr with the hairiest goat legs Parker had ever seen and he even had tiny horns hidden in his tight black curls.
The earth shook. It was an earthquake. It had to be an earthquake. But the way the ruptures of the earth had shifted it was clear that it could not be an earthquake. The massive body of an animal still wanted its prey. Tearing two children apart was what he desired.
“There! We’ve almost made it, hold on, Parker!” hissed Bode.
Parker was trying to not land on his face as the path became muddier. It had rained the previous days in New York. “Look! The sign!”
Parker’s eyes followed Bode’s arm. It was true. Deep into the forest there was an archway. It was made out of marble and a wooden sign said New Athens. Behind the archway were… buildings? Houses? Didn’t Parker’s dad tell him that he would be brought into a summer camp? As the two boys came closer Parker could even read the small insignia underneath: formerly known as Camp Half-Blood.
A roar made both nearly jump. The animal. The monster. It also hissed?
Parker jumped over a fallen tree branch and Bode bleated. Oh, he’s really a goat, Parker thought.
A roar. Parker felt the heat in his back. Was he imagining acid tearing his jeans jacket apart or was it truly happening? He had no time to care about it.
The two boys nearly reached the archway. “JUMP!” yelled Bode and Parker did. The both of them slid through the archway and were greeted with silence. Parker vowed to himself to never slide on mud again. The taste of grass and dirt was truly displeasing. No wind was howling and only the echoing songs of the cicadas kept them company.
This so-called camp looked strange. It was a clash of cultures. It was a fight between new and old. To Parkers right it did look like the old grounds of a camp. They looked like they had sporting events, a dinner area and a large area for all kinds of other activities. It would have been fairly normal if it weren’t for deadly ancient weapons lying around in front of a cabin and the dozens of cabins themselves. Each cabin had a different character to it as if they were dedicated to someone. They radiated a strange force. Parker instinctively knew that it was old and ancient, that it was powerful.
The left of the campgrounds were the polar opposite. It wasn’t just buildings and houses. It was an entire city. It was a huge construction side with many finished and unfinished buildings. A city so big yet so hidden deep in the woods of Long Island. The architecture was astounding, and the design was precise and heavily inspired by the world of Ancient Greece.
Was that a CVS out of all things placed into something that looked like the pantheon? And it had a Trader Joe’s next to it in something that looked like another temple? An entire Ancient Greek Taco Bell with a crunch wrap supreme advertisement that had a lightning bolt pressed into its side?! And in the middle of the city was an old market place like in Hollywood movies?
What’s going on? asked Parker himself.
A big blue house seemed to draw the line between old and new. The old ways and the new life. The yesterday and the new beginning at dawn. The old life that Parker had and the new one that rose like a phoenix from its ashes.
Yes, Bode and he made it. The boys had truly made it. They were alive and safe! For now. They gave each other a high five as they rested on the ground and thanked the shining stars above them for their guidance.
A clash disrupted their celebratory mood. The beast. Parker finally saw it in its entire glory. The head of a lion. The back of a reptile? Was that a dragon? And its tale was a snake out of all things?
Fearsome snarls and growls were drowned out behind the invisible layer that prevented the beast from entering campgrounds. The piercing yellow eyes shifted and tried to find the mortal flesh it desired only to be disappointed. The barrier was too strong to be penetrated. The massive beast turned around and was lost from Parker’s sight as it became one with the forest’s darkness. Parker’s adrenaline rush slowly faded away and his heart rate returned to normal.
What he felt rushing over him was a wave of fatigue. He felt the aching pain of his burning lungs that demanded more oxygen, the pain in his bones and muscles that wanted some rest. The young boy sank into the soft grass and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Bode only patted his shoulder as he sat down next to him. The satyr was tired but not as exhausted as the camp’s newest family member.
“You’ve made it,” Bode whispered.
“You’ve made it here, safely! Everything will be alright once the moon chariot sets and the one of the sun rises, we’ll take the entire day to truly process what happens and make a plan about what your father had said, alright?” Parker was too tired to realize the true meanings behind Bode’s words. He only mumbled a “yeah,” and tried to breathe with a steady rhythm.
“Hey Parker,” Bode started, “You just survived the chimera which is something I’m incredibly thankful as that beast has killed other kids prior.”
Chimera? For some odd reason that weird Hercules movie from Disney came to Parker’s mind. “It did what now?”
Bode raised his hands in defense. “Woah hold your horses! No one was seriously injured – this time.” he said.
“What’s important is that you’ll catch your breath and meet the new camp director. Right there at the fireplace.” Bode pointed into the distance and Parker’s gaze followed. “I know all of this is new and weird to you, especially since this place isn’t the most organized, but trust me.”
It was true what Bode said. The juxtaposition between the two worlds that clashed at Camp Half-Blood were simply weird to Parker’s unaccustomed eyes. But there! At the old camp site, right at the edge of old and new, there she was. A woman poking a log with what looked like a golden hook. She wore a brown gown and held a hand to the flames. The flames rose and Parker was worried that the strange lady might have singed her eyebrows accidentally. But no. It was the opposite. It was as if the fire were dancing for her. As if it’s flaring was a beautiful melody for her eyes and only her eyes.
The orange and yellow and golden streaks of the flames were hypnotizing. Parker didn’t even realize how he was already standing up on his two feet and walking towards the pit. Bode followed him. The pit looked small in the distance but only enlarged close up. Parker didn’t feel fear – it was the polar opposite. He felt as calm as he had never been before. The young boy stopped.
“Parker Mbata,” the woman smiled and turned her head to him. The reflection of the flames danced in her eyes and Parker knew that the orange highlighted his beautiful black skin. Beautiful dark skin that she had as well.
“How do you know my name?” he asked her and raised an eyebrow. His voice cracked; he didn’t want to appear impolite as that was what most people thought wrongfully about him. The woman only smiled and pointed to a seat next to her. She was middle-aged and her black braids would probably reach her knees if she had been standing upright. She was pretty. A round face that loved to smile. It wasn’t the movie star look, but she had the calm and grace of someone who had seen much of the world and was able to see the wonderful side of things.
For Parker, she had the aura of a friendly aunt that would help out with homework, try to play on a console with you and would bake here and there from time to time with you. Rib crushing hugs, hands that drove through hair, a pat on the shoulder that said: “No matter how far you’ll go, remember that I’ll always be proud of you.”
If it hadn’t been merely the surface level of her being. She was no ordinary woman like his math teacher – of that Parker was certain. Her eyes. The gleam of the orange nourished her skin and highlighted her beauty. The warmth in her eyes radiated the power of a thousand hugs.
She reeked of power that should never be underestimated.
“I know the names of all new campers,” she simply answered with an honest smile on her face.
“Thank you, Bode.” The woman said and shifted her gaze to the young satyr next to him. Parker could have sworn that he saw his best friend blush at the compliment. That or it was a simple illusion from the fire. “You may now go to your parents’ house. I’m sure Juniper is still waiting on the porch, and Grover will be over the moon with your first search that was a successful one at that.”
The corner of Bode’s mouth threatened to tear his face apart from grinning so big. “See you tomorrow, Parker!” he said before he bowed to the weird lady.
Parker waved goodbye and saw how lights of lanterns turned on in the modern part of the camp as Bode crossed the streets. They turned off again automatically as he turned to the left.
“You may call me Hestia. I’m the new camp director of Camp Half-Blood.”
“Hestia,” Parker repeated, and he saw how she nodded.
“This is a camp for very special people,” Hestia continued and poked the fire. A flame erupted and rose to the sky. “You are safe in here. No monsters or other meddlers will interfere within camp boarders or in the wider city of New Athens. You will train like other half-bloods, find your strength and weaknesses so that you may survive into adulthood and now how to protect yourself and those that you love.”
Half-blood? Monsters? Survive into adulthood? The questions stood bright on Parker’s face as his dark brown eyes widened.
Hestia laughed and patted his back. The warm feeling of being comforted flooded Parker’s body.
“You look an awful lot like my sister,” Hestia said after a few seconds of comfortable silence.
“People just say that I look like my dad only with a better fade on the sides of my head,” Parker denied. “Also, how can I look like your sister?”
Hestia grinned yet again and shook her head. The golden jewelry on her braids clanged. “That is not what I mean, Parker,” Hestia stated.
“Her personality. Her abilities. Her capabilities. All of that and more I see in you. After all, she is your mother.”
Parker’s jaw dropped. Hestia was actually his aunt? She knew his mother? How?! His father had always told him that his mother was a busy person and big in the botanic scene, chasing new discovery after new discovery and that that was the reason why she was never around. Also, Parker had the suspicion that she had fled the country so that she didn’t have to pay child support.
“But I see more in you. Further down your line.” Hestia placed her index finger underneath his chin and lifted it up slightly.
“I can see Morpheus as your great-grandfather. I can see Hermes even further down there.”
“Hermes like the Greek god?”
“Yes, my nephew is a funny albeit sometimes exhausting one.”
“So you want to say that I’m a descendant of Greek gods?”
Hestia nodded. “That I do.”
Parker coughed. Hestia was worried. She waved her hand in the air and Parker had to suppress the scream that was bubbling inside of him as a bottle with a clear liquid appeared. Now he definitely believed her. It wasn’t for the fact that a terrible monster had hunted him for nearly two hours earlier.
“Here drink this slowly. Do not haste, I’d rather not clean up the burnt remains of my newest nephew,” she winked. Parker took the bottle and a first sip.
“Nectar. The drink of the gods. It heals you demigods but too much and it’ll set you on fire.”
The drink tasted like good times. Like the fondest memories that had been deeply buried inside of Parker. The fudgy chocolate brownies with a hint of peanut butter that his father used to make for him whenever he had a good mood. And now his father had sent him away.
The disappointment hit Parker harder than the strenuous activity that had been fleeing the chimera earlier. Hestia sensed his mood and decided to distract him.
“Normally I start camp tours and initiations in the mornings, but I see that I should start out early. You aren’t the only new camper but who would mind a little head start?”, she winked again. “Let me do it differently as well. We used to show a terrible introduction movie around to introduce you into the new world but the reception has been mostly negative.”
Okay thought Parker and nodded slowly.
“How do you feel about your classmates? The Jackson twins?”
Parker narrowed his eyebrows. The twins were weird in a way that most twins were. They were definitely the sort of twins that could read each other’s minds and answer for one another if it weren’t for the fact that they seemed to annoy each other. Apart from that, they were also very friendly and sat down at lunch with him at school despite their constant bickering going on Parker’s nerves.
Ari was the more out-going and bold one and her twin Theo was quieter and more reserved. And he wore glasses that he always readjusted. Parker was definitely not fond of him. No, he was absolutely not. And the swoon in the pit of his stomach that he felt was something he would ignore for the time being.
The more important question: what did the twins have to do with all of this? Hestia grinned as if she had read all of his thoughts and emotions. “As much as I adore Ariadne and Theodoros, we need to begin a generation earlier with their parents. I have much to thank them for.”
Hestia’s immortal memory brought her pictures back that happened decades ago. As her brother threatened to smite Perseus Jackson for daring to stand up to him and ask him for another wish instead of the gift of immortality.
“From now on, I want you to properly recognize the children of the gods. All the children . . . of all the gods,” young Perseus Jackson wished. “I want you to promise to claim your children—all your demigod children—by the time they turn thirteen. They won't be left out in the world on their own at the mercy of monsters. I want them claimed and brought to camp so they can be trained right and survive.”
Oh, how her youngest brother had been furious. “And the minor gods,” Perseus exclaimed. “Nemesis, Hecate, Morpheus, Janus, Hebe—they all deserve a general amnesty and a place at Camp Half-Blood. Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too. And Hades as well. As for Hestia and him, I have another wish for them. Give them their seats in the Olympian council back.”
That demand made the eyebrows of Poseidon and Athena rise as Zeus’ mouth grew into an even thinner line.
And then Perseus Jackson had turned around to her and had given her the biggest gift she had ever received in her immortal life. “And aunt Hestia, you are the heart and soul of Mount Olympus. You are the guidance and comfort we seek, the hope that remains in our very core. With your permission—the permission from all gods—I’d ask Hestia if she would like to lead Camp Half-Blood as a new co-camp director alongside Chiron and Dionysus until he is done with his punishment?”
Then Hestia did only two things. Hug the savior of Olympus and accept his gracious gift to her as Zeus was legally bound to make his nephews wishes come true.
“Mr. Jackson did all of these things when he was a teenager? With his—uhhh—future wife? And Bode’s dad?” The tales of him having that much influence seemed too great and big and so… unrealistic? Parker couldn’t believe that Percy Jackson was that sort of man. He was a pastry baker and started crying whenever his wife butchered the name of one of his fancy creations according to Ari. That and he was supposedly very busy with his bakery Blue Jackson’s in Downtown Manhattan and another subsidiary in Los Angeles. And that person persuaded Olympian gods as a teenager? Saved the world as a child?
“I mean Mr. Jackson is just a baker,” Parker shrugged. “And Mrs. Chase is this crazy busy architect that also plays mom taxi somehow and drives her kids around while she’s running from meeting to meeting?” At least that was what Theo had texted him ages ago.
Hestia pointed to the beautiful city of New Athens. Not the majestic buildings that stood proudly there surrounding the market place but beyond that where the façade began to crack as the largest construction side he had ever seen. “Yes, Annabeth is incredibly busy with her occupation. As it was she that bore the grounds of New Athens as a safe haven for your kind. Do you see that house on the hill?”
It was pompous, enormous and combined the modern and ancient style beautifully. A light on the second floor was on. “The residence of the Jackson-Chase’s.”
Parker’s jaw dropped. These people must have been filthy rich. No wonder that Mr. Jackson ordered flower arrangements on the regular from his dad. Those pieces were expensive. Parker’s eyes shifted slightly to the left. A few feet away was a Blue Jackson’s bakery right next to the house. Easy commute for Mr. Jackson.
“The illuminated room is Annabeth’s office. It seems like she is still working on her designs.”
The light was suddenly switched off. “Oh!” Hestia sounded surprised. “It looks like Perseus was for once successful in telling his wife she ought to sleep. Oh well.”
Parker snickered.
“After all it is way past two in the morning. You should also rest so soon.”
But Parker didn’t want to. He was wrapped up in the tales that Hestia told him. The middle schooler reassured Hestia that he was yet not entirely worn out. The goddess sighed like a tired mother.
“And it was she, Annabeth, that restored the honor of the gods and built a cabin for every one of us gods—even the ones without half-bloods—so that we have places for our children, visitors and prayers. Until you are claimed, you will stay at Cabin Zero—my cabin,” Hestia smiled.
“We all start at Zero. We all start from nothing only to learn and to grow into something. You will find new friends, a new life, a new home. Just like your parents intended and. I am sure that Mr. Mbata will arrive soon safely at camp. I have given him instructions to hide in a secret place due to the monsters starting to sense you.”
That made Parker smile and relief spread throughout him. He would be reunited with his father very soon.
“You remind me very much of Perseus Jackson, Parker Mbata. Since the introduction movie left a sour taste in many campers and inhabitants of New Athens and you do not appear to be so sleepy, let me retell the tale of Perseus Jackson from the beginning. The most famous demigod of them all. Greater than any other hero the Greek pantheon had ever seen.”
The flames seemed to dance around goddess and demigod. “He was just like you. Small, a little bit on the scrawny side…”
Parker frowned a little bit, but Hestia giggled at her backhanded compliment.
“A half-blood. A child of man and god… Perseus gets quite frequently asked to retell his story. At first, he did so begrudgingly. He wrote his memories down. For his and anyone else’s sake. Had an entire folder with papers in his hand as he sat down. But now he grew confident and into an incredible speaker. He speaks from his heart and not from paper.”
Hestia inhaled sharply. The eldest child of Kronos turned her face to the red of the flames to recount the events that happened nearly twenty years ago.
“Perseus always starts his stories with ‘look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood’…”
The End
I’m not really an OC person but I hope you enjoyed this little thought experiment regardless ;>
If anyone is interested in my other fanfics, I can offer you How Could You (Percabeth, sad, finished) and The Fool (Percabeth, mystery, on-going) :3
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aju-naisu · 7 years
carefree life is a blissful existence. -xu minghao
xu minghao x reader word count: 1649 summary: [high school au? inspired by “milk tea”] winter may be in full-swing and his fingers may be frostbitten from the sheer cold, but minghao doesn’t let go of what held so many memories for him (even if it makes him feel a little salty). [angst/fluff]
Does first love always end in tragedy?
Frosty air bites and nips at the exposed skin that Minghao dares to show in mid-January weather. His scarf just doesn’t cover the entirety of his face, he’s a little red from the cold. It’s not his fault that he forgot his gloves at home earlier either. Well, maybe it is. In the absence of them, Minghao wraps his fingers around a medium-sized paper cup filled to the brim with steaming milk tea. It’s store bought, and there’s less in how much meaning there is behind it.
Warmth is warmth, however, and it’s all he has to hold onto now.
He passes through a familiar park on the way, groups of children chasing each other through the snowy fields. Minghao pauses in his strides, standing a bit off to the right side of the path as he stares. The fencing around a makeshift private field still remains today, it’s a field that belongs to his high school. Closed in the winter, when the snow thaws and grass grow in the spring it becomes used by the students in Phys. Ed classes and club activities.
It holds a certain significance to the young man. He sighs, his breath condensing in the freezing weather and billowing upwards as it traveled in small white clouds.
Minghao doesn’t stop for long, he tears himself away from the scene and continues on his walk. It’s certainly difficult, especially when the ghost of a much happier time is constantly tugging at him and that field is the source of it. Perhaps, there’s unfinished business. He doesn’t dwell on it.
He brings the cup closer to his lips, taking a tentative swig of the drink. It’s a little strange.
The tea tastes a lot more bitter than what he remembered.
“how did it taste?” “it was very sweet.”
Minghao struck you as a person who was oddly a lot more fond of all types of skinship than one would expect. He enjoyed holding hands at every single opportunity and clung to you more than he’d like to admit (much to the chagrin of all your friends, they jokingly gagged at the displays of affection all the time).
“It’s a little cold today, isn’t it?” You chuckled under your breath, took a sip from your cup of milk tea, and turned to look at your boyfriend. “A couple months left before graduation. I wonder what we’ll be doing in the future.”
“Together, right?” He added, intertwined your fingers with his snugly.
You glanced down at his hand, he didn’t wear gloves. You mumbled about how much of an idiot he was before your tugged at it and shoved your hand in your pocket along with his. Minghao’s arm jerked at your sudden movement as he gave you a strange look, you merely stuck your tongue out at him.
“It’s cold. You’re going to regret it later otherwise.” You answer. “… But, I still wanna hold your hand so this is what it’s gonna be.”
It fell silent between the two of you, freshly fallen snow adorned the streets in the morning, your footsteps sunk into it and a crisp crunching sound followed along. Because it was winter, the sky was still dark on the way to school, streetlights acted as stars instead.
“Is your other hand cold, too?” You asked and tapped your finger against your cup.
“A little…”
Softly, you smiled, “Here, would you like some?” You held the milk tea across your body to offer to Minghao, “It’s still pretty warm, you can hold onto it as well.”
“Oh, you’re letting me have a little?” He hummed in response, gaze shifted from the drink in your hand to your face. Your smile dropped, ever-so-slightly, you were about to ask him if there was something wrong before he stopped walking. His free hand snaked around the back of your head and turned you towards him as he leaned in.
Minghao’s first kiss tasted like red tea, cream, and sugar, mingled with the warmth of your person.
“what did you think?” “i liked it.”
There are a million things that Minghao could list about what he liked about you, and a million more ways he could show it. It was embarrassingly so, for both parties involved. In fact, sometimes he caught himself so carelessly lost in thought that he wondered what he thought about before you came into his life. But then, he’d dislike remembering a time before he knew of you and try to take his mind off by thinking of something else.
Pretty soon, his thought process would repeat over and over again, to the exasperation of everyone around him. Wasn’t it kind of cute? That’s what you had believed.
The class had been dismissed for the day, and while the majority of the students had already packed their bags and filed out of the room there was one in particular still staring out the window tapping his pencil against his notebook. You couldn’t really blame him, the last 5 minutes were a timeframe in which even the most diligent of students would fall asleep (and miss the homework being assigned and having nothing to hand in the next day, that was one time).
So, when you had walked over to his desk to tease him, you laid your can of milk tea down on the table surface before you spoke. “What are you thinking about? You’ve been quiet for a while now.” There were a number of flustered responses you were expecting.
Minghao raised his head from the hand he propped up to glance at your smiling visage, “You.”
You choked on the air, sputtered at his level of composure. In fact, immediately after he replied, he just went back to the view of the window. There was no way that was a conscious reply. Quickly, you calmed yourself down before you raised a hand to wave in front of his gaze.
“(y/n) to Minghao? Soldier down? Are you alright?!” You slapped your hand against his forehead, “Do you have a fever?”
“Ow!” He recoiled back a little and glared daggers at you, “Do I really need a reason to think about how wonderful you are? It didn’t strike me as something you should be weirded out by?” His hand rubbed at the space you hit.
You ducked your face behind your hands as you tried to hide the blush creeping up on your cheeks. He was sure adjusting to this relationship thing a lot more quickly than you were, you still become a stuttering mess quite often.
“It’s not weird it’s just–” you groaned into your hands, “what did I do to deserve someone as sweet as you?”
Minghao pulled your hands away from your face and forced you to stare up at his smug grin. In his mind, he truly believed there was nothing cuter. “That milk tea you gave me when we first met was sweet.”
You scoffed, “You’re only dating me for the milk tea?”
As he tilted his head to the side, you wanted to smack the pondering expression off his face. “Maybe?”
“Unbelievable?!” You shrieked indignantly, jokingly “I give you my love! And this is how you repay me?” And yet, you burst into laughter at the end of your little spiel all the same, unable to contain yourself. Minghao snickered along with you.
“Relax, I’m only joking.”
“Yes, I love you for you.”
“where did you get it?” “from heaven itself.”
Minghao was sweaty and absolutely exhausted under the glare of the scorching sun in the summer heat. Most of the time, he enjoyed the outdoor field and being allowed to exercise with fresh air. Other times, he wished the walk back to the school was a lot shorter so he could cling to the electric fans that were sit up all over the place (because the school was too cheap to afford a/c).
He rummaged through the little bag he brought to the field. Normally, he’d have packed a bottle of water and a towel at least. Today, he only had the towel. Minghao inhaled sharply and wished for death.
Now, he had no other choice than to bear the heat and walk back because everyone else had already left while he was chosen to put away supplies. He sat back down on the grass, decided to catch his breath for a minute or two before he set off. If he was late for his next class, then so be it, at this point he couldn’t care less.
“Um,” he heard a forced cough, “are you alright?”
Dazed, Minghao whipped his head towards the direction of the fence gate. You stood there, blinked incredulously at the boy with a cold drink in your hand. You were someone he saw around in the hallways, certainly, but never once dared to talk to. It was a mystery as to why you were here for him. He managed to shake his head ‘no’ once in reply.
Carefully, you padded your way over towards him. “You’re not in my class… I’m normally the first one here, and I’ve never seen you around.” grimaced at the sheen of sweat on his skin before you thrust the drink in his direction. “You… You look like you need this.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Bubble… Tea?”
You puffed your cheeks in dismay, “Milk tea!” but you never retracted your offer.
Any other day, Minghao may have tried to challenge that and ask ‘what’s the difference anyways?’, but he was a little too desperate for that now. Words of gratitude and appreciation spilled from his mouth as he took the tea from you.
It tasted like an unhealthy amount of sugar, freshly iced, and first love.
“do you want more?”  “i’d go back in time and do it all over again if i could.”
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