#swmap thing
wrdeater · 1 year
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the duality of woman
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
draynor flow
im a frog sucking the swamp bubbles in the swmap. we smokin ranarr herb. smoking that king awowogei south kharidian karambwan deluxe mega millions platinum token banshee bob kush. we smoking kalphite beetles. i'm on 12 saradomin brews smoking guthix dick. we smokin zeah banshee ashes. we snortin that good khazard asgarnian warlord jubblies. they must have a PK skull, they forgot that I'M HIM. that morytania backwoods pack hittin that rotten food smell like a slayer helm (i). we smokin swamp tar in a glassblowing pipe and blowing saradomin's bubbles. i'm sick in the head. i'm on them kandarin region purple sweets. i'm on them zul'andra zulrahs. i'm on them falador feeders. i like my ranger boots in the clue casket. i'll have to emote on em next time. i don't give a fuck if i get pk'd, i don't need to see the casket anyway. i'm high on 12 general graardors., lookin to beat the cum out of a thick fresh redwood. we smokin filtered runes you stupid piece of ****. i'll fuckin lure you. call that pussy the underground pass, cuz i'm in this bitch and i can't get out. last guy who ran off on the guild got choked out by some ferocious gloves. the last thing he ever saw was the ge exchange price on em.
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radiandromeda · 2 years
althea what ARE your hobbies and interests that you don't hide from everyone
[His voice is moderately muffled.]
ALTHEA: (‹|3 ONE SEC!!!)
[For several seconds, some kind of audible physical efforts are made. There is a horrible suction noise, like something being rapidly displaced from within deep mud, followed by a series of gloopy-sounding blows connecting with a rubbery surface. Whatever recording equipment may be in use only partially registers the low, reverberant tone that responds; somewhere between a groan and a rattle.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 THERE we go!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Phew!!!
[Momentarily, Althea’s voice goes quiet again, like he’s far away from the mic.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
[The audio quality is much clearer now.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 WELL!!!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like frog hunting!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Generaltly speaking I love hodling little guys ≈:) Im in a swmap righ tnow and theres SO MANY GUYS you would not BELEIVE
ALTHEA: ‹|3 And gheyre not all little!!! Theresd soooooo many bugs an dspiders and forgs and really cool birds and turbles ans snakes and cute litl fishies and crocogators
ALTHEA: ‹|3 They dont all like beifn held but thats ok!!! I can appreixtae them from a ditsance!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 But sometimes i think they woukd love to be held but they are too big ≈:( But that usuallt means theyre pettable!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Pattable?? Petpat.......
[The mud suction noises pick back up, in a steady rhythm.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Ans sometimes they dotn like being held or peatted but theyr MORE than happy to try snd shove u in their chomphole
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Like that guy just now ≈:) He was very nice ans helpful when I asked!!! A real hop-up gentlemn
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Other hobbies n interestes uhhhh
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like goin really fast ridinf on my lususz back!!! Anddd climbign things and participatifj in weather and cooking wirh whatever i have around
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like umm drawing sometines but im not very good andd also swimmifn sometiimes and OH
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like visiting my best friends!!!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Re— wait can I say thier names
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Uhhmmm
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Best friend 1 adn best friend A!! Theyrbe both the best
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like visitjng them and hanfing out and talking in oerson or over text and sometimes they even let me show fhem cool stuff !! Well Aesi— bestfriend A goes with me a lot when im with her but I hsve a harder time convincing best frend 1
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like dxploring a lot ≈:) The world is so cool!! Andbthe parts of it that trolsl dont usually go to are so full of the most interestijg creachers and old ruins and environemnts and ahhhhh mannnn itsjust so cool
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Can you see anyvof this??
[The sound of rushing air being processed through a cheap mic. A short pause.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ..I wish I coukd show u ≈:( its the prettiest things
ALTHEA: ‹|3 .....
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Augkjh I hsould go my husk is dying ≈:[
ALTHEA: ‹|3 But rhsnk u for asking me!! Stay warm!! And have a good mornign!!!
[-— Manual disconnection 00:00 —-]
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Horror Comics of the 70's
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In the late 60's, thanks to a softening of the Comics Code, horror/monster comics began a resurgence that quickly became a second golden age. At a time when very little horror was available on any media platform, these comics picked up the slack and ran with it. Fortunately for me, my childhood coincided with this brave new world. Here are 10 of the best that kept me up at night with delightful nightmares of spooky castles, shambling corpses, and of course, creatures from elsewhere.
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creaturesfromelsewhere 9-14-2022
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hunterguyveriv · 5 years
Thoughts on Swamp Thing episode 9
Woodrue living up to his Alan Moore Saga counterpart - Fantastic
Abby frantically looking for Alec - Loved it
Phantom Stranger referencing “Infinite Possibilities” - Did he just reference Infinite Crisis?!
Matt Cable drinking - I know where this is going...
Maria getting admitted - The double-crosser gets double-crossed... haha!
Woodrue vivisecting Alec - Woodrue at least show some compassion like your counterpart in the Alan Moore saga did.
Daniel transforming into the Blue Devil - *sniff. fights back tears of joy* You make Zoalord transformations look obsolete now. A Guyver live-action movie or series would be so awesome with tech to make scenes like that beautiful.
Blue Devil slaughtering the mercs saving Abby and Liz - BEAUTIFUL! Just don't let the DOOM-Slayer catch you in that form.
Abby afraid of the Blue Devil -  LOL Really? You are in love with a humanoid muck-monster! 
Abby’s heartbreaking over what they did to Alec and Liz over there like “What...... the fuck?!” as they rescue him.
Is it me or did Alec seem a little surprised when he said: “You came for me.” - Yes, you big log, look at her face. Would someone with a pained face like that do that for anyone?!
Abby not hesitating to let him stroke her fingers - internal screeching
Abby not hesitating to touch him when he said “You came for me” - screeching at top of lungs
Alec walking over the corpses of mercs like he didn’t even know they were there while Abby and Liz are like WTF happened here - Heh heh heh NICE.
And really the three of them didn't notice a naked white guy on the floor with mercs clothed in black surrounding him as they stormed out of the building..... - REALLY?!
Poor Daniel... - I don’t think you are done with your obligatory task of helping Doctor Arcane yet...
Caroline Woodrue was sad but I don’t have a good feeling about this - I get the sense that Woodrue will try to bring her back and fail using regenerative properties from Alec’s organs, or inject himself with the A.Holland strand of the mutagenic compound turning him into Floronic-Man.
Aaaaaaaaaaand YAHTZEE! Way to go Matt! - Yes, I cheered at this spot. Now let's see where this is going! Will they go the Anton Arcane route or will they go the Sandman route. I am hoping the Anton route, who knows it may force them to continue the series ending it with is arch enemy FINALLY showing up.
Last but not least the conclusion - Loved it! This is truly the best way to tackle the origin of Swamp Thing aka Alec Holland. With all the external drama that happened to the show, to go the Alan Moore route was truly the best thing. Because say they did the New-52 route (Before Anton killed Alec just before Avatar of the Rot Abby killed Anton), and say Abby did cure him turning him human again, he still possibly would have died, he was shot twice once in the gut and again in the chest and burned. There’s no coming back from that.
But I loved it also because he is now at rock bottom and now Abby must step up to bring back his humanity if the series is to end with the “living happily ever after” type ending.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
All of Arkum liking Horror Readers writing and Joker and Scarecrow have no one to blame but themselves
Harley loves reading and psychological horror and murder have always been a favorite genre of hers. She'd love a therapy session sometime if you ever wanted. She originally learned about the books from Joker and read them because she loved the genre but she was also thinking Joker and her can talk about them. However he gets possessive so Harley hides her new found obsession. She reads everything Reader writes and waits for the next book excited.
She calls Ivy and talks about you and your books. Ivy curious reads one and finds that you've written murder/horror books involving plants. You have one about someone crashing their car off the road and going missing in the swmap. The stories about them slowly falling into insanity in a swamp as a killer chases them and she absolutley loves it because the person who dies is a business man who was poisoning the very swamp he died in. The killer never found.
Catwoman catches Batsy reading one night and enjoying a good horror story herself looks into it. Writers stories intrigue her because she loves a good mystery. She doenst love the more gorey books Reader writes but she loves your murder mysteries and your their characters. You write chase scenes and the thrill of getting what you want so well.
Bane finds one of your translated books and finds himself enjoying it. You have an entire psychological horror thinly veiled as a metaphor for drug usage and being careful about substances because if you dont control them they'll control you. He related deeply too it since hes hooked on the drugs that make him strong and even considers giving them up because your writings that powerful.
Mr. Freeze likes the relationships you cultivate in your stories and the way you write people's love. One of the most compelling parts of horror is how far someone will go for love or to survive. When one of your stories contains a scene about someone watching another person freeze to death and get buried in snow their revenge complete he gets giddy. That becomes his favorite one but he has read your other books and enjoys them as well.
Deadshot finds your stories super gorey but so enrapturing. He loves the way you describe someone hunting someone else and the endless hours of research that must go into your writing remind him of the hours hes spent tracking down clients. He especially likes when you write a satisfying kill and highlights things he might do later as you have some good ideas.
The Reader now finds themselves getting letters from just about every inmate in Arkum with book suggestions, questions, compliments, and theories.
Oh, I love this so much!!! They would all make a fantastic book club if they all weren’t so possessive of their dear author!!
I just imagine every big baddie from Arkham breaking out, heading straight to Reader’s house. Whether it’s just to chill out and spend sometime in your presence or because they’re hung up on a certain part of your book and need to talk it out with you. Either way, your home is now a meeting place for the baddest baddies. And Batman.
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prontaentrega · 3 years
swmap thing vol1: why am i moss i want to be a person
swamp thing vol2: why the fuck am i a person i want to be moss
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of June 26th, 2019
Best of this Week: Batman: Damned #3 - Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo and Jared K. Fletcher
It ended as it began; with a fall.
Barman: Damned has finally reached its epic conclusion and it was absolutely worth it. Brian Azzarello wrote this to be his most haunting and dark story to date since Joker and Lee Bermejo gave everything he had to make the art in this book better than almost everything in the previous issues.
Constantine starts the issue with a monologue about control and how no human truly has it. We’re surrounded in a constant maelstrom of chaos and those that seek true control know this fact better than everyone. Obviously as this speech is being made, Batman is the one being referred to as a heart forms from the body of a bat inside of a decayed skeleton.
This imagery, gruesome and disturbing, let's on more than it appears, making a lot more sense by the end of the book. Batman awakens in a coffin and struggles to get out before being saved by a gigantic Swmap Thing as his roots break into the coffin and lift the grave from the ground, mostly destroying the cemetery. Swamp Thing is a very ominous force in this story, staying large and speaking slowly, with some questionable statements about what’s truly at stake in the search to solve how the Joker died.
Constantine shows up and immediately starts bickering with Swamp Thing with the Avatar of the Green telling Batman not to trust the con-man as a mysterious figure works their way through the darkness, bringing angel statues to life. Striking as much fear as the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who, the statues spring to life and attack Constantine only for Swamp Thing and Batman to fight them off. They scream for Batman to be theirs, the lettering indicating that the being that had been speaking to Batman in the past was talking through them. One of them creates a nasty gash on Batman’s face, leading towards his mouth and he smashes it and chases after the woman in the shadows. She whispers of fates written, promises made and secrets kept,  which sends Batman spiraling out and causes the angel statues to fall.
Constantine jokes about beating the Angels and Batman says that he wishes that he could find answers to what’s plaguing him and Gotham City to which Constantine relies of the veil between life and death being thin as he takes him to someone that may be able to help. The pair arrive at a club hidden from humanity, but not those that have magical knowledge or seek it. Zatanna appears and, at Constantine’s request, acts as a medium with Deadman joining them all as just a guest.
Things start to take an even darker tone as Zatanna’s spirit calling appears to be very painful, washing the pages in a harsh red. Batman believes that she’s calling the spirit of the Joker or the woman that’s been following him and instead the spirit of a young Bruce Wayne appears, pulling Bruce, Constantine and Deadman in the body of a rat into Bruce’s memories. There, they see the young Bruce being caressed by a horrifying Enchantress who reveals that Bruce made a deal with her. I think all the way back in the first issue, she would make him fearless and the only payment that she would need was his tears. I think the implication was that she had some sort of hand in the death of the Waynes and symbolically Bruce Wayne died as well.
I have never been more afraid of Enchantress that I have of Bermejo’s interpretation of her. Her hair is scraggly, her mody is meatless, all skin and bones. Her fingers are gnarled and her face… mannequin-like with her mouth connecting to her eyes, all of it hollow with terror and malice with her teeth falling out and the skin cracking, almost like porcelain. Deadman bites her foot to distract her while Constantine picks up Joe Chill’s gun and shoots her three time. To me, this seems to be a clear mirror of the deaths of the Waynes as she is shot in the head, chest and in one last unseen place. Thomas was shot in the head, Martha in the chest and we never see how the Child Bruce dies, but with Enchantress’ death, Bruce’s spirit is released from her deal.
Batman sees his dead body and thinks that he’s dead and Constantine says that it’s likely the past that he needs to let go of that’s dead. Batman rebuffs him and decides to head to the one place that he hasn’t since going on this adventure with Constantine, the Gotham City Morgue. Constantine departs and tells Batman to be careful what he says to some “Almighty force.” Once inside, Batman meets the man in the green hood that ran away from him in the first issue who tells him that he “fought hell for his soul and stands before him in judgement,” and his identity is made clear; He is The Spectre, the embodiment of the Rage of God in the form of a man.
*Spoilers Ahead if you wish to read on your own and don’t want to know how things turn out*
It is here that we understand the grand picture of what happened and how Joker dies. In what turns out to be their last fight, The Joker simply stabs him. One stab to the left side of his body, likely puncturing the lung, and he knew that the injury was fatal. He fights the Joker, sending him over the ledge of The Gotham Bridge where he holds on for dear life. Batman holds out his hand, thinking of saving him because that’s what he does… but in fear of what Joker will do if there’s no Batman around, he closes his hand and the Joker plummets to his death, leaving Batman to die of his wounds.
This was Batman’s figurative fall. His moment of embracing fear, breaking his deal with Enchantress and allowing her to try and take his soul, was what caused all of this. He chose weakness and all of Gotham suffered for it, but Heaven was watching too. A drawer with an unknown body is opened and Batman is told that he will be judged as he has judged others and after peeking under the white sheet over the body, he laments that he wishes the Joker were still alive before his soul is sucked into the drawer and presumably the body.
The next scene we see if the fall from the start of the series and a Joker with much shorter hair rising from the water and laughing. I believe that this is a reincarnated Joker with Bruce’s now tortured soul at the helm of it as we see a final shot of Joker running his hands through his hir much like in The Killing Joke as in the final page, the heart from the opening is paid off as the final bits of panel bordering resembles a heartbeat monitor as they form the laugh “Ha” over and over.
This book was a stellar package of amazing. Bermejo’s art and his photorealistic style continues to amaze in his representations of our favorite characters. Constantine looks like a lithe snarky prick as he always should. Swamp Thing looks imposing and terrifying as more of a formless creature of The Green with a face that occasionally forms fists and his wooded, mossy appearance almost makes you feel like you touch him. As previously stated, Enchantress was horrifying and made to feel like more of a threat than she ever has. Zatanna was more beautiful than her first appearance, if only because she was in her classic costume.
Everything had an unsettling tinge of horror to it. The bat in the beginning as he opens to form the heart was very creepy. Swamp Thing, while being a good guy, still came off as terrifying with his glowing red eyes and lack of mouth. Zatanna’s spirit summoning aroused more thoughts of possession than anything else has either her face or the faces of the spirits were superimposed over hers. Bruce, as he was entering his memories slumped over, looks like he’s died, especially with the page being colored red.
Brian Azzarello crafted a great horror mystery that tied in so much of the magical community that Batman does his best to avoid and what circumstances would cause him to fall from grace. Batman comes off as heroic still, but he’s unfocused, something is in his head. He’s uncertain, especially because he doesn’t want to acknowledge what he did, so much so that it’s blocked from his memories. It’s a head trip to read because by the end you feel an unfortunate feeling of disappointment in the Dark Knight.
He’s supposed to be a hero, standing for justice and never giving in to his fears, but watching him close his fist and seeing the Joker’s fingers disappear from the ledge just sends a shock to the senses. Watching him take this journey, as Constantine keeps him from the Morgue as he was originally supposed to go to first, seems like he’s suffering through trials or stages of grief after what he’s done.
This story is truly the quality of what I expect from DC Black Label. With this stellar debut and it’s amazing ending, I only hope that future releases are this good. Batman: Last Knight and Superman: Year One have had amazing first issues and as long as they remain consistently good like Batman: Damned then this imprint will go down in history as one of the greats in prestige books. High recommend.
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hunterguyveriv · 5 years
Some Thoughts on this week’s Swamp Thing:
Typical Glory-Seeking hunters “let's go after something we don’t know what it is” with no help!
Bark spikes to the face, nice touch Swampy.
Avery, she is the one person you don’t ever want to threaten.
Jason, you’re motives are starting to show!
So both Ma and son are literally in bed with the devil, so to speak.
Swamp Thing saying “The Green”... squeeeeeeee
Careful Matt, “that is no ordinary bunny! That's the most-foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!
Phantom Stranger, what is your endgame?
Love that “Oh fuck me!” face Matt, best be on your best behavior these last 4 episodes (doubt it). You are going to go tell Avery, aren’t you?!
Daniel, just embrace your pending rebirth...?! Seems like this show has a theme. Rebirth by fire now that I think of it.
Madam Xanadu what did you just do?
Well, that is something new, Alec, will it be permanent?
Where is Garou? Where is that good boy?!
Where is Margaux? I know she isn’t as important as Liz or Abby but she is still in danger with Liz poking around Avery’s personal doings.
Will we get a scene between Swamp Thing, Abby, and Doctor Palomar? WE NEED A SCENE OF THESE TWO! Sort of like the old generation passing the torch on to the new generation
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