#swtor bri
hermitmoss · 2 years
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reconstruction legacy + onion headlines (1/?)
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briannafrostgirl · 2 years
Playing SWTOR and I found this great Critical Role easter egg!
Ah yes, my favorite band of deeply chaotic adventurers -
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bioticdisastertwins · 3 years
Cracked Kyber
They had been on Rishi for a couple of weeks now, and little by little, he was learning things about his agent. And all the while, he’d been reluctant to reveal things about himself. Maybe he’d change that.
Vex'ikale and Theron learn about each other.
“What are you up to?” Theron inquired, coming to sit on a crate next to him. Vex’ikale would be the first to admit that Theron had been something unexpected. He never imagined he’d willingly spend time with a Republic Spy, yet here he was. They had been on Rishi for a couple of weeks now, and it still felt as though they were twenty steps behind whatever Revan was planning.
“I’m replacing the crystal in my main lightsaber; I cracked the last one, and there’s been this annoying rattling hum,” Vex replied, using the force to separate the lightsaber pieces causing them to float in the space in front of him.
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“You can ask, I make no promises to answer,” Little by little, he was learning things about his agent. And all the while, he’d been reluctant to reveal things about himself. Maybe he’d change that.
[Read the rest at AO3]
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baraste-legacy · 4 years
Rules: If you are tagged in this post you have to post the last seven sentences of the last WIP you’ve worked on and tag seven more people to keep the challenge going!
Tagged by: @octobertown (see? Not my fault 😅 )
This bit belongs to a long running SWTOR RP. A little after starting playing the game, I composed a family of player characters around my stereotypical Jedi Knight Reid Baraste. Curiously, despite his mother's backstory having an impact on his own, I never had her act in our RP, and I’m introducing her now to shake things up a little. Dominique Baraste is your rigorous, orthodox Consular — even if her past is supercheckered, Jedi Order-wise — and if you debate her on doctrinal stuff she’ll eat you alive. Sadly, there wasn’t much going on when I was last writing her. No fireworks, no saberwaving.
(Warning: English isn’t my native language, so this is bound to have a few warts)
I’m going to be reckless and tag a few towering giants, including some that seemingly are no longer writing any Star Wars/SWTOR-themed material but I oh-so-wish they still would.
@inquisitorhotpants @semper-draca @b-radley66 @nawpitynopenope @shadowmaat
@asceticcyan @wewillnotbow @damarlegacy @thegarbagechute
"Let pride blind her", Quon decided.
"Let her win". Bris snorted.
Not without a fight, but that fight would have to be very carefully rigged in her favour.
* * * The ship deposited Master Jedi Consular Dominique Baraste and her slightly knotty brow on the temple grounds’ shuttlepads.
Usually, landing in this locus of Light would have dissolved her troubles in the Force like a sugar lump in a glass of warm milk. Usually, she would have been afforded — would have afforded herself — some time to bask in it previous to reporting, meditation, and general Jedi powercell-recharging sessions proper: just find a room where to drop her bagged armour and tools and change attire, visit the cantina and indulge in some local food vice and its associate memories, walk the paths and breath the air, touch base with any close friend and colleague happening to be on the surface… It wasn't neither idling nor wasting time but its complete opposite: purposely letting herself breath, relax mind and muscle, still a rigid less-than-whole after a few thousand hours of sharp guardedness punctuated by distinct moments, seconds, of dancing on the edge, life and death, not just her own but all too often the billions depending on her performance.
Stepping out of the ramp's durasteel onto stone and grass, from the ship's shadow to the cold, bright morning, everything appeared to her fairly unchanged, at most a new coat of paint away from earlier impressions, but Dominique knew better, what to look for, even if she really didn't want to pursue them, both the wounds dealt by the Empire and the Order's self-inflicted ones.
Not an insurmountable feeling, nothing that some meditation wouldn’t release to the Force with the rest of her mottled baggage.
But this routine reporting and evaluation meeting, ‘prompt attendance required’, didn't help, really. It felt funny to her that she was more annoyed at having to postpone that visit to the cantina than by the Circle of Shadows' request — command — because this wasn’t new, really: she had made allowances for their oversight, everybody had, after the Revanite affair had almost disintegrated the temple's local Guardian arm, normally in charge of the Order's inner discipline and overall well-being. It was supposed to be an interim situation.
Oh, well…
Tutting — at the interim situation in question, at her furrowy brow — she strode towards the temple’s stairs.
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readbythestarlight · 7 years
1, 8, 16, 17, 19, 22 for all of them?
All of them? I’ll try to keep it brief. And tbh I’m just gonna answer for any and all of my OCs which suit the questions. Sorry, I know that's a lot of OCs.
1. Do any of your OCs have a speech impediment?
Corrin does. He’s a Dragon Age OC who started as a Zevran romance, but it didn’t quite suit either of them so I moved him to a sort of background character who lives in the Ferelden Circle during DAO, and flees with the Tranquil to join the refugees, and then the Inquisition, in DAI. Corrin has a fairly severe stutter, which improves and worsens depending on his stress and the situation, and also just over time (though it never goes away entirely).
(Side note just because I never talk about Corrin and now I want to: he also suffers from depression, which he does his best to hide because he’s afraid the cause is that he’s not strong enough to fight off a despair demon. Because we all know proper mental health education isn’t a thing that happens in the circles, and everything negative that happens to a mage is “because demons”.)
8. Do you ship any 2 of your OCs?
Hmmm. Not really? For a long time I thought I’d ship my two boys from my own original canon, Alexander and Gabriel. But Gabe decided he was ace, Alex decided he was het, and they both decided together that they were going to be platonic partners for life, basically.
Weirdly enough I rarely ship my OCs with anyone in their own canon universes. It’s always either another person’s OC, or a canon OC in situations like Bioware games, etc.
16. Do you have any nonhuman OCs?
A few! Alexander is a vampire. Silas eventually becomes a werewolf. Gabriel is an immortal. (Technically they were all human at one point though… or in Gabe’s case, his father was human. So maybe none of these count.)
Keshar is a Khajiit (Skyrim, obviously).
Jax is a Zabrak smuggler. Shayla is a Togruta Jedi. (SWTOR)
17. Do you have any OCs you haven’t posted about?
Oh boy do I. I’ve just mentioned a couple of them above. Corrin is probably one of my biggest. I have a ton of small tidbits about him scattered around in my head but I don’t really talk about him. I have a handful of other game OCs I don’t talk about often, aside from some screen shots (Roy from Fallout 4, most of my SWTOR OCs, Bri Shepard and Daniel from ME,), and then some that are just from my original canons.
Also my MEA Ryder, Isaac. But I’ll talk all about him once I can actually make him decently in the CC.
19. Who is your youngest OC?
Hmm. Fleshed out OCs, it would be either Robyn (19) or Alex Hawke (starts at around 19). ORRR. I have Leah and Immanuel Rutherford, Melanie and Cullen’s two children. Immanuel is the youngest.
22. Would your OC like you?
Gosh, I hope so!! I mean, vampire Alex would probably be indifferent, but I like to think most of my others would like me. At the very least I hope none of them would outright dislike me.
@jivvin thank you!!
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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reconstruction legacy + onion headlines, 2/?  [1]
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hermitmoss · 2 years
@fluffyfebruary ‘23 01: hello
Dromund Kaas.  A Sith fortress; private chambers.  A four-poster bed with red velvet curtains, and a holocomm ping.  The creak of a few syllables unpronounceable by humans, but very distinctly a groan; then an arm reached over, a button pressed, and an “Mm?  Qet, it’s nine…”
“You said you were going to be diurnal this week.”
“Ah.  Damn.”
Serenity, in orbit over a mid-rim world.  Rumpled sleeping robes; a stretch and yawn.  Meditation, and then the morning routine: underclothes, overclothes, hair plaited, lightsaber clipped onto sash, robe, jewellery.  The Jedi leaves her small room, and smiles at the Trandoshan lying on the floor above the engine bay, basking in the heat radiating through the metal.  “Good morning, Qyzen.”
“Little hunter, is not time for waking.”
A soft chuckle; “Of course.  My apologies, Qy.”  A guttural sort of growl sound, and the padding of footsteps as  he’s left alone to finish waking.
Coruscant.  A small apartment high up enough to see the sun.  Sanewso smiles, blue hair rumpled, blue face smiling, and knuckles the sleep from his red eyes. Beside him, his husband wakes, and  rolls over to look at him.  “You sing delight,” murmurs Vector.
The Chiss takes the Joiner’s hand, and brings the knuckles up to his lips.  “You… here.  Here now.  I have you.”
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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announcement! there is a padawan loose on tython, hide your problems before she solves them
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hermitmoss · 2 years
Mandated SWTOR Character Masterpost
Brider Surriss, Barsen’thor
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Zabrak sage.  Exemplifies the concept of a beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.  We’re talking about a “possible Ashla incarncation” level of goodness.  One year younger than her own Padawan.  Absolutely adores Syo Bakarn; they have a very solid father-daughter dynamic.  Completely defensive combat style consisting of shielding herself and allies from harm.
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Sanewso, a House Miurani merit adoptive, raised largely by the old Keeper after his father’s execution.  The last portion of his name is pronounced “senth-isk-senth,” not “sis,” because it’s theoretically “S.I.S.”  He does desk work for the SIS on Coruscant after an emergency extraction from his posting as “Legate” in the Empire on medical grounds.  Married to Vector Hyllus. 
Irati (Wrath)
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Nonverbal Human.  Two hands, one for Vette and one for Malavai.
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Big butch Zabrak sorcerer.  Ran away from Zash to live in the Unfinished Colossus with other self-freed slaves.  Eventually talked and fought her way into a place in the Sphere of Production and Logistics, where she works on abolition and audits other Sith, very violently, in the meantime. Rivalry with Qet.
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Tsis (”Sith Pureblood“) born without the Force, Johqai left behind his family name and became a bounty hunter.  Initially intent on serving the Empire in one of the few ways he could, his conscience soon gets the better of his loyalty, and he’s walking a dangerous line. Protective and supportive big brother to Mako.
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Mirialan smuggler, incurable do-gooder, and tired middle-aged mom friend.  Loves to hang out with Bowdaar.
Tsisajakqo Jenûwtsâkyat
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At this point he counts as an OC.  It’s Darth Vowrawn.  He’s horrible, particularly in the all the ways he insists on being good.  Traditionalist Kissai Tsis (“Sith Pureblood”) and a guardian of Tsis cultural heritage.  Definitely not at all treasonous.  Ignore the giant Ozymandias reference in the Dromund Kaas jungles, and definitely all of its implications (thank you, Qet).
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hermitmoss · 2 years
I am bad at thinking up questions but I *am* deeply curious now about the multiple Brider timelines 👁
Brider being my original Jedi OC, she exists in all of my star wars AUs, including ones set in the PT, where she's an Archivist under Jocasta Nu.
If Order 66 happens, she either dies immediately, ends up turning into a spooky person-eating forest on Iridonia, or becomes the Sixth Sister, an Inquisitor who sounds so reasonable and logical that you almost start to believe what she explains to you...
If Order 66 doesn't happen, she ends up becoming the Archives Mistress.
There are also time-travelling Briders, because this is Star Wars fanfiction. The best time-travelling Brider is the one who is a ghost working with the Resistance and pretending to be Leia's aide.
And there is, of course, Brider Surriss, Third Barsen'thor.
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hermitmoss · 2 years
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master and (someone else’s) padawan on tython. alternatively: a girl and her dad.
[I.D.: A slightly blurred lineart drawing of Master Syo Bakarn and my Jedi Consular, Brider Surriss, from Star Wars: The Old Republic. The drawing is black lines on a white background, and it’s set during the prologue of the Consular story, when Brider is 16. Syo is a human man with a goatee, balding hair in a ponytail, and some wrinkles. Brider is a Zabrak with long plaited hair, horns, and facial tattoos. Brider is significantly shorter than Syo. They are both wearing Jedi robes (Syo’s are more elaborate), looking at each other, and smiling. Syo has an arm around Brider as if to guide her. End I.D.]
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hermitmoss · 2 years
for the oc interview: Brider, what sort of Jedi do you most like working with? ones like you, or ones that are much more different? and why?
Brider seems - surprised, possibly? or mildly amused? by the question, but she answers it with good grace.
“I value the opportunity to work with all Jedi. It is valuable to work with Jedi whose methods differ from my own, as we learn continually from one another. It is also valuable to work with Jedi whose methods are similar, as communication and decision-making is simpler.”
It seems for a moment like she's going to leave it at that, with a complete non-answer, but she relents.
“When it comes to personal, subjective preference, I like to work with Jedi of different species and skillsets to my own, but with similar interpretations of the Jedi Code and of our duties and responsibilities. Preference does not influence my behaviour towards those I have the honour of working alongside, however, and nor should it.”
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hermitmoss · 2 years
How would swtor Brider handle dealing with politicians?
An excellent question - to which the answer is "brilliantly".
Her first assignment as a Jedi Master was to prevent a separatist movement, by assisting representatives of various planets - the Rift Alliance - with their concerns regarding the Republic. She did so well that all of them decided to continue supporting the Republic, and she received the title "Mender of the Rift".
Her Padawan, Nadia Grell, was briefly a senator, having inherited the position from her late father. She counts Tai Corden, president of Balmorra, as a friend, and Balmorra's senator, a Twi'lek freedom fighter known only as Zenith, is personally loyal to her, and would drop everything to come and help her, if she asked him.
She has absolutely no hesitation about roundly scolding politicians for injustice and dishonesty - as a young Knight, she befriended an Ugnaught senator by proving the corruption of his rather unfriendly peer - but always has the moral authority and position as a Jedi to get away with it.
(The Jedi of this era don't live on Coruscant, after all, and they have to pay their own bills. Pot-shots at the Senate are perfectly acceptable, so long as they're metaphorical.)
Brider also does not hesitate to grant her assistance to anyone who asks for it, even including politicians - she won't help do anything dishonest or unfair, but she'll find an honest and fair way around their problem, or report their corruption when she's gathered the right evidence.
She's also impossible to stay mad at, which helps.
As does having some of the most important worlds to the war effort, the former Rift Alliance, in her pocket - she doesn't utilize this, but politicians tend to be rather aware that she could.
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hermitmoss · 2 years
i don’t know about everyone else’s jedi consulars, but mine can’t really see arcann as a villain rather than a victim precisely because of what happened to master yuon and the other plagued masters - and, more pertinently, master syo/the first son of the emperor. she’s seen this role played before, and knows what’s going on behind the curtain.
(it may just be my jedi consular who reacts in that same way, but surely every jc’s relationship with arcann would be impacted by however they dealt with the first son.)
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hermitmoss · 2 years
In the Reconstruction legacy, Felix romances Theron. This started accidentally, when Theron saw the picture-perfect Bar’senthor (Bri) generally being quite lovey-dovey with a trooper, went ‘Oh fuck, not again, not in front of my datapad,’ and stormed out of the room - and the Bar’senthor chased after him to explain ‘Hey, no, wait a minute, Felix and I are just Very Good Friends'.
Felix also chases down Theron to explain the same thing, after Brider explains the context to Felix (“My friend Satele and this big handsome trooper-” “I’m gonna stop you right there, because I’m pretty sure you’re teasing me about the little crush I used to have on Jace Malcom -” “I’m not teasing you or Satele, just explaining,” “Wait, what?!”).
And Felix and Theron find out they get along pretty well, and start hanging out. At the same time, Theron warms to Brider while they’re working together (she’s just such a decent person, damnit), and eventually he’s comfortable enough with them both that he can admit to himself that yeah, the L.T. is pretty cute.
This ends with Brider saying audibly “Master Satele!” and distracting the Grand Master so Theron and Felix have time to jump out of a window half-clothed before Satele Shan walks in on them.
(“Brider, is there something that I should know?” “No, Satele. There is something you could know, but it would serve little purpose other than disrupting your serenity.” “Very well. I trust you. An SIS agent is doing something questionable, aren’t they?” “Thank you, my friend. I assure you, your trust is not misplaced. And no comment.”)
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bioticdisastertwins · 3 years
The Start
Set during Forged Alliances.
Theron's heard a lot about the Emperor's Wrath, but he's got to wonder how much of it is true. He and Vette have a talk.
Theron was a bit miffed by his current situation—new ally Lana Beniko had sent a Twi’lek along with him, ‘to help with slicing’, she had said. Yeah right, to keep an eye on him more like. It was insulting to assume he needed help with either slicing or sleuthing—especially from an Imperial, but as he was learning, it was difficult to dislike Vette.
“So, what’s you Sith really like?” When Lana had mentioned that her current partner was the Emperor’s Wrath, Theron had looked the man up—partially out of curiosity and partly out of self-preservation. He’d wanted to know who he was dealing with.
He’d been surprised by the things he’d read in the Wrath’s file. Half of the things he’d read couldn’t be true—there just was no way that anyone that high up the Imperial chain of command could be anything other than a bloodthirsty maniac.
[Read the rest at AO3]
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