#swtor character theme songs
chaoticspacefam · 4 years
In your hands, there's a touch that can heal. But in those same hands, is the power to kill.
Source: Sam Tinnesz : “Man Or A Monster” (feat. Zayde Wølf)
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erinmccomics · 4 years
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I was having a very Panic at the Disco night
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sullustangin · 2 years
2/2/22 -- A Second Birthday Party
On 2/2/20, I published my first fanwork in over 11 years, Lady of Emancipation.  That became the starting point for my SWTOR series.  After a few months, I joined tumblr to become more engaged in fandom.  I’ve dabbled in a few other areas since then, but I keep cranking out the story of a smuggler with a taste for spies and gin.
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In honor of Eva Corolastor’s second birthday on 2/2/22 (what numbers gremlin could resist?), I’m doing 28 written pieces in the SWTOR universe, one for each day in February.  Some ideas, I already had promised to do “at some point.”  I’m also doing Fluffy February with its weekly prompts this year. 
I would like the rest of the prompts to come from readers who have visited my SWTOR fics, whether it’s the main series or some of the one-shots or headcanons I post here on tumblr.  I want to express gratitude.   Not all pieces written in February have to feature Eva; I like a challenge and also worldbuilding.  Prompts can take the form of:
a quote you’d like to see in the piece
a song you’d want me be inspired by OR somehow integrate into the fic (good ol’ FF.net songfic days -- just kidding (sorta))
a favorite theme or a trope
a particular situation played out
a story that features your OC
if you are an artist that has created something that needs a story, I can take a crack at it
a location for where the action is
pictures (can be screen shots or other inspirational material)
“hey, can you write a fic where ....?” 
 “can you write about (a character/event in-game)?”  -- I’m particularly comfortable with the smuggler crew and Theron, but I can focus on other characters as well
I’m also willing to answer behind the scenes or ‘ask the author’ questions, whether it’s about how I approach characters, the numbers gremlin thing, headcanons, etc.
And basically anything else you want me to write about in the SWTOR universe
I’ll be taking prompts throughout February and reblogging this regularly.  I plan on writing every day in February, so don’t worry about not having an idea right this instant.  The easiest way to do this is either in the comments/reblogs (which are welcome) or via askbox.  I’m fine with anons. 
Thanks in advance! 
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literary-potato · 3 years
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I posted 1,631 times in 2021
105 posts created (6%)
1526 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 14.5 posts.
I added 60 tags in 2021
#my music - 23 posts
#music - 14 posts
#swtor - 6 posts
#credit where credit is due - 3 posts
#youtube - 3 posts
#loki - 3 posts
#too real - 2 posts
#there are many benefits to being a marine biologist - 2 posts
#queue - 2 posts
#long post - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the rest are fridge once opened except pb (never) bread (almost never?) and chocolate (which never has to be cold but sometimes it’s nice)
My Top Posts in 2021
Also I heard Rock Lobster for the first time in years today and I feel like as a society we don’t appreciate enough how deeply weird that song is
10 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 02:36:34 GMT
Why am I big sad
There is no logical reason to be big sad
Wtf brain
10 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 01:32:38 GMT
an updated arrangement of a theme I first wrote a little over 4 years ago. still a work in progress.
11 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 05:44:25 GMT
Refining the ambient piece from a few days ago, adding in melody line, harmony, and piano at the end
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 07:37:05 GMT
I’m thrilled that TikTok is discovering the Longest Johns, and the Wellerman is a very good shanty
It’s two and a half minutes of dunking on John Paul Jones, the famous 18th century commander.
Ok, so that’s not that weird.
No, you don’t understand. This is not a song that was written by JPJ’s contemporaries or English propagandists. This was written in the 2010s by the Longest Johns.
They just came up with 2 minutes of extremely salty beef about a historical figure who’s been dead for over 200 years
66 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 08:26:25 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
6 and 13 from the swtor ask meme.
thank you for the ask, Scarlett <3
6. Favorite BGM/song?
I like the Agent and Smuggler themes - they both fit the characters really well without being overwhelming. In terms of planetary music, I dig the themes for Balmorra, Tython, and Belsavis. I like any of the places that you can hear little spooky atmospheric touches when you're listening over headphones. I like any of the times they've mixed KotOR themes in.
13. Favorite storyline?
Agent is hands-down my favorite storyline, and I have played it more times than I care to admit. I'm also a big fan of Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular.
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rangerslayer-97 · 3 years
Send me a character list thing. Not sure if this is regarding canon characters or your OC's so I'll play it safe and go with a canon character, but a SWTOR one at that. I choose the friendliest Sith in the world, Lana Beniko.
Ah, Lana Beniko, my favourite pragmatic Sith Lord. How to start this off now?
favorite thing about them
Favourite thing about Lana? Probably the nicest and most pragmatic Sith Lord I have seen in the Star Wars mythos.
least favorite thing about them
Not that I can think. I love Lana. Lol
favourite line
"You're impossible!"
Lana, Theron & Outlander
Non applicable I guess?
If going down that route: Lana/Jedi Knight even Lana/Smuggler
random headcanon
Lana is holder of all the brain cells in the Alliance and she mostly makes sure the Commander doesn't do something life threateningly stupid. She is designated babysitter.
In combat (wish it could happen), the Commander yeeted Lana at enemies at least once without warning.
unpopular opinion
More in-game thing, I finds Lana a bit too loyal at times during and after KOTFE/KOTET expansions. I can barely recall any form of conflict between my character and her. Last time she got mad was my Jedi Knight lying to get about Valkorion.
A bit more conflict would have been nice story wise.
song I associate with them
I listen to too many songs and OSTs. I wouldn't know where to begin. I did watch a video and funnily Thrawn's Theme works for her too.
favourite picture of them
I don't have any picture. I'm sorry TT
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arcann · 3 years
For the extremely detailed OC ask meme: iaparce
Thanks Leilukin! You didn’t put any number so I chose one for each category 😅
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign        
34 by the time KOTOR 2 starts, the star wars equivalent of September 14th 3985 BBY, Virgo
22. Fave Color
Green and gray
33. How have they changed over time?
Iaparce used to be a very timid child who was constantly overcome with their powers to influence people, then a follower of different leaders they had a lot of discrepancies with. Afterwards they spent much time alone, figuring out who they are before going back to large groups of people. They do not consider themselves a perfect leader but most see that self-awareness as a strength, something that helps them improve themself and those around them, who they can convince to follow willingly.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Here’s their playlist! (Its a mess lol)
But special mention to Black Sheep by Metric
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
I want them to have some obstacles to go through after the events in the game, in the form of Revan coming back to ask, or more like demand, their help in exploring unknown space and them refusing and finally cutting ties with their long lost so called sibling. They get to rebuild the Jedi Order and have a new beginning with their friends and new apprentices at their side. They also have a kid with Atton and they support the republic for years to come. Even if things aren’t perfect they find happiness in what they build and what they leave behind withstands the test of time.
By the time of swtor I’m still undecided but their ghost is very much active and sometimes they take the façade of Darth Nihilus to intimidate certain groups.
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swtor-legacy-sitcom · 3 years
Azul’de History, origin IC and OOC
As requested by @swtorpadawan​
Azul’de originally was created for the sole reason, that she shares a VA with Princess Azula. Grey de Lisle provides the voice for female bounty hunter.  So, Azul’de is of course a Powertech. That’s also where her name comes from.  Azula was of course taken, so we aliened it up a bit and made it Azul’de
She was originally a boosted toon, but was later deleted and remade so I could replay BH class story with her as a dark side hunter
I imagine her theme song as ‘Girls Just Wanna have fun’ by Cyndi Lauper, with the cringy 80s vibe to match
I played her as an entirely comical character and as a result she became a drunk, a slut, and a spicehead, who is my garbage baby and an absolute mess.
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The above screenshot shows her in her ‘Hutt Cartel Executioner’ outfit
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Azul’de crusing the Hutta Swamps.
"Any man may sleep with me, so long as he is willing to be beheaded in the morning!"-- Cleopatra (allegedly) took the old myth about the Eqyptian Queen and Applied it to Azul'de. Much to her Hutt Friend's delight. A show before the execution.
The Pyrotech Bounty Hunter Azul'de is infamous for her drunken, deboucherous Shenanigans.  She is on most cases, either drunk off her ass on a deadly of spice, booze, adrenals and stims, waiting for the hooker she ordered, or with the sort of hangover that would make sane beings beg for death.  On the one occasion I did roleplay her as on the job, she was a brutal, sociopathic, reckless killer caring little for collateral damage, or fallout.  In fact, in this instance, their op required access to imperial datafiles.  before this however, they needed a security blackout to break into the imperial op center. Azul'de to Guard at powercenter: “Wanna see my knockers?” *uses flaming fist uppercut* “KNOCK KNOCK” She then proceeds, to clear out the op center with an isotope 5 rocket launcher, and simply wades through the wreckage, killing even incapacitated guards to get her objective.  only to subsequently find out, their target, an identity slicer, had been someone she had casually shot earlier. fortunately, he was still alive, (bleeding out) and they were able to get alive. She also drunkenly punched two people in the crotch, and fell over a balcony and broke her legs. as guildmember @allvame​ (and unfortunate victim of her nonsense) once warned a fellow guild member, "ever hear the phrase, 'don't put your dick in crazy?' meet crazy" Basically, she'd rather be blitzed out with a few dancers in front of her, and one between her legs while she has some fun with fine drinks. so on the odd chance she has to head out and kill somebody, sobriety, and a tragic backstory makes her mean.
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I also wrote up a full bio of her and her history, when I submitted this screenshot to deviantart. 
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allronix · 4 years
I've just scrolled through your KOTOR tag and want to drop by to say that every diss on the Alleged Canon added a year to my life! Also I'd like to ask for your opinion did BioWare and Co f*ck Revan over in TOR? Where's the sense in ditching their already established and popular hero?
I’m guessing a few factors contributed. One, it looks like Chee made the call about what the “canon” Revan should be without asking first. So there’s likely some “hey, thanks for telling us how to write our own character, jackass” in there.  
Secondly, think of a rock band that had some amazing hits with peppy pop songs and cover versions. But they grew older, and shifted to more adult contemporary and mature themed music. They look fondly back on their bubblegum pop hits and the success they had with those, but they moved on. Bioware had a few good hits with tie in games like Baldur’s Gate and KOTOR, but by about 2005, they were ready to go and make their own IPs and play their own music. (Which is part of the reason KOTOR 2 was handed to Obsidian) Their first experiment was Jade Empire, which is...it plays like something you’d see in Avatar the Last Airbender if was made for HBO and not Nickelodeon. It plays like KOTOR, uses the same engine, but it’s got a lot more gore, a lot nastier themes, far more explicit nastiness in how the villains operate, and doesn’t have to fly their same-sex romances under anyone’s radar.  
And then they got Mass Effect and Dragon Age. By the time SWTOR was on the table, Bioware were A-list stars with their own IPs and had grown out of the “cover version” days. They wanted to focus on Shepherd and Hawke, not go and revisit Revan. But cash is king and an MMO could bankroll a lot of new projects. So, they did what a lot of artists do; they accepted the paycheck and the job working on a sequel, but they could (and did) kinda phone it in. SWTOR has had a skeleton staff compared to other Bioware projects and it’s farmed out to their satellite office in Texas. Granted, Bioware phoning it in is like Liam Neeson or Meryl Streep phoning it in. Their half-assed job is better than most of their peers giving it a full ass and then some. 
So, if you want to pull a “torch the franchise and run,” one of the best ways to do it is to completely trash the central character(s). Okay, we have to play with a character we didn’t really want to have to revisit and in a build that we didn’t sign on off to begin with? Okay, we’ll write him off as a deranged idiot and unwitting dupe to the Big Bad Over Villain these MMO games always seem to have. Because THAT way, they won’t come bothering us to keep making sequels! 
A much less sympathetic answer? Drew Karpyshyn is wildly uneven as a writer. Give him a villain protagonist like Bane, and he is amazing. He retains a lead character that is definitely pants-wetting scary with a mentality that is logical to follow, but it’s completely marooned from anything resembling prosocial, much less sane. The problem is that he seems to write many of his leads this way. His Baldur’s Gate novel is just plain bizarre (granted, the previous author did a lot to make that mess), and you can kinda see that same style with SWTOR!Revan. 
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xivu-arath · 4 years
fic titles meme
tagged by @cappurrccino and I am about to call myself out so much with this
20 most recent fics
remembering your own name [destiny]
in the dark fields [star wars: the old republic]
amidst the starlit wreckage [destiny]
frail potential [destiny]
the first wound (of many) [sundered]
the absence of gifts [destiny]
salvage [destiny]
knock off the rust [destiny]
Bait Stars [destiny]
a calculated erosion [star wars: the old republic]
echoes below, sky above [star wars: the old republic]
written in the walls [star wars: the old republic]
trust your heart (if the seas catch fire) [star wars: the old republic] 
every breath was a stone [star wars: the old republic]
and the scars run together [star wars: the old republic] 
destroy everything you touch [star wars: the old republic] 
life is the enemy [star wars: the old republic] 
turnabout [star wars: the old republic] 
rough justice [star wars: the old republic] 
proper motivation [star wars: the old republic]
1. How many are you happy with?
honestly quite a few! a lot of these were taken from other stuff but not all, and of the non-quoting titles, I’m particularly proud of “remembering your own name”, “echoes below, sky above” and “the first wound (of many)”. I like to be dramatic!! and I feel I put a good amount of thought into some of the lyrics and quotes I did pull from
2. How many are…not great?
I can’t remember why I capitalized bait stars and now it’s throwing my entire aesthetic off and bugging me!! but I do wish I had been a bit less obvious about the lyrics I pulled. I’d like to redo “written in the walls” the most, probably
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
like... three
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
seven! “in the dark fields”, “written in the walls”, “trust your heart (if the seas catch fire)”, “every breath was a stone”, “and the scars run together”, “destroy everything you touch” and “rough justice”. most of my swtor focus, but admittedly I was writing and finishing a lot of fic and just needed! titles!
6. How many are other quotes?
"salvage” is used to refer to the fic’s plot near the end, “the absence of gifts” paraphrases a recurring theme, “life is the enemy” is a quote from one of the characters the fic is about!
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
"salvage” is pretty much chirraek salvaging an unideal situation where someone goes off to sacrifice all her kids in a death rite, “the absence of gifts” is... a conversation about how the sword logic of the hive does not allow for generosity,  “turnabout” is a sudden change in rkorya’s fortune after an attempted assassination, “in the dark fields” is about. a farmer who uses the dark side, “rough justice” is rkorya and her crew planning how to deal with a traitor
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
"life is the enemy”, which not only quotes one of the characters but is also about rkorya’s destructively vengeful mindset and her preparations for her own death, and “the first wound (of many)” because it is about the progressive loss of humanity
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the fanwork?
"remembering your own name”, I guess? it sounds like something omen would say and happens to be written without any names
10. Which is your favourite title?
“the first wound (of many)”, it’s so ominous and brutal and sundered is a very ominous and brutal game. there’s a lot I’m fond of tho
tagging... @seasaltmemories, @pestopascal @darkshadeless @thechavanator, @wonderwafles, @rainofaugustsith
if you would like to consider this a tag, feel free, I have completely forgotten which of my mutuals write fic
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
“I’ll search the world until there’s no place left to go. And if she leaves it I will follow...”
- Lord Huron - “She Lit A Fire”
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pestopascal · 4 years
fic titles meme
tagged by @xivuuarath​ 💖 and im assuming this is. titled fics. so im gonna have to dig i dont name a lot of fics lol i just slap those bad boys on tumblr and call it a day
i know its supposed to be 20 but i dont wanna talk about the ones i did before this so its 10 lol
the finite (swtor)
unspoken question (swtor)
H.F.S. (mass effect)
between (mass effect)
overflow (mass effect)
mind (mass effect)
tomorrow (mass effect)
lemon over ice (narcos)
for when do men weep (got)
castle of gold (got)
1. How many are you happy with?
probably the got ones actually :) i was just pulling words that stuck out for the mass effect ones idc about those titles so much but the got ones i think are a lot stronger
2. How many are…not great?
wym title wise? idk i could change h.f.s. but i dont think i can say ‘holy fucking shit’ in the title outright so lol it stays
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
i....... scramble???.... idk man i just pull up words and be like oh thats funky! lets do it
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
none kshekjshfkjh very rarely do i have a title in mind before writing ANYTHING
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
the narcos one LOL
6. How many are other quotes?
they are quoted in fic i think the mass effect ones. i know “tomorrow” is a word actually referenced in the fic but i dont remember my own writing
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
ok i had to go back and at least read my summaries um “tomorrow” is about focusing on the next day ig idk i said its vaguely post thessia but like. its not tomorrow its today its poetic yeah!
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story?
“h.f.s” will when i actually like write it LOL but idk maybeeeee “for when do men weep” like au where oberyn actually does get his revenge but we ALL know revenge is not cathartic !!!!!!! like thats very literal but i like the story read my work. erm otherwise idk the other mass effect ones like “overflow” post horizon and post first trip on thessia iirc kind of thing where it gets to be too much and shepard gets high to deal with it skdjfhskjf
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/pov of the fanwork?
"the finite” is honestly one of my faves ive written in a long time!!!!! i had a lot of fun writing my jk and also like esp since i was playing the game while doing it i wrote a lot of it PRE oh shit ur a sith now so it was oddly prophetic in a way and like finite/extent like in terms of the dialogue with her talking about wanting to be a good jedi not a great sith just like what is the extent of that pats myself on the back I ENJOYED IT
10. Which is your favourite title?
“castle of gold” bc i love the imagery of dorne that we never quite get (i ignore the show entirely) and also just like. rly shoved that whole concept of gold and what it means for myrcella in there.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
2019 in Fic
Another tag from @starsandskies, just gonna open tag bc this one’s been sitting a while
Favorite fic you wrote this year: Oh no, don’t make me choose. This was a really good year for me, writing-wise, and I have a lot I’m proud of and love... HELP. nnnnnn. Here, top three, bc I really can’t pick: 
Tension(KotOR II; f!Exile/Atton sparring fic)
Certain as the Sun(Pillars of Eternity; Edér/Charity(OC) ultra fluffy wedding fic)
Drifting Roads(Dragon Age: Inquisition; Inquisitor!Jowan Fade adventure/self-worth wrestling)
Least favorite fic you wrote this year: A Little Excitement(PoE; Hirvaias & OC). Nothing wrong with it, I just really struggle with Hiravias’ voice, so I feel like it could be better but Idk how? That sort of thing
Favorite line/scene you wrote this year: UM. Dear God. I can’t pick a favorite fic and I’m supposed to pick just one line or scene? HOW. There’s the Ederity wedding, (also their flirting banter in the modern AU), Tavi and Khellin’s reunion. Mallory giving Felix a bloody nose for all of five seconds. Jonas and Bry making use of the Kissing as Cover trope. Levyn(Jowan)’s conversation with Trinne in the Fade--
OH. OH I KNOW. Jaaide’s breaking point in Cracks.
 “And if I had? If I’d opted for directness over subtlety and still failed to sway her, would my hands be clean enough for you?!” 
Total number of words you wrote this year: I didn’t keep track, but estimating between my AO3 stats page and short stuff I didn’t cross post to there... around 300k? HOLY MOTHERFORKING COW. THAT’S A NOVEL. I WROTE A LONG ASS NOVEL WORTH OF FANFIC LAST YEAR WTF 
Most popular fic this year: A Good Story(DA:I, Varric PoV on writing Sebastian re: Hawke’s death during HLtA.) It somehow broke 100 notes and I’m still mildly stunned by that fact. :P
Least popular fic this year: Late Night Honesty(The Wayhaven Chronicles) only has three notes.
Longest completed fic you wrote this year:  Drifting Roads is just over 20k
Shortest completed fic you wrote this year: If prompt fills count, this one. Otherwise it’s A Good Story(418).
Longest WIP of the year: Of Wardens & Pariahs(Dragon Age:Origins; Joined Canon AU for my Amell and a friend’s Cousland) is up to 150k now.
Shortest WIP of the year: If you mean started this year, I don’t have any; all my WIPs are holdovers from 2018.
Favorite character to write about this year: Okay, much as I love writing Jowan and Jonas and Edér and Sagani etc etc, this HANDS DOWN goes to Felix Hauville from The Wayhaven Chronicles.He’s a sheer joy and I love him.
Favorite writing song/artist/album of this year: Lindsey Stirling + The Witcher 3 OST
A fic you didn’t expect to write: Aside from all the Wayhaven stuff(I didn’t even play it until November), A Good Story. My feelings on Varric are /cough complicated and less positive than 99% of the DA fandom, so I never expected to write anything from his PoV.
Fic(s) you completed this year: Um. A lot. Look, it takes 9 1/2 pages of my tag.
Fics you’ll continue next year: Of Wardens and Pariahs
Current number of WIPs: four or five? A couple of those I started in January, though, so they’re technically 2020.
Any new fics to start next year: Mass Effect Holiday Harbinger fic, MORE WAYHAVEN FIC(esp. my f!Detectives being buddies with Felix bc that’s apparently so rare there isn’t even a tag for it on AO3 which is a TRAVESTY), Keme/Jorgan stuff.
Most memorable comment/review: While I love and cherish all comments, fave is either the person who commented “Oh darn, I’ve caught up” on OWaP or the person who asked if Tavi knew they’d die for her. :D 
Events you participated in this year: Mass Effect Holiday Harbinger(Trust Exercise; MEA, f!Ryder/Suvi) and the DA Prompt Exchange summer fill-a-thin(Drifting Roads)
Fics you wanted to write but didn’t: That damn Brykar longfic(SWtOR) which I really, really hope I can get to this year. /fingers crossed
Favorite fic you read this year: JUST ONE?! HA. No can do :P
the past is a foreign country(Critical Role, by @teammompike)
Epiphany(Pillars of Eternity; The Watcher/Rekke, by @haledamage)
After, and After That(also Critical Role; Grogleth, post-campaign 1, by @aban-ataashi)
I’m sure there’s more that were on tumblr(those are all ao3) and I just can’t remember them. >.>
A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read: 
See Fire and Go Towards Light by @dalish-ish(Dragon Age: Inquisition, minor NPC-view of the game events) I really love her writing style, and she further explores some themes/issues that are only mentioned/hinted at in the game.
Number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year: A lot? I know three bookmarks off the top of my head, and I faved pretty much everything from The Usual Suspects(Knitter, Rhi, Grey, etc etc) by I didn’t really keep count.
Favorite fanfic author of the year: If I can’t pick a favorite line/fic of my own, do you really think I can pick a favorite author? :P I love all my writer friends. (I know it sounds like a cop-out, but it’s TRUE)
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starbrigand-a · 4 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.   Cyree Bellegar. TITLE.   Ace. Captain. Voidhound (swtor). A lot of expletives. NICKNAME.   Friends call her Cee, or Cap, occasionally. GENDER.    female. HEIGHT.    five feet and two inches. AGE.   31. ZODIAC.   saggitarius. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   galactic basic. huttese. ryl.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.    EYE COLOR.   dark blue. SKIN TONE.   red. BODY TYPE.   short and athletic, but in that thin, scrappy, wiry sort of way. VOICE.   slightly lower than average, with a bit of a drawl. transitions back to her ryloth accent only when she’s genuinely angry or upset—which isn’t often. DOMINANT HAND.   right. POSTURE.   (leans casually against the wall like a Cool Person) SCARS.   lots of smaller ones, though none terribly visible or major. TATTOOS.   light red ones down her lekku. BIRTHMARKS.   beauty mark under her right eye. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   COWBOY HAT 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Ryloth HOMETOWN.   didn’t have a name. SIBLINGS.   luxsa bellegar, a gangster on the other side of the outer rim. PARENTS.   couple ‘o assholes that she hasn’t seen in years.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.   smuggler, bounty hunter, and whatever else you need so long as it pays.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.   her starship, an XS Stock Light Freighter named Desert Sunrise. CLOSE FRIENDS.   her whole ship’s crew; corso riggs, akaavi spar, guss tuno, bowdaar and risha (swtor verse); gordie and becc (canon verse). RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   can’t tie a free lady down. FINANCIAL STATUS.    actually surprisingly wealthy, though not through any kind of legal means. DRIVER’S LICENSE.   can fly a starship legally? CRIMINAL RECORD.   extensive counts of many things, including thievery, falsifying official records, smuggling, arson, murder... VICES.   see above. also drinkin’ and frequent companionship.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   bisexual. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.   submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   submissive | dominant | switch LIBIDO.   link. TURN ON’S.   confidence. bad boys/girls. tall people. MONEY. TURN OFF’S.   nerds and bootlickers. LOVE LANGUAGE.   physical touch. acts of service would be her second. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   doesn’t want romantic relationships, generally, but enjoys having casual flings with interesting people. still, she’s not terribly ashamed of pda in public if a partner lets her get away with it.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   click. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   most of her time-passing includes swindling her own crew out of their money by cheating at cards and spinning her blasters around like she’s revolver ocelot, but she also likes to collect plants from planets she visits and keeps a little potted-plant garden in her quarters (labelled and everything.) LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   right. PHOBIAS.   many things. slavers. getting stranded. wizards. death. pain. the past catching up to the present... and large bugs. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   very high, though not quite as high as she makes it out to be. VULNERABILITIES.   has some amount of fear and regret about stuff she’s done that she covers up. terrified of dying, and especially terrified of dying with nothing to show for her life. all of these are things that are not hard for a perceptive person to figure out. also, despite being pretty brave, she doesn’t stand up to pain well (and avoids crossing the empire for this reason). a jedi/sith/force-sensitive type could threaten her into doing basically anything, because the force freaks her out and she’s totally spineless around people who can use it.
tagged by: i stole this from an old rp blog of mine from a while ago
tagging: and now it’s your turn,
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glados-kisser · 5 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond ! tysm ;;
Nickname: Nova most commonly!
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′5.5 because middle of the road is how it be
Time: 19:58 as of now! I think the zone is “ UTC -5:00 / -4:00″? It’s eastern US ^^;
Favorite band/artist: OOOOooooh hmm.... I really like a lot of artists, but I’ve been on a bit of a sleeping at last kick lately?? Ofc I also really like all the popular / common alt rock artists (like imagine dragons, fob, etc etc!)
Song stuck in my head: Oh none rn actually! partially bc I’m listening to music rn gbdfhdfhfd  but most recently I’ve had a few songs cycling through my head? Cups by Anna Kendrick, Stronger by The Score, and andy you’re a star by uhhhh....the killers maybe??
Last movie I saw: Captain Marvel! I loved it sm...
Last thing I googled: Oh no...this is a little shameful- “what is my timezone“. I KNOW MY TIMEZONE I SWEAR I JUST WASNT SURE IF THERE WAS A DIFFERENT NAME FOR IT
Other blogs:  oh uhhhh yea, a couple! @oceanic-year was a blog i made to document my trip through the carribbean, but i ended up abandoning it- i havent deleted it because :( memories... @clipped-warboy was my mad max blog for awhile! i had a character and everything - a friend of mine used to RP with me :> @wardgrave is my oc blog for my undead priest on wow! i still adore him tbh @coal-and-claws was an oc blog i was making for a worgen character on wow, but I never ended up doing anything with him ;; @thordude which ALSO doesnt have any content! i made that one bc i wanted the url becos thor is my...brother.....my best boy.... @mayal-ama-legacy is my swtor blog! @corvus-dnd is my Top Secret DM Inspiration Blog that I reblog art / stuff to that I want to look at later for inspiration for any campaigns I’m running! Do I get asks:   Not usually! Sometimes I’ll get the “send this to ten people you like seeing on your dash” asks, and those are lovely to see! 
Why did I choose this username:  So for YEARS I’d been rainbowbuttocks, but that was the url I chose when I was 14 and a young bastard, so I actually just recently changed it! I’ve been playing around in latin with a friend for RP purposes, and I ADORE crows! I chose sanctus bc....aesthetic but it’s holy-crow which is also a pun on holy-cow!
Following:  oh gosh, uhhhh 1,120 ! I like seeing Frequent Content
Average amount of sleep: I’ve been trying to get at least 8 hours! If I’m gonna be unemployed i might as well soak all the sleep i want from it
Lucky number: hmm....26 was always one i went for when i was 13? but that was because it was my age doubled, so now I suppose that’d be 38 :p
What I am wearing:  a dishonored t shirt (a fancy one with the heart n stuff on it!) and a pair of shorts that are missing their button lol
Dream job:  tv show writer!! but im a bastard who doesnt know how to do anything so!
Dream trip:   I’d love to go to bolivia to see salar de uyuni, but idk about that so i suppose i’d love to go back to the carribbean someday??
Favorite food:  salad rolls (or spring rolls?? the rice wrapper ones that arent fried) and pad thai are both BIG comfort foods <3
Instruments you play: I used to play the piano a little, but I don’t anymore :’)
Eye color:  Grey-green !
Hair color:  bbbbbrown babeyyyyyy! growing it out again though and might go for that sweet sweet red :o
Describe your aesthetics: Overgrown ruins, untouched by civilization for untold years and left to be reclaimed. Also, bones!  
Languages you speak: just english because im bad :( I know a TINY AMOUNT of german and EVEN LESS spanish. I’d love to learn arabic someday though!
Most iconic song: Okay, it took me a moment, but Sober Up by AJR is my THEME!  I moved to the East Coast with my sister recently, and I left...I left everyone behind. I’ve been in a rut, because I haven’t known how to make new friends- or how to connect with my old ones.  “Goodbye, goodbye, I said to my bestest buds. We said that we’d keep in touch, and we did our best.” Idk, it’s Big Mood for me and makes my chest hurt a little- but in a good way I think.
Random fact:  ah, hmm.. I’ve got a pet tarantula named Chimera! She’s a chilean rose hair and is aboutttttt 7 years old at this point ! I also have a plant in my windowsill named Daud, and he’s doing...ok. I’m a little worried that I’ve fucked up with him somehow, and don’t know how to help him get better ;;
Tagging: @mizushimo @kanine @didi-is-a-lamer @floofytrainnerd ! I...am Sure that there are other folks I’d like to tag & just forgot, so if you see this and think “wait, I would like to do this!” absolutely feel free to be tagged by me fgdngfdg also @ the guys I tagged there’s no pressure to do this if you arent comfy ! anyway!
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rannadylin · 5 years
31, 64 and 72 for the gaming asks?
31. Game with the besttheme song? – Monkey Island! At one point I’d figured out how to play it on myflute, because it’s so catchy and also works well in so many style variations.:-D
64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words? –Exploring Middle-earth (LOTRO) – I think that’s probably my longest-heldfavorite, anyway.72. Have any guilty pleasure games? – Hm.Maybe MMOs (LOTRO & SWTOR) because of what a time sink they are, since younever completely reach the end, and because every time I start playing one ofthem again I inevitably end up procrastinating all my projects and justleveling way too many characters and running around enjoying the scenery? (SUCHscenery, though, LOTRO especially!)
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