klazje · 2 months
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hey queen, are you loosing your religion yet?
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sullustangin · 2 months
Fluffy February 2024 Master List
Huzzah! I wrote 29 things for Fluffy February (ok, 28 things plus one very fluffy chapter for my bigger fluffy fan fic).
Highlights: I developed my canon for both Lenn Teraan and Cole Cantarus. I wrote another Akaavi/Mako piece (someone needs to write them an epic Carbonite Years fic). I posted my most explicit work so far (is that a low light?). Dr. Oggurobb has decided to weigh in a lot lately.
I'll post the round up list, and then reblog with the AO3 link.
Snow -- 10 ATC - the smuggler crew lands on Alderaan
Eavesdrop -- 22 ATC -- Someone is spying in the cantina.
Entertain -- 21 ATC -- Theron and Eva do an intel drop at a casino.
Learn -- 10 ATC -- Eva learns how to dance from Lenn Teraan.
Planet -- 29 ATC (chronologically "now" in canon) -- Eva buys a planet. Because.
Fire -- 36 ATC -- Eva, Theron, and the big family on Odessen roast marshmallows.
Recovery -- 24 ATC -- Eva recovers from the Nathema Conspiracy. Risha makes sure of it. CW for untended anorexia.
Smile --over the years -- Theron's teeth may not be real, but his smiles are.
Storm -- 5 ATC -- Eva meets her first magnetic storm.
Care -- 21/22 ATC -- After Theron is injured, Eva makes sure he gets the care he needs.
Quest -- 39 ATC -- Theron and his band of adventurers... need to go to bed.
Discipline -- 40 BTC -- the Grand Admiral headcanon/backstory that's been rattling around.
Splurge -- 25 ATC -- Eva buys Theron a gift that isn't exactly what he wanted.
Free space! I added to Elysium, for a little while.
Craft -- Carbonite Years -- Akaavi knits something for Mako for the first time; in terms of the relationship, that's a big deal.
Spontaneous --- Theron and Eva rope Lana into one of their schemes.
Pleasure -- 22 ATC -- Eva speculates on some of the alternative universes in which she met Theron differently.
Pain -- sometime between 25 ATC and 29 ATC -- Bit of a kinky piece wherein Theron has his old scars replaced by Eva. This is Explicit for sexual activity, biting, bruising, and blood.
Shadow -- the legend of the Voidhound, from a child's perspective.
Partners -- 21 ATC -- A Theron/Eva heist fic, with their radio comms as cover
Reward -- 40 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb finally retires... or so he thinks, thanks to Bowdaar.
Sacrifice -- 29 ATC (between patches 7.2 and 7.3) -- Theron sacrifices one of the few things to survive from his childhood. Eva is a pregnant person in this fic, so CW for that.
Dance - Eva dances with Jace Malcom. This is a continuation of an eventual post-Nathema fic about a party.
Apology -- 28 ATC (Between Elom and 7.3) -- Theron liberates Arcann from his job at a fast food join in Dromund Kaas by punching him in the face. No, I will not elaborate (I will totally elaborate).
Kiss -- 21 ATC -- Theron thinks about the his views on good morning kisses in the early days after Eva's return.
Rain -- 21 ATC -- Theron finds Eva out in the rain after Koth is worried about her. It's not as bad as it looks.
Protect -- 14 ATC -- Dr. Oggurobb meets the Voidhound on Makeb.
Shy -- 13 ATC -- Cole Cantarus becomes friends with benefits with Eva (she pays at the bar).
Fresh -- anytime after 23 ATC -- C2-N2 tries to start spring cleaning on Virtue's Thief. "Tries" is the operative word here.
@fluffyfebruary, @ayresis, @starlightcleric, @ermingarden, @blueburds-but-swtor, @vihola, @commanderlurker, @sarpndo, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @vexa-legacy, @grandninjamasterren
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magicallulu7 · 22 days
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"With my ray shield on, you can't hurt me." -Feylara
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"Aw, did the Instructions had too many big words?" -Ozias Porrim
~and here's Bowdarr's comment about this grand encounter!
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She's got it bad for him Bowdaar.
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chaos-enchanted · 1 year
It’s a shame we never got to have companion comments for the SoR expansions. I mean I get why (especially when whoever my character has gotten with in the class story gets immediately cuckholded by the time I see Lana or Theron). But like, there’s so many companions I imagine would have some funny/memorable moments in SoR, the most obvious probably being Scourge, but also: - Tharan meeting Theron
- Talos absolutely losing his mind with excitement in Yavin (I know he does during the Alliance recruitment quest but still)
- Doc being disgusted yet intrigued by the Selkath experiments (he’d probably steal some tech if he can though, same with Tharan)
- The absolute drama that would go down between Jakarro and Qyzen (tbh you’d probably have to break up that fight)
- Someone (probably Theron) commenting on the smell from being stuck in a room with both Bowdaar AND Jakarro
- Kaliyo would probably just straight up quit, and if not I think she’d at least enjoy using the turret in the Rishi fp (same with Tanno Vik)
- Torian and Akaavi would also have an absolute whale of a time going after the Revanites
- Andronikos being pretty much at home on Rishi (he would 100000% enjoy the whole pirate ruse and definitely the outfit)
I know there are a heap of others and I’d love to hear what you think should also be added to the list!
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killikhive · 8 months
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bad trip
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rum-inspector · 24 days
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Ruhnuk - when the war droids appeared
I headcanon the old companions still following our player around the galaxy and being just as dysfunctional reunited as they were originally
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alritaklegacy · 1 year
Bowdaar, menacingly: Groooooaaaaarr roaaar
Marreera: Bowie... I think if we did that, we'd go to jail.
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chubbyooo · 1 year
Guss: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Risha: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Bowdarr: Drunk
Corso: Wasted
Gacen (smuggler): Dead.
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cryo-lily · 1 year
They’re basically siblings your honor.
[based on an actual in-game interaction of my buddy turning in a mission on Hoth]
Taskar grinned at the other miraluka who had begun to thank him for handling the matter she asked of the smuggler. “I know you can’t see it, but I’m just that awesome.” Taskar couldn’t finish that statement without a shit-eatting grin.
Behind him Isadola was having a small discussion with Lana waiting for him to finish up. Isadola stopped mid sentence as her happy demeanor quickly faded upon hearing her friend’s statement. Her head slowly turned towards her friend with a death glare beginning to cross her face.
 Lana pinched the bridge of her nose hanging her head, “Oh no…” the Sith letting out a heavy sigh, knowing what was going to happen next. 
Bowdaar noticed Isadola slowly stalking towards Taskar as he crossed his arms “I will say you had an honorable death” taking a step back as the other miraluka approached with anger written across her face.
“What do you mean-” Was all the smuggler could get out before a fist flew into his face causing his vision to go black briefly. Taskar was still dazed, blinded by the bright sun shining down on the arctic tundra he now found himself laid out on with an angry Isadola standing over him.
“Seriously? You smug prick. After everything in our childhood you still make those jokes? I should-” Isadola clearly miffed, was cut off by her wife trying to drag her away from the stunned smuggler.
“Darling please control yourself. You should know he didn’t mean it like that.” Lana had to restrain the angry woman from possibly harming her friend more.
Taskar could only laugh as he spat out a little blood getting up to his feet, before turning back to the other jedi who watched all of it. “If you ever need our services again you know who to call!” before turning back to his friend. “Did being trained by the jedi make you lose your sense of humor, Issie?”
There was a long pause as Taskar could almost feel Isadola shooting death glares at him before she responded again “You’re lucky we still have stuff to do…” Isadola mumbled as Lana finally let her go, trusting that she wouldn’t do anything rash again.
“Yeah I love you too, you grumpy bitch” Taskar grinned briefly at his friend as he pulled out a datapad to check what mission they had to start heading to next. “Come on, you can work out your anger at me by killing some pirates.”
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sealeneee · 1 year
Doc vs Bowdaar
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dracoangel · 2 years
I find it a sin that Bowdaar is a melee and thus I cannot equip him with a bowcaster. A SIN I TELL YOU
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sullustangin · 3 months
Fluffy February Day 1: Snow
Fandom: SWTOR
Pairing: None (Gen fic)
Rating: PGish
“It’s snow.”
Risha leaned around the corner, peering down the hall into the cockpit.  The words had been said so breathlessly, she wondered if --
No.  It was the cold weather variety, not the fun sort.  She wrinkled her nose as she made her way up to the other human members of the crew aboard.  “The cold weather better not delay the delivery of that gonk droid.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eva said dismissively, utterly distracted by the flakes that danced across the front viewport of Virtue’s Thief.  She’d just landed at Pallista Spaceport on Alderaan.  The proper systems were being shut down, but Eva was on autopilot, enthralled. 
Corso, perched on the edge of the co-pilot’s seat, stabbed at a few flakes that fell on the other side of the viewport near him.  “You can even see all the angles and crystals on these.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen snow before.”  Risha craned her neck down slightly to get a look at the angle of approach.
“I have!” Corso insisted, slightly offended. 
Eva was unashamed as she continued to marvel.  “I heard rain for the first time when I was three years old.  I think I was… five, six?  When I first saw snow.”
“You’re a true-born spacer,” Risha commented.  Her parents’ ship had been planetside far more often than this hand-to-mouth smuggler family.  But there was something about Eva’s open awe and …child-like behavior.  Not childish – important distinction. 
“On this ship, not far from Bespin.” 
That struck Risha in… she didn’t want to say heart, because she still wasn’t completely sure Eva and her dump of a ship weren’t disposable. 
She felt something fuzzy twine himself between her ankles, as if sensing the lies in her head.  Damn that cat.  “Likewise.  Outer Rim.”  She almost added “the Mandellian Gambit,” but she checked herself; she’d already told that story about Nok to Eva, and the last thing she wanted to do was blow her cover.    “We eventually settled on Dantooine.  The only action on Dantooine was the change in seasons.  But winter stayed far too long, most of the time.”
“Well, Dantooine’s a backwater.  Anyone would get bored, even with snow,” Eva noted, eyes still fixed on the outside. 
Just then, one of the hatches to the outside of the ship opened up.  That snapped Eva out of it, and she spun in her chair to look back down the hallway.  Risha could almost hear the gears whirring as Eva passed her by.  Hylo unwound himself from Risha and trotted after Eva.  She disappeared down the stairs into the cargo hold.
Corso and Risha exchanged a look and followed her. 
The frigid air poured into the bay, the gangplank down and the doors open.  Eva casually strolled down the walkway.  She made bootprints in the thin layer of snow already on the ground and leaned up against one of the Thief’s landing gear.
Hylo put one tiny paw out into the snow, inspected his print, then turned tail and went back up into the warm ship…
Which wasn’t going to be warm for long.  Risha shivered.  “Ugh, why didn’t he just use the regular exit?”
“Maybe didn’t think of it.  He came up through the cargo hold while we were loading up… because he was used to it,” Corso answered uneasily. 
Risha almost made a comment about him being a poor merc if the thought of sentient trafficking shook him up but … she bit her tongue instead when her eyes adjusted to the stark white and the dark figure a few yards away from the ship.
Bowdaar stood out in the little snowstorm.  He seemed to be shifting his weight back and forth – no.  He was…
He was wiggling his toes in the snow for the first time in … stars knew how long.  A century?  Maybe?
He tilted his head up, letting his mane tumble back from his shoulders.  The wind grabbed at the edges of his fur, making them dance. 
And then a snowball hit him square in the chest.  The Wookiee turned to stare –
“Oh, sithspit, he’s gonna eat her!” Corso grabbed at Risha’s arm, but she shook him off. 
Bowdaar stared at Eva, who already had a second snowball in her hand.  She tossed it in the air once, as if considering her options, caught it ---
And then Risha was eating cold slush – “You TRAMP!” 
Before she could control that impulse or play it off cool, Risha found herself scrambling half-blindly toward the snow, because Eva Corolastor was due for a snow facial.
This indignity would not stand-- !
Risha was dead-set on taking out Eva, but then she heard Corso laughing –
She’d fix that—with two fistfuls of snow shoved right down his shirt—
Corso screeched like a little girl.
And Bowdaar huffed, loudly – and launched a snowball the size of a boulder at Eva, knocking her off her feet.  She cackled, the entire way down.
“Captain!  The ship’s temperature—”  C2-N2 stopped dead in his tracks as he realized he had made a terrible, terrible mistake.
The volley of snowballs sent him shuffling back to the safety of the hallway.
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lonewolfel · 1 year
Attack of Zakuul: Chapter 8
Read on AO3
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
Inspired by this post on Tumblr by @bluezeri
The ship was full of ...interesting individuals in Onorshash opinion. While she was familiar with the criminal aspect of the galaxy she had to admit the trip was odd. Not only was there a shocking amount of alcohol making her question how any of them were sober enough to fly a ship. Then there were their activities. If her companion walked into another one of Ciece and Torian's pazaak games he may spontaneously combust.
Onorshash took to staying in her bunk area just for the only place of peace. She could still hear all of her shipmates but it at least was better and she was mostly left in peace. 
The door to her bunk slammed open. A whirling vortex of anger and annoyance in the Force entered the room.
Left mostly alone.
Onorshash opened her eyes and looked at him. He was pacing. She reached out through the Force trying to send calming energy. He stopped pacing but he was still anything but calm.
"How can you deal with these people?" He demanded
"We are stuck on a ship. There is no point in causing issues as it will only make the trip only more uncomfortable. As such it is best to go to the flow." Onorshash said
"I know." He growled. He returned to pacing.
"I understand your withholdings," Onorshash said
"No, you don't." He snapped. He stopped pacing. "You are calm and collected and you seem to have dealt with some of them before."
"Yes, I've dealt with some of them before, but that doesn't make how they act any less strange to me. I spent my whole life in the Jedi Order." Onorshash said. He gave her a look.
"You've been in the Jedi Order you're whole life?" He asked. It was a genuine question as if he didn't realize that that was the norm. Onorshash opened her mouth to say her of course but paused. This could help gain his trust.
"I was found to be Force-sensitive at the age of three. After that, I was given to the Jedi Order and was raised by them. I never met my biological family. The Jedi Order is my family in all but blood." Onorshash explained
"That's horrible." He said. Onorshash felt her anger rise. He didn't know the Jedi Order.
"It isn't as bad as you think. It's necessary to ensure that we don't fall to the dark side." Onorshash defended
"Do you really believe that? That taking kids from their families is right?" He asked. Onorshash deflated. She turned her head and looked away.
"I don't know," Onorshash whispered. "If you had asked me when I was a teen I would have said yes now..." She thought about the young kids she comforted in the dead of night missing their families. She thought about the Siege of Coruscant. How children were killed just because they were being trained to become a Jedi.
"Now?" He asked. Onorshash opened her mouth to explain but she felt someone approaching. 
"HEY! Force users time to get a move on," Ciece called to them banging on the door. Onorshash stood up and returned to her emotionless facade.
"We should go," Onorshash said. She walked out of the room. Perhaps it was selfish and childish to take the out of the conversation. It was unbecoming for her to be that emotional. After all, she is still the Barsen'thor despite leaving the Jedi Order.
Onorshash walked into the main area of the ship. The man followed her out of the room. 
"You two have a nice meditation session," Risha asked. Bowdaar and the Mandalorians laughed. The man stuttered and blushed. Onorshash gave them a bored look.
"Have we arrived at Kashyyk?" Onorshash asked.
"Yep," Yezese said
"So what is the mission?" Onorshash asked
"Simple really enter a Czerka compound and then smash it," Ciece said
"Czerka?" Onorshash exclaimed in shock.
"Problem, Jedi?" Risha asked
"Yes, you are going to attack a large corporation. Do you have any idea the possible repercussion this could lead to?" Onorshash said
"Relax, Barsen'thor, we've done this before," Torian said
"That..." Onorshash stuttered
"Problem, Onorshash?" The man asked. She felt her body temperature rise.
"Yes, we are placing more possible enemies on our heads. We are already have both the Empire and Republic out for us we don't need to add Czerka." Onorshash said. She could barely keep her anger down. She understood that she was working for a criminal but she didn't think that she would have been so bored.
"An slavers." Yezese responded.
"I know," Onorshash said
"We're doing what your Republic refuses to do," Torian added.
"It's not like you really have a choice," Ciece said
"And that," Torian said. Onorshash barely managed to keep herself from displaying her displeasure. 
"Very well," Onorshash said
"Now we can have some fun," Ciece said. They put on their mask and prepared their weapons.
"What is the plan." Her companion said. This caused Ciece to groan.
"Can't we just go in there and blow the joint?" Ciece whined.
"It would be wise to have a plan," Onorshash said
"No need plan," Yezese argued.
"Yes." Ciece agreed.
No plans were made.
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killikhive · 8 months
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Urushia & co. posts
im obsessed w making these now
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serenofroses · 7 months
hm. think I have to start kotfe on Seleni and Zeki so I can get T7 and Blizz. they're better at heal/tank. asdfghjkl.
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