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Amused, he manages to chuckle faintly at her quip.
“Hah, perhaps you’re not too far off, since I feel...” He takes a moment to clutch his at his stomach. “--Rather ill about this endeavor, Champion of Alola. But... You’re right. It’ll be for the best.”
A smile graces his gloomy expression and behavior towards the young woman, but it quickly, very quickly falls away. He breaks eye contact, nearly covering his face with his hands.
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“I-I’m sorry--” A sob is quieted. “I’m s-sorry but I’ve failed you as well as much as I’ve failed her. I know you are under guidance by the Legendary Beast and you captured every UB remarkably well but I pulled you into something extremely dangerous and I will never forgive myself for it...”
“I am no better than the ones who designated Anabel as bait.”
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skullcd-blog · 7 years
sxnborn replied to your post: if i’m remembering things correctly, didn’t...
Also side note don’t some people find Zant sexy?? … Wha???
I mean if bendy straws with megalomania are your thing.
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volcalder · 7 years
@sxnborn: ((He is ready to fight))
[alder voice: come on........
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enharmonics-blog1 · 7 years
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like? (Giggly, cackly, hoarse, nervous, etc)
okay usually, n is a pretty quiet laugher, more of a giggly “ehehehe!” than an “AHAHAHA--”
it is possible, though difficult, to get him into absolute hysterics over something
firstly, hes going to continue giggling over it for probably the rest of the day, whatever it is
secondly, he will have difficulty speaking while laughing and also 100% will cry laugh
thirdly, he sounds like this (if the timestamp doesnt work, go to 13:58, his voice (or in this case laugh) claim is griffin/”look at that! i’m obfuscated by my reticle!”)
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agentcatman · 7 years
"I bring you coffee anyway, how much more work could shopping be?"
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“ You say that, but I wonder how much you can lift? “ 
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anistargardy · 7 years
((My url? ;3;))
Do I Follow Them?: Yep!
Why Did I Follow Them?: I forget who followed first? Either way, we’ve both got muses with the depression/anxiety combo, that’s a good reason.
Do We Role Play?: Not yet!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Sure! Might have to get Mitsuko to Kalos, or one of my own people to Alola, but other than that, nothing holding it back.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Given Mitsuko’s love of aliens - space exploration?? Uh, I don’t know why I’m so drawn to space tonight. Might be because I’ve been listening to a lot of both American and world news today, and wow, it is disheartening! Makes me wanna escape to space, even if it’s just in fiction.
A Song For Our Muses: Mitsuko’s a ‘light child,’ and my guy Gardy is super light, both in appearance and disposition. Put ‘em together? Ultra Light.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Nope.
What I Think About The Mun: We haven’t talked yet, but they seem nice!
Overall Opinion: We’ve yet to really interact, outside of a few memes here and there, but Mitsuko’s a cool OC who I wouldn’t mind having a good thread with!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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volcalder · 7 years
@sxnborn: ((That hair puts Lysandre to shaaame))
[quote me on this, quote me: lysandre’s hair aint got shit]
@ofbattlecries: help 40 yo benga is hot
[i’ll draw more of him for you bb]
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empathability · 7 years
💚 (HMU with that "Hey being a Faller kinda sucks" relationship boiii)
Oh NO... Good lord, yes the whole fact of Interpol using the protag as a Faller, too. HaaaaaHHHHHhhhhHHHH.
She will protect........!!!!!!
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enharmonics-blog1 · 7 years
sxnborn replied to your post: this is bad, bad for team plasma, or plasbad for...
((Good grief, good thing I took my headphones off beforehand))
i listen to all my hellmusic with my headphones on because i no longer fear death after staring the monsters ive created in the face
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controlledhues · 7 years
Send me a 🌈 and I’ll tell you what color I think relates to your muse.
‘‘Pastel yellow is my choice for you. There’s something incredibly innocent that I see on you… and sweet.’’ 
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