#sygna suit lana
pokemaster91 · 6 months
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I can feel the psychic powers growing! Lana & Tapu Lele have now got their 6* EX style unlocked!
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
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Lana get!
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firecodex · 1 year
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Official wallpaper featuring Hau, Mina, Acerola, and Lana in their sygna suits
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Sygna Suit Lana
Lele is probably my favorite of the Tapu.  Lana is one of my least favorite characters period.  Her outfit is the only female outfit this month I like.  She’s an awkward supportive unit but her support is damage.  If you can’t tell, I am wildly conflicted about this sync pair.
General Overview Okay, the last three Tapu have all had two field effects, so while Lana gets Psychic Terrain, what's her other?  ...no?  It's just Psychic Terrain?   Huh...
Lana and Lele are a Psychic Striker, and their focus is infinite terrain.  Extension 5 with summonable Terrain and MPR means infinite.  Additionally, she gives stacks of moves up next (just to herself) under terrain as well, so this is...really good for offense. Moonblast is good DPS for Fairy Zone if supported, while her Buddy move is sure hit/crit, AoE without penalty, and costs 2 less gauge under terrain.  Her trainer move is just +6 to both offenses, and SEUN.  While her base stats let her down a bit, having permanent access to her own field multiplier makes this a bit of an Archie situation.  Though given the conditions of her Buddy move, the better comparison is SST Red, whose damage she almost matches.  However, when the sides are down, her damage does not compress, and she’s left in a very awkward position where the lack of supportive effects (among like everything else) make her far worse for Gauntlet than God-King Red.
The thing is, Lana’s support is just damage, which is my least favorite way to do support, because it has such a high potential to overshadow the allies she’s trying to help.  It just strikes me as a problem when your support pair is blasting for more than your low-tier striker.  So on those grounds, I’m willing to call her the worst of the four this month.  But also, truth be told?  Mina’s really awkward with very little niche to fill, and Lana does admittedly synergize a lot better with her type.  Being a solid damage dealer that shreds the sides while consuming basically nothing in gauge is really good.  I’m not sure if I’d put her over Hau, though.  I’m not entirely sold, given how well Hau supports Electric-types.
Move Level and EX? Move Level at 1/5 is fine if you want her to just support someone with terrain. Her Buddy move is the main source of damage, after all.  3/5 doesn't actually make her sync better than her DPS support, but it does offer gauge recharge per attack, 50% chance for stacks of moves up next, MPR on Terrain, and Propulsion on trainer move.  5/5 is actively hilarious, because it’s just another sync multiplier that doesn’t even push her above Caitlin.  Do not bother.  Sync is not her calling.  Because of that, EX is actively discouraged, but the 20/20 stats are, as always, very nice for low offense strikers.
Team 1: SS Lana, SS Lusamine, Kiawe Lusamine finally receives her full power.  With Propulsion on trainer move, Lana permits Lusamine to hit sync a turn early, while sustaining infinite gauge.  Weird Might improves Lana's DPS, while Weird Charge recoups one gauge every action under Terrain.  Just lean into maximum DPS.  Kiawe is chosen because Lusamine needs one (1) point of crit to reach max potential, and this composition is all Alolan, for the full 50% bonus to move damage that she's been waiting for with Alolan Spirit.  The speed boosts shouldn't be necessary, but they're nice.
Team 2: SS Lana, Oak, SS Brendan I’m gonna talk a bit about Oak, who I’ve literally never once even considered.  Lana works well with options like Oak, where everything is single-target, because her Buddy move trucks sides.  SS Brendan is selected to debuff  special defense for Oak, and because I legitimately couldn’t think of anyone more effective for what we’re going for.  The idea is Brendan will need to take first sync to cap crit, and you’ll want a denial on the left to salvage a turn if you don’t pack Adrenaline.  The goal is for Oak’s sync to finish center.  I will admit.  Oak’s conditions are a bit wonky for sync.  Boosted speed and evasion are...weirdly specific, and I can’t think of anything that buffs those as a support, while also helping special attack and crit.  It just doesn’t exist.  So, Brendan will have to do.  And he does do well!  Terrain and Team Weird Vibes 2 does really improve the power of Psychic.
Team 3: SS Lana, C!Bede, Tate This is about as close as the kid’s gonna get to everything he wants.  SS Lana provides the infinite Terrain, and ability to just truck the sides.  C!Bede provides confuse effect and a billion points in boosts, which is ideal for Tate, who can get pretty respectable DPS too.  I do think Lana’s just gonna shred, but he’s trying.
Team 4: SS Lana, SS Acerola, SS Hau Now.  Their passives obviously kick off with entry.  And they’ll cycle through each.  Which means, logically, that you get three activations.  Lana gets a boost to both moves up next for each, Acerola gives physical for each, and Hau gives special for each.  +6 to both types of moves up next.  Now, I can’t tell which field effect happens last.  I’d like to believe it’s by placement in Tactics.  So you could set up Lana to not be last, then have Mina and Hau set a condition each, Lana acting last to max her effects.  Then, B Protect, Hau effect, Lana effect.  +10 to both moves, you are protected against damage, Lana is about to swing with Terrain, +20% damage from passive, +30% damage from grid, and +10 stacks of physical moves up next, hitting AoE without penalty, and guaranteeing a crit and a hit.
G.  G.
Final Thoughts There just...isn't much to say about Lana.  Because she's a striker with no real supportive effects, there's not much she contributes that’s unique.  You just pair her with a Psychic type damage dealer with decent sync, and go to town.  There’s just...nothing special.  I guess that’s kinda the Psychic Specialty.  They’re all pretty straight-forward.  I mean except Lucian.
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hapuriainen · 3 months
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As a fan of fancy dresses, I appreciate that so many of the Pokegirls have been given one.
Not everyone is admitted to the gala though:
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Pokemon Masters EX outfit: Leaf, Misty, Kris, Lyra, May, Hilda, Serena, Lillie, Lana, Marnie.
Iris uses her champion dress, and while Rosa does have a champion outfit in Masters, the princess costume from Pokestar studios was closer to what I had in mind for this. Dawn also has a Masters Sygna suit but I don't like how it looks and her contest dresses fit this theme alright.
Shauna and Chloe have Pokemon Performer (?) outfits (I'm not up to date with the anime terminology), though Chloe's is more like just reusing May's contest outfit so it doesn't feel truly hers, so she's on thin ice. Also the performer outfits feel more like idol costumes than formal party dresses to me so while they are fancy, it's not quite the kind of fancy I really want to see.
Elaine has the Formal Set and Gloria has some customisation options, namely the Party Dress, that are reasonably formal, though still underdressed compared to most of the other guests (meanwhile Hilda and Rosa are sort of overdressed but that's not a problem). And then there's Akari who I almost put in the other group but then remembered she does have the Tailored Suit outfit. Which is extremely not what I'm after, but then again if I were to include the Poke Boys in this, that outfit would be alright for any of them. So fine, let's not be sexist and she can stay too.
Then there's Selene who does have customisation options but none of them are fancy enough; this is the best I could come up with but it's not nearly enough. And Bianca, Mallow, Klara, Juliana, Nemona, Penny, Carmine and Liko don't have a fancy dress that I know of.
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outfitpolls · 2 months
BONUS POLL: Lana Sygna Suit
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mala-sadas · 1 year
[Pokémas datamine spoilers ahead]
The more I think about it, the more I reeeally like the choices they made for the Alola VA alts - both in terms of who got them and who didn't get them.
I mean, the four characters who are getting VA alts - Hau, Lana, Acerola, and Mina - are all Alola natives and Trial Captains, or in Hau's case, grandson of the current kahuna. So, to see them teaming up with the island guardians - and their battle theme being a remix of the island kahuna theme - is a symbolic way of saying "these are the future kahunas, the guardian deities have already accepted them, Alola will be safe in their hands". We're not gonna have a repeat of what happened with Hapu, where the previous kahuna dies and the island goes without a kahuna for a bit because the island guardian doesn't think there's anyone suited for the position yet.
And it's especially satisfying to see that happen to Hau, because he's always dreamed of becoming an island kahuna like his grandpa, but his attitude at the beginning of his journey - that he only battles for fun and doesn't care if he wins or loses - is honestly not a great attitude for someone who's supposed to be the protector of his island to have. So, the fact that Tapu Koko has acknowledged him demonstrates that Hau has matured as a person and is worthy of being a guardian. (And the fact that becoming a kahuna is important to his character arc specifically is probably why he's the only one whose sygna suit resembles the outfit of one of the current kahunas.)
Meanwhile, since Selene and Elio aren't even from Alola and Gladion doesn't even take the island challenge (outside of the anime), there wouldn't be any significant meaning, symbolic or otherwise, to them teaming up with the Tapus. And it feels appropriate for all the VA units to be with Tapus instead of, say, Hau getting a Tapu while the others just get random UBs or dupe legendaries.
Plus, the fact that Elio, Selene, and Gladion aren't getting alts now makes it highly likely that they'll get Neo Champion alts in the future. And that feels especially appropriate, too. After all, Elio/Selene is the first Champion of Alola in the core series games, on top of being the first of protag to actually take the position of Champion instead of just getting the title and still having to fight the old Champion in rematches. So it feels especially unfair for them to get their status as Champion revoked by Pokémas's "we can't acknowledge that the protagonist beat the Champion" policy.
Meanwhile, Gladion is a title defense challenger in both SM and USUM, and it feels like an excellent demonstration of his character growth for him to participate in a competition where there are no stakes and it genuinely doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. Because to me, Gladion's character arc is the opposite of Hau's - where Hau learns that sometimes he really does need to take battles seriously, Gladion learns that it's okay to take it easy and just battle for fun sometimes. The old Gladion wouldn't have bothered to try in a competition where there's nothing for him to gain, so him being able to succeed in a Neo Champion tournament would really demonstrate how he's grown.
Sooo...yeah. Good choices, DeNa!
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brainshock-alpha · 11 months
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well on the bright side i did get the high score medal :) ended up trying harder than i needed to, which... is not an unfamiliar feeling to me LOL.......... but anyway loads of details under da cut
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as you can see, besides archie and nc marnie i really did not have a whole lot to work with LMAO. i gave EX to kris, grimsley, and may to make this easier, which in retrospect was clearly unnecessary (well, the expanded range was really helpful for kris and grimsley, but i probs could have gotten the medal even without it).
the final three fights were the ones i felt like i squeezed as many points as i was willing to get out of them, whereas with the misty and marlon battles i could have pushed for a few thousand more points without having to spend any additional resources, if i'd really felt like it (i didn't).
partway through the event i figured out two really big things: one, that in spite of resilience properly timed staggers still make a huge difference, and two, the points gained from a higher strength value far outweigh the bonus u get from confusion. or basically any other metric. with stronger opponents you're gonna need to land more hits to knock them out anyway, so that alone makes up for the time lost. some specific comments:
relying on rain for damage boosts was actually quite risky in this event cuz most of the time you're also boosting the other guys too. but misty had the weird hail gimmick, so this is where i put the archie team. og misty for defensive buffs + a smidge of healing; lodge may for uhhh multihit padding and hoenn spirit stat stick LOL.
for marlon, sygna suit misty was shockingly pivotal to earning more points from this fight. hazing away his attack and evasion buffs ended up doing a lot for me! and i think i gridded for TM refresh on may cuz i truly did not want to deal with critical nightmare on elio.
lana........... ugh. for me this was the most "Restart For Optimal Flinch Procs Or Die" fight of them all. unEXed hilbert folded like a cheap suit to most attacks, and og kris, even fully invested... i'm sorry to say... is quite underwhelming in a non-super-effective battle :(
clearly i did not have the confidence to take on a fifth battle with my bottom-of-the-barrel water units, so i grabbed the biggest off-type gun i had (nc marnie obviously) and just blasted away at nessa with bigger and bigger numbers. i ended up at +500 strength for the opponents -- did you know at that high of a number the game actually warns you that you might not be able to finish? swimsuit misty provided healing and marlon provided defense buffs that Didn't apply regen to marnie, not to mention some clutch unyielding procs...
the mc gyarados i used for archie was tech gyarados. mainly for flinches, but rain dance did actually come in handy too! after the opponents had two sync buffs, they're strong enough that your health may as well be a binary value (Alive or Not) cuz if they so much as breathe on you then you're toast. at that point it doesn't even matter that rain also boosts their moves, so, you know. i had a lot of trouble getting grimsley to work here until i traded one of his sync move powerups for speedy entry 2 -- remember that shit activates AGAIN on mega! from then on, inertia really made an impact on his sync damage.
overall this event was pretty interesting in a lot of ways; i actually had a lot of fun teambuilding and switching around who takes on which battle to try to find an optimal setup. my main gripe is that the on-type bonus is SO massive that you're severely limited if you don't have 14 or 15 on-types, which for most types BESIDES water is frankly unreasonable. yes, yes, i know it's to get people to spend on the associated on-type banner, but i dread the day they roll out with a poison or fairy type high score event... SURELY they won't have such a high multiplier for those, right...?
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spaghetsquid · 10 months
Pls Dena, Kyogre and Lana Sygna Suit pair. Plllss. I’d take Shiny Kyogre and pink Lana if that’s what it takes. She neeeds to match her uncle Archie and finally have her dream come true. Let her catch a Kyogre plsss
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fluorescencefuture · 2 years
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Second set of requests from Twitter done! This one’s focused on Gym Leaders + a Trial Captain and a Warden
Yes, you can use these as icons, as long as you credit!
List of characters under read more:
1. Brock (Sygna Suit PokeMas), Lt. Surge (HGSS), Koga (LGPE)
2. Sabrina (LGPE), Jasmine (HGSS), Brawly (ORAS)
3. Cress, Cilan, and Chili
4. Lenora, Burgh, Elesa (BW2)
5. Iris (BW), Roxie, Drayden
6. Lana, Milo, Gordie
7. Melony, Piers, Raihan
8. Klara, Avery, Melli
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pokemaster91 · 1 year
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Whilst fishing in Alola, we made really good friends! Lana & Tapu Lele have come to try out the waters in Pasio!
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
Pull Priorities for Alola Villain Arc:
Sygna Suit Lana
Sygna Suit Acerola
Sygna Suit Hau
Sygna Suit Mina
Definitely getting Lana, probably want Acerola, may pick up Hau if I get the other two early since he’s great Electric Support, prolly won’t pull on Mina. The designs on these are really kinda weird with the mixing terrains and weather so it’s hard to tell how good some of these are but seems like solid support for all types involved.
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firecodex · 1 year
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Official artwork for the Alola Villain Arc
Retrieved by TheBlizZar_ (Twitter)
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Apparently I lied. I needed to test out Lana here, because I had some Big Opinions about her that...have been challenged. For anyone wondering, she's 2/5.
General Overview Lana, as a sync pair, has a great supportive effect in her Terrain, but her only supportive function is DPS. This is my least favorite thing in the world, because this kind of approach generally overshadows allies, and renders them irrelevant. Lana's lower stats, however, makes it so allies compete. Her DPS isn't too exceptional on single-target, and her sync is downright terrible. It's basically the Archie effect, only without the issue of only having one application of your field effect. I may or may not be saying the Tapu are better than Master Fairs.
But all of this leads to me considering her pretty shit in Gauntlet. Poor single-target DPS and horrible sync is a recipe for disaster in this mode, especially when you have a flat 0 defensive tools. So I needed to know, can she really contribute?
The positives of Lana are the amount of DPS provided. Terrain is a huge boost, allowing even weaker hits to deal serious damage. Her Buddy move in particular can shred opponents when facilitated. Lana works best with partners that can sync nuke effectively, or are similarly high DPS to pair with strong support EX. To her credit, she also never ran out of Terrain for me.
Lana's weakness is that she is a designated third slot. Lana's power is not so great that she steals any show except maybe Latios. As a result, your usual thirds do not exist, and gauntlet gimmicks require the support or the main offensive partner to check. Meaning if you don't deal with paralysis, or with debuffs, or with flinch, your run is in serious trouble. Paralysis is the big issue. Yes, I know, Calem exists. But also come on man. Sincerely. Come on. Base Calem is so bad. Lana also really struggles to take hits. I have her with Vigilance, and even then some hits are chunking her for over half. Most notably, without disruptive effects, fights like Azelf become a nightmare with her on the team. Moonblast does not even deal pretend amounts of damage, so the notion of using her mixed offense spread to accomplish anything is a joke. Lana, as a result, can accomplish things, but often less effectively than a simple alternative that can reliably flinch or sleep. And that's significant for the teams I built.
Vs. Latios This is Lana's best showing, being able to deal good damage when it's spread, and Latios is low-threat enough. Will is a solid secondary damage dealer, thanks to a few traits. Stored Power is good DPS. Air Slash can flinch for a lockdown on fights where it matters. Confuse Ray helps check Uxie. MU Torchic was the selected partner, since it can cap special attack and crit for Will. Gradual Healing and Synchro Healing are helpful for survival, but also it's Latios so this is not as impressive here as with other fights.
Vs. Tapu Bulu Same general structure, but Lele has the benefit of setting Psychic Terrain over the Grassy Terrain, which is relatively handy for minimizing Bulu's damage. Once again, MU Torchic and Will are the combo, thanks to Will's potential for disruption.
Vs. Tornadus BP Surge has inherent paralysis, which answers the Tornadus fight well. Tate has some decent sync power with Cakewalk, and can flinch with Zen Headbutt. The specific issue is that Surge is squishy as shit, and Tornadus can easily overwhelm him. Also Tate is weak to Dark. Brutal Swing. It's a massive mess. I feel like the only reason we won this was that Tate hit flinch right at the end of the second bar, then again before Heat Wave, or he'd be dead. Which is just too specific.
Vs. Terrakion On-type, this ought to be good! And it kinda is. Lana can deal crazy damage on-type. I opted for Phoebe as a low-tier support to help Tate, who can flinch but isn't reliable about it. The fun is that with infinite terrain, even Tate's dealing good damage on Zen Headbutt. It's respectable.
Vs. Cobalion This fight is a brutal time. Tate needs to be on his flinch game for it to work out. If you thought Tornadus was dangerous for Surge, Cobalion is downright terrifying. But, the paralysis does check it, so that's a big help.
Vs. Azelf This fight sucks. MU Torchic and Will again. The flinch rate is the only thing salvaging it, but Will has to be really on his game. Azelf basically cannot get sync off ever. Even one is devastating. It takes forever for Will to reach a point where he can handle Azelf's first phase and get to Lana, but if you get hit with sync near that phase, you likely just reset Terrain, and guess who else is Psychic-type! It's a clean wipe. This is such an annoying fight.
Vs. Uxie Initially, the intent was MU Torchic. Uxie doesn't hit too hard, you'd think we'd be able to handle it. But nope! This is the problem with Uxie. It's not too immediately powerful, but it's impossible to stop its damage, so relying just on gradual healing tanks does not work at all. So I had to crack. Variety Agatha's back on the menu, throwing out support for Will. I slightly regret not pushing for a defensive support and letting Lana take point on DPS, but...I dunno, having seen her damage numbers, it's not good.
Vs. Latias At this point, I gave up on MU Torchic being worth anything, and kept up Agatha. I brought Oak along for no reason in particular, and also because he has randomized debuffs to keep Latias in check. Lele does well enough at the outset, but unfortunately cannot stop Mud Slap. And if Oak ever syncs, he loses Swift. So this is very reliant on DPS. The good news? Swift and Lana's Buddy move are both sure hits, so the accuracy drop doesn't matter. So that's kinda nice.
Vs. Regirock I was so done at this point. So Agatha again, and Will for the better flinch rate. The thing is, even with Vigilance, Rock Slide still chunked Lele, so Agatha's passive healing needed to be on point to get anywhere. Which it thankfully was. But still, not great.
Vs. Entei Generally easier thanks to the vulnerability to flinch. This is also when I got to learn how good Buddy Psycho Cut can be with defense drops. Lana can deal respectable damage under Terrain with -6 defense, it's just getting there. Acquiring the defense debuffs requires a lot of compressed support for other gimmick checks. So it works here, but it's not exactly my favorite outcome.
Final Thoughts Sygna Suit Lana is better than I thought here, but you'll note I didn't clear Moltres. There is no situation in which bringing SS Kris or Ingo to a fight while also using Psychic Terrain on Lana makes sense. Their buffs are wasted on her, and there's no ally in the world that needs both terrain any another weather effect.
Lana's big problem is just the lack of anything but DPS. I'm sure she's great for CS, but Gauntlet's a huge problem. She can get the job done, and for some stages on a relatively small budget. But it's rough. It's a lot of RNG and investment and frankly more stressful than it's worth. So on this, I do think Lana's pretty...not that great.
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hapuriainen · 3 days
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Lana Sygna suit.
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outfitpolls · 5 months
Loser's Round Two, Match 45
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