#sylvain ocs
sylvain-scribbles · 1 year
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"get a haircut, hippie!"
blu soldier oc. what if he actually was a hippie. any pronouns i might draw them again idk
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coucou-art · 10 months
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I miss drawing elaborate fe3h shit
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moeblob · 3 months
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So I was telling someone about new OCs I'm making and mentioned "you know how I love Wife Guy Sylvain who will show off his cute wife at all times" and ... it made me wanna draw Sylvain and Bernadetta again.
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mossymandibles · 7 months
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Posting this for vday I guess
And a detail crop cuz I like how Jago is just sort of smooshed in there.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 2 months
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If I were in the fe3h world, I would be a SIMP FR 😳😩🤪
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daikonsnac · 2 months
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Made an oc for fun, I love drawing dramatic shojo panels 🙏
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commander-sarahs-art · 5 months
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HELLO HELLO!!! I really enjoyed doing the holiday YCH! so i’m doing some for summer this year. Plus our beloved kitty Nebula is currently hospitalized for some lung issues and were staring down the barrel of a $800-1000 bill so a sale like this will be a great help for raising money for her bill!💕
(Yes im a few months early but i’m trying to be ahead of the game so by the time i finish with these it will be summer!🤩)
So same vibes as last time! Fill out the google form and all of the info you could want is there! But as a preview!
The Couple Sketch YCH is $100-115
Chibi YCH are $35 Each!
Rules are:
All are completely customizable
Chibi’s Drink/Popsicle is interchangeable with either style
Any gender for any poses
Body Types are changeable as well!
More Complex Additions (Wings,Armor,Etc) will be an additional charge!
Payment UPFRONT in USD, Payment plans can be discussed!
As always my normal commission rules apply to these:)
Thank you guys SO much!! Any signal boosts would be SUPER appreciated!!💕
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teyvatmoon · 7 months
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doodlin my darling, my sweet boy before i do some studying 🤧
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justrandomgrill · 9 months
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I am insane. More attacks. I take no hostages
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ochitea · 2 months
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imma try to draw her more
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ruinedgautier · 2 months
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sorry to my fans but i just rlly like drawing my self insert x sylvain a LOT
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sylvain-scribbles · 2 years
ok ill bite. oc posting
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prismbearer · 7 months
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Shepherd to the Stars…
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
FE3H OC: Kitt Burgess (they/them) - Academy Phase Art
Featuring some canon characters :3
cw: mild body horror for some of the images
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The first part of their backstory can be found on my previous post!
I've also included some additional support and quote information under the cut :3
Dining Hall
Flayn - B/C Support
Flayn: "I do enjoy having these meals with you, Kitt. …Though, not so much the awkward silence."
Kitt: "Better than awkward conversation, if you ask me."
Flayn - A Support
Flayn: "You should allow me to cook something next time, Professor! Kitt here agrees, do you not?"
Kitt: "You know I always look forward to your inventions, Flayn. But let's make sure it's something that the Professor can actually digest first."
Seteth - C Support
Kitt: "Look who emerged from the office. Don't you have work to do? Some poor soul to lecture about the dangers of falling from divine grace?"
Seteth: -sigh- "So that's how it's going to be. Very well, then."
Seteth - B Support
Seteth: "There's no need for those sidelong glares, Kitt. Can we at least sit and eat together in relative civility?"
Kitt: "Oh, I don't know. Can we?"
Seteth - A Support
Kitt: "Well. I suppose it isn't so bad sharing a meal with you every now and then." Seteth: "Any small amount of improvement is better than none at all."
Linhardt - C/B Support
Linhardt: "By the way Kitt, there is something I've been meaning to ask you-" Kitt: "Do you really expect me to split my attention between the food on my plate and the topic you have in mind?"
Linhardt - A Support
Kitt: "I'm glad that you're chewing your food in silence, but must you stare at me all the while?" Linhardt: "Oh, does that mean you're finally willing to hear out my questions? Wonderful."
Lysithea - C/B Support
Kitt: "I wonder if there's cake on the menu today. No? That's a shame." Lysithea: "You could have picked some other way to poke fun at me without getting my hopes up!"
Lysithea - A Support
Kitt: "Seriously though. Why is there never any cake on the menu? I want to know what all the fuss is." Lysithea: "Oh, alright. I'll share some of mine with you later. Then you'll finally know what you're missing."
Working Together
Flayn - C/B Support
Kitt: "If anything goes awry, I'll never hear the end of it from Seteth." Flayn: "Then we must simply see to it that he remains blissfully unaware."
Flayn - A Support
Kitt: "You've been pulling your weight a lot more these days. You're more capable than you look." Flayn: "Did you not think me capable to begin with? Truly, I'm hurt."
Flayn - Result
Flayn: "Did we do well? I think we did well. Please say that we did well, Professor." Kitt: "You're not going to get any honest praise acting desperate like that."
Felix - Picking Weeds
Felix: "For someone who's always avoiding the training grounds, it's alien to see you put in this much effort." Kitt: "Who says I'm avoiding that place? You're always there, so maybe it's you I'm treating like the plague." Felix: "That's… ugh, forget it."
Felix - Clearing Rubble
Felix: "I don't get it. I never see you at training, so how are you hauling more rubble than I am?" Kitt: "Excuse me? Sounds like you're the one who needs to train a little harder." Felix: "Unbelievable."
Felix - Result
Kitt: "Why the sour look, Felix? We got the job done. You even helped a little." Felix: "Hmph. I wasn't about to let you make a fool out of me."
Marianne - Cleaning Stables
C/B Support
Kitt: "Hello, Dorte. You look fine today." Marianne: "Kitt? ...Are you talking to the horses?" Kitt: "I've seen you do it, thought it wouldn't hurt to try."
A Support
Kitt: "Oh Dorte, we're really in it now." Marianne: "Kitt… That's not Dorte." Kitt: "…Wait, have I been talking to the wrong horse this entire time?"
Marianne: "Um. We finished, Professor. Kitt was the one who did all the real work." Kitt: "Oh, please. You don't expect the Professor to believe that, do you Marianne?"
Kitt: "Just a little sigh, Hapi. Something to help us get away from all this work." Hapi: "Watch it, Kitty-Cat. I might actually take you up on that offer."
Kitt: "I'm just saying, a monster showing up would have made things a bit more exciting." Hapi: "Would've been more of a hassle to deal with too."
Bernie - Clearing Weeds
Kitt: "Don't pick up any dangerous-looking rocks, Bernie." Bernadetta: "Wait, r-rocks? Why rocks? Don't you mean dangerous-looking plants?"
Kitt: "We're done, Professor. Bernie did really well today." Bernadetta: "Hey, don't put me on the spot like that! Even if it means I get to have a little more credit…"
Seteth - Sky Watch
C Support
Kitt: "If you're going to lecture me, Seteth, I'm just going to look the other way." Seteth: "Actually, I was going to comment on how you seem to be putting in more effort these days. But… I suppose silence works just as well."
B/A Support
Kitt: "How about a race, Seteth? You and me, just like old times. Seteth: You know I will do no such thing, Kitt. Although, I suppose if no one is looking…"
Kitt: "All done, Professor. Seteth did his best today." Seteth: "A little condescending, but I'll take it as praise regardless."
Generic Quotes
Dining Hall
Favorite: "Now that's an interesting dish. I can't wait to try it." Regular: "Do you ever get bored eating the same old thing every day? Makes you glad for the variety here." Disliked: "I don't hate this kind of dish… just feels a bit plain is all."
Favourite: "For me? I must be dreaming!" Regular: "I'm grateful." Disliked: "...Is this a joke?"
Cooking "I know a thing or two about cooking. Can't promise that our tastes align though." "Back where I'm from, we did all of our cooking outdoors. Why don't we try something like that next time?"
Choir "There's no need to think too much when singing. Just do what feels right."
Tea Time:
"I'm here, Professor." "Hello there."
Favourite Tea: "Do you like this kind of tea, Professor? It's actually my favourite."
Expensive Tea: "Ooh, you brought the fancy stuff! For me? You shouldn't have."
Conversation Phase:
"Professor, did you know that you can use tea leaves to divine the future? Looking at your cup, I'd say… good fortune is heading in your direction!"
"How much do you know about Demonic Beasts, Professor? Oh. Sorry, I guess that's not something I should bring up over tea and cookies."
"You know, I often get super anxious when things are this quiet. But for some reason I feel perfectly calm when you're close by."
"I know I shouldn't skip sparring. But aren't you worried that things could get… I don't know, dangerous?"
"Whatever happens in this war, you're the one person I trust to set things right. Try not to let me down, okay?"
"I'm not fond of these small dorm rooms, but yours isn't so bad."
"The others may call me superstitious. But when the future is so uncertain, what's wrong with hedging your bets?"
"I try to be nice to everyone. But not too nice."
Observation Phase:
"Is my face really that fascinating to look at, Professor?"
"Just so we're clear, it's only fair that I get to stare right back at you."
"This scarf? I've had it since I can remember. I take extra care to keep it looking good as new."
"I always keep this knife around. With all due respect, Professor, you don't need to know what it's for."
Leaving: "I had fun today. Let's do this again some time!"
Thanks for making it this far! Here is a theme song for Kitt for your troubles. :3
Fast as you can - Fiona Apple
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frankenbuggee · 5 months
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I did promise more of my old Sylvith art from my previous account 💙🧡 I’ve never spammed the world with so much Fanart/ ocxcanon art!
Also Ingrid’s va liked the art of Sylvain with the babies on insta and I died inside knowing she could see the simping💀
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insomniiyac · 5 months
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Yes indeed~! So idk if many of you read Selene’s one-shot (if you haven’t go check it out! It has a NSFW warning because of a lil nipple lol), but she had a best friend named Mauve that passed away shortly before she attended NRC.
Well, this is Mauve’s twin brother, Maddox! He attends RSA and is an integral part to the tragedy surrounding his sister’s death. He’s a well-meaning guy, super talented, but a little lost (as well as a bit of a himbo!)
Maddox used to lean on Mauve when they were children, him being the more shy and aloof younger twin. He opted to spend more time with his male cousins and neighbors despite being nudged to interact with Selene to curry favor with her.
He never wanted to interfere between Selene and Mauve’s friendship, though both girls would happily include him whenever he showed interest. It was through them that he was able to become more confident in himself.
But now that Mauve’s gone, what does that mean for him and Selene?
I’m so excited to walk through and share their story with all of you! Hope you like it!
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