darkaac · 4 months
[horrible sounds of creaking steel sheets] hm hm hm hm yes of course it saves the ever-increasing number of files required for a live service game in C:, in locallow at that
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 8 months
Use heroic, they said. It's so easy, they said.
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lizclipse · 1 month
i always love working with javascript because i'm currently using 17 gigs of ram with just a couple dev servers and npm is just sat around spinning installing things because apparently the link feature is just garbage compared to yarn's
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linuxtldr · 2 years
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flyerkerlon · 2 years
Symlinker windows
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You’d run the following command: ln -s /Users/name/Downloads /Users/name/DesktopĪfter creating the link, you’d see your Downloads folder appear on your desktop. Let’s say you wanted to create a symbolic link in your Desktop folder that points to your Downloads folder. Most of the time symbolic links are the better choice, so don’t create a hard link unless you have a specific reason for doing so. If you want to create a hard link, you’d omit the -s. The -s here tells the ln command to create a symbolic link. So, if you created a hard link from /Users/example pointing to /opt/example and later moved /opt/example, the link at /Users/example would still point to the file, no matter where you moved it. However, if you create a hard link, it will actually point to the underlying inode on the file system. If you move the file at /opt/example, the link at /Users/example will be broken. For example, let’s say you have a symbolic-or soft-link from /Users/example pointing to /opt/example. A symbolic or soft link points to a path in the file system. In addition to symbolic links, which are sometimes called “soft links”, you can instead create “hard links”. If you browse to the /Library/Program directory in the Finder or any other application, it will appear to contain the files inside /Volumes/Program. This is entirely transparent to the macOS operating system and the applications you use. The program will try to access its folder at /Library/Program, and the operating system will redirect it to /Volumes/Program. You can move the Program directory to /Volumes/Program, and then create a symbolic link at /Library/Program pointing to /Volumes/Program. But you want to store those files somewhere else on the system-for example, in /Volumes/Program. A symbolic link is a more advanced type of alias that works in every application on the system, including command-line utilities in the terminal. A symbolic link you create appears to apps to be the same as the original file or folder it’s pointing at-even though it’s just a link.įor example, let’s say you have a program that needs its files stored at /Library/Program.
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boutiquelong · 2 years
Mui themes symlinker
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Yes, if I leave like 20 tabs open in Chrome for a day it will write a few GBs but Spotify is writing well over 100GB in less than a day just streaming music. I have many of those programs you listed and none of them even approach Spotify in disk writes. This is the list I personally gathered which use LIBCEF, this doesn't mean all of them have this behavior, that will be proven or debunked until further testing is done (the confirmed ones are in bold), I think there a lot more apps and programs which do this. Or when possible, use alternative programs which don't rely on libcef.
The only solution for now is that Chrome devs become aware of the problem and push an update to both the browser and standalone engine then app developers integrate the new libcef ASAP. The problem extends even more when a huge list of software uses this library to render web content, so if you have one or more of these programs in your computer (and I'm sure you have), they add up and probably will reduce the drive lifespan a lot. Now it comes the part related to this thread, Spotify (among others) uses Libcef.dll to render web content, what's libcef? it's an embedded Chrome engine and as you probably guess, it has the same -uncorrectable for now- issue as the browser. But only Firefox has a way to mitigate the problem. Well, this is gonna be a giant text wall, but is a recommended reading if you want to keep a healthy SSD (and even HDD).įirst Firefox was discovered doing this: source, then I asked the guys there to do a test with other browsers, and as I expected, ALL of them are doing the same. The problem relies on the use of the Libcef (embedded Chrome engine) which Spotify uses (which also explains why it is so inefficient with it's resource usage on desktop) Major I/O write bytes on the Spotify Desktop app.
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horseradish-girly · 1 month
I need to explain how insane my linux setup used to be
The first partition was boot, it had systemd-boot and a custom kernel build from vanilla kernel.org source. The second partition was an LVM physical volume with three logical volumes: an @arch-official rootfs, a @debian-official rootfs, and the rest of the space was shared for a directory I invented called /common which the distros shared. Kernel configurations, source, and all kernel modules were stored there. I wrote a hook for init ramfs to mount /common early so that the symlink to /common for kernel modules would work
For the home directory, subdirectories with normal files were in /common/homert/<dirname>, and gnu stash linked them to my home directory. All of my config files were stored in a git repo, the upstream being in /common and clones being in the home directories in each of the distros, each distro having its own branch committing and pushing to upstream whenever .zshrc was run. (.zshrc was also tracked by the repo & I had trouble because i didn't think to set up an extra clone with a dev branch) In retrospect I should've just used git watch
Anyways I got a ton of strange issues I never figured out like my config files being sent back to February 2nd randomly and debian not being able to connect to the network. That's what happens when your OS is a tangled web of shell scripts XD
In the end I decided it was too cursed switched to @nixos-official and left that hot imperative mess behind B)
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andmaybegayer · 11 months
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ls -lah'ing a busybox system is never not hilarious. The opposite of three kids in a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult. One single binary puppeting thirty different symlinks.
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canmom · 4 months
today i had the bright idea to organise all my videos. right now they're spread across three hard drives, following a rather haphazard organisation scheme - sometimes based on director, sometimes based on studio, sometimes based on country of origin, sometimes just getting a top level folder because I couldn't think of a good grouping.
well, now they're all going on one hard drive (and i need to make some kind of raid setup so i don't lose the lot if it breaks). i have an old raspberry pi sitting around which might be able to act as a media server/seedbox if it still works. anyway, the question is, how do I organise this thing?
top level is easy enough - animation here, live action there. then I can further sort by country level categories like anime, donghua, etc. - easy enough so far.
but then it's like... sometimes it makes sense to sort by studio, like the Ghibli movies should live together for example. and sometimes director makes more sense, like Masaaki Yuasa's stuff should be together even if he made it at 4°C, as with Mind Game. and sometimes I couldn't tell you which studio or director made a thing, so it would just get a top level folder.
and then it's like... Studio 4°C has a very strong identity as a studio so their stuff should probably live together, right? unless it was directed by Masaaki Yuasa, who gets his own folder..? and should 90s Berserk, animated at Oriental Light & Magic, live with the later film trilogy by Studio 4°C? in that case they shouldn't go in the 4°C folder.
I could put it in one 'objective' scheme, by year for example, and use some kind of system of symlinks to also organise by director, studio etc. but clearly what I'm really looking for is a tagging system. it's common to have that for music libraries. however, I only want to play back in mpv, since no other player is as configurable, properly supports ICC profiles and vapoursynth, etc. etc. mpv is a great player but it's not a library system. probably the open source world has figured this out at some point? also I want to be able to access this drive from Linux and Windows.
clearly i need to just categorise them by Borges' Celestial Emporium and call it a day...
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autumnslance · 2 years
GShade Update
If your Gshade isn't working this morning, it's because after the dev installed a malicious code to shutdown a computer if using a bypass tool to logon to one's games without having to update Gshade yet again (with claims people were using it to "steal shaders" that are also available through ReShade, but really it was by Marot's own admission to bully a 16 year old girl who had figured out the workaround for GShade's excess updates), GitHub was notified by other users and performed an investigation.
You can imagine how well that went over.
The GShade GitHub is gone. It's going to be necessary to carefully follow the guides to manually uninstall GShade as the uninstall 1) won't work without updating, which it can't now, and 2) wasn't actually uninstalling anything but the desktop shortcuts anyway, in my experience. I had to manually remove it from Program Files and Public User folders (even though I told it Not to create backups, it did anyway and put them there). Please don't mess with the leftover Registry and symlinks without certain guidance if you don't know what you're doing there. You could damage your computer.
Some of the guides come with links to GShader folders to make the transition process to ReShade--the original program GShade was a fork of--smoother, though one may need a hand from a tech savvy buddy. There will be shaders that won't work as they were made for Gshade specifically, and a few other things to get used to/change over.
I used Gist's Guide here as I had already manually uninstalled GShade when I went to decide between ReShade and StormShade (which hasn't been updated in years and has no simple install either).
A guildmate also found this Reddit post helpful.
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mirqmarq428 · 8 months
Welp, in the process of testing my janky CL script for symlinking anime, i may have 86'd my 86 folder. It was a shit anime anyways - but it was part of my collection so i might re-download it eventually.
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alistairkisser · 5 months
mods i currently have installed for bg3:
obviously the script extender because it's just so necessary
the mod fixer since a lot of mods still want you to have it
show approval ratings in dialogue choices
no romance limit - i'm not actually actively using it right now since i've decided to focus on gale, so idk how effective it is. but i intend to use it for shenanigans on other playthroughs
minthara good recruitment - which i had installed prior to patch 5, but people say it honestly works better than the vanilla method, so i've kept it on
improved ui for using with cc mods
new character creation presets wip just for playing around with. i don't have anything from it on any of my characters right now
ghoul's customization compendium, same as above.
strong female heads, same as above.
faces of faerun, same as above.
patches for cc mods - i only need to use the patches for vfx heads file
no abs specifically for gale and astarion, which also requires trips' old shaders and companions old shaders for the respective npcs
both files from tav's hair salon as well as the icon patches mod to make things show up in cc. still not using any of these hairs atm lol
gale's wizardly updo (default length) which has me giggling and kicking my feet
piercing edits, including the dragonborn file and the trips' accessories file in conjunction with that mod. i believe the piercing set that cirys currently has is from the trips file in piercing edits
i largely don't use the cc mods in my actual playthroughs because they tend to be limited to a few races and body types 1/2 and i generally prefer to play body type 3 or things like dragonborn, so i mainly just have them around to play in the cc with
i also use the bg3 symlink utility for the purposes of taking my mods off when i switch to multiplayer. the script extender (and i believe mod fixer since it's an override) stays regardless; i haven't played multiplayer since installing most of these so i'm not 100% sure of all the interactions, but it worked great when i just had the first 5 things on this list, and show approval ratings has worked fine in multiplayer when both i and the host have it.
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megid0nt · 4 months
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finally got around to learning how to add additional folders to the This PC page lol if you can symlink to UNC paths I might finally be able to unmap the network drives stop taking 5ever to load explorer lol
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clatterbane · 10 months
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I am just not sure how the math works out here.
What I am actually trying to do:
I underestimated how large I needed to make my root partition when I was setting this up, so it's filling up enough to occasionally cause problems now. So, I decided to free up a chunk of that by moving /var over to its own partition.
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That should give me back 10+GB, or 41% of the total space.
So, I shrunk an existing partition and made that new var one. Just to be safe, let's allow some room to grow, and set it at 20GB.
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When trying to copy the current contents of /var over to the new partition, I get this error. Which is kinda borne out by using rsync as recommended through that link to copy the contents of /var over to a USB I cleared out for that purpose. Which took bloody forever, and then gave me this:
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Yep, that roughly 110GB of junk all came from /var. Which is only one of the directories sitting on an 80.2GB partition. I tried leaving those couple of directory symlinks out copying that junk over, just in case that made some difference, and it did not.
It's like a fucked-up data clown car over here, and I am too tired to do much else to figure out wtf is even happening on my filesystem tonight. I do not trust myself not to render my filesystem totally borked, trying to proceed much further right at the moment.
But, I'm pretty frustrated and evidently needed to bitch about it some.
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deepdrearn · 2 months
Day one of Job and I'm stuck trying to run a container in Linux pip pipx symlink too much already 🥲
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bluebellflora · 1 year
I'm currently trying your Symlink tutorial. I've just entered the command to move the Documents folder to the external drive. I'm curious, does the process usually take a long time if there's a lot of custom content to move? It's just that after pressing enter, a new line has not populated with my Mac user account or computer name... :( ... However, when I try to close out of Terminal it asks me if I want to cancel running the process in the background, which is the command I entered...
Yes, it will take a while if you have a lot of content. The type of connection also makes a difference and whether the drive is an SSD/Flash or HDD.
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