willo-ly · 11 days
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Reposting some silly old pieces from twitter.
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
𝔻ℙ𝕊 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 3161
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Due to Ashe being, well Ashe. You’d think she wouldn’t do dates or much romance, but surprisingly yes! Much preferring calmer and simple dates.
Has set up your private room at her base, [Whether you live there or just visit] so she’ll set up in there.
She has very little experience, but with you she tries, and often succeeds. Flirts a lot, but you get all her real attention.
During her Deadlock days she’s gathered a pretty penny, and she’s willing to spend plenty of that on you. Even if you deny her, it won’t stop her.
Absolutely adores when you cuddle up to her, holding you back and closer. All the while making sure both of you are comfortable before falling asleep herself.
Ashe’s day was rough, and returning to you made the world around her seen non existant. Able to fall into your arms and the many, many blankets. Tugging you closer into her arms as she got under them.
Quickly enough she noticed your breathing evening out, looking just in time to see your eyes shut. Only able to chuckle at that, she just arrived and you were already out like a light.
Leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead, pulling away, and in the dim lighting was barely able to see the mark she left. Her thumb brushed over it as she thought.
It didn’t take long for her to do it again. And again.
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If he’s being honest here, he had and still does, no clue what to do. But likely he found something, and that was heading out for a drink and maybe some food.
Mostly takes you to some bars and a few pubs when hungry.
He tries, and comes off real smooth yet kinda awkward. (He hasn’t done this in a while.)
Has very little to his, nothing legally. So he won’t spend much of the little he still has, but he will steal anything for you. (Be the distraction, please.)
Still awkward, but now he’s calmed down a bit. He’ll walk you to your residence before asking for a second date.
“C’mon now darlin’, don’t let this old dog down.” There he went again. You weren’t sure what would happen if he had a few drinks, but definitely not a flirty drunk. But luckily enough he stuck with you no matter what.
Also meaning you were subjected to all his flirting.
“Cassidy, again, you brought me here.”
“Did I? I mean why wouldn’t I, a catch like you with me, obviously.”
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She’ll adapt to what you enjoy, but if she was given the choice it would be a movie.
While she would prefer staying at home or base, wanting your time together to be, well together. Although she wouldn’t be against the movie theatre.
Has no experience. But throughout your time together and even before, she’s always learning, especially what you prefer.
It’s likely Winston finds out and gives her the money. Using that on snacks and tickets if needed. Otherwise most of it is spent on you.
Will walk you to your room before leaving, finding Winston or Mercy to talk about it.
“Echo!” Turning around to find Winston making his way closer, one hand was closed, holding something likely for her.
“Oh Winston!”
“I was informed about the date, and was able to gather these.” He dropped the things into her open ones, revealing plenty of money. Especially more than enough in notes to pay for anything needed.
“Thank you, I’m sure Y/N will also appreciate the help.” With that she floated off, on her way to your room. Now she had this, all she needed to do was confirm with you.
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He’ll drag you to a nearby arcade. But if you’re up in Japan he’ll bring you to one he frequented as a child / teen.
Either place will be loud, bright and flashy. Unless you become uncomfortable with anything he’ll actually enough the kids.
Hasn’t really lost his spark, but due to his death and scarring he might need some help.
Has a bit more than needed, so he’s paying for the whole night. Please don’t try to argue with him.
Afterwards he’ll take you out for food, your choice.
Compared to the cold winds outside Genji’s metal hand felt warm, likely from your own heat. Never changing or letting go when you entered the arcade, only pulling you around the place.
And you’d think someone who fights for his life almost every day would be able to win at a basic claw machine, right?
Well you’d be wrong. You watched as he failed time after time before almost giving up, before he finally caught one. It was small and simple but he beamed at you while holding it towards you.
It was a cute [Favourite animal] that held a heart, and there were plenty of other animals inside. Once he realized, now not focused on yours, he was determined to have a matching one.
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He’ll much prefer something calming but able to be sentimental, like painting together.
Depending on the activity you’ll either stay home or go to a private studio for the time.
Has very little experience, he tries by giving you gifts. (Please let him know it works.)
He will spend plenty of money on the tools and wood, willing to get anything for the date and you.
You’ll be walked back to your house / room, and when he gets back to his own he’ll place all your gifts onto their dedicated shelf.
The day was spent just silently hanging out together. He sat across from you doing his own thing, which used a few tools. All had been brought in a small bag. While you continued doing your own hobby.
About an hour goes by before he moves from his spot. Turning around to gain your attention, using his empty hand to open your own. As he did his face became red and he looked away slightly.
Only looking back to place the item in your open palm. Which turned out to be a small wooden bow that he just carved. But before you could pull your hand away he also placed a few more things next to the bow.
Revealing them to be smaller, also carved arrows. Each one had either your names or your initials engraved.
This man would be the death of you.
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He’ll drag you into his workshop, whether you join him or watch he doesn’t mind.
As a criminal he can’t go very far, so you’ll stay in his workshop.
He fully believes he’s romantic, tries but ultimately fails. Has no clue what he is actually doing.
Jamison has almost none, but he can’t use it anyways.
Being secretive the whole time pays off, even if he almost blew it many times. Showing off his project while beaming.
For the first few hours you willingly stayed with Jamison in his workshop. But after a while it was clear he wasn’t going to let you see, so without him noticing you left. The rest of your time was spent sitting outside the room while you heard him working away.
Before you knew it he had left the room, almost rushing past you. Luckily turning around in time.
“Oi, why’d you leave?”
“Takin’ to long Jami.”
“Well don’t do that…” He started pouting while reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small box. Placing it into your hands.
“Go on, open it!” Which you would, except there was no way to. Spinning it around until you heard a ‘click.’ The lid opened revealing a small heart rising and spinning, made of scraps and crappily coloured in different shades of red.
“I love it Jami.” Leaning over to give him a quick kiss.
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She focuses on getting to know you rather than an activity or certain place, wanting you to do the same.
You’ll spend that with each other and away from the others, likely at her place or a nearby yet kinda private park.
Due to, you know, being frozen for years, she doesn’t have much experience, even before that but she tries.
The most she spends is on any food and drinks, but is willing to spend more if needed.
Not much, but she won't let you go until you accept the snacks she made for you.
It had been hours since you arrived at Mei’s place, and it was finally time to leave. But it was clear she didn’t want you to leave yet, though she wouldn’t stop you. Surely you have plenty of things to be doing.
As she watched you walk off she suddenly remembered her gifts, the cookies!
“Y/N, wait!” And you did, letting you grab what she needed before rushing out. In her hands were a container, only able to see when she got closer. It was full of cookies.
“I made these earlier, almost forgot.” She giggled as she spoke, flushing red.
“Thank you.”
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She much prefers simple and calmer date ideas. Turns out building Legos is a good idea, one she should’ve done earlier.
She’ll have you both sitting in the living room, making sure you’re both comfortable as possible. With enough lightning and the tv as background noise.
Work has always gotten in the way of any romance she’s ever tried, so the only things she knows are from asking Ana. But she still tries, even if they cause her to flush red.
Is absolutely willing to spend plenty on different sets. She makes sure you can finish any set you want.
Helping you find the best placement for them. When you leave she takes pictures and sends them to Ana, fully prepared for any teasing from her.
When you entered the first thing you saw was another Lego set, it was from the botanical collection. Specifically the Orchids. All built and setting in a [favourite colour] vase. Footsteps pulling you from the scene.
In the doorway stood Fareeha, frozen while her face quickly became red.
“I can explain,” Stepping forwards as she spoke, taking your hands into her own. “I am aware we built some yesterday, but I saw these and they reminded me of you.”
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Everyone assumes it’s a meeting, unaware (Except for Sombra) of what is really happening. Just you two spending quality time in silence doing your favourite activities.
He’ll have it set up in a private meeting room further down from the others, or invites you to his room.
Has plenty of experience (Had a wife) so he has learnt his love languages, being acts of service and quality time, although only with you.
Doesn’t need to spend any of his money but will buy anything you want or need for your hobby.
He’s a knitter, so before he leaves he’ll hand you the item he made. Please find him later for thank you cuddles, he will melt, literally.
A hand dropped onto your shoulder, if you weren’t a Talon agent it would’ve taken you down. But the metal claws gave away who they belonged to.
“Meeting room 6.” Smoke covered the area as he left, not wanting to stay around longer than necessary. Listening, you also left the area, everyone quickly became quiet.
The room's lights were off, the only light being a lamp behind him and the curtains pulled slightly open. Across the table sat Gabriel, gauntlets removed and thrown next to the yarn.
He was part way through knitting something, a stack of already finished squares. Just next to them sat the items for [activity], seemingly ready for you to start. And start you did, both of you sitting in silence for the next few hours.
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She’ll spend a few hours setting up the perfect movie night, snacks, blankets and a selection of movies or shows.
All this will be set up in your shared bedroom so neither of you will have to walk far for any reason.
She’s aware she’s trying to be romantic, just unsure if it’s succeeding. (It has been for a while.)
The only money she’ll need to spend is on the snacks, buying all your favourites.
Likely one of you two will fall asleep during your bingeing, with the other following soon after.
You were both on your 3rd movie after finishing a while 4 seasons of an old yet interesting tv show. But by now your eyes started to hurt from all the lights, and your eyelids were starting to shut.
You knew you couldn’t prevent yourself from falling asleep, especially when you were so comfortable. Vivian had set up everything, so she was aware this would happen and was prepared.
She let you lean onto her, wrapping her own arms around you. And when your eyes finally shut, breathing evened out she leaned over and gave you a quick and gentle kiss. Finally following shut, letting the movie play as background noise.
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𝕊𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕚𝕖𝕣 𝟟𝟞:
He enjoys simpler date ideas, the chosen one being a walk in the park. Managing to find a quiet and pretty empty day.
While the majority of your time is spent in the park, he’ll take you to a nearby food place. Ice cream or anything else you might crave.
He doesn’t have as much experience as he lets on due to work, he knows what to do. Just a little awkward about it.
For the chosen dates he won’t need much but is willing to splurge a little during so.
If it’s late enough he’ll take you out to lunch or dinner.
The air gained a slight chill whenever it passed you, causing Jack to lend you his jacket, sticking close even then. Without realizing the end of the trail arrived, letting both of you stand outside the park.
He looks up before down at his watch, looking for the time. Apparently it wasn’t late enough to finish just yet, so he invited you out for lunch.
“How about lunch, I’ll pay?”
Of course you accepted, free lunch and time spent with Jack. A win-win situation.
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She tries as much as possible to keep you away from Talon, so she takes you to a concert of your choice.
The stadium is large and unsurprisingly loud, but she makes sure you feel comfortable during all of this.
Is much more flirty rather than romantic, but can be romantic if either of you feel like it.
There’s no need for money when she has everything at her fingertips, although if you really want to she will.
She’ll ‘book’ you two a shared hotel room, putting off returning to Talon. Also wanting to spend time with you.
“Ángel~” Her voice would’ve shocked you if she didn’t already blind you with her hands over your eyes. “I have a present for you, and I know you’ll love it!”
The air became cold but only in parts around you. Although she didn’t move it seemed everything else had. The once silent air changed, people talking, walking, even cars were driving.
Her hands were removed revealing the new location. It was a stadium, but not for their normal sports game. Banners and posters showed your favourite band/singer, as they were playing here, today!
And Olivia brought you here, you needed to thank her somehow.
Ángel - Angel
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She plans everything for a fancy dinner date, willing to compromise for something just as fancy but smaller for your comfort.
As long as the place is fancy to a certain degree and has food you both eat she’s willing to have a date there.
Her romantic won’t be noticeable to others, if so won’t be taken as romance. But she prefers acts of kindness, helping you with work and grabbing you things.
While she’s willing to spend a lot on you and your hobbies she does have a limit, although it is pretty high.
Afterwards she’ll have someone drive you both to your place, making sure you’re able to get inside before asking for a second date.
As the car slowed to a stop her hand lifted off yours, holding it during the ride. You knew not to open the door, quickly finding out her habit of opening it for you. Only doing it for you though, but neither of you would change that.
When the door was opened she reached for your hand, gently helping you out. Again, her hand didn’t let go of yours until you stepped inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, as I want to ask for another.”
Of course you agreed.
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She’ll take you to the movie theater to watch a movie of your choice.
Will go to the theater but also enjoys having home movie nights.
Often enough she’s interrupted by giggling, but she can and has been romantic.
She lets you see the amount, being enough for popcorn, drinks and the tickets.  Before surprising you by buying you both some candy.
On the way home she’ll be ranting about the movie whether it was good or bad. When you both get home she’ll continue on while making sure you’re listening, that’s by trapping you in a cuddle session.
“C’mon Love!” Her hand had slipped and was holding onto your wrist instead, but she didn’t let go. The line was surprisingly short, only being a family and a few teenagers so you got to the counter quickly.
“What do you wanna watch?” A quick glance at the options revealed a few good ones, except one stood out.
“How about [Movie]?”
“Yeah, two tickets for [Movie] please!” She continued ordering, getting popcorn and drinks. At first you thought she wasn’t going to get candy, only after she ordered everything else did she get some. Both of you getting cups to choose your candy.
“C’mon then, can’t miss any scenes!”
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As she is a known criminal she won’t be able to take you very far, but will go stargazing with you.
The chosen hill is far enough from the Talon base but still safe enough, especially when with her.
She tries to be romantic, won't ever be the best due to her transformation but she tries for you.
For any date there won’t be any need for money.
If you’re not part of Talon she’ll make sure you get home safe, if so then she’ll walk you to your room.
The air has grown cold, but never becomes freezing. Staying at a comfortable kind of cold, the kind Amélie had grown used to over the years so it didn’t bother her. Yet it affected you, you shivered slightly as if trying to hide it from her.
You should know better by now, when it comes to you she won’t miss a single detail. Wrapping her arms around you, pulling you closer. When you shivered ceased she let you return to watching the stars.
And instead of doing the same her eyes never left your figure. To her you seemed to shine brighter than those stars.
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nyxthecrow · 4 months
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Happy 8th birthday, Overwatch!!!
As a little thing to celebrate, have Mirrorwatch Goobers!!
Yes, I am aware that I am missing Orisa and Echo, I am already on it!!
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gh02tguts · 4 months
I’m gonna post this on my tiktok
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ladypaprikaart · 10 months
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Sombra and Symmetra 💜💙
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dramaticngay · 3 months
how would overwatch characters react to somebody flirting with them?
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theywerebothgirls · 9 months
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just overwatch doodles :3
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nitewrighter · 10 months
i don't know if you're doing overwatch requests right now but if you are, could you write some mauga interactions please
LifeWeaver: That's quite a distinguished streak in your hair. How ever did you get it?
Mauga: A broken heart...
LifeWeaver: *taken aback* Oh...
Mauga: Haha! Naaaah. It was a horrifically invasive experimental surgery. Duh!
Mauga: All that blue and white...doesn't it get a little boring? If it's hard light, why don't you make it a whole bunch of colors?
Symmetra: Simplicity is a virtue of good design. But I would hardly be taking aesthetic advice from someone who refuses to wear a shirt.
Mauga: Hey, simplicity is a virtue of good design! *grunts* Don't you agree?
Symmetra: Stop flexing.
Mauga: Well, if it ain't my favorite event horizon! Brought you something!
Sigma: Mm? Ah, are these those almond pastries from that bakery in Tangier? But... Doctor O'Deorain said there was no time with the mission...
Mauga: Well, with the way you brought the house down on that mission, I figured you should have a little treat!
Sigma: I do like little treats...
[if Sombra is on the team]
Sombra: Mauga, he's not a dog.
Mauga: Hey, if you wanted cookies, you should have said something.
Hanzo: ...you take a perverse joy in your violence.
Mauga: Whoah-ho! Right out of the gate with 'perverse?' Didn't think a guy like you would have his mind in the gutter.
Hanzo: *sputtering* My mind is not--*catches himself* Do not think you can fluster me by being willfully obtuse.
Mauga: And now you think I'm trying to fluster you. Look, I'm sorry--you're handsome, but you're not really my type.
Hanzo: *strained* I have no interest in being anyone's 'type.'
Mauga: Mm. Yeah, I'm getting the vibe you've been telling yourself that for way too long.
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auro-zorro · 11 months
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drew my fave ships!!
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arclundarchivist · 6 months
Reading through the Heroes Ascension Book, and here’s the stuff I found that seemed like set up for future, likely sidelined story content :/
But there are also hints for stuff that could show up in the main blame through interactions and some possible new characters.
Rebuilding Ruins: Symmetra/Lifeweaver Story
• ⁠Lifeweaver is living at the Atlantic Arcology, which comes under attack by Null Sector, which could have been a major problem due to their “guests”.
• ⁠Symmetra is working against negative influences inside Vishkar, but how far that will get her is up in the air and Lifeweaver invites her to join him at the Arcology as a member of the “Collective”, an altruistic group of scientists and intellectuals.
Unity: Orisa/Efi Story
• ⁠Numbani comes under assault by Null Sector, with Humans defending their Omnic neighbors much more openly than other places.
• ⁠Efi creates a bunch of small drones to help defend Numbani, so that Orisa and her can leave Numbani to help people.
• ⁠Story ends with the pair planning on setting out immediately, and takes place around the same time as the Rio Mission, Efi may be seeking out Overwatch.
Luck of the Draw: Ashe Story
• ⁠Ashe and the Deadlocks were attempting to break into the Las Vegas criminal underground.
• ⁠Ashe nearly died defending BOB, who in turn is almost taken captive by Null Sector.
• ⁠It confirmed damaging or removing the “helmets” on an Omnic causes them to have a “seizure” and die. (What the fuck Rammatra?)
A Friendly Rivalry: Junkers Story.
• ⁠Junker Queen almost had Roadhog and Junkrat executed.
• ⁠Junkrat reveals his secret treasure: A giant airship stored within the last remnants of the Omnium beneath Junkertown. Queen and Hammond begin making plans to get it airborne again.
Thoughtless Gods: Hammond Story (And boy these is a lot of worldbuilding in this one)
• ⁠Direct sequel to the previous story.
• ⁠Reveals that Omnics remaining in the Outback are oddly feral and corrupted in some fashion, cannibalizing each other for parts and actively “hunting” Junkers. Hammond has no idea what caused this.
• ⁠Hammond remembers his time being experimented on the Moon Colony, he is apparently “older” than Winston has he gained awareness before hand, and sort of became a “big brother” to Winston.
• ⁠The apes and Hammond were not the first experiments. There were failures, apparently some other kind of animals, that are still up on the Moonbase. Hammond calls them “wrong”.
• ⁠The apes have a whole society, are building weapons and armor and may be constructing a whole new building/device on the Colony.
• ⁠Possible hints at the Mars Colony.
• ⁠Two apes are named. Oscar, unknown, and Dyson, a large, cruel Orangutan - feels like a character set up.
Where Honor Lives: Hanzo/Kiriko Story
• ⁠Shimada weaponry have “special energy tech”, throws more confusion on the “is this magic” question surrounding the Japanese characters abilities. The Hashimoto are attempting to copy the designs but “they can’t manifest the proper power”. (This seems to be due to Kiriko’s father purposefully give them shoddy work but they don’t know that).
• ⁠The Hashimoto can work with impunity in Tokyo, and are causing trouble even with Null Sector literally on the horizon.
• ⁠Hanzo and Kiriko’s interactions again confuse the whole age gap, because he treats her as if she was a tween when he was a teen.
• ⁠Hanzo joins Kiriko in protecting Kanezaka from the invasion.
Lost Ghosts: Soldier/Ana Story
• ⁠Ana splits from Jack after learning he’s been sitting on the list of Overwatch agent names using it to track Talon movements and not warning the targets. She isn’t joining Overwatch but is going to be trying to protect remaining Agents who haven’t answered the Recall but are not yet dead to Talon.
• ⁠We meet another old Overwatch agent Mirembe, who is thinking about answering the Recall, I think she’s the woman that was standing in the group photo from Ana’s trailer.
• ⁠Another, Kimiko, is named.
Lucky Man: Soldier/Sombra Story
• ⁠Sombra has been leaking info to Soldier, because she believes the cabal she is after is also to blame for that happened in Zurich.
• ⁠Jack has been hunting Talon as a proxy because he never truly believed they took down the HQ. He also doesn’t believe Reyes knew what was going to happen.
• ⁠Sombra and Jack seem to be set up to continue working together, and Jack is headed to Oasis hunting for more clues on the Cabal.
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months
Could we please get some headcanons about Kiriko, Symmetra, Sombra, and Tracer's feelings causing their abilities to go out of their control whenever they are around or think about their crush? IE Symmeta keeps accidently making hard light constructs related to crush, Sombra's cybernetics keep pulling up photos or info them, Tracer teleports near or on top of her crush, and Kiriko's fox keeps doing stuff to pull the two closer together. Thank you!
𝕆𝕦𝕥 𝕆𝕗 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝
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Words: 247
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At first she’ll try to ignore Akoya, having to constantly pull her away.
When that doesn’t work she tries though.
Playing everything as ‘the fox.’ (Who takes great offence to this.)
She’s honestly in denial for the longest time.
There’s only one hope for her here, and it’s you telling her your feelings.
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She’s usually so busy with work she won’t realize at first.
So someone else has to hesitantly point it out.
This causes her to realize how much you’ve dug yourself into her life without even noticing.
Is surprisingly intune with her emotions more than people think.
She’s quick to start courting you.
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She gets real annoyed at how her cybernetics aren’t working with her.
But out of the four of the girls she’s the quickest to accept her feelings and do something about it.
So that means she’s quick to actually start dating you.
This slightly controls her cybernetics a bit better, only guaranteed to work in battle.
Now instead of showing just you it’s now you and Sombra, which ends up being worse for everyone around.
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When it starts she has no clue, so she starts panicking.
Someone will notice and ask, likely being Ana who has to explain that she has a crush.
She’ll try to take control over the teleporting but eventually gives up.
After some time she’ll start working and going along with it.
Her ‘going along with it’ is to start flirting, and damn, it’s terrible. (She tries though.)
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duney-looney · 9 days
I found this thingy and got bored and decided to fill it out lol
(with a little found family category bc I have a LOT of found family hcs)
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If youre curious abt anything feel free to ask i love yapping
I do not mind if you personally ship anything in the 'hate' category. These are my silly opinions on stupid little ships. If you dont like smth about any of these, scroll along
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robbyarts · 1 year
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All of mine overwatch drawings ✨
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shot-by-cupid · 9 months
Thought about making these while at work and I knew I had to like I just had to
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Sorry these look like garbage I have never made a user box in my life
Feel free to use idk why u would tho just. @ me ig?
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ilona-art · 2 years
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All the current Overwatch icons made so far! 
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theywerebothgirls · 4 months
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doodle dump 😃😃😃
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