#synth and riff are definitely super doting dads who do their best to NOT spoil their babies
valsnonsense · 5 months
The Rynth Family
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What happens when a lizard and a fish fall in love-
Sorry that was terrible lksdjfsldkfj
But here we have the Rynth family! One of my more crackier ships with absolutely no reasoning behind it, but eh, that’s what terminal shipping does to ya.
Synth and Riff met after one of Riff’s concerts. Barb, Riff, and the rest of their band came to Trollstopia to perform on day, and Synth was invited by Branch to come to the performance. Synth was absolutely blown away by the music, but most of all by the drummer. Just something about how incredibly fast he moved, even slamming his own face into the drums was just amazing! So after the concert, when Branch offers to take Synth to meet Barb and the band, Synth jumps on the opportunity.
Imagine Synth’s surprise when the drummer turns out to be Barb’s younger brother, and a Prince no less! Despite this, Synth walked right up to him and shook his hand, going on a long winded spiel about how amazing he found his drumming and how excited he was to meet him, so on and so forth. Riff was taken aback by the excitable techno troll, never having someone come up to compliment him specifically after a show. He shyly thanked him, keeping how he found the Techno Ambassador to be fucking adorable to himself, but did nervously asked to exchange contact info.
The two became fast friends after that night. Synth would call or text him and talk for hours, while Riff would just sit back and listen. After a few months of close friendship, Riff worked up the courage to ask Synth out on a date. Synth was over the moon about it, having started to crush on the Rock Prince himself, and the officially started dating. They hadn’t dated for an entire year before Synth couldn’t take it anymore and popped the question to Riff. Riff immediately said yes, and two were married.
After they wed, Riff moved to Trollstopia, since Synth had duties to fulfill full time as a Councilman. There were some bittersweet tears between Barb and Riff (and maybe Barb pulling Synth to the side and threatening him that if he ever hurt her brother she’d find him and end his entire existence), and Riff officially moved to Trollstopia.
Riff began working as a musical mentor for young trolls, teaching them about rock music and how to play it. It was a few years after they married that Synth found out he was carrying an egg, and the two became parents. And very quickly had two more in rapid succession lol
Riff and Synth love being dads, and raised their kids to appreciate all kinds of music. When Hatchet fell in love with country music, and began working on his own spin on it, the two were over the moon about it. When Hatchet decided to move to Lonesome Flats to pursue his career, the two were sad to see him go, but fully supportive of his dreams. When all three of their kids ended up taking on musical careers, becoming extremely successful super quickly, it was too much for the two. Just look at our babies! They’re so grown up and amazing, omg I can’t take this I’m gonna cry-
They currently still live in Trollstopia with their two youngest, Viper and Lantern, but they can often be found in Lonesome Flats visiting Hatchet or in Techno Reef attending Viper’s raves. They two own copies of all their kids records and show them off proudly to anyone who will listen for two seconds.
And that’s the Rynth fam! Very cheesy love story, but they strike me as a cheesy couple xP And this piece was actually the first one I made exclusively digitally! Super proud of it~
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