aaronkraten · 8 months
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Fantasy Zone - 1cc - Default Settings - Autofire used
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nomorepixels · 1 year
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Joe & Mac Returns
©️ Data East Corp 1994
Image sourced from system16.com
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segadude · 4 years
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Wait, what?! The Sega Astro City Mini has all the Sega Arcade games I dreamed of as a kid? I wasn’t able to get myself to the Arcades with a fist full of quarters back in the day so I only ever got a taste. But those experiences did shape what games I would end up getting for my Sega Master System and later for my Sega Genesis. Now I get to play many of Sega’s classic Arcade juggernauts at home right in the palm of my hand! Well, palms of both my hands. It’s pretty big actually... for a Mini console. Full Game List: Cotton Shinobi Shadow Dancer E-SWAT Crack Down Gain Ground Puyo Puyo Columns Bonanza Bros. Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R Wonder Boy Wonder Boy in Monster Land Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair Alien Syndrome Alien Storm Golden Axe Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder Columns II Dark Edge Puzzle & Action: Tant-R Virtua Fighter Fantasy Zone Altered Beast Sonic Boom Scramble Spirits Flicky Puyo Puyo 2 Quartet 2 Thunder Force AC Alex Kidd The Lost Stars Rad Mobile Seishun Scandal/My Hero Space Harrier Arabian Fight Stack Columns Ninja Princess #RetroVideoGames #RetroMegabit #16bit #SegaDude #RetroCollective #SegaGenesis #Sega #Arcade #RetroVideoGameCollection #RetroVideoGameCollector #System16 #FantasyZone #AlteredBeast #SpaceHarrier #GoldenAxe #SonicBoom #DeathAdder #AstroCityMini #SegaAstroCityMini #Shinobi #ShadowDancer #AlexKidd #LostStars #Wonderboy #Quartet #PuyoPuyo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJHxud7nv3D/?igshid=22sndxmv9l5l
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cidraman · 7 years
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Classic emulators.
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outdatedreferences · 5 years
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I’m excited to have #shinobi added to my collection. This is my first #sega #system16 #pcb. #arcade #retro #gaming
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didanawisgi · 6 years
Abraham Loeb 
`Oumuamua is nothing like we expected or seen before.
By Abraham Loeb on November 18, 2018 
     On October 19, 2017, the first interstellar object, `Oumuamua, was discovered1 by the Pan-STARRS survey2 within a sixth of the Earth-Sun distance. The experience was similar to having a surprise guest for dinner from another country. By examining this guest we can learn about the culture of that country without the need to travel there. Given the vast distance involved, it would have taken us a hundred thousand years to visit the nearest star using conventional chemical rockets. Surprisingly, our first interstellar guest appeared to be weird and unlike anything we have seen before. By the time we realized it, the guest was already out the door with its image fading into the dark street, so we did not have a chance to get a second look at its mysterious qualities. Below is a list of six peculiarities exhibited by `Oumuamua: 
1. Assuming that other planetary systems resemble the Solar System, PanSTARRS should not have discovered any interstellar rock in the first place. In a paper published a decade ago3, we predicted an abundance of interstellar asteroids that is smaller by many (2-8) orders of magnitude than needed to explain the discovery of `Oumuamua as a member of a random population of objects. In other words, the population of interstellar objects is far greater than expected. Each star in the Milky-Way needs to eject4 about 1015 such objects during its lifetime to account for the inferred population, much more than anticipated based on the Solar System. Thus, the nurseries of `Oumuamua-like objects must be different from the familiar ones.
2.`Oumuamua originated from a very special frame of reference5, near the socalled Local Standard of Rest (LSR), which is defined by averaging the random motions of all the stars in the vicinity of the Sun. Only one star in five hundred is as slow as `Oumuamua in that frame. The LSR is the ideal frame for camouflage, namely for hiding the origins of an object and avoiding its association with any particular star - since stars typically move in that frame. The relative motion between `Oumuamua and the Sun reflects the motion of the Sun relative to the LSR. `Oumuamua is like a buoy sitting at rest on the surface of the ocean, with the Solar System running into it like a fast ship. Could there be an array of buoys that serves as a network of relay stations or road posts, defining the average Galactic frame of reference in interstellar space?
3. Most interstellar asteroids are expected to be ripped apart from their parent star in the outskirts of their birth planetary system (such as the Oort cloud in the Solar System which extends to a hundred thousand times the Earth-Sun separation), where they are most loosely bound to the star’s gravity. At these outskirts, they can be removed with a small velocity nudge of less than a kilometer per second, in which case they will inherit the speed of their host star relative to the LSR. If `Oumuamua came from a typical star, it must have been ejected with an unusually large velocity kick. To make things more unusual, its kick should have been equal and opposite to the velocity of its parent star relative to the LSR, which is about twenty kilometers per second for a typical star like the Sun. The dynamical origin of `Oumuamua is extremely rare no matter how you look at it. This is surprising, since the first foreign guest to a dinner party should be statistically common (especially given the larger than usual population inferred in the first point above).
4. We do not have a photo of `Oumuamua but its brightness owing to reflected sunlight varied by a factor of 10 as it rotated periodically every eight hours. This implies6 that `Oumuamua has an extreme shape with its length at least 5- 10 times larger than its projected width. Moreover, an analysis7 of its tumbling motion concluded that it would be at its highest excitation state as expected from its tumultuous journey, if it has a pancake-like geometry. The inferred shape is more extreme than for all asteroid previously seen in the Solar System, which have an axes ratio of at most 3.
5. The Spitzer Space Telescope did not detect8 any heat in the form of infrared radiation from `Oumuamua. Given the surface temperature dictated by `Oumuamua’s trajectory near the Sun, this sets an upper limit of hundreds of meters on its size. Based on this size limit, `Oumuamua must be unusually shiny with a reflectance that is at least ten times higher than exhibited by Solar System asteroids.
6. The trajectory of `Oumuamua deviated9 from that expected based on the Sun’s gravity alone. The deviation is small (a tenth of a percent) but highly statistically significant. Comets exhibit such a behavior when ices on their surface heat up from solar illumination and evaporate, generating thrust through the rocket effect. The extra push for `Oumuamua could have originated by cometary outgassing if at least a tenth of its mass evaporated. This massive evaporation would have naturally led to the appearance of a cometary tail, but none was seen. The Spitzer telescope observations place tight limits on any carbon-based molecules or dust around `Oumuamua, and rule out the possibility that normal cometary outgassing is at play (unless it is composed of pure water). Moreover, cometary outgassing would have changed the rotation period of `Oumuamua10 and no such change was observed. Altogether, `Oumuamua does not appear to be a typical comet nor a typical asteroid, even though it represents a population that is far more abundant than expected. 
The extra push exhibited by `Oumuamua’s orbit could not have originated from a breakup into pieces because such an event would have provided an impulsive kick unlike the continuous push that was observed. If cometary outgassing is ruled out and the inferred excess force is real, only one possibility remains - an extra push due to radiation pressure from the Sun11. In order for this push to be effective, `Oumuamua needs to be less than a millimeter thick but with a size of at least twenty meters (for a perfect reflector), resembling a lightsail of artificial origin. In this case `Oumuamua would resemble the solar sail demonstrated by the Japanese mission IKAROS12 or the lightsail contemplated for the Starshot initiative13. An artificial origin offers the startling possibility that we discovered “a message in a bottle”, following years of failed searches for radio signals from alien civilizations. Reassuringly, such a lightsail would survive collisions with interstellar atoms and dust as it travels throughout the Galaxy. In contemplating the possibility of an artificial origin, we should keep in mind what Sherlock Holmes said: “when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. The Kepler satellite revealed14 that about a quarter of all the stars in the Milky Way have a habitable planet of the size of the Earth, with the potential to have liquid water on its surface and the chemistry of life as we know it. It is therefore conceivable that interstellar space is full of artificially-made debris, either in the form of devices that serve a purpose on a reconnaissance mission or defunct equipment. However, to validate the exotic artificial origin for `Oumuamua we need more data. As Carl Sagan said “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Interestingly, the possibility of a targeted mission adds some explanatory power. It is unlikely that 1015 solar sails are launched per star to make up a random population of `Oumuamua-like objects. This would require the unreasonable rate of a launch every five minutes from a planetary system even if all civilizations live as long as the full lifetime of the Milky Way galaxy. Instead, the required numbers could be reduced dramatically if `Oumuamua-like objects do not sample all possible orbits randomly but rather follow special orbits that dive into the innermost, habitable regions of planetary systems like the Solar System. `Oumuamua moves too fast for our chemical rockets to catch up with it now without gravitational assist from planets15. But since it would take `Oumuamua thousands of years to leave the solar system, getting a closer look of it through a flyby remains a possibility even if we were to develop new technologies for faster space travel within a decade or two. Interestingly, some interstellar objects which pass close to Jupiter can lose energy and get captured by the Solar System16. These are dinner guests who bumped into a wall on their way out and stayed around after dinner. The Sun-Jupiter system acts as a fishing net. If we can identify trapped interstellar objects through their unusual bound orbits with unusually high inclinations relative to the Solar System plane, we could design missions to visit them and learn more about their nature. Alternatively, we can wait for the next interstellar guest to show up. Within a few years, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)17 will become operational and be far more sensitive to the detection of `Oumuamua-like objects. It should therefore discover many `Oumuamua-like objects within its first year of operation. If it does not find any, we will know that `Oumuamua was special and that we must chase this guest down the street in order to figure out its origin. Studying interstellar objects resembles my favorite activity when walking along the beach with my daughters. We enjoy picking up sea shells that were swept ashore and learning about their different origins. Every now and then, we find a plastic bottle that indicates an artificial origin. Similarly, astronomers should examine any object that enters the Solar System and study its properties. There is no doubt that the six peculiar features of `Oumuamua usher in a new era of space archaeology. References 1. Meech, K. J. et al. Nature, 552, 378 (2017) 2. https://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/research/Pan-STARRS.shtml 3. Moro-Martin, A., Turner, E.L. & Loeb, A., ApJ, 704, 733 (2009) 4. Do, A., Tucker, M.A. & Tonry, J., ApJL, 855, L10 (2018) 5. Mamajek, E. AAS Research Notes, Nov 23 (2017) 6. Fraser, W.C. et al. Nature Astronomy, 2, 383 (2018) 7. Belton, M.J.S. et al. ApJL, 856, L21 (2018) 8. Trilling, D.E. et al. AJ, 156, 261 (2018) 9. Micheli, M. et al. Nature, 559, 223 (2018) 10. Rafikov, R. arXiv:1809.06389 (2018) 11. Bialy, S. & Loeb, A., ApJL, 868, L1 (2018) 12. http://global.jaxa.jp/projects/sat/ikaros/ 13. http://breakthroughinitiatives.org/concept/3 14. Dressing, C.D. & Charbonneau, D., ApJ, 807, 45 (2015) 15. Hein, A.M. et al. arXiv:1711.03155 (2017) 16. Lingam, M. & Loeb, A. AJ, 156, 193 (2018) 17. https://www.lsst.org/ 
Abraham Loeb Abraham (Avi) Loeb is chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University, founding director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative and director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He chairs the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Academies and the advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot project.
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getnewheater-blog · 5 years
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terryallison-blog · 7 years
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tubebular · 7 years
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samantha-dan564 · 7 years
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そういえばセガの基板はJAMMA規格をかたくなに採用せず、専用筐体を買うか変換ハーネスを自作するかを選ばせてくれましたね。世の中カネか実力がないなら死ね! といわんばかりの方針は、基板をたしなむ人間なら身に染みてることでしょう。セガの基板だけは買わない、という判断は知性的ですが負けです
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palebearwombat-blog · 7 years
Global Electric Power Steering System (EPS) Market 2022 Size (Billions), Revenues, Pricing, Growth Elements and Recent Developments
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Table of Contents
1 Industry Overview1 1.1 Definition and Specifications of Electric Power Steering System1 1.1.1 Definition of Electric Power Steering System1 1.2 Classification of Electric Power Steering System2 1.3 Applications of Electric Power Steering System5 1.4 Industry Chain Structure of Electric Power Steering System7 1.5 Industry Overview and Major Regions Status of Electric Power Steering System7 1.5.1 Industry Overview of Electric Power Steering System7 1.5.2 Global Major Regions Status of Electric Power Steering System9 1.6 Industry Policy Analysis of Electric Power Steering System10 1.7 Industry News Analysis of Electric Power Steering System11
2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Electric Power Steering System14 2.1 Raw Material Suppliers Analysis of Electric Power Steering System14 2.2 Equipment Suppliers Analysis of Electric Power Steering System15 2.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Electric Power Steering System16 2.4 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Electric Power Steering System17 2.5 Global Price and Gross Margin of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201718 3 Technical Data and Header Quarter Analysis20 3.1 Capacity and Establish Data of Global Key Manufacturers in 201620 3.2 Header Quarter Distribution of Global Key Electric Power Steering System Manufacturers in 201620 3.3 R&D Status and Technical Sattus of Global Electric Power Steering System Key Manufacturers in 201621
4 Production Analysis of Electric Power Steering System by Regions, Type, and Applications23 4.1 Global Production of Electric Power Steering System by Regions 2012-201723 4.2 Global Production of Electric Power Steering System by Type 2012-201724 4.3 Global Production of Electric Power Steering System by Applications 2012-201725 4.4 Price Analysis of Global Electric Power Steering System Key Manufacturers in 201627 4.5 North America Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201728 4.6 Europe Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201729 4.7 JP & KR Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201730 4.8 China Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Revenue, Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201731
5 Consumption Volume and Consumption Value Analysis of Electric Power Steering System by Regions32 5.1 Global Consumption Volume of Electric Power Steering System by Regions 2012-201732 5.2 Global Consumption Value of Electric Power Steering System by Regions 2012-201735 5.3 Global Consumption Price Analysis of Electric Power Steering System by Regions 2012-201738
6 Analysis of Electric Power Steering System Production, Supply, Sales and Market Status 2012-201739 6.1 Capacity and Production of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201739 6.2 Production Market Share Analysis of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201744 6.3 Sales Overview of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201749 6.4 Supply, Sales and Gap of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201751 6.5 Import, Export and Consumption of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201752 6.6 Price, Revenue and Gross Margin of Electric Power Steering System 2012-201753
7 Analysis of Electric Power Steering System Industry Key Manufacturers62 7.1 JTEKT62 7.1.1 Company Profile62 7.1.2 Product Information63 7.1.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue63 7.2 Bosch65 7.2.1 Company Profile65 7.2.2 Product Information66 7.2.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue67 7.3 NSK68 7.3.1 Company Profile68 7.3.2 Product Information70 7.3.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue70 7.4 Nexteer72 7.4.1 Company Profile72 7.4.2 Product Information73 7.4.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue73
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2017 Toyota Land Cruiser
New Post has been published on http://auto.tintoantap.com/2017-toyota-land-cruiser/
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser
   The Toyota Land Cruiser is a series of four-wheel drive vehicles produced by the Japanese car maker Toyota. Production of the first generation Land Cruiser began in 1951 as Toyota’s version of a Jeep-like vehicle.
With power comes confidence. Land Cruiser′s Double Overhead Cam (DOHC) 32-valve V8 develops 381 horsepower and 401 lb.-ft. of torque, but that′s only part of the story. Technologies such as Dual Independent Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i) and an Acoustic Control Induction System (ACIS) help maximize usable power throughout the rpm range, giving you unrivaled capability.
Land Cruiser’s 8-speed Electronically Controlled automatic Transmission with intelligence (ECT-i) is not your average transmission. It adjusts shift logic depending on throttle input, vehicle speed and incline for efficient power delivery in a variety of conditions. It also features a sequential shift mode so you can select the gears manually if desired.
True to its off-road heritage, Land Cruiser is built on a rugged 10-member high-tensile steel ladder frame for reduced flex and enhanced durability.
Land Cruiser rides on an independent double-wishbone suspension with coil springs and stabilizer bar up front, and a 4-link rear suspension with coil springs, stabilizer bar and semi-floating axle in the rear. It’s a proven system that has stood the test of time.
Land Cruiser’s undercarriage is equipped with reinforced skid plates to protect crucial areas like the front suspension, radiator, fuel tank and transfer case.
Demanding off-road situations often make you wish you could check your immediate surroundings for potential trouble. With the Multi-terrain Monitor, you can. Simply press a button to display front, rear and side camera views on the 9-in. navigation screen.
The Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS) helps keep optimal traction, no matter how uneven the terrain is. When activated, KDSS automatically disconnects the sway bar and adjusts the suspension system for better wheel articulation. So when the road ahead looks challenging, Land Cruiser is ready to help you conquer it with ease.
On-road or off-, you can never have too much grip. Land Cruiser’s Torsen limited-slip center differential is engineered to automatically send more power to the wheel or axle with the most traction, and is equipped with a locking feature so you can manually select 50/50 front/rear power distribution in extremely traction-limited situations.
Challenging terrain requires a different driving strategy. Multi-terrain Select is an innovative system that helps control wheelspin and brake lockup to optimize driving performance over five of the most common off-road surfaces: Rock, Rock & Dirt, Mogul, Loose Rock and Mud & Sand.
When your off-road travels get tough, Crawl Control (CRAWL) with Off-Road Turn Assist is here to help. This advanced system automatically modulates the throttle and brakes on five low-speed settings, so you can keep your focus on steering through difficult terrain.
When your off-road travels get tough, Crawl Control (CRAWL) with Off-Road Turn Assist is here to help. This advanced system automatically modulates the throttle and brakes on five low-speed settings, so you can keep your focus on steering through difficult terrain.
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Exterior
LED projector-beam low- and high-beam headlights, auto on/off feature, headlight cleaners and integrated Land Cruiser logo : Standard
LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL) : Standard
Front-bumper integrated LED fog lights : Standard
LED accent lighting with on/off feature : Standard
LED stop lights and light-pipe taillights with vortex generators : Standard
Side-body chrome moldings with Land Cruiser logo : Standard
Power tilt/slide moonroof with sunshade and one-touch open/close with jam protection : Standard
18-in. 5-spoke alloy wheels with P285/60R18 116V tires : Standard
Rain-sensing aerodynamic variable intermittent windshield wipers and intermittent rear wiper : Standard
Windshield wiper de-icer : Standard
Privacy glass on rear side, quarter and liftgate windows : Standard
Color-keyed rear spoiler : Standard
Roof rack : Standard
Aluminum running boards : Standard
Front and rear frame-mounted tow hooks : Standard
Front and rear heavy-duty mudguards : Standard
Skid plates — on front suspension, radiator, fuel tank and transfer case : Standard
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Interior
Four-zone automatic front and rear climate control with air filter, dust and pollen filtration mode, push-button controls, separate second-row control panel, individual temperature settings for driver, front passenger and rear-seat passengers, and second- and third-row vents …More : Standard
Entune™ Premium JBL® Audio with Integrated Navigation19 and App Suite53 — includes a 9-in. high-resolution multimedia touch-screen with split-screen capability and integrated backup camera49 display, AM/FM CD player, 14 JBL® speakers including subwoofer, SiriusXM® Satellite Radio12 with 3-month complimentary SiriusXM All Access trial, HD Radio™15 Technology with iTunes® Tagging,47 USB port40 with iPod®41 connectivity and control, vehicle information, hands-free phone capability, phone book access, advanced voice recognition,26 music streaming45 via Bluetooth®36 wireless technology, and Siri® Eyes Free.33 Access to Entune® App Suite53 is subscription-free. …More : Standard
Entune® App Suite53 — includes Destination Search, Facebook Places, iHeartRadio, MovieTickets.com, OpenTable®, Pandora®,52 Yelp® and Slacker Radio. See toyota.com/entune for details. : Standard
Enhanced Multi-terrain Monitor51 with selectable front, side or rear views : Standard
Rear-seat DVD entertainment system with two individual 11.6-in. display screens, RCA jacks, HDMI input, remote, and two wireless headphones24 : Standard
Qi-compatible wireless smartphone and mobile device charging with full-charge indicator light37 (located at the bottom of the dashboard center stack) : Standard
8-passenger seating with semi-aniline perforated leather-trimmed seating surfaces in Black or available (no-cost) Terra : Standard
Multi-stage heated and ventilated front seats with seatback pockets; 10-way power-adjustable driver’s seat with three-position memory function and power lumbar support : Standard
40/20/40 split, sliding, reclining, folding, tumble and multi-stage heated second-row seat with center armrest and abrasion-resistant seatback material : Standard
50/50 split, fold-down third-row seat with folding headrests and abrasion-resistant seatback material : Standard
Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC)18 : Standard
Leather-trimmed heated power tilt/telescopic steering wheel with wood-grain-style accents and audio, Siri® Eyes Free,33 Multi-Information Display, Bluetooth®36 hands-free phone, voice-command, Toyota Safety Sense™ P (TSS-P)17 and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC)18 toggle …More : Standard
Optitron instrumentation with turquoise-illuminated edges and white-backlit speedometer, tachometer, voltmeter, coolant temperature, fuel and engine oil pressure gauges; TFT Multi-Information Display with odometer, tripmeter, speedometer, shift position, current and average fuel economy, distance to empty, average speed, parking assist, steering wheel angle, ECO Driving Indicator zone display, Multi-terrain Select including Crawl Control (CRAWL) with Off-Road Turn Assist, 13 TPMS44 with individual tire location including spare, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC)18 adjustment information, TSS-P Pre-Collision System16 warning alarm adjustment, Lane Departure Alert (LDA)23 and sway warning adjustment, maintenance information and warning messages …More : Standard
Smart Key System22 on all doors and liftgate with remote keyless entry system, remote illuminated entry and Push Button Start : Standard
Power windows with one-touch auto up/down with jam protection in all positions : Standard
Power door locks with shift-linked automatic lock/unlock feature : Standard
Auto-dimming rearview mirror with compass and HomeLink®48 universal transceiver : Standard
LED accent lighting illuminating from the front- and rear-door upper trim : Standard
Overhead console with maplights, sunglasses storage and Safety Connect®50 controls : Standard
Bi-level covered center console with cooler box and second-row vents : Standard
Two center console-area 12V auxiliary power outlets, and one rear cargo area 120V AC power outlet : Standard
Front- and rear-door storage pockets : Standard
Twelve cup and bottle holders : Standard
Dual extendable sun visors with illuminated vanity mirrors and secondary visors : Standard
Second- and third-row LED illumination and second-row LED maplights : Standard
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Safety/Convenience
Toyota Safety Sense™ P (TSS-P)17 — Pre-Collision System16 with Pedestrian Detection29 (PCS w/PD), Lane Departure Alert (LDA)23, Auto High Beams (AHB)30 and Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC)18 : Standard
Star Safety System™ — includes Vehicle Stability Control (VSC),20 Active Traction Control (A-TRAC), Multi-terrain 4-wheel Anti-lock Brake System (ABS), Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD), Brake Assist (BA)28 and Smart Stop Technology® (SST).14 At speeds greater than five miles per hour, when the accelerator is depressed first and the brakes are then applied firmly for longer than one-half second, Smart Stop Technology® is designed to help the driver bring the vehicle to a complete stop. …More : Standard
Ten airbags32 — includes driver and front passenger Advanced Airbag System, driver and front passenger seat-mounted side airbags, second-row outboard seat-mounted side airbags, driver and front passenger knee airbags, and all-row Roll-sensing Side Curtain Airbags (RSCA) with cutoff switch …More : Standard
Driver and front passenger active headrests34 : Standard
Driver and front passenger Active Seatbelt Pretensioning System with force limiters : Standard
3-point seatbelts for all seating positions; driver-side Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) and Automatic/Emergency Locking Retractor (ALR/ELR) on all passenger belts : Standard
Adjustable front- and second-row outboard seatbelt anchors : Standard
LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) includes lower anchors on outboard second-row seats and tether anchors on all second-row seats : Standard
Child-protector rear door locks and power window lockout control : Standard
Head-impact protection structure with energy-absorbing soft upper interior trim : Standard
Highly rigid body structure with side-impact door beams : Standard
Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS)44 with direct pressure readout and individual tire location alert : Standard
Safety Connect®50 — includes Emergency Assistance, Stolen Vehicle Locator, Roadside Assistance and Automatic Collision Notification; available by subscription; complimentary one-year trial subscription : Standard
Front and rear parking assist sonar21 : Standard
Blind Spot Monitor (BSM)39 and Rear Cross-Traffic Alert (RCTA)54 : Standard
Trailer-Sway Control (TSC)38 : Standard
Hill Start Assist Control (HAC)46 : Standard
Anti-theft system with engine immobilizer35 : Standard
ToyotaCare11 featuring a no cost maintenance plan with roadside assistance31 : Standard
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Mechanical/Performance
5.7-Liter DOHC 32-Valve V8 with Dual Independent Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i); 381 hp @ 5600 rpm; 401 lb.-ft. @ 3600 rpm : Standard
Emission Rating
Ultra Low Emission Vehicle II (ULEV-II) : Standard
Ignition System
Electronic, with Toyota Direct Ignition (TDI) : Standard
8-speed Electronically Controlled automatic Transmission with intelligence (ECT-i); sequential shift mode and uphill/downhill shift logic : Standard
Full-time 4WD system with Active Traction Control (A-TRAC) and Torsen®43 limited-slip center differential with locking feature : Standard
Body Construction
Unitized steel body on 10-member high-tensile steel ladder frame : Standard
Independent double-wishbone front suspension with coil springs and stabilizer bar; 4-link rear suspension with coil springs, stabilizer bar and semi-floating axle : Standard
Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS) : Standard
Vehicle speed-sensing, variable gear ratio, power-assisted rack-and-pinion : Standard
Turning circle diameter, curb to curb (ft.) : 38.7
Power-assisted 4-piston front/2-piston rear ventilated disc brakes with hydraulic brake booster and Star Safety System™ : Standard
Front disc brake rotor diameter (in.) : 13.97
Rear disc brake rotor diameter (in.) : 13.58
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Dimensions
Exterior Dimensions (in.)
Overall height : 74.0
Overall width : 77.95
Overall length : 194.9
Wheelbase : 112.2
Track (front/rear) : 64.9/64.74
Interior Dimensions, front/second-row/third-row seats (in.)
Head room : 38.3/38.9/35.8
Shoulder room : 61.0/61.1/62.3
Hip room : 59.4/58.6/56.6
Leg room : 42.9/34.4/28.3
Angle of approach/departure/breakover (degrees) : 30/20/21
Ground clearance (in.) : 8.9
5-Speed Crawl Control (CRAWL)13 with Off-road Turn Assist (OTA) : Standard
Multi-terrain Select : Standard
Rear axle : 3.307
Transfer case — (high/low) : 1.000:1/2.618:1
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Weights/Capacities
Curb weight (lb.) : 5815
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) (lb.) : 7385
Cargo volume (cu. ft.)42 behind front/second-row/third-row seats : 81.7/43.0/16.1
Fuel tank (gal.) : 24.6
Seating capacity : 8
Integrated towing hitch receiver and wiring harness with 4-/7-pin connectors25 : Standard
Towing capacity25 : 8100
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser Tires
Mud-and-Snow-rated steel-belted radials : Standard
Full-size on alloy wheel, mounted under body : Standard
2017 Toyota Land Cruiser MPG/Other/Price
Mileage Estimates (mpg city/highway/combined)3 : 13/18/15
Starting msrp1 : $84,775
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Kaspersky OS nuevo sistema operativo
The Future of Embedded and IoT Security: Kaspersky Operating System
2. THE INTERNET OF THINGS AN EXPLOSION OF CONNECTED POSSIBILITIES Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System2 BILLIONSOFDEVICES 50 40 30 20 10 0 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 YEAR 1992 1,000,000 2003 0.5 BILLION 2009 IoT INCEPTION 2012 8.7 BILLION 2014 14.4 BILLION 2015 18.2 BILLION 2017 28.4 BILLION 2016 22.9 BILLION 2018 34.8 BILLION 2019 42.1 BILLION 2020 50.1 BILLION 2013 11.2 BILLION
3. RICH IoT DEVICES ARE THE MOST VULNERABLE Things Sensor & Actuator Processing Communication Local Network Gateway(s) Wired/wireless Power line BAN, PAN, LAN The Internet Back-End Services Remote Server User access and control Business Data Analysis Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System3
4. IoT ATTACKS MIRAI Mirai was initially discovered in August and its name comes from the discovered binaries called “mirai.()”. It is an ELF Linux executable and focuses mainly on DVRs, routers, web IP cameras, Linux servers, and other devices that are running Busybox, a common tool for IoT embedded devices. BASHLITE Infects Linux systems in order to launch distributed denial-of- service attacks (DDoS). In 2014 BASHLITE exploited the Shellshock software bug to exploit devices running BusyBox. In 2016 it was reported that one million devices have been infected with BASHLITE. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System4
5. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System5 THE MAIN PROBLEM OF IoT FROM A CYBER SECURITY POINT OF VIEW  Human mistakes  Use of 3rd party software and libraries  Software Complexity (Number of lines of code increasing dramatically) INSECURE DESIGN VULNERABILITIES  Time to market pressure INSECURITY OF CONVENTIONAL OPERATING SYSTEMS
6. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System6 WHY CONVENTIONAL OPERATING SYSTEMS ARE NON SECURE  Monolithic system where any module can call any other  By exploiting the arbitrary code execution vulnerability it is possible to call any other module, regardless of security settings  Uncontrolled use of 3rd party libraries  Adversaries can get control over a whole system with the help of only one vulnerability  Poor security settings due to various reasons (lack of expertise, laziness, lack of time…)  Big attack surface Interactive user Device Driver Libraries Commands Application Programs OS System Call Interface … Device Driver Device Driver … DriverInterface Trap Table Monolithic Kernel Module  Process Management  Memory Management  File Management  Device Mgmt Infrastructure
8. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System8 HOW TO FIX THE PROBLEM Make an environment that simply won't allow the program to perform undeclared functions and prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities. THE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF SECURE OS  Secure by design system  MILS with reference monitor approach  Microkernel based  Meets specific requirements for embedded systems
9. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR EMBEDDED OPERATION SYSTEMS SMALL SIZE AND MINIMUM RESOURCE USAGE Most embedded systems use limited hardware recourses (RAM, ROM, CPU) OUT OF THE BOX SECURITY Most embedded systems have (almost) unique security requirements. It is necessary to reduce time to market and reduce the efforts that need to be put into security settings Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System9 STABLE WORK EVEN UNDER ATTACK One has to think about possible threats and threat vectors in advance COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS A system has to be designed and developed in accordance to industrial safety and security standards.
10. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System10 KASPERSKYOS // OVERVIEW  Designed for embedded connected systems with specific requirements for cyber security  Based on the separation kernel which guarantees the control of all internal system communications  The behavior of every module is pre described via security policies  MILS architecture  Domain separation/isolation  Flexible internal communications control via Kaspersky Security System (KSS)
11. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System11 KASPERSKYOS // SPECIFICATIONS  Microkernel based OS from the in-house development team at Kaspersky Lab  Static security configuration  MILS architecture  Separate business applications from security (easier to develop and support, decrease time to market, increase security and safety)  Maximum level of control due to minimum security domains granularity (every single module/driver could be set as security domain)  POSIX API compatible (well 98% of the API)  Runs on Intel x86, x64 and ARM (v6, v7, v8)
12. Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System12 KASPERSKYOS - TRUSTED. FLEXIBLE. SECURE. KasperskyOS is the foundation from which to build a trusted platform – it will not allow untrusted/ malicious/ undocumented code to run, due to strict security policies Set any type of security policy and combine different types of policies. Use one OS for different appliances – saving time on education and implementation Due to separation, functional code and security can be worked on in parallel. This saves time to market without sacrificing anything. Improve safety because of strict security policies that describe the behaviour of a system TRUSTED FLEXIBLE SECURE
13. BENEFITS OF KASPERSKYOS INHERENT SECURITY KasperskyOS is an operating system that is secure by design and we intend to keep it that way by using the best practices of software development FLEXIBLE SECURITY CONFIGURATION Well-designed configuration tools make it easy to create declarative rule definitions and combinations of rules to control interactions in the system Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System13 VERSATILE MODULAR ARCHITECTURE Building the system based on loosely coupled modules helps to minimize the amount of trusted code and tailor each solution to the customer’s specific needs SEPARATION OF APPLICATION FEATURES FROM SECURITY FUNCTIONS The security architecture is designed to separate security functions from application business logic, making both configuring security policies and developing applications easier
14. KASPERSKYOS IMPLEMENTATIONS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System14 Our technologies help developers and manufacturers of complex embedded systems to secure their future revenue by minimizing the risks associated with cyber incidents and malicious software. We have developed a set of products that suit different client needs and follow the same security principles (separation and isolation of security domains and strict control of inter domain communications):  KasperskyOS  Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor  Kaspersky Security System for Linux
15. TECHNOLOGIES THAT ARE FIT FOR EVERY PURPOSE TO SECURE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System15 Level of control Amountofextrawork Kaspersky OS  Most secure solution (all components are isolated and controlled)  Requires rethinking and redevelopment of architecture of every component  Requires (at least) porting of applications or complete rewriting of them  Limited support of hardware (embedded systems only)
16. TECHNOLOGIES THAT ARE FIT FOR EVERY PURPOSE TO SECURE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System16 Level of control Amountofextrawork Kaspersky OS  Most secure solution (all components are isolated and controlled)  Requires rethinking and redevelopment of architecture of every component  Requires (at least) porting of applications or complete rewriting of them  Limited support of hardware (embedded systems only) Level of control Amountofextrawork  Good level of security (isolation of VMs and critical functions, limited control of communications)  Requires rethinking and redeveloping of applications’ architecture only Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor  Requires re/development some critical functions  Wide range of hardware supported (not only embedded systems) Kaspersky OS
17. TECHNOLOGIES THAT ARE FIT FOR EVERY PURPOSE TO SECURE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System17 Level of control Amountofextrawork Kaspersky OS  Most secure solution (all components are isolated and controlled)  Requires rethinking and redevelopment of architecture of every component  Requires (at least) porting of applications or complete rewriting of them  Limited support of hardware (embedded systems only) Level of control Amountofextrawork  Good level of security (isolation of VMs and critical functions, limited control of communications)  Requires rethinking and redeveloping of applications’ architecture only Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor  Requires re/development some critical functions  Wide range of hardware supported (not only embedded systems) Kaspersky OS KSS for Linux  Good level of security (isolation of Linux containers, control only inter container communications)  Only requires the rethink and redevelopment of application architecture  Requires minimum re/development  Runs on virtually all Linux systems with container support Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor Level of control Amountofextrawork Kaspersky OS
18. TECHNOLOGIES THAT ARE FIT FOR EVERY PURPOSE TO SECURE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System18  Most secure solution (all components are isolated and controlled)  Requires the rethinking and redevelopment of the architecture of every component  Requires (at least) the porting of applications or their complete rewrite  Limited support of hardware (embedded systems only)  Good level of security (isolation of VMs and critical functions, limited control of communications)  Only requires the rethinking and redevelopment of application architecture  Requires re/development of some critical functions  Wide range of hardware supported (not only embedded systems)  Good level of security (isolation of Linux containers, controls only inter container communications)  Only requires the rethinking and redevelopment of application architecture  Requires minimum re/development  Runs on virtually all Linux systems with container support KASPERSKYOS SECURE HYPERVISOR KSS FOR LINUX
19. USE CASES Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System19 Telecoms and Network Equipment IoT and Industrial IoT Connected Cars Endpoints POS Terminals Linux Systems Security Enhancement
20. USE CASES – TELECOM EQUIPMENT Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System20  Secure boot ensures integrity of OS and applications  Isolation of every single module  Minimize impact of vulnerabilities, malware protection  Protection of sensitive data (i.e. encryption keys) KASPERSKYOS  Trusted platform  Secure by design:  Network Routers & switches, Firewalls, VPN Internet Security Domain 0 Network Driver Security Domain 1 Network Stack Security Domain 3 SSH Security Domain 2 Web server Security Domain 5 Storage Security Domain 4 Telnet KasperskyOS uCore + KSS Request for security verdict to allow this domain to send datagram to another domain
21. USE CASES – IoT Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System21  Isolation of every single module  Minimize the impact of vulnerabilities  Protection of sensitive data (i.e. encryption keys, user’s data, secure storage)  Secure boot  Secure by design system (the only way to secure IoT devices) 1. Smart CCTV cameras (processes images on a device and sends processed data to a server) 2. Smart hubs (all sensors and end devices connect to these) EXAMPLE  Connected to the Internet and powerful enough (not MCU based) devices like: KASPERSKYOS
22. USE CASES – CONNECTED CARS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System22  Isolation of infotainment from safety critical system (advanced driver assistance systems, AUTOSAR)  Minimize impact of vulnerabilities in every domain  Protection of sensitive data (i.e. encryption keys, logs, telematics data) from unauthorized access  Secure boot and protection against the unauthorized modification of firmware and software (i.e. malware infection, and unauthorized modifications)  Secure by design system  Can be used in central gateway, head unit or specific ECUs KASPERSKY SECURE HYPERVISOR
23. USE CASES – ENDPOINTS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System23  No or limited and controlled data  exchange between VMs  Integrity checking of software  Trusted boot  Bootkit and rootkit protection  Control of access to external devices  Reduce TCO (need one PC instead of two)  Two virtual machines  First one with access to sensitive data (internal domain)  Second one with access to the Internet and access to public services (external domain) o Truly said this is not ordinary PC. It has to have 2 network cards and 2 HDDs Trusted domain Untrusted domain Trusted domain Administrative service Application SSL/TLS Certificate storage Access service Request handshake Give permissions Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor KASPERSKY SECURE HYPERVISOR
24. USE CASES – NETWORK EQUIPMENT Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System24  Secure storage for encryption keys (can be protected from the access of unauthorized software and hardware)  Separation of functional modules like web anti-virus, content filtering, mail anti-virus, cloud storage (can be sold separately with different licenses)  VPN appliances  UTMs KASPERSKY SECURE HYPERVISOR
25. USE CASES – POS TERMINALS Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System25  Dealing with credit cards (protection of CC data read from a card))  Bank communications  Secure storage (audit, securely sending trusted data to management or regulator)  Bring security sensitive functions to the Security Service, for example:  Helps with PA DSS compliance  POS software integrity checking Kaspersky Secure Hypervisor Domain Untrusted application Trusted code Sensitive data Memory protection feature unable to modify protect memory pages KASPERSKY SECURE HYPERVISOR
26. USE CASES – LINUX SECURITY ENHANCEMENT Kaspersky Lab | Future of embedded and IoT security: Kaspersky Operating System26  Secure remote device updates & reconfiguration  Separation of duties between components and remote agents (like OEMs and consumers)  Sandboxing untrusted components  In-depth system hardening with enforced security properties on inter components communications  Use cases:  PLCs / Industrial IoT devices  IoT equipment KASPERSKY SECURITY SYSTEM
27. QUESTIONS? Kaspersky OS Securing Embedded Communications
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quanrel · 8 years
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64 GB UK SIM-Free Android Smartphone - Black
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 64 GB UK SIM-Free Android Smartphone – Black
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge – SM-G925F – black sapphire – 4G LTE, LTE Advanced – 64 GB – GSM – Android smartphone5.1 inch Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreenAndroid 5.0 Lollipop operating system16 MP rear camera and 5 MP front-facing cameraSeamless metal and glass bodyFingerprint sensor £395.99 – Find out more
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quanrel · 8 years
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 32 GB UK SIM-Free Android Smartphone - Green
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge 32 GB UK SIM-Free Android Smartphone – Green
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge – SM-G925F – Emerald Green – 4G LTE, LTE Advanced – 32 GB – GSM – Android smartphone5.1 inch Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreenAndroid 5.0 Lollipop operating system16 MP rear camera and 5 MP front-facing cameraSeamless metal and glass bodyFingerprint sensor £435.39 – Find out more
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