#t Square
farsiastrology · 1 year
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‍ 🍃به نام آفریدگار یکتا 🍃
تی اسکوئرها چگونه به رشد ما کمک میکنند؟
تی اسکوئرها چگونه به رشد ما کمک میکنند؟
در تی اسکویرها ما یک مخالفت داریم  و دو مربع..
مربع ها به عنوان موانع پویا و تکرار شونده در مسیر ما ظاهر میشن، موانعی که برای ایجاد چیزی ارزشمند نیاز به تلاشی جدی و سخت‌کوشانه داره. مربع ها سخت ترین درسهایی هستن که باید باهاشون روبرو شد.. یه جوری آزمونهای زندگی ما هستن.. مربع ها به آسونی چیزی رو به آدم نمیدن.. اما وقتی بر اساس درسهایی که خواسته عمل کنید،بزرگترین دستاوردها رو خواهید داشت.
اما مخالفت ها
دو جنبه متضاد هستند که باید متعادل بشن..‌
نقطه کانونی تی اسکوئرها مثل رهبر این مبارزه است‌.. کلید رهایی در دست سیاره نقطه کانونیه.
حالا به چارتتون نگاه کنید و ببینید تی اسکویر دارید؟
کلید رهایی در دست کیه؟
فارسی استرولوژی
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brundle-bambi · 5 months
I’m listening to this on vinyl and this whole album slaps severely.
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shouichiondemand · 5 months
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astroartmuse · 2 years
looks at all the geometric patterns in my chart on astro-charts.com
1 grand water trine
2 castles 🏰
4 tsquares
2 rectangles
1 yod
4 cradles
Like woah yo that's a lot
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triplemanedragon · 2 years
T-Squares are compromised of Squares and Oppositions. They usually have two planets/celestial bodies opposing with a third acting as a "leg." They're half of a grand cross, and so they can sometimes feel "one-sided." To use the energy in these T-Squares, one should see where the opposing planets are in their chart. These planets will play a game of ball and catch, and depending on where this game is being played (in houses and in zodiac signs) that is where you'll see it manifest. Squares act in a similar way. The native will have to find a way to harness this energy and once they figure it out, it will be less harmful.
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thehardcas · 2 years
After weeks of work, my most ambitious cover (so far!) is finally done!
T-Square - Circuit Wanderer [VRC7 Cover]
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
Hello how are you 💕 what does it mean to have a t-square with Chiron Saturn and north node?
Hey! Sorry I forget to look at my asks! 😫😫😫
Anyhow, T-Squares in astrology usually indicates a native may have challenges channeling the planets involved, but with time and perseverance, this can be your biggest success tool. Now, depending on how the planets are configured may have a different outcome (as a T-square consists of one opposition and two squares) but I’ll put it generally.
With Chiron, Saturn, and North Node, the native may have a tough time facing and actively healing the wounds that they may encounter over the course of their lives. Saturn is the planet as we know will not be easy, and if Saturn is heavy in your chart, life can seem quite cold. In aspect to Chiron can make it a little more challenging as this asteroid (especially if the orbs are close like 0°-1°) deals with not only how we deal with our pain, but how to transmute it to help us. But why think about that when we’re in pain ourselves? That’s the point! At least in your case, with Saturn, Chiron, and North Node, you will go through the challenges of experiencing the stress of blockages and feeling like the world is against you at times, but overtime once you learn how to navigate and see the bigger picture behind this, you gain a lot more experience on how to help others who may have experienced the same path as you growing up. Maybe that is also part of your path as North Node is within the T-Square. You’re meant to learn how to not make the pain you endured make you bitter, but better. You’ll be respected for it too. Not saying you should wear your pain as a badge of honor, but with whatever path you choose (politician, lawyer, businessman/woman), you’re going to do it in a way that is more concerned with helping others through structure and perseverance. It may come off tough to them at times, but you want them to be ready for anything. Because that is how you also learned. It may be tough , but if you understand the T-square and do it right, you’ll be more refined in the long run, as Saturn never forgets who’ve done right.
I hope that helps!!
-Claude 💛🛸
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plutosmoonchild · 2 years
Hello how are you 💕 what does it mean to have a t-square with Chiron Saturn and north node?
hi! I’m fine - the weather is so nice today, lots of sunny fall vibes 🌞🍂 how are you??
it’s hard to give detailed advice/Information without the house and sign placements, but I’ll try my best:
so traditionally, asteroids like Chiron or calculated points like the north node are not included in aspect patterns. so you’d need to have more planets than saturn involved.
generally, t-squares are made out of two squares and an opposition - those are all “hard” aspects, there may be a lot of inner tension (squares) involved, as well as externally perceived push and pull dynamics (opposition).
with t-squares the focal planet is super important, as this is the point of release, so to speak, where the tension culminates. to find out which planet this is, take a look at the planets involved and check for the one receiving the two squares. the planet, sign and especially house placement will give insight on how you can put the tension of the t-square into practical use, because - and this is the great thing with t-squares - even if they are made out of hard aspects, they often give the native lots of determination and energy to pursue whatever they indicate towards. It gives a certain drive and motivation.
also def check for the house opposite the house your focal planet sits in. this will play and important role on how to balance the tension of the t-square and can give hints on how or where to put the energy I mentioned above.
you may also want to check the modality of the planets, for example fixed t-squares differ from mutable ones and are often said to be a bit harder to navigate.
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shouichinarita · 2 months
T-SQUARE - Broken Promise
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People get scared when finding a wedge, a T square or a hammer pattern on their birth charts, but they shouldn't! A simple vital Astrology article explains what they are and what to do with them:
✨ Feared patterns in Astrology ✨
is the latest on medium.com. You'll also know what happens when your pattern meets other people's planets.
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webgrrl · 4 months
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Node Square Saturn (0°06’, Separating)
The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are focused on overcoming challenges in their life. They are consistent, aware of their responsibilities, and they walks tirelessly along their life path. They have high standards for themselves and they set ambitious goals. They are able to overcome their limits.
The negative side of this aspect is that it also gives people pessimism or even hopelessness about overcoming challenges in their life. They live lives full of obstacles and they are afraid to cross the threshold in order to become themselves. They often believe that their responsibilities stop them from reaching their soul. They often fall back into their old patterns. They frequently overload themselves.
 Node Square Pluto (1°25’, Applying)
The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people great and fascinating energy that leads them to the focal point of their life. The experiences of power and powerlessness and the encounter with their own Shadow helps them overcome their life challenges and find their life path.
The negative thing about this aspect is that it causes inner tension and feelings of obsession because strong forces drag and pull in a different direction than towards the focal point of life. These people often have the feeling that they are the prisoners of misconceptions
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brundle-bambi · 4 months
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squidhominid · 8 months
A realization.
Me: Oh, my taste in music is so basic, most of what I listen to is Mariya Takeuchi, Junko Ohashi, Casiopea, and T-Square
My definition of ’basic’ has drifted, slightly.
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My 5th house is ruled by Saturn, my Saturn is in my 7th house, my Venus is in Capricorn and squared by Saturn (actually in a t-square conjunct my mars, opposing my moon in cancer, with Saturn at the apex squaring them all), so idk…send help maybe lol
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eggwishing · 2 months
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Fallen down
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nashiyovi · 1 year
この曲は持ってるねぇ^ ^
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