hadeskitchen 3 years
I didn't realize that there is a poly romance for T and K??? I felt like I just had a revelation and like a double rainbow is shinning outside my window.
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hadeskitchen 3 years
I'm always so happy when I see polyships. 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
Can we get some facts about the T/K polyship? Anything will do.
Hmmm, a few facts about the polyship, let me see...
Here's some practical stuff:
With T and K, MC can choose to be in: a triad or a solo relationship with either T or K
The MC can still be in a polyam relationsip with both if they're asexual or aromantic
Here's some more story-related stuff:
T is very experienced with polyam relationships (was a member of a famous polycule) while K has no experience (was too shy to bring up polyamory with past partners)
T was actually in a polyam relationship with one of the guest judges
If you don鈥檛 pursue either of them, T and K will form a relationship on their own (yes, very much inspired by Dorian and Iron Bull)
T and K have both suppressed major aspects of their personalities out of self-loathing, shame, fear, or pure neglect; their relationship (with each other, the MC, or all of the above) forces them to remember what they've repressed and helps them embrace it
There's one particular scene with a food fight which I'm v excited to write
Oh, also, there鈥檚 an abundance of wholesome, heartwarming shit, but also a lot of angst (just due to the nature of the competition)
Also, wanted to remind people, I normally used to say Thema and Kenji, since that's who they are most of the time in my head, but they are gender selectable (Thema is cis!f but can be Tano, cis!m, or Tawiah, pangender; Kenji is cis!m but can be Kairi, trans!f, or Kira, x-gender neutral).
Side note on another possible (not confirmed) polyship under the cut.
** UPDATE **
Since then, the Hero poly route has been confirmed and will be implemented in the game.
So, I鈥檝e been thinking about it and (after reading/thinking more about polyam relationships) Hero may also be available as a polyam partner. Hero is asexual but is open to the idea of their SO engaging in a sexual relationship with someone else (which I just realized is a polyamorous type of relationship, don鈥檛 know why I never realized that before). But a polyam relationship with Hero may or may not be implemented in the actual game, I can鈥檛 promise anything (it all depends on the time it would take to write/code those options).
Also, fun fact, Hero was raised by a polyamorous community, so they're extremely supportive of polyamorous relationships and people. While they've never been in a polyam relationship, they can provide shockingly good insight and advice on them.
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hadeskitchen 3 years
Thema and Kenji?
Nope, but you're half correct 馃槈
(ask is in response to this)
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