#t:you'll never have to be alone
barchiefanfiction · 7 years
Prompt idea: Archie finally proposed to Betty? I know it may be early but I just want that sooo badly!
Thanks so much for the prompt, sorry it took me so long to get to it! This is part three of And Teach them How to Dream and It Could Stay This Simple
You’ll Never Have to be Alone
AO3 // ff.net
When Archie finds out that Cherylhas proposed to Toni, and that they’re now engaged, he’s irrationally annoyedabout it. Not because he doesn’t think they should get married (in fact,they’re weirdly perfect for each other), but because, well, they kind of stolehis thunder.
He’s had the ring hidden in thepocket of a coat he never wears for months now, waiting for the right time,planning the perfect night. But with Cheryl and Toni getting engaged less thana week ago, if he proposed to Betty now,it would kind of seem like he wasstealing their thunder, and not theother way around. If they’re families weren’t so weirdly interconnected now, itwould be fine, but with Hal dating Penelope, and Cheryl being Juniper andDagwood’s aunt, it seems like the Coopers and the Blossoms are destined to bein each other’s lives forever. (Plus the whole Jason and Polly were cousin’sthing. But he’s not thinking about that.)
So he has to re-evaluate hisproposal plans, and the ring stays hidden.
Cheryl, of course, has to throw anextravagant engagement party, which she’d already started planning a monthbefore she’d actually proposed to Toni.
Betty waves the fancy red and goldembossed invitation in Archie’s face.
“We can probably swing a visit toRiverdale in a month’s time, right?” she asks, plopping herself beside him onthe couch. They’ve been living together in a crappy apartment in New York forthe past three months, Betty in her last year of college and Archie bartendingin between the occasional gig.
“You know I’d do anything forCheryl,” Archie jokes. Betty elbows him affectionately.
“It’s not for Cheryl,” she pouts,“it’s for me.”
“Ah, well in that case, no way,”Archie screws up his face. “I hate doing things for you.”
“You’re the worst,” Betty tellshim. Archie just laughs and leans in to kiss her.
“I love you,” he says.
“I know,” Betty replies softly.“But you’re not getting out of going to this engagement party.”
The party is being held atThornhill, though Cheryl doesn’t live there anymore, and as soon as Archiewalks through the front door with Betty’s hand in his, he feels like his walkedinto a scene from some kind of period movie.
“Since when does Cheryl have so manyfriends?” Archie whispers. A solemn looking man at the door takes their coats.“And why does this place look so different?”
“Betty, Archie,” Cheryl appearsbeside them, a smile on her face. She’s wearing a blood red gown, her lipspainted a matching shade. “So glad you could make it.”
“Congratulations, Cheryl,” Bettysays. Archie echoes the sentiments. Whatever has happened between Cheryl andBetty, or Cheryl and Archie over the years, they really are happy for her.
“Thank you,” Cheryl replies. “Giftscan be placed on the table in the living room,” she tells them, and flouncesoff, flicking her long red hair in Archie’s face as she goes.
“It’s nice to know that some thingsnever change,” Betty says wryly. She leads them into the living room to placethe gift they’ve brought on the table, as per Cheryl’s instructions. They spotToni chatting to Jughead, and once Betty has off-loaded the gift they head overto congratulate the other half of the engaged couple.
Toni isn’t dressed in a gown likeCheryl is, but she is wearing the glitteriest pants Archie has ever seen.
“Hey, Toni, congratulations,”Archie says, holding his hand out for her to shake, then to Jughead to do thesame. “Jughead.”
“Congrats, Toni,” Betty agrees.“You’re so lucky.” Archie goes his best not to pout at that. Betty would beengaged right now if it weren’t for Cheryl’s terrible timing.
“I was just telling her how unlucky she is to be stuck with Cherylfor the rest of her life,” Jughead grimaces.
“Hey, be nice,” Toni admonishes. “You’dlike her if you just gave her a chance.”
“I highly doubt that,” Jugheadrolls his eyes.
“You want to see the ring?” Toniasks, already holding her hand out. It’s a gold band, a small diamond framed bya couple of golden swirls. The ring hidden in the closet at home for Betty ismuch nicer. Archie feels a stab of resentment.
“Wow, it’s beautiful,” Bettygushes. “Isn’t it Arch?”
“It’s okay, I guess,” he mutters,and she frowns at him in confusion. “I mean, it’s lovely, Toni. Sorry.”
“Did you get one for Cheryl?” Bettyasks. Toni gives a moment of thought, a secret forming on her lips.
“Okay, don’t say anything, but Ibought one for her like a week before she proposed, because I was going to propose. I’m going togive it to her tonight,” Toni says, smirking. Betty has that look in her eyelike that’s the sweetest thing she’s ever heard of. Archie scoffs, but managesto disguise it as a cough before anyone notices.
“Should we get some drinks?” Archieasks. “Where’s the bar around here?”
“Dining room,” Toni nods in thedirection of the dining room. Archie and Betty murmur more words ofcongratulations before setting off in said direction.
Once drinks are in hand, the two ofthem venture into the crowd to mingle. Archie is pretty sure most of the peoplehere are distant Blossom relatives, but there is also a mix of Serpents and exRiverdale High students scattered amongst the crowd. It’s a strange collectionof people.
Though Archie is feeling a littledejected, knowing that he should behaving an engagement party right now, instead of Cheryl and Toni, Betty managesto get him to dance with her, and he cheers up for a few minutes, untilCheryl’s shrill voice fills the room, the music coming to a stop.
“Listen up, people!” Cheryl says atthe top of her voice. She smiles as people file into the living room, everyonecrowding around to listen to her. Toni appears beside her, slipping her handinto her fiancée’s. Cheryl’s voice is softer when she speaks again. “Thank youall for coming,” Cheryl announces. “I just wanted to say how happy I am to beengaged to this incredible woman. I’m so lucky she said yes when I proposed.Which, of course, I knew she would.” Cheryl beams at Toni who grins back ather.
“And I’m so grateful that all ofyou are here to celebrate with me, and who have all been so supportive of ourrelationship,” Cheryl continues. “So let’s raise a glass to the two mostbeautiful bisexuals in Riverdale! Nay, in the whole world!”
“To Cheryl and Toni!” someone inthe crowd yells, and the rest of the guests echo in a failed attempt at unison.
“I also have something to say,”Toni says, addressing the crowd. “Cheryl, I’m so happy you proposed, and I loveyou so much,” she says, turning to her fiancée. Archie swears he sees Cherylblush. “And I know this is basically redundant, but I wanted to do it anyway.”
Toni gets to one knee and pulls outthe ring she bought for Cheryl. Cheryl looks astonished. As if they aren’talready engaged.
“Marry me?” Toni grins.  Cheryl smiles, shaking her head in disbelief.
“You’re incredible,” Cheryl says.“Of course I’ll marry you.”
Archie claps along with the rest ofthe crowd of cheering friends and family, as Toni stands and slips the ringonto Cheryl’s finger. He glances at Betty just as she wipes a tear away. Hegrabs her free hand and squeezes.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice low.
“Yeah,” Betty nods. “I’m justreally happy they found each other.”
Archie should be happy for themtoo. And he is, really. Deep down. But on the surface, he’s still just annoyed he’s not the engaged one. He’s not doinga very good job of hiding it, either.
“What about you?” Betty whispers.“Are you okay?”
Archie shrugs. “Just tired, Iguess,” he lies.
“Do you want to go?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah, I’m kind of tired too. We’vedone our duty.”
Archie nods, and as the crowd dispersesback into various rooms and the music starts blaring again, he and Betty slipout the front door.
He’s silent on the way home, andBetty follows his lead, staying quiet as well. He feels a little guilty for actinglike such a dick all night. It’s not her fault Cheryl ruined his plans.
He pulls into his old driveway, theporch light on but the rest of the house dark. His dad has already gone to bed.
“Hey,” Betty says softly, taking Archie’shand as he unlocks the front door. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve beenacting weird all night.”
Archie pushes the door open. “Yeah,”he sighs. They walk inside and Betty closes the door behind them. “It’s just…it should have been us, you know?” he says without thinking. Too late, herealises what he’s said.
“What do you mean?” Betty asks,confused.
“Nothing,” he says quickly. Heturns away so Betty can’t read his expression but she grabs him by the arm andhe turns back to her reluctantly. The only visible light is the porch lightgleaming through the window. Maybe she can’t see his face that well.
“Arch?” she says, her voice softand hesitant. He can see the gears working in her mind. “Were you…” she stops.She’s guessed, but she thinks she could be wrong, so she doesn’t say it outloud.
“I bought you a ring,” Archie whispers.Betty’s eyes widen.
“You were going to propose?” shesays, her voice a little squeaky.
“Like, a month ago,” Archie sighs. “ButCheryl beat me to it. And this is so not how you were supposed to find out.”
“I don’t care,” Betty says, herface breaking into a grin. The smile is infectious, and Archie can’t help but smilealong with her. He tugs her close.
“Betty, will you marry me?” he asks,whispering the question into her hair. He doesn’t think his heart has ever beatso hard.
“Well, I’ve already turned you downtwice. If I do it again you may not ever marry me,” Betty laughs softly. Archiepulls back slightly to look in her eyes.
“Betty,” he says. He needs to hearher say it. She leans up to kiss him, drawing it out before pulling away.
“Yes, Archie,” she says, her greeneyes full of warmth and love. “I’ll marry you.”
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