belicioustummy · 8 months
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keep your wife nice and full
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belicioustummy · 9 months
finally made some refs for the ocs I’m using specifically for this blog :-)
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(left to right) tansy (it/she, 30s), niah (she/her, 30s), willow (she/he, early 40s), chuck (he/him, late 30s), cade (he/him, early 50s), lola (any, 40s)
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belicioustummy · 11 months
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finally got up the courage to post some traditional art, here are tansy (left) and its currently unnamed gf
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belicioustummy · 8 months
1 from all categories?
If all the characters stuffed themselves to maximum capacity, who would’ve eaten the most?
cade has a pretty big capacity but ultimately I think willow would have him beat by a very slight margin. cade would not be pleased about that
Who’s most likely to get a stomachache from overeating?
willow probably, if he’s eating something tasty there’s a good chance he will keep going even when he starts to feel full. she’s usually able to catch it before mild discomfort and soreness turns into nausea, though that wasn’t always the case…
Who is most likely to seek out tummy rubs when they’re stuffed?
definitely tansy! getting its belly rubbed is a big part of the appeal of being stuffed, and getting love and attention from its girlfriend niah is always amazing. a date night with a bunch of good food that ends up with her tummy being stroked and kissed is something she always looks forward to. willow is content rubbing her own full tummy, but quite enjoys when someone else does so too
Who is most likely to accidentally stuff themselves because they were not paying attention to how full their tummy was getting?
chuck, absolutely. he’s often multi-tasking while he eats, whether chatting with friends, watching tv, or working on a project, so there’s a good chance he’ll wind up fuller than anticipated
Which character would be most likely to wind up stuffed attending a potluck with a wide array of home-cooked comfort foods?
niah! you might think, out of the pair of them, it would be tansy, but she knows her limit and prefers to be stuffed in private. niah adores when several people get together and make their specialties- it reminds her of family reunions, which she looks back on with fondness. she has to sample everything, and then get seconds of whatever tastes best. by the time she’s done, she’s filled with plenty of good home cooking!
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belicioustummy · 8 months
3 for all categories?
Who is most prone to tummy noises?
cade has a rather noisy stomach when he’s too hungry or too full. when he’s working he tends to have several little snacks throughout the day to avoid either extreme, because he likes to give off a flawless image. outside of that, he very much enjoys having people spoil and pay attention to him when his stomach starts to growl or gurgle
Who’s most likely to get burpy?
tansy tends to swallow a lot of air if she eats too fast, which makes her bloated. a good belly rub works wonders to help it out. when it comes to beverages, lola dislikes drinking soda because the carbonation is pretty much guaranteed to make them burp a lot. she avoids it whenever possible because it embarrasses her
Who is the fussiest when a friend is down with a tummyache?
niah is very attentive towards tansy when she has tummy troubles. she might feel a little odd about doing the same for a friend she isn’t as close to, although she’d do her best. chuck pays a lot of attention to how his friends are feeling, so it’s likely that he’d notice if they had a sick stomach. he Will provide a gentle massage for a friend’s sore tummy if they like. willow has taken him up on this a good few times
Who is most likely to wind up overstuffed because they hate to waste food and are determined to finish up all the leftovers?
willow was in a situation where she didn’t have enough to eat for a while in her twenties, so she is very conscious about wasting food. there were a few times in the past where he wasn’t sure when he’d eat again, and ate so much it started to hurt. as a result, at present he’ll try to mostly stick to stuff that won’t reheat well, and even that will leave him plenty full. then again, her stomach capacity has expanded noticeably since then…
Which character would be most likely to wind up stuffed indulging on freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies, soft and gooey out of the oven?
niah and willow have the biggest sweet tooths (teeth?) out of the cast. although niah’s favorite cookies are snickerdoodles and willow’s are maple cookies, neither would turn down chocolate chip- especially fresh-baked. lola could also be lured in by the wonderful smell. considering it doesn’t take a lot of food to fill his tummy, lola would be most likely out of the three of them to get stuffed before the taste started to get too samey. 5 cookies and a glass of milk, and she’ll be out
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belicioustummy · 9 months
🫢 for all
🫢 Do they have any kind of belly kink or awareness of it? Do any of the characters around them?
tansy and niah both have stuffing kinks, usually with tansy being fed and niah feeding it. tansy is generally more into getting stuffed, but she loves spoiling her girlfriend, so they swap roles occasionally. niah also just finds tummies to be very attractive. she often lets her hand rest on tansy’s even when it’s not full
willow kind of assumes everyone finds the idea of being just slightly too full to be a little sexy. eating on dates isn’t uncommon, after all. plus, he has a friend with benefits (chuck) who loves rubbing his belly after a nice big snack. it’s as normal and romantic to her as massaging your partner’s back or shoulders. she also finds the noticeable weight she’s put on since she finally began to care for herself properly to be hot, although that’s partially gender euphoria and finally being happy with how he looks
chuck doesn’t think he has a belly kink, he just likes to get a peek of a midriff when someone reaches up… or watch a pretty girl absentmindedly pat her tummy after eating too much… or feel the soft curve of a guy’s big stomach against his while they make out… wait what was the question again
cade doesn’t specifically have any belly-related kinks. he is a massive hedonist, though, and that often intersects with eating as much extravagant, delicious food as he can. he wouldn’t be opposed to someone he got involved with paying specific attention to his belly, just as long as they’re focused on him. cade is very self-absorbed
lola has a wide knowledge of kinks. while stuffing itself doesn’t do much for them, she can and will mix it with a little sadism when her lovers are interested. she gets to dominate them, and they get to indulge until they can’t sit up. everyone gets turned on and happy. he has a bit of magical knowledge as well. though he doesn’t use it just for kink, it can help increase someone’s stomach capacity or help with digestion during aftercare, among other things. on the topic of bellies, they do think pregnancy is hot as well lol
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belicioustummy · 11 months
I’ve had this couple of characters in my mind for a bit and I feel like while one of them, tansy, is not as much into stuffing others/feeding in terms of kink itself, she really likes to spoil her girlfriend and make her all comfy and happy, so it’ll gladly feed her a big warm meal and then rub her tummy as it spoons her
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