unknees · 2 years
—The Adults Are Talking
Aizawa Shouta x Haruno Sakura
Chapter 10: The Adults Are Alright
Beta: @flowershinobi
Read on [ao3]
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The clean antiseptic smell of the hospital reminded him of the many trips he’s had here both as a hero and as a teacher. 
In his own morbid way, it calmed him, because it also reminded him of her. 
“Got used to the hospital yet, Aizawa-sensei?” Hizashi teased him. 
He wanted to scoff, but the binding around his neck stopped him from making even the slightest of sounds. It effectively reminded him of why he was there: not for her, but because his beloved student fucked up and somehow wrapped his capture weapon so tightly around his neck that it nearly snapped in two. Like a twig.
“Sensei, I’m so sorry!” Aizawa watched as said student bowed 90 degrees, his whole body shaking. “Shishou told me that my foot hold isn't strong enough yet. I should have listened to her!” 
You bet your smartass you should! He thought. Unfortunately, it could only be translated into a sharp glare. He couldn’t even crane his neck without groaning in pain. Pathetic.
“Aizawa Shouta’s number one life lesson is: Sakura is always right. You better drill that into that purple head of yours, Shinsou. Or you might lose your life. Either from missteps or from Sakura herself,” Hizashi explained, finger digging into the crown of Shinsou's head. “I mean, hell. Even I listen to Sakura.”
Shinsou straightened up, his eyes rimmed red. Aizawa felt bad—not really—for letting him try the weapon even though he wasn’t fully ready. He blinked his sympathy away, because he knew, they all knew, that Shinsou didn't have the privilege of taking things slowly. He needed more, he needed the push in order to catch up to class 1-A. 
“Shishou would tell you to add more weight, Toshi-nii,” Eri interrupted from her seat on Nemuri’s lap. “She would say, ‘100 laps with the new weight!’”
“That’s a very good rendition of Sakura, Eri-chan. It’s like she’s with us!” Nemuri bounced Eri up and down, and it warmed his heart to see Eri laugh freely. 
“Though Shishou would add, ‘Run for your fuck—”
“Ah! Bad words! I’m gonna tell shishou!” Eri said excitedly, finger pointing at the teenager. 
“Shut up.” Shinshou leaned toward her across the bed to pinch her cheek. 
Aizawa pushed him back when Eri squeaked. He looked at the young boy in warning, watching his cheeks color and eyes widen, if only barely, as though he had forgotten that the rest of his sensei’s body was perfectly functional.
“I’m really sorry, sensei,” he said again, sitting back in his seat with a regretful expression. 
This, he thought as he patted the boy's head and gave him a fond smile, this side of him is so Sakura.
“Don’t worry, Shinsou. This is literally nothing,” Nemuri said on his behalf. “He only looks this miserable to get pity from his girlfriend.”
“Yeah. He’s spoiled,” Hizashi added, snickering when Aizawa kicked his ass. “Trust me. He’s one of the toughest men I’ve known. But when Sakura’s around…” 
Aizawa covered his face with his hands when the room filled with laughter. He took a peek at Shinsou who was still slouching and looking at him gloomily. Aizawa stretched his hand out, waiting for his student to take it. When Shinsou’s hand—nails chipped and palm blistered, evidence of hard work—found his, Aizawa wrapped it with both his hands, cocooning it. 
The action caught Shinsou off guard, and Aizawa chuckled when he noticed that the tips of his ears had reddened in response to the attention. He grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up. I’m alright. It’s okay. 
It seemed that Shinsou understood it. He sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing as he smiled back at Aizawa with a nod of understanding.
Aizawa leaned into his pillow, closing his eyes and just quietly enjoying the chit chat around him. He listened as Shinsou opened his can of coffee—Sakura’s favourite brand—and as he breathed in the scent he couldn't help the smile formed on his lips at the realization that his student had picked up one of Sakura's habits.
It calmed him, the reminder that she was here with him in everyone dear to them both. It calmed him.
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He opened his eyes sleepily when he felt cold fingers against his scalp. He reached for her hand, kissing her palm before placing it on his chest. 
“What happened?” She asked, her free hand hovering over his neck. Dim green lit up the dark hospital room as she healed him. 
Once she was done, Aizawa turned to look at her painlessly, as though he hadn’t almost lost his neck hours ago. He kissed her hand again and rasped, “Just a rookie mistake.”
Sakura chuckled as she pulled her kitsune mask off. He had to reign his heart in before it jumped out at the sight of her smiling at him. The outside light reflected on her green eyes prettily as they roved over his body. “The mark on your neck… He got you with your own weapon, huh?” She teased, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Sloppy job, Aizawa-sensei.”
“I’m a patient, Sakura. Don’t you have to talk kindly to ease your patient’s worry?” He pulled her for a kiss and smiled when he tasted coffee on her lips. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.” She turned the reading light on, ransacking his duffle bag to grab a clean shirt before she took off her black turtleneck. “God, I hate stalking missions the most,” she complained as she pushed her pants down. “Five days of undercover! Urgh!” 
“Uh huh.” Aizawa nodded distractingly, enjoying the sway of her ass. 
“I just wanna do a clean one, you know? Chop chop.” She straightened up, turning toward him. Her flushed face looked pretty as she smiled at him and said, “So I can get back home to you.”
He swallowed thickly as he gave her a once over; liking the way his shirt hung off her shoulder and fell right below her bum, giving him the best view of her thighs—strong and lean with muscle. 
Aizawa offered her his hand, and kissed the back of hers once their palms met. “It’s been five days.”
“Five long days,” she corrected, rolling her eyes as she climbed up the bed and went on four, trapping him beneath her.
Aizawa looked up at her, admiring the fine freckles that scattered on her cheeks. Her pupils seemed to fill her eyes as she focused solely on him. The attention made him jittery with anticipation. 
He crossed one arm under his head and hummed in appreciation. 
She was perfect. She might be a walking red flag with the way she talked about stalking and murdering people like she was just reciting a boring list of groceries, but she was perfect and his.
Aizawa smirked when she lowered into him, shuddering as he tenderly caressed the softness of her cheek, down her jaw to her chin. And when she got so close that he could smell the sweet, creamy scent of her coffee on her breath, he pushed his thumb between her parting lips. 
She was his. She was his and he wanted to taste her. 
“It really has been so long,” he whispered.
Sakura sucked his thumb, eyes never leaving him, and let go with a pop. She leaned down to kiss him. Her body completely laxed on top of his before he kissed the temple of her head. “Comfy?”
“Hmm… Scoot over,” Sakura said instead, pushing him with her hips. 
“I’m an injured person,” he grumbled, yet he moved to accommodate her. “This bed is for me to rest.”
She wiggled until she found comfort laying sideways facing him. She sighed, long and heavy, and snuggled into him with her head resting comfortably at the junction of his neck. 
Aizawa took a moment to pull her close. Her warm breath fanning against his skin was welcomed. Her warmth was a welcome; proof that she was safe with him. He wrapped his arms around her tighter, grateful.
“You’re home.” 
She chuckled as she kissed the underside of his jaw. “We’re in your tiny hospital bed, idiot.” 
He kissed the top of her head, inhaling the remnant scent of her sweet shampoo. It was all so comforting. “In a hospital bed, on a tree, whatever. As long as we’re together, we’re home.”
She was home. 
He chuckled when he felt her lips tickle his neck with a lazy kiss as she sleepily mumbled, “Mhmm. Comfy home,”—she yawned—“You know when you get loopy tired? Yeah. That. I feel like I’m so out of it. Like I’m drunk. I’ve been literally running on adrenaline and coffee since last night.”
“Sleep then,” he said sternly, his hand snuck under her—his—shirt, and roamed freely upon her bare skin. He had missed her. “Have a good rest so you can join my morning run tomorrow. The kids grow so fast it’s fucking insane. Can’t let them outdo their sensei now.”
Sakura giggled, angling her head to catch his lips. “Hmm. I have no complaints. So far your stamina has been amazing.”
“Mhmm.” Her fingers traced the hardness of his chest down to his abs and stopped right over his waistline. “Especially when you have my legs on your shoulders and you just keep pushing them down and squeezing me? Mhmm.”
“Oh my god!” Shinsou’s panicked scream interrupted their quiet moment. Aizawa sighed and Sakura turned to hide her pink face against his chest, pulling the blanket to cover her exposed legs. He squeezed her waist once before he turned to look at the two kids standing at the doorway. 
Eri tugged on Shinsou’s shirt. Her eyebrows furrowed as she disappointedly scolded him, “Toshi-nii. You shouldn’t interrupt when the adults are talking.”
“They’re not talking! They’re smooching!” 
“Shinsou,” Aizawa said at the same time as Sakura yelled, “Shut up!”
“What is smooching?” Eri asked, eyes darting between her brother and the two adults. 
“Listen,” Shinsou started, squatting down to her eye level, “smooching is when two adults—”
“Shinsou,” Aizawa cut his explanation short. “Be a good brother and don’t teach her unnecessary stuff.”
“But I wanna know,” Eri said, crossing her arms.
Sakura looked up at him, grinning and mouthing, ‘Good luck, daddy.’
He rolled his eyes and kissed her forehead one more time before he waved his hand to call the kids over. 
“Smooching, as Shinsou put it, is when two adults show their love for each other,” he answered casually once Eri climbed up the bed. Shinsou took a seat in front of Sakura, greeting her half-heartedly and receiving a pinch on his cheek as a reply. 
“Where did you guys go, anyway? It’s late,” he asked, patting Eri’s head. He caught the familiar strawberry smell of her hair and smiled.
“Eri wanted to try the mango juice. The closest vending machine was out of stock so we had to walk to the one at the corner,” Shinsou answered. “Yamada-sensei called. Said his work is almost done and will be picking us up in five.”
“You’re not staying the night?” Sakura asked, leaning over Aizawa to comb Eri’s hair with her fingers. “Do you like the shampoo, Eri-chan?”
“I love it! It’s pink like your hair, shishou!” She nodded in excitement. “Also, Yamada-san said I have a tutor tomorrow morning. So I have to wake up early. Toshi-nii has school, too.”
“Aww. That’s too bad. I missed you guys.” She pouted, her chin resting on his chest. Aizawa placed his hand on her head.
“Yeah nah. Not when you guys are inseparable like this,” Shinsou said, looking at them appalled. “Gross. Eri, get down off the bed. We don’t know what has transpired here.”
“It’s the hospital, Toshi! Have respect!” Sakura turned to him, flicking his forehead. “My god. I leave for five days and you’re already annoying like Shouta.”
“Dead fish eyes,” Eri added, giggling.
“See? Even Eri-chan gets it. Good observation, baby.” 
Aizawa relaxed, his hand brushing Sakura’s hair idly. It was weird, having people other than Sakura with him now. It should be weird. But when he watched them teasing and joking together, he realized he wanted more of this. 
“You kids ready?” Hizashi called them from the door. “Come. Leave the adults alone. It’s been five unbearable days for Shouta.” 
“Shut up,” Aizawa said, rolling his eyes at his friend as he lifted Eri up off the bed and placed her on the floor. “Have a good rest, you two. Thank you for coming.”
“Let’s have dinner this weekend, ‘kay? Hizashi promised me a fancy dinner for being number 51 in the hero rankings.” Sakura sat up and winked at the kids as Hizashi loudly wailed, ‘Noooo!’ “We can have a bubble bath together, Eri-chan!”
A smile quirked the corners of Aizawa’s mouth as Eri ran around to Sakura’s side of the bed, his fingers at the small of Sakura’s back as she got pulled into a hug by Eri’s little arms.
“Yes, please!” Eri said excitedly, laughing happily when Sakura wrapped an arm around her waist and scooped her up for a better hug. “I missed you, shishou. I’m so glad you’re back safe and sound.”
“Awww! Eri-chan!” Sakura peppered the little girl’s face with kisses as she put her back onto the floor. “Now go get a good sleep. Wake up early tomorrow and show the tutor hell!”
“Sakura,” Aizawa warned.
“In a good way! A fiery spirit to learn!” She corrected, trying to placate him by fluttering her eyelashes.
“Okay!” Eri said in high spirit, running toward Hizashi. “I’ll show them!”
Shinsou sighed as he stood up, walking backward to the door. “See you soon, shishou. You have a good rest, too. Your eyebags are showing.”
“Shut your smart mouth, Toshi! 100 laps!” She yelled as he turned back, waving his hand cooly at them before he closed the door.
The room quietened down again once they all left. Sakura turned the reading light off and nuzzled into him. “I’m gonna beat his ass, I swear.”
Aizawa laughed, slipping his hand back under her shirt and running his fingers up and down against her back. “Please do. I’m planning to include him in the hero classes joint training next week.”
“Oh? The Principal approved his transfer?”
“Hmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, “Depends on the outcome of the training. I feel like it’s a done deal. Just need to show the heroes that he deserves the transfer, you know?” 
“Yeah.” She kissed the side of his neck. “I miss you so much, baby.”
“I miss you, too.” He leaned down to kiss her. “The kids were a big help.”
“Did you know Shinsou is also addicted to the cheap coffee that you love so much?” 
“Yeah.” He chuckled, pulling her close. “It’s weird. But everytime I see him drinking it, it reminds me of you. And somehow, you being away felt a bit, just a little bit, bearable.”
She wiggled up so she could look at him eye to eye. “Yeah?”
“And Eri, too. With her strawberry shampoo,”—Sakura giggled—“very excessive, not gonna lie—”
“A hero with a strong distinctive smell? Tut tut.”
“Not very practical, shishou.” He agreed, joining in her laughter. “It’s familiar. Everything with them is so familiar to me. It’s like you never left. And it calmed me.”
Sakura stared at him in adoration. Her lips slowly stretched into a fond smile. He missed this. A late night that belonged to them alone. A night shared after days apart from each other. He wasn't sure how he'd managed to survive before this. He missed this. He missed her.
“I miss you so much,” he voiced out his thought, “I miss you. And I’m glad we have this small family together.”
She seemed taken aback by the sudden admittance. Her eyes widened and he watched in amusement as her cheeks instantly reddened. She tried to hide under her hair, but Aizawa stopped her. 
He brushed the stray locks behind her ear, and wrapped his fingers around her forearm when she tried to hide behind her hand instead. She looked up at him then, gaze wondrous, and he felt his heart beat steadily in his chest as though she alone was responsible for his peace. It was an amusing thought, because she was also responsible for the flurry of emotion that overtook him when she was around.
Her green eyes continued to catch the faint light of his hospital room, twinkling like stars and spurring him to bring her wrist up to his mouth. He kissed her inner wrist before placing her arm on his chest.
"You're beautiful,” he said earnestly, enraptured. 
Sakura snorted—pink cheeks and bashful—as she tried to free her hand off him, but he wouldn’t budge. He wouldn’t let go.
“I love you,” he whispered. They had said it to each other so many times, but it never ceased the fluttering feelings in his heart. “I think it’s no secret that I’d love to have this small family with you. Officially.”
“Yeah.” He leaned into her closer, breathing her in. “You, me, Shinsou, and Eri. Living together in one house. Like a proper family. In Nara. With a small garden so we can spend our days lazing around during summer, eating watermelon. Then at night, we can barbecue. Hizashi will come with beers, and Nemuri can bring some expensive seasonal fruits.”
Sakura chuckled. He wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye. “You’ve thought about it all, I see.”
“Baby, our future together is all I’ve been thinking about ever since I realized how I’m knee-deep into you.”
“Just knee-deep?”
“Fine,” he smiled, sleepily and fondly as he continued to admire her. “I’m up to my fucking eyeballs.”
She smiled back at him, kissing the tip of his nose. “You’re supposed to catch villains, Eraserhead-san. Not feelings.”
“Eh.” He shrugged and kissed her eye. “Caught and never letting you go.”
“God, you’re a sap,” she teased, laughing when he peppered her face with kisses. “So annoying!”
He pulled back, smiling stupidly when Sakura rolled her eyes before giving him a long kiss and muttered against his lips, “Thank you.”
“For what?” He asked, sighing in contentment when she kissed him again.
“For this life,” she said, “for taking care of me, staying by my side.” He leaned into her touch when she placed her hand on his cheek. “For giving me a family.
“I think,” she inhaled whilst he held his breath, “I think I’d like that. Being official and all.” 
“Yeah?” He whispered. His hand was trembling when he pulled her impossibly closer, resting his forehead on hers. “You’d like that? Living the rest of your life with me and the two annoying kids?”
“Shouta.” She laughed wetly. Aizawa smooshed her cheeks together and watched as she tried her best to hold her tears back. “I’d love to spend my future with you. Honestly, just look at today. I’ve only been away for five days and you already had your neck snapped by your own kid. Really, Shouta. What would you do without me?” 
“I’d die,” he said, grinning like a cat. “I guess it’s only logical, huh?”
“Mhmm. It’s only wise. So,” she smiled and his heart soared, “I guess it’s decided.”
He kissed her. He kissed her over and over again until they both were covered with tears and snots and nothing but pure happiness and love. 
He loved her. And it was so familiar that it felt like he had been in love with her since the moment he’d seen her: for six years, seven months, and 24 days. Maybe he had. Maybe he hadn’t. But one thing he was sure about was that he would kill to protect their future together. Villains or not.
Yeah, he thought, we’ll be alright.
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