#tabby mitchell
tangleweave · 3 months
i tried calling you a hundred times, but you never answered - Peter from Tabby
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[ The Hearts We Hold / Accepting ]
"...yeah. Uh." Peter's hand shifted up to behind his neck and rubbed the base of his spine, his lips curving into a smile that bore more embarrassment than mirth. "I, uh... I kind of... lost my phone."
Not entirely the truth, not completely a lie -- but it was the best he could do under the present circumstances. Was he really supposed to explain to Tabs what he did during the moonlight hours? That he'd been chasing a purse-snatcher and had experienced the mortifying reality of having his discarded backpack disappear from the place he'd put it?
On the other hand, that last might be a little more palatable than just presenting her with the not-quite-facts. "It was in my backpack. Whole thing got swiped. But whoever got it, they got my pre-calc book and my gym socks too, so I guess the joke is on them?"
He tried to give her an expression that was maybe not quite so defeated, but allowed his shoulders to sag as he sighed only a moment after. His gaze swept across the baseball diamond, their respective teams already into the second inning by the time he'd found Tabs sitting in a corner all her own on the bleachers.
"Anyway. My aunt said I have to scare up the money for a new one on my own. Probably just try to get a flip phone, maybe. One of those burners like you see in the Bourne movies." His mouth twisted to one side in a not-quite-grimace. "And meantime, I've gotta interact with people like I'm normal. Who even does that anymore?"
He slid a little closer to her and leaned a shoulder into hers. "So how're things?"
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
15 FMK: Brian/Riley/Eddie Vedder
Three of a Kind || Accepting {{tagging @therealgamble for reasons.}}
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Beth laughs when Tabby asks her question, and is momentarily grateful that she wasn't sipping her coffee just then. It's a great variation to the usual party game, and it takes a moment for her to actually come up with a concrete answer. "So I dunno if you evah realise but elevator at my building is always hamajang. Never really works right, an' so I been stuck in it wi' Andy before. An' mebbe dat's cheating but at least I know we could get t'rough it, even if he talks stink an' makes me cry. Plus I nevah wan people see us fight in public." A sip of coffee and she examines the other two options. "Brian is da one I would spend ten hours trap in a cave wi'd. Former Army Ranger, calm head in tough situation, plus whole SWAT trainin'. We probably nevah stay whole ten hours because he'd have figure out how to get us out sooner. An' if we did have to stay, bet he's got a million stories I nevah hear before dat he could tell me t' pass da time." Final answer brings a glowing blush to her face. "An' dat leaves Eddie an' da sea. Now I know for a fact dat Eddie has experience bein' on a boat, an' havin' been swept off one while he was in Hawai'i. He respects an' loves da ocean. He knows how t' surf. He's got a beautiful voice, a poetic heart, an' a wonderful mind. Plus, if God loves me as much as Andy an' Faddah Vinnie say He does? Den Eddie will have to take his shirt off at some point." Clearly Beth has her favourites. And she lifts her hands, waving away the embarrassment of having admitted that to someone. "Your turn: binge watch an' entire season of a show in one day wi'd, go to karaoke bar wi'd, go to yoga class wi'd.... Andy, Brian, Luka."
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forsty · 2 years
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Top Gun but they are anthro cats instead
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tarnishedhalo · 6 months
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The house he rents in the Keys may not be the most exotic destination but between work and school, Tabby deserves something nice and quiet. The pool competes with the beach, the snowbirds have only started to trickle in, and all in all, it's everything he'd hoped for. Roses greet her when they walk in. Something he doesn't normally get to buy, given his sister's...quirks. But like Tabby, they have a classic beauty about them. He has plans for a few of them later. He tries to make her laugh over the sneakers by saying they didn't have anything suited for beachwear, so he thought she'd like a galaxy instead. And even tried matching colours with her cake. He makes dinner and sometimes loses himself in her eyes. In her smile. After pouring her wine, he slips the necklace around her slender throat, brushing the line of her jaw with his lips. "Pirate treasure, you know." Later, over a fire-pit and coffee, and leaning back so she can rest her back to his chest, Andy turns seriously. Hands her a velvet box too big for a ring, too small for most anything else he might have in mind. Then he wraps her hands around it. His own cover hers. "Before you open this...I want you to know there's no strings attached. You don't have to say anything now, you can take all the time in the world to think about it and decide if it's something you really want. Beth and I did talk about it though, and she's totally behind it if you say yes." Maybe not the most romantic way he could put it. Maybe not the right time, either. But in all fairness, it's been a really long time since he's asked anyone to move in with him.
"Either way, happy birthday, Tabs." ~*~ @tabbyrp
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Meet the Members of Neo Team Nice
Being only 19 and with a rapidly expiring student visa when the game ended, Forzen was very lucky to meet up with his two American cousins in order to maintain a permanent residence in New Mexico with said cousins and the 15 other people that left the military after the Resonance Cascade.
Adrian Shephard
A guy that's in the same boat as Gordon when it comes to being puppeted around by a Player, although his Player seemed a bit kinder than Gordon's...if a bit trigger happy.
Mitchell Shephard
Gordon's Player had a copy of Hunt Down the Freeman that went rogue, resulting in a very sentient Mitchell. He ended up confined in a Virtual Machine for several months before eventually being ported into the Post Game with his brother, Adrian. He is so serious about everything that it is almost laughable.
He got an experimental surgery that gave him the Black Mesa Sweet Voice, but he never learned how to turn it off. He carries a fake cigar in his mouth to avoid suspicion about the BMSV. His favorite BMSV tone is Miku.
Not to be confused with Jackson. His number one lifelong aspiration was to become a dragon...his second was becoming an engineer. He ended up going with the latter.
Literally the coolest guy you could ever meet. He goes skateboarding with Eddy on weekends and works at Poastgame's local Radio Shack.
He is Neo Team Nice's only registered nurse, but literally everybody is actively trying to avoid getting injured or sick because they would feel bad about making him take care of them. His hobbies include skateboarding and dog-walking, sometimes simultaneously.
Adam and Nick
Started playing Gay Chicken and simply decided to never call for a winner. They both work at Home Depot and are tasked with making sure people aren't making out in the Lumber Aisle.
The tech guy that knows how to fix computers and phones. Favorite candy is Skittles. He insists that Dave is his rival.
The tech guy that know how to program code and hack into databases. Favorite candy is M&Ms. He thinks Mike is trying to flirt with him and is simply bad at it.
Certified Truck Freak and designated driver for the Jeep Jumble, a limousine-shaped Jeep summon by the military through unknown means but nonetheless serves as the perfect vehicle for Neo Team Nice.
The acquisitioner of weapons for Neo Team Nice, he's pretty sure the End of Days is near and he wants his buddies to be strapped when it happens. He has an uncle in Europe that taught him how to use a shotgun.
Knows how to cook, but only when he's winging it. Giving him a recipe somehow always results in disaster.
A random private that ended up in Black Mesa. He's the military equivalent to Tommy and has a tabby cat named Fanta (he loves all animals, though). Ironically, he and Tommy are unaware of each other's existences.
D. Nutter / Mrs. Coomer
One of Dr. Coomer's ex-wives. She only uses Coomer's name on legal documents and would otherwise prefer to be called either Darlene or Sergeant Nutter.
A former black op that bailed on completing her mission upon becoming sentient (like Forzen)
A totally normal guy that is definitely, 100% not a Gene Worm.
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tabbyrp · 11 months
Who is T. Swift?
“Raylan Givens.” Tabby threw the dishcloth at his head, her peevish response only inflamed with how easily he swatted the projectile away. “Don’t make me hurt you.”
“You put me out of action and I won’t be able to accrue enough overtime to pay off this fine piece of furniture you talked me into purchasing.” Raylan patted the arm of the oversized corner lounge suite he currently rested upon.
Tabby picked up a second, clean dishcloth and repeated her attempt, with the same result. “First, it was a suggestion because the last one had been attacked by giant Miami moths, and second, don’t change the subject. But if you’re going to pretend you don’t know who Taylor is…”
“I don’t.”
“… then it is my sacred duty as a millennial to educate you.”
Raylan sighed, reaching for his Stetson and draping it over his face. “I regret everything about this conversation.”
Undeterred, Tabby turned on the miniature speaker which lived upon their bookshelf, shaped like a cactus with limbs that jiggled to the beat. “You really deserve to start at the beginning, from Debut, with a powerpoint presentation to understand who is being referenced in certain songs. But I’ll start with the one that always kind of reminds me of you.”
The brim of the hat tilted up slightly. “Are you saying, Tabitha Mitchell, that we have an unto-now-unmentioned song that I have had no say in selecting?”
This time she lobbed a throw pillow at him. “Get over yourself, and don’t read too much into the lyrics. It’s mostly because it has the words cowboy included and it is about messy people connecting because they get each other. Plus there’s a lyric that goes ‘and the skeletons in both our closets, plotted hard to fuck this up’ which is pretty much you and… look, just listen.”
She loaded up the song and hit play.
The rest of the complete discography could come later.
cowboy like me
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soul-music-is-life · 2 years
Alright, I’m caught up on PLL: OS and I have some...thoughts/theories
First, I should preface this by telling everyone who might be reading (and some of you are aware) that I am a moderator on the Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin reddit and a few weeks ago we had someone aggressively spoiling major plot points that turned out to be confirmed as true. It was unfortunate, but the moderators catch it all in the filters. We worked our asses off to keep the spoilers from reaching the sub.
NONE of what I’m writing about includes anything that I know. I will never disclose that information, as I believe everyone should go unspoiled. So anything that I talk about in PLL: OS has absolutely no correlation to what I know. I won’t bring up those plot points at all. I talk about things I don’t know. So you won’t see anything true here. Only speculation.
Now...so episodes 4 & 5: (spoilers below cut)
A lot happened in episode 4, notably Imogen’s stages of grief. I try to remember that Imogen is grieving the loss of her mother, but if she talked to me the way she talked to Tabby’s mom…ohhhh, chile. Then again, after seeing what horrible people the moms were in the flashbacks...maybe her lil pregnant ass is right.
I love Faran. I love that she takes no bullshit.
The Sheriff is an asshole. Still. And the fact that Noa’s mom had drugs, but WAIT...
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE BOTTLE SAID “Rivers, Caleb” ON IT?!?! Is Caleb in Millwood?? Whaaaaaat? It might have just been a callback, but still.
My heart broke for Imogen during the Ouija board scene, because I said the same things to my mom after she died. It hurt. Bailee really nailed that, and so did the others. This is where they are bonded. This is how it happens. This is where their friendship blooms. I don’t think Davie killed herself.
The whole Psycho movie concept is awesome and it answered a ton of questions about Tabby as a character. Her control pinged my radar as someone who has lost control in the past and that ties back to the locker room cams. I had a hunch a while ago that Tabby was date-raped. This episode all but confirmed it for me. Explains why she buries herself in movies. She can’t get away from what happened to her, so she redirects and internalizes and uses movies as a way to cope.
I think Noa is up there as a favorite. She’s scrappy AF and her self-defense moves are on point. I shed a lil tear when she called to turn her mother in after being attacked. She’s got a hard outer-shell, but seems soft inside.
Ep 5:
Holy shit. The mothers were terrible to Angela. JFC. Maybe they deserve what they get. Maybe they deserve the Davie treatment. That’s horrifying. They were worse than Alison in PLL. A little pack of bullies. I would like to side note that I really love that we’re seeing characters we should like (adult moms) and their teen counterparts. Personally I’m conflicted, because I want to like the adults, but their teenage actions were despicable. I like having unlikable characters more than I thought I would.
Fun fact: Mouse wanting to tell someone what’s going on mirrors how Emily felt in the first season of PLL, which is kinda cool since Lea Salonga is related to Shay Mitchell.
“I’ll bring walkie-talkies from my moms’ pawn shop.” Omg, Mouse is such a dork and I love her. But we have got to talk about the old dude she is talking to. I am SOOOO uncomfortable. It’s so dangerous. What is she up to? I have theories.
The Faran/Kelly scene in the diner was really sweet. I like that Faran was 100% open to talking to her about self-harm. Despite her actions in the episode, she really does care.
Umm...so the creepy pedo Wes apologizes and then immediately goes back to “I do care about you” even though he’s sorry? Nah, not buying it. I don’t like that Tabby is back under his authority again. Hate it.
Halloween party when some dude it stalking you? Sure, sounds like a splendid idea.
Shawn is the only good man on this show. Change my mind. Well...okay, I’ll concede and say that Chip seems real sweet and that Mouse’s friend (I’m sorry, I can’t remember his name) is chill, too. But the whole football team (besides Shawn) can get rekt.
Tyler is the worst. He just hangs on to women like slime. My theory is that he sexually assaulted Tabby or Imogen (or both).
JFC, I am cringing so hard at this Mouse dinner roleplay scene. Stop. STAHP!!! This is weird. I don’t like it. I was literally physically uncomfortable watching it.
Faran going off on Kelly (or Karen? IDEK) was epic.
Stoned Mouse rivals Drunk Emily. I can’t choose though.
Noa’s, “Settle down, Tyler or I’ll get Shawn to beat the shit out of you” followed by Mouse’s “Or I’ll just do it.” Damn. Girl went from meek to killer. The girls are really coming into their own. Their friendship is wholesome. I’m here for it.
I am in love with the Faran/Tabby team up against Tyler. Faran’s little laugh after Tabby punched him. I died. “Should have shut your fucking mouth.”
I knew what was coming as soon as Tyler went into that bathroom. I mean…I might have just become a Masked Creeper fan. Cleaning up the town, one asshole at a time. Maybe I’ve just watched too much Dexter. But the thing is he had Imogen alone and didn’t hurt her. He could have gotten to any of the girls to hurt them...but he didn’t. It leads me to believe he only truly wants to punish the guilty.
Theory: Mouse was kidnapped as a child and that’s what’s up with all the missing posters and the survivor’s guilt and wanting to comfort parents who have lost their children.
Another theory: I always had a theory that Imogen’s baby was a product of rape. Though, still not confirmed, I highly suspect so. That’s why I was a little infuriated when she panicked and went to the school counselor to talk about abortion. It’s a hot topic. I won’t say more. But that scene pissed me off. She was a school nurse. She should have referred Imogen to talk to a doctor.
Girl’s secrets/theories:
Mouse- I believe she was kidnapped as a child on Halloween.
Imogen- I believe the baby is a product of date-rape. Explains why she’s detached from the baby and doesn’t seem to care when she puts herself in danger.
Tabby- I believe Tyler (or someone else...God if it was Wes, ugh...) raped her.
Noa- As of now I think her secret is that she was simply protecting her mother and I don’t know where it’s headed going forward.
Faran- Still trying to figure out what she has going on beneath the surface.
Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Here are some highlights I quite enjoyed.
Faran channeling the fandom re: Tabby’s movie references.
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Faran basically being awesome in general:
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Tabby GOING OFF (rightfully so!) on Tyler:
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This duo (Tabby/Faran) @-ing Tyler:
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sgtjbbarnesstan · 10 months
Hello there everyone! My name is Alexis but I usually go by Lexi! I figured I would give a proper introduction to all of you especially if I’m going to try and make friends on here!! ☺️
About Me;
I am twenty-five (Taurus ♉️) year old female who is a full time mama to the cutest little girl (as well as two angel babies, and soon to be newborn) and an orange tabby and a wife to the sweetest man 🥰. I love making new friends, spending time with my loved ones, baking, coloring, roleplaying, playing video games, and getting out of my comfort zone! My favorite food is Italian or Indian and my favorite drink is Dr. Pepper or Ocean Water from Sonic! My favorite colors are black, yellow, and dark green.
Marvel; Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier/White Wolf), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlett Witch), Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), James Howlett (Wolverine), Sam Wilson (Captain America/Falcon), Frank Castle (The Punisher) .
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick; Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace.
Grey’s Anatomy; Alex Karev, Lexie Grey, Jackson Avery, Mark Sloan, Derek Shepherd, Addison Montgomery, Callie Torres.
Twilight; Edward Cullen, Carslile Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote.
Sons of Anarchy; Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston.
Harry Potter; Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Pansy Parkinson.
The Vampire Diaries;
Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore.
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester.
Gossip Girl; Carter Baizen, Nate Archibald.
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker, Kylo Ren (Ben Solo).
Celebrity; Sebastian Stan, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Jason Momoa, Charlie Hunnam, Tom Felton, Anthony Mackie, Michael B. Jordan, Tom Hiddleston, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Hayden Christensen, Pedro Pascal, Val Kilmer, Miles Teller, Mila Kunis, Glen Powell, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Ellis, Ben Barnes, Heath Ledger, Adam Driver, Channing Tatum, Heath Ledger, Gal Gadot, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, and Lewis Pullman; only to name a few. 😏🤣
Don’t Ever Be Afraid To Reach Out!! 🥰 Have a beautiful day today!!
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tangleweave · 2 days
👀 for Peter and Tabs because of the potential chaos
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[ Barely There / Accepting ]
Being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man came with certain perks. Catching cars hurtling through the air at 30 mph? Knocked that one out when he was in high school. Leaping tall buildings in a single bound? A little on the Superman side, but hey, Superman's cool. Scaling sheer surfaces with nothing more than his fingers and toes? Cirque du Soleil, eat your heart out.
But even above these things was the extra sense with which he'd been endowed after that spider bite had unspooled and recombined his DNA. He called it his spider-sense. Some manner of precognition, lying in the strange space between clairvoyance and extreme attunement to his surroundings. It was an element he'd never quite been able to get a proper understanding of... but it had saved his life more times than he cared to count.
And as he emerged from the bathroom, he was in the midst of reminding himself that it had saved his life again -- which was why he was covered in shallow cuts and not skewered fully on the blade that had drawn them. His outfit had been a lost cause, shredded to tatters and already bagged up, ready to be incinerated when the opportunity availed itself (he'd learned to not be sloppy). After the shower, which had stung to every Hell that existed and back, he'd meticulously dressed each and every wound, knowing better than to take his accelerated healing factor for granted. Kravinoff was known to poison his weaponry.
Maybe the Raft would hold him.
When he stepped out of the bathroom, his intent was to slip over to the kitchenette to grab the half-empty bottle of grape juice from the door before heading to bed. His body was already long dry, and the gauze, medical tape, and butterfly stitches holding his skin together could have been covering nearly a quarter of his body.
But none of it offered him any modesty, and neither did the wide-eyed gaze of the woman standing just inside the front door, key still in hand.
The sight of her there caused Peter to very nearly leap to the ceiling. As it was, he yelled and twisted aside, turning his flank to her and inadvertently giving her a show of his backside that was only minutely more modest than what she'd just seen.
"Gah! Oh god, Tabby, what the hell...!" he spluttered, his face turning redder than the juice he'd meant to acquire.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
💚 Tabby
Imagine You and Me || Accepting @tabbyrp {{for ReasonsTM}}
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Tabby is an adorable little minx and I absolutely fricken love her. She never fails to make me laugh or make me cry, sometimes both at once, and I absolutely adore the fact that while she may love Andy, she doesn't neglect Beth, or vice versa. The fact that she'd done this balancing act for years without falling one way or the other is also amazing. Then there's Tabby-Mun, who is quite possibly one of the most darling people I know, and one of the few out there who give me pause or makes me work for 'it'. She knows what I mean, and why I say that, all blogs in consideration between us. What particularly works here is that Tabby isn't really concerned or afraid of Andy's opinion, and thus loves to "Free Beth" to be the chaotic little gremlin she was born to be, and Beth is the nurturing soul that Tabby missed out on, the person that will have her back, always. And this is how we get shenanigans like the Midnight Circus, boys and girls. But we also have moments of them engaging in fire-free philosophy, religion, life-advice, genuine caring, and tenderness and it never feels forced or out of place. So I will die on the hill of this friendship.
Now I know that Mun is terribly busy currently, but that just means the anticipation swells until she's back in full swing! {{15/10 Will Feral for Friendship!}}
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therealgamble · 1 year
Brian walked into the dark and hazy bar, noting each of the patrons even though he knew that no one would cause any trouble there. It was forbidden to do any business on hotel grounds and no one would break that law, not even him.
Soft jazz music played, just loud enough to cover conversations from eavesdroppers at the next table. A courtesy to those who used the place for discreet meetings.
He found his way over to the bar, rapping his hands lightly on the top as he stood and waited his turn.
"Brian - long time no see. Where have you been hiding?" The bartender asked with a bright smile, setting a cocktail napkin in front of him. He could see the gleam of silver at the hem of her shirt as she moved, likely a small pistol. Anyone who thought she was an easy mark because of her cherubic face and diminutive stature was falling right into her trap, Tabby was just as deadly as everyone else in the joint.
"Miss Mitchell", he awarded her a smile in return. "I've been running down a few big contracts in Brazil." Producing a coin from his pocket, he set it down on top of the bar. "Macallan 15, neat. Please."
She scooped up the coin quickly and turned to pour his drink. "I'd heard a rumor you were dead."
She skillfully hid her face as she spoke, leaving him to wonder exactly how she'd felt about that piece of information. As she set his drink down in front of him she added, "I'm glad to see that was an exaggeration."
"Are you?" He asked, picking up the glass and savoring the first sip.
"The past is the past." She replied nonchalantly, picking up a bar towel and wiping at a section of the black marble.
He watched her quietly for a moment, taking another sip from his drink. She couldn't still be mad about that contract he'd taken from her, that was four years ago. And his disappearing into the jungle probably wasn't exactly a surprise to her - he'd never been what could be called reliable.
"What time do you get off?" The glass only slightly covered the smirk that was forming over his lips as he asked the question.
She moved away to take an order from another patron, a masterful player of the game of delaying satisfaction, ignoring him completely as he finished his drink.
But he knew her game and waited there patiently until she finally returned. "Two. I expect you to be waiting right here."
He checked his watch. He'd have a few hours to kill but it would be worth it.
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tarnishedhalo · 8 months
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In this digital age, why Tabby owns a cat-shaped stamp remains a secret. What is clear is the unflinching way she marks each square, the gizmo rotating and clicking each time, laying a fresh layer of rouge upon the rubber surface. She only hesitates in the upper right quadrant, history with certain precincts conflicting with friendship, and ultimately leaves it as is. The well-educated box stings a little, even as she tries to ignore the feeling. No one is perfect, after all. “Evan Williams makes some decent single malts. Can’t back you there, but I will support your choice to keep your whiskey ice free.”
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“Tabs, Tabs, Tabs,” he begins playfully after sitting her on the car’s back end. Borrowed from a friend, while Sally is in the shop getting her one of her twice-yearly extreme detailing. He takes care of his Mustang nearly as particularly as he takes care of his sister, and of Tabby herself. “With all due respect to your job, I’m not going to argue with you. I’m sure they do. And I appreciate you always keeping at least half a bottle of McAllen for me.” His lips twitch, almost enough to show the teeth that are just as pointed as Beths, whenever they make their rare appearances.  “The whole backing the Blue thing? I get that too, but sometimes it’s really tiresome t’ be called a bastard to my face, to be spit on/at, to hear so much shit-talk, only to be begged for help five minutes later when a bodega gets robbed or something unfortunate happens to a family member. Also...” He pauses, nuzzles her jaw with the tip of his nose.  “...About that whole well educated thing. I think you’re hella smart, I think you know a lot more than some of my buddies that did go to college, and...I feel like I have to point out that I got my bachelors online.” He gets closer still, this time his lips grazing the outer shell of one ear. “Of course the whole daddy thing can be negotiated.”
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christine16xoxo · 2 years
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The 'Cat Grass' is a big hit! 💚💚☘️🐈‍⬛💚💚 Tilly Billie especially L🍀VES it. Look at her 'Chow Down'. 💚💚🍀🐈💚💚 Now we have to plant some 'Cat Grass' for the 'Outdoor Cats'. I really think the 'Calico Crew' is going to L🍀VE 'Cat Grass' too. 💚💚💚😺💚💚💚 Tilly says that now she wants to be a 'Farm Girl' so she can grow 'Cat Grass' & 'Catnip' as far as she can see. 🍀😺💚 She says or rather 'Sings', 🎵🎶 'The Hills Will Be Alive With The Sent Of 'Catnip'. With 'Grass' & With 'Nip' That Has Been Grown Just For Kitty-Cats & Will Fill My Face For The Next 1000 Years.' 🎶🎵 (Inspired By: 'The Sound Of Music') 💜💙💚💛🧡❤ "I love you once. I love you twice. I love you more than beans and rice." - Pretty Baby ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 Sincerely, Christine Clare Vilgos-Mitchell, Daddy James, Hula Hailey, & Tilly Fiona Tulip Saturday, June 25, 2022 (Facebook First - Then Shared To Instagram) ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 #catsofinstagram #cats #catsofinsta #catsofthegram #pets #petsofinstagram #petsoftheworld #catsoftheworld #purrpurrpurr #catgrass #catnip #animallovers #animals #animalsofinstagram #calicocats #Calico #Tabby #tabbiesofinstagram #orangecatsofinstagram #meowsofinstagram #homegrown #gardenfresh #greenthumb #kittycat #Kitty #Iloveyou #ilovemycat #2cats #wiskers #4paws https://www.instagram.com/p/CfN5BaoumGA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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forevercharmedrpg · 5 days
Hi my name is Aly! I am 30 years old from the eastern time zone. I am looking for rp partners 18+ for a tumblr/discord 1x1. Some fandoms I am into are charmed, pretty little liars, law and order svu, big bang theory, etc. I also will do a celeb 1x1 as well, I play male and females. Please send me a dm or like this post if you are interested in a 1x1 on discord or tumblr.
Celebs: Shay Mitchell, Lucy Hale, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and more
Charmed: Piper, Leo, Phoebe, Prue, and Cole
PLL: Spencer, Toby, Ali, Emily, and Caleb
PLL Original Sin: Imogen, Noa, Mouse, Faran, Tabby
SVU: Olivia Benson, Elliott Stabler, Rollins
Big Bang: Penny, Amy, Leonard, Howard
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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I started watching this show because people kept saying it was like PLL but darker, scarier, and better.
I watched PLL when it came out, and I think it had so much potential that it hurt how they wasted it.
I went into this show keeping in mind that it wasn't the same show.
The only thing they share is the name.
I think the OG Liars were more interesting. It had a balance between fun and drama. Even tho I dislike Aria so much, and Emily (I love you Shay Mitchell) bored me to death, it was fun to watch.
These girls just met in school, and they didn't experience the same loss that the OG did. Even tho Alison was a bitch (she should have been A at the end, btw), she was their friend. These girls are together just because their mothers were awful.
Sarah was a delight to watch as Alison, she had the whole town in shambles, but here Karen was annoying as hell. Although someone said that Imogene's mom was Ali and Karen was just collateral damage.
The mothers are pretty awful, even in the present day. One of them is letting her kid gets blamed for her drugs, and the other says things like "I can pay for your life, but I can't control it?"
One of them might be a saint, though because what do you mean you took a 15-year-old girl that is 6 months pregnant, and she is planning to keep it.
And the actress have chemistry, and they could have work, but the writing was terrible. Teenagers don't talk like that, jock boyfriends and popular girls are overdone, do people still were those letterman jackets?
They don't talk about things that happened to them or don't care. It feels fake. I think they rushed their friendship.
Imogene was a good character. I just hate when, in shows like this one, where there is a lot of action, a character is pregnant, not that they care at all. A lot of people didn't like Imogen or Bailee Madison, but for me, she was the best actress among them, and that always going to make you a favorite on my list.
Tabby was annoying as hell with the movie references. There is no way someone talks like that; not even people who are obsessed with friends talk like that.
Noa was ok. I really like her as a character, but her story was kinda boring, tbh.
Mouse was the one I liked the least. I just didn't like her story. I was bored the whole time.
Farn was just so stiff. I don't know how to explain it, but I didn't feel any emotions with her. Her mother is a terrible mother, btw.
I also find it funny that faran was supposed to love ballet, but they didn't show us how an amazing dancer she was. She was just going from black to white swan.
I hate every man in the show. All of them.
Also, I can believe they were all interested in boys. That is homophobia. All the reboots and revivals trying to be more inclusive and here is PLL doing the opposite. Well, at least one of the moms is married to a woman.
BTW, there was no mention of Noa and Tabby's fathers.
Also -A was a letdown. A grown-ass man doing all this. Boring. Let the kids have fun.
It wasn't until I finished the whole show I found out that the creator of the show was the man from Riverdale. I didn't want to know anything because I was afraid I was going to spoil myself.
The original was excellent in the early seasons, or at least the mystery was enough to keep you coming back. The acting was perfect (Looking at you Troian, my beloved who ran circles around every actor in there)
I don't know if I'll watch season 2. The jury is still out on that
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darthhope999 · 1 year
Monsters within us OCs
(Underlined = click for more info)
Animal OCs
Prompt ask game
(The info posts for all my OCs are currently a work in progress, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors)
A- Alex Scarlett, Archer Skyler, Asher Adler, Apollo Amos, Antonio Adler
B- Benjamin Stolle, Blaze Remington
C- Clyde Andersen, Charles (Charlie) King, Chase Henry Barclay III
D- “Daemon”
E- Emerson (Em) Adams, Eric Crowther, Ezra Collins, Everett Levine, Eliza Anatole
F- Faye Cooper, Felix Clifton
G- Gryphon Hart
I- Iain Atonal
J- James Fires
L- Layla (Lay) Adams, Lester Raynott, Leon (Leo) Fires
M- Mitchell (Mitch) Kartz, Micheal Kartz, Mason Stephens
N- Nathan (Nate) Scarlett, Natalie Wilde, Nicholas Bardot
O- Owen
P - Phoenix Hayes
R- Rosie Scarlett, Rowan Adams, Rigel Thatcher, Ryker Whitlock, Rome Amos
S- Stephen (Steph) Taylor, Sebastian (Seb) Chuck Raynsford III, Salem Yarrow
T- Theodore (Theo) King
W- William (Will) Stephens
Holly (mouse, Rowan and Em’s)
Raven (rabbit, Mason’s)
Scout (puppy, Mason’s)
Bink (orange tabby cat, James’s)
Sage (cat, Iain’s)
Coco (puppy, Iain’s)
Lucky (golden retriever, Nico’s)
Sparky (dog, Salem’s)
Astra (dog, “Daemon’s”)
Blazer (Rome’s dog)
Cosmos (Cosmic dragon, Rigel’s)
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