rachelbigpeep · 2 months
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What can I say? I love sibling schemers 🤷‍♀️
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the-larashark · 4 months
Okay so the online community is basically non-existent (screaming crying throwing up) but if you're interested in non-mainstream dnd type actual-plays I need you to check out Tabletopnotch right now I'm so serious. Their first campaign was in a homebrew world, it's called A Peak Beneath The Veil, they have bite-sized recaps about ten minutes long if you can't make it through full episodes (about three hours), BUT I've been watching their new campaign called Brunkhollow and I'm completely obsessed.
Brunkhollow is a low-magic campaign, where most magics disappeared (wiped off the planet by the gods?) years ago, and only Clerics use magic. They're highly regarded as Bad News, so make sure you don't run across one! In any case, Brunkhollow centres around this group of people arriving in a new town called, you guessed it, Brunkhollow! This town is only about a year old, and is surrounded by something called the Cusp, which is important to remember when travelling there, as Brunkhollow is known as a "blind-spot to the gods", and no magic or Clerics can be found here. It's a godless place, and gives big Deadwood vibes honestly. Everyone here is trying to get by, find work, start a business. It's said that the only reason anyone comes to Brunkhollow is because "they're either running from something or coming to find someone".
Anyways the DM is amazing, the way he truly inhabits each NPC as he plays them, the physicality and descriptions and voices are just stellar, all the player characters are amazing and I love them, I always think I have a favourite and it changes every twenty minutes or so, I'm only on episode four but I've been watching bits and pieces via YouTube shorts and Instagram for months, seriously the props and the maps and the roleplay and the battles, it's all so good, please go check them out!! They're on YouTube, Twitch (they stream on Sundays!), they have a Discord server which is the most active place for fans, and a TikTok which they also stream on and post clips to!
I'll never stop singing their praises okay they're so so good I'm proud of them??? Seriously you won't regret checking them out they're so fantastic I'm obsessed
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wolfdoodlesart · 10 months
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Moments in this show that made me go Crazy
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I am absolutely loving watching Tabletopnotch's second d&d campaign Brunkhollow at the moment.
It is a low magic campaign where the gods and their clerics have killed all other magic users and rule the world. Brunkhollow is this sort of western town within a pocket where the gods cannot see and clerical magic does not work.
A statue was recently discovered in a mine that has the whole town and the party worried. The uncovering of the statue has prompted a whole interparty discussion on magic and if it is worth searching for.
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l-herz · 2 years
Hey fellow critters. Just wanted to take a minute to recommend a very underrated dnd live-play series. You might have seen some of their shorts on YouTube. Tabletopnotch and their campagin "a peak beneath the veil" is awesome and gives me early C1 vibes, were the quality and characters are clearly growing and developing with each episode. I've yet to see a single post about them tbh so if you want something to watch between CR episodes do check it out. Watch a few shorts if you'd like to see their vibe quickly. Episodes are also avaliable as podcasts :)
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lyrengorns · 1 year
Graven: For my whole life I've drawn my strength from him.
Safira: Well, now you have, you know, alternate sources I suppose. No?
Graven: It's a strange feeling... to almost wish for weakness.
Safira: Well, you don't wish for weakness, Graven, you wish for freedom. And you've been taught to believe that they're the same thing, but they're not. They're not the same.
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olyia-stories · 2 years
OK guys help! I have found my way into another dnd stream, I would like friends to share in the joy of Tabletopnotch and their campaign "A Peak Beneath the Veil"
They are young and I can't find a fandom on tumblr
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rachelbigpeep · 4 months
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Finally caught up with Brunkhollow and I LOVE ALL THE PCs SO MUCH — If anyone's interested in dnd live plays, I cannot recommend it enough
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rachelbigpeep · 3 months
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listen, my favorite Brunkhollow npc may have been subtly revealed to be unromanceable last episode but I still love him
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the-larashark · 2 months
MORNAAAAA AND CLARKBARK?? Her offer???? What a deal!!! She thought that aaaaaall the way through!
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the-larashark · 2 months
YOU GUYS episode 19 of Brunkhollow has my mind SWIRLING WITH QUESTIONS
If Illien is seeing his path towards Yarpaya, will Doxley also have that opportunity later, provided she ends up curious or willing, or is it a matter of the strength of the bloodline? Is TC working with the Clerics willingly? How is he going to place his jar of goop on the statue? Is Kayt's mother going to get herself in trouble while in town? Is Morna's wild magic going to be affected by proximity to the statue? Is Morna going to be able to glean anything from the statue? Is the statue related to Brunkhollow's godlessness? Is Doxley actually coming on to TC, or does she want to keep him close? 'I'm not leaving you TC' sounded so much like a threat it's insane, but after asking if he needs help getting into a bath or a bed is sending SIGNALS I'm just not sure what KIND jordan what are you up to I'm yelling please I need to know more right now immediately
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rachelbigpeep · 10 months
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My favorite pink tiefling, Orba, from "A Peak Beneath the Veil"
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rachelbigpeep · 9 months
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Some more portrait painting practice with Graven from "A Peak Beneath the Veil"!
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