#tacenda chapter 28
Tacenda - Chapter 28 Snippet
Eleanor picks Liv up walking to the bathroom door. “Joe, can you put Liv’s clothes in the wash please?” She shouts down the stairs.
There’s silence before a series of bangs echo downstairs.
“I’m going out.” She hears Joe shout before the front door slams.
“Oh you arse!” Eleanor shouts after him, annoyed at him leaving her to do all the work.
“Arse!” Liv shouts with a giggle.
“Oh crap no, don’t say that.” Eleanor says desperately before turning and putting Liv into the bath. She sighs wondering how she’s going to get washed herself now Joe’s left her to it. She can’t just leave a one-year-old unaccompanied.
“Guess it’s just us.” Eleanor tells Liv before getting a face full of water as Liv happily splashes the bubbles drenching Eleanor with bubbly water. “Thank you.”
Liv laughs again as Eleanor starts to work on getting the porridge out of Liv’s hair. Liv continuing to splash her as she goes.
Eleanor’s brooding at the thought of getting ready for Theo turning up, at least he was waiting for her to call him and say when Joe left. She hears the front door open and her mood instantly lifts.
Oh thank Merlin, Joe’s took pity on her and came back.
“Joe you don’t have to clean.” She shouts towards the open bathroom door. “Just watch Liv whilst I have a shower.”
There’s no answer and she curses him, the little dickhead. It’s not hard to watch a baby for 10 minutes whilst she quickly washes her hair.
She’s just grabbed the shampoo to work on a particularly sticky knot when she hears someone walk behind her.
“I haven’t finished washing her yet, I’ll be about 15 minutes if this damn porridge comes out.” Eleanor states rubbing more shampoo onto it and creating a bubble halo around Liv’s head.
“That’s alright I don’t mind waiting.”
Eleanor turns in horror as she recognises Theo’s voice. He’s leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed as he looks down at her kneeling beside the bath drenched in dirty, bubbly water, with porridge hair and sticky pyjamas.
“Oh God.” She mutters, her voice full of despair.
Theo raises his eyebrows at her. “I’ll be honest dear, that wasn’t the response I was hoping for.”
Eleanor swallows as she runs a bubbly hand over her face. “I didn’t mean you, I meant me. I can’t believe you’re seeing me like this.” She says gesturing to herself utterly stressed.
Theo looks at her his brow pulling into a frown before moving to sit beside her on the floor.
“Hiya.” Liv shouts waving at him. Eleanor gives her a fond smile, she is kind of cute despite the chaos she’d caused.
Theo grins at her letting out an amused laugh. “Hello. It’s been a while.”
Liv laughs turning her attention back to the water. Theo gives her an amused look before focusing on Eleanor. “I don’t see what’s wrong with how you look.” He tells her softly before his eyes focus on a spot at the side of her face. “Except for the excess of food in your hair.”
Eleanor groans closing her eyes with embarrassment. She feels Theo’s hands gently cup her face. “Hey don’t be embarrassed.” He tells her sweetly. “I’m assuming Liv was the source of it. Besides it’s kind of cute.”
Eleanor gives him a disbelieving look. “Right, scruffy mess is such a cute look right now.”
Theo shrugs with a small smirk. “I dunno but you seem to be pulling it off.”
Liv screams pulling Eleanor’s attention back to her. She’s just threw her toy across the bath and wants it back. Yep, one of those days.
“Here.” Eleanor says handing the toy back. “I’d better finish getting her washed.”
Theo nods getting into a more comfortable position as he watches her.
“She’s bigger.” Theo observes as Eleanor starts to rinse Liv’s hair.
“Yeah babies grow really quickly.” She states.
Theo purses his lips. “It’s strange, I thought they’d grow the same as us.”
“We slow down as we get older.” Eleanor states lifting Liv out of the bath. “Pass me that towel please.”
Theo turns around and smiles as he looks at the duck towel he hands to Eleanor.
“I guess so but it’s kind of scary. She didn’t talk the last time, not words anyway.”
“It can be scary. When she was really little it was like coming home to a different little sister every time.”
“I bet that was weird.” Theo says as Eleanor wraps Liv in the towel, bringing the duck hood over her head. Theo’s lips pull up at the sight.
“Yeah it was, it was strange having a baby in the house full stop but one that changed when we were away was just… anyway, I love her. Come on her clothes are in her room.”
They walk into Liv’s room Theo looking around curiously at the baby stuff.
“What are these?” He asks picking up a nappy.
“Ooh I need one of those, pass it over please.” She states. “And that bottle there the white one.”
Theo does so, walking over to where she’s putting Liv on the changing table.
“It’s a nappy, it’s underwear that absorb pee and poo so it doesn’t go everywhere. And this is baby powder, we put it on her to help dry her skin so she doesn’t get sores or something.”
Theo pulls a disgusted face. “Doesn’t she use the toilet?”
Eleanor lets out a surprised laugh. “No, babies need to learn how to use the toilet. She can’t even walk properly yet.”
Theo nods. “Oh right yeah… that’s gross.”
Eleanor laughs nodding. “It is but it’s not too bad, she’s only small.”
Theo gives her a dubious look before watching as she dresses Liv in a set of dungarees and a t-shirt. Eleanor lifts her up placing a kiss on her cheek before turning to Theo with a small smile.
“Can I ask you a favour?” She says uncertainly.
“Yeah, anything.” Theo says.
“Could you watch Liv while I have a shower? You don’t need to do anything. She’ll just play with her toys all you need to do is make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.”
Theo looks at Liv in fear before straightening up and nodding. “Um, yeah okay. I guess it can’t be too hard right.”
“Yeah except she moves now.” Eleanor says putting Liv on the floor.
“She what?” Theo asks looking terrified.
“Don’t worry she mostly crawls, you’ll be able to catch her. Just pick her up and put her back in that spot. Come and get me if there’s any issues, I won’t be long.”
Eleanor doesn’t give Theo a chance to respond before she rushes into the bathroom. She really needs to have a wash. She showers as quickly as possible before grabbing a towel and rushing into her room. She dresses as quickly as she can throwing on a pair of wide leg jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt. It’s not the best but it’ll have to do.
Eleanor quickly makes her way into the nursery to see Theo lying on his side playing with the building blocks Liv hands to him. She automatically smiles at the sight.
“Having fun?” She asks.
Theo looks up his lips pulling up into a breath-taking grin. “Absolutely, I have to admit I’m fond of these things.” He lifts a block in the air happily.
Eleanor laughs before picking Liv up, Theo clambering to his feet beside them.
“They are entertaining.” Eleanor agrees.
They go downstairs where Theo cleans the kitchen for her with a wave of his wand. She can’t hold back a smile as she realises, she didn’t ask him to help her with that, he just did it. More than she can say about Joe the little prick.
They play in the garden with Liv for a while, taking advantage of the nice weather. She sits on a picnic blanket with her toys whilst they lay on the grass talking. At lunch time they take her inside and Theo manages to get her to eat some pasta, she said no repeatedly to Eleanor but apparently Theo is irrefusable. To which Theo gives Eleanor an extremely smug look.
Eleanor goes to put Liv down for a nap before returning to her room, she walks in finding Theo looking at the pictures on her corkboard.
“See anything you like?” She asks repeating his question from his house.
He turns to her with a small smile. “A few things.” He replies. “I like these photos, your family seems great. They really love you.”
“They are.” Eleanor says moving to her bed, taking a seat as she watches Theo look around her room.
“I like this too, what is it?” He asks lifting her stuffed elephant.
“That’s an elephant.” She says smiling at the toy. Theo looks at it utterly confused.
“What’s that?”
“An animal, I’ll take you the zoo one day.” She promises him.
Theo grins before putting it back, he continues around the room his eyes roaming over all the objects there.
“They’re in the drawer over there.” Eleanor says watching Theo with a small smirk.
“What?” Theo asks with a furrowed brow.
“My knickers, they’re in that drawer considering you liked them so much last time.” She laughs watching Theo’s face drop.
“Nora I wasn’t sniffing your kickers.” He protests, a delicate blush coating his cheeks.
“I never said you were.” She laughs. “Should I be offended you weren’t?”
Theo shakes his head, his eyes wide. “No, I just didn’t want to be… rude. I would love to sniff your knickers.”
Eleanor lets out a loud laugh relaxing back into her pillows before patting the bed. Theo instantly deserts surveying her room to lie on the bed beside her.
He gives her a small smile. “I like your room.”
“I like you being in my room.” She tells him, her heart hammering at the thought of Theo being on her bed with her.
He moves a little closer. “Any particular reason why?” He asks quietly.
Eleanor brings her hand up, running her fingers over his chest wishing she could rip his shirt off.
“A few.” She admits.
Theo smirks at her. “Like what?”
Eleanor moves forward watching him with hooded eyes. Her desire growing as she stares at his plump lips.
She hesitates a moment before leaning over and joining their lips in an exited kiss, the thought of them being alone and sober making Eleanor giddy as her body buzzes with anticipation.
It’s been so long since she’s properly kissed him, coherently that is, it’s almost dizzying. She leaves her lips on his as she tries to ground herself, her heart thundering in her chest and her hands shaking slightly.
Theo doesn’t make a move to deepen the kiss, instead opting to wait for Eleanor to take control. He seems to be letting her set the pace and it adds to her desire, her stomach filling with butterflies at the thought of him prioritising her needs over his.
She smiles into the kiss before starting to move her mouth, Theo happily reciprocates, his hand travelling up her arm and tangling into her hair. Eleanor presses forward swiping her tongue along his bottom lip causing his hand tightens in her hair as he opens his mouth to allow her to caress his tongue with her own.
Eleanor moves forward, her slight hesitation melting into confidence as the familiar feeling of longing for Theo grows, the kiss turning greedy as she throws her leg over his waist, straddling him to get a better angle.
Theo lets out a loud groan at the movement, his hand releasing her hair to grasp her waist firmly pulling her down against himself. Eleanor is lost in the sensation but pulls away to catch her breath, Theo isn’t content to let her go though. Instead he trails his mouth along her jaw, travelling toward her neck as he worships her skin.
Eleanor closes her eyes angling her head back to give him better access, a quiet sigh parting her lips. Heat starts to pool in her stomach and her hips move involuntarily, her eyes shooting open as wiggles back onto Theo’s hardened cock.
Theo stops kissing her and she looks down to see him staring at her with parted lips. She’s not sure if he’s watching her with concern or pleasure, he seems conflicted. She’s a little conflicted. They’re meant to be taking it slow.
“Nora.” He starts but she moves her hips again, grinding down on his crotch drawing a low moan out of him that causes the knot in her stomach to tighten. Fuck, she loves hearing those noises.
“Keep going.” She tells him, rolling her hips again. Fuck taking it slow, her hormones scream at her.
Theo drops his head back, eyes closing as his grasp tightens. He takes a second before reattaching his mouth to her neck with a heated desperation. Eleanor whimpers as she threads her fingers into his hair, pressing herself closer to him.
“Theo.” She sighs before moving back her hands automatically going to his shirt clumsily tugging at the buttons. Theo doesn’t give her a chance, instead he undoes the top one and impatiently pulls the shirt over his head before pressing a sloppy kiss to Eleanor’s mouth his hand pressing firmly against her lower back. Her entire body flat against his front.
“Are you sure?” He asks into the kiss.
“Yes.” Eleanor replies breathlessly.
She can feel him smile as he flips them so Eleanor’s lying on the bed staring up at him. He looks like an angel with the light of the window surrounding him, his hair amess and pupils blown.
Eleanor reaches down and tugs the hem of her shirt before lifting it off and chucking it to the side. Theo stares at her in amazement before bending down and pressing open mouthed kisses to the swell of her breasts. She bites her lip as she watches Theo’s mouth move along her skin. The marks he leaves causing her to squirm with wanting.
“Have you got your wand?” She asks.
Theo sends her a curious look through his lashes, refusing to detach himself from her chest. “Why?”
“For the spell.” She replies.
“What spell?” He asks, his voice muffled by her breast.
“The contraceptive one.”
Theo glances up at her. “Can’t you do it again? I don’t want to stop.”
Eleanor freezes at his response. “Again?”
“Mmm.” Theo mumbles against her making her shudder at the sensation. “I can if you want me to but I really like doing this.”
Eleanor’s blood turns cold and her stomach drops.
“Theo stop.” She says pushing at his head. He lets out a small noise of protest but moves back anyway, leaning on his heels as he stares at her.
“What’s wrong? Is it just for me to do the spell or do you want to stop-stop?” He asks kindly.
Eleanor’s staring at him with an open mouth. “Please tell me you did it last time.”
“Did what?” He asks his words thick with confusion.
“The spell.”
“What do you mean?”
“Theo did you use the contraceptive charm last time?” She asks her voice shaking, as nausea beings to overwhelm her.
Theo shakes his head. “No, you did it.”
Eleanor takes a deep breath, her stomach twisting as she realises they hadn’t used a contraceptive charm.
“Shit.” She sits up straight her mind reeling and her heart beating rapidly. How could they be so stupid?
“What’s wrong?” Theo asks placing a hand on her arm comfortingly, panic crossing his features as he watches her.
“Theo I didn’t do the spell.” She tells him. Theo looks bewildered before his eyes widen almost comically, his mouth dropping open.
“Yeah oh.” Eleanor says bringing her hand to her mouth to chew her nails. How could they have forgot a fucking contraceptive charm? Theo runs a hand through his hair whilst Eleanor jumps off the bed and starts to pace, dread taking over.
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