#theodore nott fan fic
Tacenda - Chapter 40 Snippet
Joe fusses over Eleanor all the way to the hospital wing, his voice full of panic as he asks her if she’s going to faint and if she needs him to carry her. She just keeps rolling her eyes at him telling him he’s being dramatic. She doesn’t even want to go to the hospital wing, she wants to go back to her dorm, have a shower and wash off the feeling of Greyson kissing her.
At the hospital wing Joe sits with her, looking more anxious than her as Madam Pomfrey cleans her wounds. She gives Eleanor some potions for the pain and to help prevent infection before bandaging her hand and sending her back to her common room.
Joe keeps his arm on her shoulders, as though scared she’ll collapse the moment he let’s go. She doesn’t know if he’s more scared or angry as they climb the stairs towards Gryffindor tower.
As they enter the common room she goes towards the stairs to her dorm but Joe stops her. He gently guides her towards the couches before pushing her down and draping a blanket across her knees.
“What are you doing?” She asks, eyeing him dubiously.
“Taking care of you.” He states before glancing around the room.
“Joe I’m fine.” She protests going to stand up but he just pushes her back down.
“No you’re not you’re hurt and I need to make sure you’re not going to collapse from blood loss before you can be on your own. Where the fuck is Ben?” He states looking around again.
“Ben?” She asks in confusion, why does he want Ben?
“Yeah I’m going to ask him to get you something to eat and maybe a hot chocolate.”
“Joe.” Eleanor says exasperated. “I don’t need all that, there was hardly any blood.”
“Still I’d rather make sure.” He mumbles taking a seat beside her. “And don’t downplay it there’s like 5 litres of blood on your arm.”
Eleanor shakes her head at his dramatics. No matter what Joe always magnified everything.
“Thank you.” She says leaning into Joe’s side. “But I really am okay.”
“Please just let me fuss a little bit. I won’t be able to sleep worrying you’ll die in your sleep.” He mutters wrapping his arm around her.
Eleanor stares at him, a little taken aback by the concerned expression on his face. She presses her lips together nodding her head. “Okay.”
“Thank you.” Joe says with a small sigh before sitting up straighter. “Oi, Harry.”
Harry looks up from his seat across the room, his eyes landing on Joe and Elle a small smile spreading over his face as he approaches them.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asks happily.
“Could you do me a favour?” Joe asks.
“Seriously.” Elle mutters in embarrassment. He can’t have people running around the castle for her.
“Yeah what is it?” He asks looking at them in confusion.
“Elle was hurt, could you grab her something to eat and drink from the kitchens. She lost a lot of blood.” Joe tells him. Harry’s eyes dart to her, panic spreading over his face at her appearance.
“What happened?” He asks staring at her T-shirt in horror.
“It was an accident, I broke a phial in detention. I’m fine really, there was hardly any blood loss.” Eleanor reassures him. “I also don’t need anything to eat or drink.”
“Your t-shirt has more of your blood than you do.” Joe says sternly.
Eleanor cringes looking down at her bloodstained clothes. Yeah, this shirts ruined she thinks miserably.
“I’m going to get some food.” Harry states. “I won’t be long.”
“You don’t have to.” Eleanor tells him her face burning with humiliation.
“I know I don’t have to but I’m going to. You’re hurt you’ll need sugar and energy and stuff.” He says to which Joe nods approvingly.
“See Harry’s smart, listen to him.” He tells her.
Eleanor reluctantly agrees, Harry quickly leaving to grab her something before she convinces Joe to let her change out of bloodstained clothes and into some clean pyjamas. He grumbles but lets get go stating he’ll send someone after her in 10 minutes if she’s not back.
She shoots him an annoyed glare before hurrying up to her room. She grabs a clean pair of pyjamas and a hoodie before walking into the bathroom and glancing at herself in the mirror. She grimaces at the sight, no wonder Joe thought she was seriously injured. The blood had soaked her t-shirt and there’re are trails of dry blood traveling the length of her arm.
She quickly washes away the blood before shoving her pyjamas on and heading back down into the common room. She expects to find Joe waiting impatiently but instead she sees him pacing angrily as Dean rubs the back of his neck talking hurriedly.
Oh shit.
Eleanor slowly makes her way towards them, her stomach knotting with worry. She doesn’t need Joe kicking off again, he’ll already be in enough trouble for swearing at Filch and abandoning their detention.
“He’s fucking dead. I swear to God I’m going to rip his dick off.” Joe growls continuing to pace.
Eleanor walks closer and Dean looks at her with wide eyes.
“Joe.” He says quietly. Joe looks at him with annoyance before following his gaze his eyes softening as he spots Eleanor walking towards them.
“Elle.” He says sympathetically. “I’m so sorry he did that, I swear I’m going to destroy him.” He tells her.
“Don’t.” She tells him. “You’ll already be in enough trouble.”
“Like I give a shit about that.”
“Zac already hit him.” Eleanor reasons hoping Joe will listen.
“Not hard enough.” Of course he wouldn’t listen.
“Joe, please.” Eleanor begs.
“No.” He says harshly shaking his head. “He doesn’t get to touch you, to kiss you, without your permission. Against your choice. It’s vulgar and I’m going to make him know what it feels like to feel vulnerable and out of control.”
“Joe please don’t.” Eleanor begs.
“He doesn’t get to do that Elle.” Joe shouts angrily.
Eleanor’s lip wobbles as she thinks about Joe retaliating, about him hurting Greyson and getting into trouble for it. She wants to hurt Greyson herself, she wants to bring her fist down on his face over and over again. To let him know he can’t just do what he wants when he wants but she can’t see Joe get into even more trouble, to risk his place on the quidditch team and perhaps his future as a quidditch player.
Joe’s anger seems to decrease as he stares at her, he deflates as he steps towards her his arms wrapping around her protectively. “I’m sorry Elle.” He mutters into her hair. “I won’t do anything tonight but I’m not going to let him get away with it either.”
Eleanor wraps her arms around him grateful for that at least, hopefully she can get him to calm down and see sense. It’s not long before Harry returns shooting questioning looks at the various emotions displayed over everyone’s faces.
Dean must explain what happened to him because his face flicks through the varying emotions Joe expressed when she came down.
Eleanor convinces Joe to go and sit in his dorm with their food, she tells him she’s tired but she doesn’t want to Joe to see Greyson she has a feeling she won’t be able to stop him retaliating if he actually does. In all honesty, she doesn’t want to see him either she feels sick and furious at what he did and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to hold back.
Eleanor falls asleep in Joe’s dorm, she wakes up tucked into his bed as he lies on top of the blanket. His lanky frame dangling over the edge of the bed, giving her room. She smiles at his caring actions before shifting to move the blanket off herself. It’s harder than it looks as Joe’s body weighs it down.
He grumbles as she shoves him slightly but she eventually manages to get herself free. She climbs to the edge of the bed, cautiously pulling the curtains back to make sure there’s no one getting changed in there.
Thankfully all the curtains are pulled tight around the other beds, meaning she can safely clamber out of bed and out of Joe’s dorm without the worry of seeing anything she shouldn’t.
She sneaks into the common room, glad there’s no one in there when she freezes spotting a figure lounging on the couches. Greyson.
“Morning Harris.” He smiles at her. Her skin crawls at the sight of him but she’s happy to see multiple bruises covering his face. “Believe it or not I was starting to believe you about not being a bed hopper. I actually felt guilty about how I talked about you.”
“Oh fuck off.” Eleanor snaps turning towards her dorm.
“You’re a great actress.” He tells her. “I really believed that whole spiel about you not sleeping around. Unless it’s the second mystery man.”
Eleanor sets her jaw. “I was in my brother’s dorm, I fell asleep there because I felt like shit after what you did. I wouldn’t hang around here if I were you, he’s out for blood.”
Greyson’s smile drops a little. “You spent the night in your brother’s dorm because of what I said?”
“Partly.” She agrees. “But mostly because you forced yourself on me.”
“No, I didn’t.” He says horrified.
“Yes, you did.” Eleanor says angrily. “You kissed me without my permission. I tried to push you away and you pulled me closer.”
“That was just a kiss.” He says bewildered. “It was nothing.”
“It wasn’t nothing to me.” She snaps. “I’m not the type of girl to just kiss people. I know the rumours say I’m easy but I don’t do things like that casually.”
Greyson stares at her with for a moment, his face appearing conflicted before he leans forward. “Harris.” He says his voice soft but serious. “I didn’t- I didn’t think people were bothered about things like that. I thought… I thought you were playing hard to get, that you were flirting with me.” He rubs the back of his neck. “If you genuinely didn’t want me to kiss you and I… I’m sorry.” He swallows. “I didn’t mean to do anything like force you I- I’m a fuckboy but I’m not.” He cuts off uncomfortably.
Eleanor stares at him fighting back tears. “No I wasn’t flirting. I was telling you I wasn’t interested, that I wasn’t like the rumours being spread about me, but you didn’t listen. Instead, you believed what you wanted to, said things that hurt me, despite what I was saying.” She swallows.
“I’m sorry.” He says again.
“They’re meaningless words Greyson.” Eleanor tells him. “Change your behaviour because right now you’re nothing but a piece of shit.”
She turns heading to her dorm ignoring his apologies as she makes her way to her shower. She needs to wash off everything that had happened, she can’t deal with it all. The detention, the room full of boys who have no respect for her or other girls, the fight, the injury, the hospital wing, Joe’s reaction, Greyson’s apology. Fuck it all.
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starzioo · 5 months
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i biblically need this man.
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vougenott · 9 months
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Harry Potter
- Theodore Nott
Back to you
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- Tom Riddle
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- Draco Malfoy
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Sturniolo Triplets
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- Matthew Sturniolo
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- Anakin Skywalker
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- Hayden Christensen
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elliebyrrdwrites · 5 months
The Heist pt. 5
You can Read the series from the start here.
The Museum
“So, you’re kind of like my cousin.” The young, blue haired wizard said to Draco as they both gazed up at the building across the street.
The corner of Draco’s mouth pulled tight as he jiggled the box of malted chocolate balls he had picked up from the corner store on his way over. He estimated he had about 10 left in the box.
“It would appear so.” He lifted the box to his mouth.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Teddy Lupin asked and Draco merely slid a glance sidelong to the kid before refocusing his gaze on the museum entrance. He was waiting for Granger to arrive next. Theo and Potter arrived first, followed by Seamus. Teddy was set to enter with Draco, so that he was specifically instructed on what to look for. What to swipe.
Teddy continued, “My grandmother told me about the anonymous person who sends her a monthly check. It’s quite generous, of course, but the donor had written to her with the first check that it was meant to be spent on me and my school supplies, clothes...things like that.”
Draco shifted uncomfortably as the young man continued to look at him. “Your hair is blue.” He threw a chocolate ball into his mouth and said around his bite, “You’re going to draw attention.”
From Draco’s peripheral, he briefly caught the shift of bright, cobalt blue morph into an inconspicuous mousy brown.
“So, why didn’t you ever just come and visit me and grams?”
“Grams?” Draco frowned and shook his head just as a disguised Granger emerged, from a crowd of college students. She was dressed in a posh little black dress with the same big round sunglasses but instead of her usual glossy brown waves floating behind her, she had transfigured her hair to a sleek, straight black. While she drew attention from the male students she passed, Draco found he much preferred the brilliant brown that was almost golden in the light of the sun.
“Time to go.” Draco pushed off the wall, tossed the remainder of the chocolates into his mouth before crushing the box and tossing it into the trash bin nearby.
Teddy followed behind, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat. While summer had finally approached the city, it had not yet reached the peek of heat, or else Draco was certain the young man would have looked utterly out of place.
Draco pushed the openings of his black coat back as he slid his hands casually into his pants pockets. Having refused to transfigure his hair for casing, he opted to throw a baseball cap over his blond hair and shadow his very distinct grey eyes.
They slipped, seamlessly into a crowd of people entering the museum, as part of a tour.
“Count the guards and find the most vulnerable one.”
Teddy nodded Draco had to admit, he was impressed by the relaxed nature of the young man as he browsed the museum. While Teddy kept tabs on security, Draco spent his time murmuring a spell as the tip of his wand poked from the arm of his coat.
This bit of magic was one he had developed after going to great lengths to find the blueprints of every place he robbed. It gave him the ability to scan the room and later display it in a three dimensional image that could then be burned onto parchment, giving them the most detailed and accurate blueprint to work off of.
Theo and Potter were posing as a couple that enjoyed day trips to the museum and Seamus was looking for the main security room, in order to better access the camera’s footage.
Granger’s job was to work out the kind of wards the museum had in place and how many before figuring out the wards individually placed around the exhibit with The Wand, itself.
Which is where he found her when he finally made it into the room with the Tuniit exhibit.
When they found themselves standing beside one another in front of the ivory Wand, Granger took a break from her murmuring to toss a look at him.
“This is full of advanced wards.”
Draco hummed in ascent. “What are we looking at?”
“Most of it, I can do in under five minutes.”
“But there’s this one in particular,” She sighed and crossed her arms, her wand sliding into the arm of her coat. “It’s blood magic.” She hissed as Draco continued to murmur his spell and his wand continued to subtly flick around the room.
Draco’s wand nearly loosened in his grip.
“Are you sure?” He asked through tight lips.
“Yes.” She whispered back, pressing closer as she leaned over the plaque, pretending to read the script. “We need to find out whose blood set this ward.”
Draco smelled tangerine and honey as she pulled away, casting a small gust of air into his nostrils. Temporarily thankful that transfiguration had no power of scents, Draco frowned down at The Wand.
“We can figure it out.” He assured her, though despite the conviction in his voice, his mind raced with who all of the possible wizards might have been involved with the placement of this piece within the museum.
She chanced a glance up into his shadowed eyes and swallowed. “I hope so.” She whispered as she passed him.
Draco angled his body so that he could watch her go. The sway of her hips as she moved at a leisurely pace, the way the coat hugged against her body, tied and buttoned in the front. Draco found himself enthralled in the way she moved, the lingering scent of her hair causing his mouth to water.
He’d decided that he was in the mood for a fruit salad as he moved into the next room, where Teddy Lupin had just left with a simple nod of his head as they passed. Confirmation that his job was done or was indeed going smoothly.
Just as Draco finished the blueprinting of the next and final room of the museum, a soft voice carried over the exhibits and dug into his ears.
It was a voice he knew well. Ducking behind a large totem pole on display in the middle of the museum, Draco peeked around to find Astoria Greengrass was walking through the museum, dressed in feminine, muggle business attire. Her raven hair was pinned into a bun atop, and her pale face was pinched in thought as she discussed something with the museum curator. The curator, Draco had researched, was an gentlemen by the name of Warren Locksley. His salt and pepper hair was wiry and thin, a contrast to the heavy beard around his mouth.
Astoria passed the Totem Pole and Draco quickly sank back against the exhibit as he listened to their murmured talk fade away.
“Who are you hiding from?” Harry Potter startled Draco, causing him to frown deeply at the man before pushing away from the exhibit.
“Who did you see?” Harry’s eyebrow lifted when Draco shook his head and glanced around the museum, careful not to run into any other possible member of the Greengrass family.
It was during this moment, however, that Draco recalled something about The Greengrass’. His frown drifted into a smirk as he tilted his head to take in the Famous Harry Potter.
“What do you know of the Greengrass family, Potter?”
Harry’s hands stuffed themselves into his pockets as he shrugged. “Not much. They made a rather generous donation towards the rebuilding of Hogwarts after the war. I also remember the youngest one sending me a letter once, thanking me for my bravery and...wait a minute.” He stopped and eyed Draco, suddenly recalling some vital information. “Weren’t you engaged to one of them after the war?”
Draco’s smirk fell. “That’s not the point,” He nodded his head towards the exit and started walking.
Harry fell into stop just behind Draco, careful to keep enough distance.
“Astoria Greengrass took over the family image and convinced her family to bridge the gap between Muggles and Wizards. She may be the sole purpose of things evolving the way they have been. But her father found that the bridge between our world and theirs was really quite lucrative.”
The men stepped into a courtyard and Harry immediately pulled out a mobile phone and began to swipe his thumb over the screen.
“What does that have to do with any of this?” He paused and looked up at Draco, squinting through the glare of the sun. “Wait, is that who you were hiding from? Astoria Greengrass?”
Draco nodded and glanced around the courtyard. “When we were together, she pushed me to get in touch with you over and over.”
Harry chuckled.
“Point is,” Draco narrowed his eyes on a group of people passing by. “I think it’s time you and she arranged a meeting.”
“I’m thinking you should set up a couple of meetings. We’ll have to get in there fast. And we’ll have to ensure you’ve set one up for, lets say...” Draco eyed a bench that had just been emptied of its occupants. “Four days from now?”
“But that’s the day of —” Harry paused, catching on, as he looked up from his mobile. “Oh.” The device in his hand buzzed and Harry grimaced as he looked down at the screen. “I have to stop by the house. Ginny won’t stop texting me. Meet you back at your place.” Harry slipped the mobile into his pocket as the men parted ways.
Draco settled himself on to the bench, and absorbed the warmth of the sun. He tilted his head back and inhaled slowly as he basked.
“Where’s Potter?” Theo’s voice whispered.
Draco’s eyes adjusted to the light unshielded against his closed lids and found Theo sitting on the opposite end of the bench.
“Had to go see the misses. What do you think?”
Theo scoffed and crossed his ankles as he leaned back to enjoy some of the summer sun on his skin. “Piece of cake. Where’s Granger?”
Draco shrugged, despite the fact that Theo’s eyes were closed as he sunbathed. “I last saw her checking the wards on The Wand.”
“Hmm.” Theo hummed in response. “Didn’t I tell you she was a whizz?”
Draco stared at his best friend. “You did. She’s quite lovely.”
Theo turned his head and peered through his squinting eyes. “Easy there, Draco.”
Trying his best to look affronted, Draco shrugged. “Is she not lovely? What’s the matter with calling her lovely? I’d call you lovely if asked to describe you.”
Theo grunted and closed his eyes.
Frowning, Draco leaned into the bench and closed his eyes. The warmth of the sun tended to lull him into a state of stasis if left out too long. The allure of sleep was quickly hurtling toward him when he caught the scent of sweet citrus.
“Boys,” She crooned and Draco felt her hips brush against his.
He opened his eyes and found Theo smiling down at her.
“Reminds me of Amsterdam,” Theo said and Draco grinned at the sudden rush of blood that filled her cheeks.
“Why do you keep brining up Amsterdam. This is nothing like Amsterdam.” She hissed and adjusted her ass against the bench, apparently nestled in between the two men.
“We’re at a museum, are we not?”
“You can’t keep bringing it up. We agreed to never bring up Amsterdam again and you brought it up twice in one day.”
She was staring at the open brochure, pretending to read the material, when in fact she was hiding the scowl on her face as he hissed at Theo.
Theo grinned broadly behind a hand that rubbed at his jaw.
Draco was chuckling and that was enough for her to direct her ire at him. Her head whipped to look at him, her sleep black strands whipping Theo in the face.
“What are you laughing at? You don’t even know what happened in Amsterdam.” She paused then narrowed her eyes. An act he could just barely make out behind the large, bug-like lenses on her face. “Do you?”
“He doesn’t.” Theo answered for her.
Draco just tilted his head and grinned at Granger, welcoming an explanation.
“Well, why don’t we tell him.” Granger shrugged. “Why not? Let’s tell Malfoy how you ended up in a pair of knickers and—”
A hand came around her shoulder and clamped itself over her mouth. “You’re right.” Theo chuckled nervously. “Let’s not speak on it again. Amsterdam never happened. As a matter of fact, let’s obliviate it from our minds now. And this. Let’s obliviate this entire conversation. That includes you, Draco.”
Draco was openly chuckling but Granger pouted when she removed Theo’s hand from her mouth. “I’d never! How could I obliviate the thing that led us here?” She slid her hand into the inside of Draco’s elbow and Theo rested his hand on her shoulder.
“You’re right, Granger.” Theo patted the rounded curve of the witches shoulder. “Right here is good. I like here.”
She pushed her left hip into Theo and rested her head on Draco’s shoulder. “Me, too.”
Draco shook his head in amusement but couldn’t shake the pulse of energy between his arm and the feel of her little hand holding on. It was the same arm that was left branded at a young age.
She touched him without fear, without an ounce of hesitation. And he realized then that being near Hermione Granger was easy. Befriending her was natural, as she seemed to have accepted him into her life with open arms as well.
“Here is good.” Draco murmured and patted her hand affectionately.
A sudden explosion jolted the three of them out of their moment of peace. It wasn’t the kind of explosion that led with a bang! but the kind that elicited cries of fear and alarm.
Granger pulled away from the wizards at her side and stood.
Theo sat up straight and let out an exasperated sigh.
For what had caused such an alarm, was the sudden eruption of flames at a corner of the courtyard.
And in the corner, Draco realized with a frown, was a camera aimed directly at the spot they sat in.
Seamus approached them with a lifted brow but stood a distance far enough away to disallow anyone to believe they were together. “You’re causing a scene. I had to take proactive measures.”
Draco grinned as Granger sighed obscenely.
Theo lifted an impressed brow at Seamus as they all watched her march away from them and out of the courtyard.
Teddy passed her on his way into the courtyard and grinned broadly at the three men.
Draco took that as a job well done and mentally began to prepare himself for what was surely be the most difficult task of this particular job.
Which was, unfortunately and impossibly, to obtain a bit of blood from Astoria Greengrass.
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skeletonoli · 2 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Theodore Nott & Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott & Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass & Theodore Nott, Theodore Nott & Original Character(s), Narcissa Black Malfoy & Original Character(s), Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy Characters: Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Original Characters, Original Non-Binary Character, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Nott Sr. (Harry Potter), Original Nott Family Characters (Harry Potter), Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Dolores Umbridge, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini's Mother, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Angst, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, POV Theodore Nott, Viking Nott family, because that man is not Italian, Irish Theodore Nott's mother, because i'm half irish so i get to decide when my favourite characters are, non binary character, Trans Character, i AM here to spread the queer agenda, Fluff, (or at least moments of), BAMF Narcissa Black Malfoy, more tags to come (probably i don't know where this is going), Slytherin, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Canon Compliant, (for now yet again i don't know where im taking this), no beta we die like dumbledore tripping off the astronomy tower, Title from a Hozier Song, (de selby pt1 aka the goat) Summary:
Theodore Nott had always been a quiet boy. People often wondered what it could be as a result of, his mother’s death, his father’s apparent apathy, the disownment of his older sibling, or perhaps a weird mixture of them all, or perhaps this is how he had always been. However this boy may have come to be this way, he must now face a Fifth year at Hogwarts and all the trials it will bring, but will he emerge from this year the same quiet boy he has always been or will he step away from his father’s overbearing shadow and become his own man.
A (semi-canon compliant) retelling of The Order Of The Phoenix from the perspective of Theodore Nott, focusing on the coming of age of one young Slytherin.
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As the Sun Sets // The Meeting // Part Six
TW: Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, mentions of R*pe
*Please be aware of the trigger warnings for this chapter as it is dark and some themes may be triggering or hard for some readers.*
Part Seven
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Scarlett's POV:
"It's been a week since the Halloween dance and Adrian caught me leaving my dorm the next afternoon and apologized. Explaining to me that it looked bad on him that I would be showing that much skin around other people. I hesitantly  apologized, but apologized no less and told him that I would be more modest. “Good girl” he said as he kissed my cheek and walked me to class.
Draco and I have our meeting with the Dark Lord tonight and we have been in the room of requirement every night trying to get this damn thing open. We are no closer than when the term started. Needless to say, we are bloody stressed. 
Slipping into my wand into my jumper, I stand outside Draco and Theos dorm. I knock on the large oak door twice. “Come in.” I hear Draco's voice call. When I open the door I see Draco pacing back and forth from his bed to Theos, mumbling to himself. Seeing as my lovely cousin is having a sort of panic attack I take a seat on the edge of Theos bed. 
The bathroom door to my left squeaks open. “Hey, tell me if you see my father will you? Oh, and feel free to throw him under the night bus if you get the chan--” He pauses looking at me with his seductive smile. “Bambina, I didn't hear you come in.” Theo is wearing just a towel that is low on his hips and water is dripping from his chest and disappearing under the towel. 
Say something Scarlet! I yell at myself. “I uh. Yeah. Draco said it was okay to come in.” 
“Well it's more than okay. Are you here to keep me company while our Drakey goes to see the Dark Lord. “ He says that last part with a very dramatic Italian accent while using another towel to dry his curly hair. 
This stops Dracos pacing “What? No Theo. She is coming with me. The letter from mother specifically said her presence was required. I’m only invited because hes at the Manor.” 
“What? Why do they need Scarlet?” Theos eyes start to gray while he is looking at me with concern. 
“I am not sure.” Draco says digging through the mess of blankets on his bed, looking for his wand. Once his wand is secured, he holds his hand out for me, I stand up to grab it when I am stopped with a loud thump from behind me. Theo now has a black jumper on and is struggling to put his pants on. 
“Hold on. I am coming with you.” He says once his pants are on and he's reaching for his own wand. 
“Theo. No. You cannot come.” Draco is pulling us away from the brown haired boy. “The Dark Lord requested her. Not you.” 
“You're bloody mad if you think I am just going to let her get thrown at his feet. You know what he is capable of.” His face is red and his eyes are fully gray now. Anger radiating off him in waves.
“Theo.” I reach for his hand, pulling his attention off of Draco. His eyes snap to mine and lighten slightly. “I will be fine. I promise. He probably just wants me to attend because I essentially live with Malfoys.” I give him my best convincing smile.
If I am being honest, when Cissy wrote that he requested me to be there as well I was flooded with panic. It's all I have been able to think about. But Theo cannot go. I do not want to anger The Dark Lord anymore than he will already be. 
“Please. We will tell you everything we can when we get back. I promise.” I squeeze his hand reassuringly. 
Still looking unconvinced he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. “Please be safe, Bambina. Draco, please bring her straight back here.” 
With Theo releasing him from their man hug, he puts his hand on Dracos shoulder and steps back. With one final look, Draco takes my hand in his and the uncomfortable twist and pull from the belly we are home. Malfoy Manor. 
Aunt Cissy is standing outside the gates of the Manor awaiting our arrival. 
“Mum. Is he here already?” Draco asks quietly while hugging his mother and giving her a chast kiss on the cheek.
“Yes. He's inside waiting for you two.” She pulls me as well and kisses my cheek. “Come on. We have to hurry. Need not anger him. Remember what I taught you both?” Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I locked all my doors. Stealing myself off. I turn and see Draco doing the same. 
Making our way into the manor feels like a death sentence. As soon as we walk through the doors we can hear screams. Female screams. And then that laugh that haunts my dreams. My mothers laughed. 
There, sitting at the dinner table on a large wingback chair sits the Dark Lord. 
“Ah, my Protégés have arrived. Sit. Sit.” He waves his hand out to indicate for us to sit next to him at the table. As we make our way around the table I see many familiar faces. Nott Sr. Umbridge. Snape. The Carrows. Crabbe Sr. Goyle Sr. Aunt Cissy, Lucius, and of course my mom and dad. Bellatrix and Rodolphus. 
“Little Lestrange. Your father tells me you have come a long way with your training.” His red eyes are trained on me. I can feel a pinch in between my eyes. I try to focus on his words. “Yes my lord.” 
The room is silent. “Then how come… You and the young Malfoy boy have yet to fix the cabinet?” I feel Draco stiffen next to me. 
I am starting to sweat, “Well my lord.” I swallow hard. “It has proven to be more difficult than we originally anticipated..” He is pushing through now. Breaking all the locks he sees. 
“And here I was… hoping your father wasn't lying to me. That you could in fact be useful.” out of the corner of my eye I can see Rodolphus seething. “Stand up Little Lestrange.” Taking a deep breath I stand up beside my chair. 
“Rodolphus, why don't you show us some of your… training methods.” I stiffen, eyes darting to aunt Cissy, only to realize that she can't help me. Breathe…
Then before I realize,He shouts.  “Crucio” I try to stay strong. I try to focus all of my energy on staying standing. He is still pushing through my mind and now with me being distracted images of Adrian, Pansy, Blaise and Draco flashes through my mind. Late night study sessions, stolen kisses in alcoves, dress shopping. He rips through my memories one by one. 
“Remove the disillusionment charm Bellatrix. Let her show us her true self.” 
“Please” I pleaded quietly to the floor. I see her flick her wrist “as you wish my lord”.
My eyes wander to Draco. I have never shown him my scars. I have never told him what goes on when I am not at Hogwarts or here. No one knows but my parents. 
My skin feels chilled and I know that the charm was removed as well as the jumper that I was wearing. Gasps and murmurs from around the group. Tears streaming down my face and Draco's eyes are fully gray as he stares at me.
“There she is…” The Dark Lord smiles sinisterly. “Again.” This time it's Bellatrix to cast the curse, smiling her yellow teeth at me.  
“Crucio.” I'm screaming. The pain is deafening. White hot blades working their way from inside my skin trying to get out. His attack on my mind doesn't stop. This time. Images of Theo work their way to the forefront of my mind. I try to push them back but I am so weak.
Late nights by the lake. Butterflies in my stomach when he calls me “Mi ragazza”. His smile as he kisses my hand. Falling asleep on him in the common room. The way my heart wrenches when he comes back from visiting his father, covered in bruises and with broken bones. 
I can't fight back. I finally break, falling to the floor. 
“Nott....” the Dark Lord stops his attack and turns towards the elder Nott. “Ah yes. Your heir… Why hasn't he been marked?” 
Nott Sr. Looks confused, eyes narrowed as he looks from me to the Dark Lord. “He doesn't have what it takes my Lord… He is a disgrace and a disappointment to our family name.” Disgust riddles the elders' words. 
The Dark Lord contemplates this for a second “Our Little Lestrange here, begs to differ. It seems she cares a great deal for your son…” I am struggling to breathe when I am lifted by my arm, to stand by my father. “Nott… Come forward.” My vision is starting to blur but I can see Nott Sr. coming to stand in front of me. 
“What do you think your son thinks of our little Lestrange? Do you think that her feelings are… reciprocated…?” The elder Nott assesses me closely. “I am not certain, my lord.” he says solemnly. 
“I see… What do you think, little Lestrange?” I can barely think, let alone will myself to speak. 
“SPEAK” The Dark Lord yells, with a flick of his wand I'm screaming, pain coursing through my body. “N-no… M-my L-lord.” I can feel the blood starting to trickle from the laceration he created just now on my collar bone. Blood slithering down my arm and my chest.
Deep in thought the Dark Lord “ Well… What about you Nott. Are you interested in our Little Lestrange?” Stepping up to me I can feel Nott Sr. coming closer. Running his fingers down my scar over my eye. 
The other men in the room are watching intently “Well… I guess without all the scars she was quite attractive. Perky breasts. Round behind.” His hand trails from my face down to my collar bone. I try to squirm away but I am unable to while being held in place by Rodolphus. Hands ghosting over my right breast, I involuntarily take a deep haggard breath. 
“She seems eager for an affectionate touch from a Nott… How about the rest of you?... Greyback? Dolohov?...” The Dark Lord suggests to the rest of the men around the room. “I hear they can be quite… intense…” The Dark Lord whispers to me. 
Both men rise from their seats to come near me, just as eager as Nott. Sr. Tears are flowing freely now. I can still sense them standing in front of me. Eyes trained on me, licking their lips. 
My breathing picks up, my limbs locked in place. Whimpers of pain and fear escaping my mouth. 
“Now, Now… Settle down Little Lestrange. They won't touch you… Not yet…”  
“Sit back down.” He dismisses the men to be seated again and my vision has cleared a bit he speaks to me again.
“You will fix that cabinet. You will get us into Hogwarts. If not…” He goes quiet and looks around at the men who had all been standing around me 
“Then you get a taste of what life is like for your precious Nott Jr. at home.” His snake-like smile reaches Draco and with a wave of his hand he calls my cousin to attention. “Malfoy… Get our Little Lestrange back to school. You have a cabinet to fix.” 
Draco doesn't need to be told twice. With quick movements he carefully takes me from Rodolphus’ hold and walks me out of the dinner room. 
Once we are out of earshot of the others Draco tries to talk to me, I think he is trying to calm me down, but I can't concentrate on what he's saying. He picks me up bridal style and my head lays limply on his chest. 
His heart is beating rapidly. Whispering to me. Words unclear. The blood is draining from the new laceration fast. I feel the pull of apparition but as soon as we land back in the dorm I feel as if I'm drying. 
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*Harry finds out that Abraxas Malfoy’s little sister is his paternal grandmother*
Harry (disgusted): Are you telling me I’m related to Malfoy?!
Abraxas (offended): What wrong with that? You should consider yourself lucky! The Malfoy family—
Theodore: You know that explains why you’re so bloody insufferable…
Harry & Abraxas (both offended): HEY!
91 notes · View notes
escapeinmybookshelf · 4 months
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My first LoveNott has been published, one shot & rated E
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Tacenda - Chapter 39 Snippet
By the time Saturday arrives Eleanor is dreading her detention. It’s more the not knowing what she’s going to be doing that’s the problem than the actual detention. She doesn’t want to think about it too much but at the same time it’s all she can think about. Theo and Eleanor decide to skip tea in the great hall, instead opting to eat in the room of requirement so they can spend time together.
They’re lounging on a blanket in the middle of the floor, empty plates surrounding them as Theo traces patterns on Eleanor’s stomach. He’s lifted her t-shirt slightly, his fingers delicately dancing over her exposed skin.
“I don’t want to go.” She sighs focusing on the constellations painted onto the ceiling.
“Then don’t.” Theo mumbles, continuing to drag his fingers across her stomach.
“I can’t not go. If I do that I’ll probably get two detentions and he’ll make them worse than what he’s already got planned.” Eleanor whines.
Theo pouts before rolling closer to Eleanor and spreading his hand over stomach. “I could take the blame. Say I dazzled you so much you forgot what year it was, never mind the day or time.”
Eleanor giggles. “Whilst that’s easily plausible, no one’s meant to know you’re dazzling me.”
“I could have done it accidentally.” He suggests.
“I don’t think that’ll work.”
“Why? Aren’t I dazzling enough for you?” He asks in mock offence.
“You’re more than dazzling, distracting, entrancing, mesmerising. You’re everything, but for some reason I don’t think Professor McGonagall or Filch will take that as an acceptable excuse.”
Theo shakes his head. “I don’t see why they wouldn’t it’s obviously true.”
“Obviously.” Eleanor laughs as Theo leans over her to press his lips to her own. His hand moving to grasp her waist gently.
Eleanor hums into the kiss, she wants nothing more than to stay here with him and continue their night together, but she knows she needs to go. She needs to do this detention and get it over with.
She takes a deep breath before pushing at Theo’s shoulders slightly. He moans at the loss of contact but goes back, leaning on his elbow letting his head hang in defeat.
“Fine, choose Filch over me.” He moans. “Just know when you come back… I’ll be waiting for whatever dirty thing you want to do to me.”
Eleanor snorts shoving at his shoulder making him chuckle. “You know if it was up to me I wouldn’t be leaving this room at all.”
Theo grins at her before narrowing his eyes. “The choice is yours love.” He tells her. “If we never leave then you never have to do detention. Therefore, I think that’s an excellent plan.”
Eleanor giggles tugging her shirt back down and starting to stand up, fixing her skirt as she goes. Theo watches her hands tug at the hem, his pupils blown as he bites his bottom lip.
“We could also do something else whilst in here.” He says suggestively.
“Oh really? Like what?” Eleanor asks pulling her converse on.
Theo shrugs nonchalantly watching her. “I dunno, maybe fun stuff.”
“Fun stuff?” She asks with pursed lips. “You’ll have to elaborate.”
“Well I was thinking…” He starts turning to give her a dreamy look, though he’s making it dramatic and funny it still makes her legs shake. “We haven’t tested out your science tablets yet.”
“What?” Eleanor asks in confusion.
“You know the one’s that mean we don’t have to use the spell.” He says his eyes trailing over her body lustfully.
Realisation hits Eleanor and she feels her face flush with embarrassment, oh those tablets.
“No we haven’t have we?” She answers thoughtfully.
Theo moves, positioning himself on his knees in front of Eleanor his hands on her hips as he looks at her through his lashes.
Merlin, have mercy.
“We could rectify that.” Theo suggests, his voice low as his hands trail down her body, past her skirt to the skin of her legs.
Eleanor hums, she’d love to rectify that.
She gasps as Theo’s hand start to work his hands upwards again, pushing her skirt up with the motion.
“You don’t have to leave.” He tells her pressing a kiss to both of her thigh.
Oh God.
Eleanor takes a shaky breath, trying to control the butterflies in her stomach.
“Theo.” She warns him, though it’s ruined by how desperate she sounds.
“How bad could skipping be? They’re not going to expel you for missing one detention.” He tells her his hands continuing to push her skirt upwards.
“No, I’m not skipping.” She tells him firmly pushing his head back gently.
Theo drops his hands, moving back to sit on his heels as he stares up at her sulkily.
“Why not?” He complains.
“You know why. I’m not getting into more trouble; you’ll just have to wait until my detention’s over.” She tells him fixing her skirt once more.
Theo pouts at her before a smirk forms on his lips. “So after?” He asks eagerly.
Eleanor can’t stop the grin from appearing on her face, he’s utterly adorable when he looks at her like that.
“If I’m not too tired.” She tells him.
Theo is instantly on his feet, his hands wrapping around her as he looks at her lovingly.
“Just let me know love. Send me a message and I’ll come running whether to snog you or run you a bath whatever you need.” He tells her pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Thank you.” Eleanor smiles up at him. She adores how he never tries to pressure her or sway her. He does whatever she’s comfortable with and it melts her heart every time. She got more than lucky with Theo.
“Once again, it’s common decency love. You spend way too much time around boorish idiots.” He states pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “You’d better go or you’ll be late.” He tells her with a small smile.
Eleanor gives him one in return before reaching up to press another kiss to his lips.
“I’ll see you later.” She tells him before turning and leaving for Filch’s office. She heads towards the stairs descending them with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She really was dreading whatever the evening had in stall for her.
She takes in a sharp breath as she reaches the door, raising her first and knocking firmly. She only waits a couple of seconds before it opens and she’s greeted by Filch glaring at her with unforgiving pale eyes.
“Ah another one’s turned up then. Hurry up inside.” He orders opening the door a little wider.
Eleanor darts forward, her eyes roaming the tiny room taking in the desk and filing cabinets before her eyes focus on Zacharias leaning in the corner looking moody as he bites the tip of his thumb. He doesn’t notice her as he continues to stare at a crack in the stone floor.
What was he doing there? Why did he have detention?
“Hurry up and get in.” Filch shoves Eleanor pushing her further into his office so he can shut the door.
Eleanor stumbles and Zacharias finally looks up his eyes widening as he clocks her.
“Elle.” He says apparently stunned by her appearance.
“Zac.” She answers but Filch instantly moves between them.
“None of that.” He warns. “You’re here to be punished not to recite poetry.”
“We weren’t-.” Eleanor starts but he cuts her off sternly.
“I don’t care. If it was up to me I’d have you strung from the ceilings by your ankles right now but as it is the headmaster deems that as inappropriate. I don’t see why considering you’re all insolent deviants.” Filch snarls at them before turning and glancing through his notes. “We’re waiting for two more. One will meet us here the other will join you later. Both of them have already been completing these detentions for a number of weeks.”
Eleanor chews her lip as she wonders if Joe is one of them. He’d had to attend detention every Saturday night since the fight. Her stomach drops at the thought, she told him not to do anything stupid.
There’s a knock on the door and Filch opens it hurriedly. “Finally.” He announces. “Right up you get, we’re going to the dungeons tonight.” He declares.
Eleanor instantly shuffles forward, Zacharias right behind her.
She stops when she reaches the door and notes the other student who’d arrived. It was the boy who shouted at her the first night back, the one who basically declared her the biggest slag in the school.
Her stomach twists at the thought of having to work with him. Why, oh, why did it have to be him she thinks.
The boy stares at her with wide eyes before Zac appears behind her and his eyebrows rise as he sends a scoff their way.
Did he think she was fucking Zac in Filch’s office? With Filch right there? Dickhead.
“Right the fourth one will be along later. He’s having to do something for a professor right now. Don’t worry he’ll be joining you very shortly.” Filch announces.
Great if it is Joe then there’s probably going to be another fight. Eleanor thinks glumly.
She follows Filch down to the dungeons, the darkness of the corridor making her jumpy as their footsteps echo around them. The chill putting her on edge as they make their way further and further into the bowls of the castle.
How does Theo sleep down here so comfortably? She wonders.
“In there.” Filch says pointing to the door of a storeroom.
They all file in, Zac moving closer to Eleanor than the other boy, Greyson she thinks his name is.
“Professor Slughorn needs this equipment cleaning.” Filch announces happily. “All of it, the chopping boards, the knives, the cauldrons, beakers, phials you name it, it needs cleaning. You need to make sure it’s spotless, not a mark on anything and you’re not allowed to use magic. I’ll be back with the other student in a bit.” He tells them walking to the door, he turns back to them with a wicked smirk. “I’d get started if I were you or you won’t be getting back to your beds tonight.”
He quickly shuts the door, leaving them in the not quite-big-enough storeroom, the only light coming from a dim lamp in the corner.
“That’s alright you don’t like your own bed do you Harris.” Greyson says to her with a smirk.
“Watch what you’re saying.” Zacharias growls at him.
Greyson gives him a curious look, leaning back against a set of shelves. “Aren’t you the one who kindly informed the rest of us how willing she is to open her legs?”
“I was wrong.” Zacharias announces, his jaw set. “I was angry and said stuff I didn’t mean, Elle’s not like that.”
Greyson watches him for a minute before shrugging. “I guess ass really does control men if you’re saying what she wants you to.”
“That’s not-.” Zacharias starts to say but Greyson holds his hand up with a bored expression.
“Mate I couldn’t care less. Do what you need to get laid.” He announces before rolling his sleeves up and moving towards a pile of chopping boards.
Zacharias is breathing heavily, glaring at Greyson’s retreating figure before turning to Eleanor.
“Are you okay?” He asks his voice full of guilt.
Eleanor shrugs. “I won’t pretend he doesn’t make my skin crawl but I won’t let someone like him get to me. I know it’s not true.”
Zacharias nods though she hears Greyson scoff from the corner. She sends a glare his way before walking towards the phials and picking them up. Zacharias watches her nervously before dropping down beside a pile of cauldrons.
Eleanor moves towards the sinks; she’s going to have to soak the phials to get most of this gunk off. It’s caked to the inside of them, and she doesn’t feel like sticking something inside to scrape at them for hours. She’s just started to fill the sink with soapy water when she hears the door open and Filch reappears, she almost drops the phials as she spots Dean walking in.
Oh fuck.
0 notes
starzioo · 5 months
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This is a Theo fic where you are a VS SUPERMODEL. During one of your shows you see a very handsome man. I think we can guess who said man is.
5.1k words.
It was 2006 and you were in the heat of the Victoria's Secret angel show era. You were a high grade model. you had been modeling with Victoria's Secret for 3 years now and you had already made a big impact on the fashion industry. While doing business with VS you had also done shows with GUESS and Tommy Hilfiger. You also did catalogue with JUICY and many other hot brands. This was the start of your career and you made it big. Your face was all over the world along with Adriana Lima, Heidi Klum, Gisele, and even Tyra Banks. You were the it girl.
You sit legs crossed in your silk baby pink VS robe. Sitting in the stylists chair you had 3 different stylists were getting you ready. Two were curling your hair into the iconic VS blowout, while the other worked on your eyeshadow making sure the gold shimmer was nothing short of perfect. Backstage was always hectic, dozens of stylists and crew running around making sure the girls were on track and most importantly on time. It was hard to not get nervous during these times but you always knew how to keep your cool. While you weren't opening the show you were going to be the 3rd girl that walked out. 3rd? And not only that Justin Timberlake was going to be preforming for the show. I mean come on Justin Timberlake? Everything had to be perfect.
You had been shown the lingerie you were going to be wearing tonight, you had 4 pieces total. And every single one was tailored perfect to your body. Although you had worn the pieces during the rehearsals, tonight was the night. You could hear the crowd of people bustling outside, even over the noise of all the girls laughing and conversing while getting ready. You take a deep breath. "Is Y/n set to go? She has 10 minutes." A crew member asked the stylist working on your hair. "Uhh, she needs to go to outfits still. We'll get her there asap!" She says hairspraying your hair into oblivion. "Okay -she scans the clip board in her hands- make sure she gets there Gisele and Heidi are already changed and on there marks." She sighs and rushes away to the other girls. This is the moment when you can feel your heartbeat all throughout your body. This happens every show it's the adrenaline rush. The knowing that there's hundreds of people out in the crowd. The knowing that this show is broadcasted to millions of people global. "Okayyy, open your eyes! What'd ya thinkkk?" The makeup artist says finally pulling the soft brush away from your eyelid. You open your eyes. There was a soft brown shadow on the outer part of the crease that blended into a light gold shimmer that added as highlight to your inner corner. She did a natural eyeliner with small falsies. It made your eyes pop. The base of your makeup was natural but yet gave a glow to your face. Your hair was perfect aswell the curls accentuated and framed your face in every right way. Everything was absolutely beautiful. "Ahhh! Thank you! It's perfect as always, I need to rush to costumes now!" You say giving your makeup artist and hairstylist a quick hug. "Thank you byee!" You said quickly as you ran off to go find your outfit coordinator.
"I'm here!!" You say frantically as you run behind the curtains to the dressing rooms. "Finally, I swear we were about to send S.W.A.T for you! -She takes your hand and takes you to a dressing room that has
'Y/N Y/L/N' printed on a gold name plate on the door.- Ok, here's your opening outfit. -She hands you your first piece of lingerie- Holler if you need help with the bra!" She says as she walks out of the small room. "I have your wings out here when you're done!" She yells from outside. "Okay!" Although it was never your fault, things always seemed to go this way with every show. You were always running late. Whether it was a wardrobe malfunction or a burn with the curling iron, it was always something.
It had been an on going tradition with the boys and Pansy to go see the VS fashion shows. I mean who didn't wanna see dozens of goddesses walking up and down a runway in lingerie? Me, Draco, Blaise, and Pansy are all walking through the VIP access to get to our seats. Every year without fail we had front row seats to the shows. Front row usually consisted of celebrities and important people from the fashion industry but when you have as much money as we do, we fit right in. Tonight me and the group were wearing all black Ralph Lauren, except for Pansy she was wearing Versace from the dress to the shoe. She opted for the Medusa '95 Midi Dress with the matching pumps, she wore her short chic hair tucked behind her ears. She looked absolutely stunning. If she didn't swing the other way I would've probably tried snagging her up myself. I wore an obsidian black tuxedo jacket with the matching tux pants, underneath I wore a black turtle neck long sleeve. My shoes were black aswell shined to absolute perfection. Blaise and Draco wore almost the same but a different variation of the shirts and pants. When we went anywhere publicized or not we came in outfits that were made to impress. Although our choices weren't as flashy or branded as others our style choices showed our money. Only if you paid attention to fashion would you know that this simple cashmere turtle neck costed $1,000. Or that Pansy's dress and heels total were $3,000. Or even Draco's rings that costed more than an apartment in Manhattan. Our style choices tonight were nothing short of perfection.
We finally take our seats we are sat close to the end of the runway. It had the best view from our experience. And you also got to see the girls more up close. You could see every laced detail and every diamond on their stunning lingerie pieces. Although we had all originally started coming as a joke we started taking these shows as a chance to get publicity. About 2 years ago Pansy had made friends with one of the models at an after party and the next day they were seen on Hollywood boulevard shopping and they ended up getting hit with paparazzi. Pansy and Karolina were on the cover of Teen-Vogue, STAR US, and were posted all over countless TMZ gossip blogs. That's when we realized how much publicity we could get just from being here. That's also when we decided to buy VIP tickets to the shows. The paparazzi tended to pay much more attention to the VIP entrances hoping to get shots of celebrities entering in and out of the venue. I mean if you acted important the paparazzi seemed to think that you were important. We had gotten pictures of us taken and posted on page 6. of STAR US captioned, 'Seen at the Victoria's Secret Angel Show last night these mystery guests have appeared yet again! Wearing only luxury designers, who could these people be? Their outfits all together cost more than my mortgage! Girls across America have been on the hunt to find these handsome boys. Mysterious and totally gorgeous? Count me in on the search!' The amount of publicity was insane and even now seated from row we have the paparazzi taken pictures of us every now and then. As we all converse with eachother about the show the lights in the venue begin to dim, the crowd goes silent.
You stood in line on your mark behind Gisele and another angel. Your nerves were crazy. Stylist swarmed the line of girls getting every last flyaway slicked, making sure every heel was clasped, fluffing all wings. You nervously shook your hands taking a breath.
"10, -The backstage manager yelled- 9," "Ok girls! Keep on beat! AND KEEP THE CROWD ENTERTAINED!" Not only were you girls there to model you were there as an advertisement. A campaign. You were entertainers. Performers. Keeping the crowd focused on you and nothing else was your main goal during shows. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" You could hear the audience cheering for Justin Timberlake as he arose from a platform that was hidden underneath the runway. The beat to 'Sexyback' could be heard all throughout the venue. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Gisele." The manager said giving Gisele her cue to walk. As she opened the show the crowd roared and you could hear the cameras shuttering. "Ok, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Alessandra." She walked out more and more cameras shuttering. It was your turn. This is the moment where all your jitters wash away. Nervous backstage, confident bombshell on stage. You placed your hands on your hips and get ready to walk. "5, 4, 3, -during these moments time always seemed to slow. Everything around you was in slow motion as you prepared for the moment when you would be in the gaze of hundreds of people.- 2, 1. Y/n."
Not missing one beat your body moved in sync with Justin's music. As you appeared on the runway, it felt as if a flash bomb had went off. The hundreds of cameras flash flashed before you. You looked absolutely perfect. Your opening lingerie was stunning. The bra itself was a white gold fabric with 24k diamonds that were delicately placed to make a lacy like pattern. Your panties were low waisted, barely leaving anything for the imagination, the fabric had small diamonds around the waist and elegant lacy white gold patterns. Your wings made you look like a literal angel. The feathers were white and fluffy they faded into gold at the tips. Your heels were stiletto embroidered with more bling that you can ever imagine. You looked stunning. You walked as if you owned the runway, like you owned the venue. The crowd loved you. Justin faced you giving you playful eyes. You reached out your hand, playfully wiggling your finger motioning him to come you to you. He obliged. He walked towards you as you continued your catwalk to him. Once you came close enough you ghosted your hand across his chest and continued walking. As he sang he checked you out as he did every model. As you approached the end of the runway you met eyes with a man. He was quite handsome in your opinion, -I mean absolutely gorgeous, he was eye candy to you- and that was saying a lot. I mean you're a Victoria's Secret supermodel. His eyes were icy and grey. Even with all the flashes of the cameras his eyes stayed almost dead? But not in a bad way, a totally invitingly sexy way. He sat forward as you approached the end of the stage. A small flirty smirk played on his lips. You didn't know why but you felt, -almost drawn?- to him. As you got closer the cameras flashed more than ever. "Y/n! Over here!" "Y/n!" "Y/n!!!" The photographers and crowd shouted your name. Even with all the people calling for your attention you couldn't look away from his eyes. There was just something about them. As you reached the end of the runway you finally ripped your eyes away from his and looked into the mob of flashes. A flirty smile on your lips as you posed for the cameras. You rested one of your hands on your hip and the other raised to your mouth. You sexily bit down on your pointer finger as you basically made love to the sea cameras with your eyes. After your designated 10 seconds on the head of the stage it was time to strut back to backstage. A playful smile replaced the flirty as you looked away from the cameras, you turned to walk back. You glanced back at the mystery man and kept walking flirting with Justin as you walked.
The next segment you were walking was segment 3: Come fly with me. Once again your piece was absolutely perfect for you. Your top was a simple baby pink bra with bold white detailing. Your skirt was a matching low waisted super mini skirt that showed the white underwear you wore underneath the skirt. You wore a small matching jacket, the sleeves went to your elbows. You had a cute flight attendant hat to go with. You carried with you a cute little baby pink pamphlet with a pink airplane on the front. It gave Hue Hefners flight attendant in all the right ways. As the 2nd segment was happening you were actually ahead of time. You actually had time to talk for the BTS clips and take pictures with the other models. You were talking with Miranda when the manager yelled. "Y/N! On your mark!!!" She yelled as she rushed you into the line of models. "Sorry!" You said worried as you rushed to your place behind Adriana.
The segment was already about to start. There was only about a minute intermission between the segments and that minute if even one model was late could ruin the entire show. You really needed to start paying attention to your marks. "OKAY GIRLS! KEEP. THEM. ENTERTAINED. DO SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING WE WANT THE COVER! NOT PAGE 3!!!" The managers always yelled backstage it was nothing new. Although to anyone else it would sound mean. But that's their job. It's their responsibility to make sure that the show goes smooth without any hiccups or problems. It was also their job to make sure to instruct the girls on what to fix and improve. "Okay Adrianna. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The manager said as she strutted out from backstage. Once again you found yourself in the trance like state. The tv that was backstage showed what the cameras were broadcasting as Adriana approaches the head of the runway you hear the long awaited count down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Y/n." All worries wash away and once again you're that girl. You cat walked that damn stage like never before. Your glittering legs moved to the beat and your hips swayed with the rhythm. The cameras bombed you per usual. You knew you were gonna be on a cover or atleast a headline. You always were. You were just that girl. The crowd always loved you, they lived for you. You approached the end of the runway. Even in the middle of hundreds of eyes you could feel one stare particularly. His eyes were paralyzing. You fluttering your eyelashes at him as you continue walking up. You looked him up and down flirtatiously and he did the same. You acted on impulse -not on thought- When you got to the end of the runway you fanned yourself with the pamphlet, then tossed the pamphlet into the man's lap, and shot him a flirty wink then strutted away. Hundreds more cameras flashed it seemed like they were faster than the speed of light. We were definitely getting front cover. I mean the manager said to keep the people entertained?
"Bro, what the fuck!" Blaise laughed as the angel walked away. "Theo, I told you! I swear she was looking at you like you were candyyy!" Pansy giggled. I just stared in awe at the pink pamphlet that laid in my lap. "Dude...she's into you!" Draco said basically geeking. "What the fuck." I said picking up the pamphlet as cameras flashed at me.
"Y/n?! What the hell was that?" One of the backstage managers said as she came out of nowhere. "Uhhh" You stared blankly at the woman. "Y/n, you're an angel! -she kisses you on the cheek- We just got 400 thousand more viewers on the live broadcast when you did that! God! Muah! Muah! -she continued giving you forehead kisses- Oh my god! -she smacks her forehead- We need to get you to wardrobes!" She shrieked as she pulled you by your hand through the crowd of models. Some of the girls whistling at you. You both finally made it to the dressing rooms. Although you weren't walking segment 4 or 5 you were opening and closing for the 6th segment: Winter Wonderland of Glacial Goddess. So ohh did you need all the time you could gather to get ready.
This time they re did your eyeshadow to an icy shimmer look. It truly did make your eyes pop. You were in all white and silver. The bra was absolutely stunning. Nearly blinding with the amount of diamonds. The designer had told you the lingerie costed more than the venue itself. And that was saying a lot. This is L.A. and this venue. It was absolutely nothing short of breath taking. You were opening this segment in the 6million dollar bra. All eyes would be on you I mean how couldn't they be the bra was basically built out of diamonds. The main focus of this piece was this bra. "Okay Y/n! Good luck! Maybe flirt with your mystery man again... -ooo's erupt from the girls- but good luck not that you need it! WE HAVE ONE MINUTE LADIES!" The manager yelled as she walked around instructing the staff on what to fix on the models. Your nerves got the best of you, you were shaking your hands and popping your knuckles. After what felt like hours you finally heard the count down. "Ok Y/n, show the world the physical embodiment of winter goddess! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Go." As you hear the beat of the music you get into the rhythm.
Your hips were swaying smoothly with ease. Gasps and whistles erupted from the crowd as you walked slowly and sensually. Your wings flowing behind you. Being the opener of the segment you got to walk down the center of the runway. All eyes were on you. The cameras were flashing at such a rate you thought the photographers would've ran out of storage by now. The diamonds blinging with every shot taken. When you got to the middle mark of the runway you did a small but quick spin. Once you neared the end of the runway you felt the fans blowing on you and the artificial snow falling from the ceiling made the whole scene perfect. Your eyes fluttered at the cameras and your lips parted slightly. Your hands rested lightly on your hips. After your designated time was up and the next model started walking down the runway you glance down to the man you have been flirting with all night. You looked from his eyes and then back down to his lap where the baby pink pamphlet laid then back up to his eyes. You blew him a kiss, then giggled when you seen his friend practically leap across a girl and a blonde man to catch it. The way he looked at you wasn't like how any other man looked at you it was with that same thirsty look you'd seen on every man at the shows it was more like admiration. He looked at you like you were a literal goddess on Earth. Hundreds of cameras caught the moment. You were living for this. I mean obviously all these stunts were getting you publicity, but there was just something about this man that drew you to him. It made you want to continue this flirty behavior towards him. You couldn't put your finger on exactly what it was. His alluring eyes? His perfectly tailored suit that showed his physique? Or perhaps the way he rolled a single gold ring between his fingers? You didn't know this man was truly a mystery.
You went backstage once more and covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as a group of stage directors and managers swarmed you. "The viewers are living for this!" "Your name is all over Facebook and MySpace!" "You gotta keep this going!" "Did you plan this?" "This is definitely making front cover!" You laugh in embarrassment of the very public flirting situation you have going on with some random you've never met before. "Oh my god! What do I do next? I mean there's not much I can do. It's not like I can pull him up on stage or anything? I don't even know the guy!" You say as they all rush you back to the dressing rooms. "Yes! Yes! Do exactly that!" "Do what? No. I won't that's- that's just embarrassing. Not only for me but for him! Like I said before I don't even know the guy!" You explained as the group of stylists quickly changed you into your next lingerie set.
Again there you stood on your mark in line watching as the line of ansy girls get shorter and shorter. You were gonna be closing the same segment you opened. And ohhh were you nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? You stand there nervously shaking your hands trying calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths as you watch the cue get shorter and shorter. "Okay Y/n, you ready?" One of the backstage managers asks lightly resting a hand on your back. "Yeah..Yeah I'm ready." You lightly smile. As you approach the hidden door way where you're supposed to enter the stage. Even from backstage you can hear the photographer's cameras flashing, and the people clapping and whistling. You snap out of your thoughts and look up. There's only one girl in front of you in line. You take quite possibly the longest breath you've ever taken before you hear those same repetitive words you've been hearing all night. "Okay Y/n, you ready?" You only nod in response. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go." As soon as you heard the word you had to force yourself to walk. You could not let your nerves get the best of you right now.
    You walked onto the stage looking as ethereal as humanly possible. The bra had dozens of dainty diamond embedded silver chains that traveled down your body to the panties. The thong had the same diamond chains dangling from it that connected with your sheer sparkling thigh highs. The diamonds that were connected with the one that laid against your torso also traveled up and around your neck creating a diamond choker illusion. Your stilettos were covered in the same stunning diamonds. You were dripping head to toe in bling. And let's not get started on your wings. The wings were extravagant. There was feathers that blended into a sheer flowing fabric at the ends that blew and bounced in the wind when you walked. You had a head piece aswell it blended into your hair making it look like you had diamonds and snow in your hair. Your earrings were diamonds that were engraved to simulate snowflakes. You were an actual winter goddess.
     As you appeared on stage the crowd went absolutely crazy. You walked per usual but this time walking directly down the middle of the stage, hips gliding with the music. Your wings flowing and bouncing with every step you took. Looking from left to right engaging with the crowd. As you walked closer and closer to the end of the stage once again you locked eyes with him. You gave him a wink before posing for the cameras. Since you were closing you had an extended amount of time to pose for the cameras. It was like a flash bomb had went off. Every. Single. Photographer. in the building was taking hundreds of pictures of you. You stood there hands on your hips letting the artificial snow and wind do its job.
After your designated time you made a rash decision. Instead of turning around and walking back to backstage. You stepped down the stairs that were at the end of the stage and approached the mystery man. His eyes no longer appeared sleepy or dead, but now utterly surprised. Once you got close enough you extended your hand to him, and he happily obliged. His cold hand took yours and you guided him back up onto the stage. His friends whistling at you two. The cameras bombed you two. Once you got back on stage he gave you a little twirl. Your fingers were loosely grasping his as you guided him to backstage. You walked in front of him looking back at him every few seconds.
You both finally made it backstage and immediately you two were surrounded by managers and stylists, models gawking at you two. The models were laughing and smiling at the sight. "Ahh! Y/n you did it!" Your managers said wrapping an arm around you. Some of the backstage cameras recording and taking photos of the both of you. "And what's your name?" The manager turned and asked the man. He looked completely dazed and confused, while also smiling. "Uhm, Theo. Theodore Nott." He said shaking the managers hand. "Well I have business to attend to. You can stay backstage until we're done! Uhhh! Stacy get him a backstage pass!" The manager shouted for her assistant. Stacy comes up to him and wraps a lanyard around his neck. You turn to him to find him already looking at you. "So uhm, sorry about all that. I was just- My manager told me to." You looked down to find that you were both still holding hands. You quickly let go when you realized. "Yeah, no worries. I was just confused...but I really don't mind." His voice was as smooth as velvet.
As you looked up at him you took the opportunity to take in all of his features. He truly was as handsome as you thought. You both kinda just stood there looking at each other. "So...would you want to go to dinner with me?" He asks breaking the silence between you two. Even backstage where there's girls running around trying to get changing out of their pieces and managers trying to make sure everyone was doing their jobs, you felt as if the room was silent. "Yeah, that would be nice." You said softly as you tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. His expression once questioning now soft. A small smile laced his lips. "I'm gonna go get changed, uhm, there's drinks and a snack table over there if you want anything. Oh, and if you want you could bring your friends back stage with you." You said giving him a small smile. "Yeah, okay, take your time. There's no rush." He said giving you one last smile before you turned to go back to the dressing room.
You made your way to the dressing room and when you got there you were swarmed with girls squealing and asking you questions. "Okay, okay. So, he asked me to dinner." "And what'd you say?!" "Well obviously I said yes!" All the girls were jumping and hugging you. "Well hurry up and get changed already you can't keep him waiting!!!" They ushered you into your dressing room and you hurriedly got changed back into your clothes you had came to the venue in. Due to the fact that before the show you had an interview for the BTS footage your outfit was simple. It was a black strapless dress from Versace that ended at a little below your knees. Your shoes were black Gianni Ribbon Pumps from Versace as well. Your hair was still in its classic VS blowout. You carried a small black shoulder purse. You stepped back out of your dressing room. "Do I look okay?" You said with a worried expression. "Yes? Is that even a question Y/n?" One model said smiling at you. You began walking out of the dressing room before quickly turning around, "Wait i'm nervous!" "Y/n you'll be finee! I'll walk you out of the dressing room, c'monnn let's go!" She said hooking your arm with hers. She walked you maybe 15feet out of the room and then he was in your line of sight. He and his friends stood all together right where you left him. The girl was chatting with Karolina and a stylist. "Now go...see he's waiting for you~" She cooed in your ear. You gave her a 'really.' look. "Okay —you take a breath— wish me luck!" You say before turning to walk over to him.
You immediately catch all of his attention. He looks almost awestruck? "Hey, i'm ready to go." You say softly smiling up at him. Your gaze then wanders to his friends who are watching and giggling at you two. "Don't worry about them, I already called the car service for them. As for us we'll be going to Providence. It's a very nice restaurant, I think you'll like it." He says with a charming smile. You've never been there but from what you've heard about the place the restaurant sounded luxury. "Yeah that's fine with me, whenever you're ready to go I am." Right when you say that your manager comes rushing to you. "Y/n! Y/n!" She says nearly out of breath as ran up to you. "Oh, Y/n~" She says as she sees you standing next to Theo. You roll your eyes playfully. "I just got you an interview with the director of GUCCI! He wants to speak with you now though so let's go!" She says trying to yank you. "Ericka! Wait!" You slightly yell trying to get out of her grasp. She lets go turning around to you with a worried face. You turn back around to Theo. "I'm sorry, I don't think-" He cuts you off, "Don't worry about it bella, we'll schedule dinner for another time. Now go. Don't let me stop you, okay." He says charming as ever as he tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You blush slightly and give him a small smile. "Okay, thank you for understanding. Oh! Uhm, Ericka do you have a pen?" "Yeah, yeah, here." She says as she frantically looks for a pen and gives one to you. You take his hand and write.
415-***-**** Call me. XoXo.
You fold his hand then lean up to give him a small kiss on the cheek. He just stands there slightly blushing. "I'll see you soon, yeah?" You ask as you turn to walk away with Ericka. "Yeah." He says as he slightly licks his lips.
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draqo-pctter · 2 years
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“Disrobed has given me many things for which I am eternally grateful. A sense of purpose. A life mission. Something to keep my hands busy while I sort out my place in our new world. It’s also given me a reputation as a man who gets what he wants.”
To say that holding an audience in the palm of one’s hand didn’t make one feel alive would be a lie. A complete and utter lie. As more people began to hang onto his every word, and Hermione’s expression softened, Draco grew bold.
“Men often ask how they can be like me. They see the magazine and believe it’s a projection of myself: wild parties, sex, beautiful women. They see the brand and assume it to be me.”
He paused, unsure of how to continue. Going off-script was never part of the plan.
“But, what drives a man and makes him successful isn’t money and temporary pleasure. It’s love. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve spent so much of my life looking for love in all the wrong places. I searched for it in underground clubs and on foreign beaches. Until one woman walked into my life and changed everything.”
chapter twenty-two: looking for love in all the wrong places
dramione / rated m / chapter 22/22 / word count: 99,296 / completed
tags: draco malfoy is hugh hefner, alternate universe, who cares about the epilogue honestly, explicit sexual content, idiots who can’t communicate to save their lives, book 2/3 in the devil in his own way series
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平井 堅 『アイシテル』MUSIC VIDEO
This song really sets the mood for me at the end of Chapter 5  . I’m gonna share the english translation here while you enjoy the video clip. It never failed to make me cry like a baby :’)
Hey, where are you? Let me hear your voice Even if my wish isn’t heard I’ll keep screaming I love you Hey, can you hear My voice, my song? My tears may not fall But my whole body is crying The day we met In my eyes You were shaped like love I don’t care if my chest is shredded And my heart is ripped out I want to hold you I want to touch your hair, your fingers, your cheeks Your eyelashes, your lips one last time Because my hands were surely made Only to hold you Hey, even if you Lose your colour and become a dream I won’t forget you, can’t erase you You’re carved into my whole body The day we became one I followed your lips As they formed the words “I love you” I don’t care if my dreams are shredded and my love is taken away I want to hold you I want to take back your broken smile and lips I can’t touch And warm them I’ll catch you when you fall Forever beautiful I want to hold you just one more time And say “I love you” and “I love you” I want to touch your hair, your fingers, your cheeks Your eyelashes, your lips one last time Because my hands were surely made Only to hold you Hey, wherever you are I can hear your voice Until my wish is heard, until it comes true, I’ll keep screaming I love you
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theostrophywife · 3 months
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🤍 pairing: mattheo riddle x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: friends by chase atlantic.
🤍 author's note: the duality of man. this fic serves both cute, fluffy matty and jealous, possessive mattheo.
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For his upcoming birthday, Mattheo Riddle had one simple wish: for his best friends to get along. 
It shouldn’t have been such an ordeal except for the fact that you and Theo absolutely hated each other. If it weren’t for Mattheo, the two of you would have no reason to cross paths. Theo was an arrogant, pompous, quidditch playing prick with a terrible nicotine addiction while the closest you’d come to physical exertion is carrying your weekly stack of books from the library to your dorm. 
Needless to say, you were not a fan of Theodore Nott. You thought he was a bad influence on Matty, while Theo labeled you as the buzzkill, often talking your best friend out of doing things that would either land him in detention or the infirmary. You got the feeling that Theo hated the fact that he had to share Mattheo’s attention with you. Never mind the fact that you were friends with him first. 
The origin of your friendship started long before your days at Hogwarts. The first time you met Mattheo, his father invited you and your parents over at Riddle Manor to celebrate a successful business deal between your families. Even at a young age, you remembered recognizing the coldness and distance in the Riddle household. The elder riddle, Tom Sr., was a stern and unforgiving man who kept his family under his thumb. Tom Jr. played the perfect heir; cool, calm, and collected as he stood by his father’s side. Mrs. Riddle had a severe and somber air about her that sent shivers down your spine as she flashed an empty smile at you. 
Mattheo was different from the rest. There was a warmth to him that radiated outwards, pulling you in with his cheeky dimpled smile and soft bouncing curls. He marched right up to you, bowing at the waist like he was taught to, except he nearly tripped over his feet and gave you a crooked little grin before correcting himself. 
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Mattheo, but you can call me Matt.” There was a mischievous glint in his brown eyes that you didn’t recognize as trouble until much later. “Do you want to play with me?” 
As it turns out, his definition of playing meant chasing each other through the hedge maze out on the manor grounds and absolutely dirtying up your pretty pink dress as you rolled around in the grass. You laid side by side on your backs, giggling as you tucked a flower into Mattheo’s curls. 
“You’re going to get me in trouble, you know,” you stated matter-of-factly as you rolled over on your elbows. “My dress is all dirty.” 
“Don’t worry, we can ask Tom to help us. He knows lots of spells and hexes.” He leaned in conspiratorially, holding his pinky finger out. “But you have to keep it a secret, okay? Can I trust you, Y/N?” 
You hooked your finger through his, not knowing that such a simple secret would forever solidify your friendship. “You can trust me, Matty.” 
In the years that followed, the two of you were as thick as thieves. Most days were spent at either the Riddle manor or your estate, which Mattheo tended to prefer since it provided him reprieve from his father. As of late, his parents had made it perfectly clear that he was expected to follow in his brother's footsteps. Despite it being Tom's first year at Hogwarts, he was already proving to be a gifted and talented wizard. When his father wasn't outright ignoring him, Mattheo was forced to practice hexes and spells that were beyond the knowledge of an eleven year old. Without his older brother to protect him, Mattheo felt the walls closing in in his grand yet inhospitable home.
You were the only silver lining in his otherwise dreary days. Mattheo thanked Merlin that his father allowed visits to your estate. Unlike Riddle Manor, your family home was warm, lovely, and full of life. During the summers, the two of you would venture out to the edge of your property and set up camp at the creek. The sunny days were spent swimming, climbing, and picking flowers from sunrise to sunset. On one particular day, you sat cross-legged on the picnic blanket, absentmindedly picking at the sandwich in your lap. 
Beside you, Mattheo nudged you with his knee. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You blinked, trying to savor the sunshine for as long as you could. “I don’t want summer to end.” 
“We’ll only be apart for a year,” Mattheo said softly, correctly guessing the cause of your apprehension. You weren’t surprised. He always seemed to know what was on your mind. “You’ll be joining me at Hogwarts before you know it. By then, I’ll be an expert so I can show you the ropes.” 
“A lot can happen in a year,” you stated. “What if you make other friends and forget about me?” 
“I might make other friends, but I’d never forget about you. You were my first friend ever. That makes you the most important.” 
You looked up and found yourself face to face with Mattheo’s earnest expression. The corners of his lips tugged upwards as he nudged you again. “Besides, you know I’m going to write to you every week. Now that I’m in the same castle as Malfoy, I can finally crack the great mystery of whether or not he bleaches his hair.” 
“There’s no way that’s natural, right? Maybe Lucius has a special shampoo or something.”
Mattheo grinned and draped an arm over your shoulder. “I don’t know, but I promise to find out for you.” 
“You’ll really write to me every week?” 
“Of course I will,” Mattheo declared, holding his pinky finger out. “You trust me, right?” 
You smiled and hooked your pinkies together. “I trust you, Matty.” 
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When the next year finally rolled around, you were so excited that you convinced your parents to take you to King’s Cross at least an hour before your departure. You hadn’t seen Mattheo since the previous summer because his family had been away on holiday in Spain, but he stayed true to his word and wrote to you every chance he got. You loved reading about the friends he’d made, the antics he got up to, and most importantly, the fascinating classes that awaited you at Hogwarts. 
As you passed through Platform 9 ¾, you were nearly knocked off your feet as Mattheo ran full force into you. He had grown much taller since you last saw him, so much so that he now towered over you as he pulled you into a bear hug. 
“Hi, Matty,” you giggled against his chest. 
“Hi, Y/N.” 
Mattheo pulled away, grinning as he tugged at your hand. “Come on, I want you to meet my friends.” 
You looked back at your parents who merely smiled at Mattheo’s excitement. To his chagrin, your best friend remembered to properly greet them and asked if you could board the train early. After much fussing, they eventually said their goodbyes and allowed you to go with Mattheo. 
The first friend that you met was Enzo. He was sweet, if not a little cheeky as he hinted that Mattheo couldn’t stop talking about you all year. Draco and Blaise needed no introduction given that your families were all fairly acquainted ever since you could remember. To your delight, Pansy was amongst the group as well. The two of you used to take ballet together, so it was a relief to have another girl to bond with. The older boys, Tom and Regulus, briefly greeted you before returning to their own cabin. 
Last, but not least, was Theodore. 
Whereas the others welcomed you with open arms, Nott was not as warm in his reception of you. The two of you clashed right off the bat. You weren’t quite sure what the root of your disagreement was. Perhaps it was his snarky comment insinuating that girls couldn’t be proper quidditch fans in reference to your Chudley Cannons scarf, perhaps it was your biting retort that he could stick his misogyny up his arse. Either way, the interaction set the tone for your strained relationship. 
Being sorted into Gryffindor only contributed to the animosity between you as well. Given the longstanding rivalry of Slytherins and Gryffindors, Theo was determined to view you as his enemy. The harder you fought, the harder Mattheo tried to repair the rift. You were the two most important people in his life and he couldn’t stand to see you two tear each other apart. 
For the most part, you tried to grin and bear it. While you couldn’t for the life of you understand how or why he was even friends with someone as unbearable as Theodore Nott, you tried to be civil for Mattheo’s sake. Tried being the key word. With Theo’s snark and your temper, the two of you became known for your infamous fights. Still, it didn’t stop your best friend from trying. 
Over the years, Mattheo concocted countless plots and schemes to get the two of you to bond. If his favorite band was playing in town, he would magically have two extra tickets to bring both you and Theo along. If there was a book release you were dying to attend, Mattheo would invite Theo along to check out the record store next door. If the castle was dead during the weekend, Mattheo would suggest a trio trip to Hogsmeade. 
As much as you cared for Mattheo, your patience only stretched so thin. Without fail, every outing that the three of you went on almost always ended in an argument between you and Theo. 
“I don’t know how you’re friends with both of us, Mattheo,” Theo joked as he gulped down his burger. “I’m fun and Y/N is —”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll stick my fork right through your hand, Nott,” you threatened with a sickly sweet smile. 
The hostility wasn’t anything new, but you supposed that after dealing with it for years and years on end, Mattheo had finally reached his breaking point. 
Your best friend pushed his plate away and sighed. “Let’s just go.” 
You nodded in agreement, gathering your things and following Mattheo’s lead. Theo trailed after, obnoxiously squeezing his way through the door of the Three Broomsticks and letting it close behind him. You yanked it open, nearly pulling the bloody thing off its hinges. 
“How very mature of you. Though I’m not surprised that you don’t know how to hold a door open for a lady.”
Theo looked back, craning his neck behind you. “As far as I’m concerned, there aren’t any ladies around. Just an infuriating little Gryffindor who can’t handle not having the last word.” 
“I’m infuriating?” You huffed, crossing your arms. “Clearly you’ve never suffered through the pleasure of your own company. Spoiler alert, the snarky arsehole bit stopped being funny in third year.” 
“Well, the uptight and bossy bitch bit wasn’t ever funny to begin with.” 
“Enough already,” Mattheo yelled. You reeled back in surprise. Usually, your best friend just let you and Theo fight it out until you both got tired of it, but he wasn’t having it tonight. “You two are the most important people in my life, but you’re acting like bloody toddlers. I’m tired of feeling like I have to choose a side, so either you two find a way to get along or risk losing me as a friend.” 
For the first time since you met him, you and Theo were both stunned into silence. Mattheo took one last look at his closest friends and marched off into the castle without a word. 
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The next day, you woke up feeling weary. You hardly slept last night given Mattheo’s ultimatum. Your best friend wasn’t the type to make declarations like that lightly, so you knew he meant it. Especially since he went straight to his dorm without coming over to watch a movie or talk late into the night like the two of you often did. 
The suspicion was all but confirmed when you sat through a particularly awkward and tense breakfast. Mattheo briefly acknowledged you with a nod, not bothering to speak as he cranked up the music on his headphones. As the Smiths crooned, you looked up at Theo who shook his head at your inquisitive glance. You knew that Mattheo had most likely given him the silent treatment last night as well. 
Despite the fact that you and Mattheo had very similar schedules, he managed to avoid you throughout the entire day. By the time the last class rolled around, you knew that he was serious about you and Theo making up. It was a hard pill to swallow. Truly, you’d rather ingest a pill the size of a hippogriff than make amends with Nott, but it wasn’t like you had a choice. You didn’t want to lose Mattheo. 
Deciding to be the bigger person, you went to the one place that you knew Theo frequented. You found him sitting alone in the Astronomy Tower, long legs dangling below him as he smoked a cigarette. Biting back a comment about the death trap pursed between his lips, you cleared your throat. 
“Mind if I sit?” 
Theo tensed as he looked up at you. He wore the sneer that he solely reserved for you, but his eyes were dull and dim. The argument with Mattheo obviously left him feeling lost as well. 
“Do I have a choice?” You glared in response, but took a deep breath to calm yourself. Theo winced. “Sorry. Force of habit. Sit, I guess.” 
Gingerly, you settled in the spot next to him. “It’s bad, isn’t it?” 
“He wouldn’t talk to me last night,” Theo confirmed as he ashed his cigarette. “Just put on his headphones and went to sleep facing the wall.” 
“He’s been avoiding me all day.” 
Theo sighed. “What are we going to do?” 
“Look,” you started, trying to muster up the strength to propose your next statement. “Obviously, we hate each other, but Mattheo’s important to me and I know he’s important to you, too. So for his sake, can’t we just put all this animosity behind us and try to get along?” 
“What exactly does getting along mean?” 
You shrugged. To be honest, you had no idea how to approach the situation, but you figured you had to start somewhere. “I don’t know. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat. Make polite small talk. Try not to strangle each other in the process.” 
“I guess I can do that,” Theo conceded. “Why don’t we go to the new pub in the village? I heard they have fried pickles.” 
You perked up. “You like pickles? I thought I was the only one.” 
“I don’t just like pickles. I love them,” Theo stated. 
“Me too,” you grinned. “Mattheo always gives me his cause he says —”
“They taste like feet,” he finished with a chuckle. 
You nodded, laughing along. “Well, what are we waiting for, then?” 
Theo watched as you stood, smoothing the front of your skirt. You offered a hand out to him, both literally and figuratively. To your surprise, Theo took the peace offering and let you pull him to his feet. 
An hour later, the two of you were squeezed into a tiny booth by the makeshift stage. The pub was lively tonight and nearly packed to the brim, thanks to the happy hour deal on their drinks and appetizers in honor of their grand opening. 
The pickles didn’t disappoint. You ate a good amount, but Theo scarfed the whole thing down like he hadn’t eaten in months. As he finished a sandwich and gulped the meal down with his second butterbeer, you gaped in surprise. 
“Honestly, where do you put it all?” 
Theo patted his stomach, which was unfairly flat and probably housed perfectly sculpted abs despite his eating habits. “I’m a growing boy. I need to eat a lot to offset the energy I expend. Especially when I’m sparring with you.” 
“Oddly enough, I’m flattered by that.” 
“You should be,” Theo quipped. “I’ve never had to put so much thought into insulting someone until I met you.” 
“I bet you were pissed when I took your crown as the sassiest and bitchiest person in our friend group.” 
“I’ve never experienced such heartbreak,” Theo said sarcastically as he placed a hand over his heart. “I mean, to be dethroned by someone who can’t even reach the top shelf in the cupboard was truly the most humbling moment of my life.” 
“Well, you shouldn’t have assumed that I knew nothing about quidditch just because I’m a girl.” 
“I was a dick for that,” Theo admitted. “But I was also twelve. I didn’t even know what misogyny meant. I thought you were describing a disease.” 
You snorted. “Well, the past is in the past. Even though I clearly won that argument, we should put it behind us.” 
Theo rolled his eyes, but clinked his butterbeer against yours. “Cheers to that, Y/N.” 
Surprisingly, you found that you and Theo had a lot more in common than you initially thought. When he wasn’t being a prick, he was actually quite nice to talk to. In a single conversation, you learned more about Theo than you had in years. The two of you possessed a knack for potions, preferred foreign literature, and shared a love for horror movies. 
As the live band went on, Theo mumbled an obscure reference to an eighties muggle band that your mum used to blast when you were younger. 
“I can’t believe they’re covering this song,” you shouted over the music. “I haven’t heard it in years.” 
Theo’s eyes widened in surprise. “You know this song?” 
“Of course I do,” you retorted. “Mattheo says I have the music taste of a divorced country club trophy wife.” 
“You and me both.” 
By the end of the night, you found plenty of common ground with the boy you once thought of as your enemy. It was quite alarming to realize that you hadn’t argued once all night and even more so when you found yourself actually enjoying Theo’s company. Maybe Mattheo was right after all. When you stopped viewing Theo as competition, he was actually not that bad. You now understood what Mattheo meant when he said that you and Theo were more alike than you cared to admit.
On the walk back to the castle, Theo pulled out a spliff but glanced at you before lighting it. “Do you mind if I smoke?” 
“Knock yourself out.” 
The moon was silver and bright against the cloudless sky as the two of you sauntered through the beaten path. You listened to Theo recount Tom’s disastrous attempts at asking Chloe out, all the while giggling to yourself because he was a bigger gossip than you and Pansy put together. 
“Don’t let Tom hear you talking about his love life,” you teased. “He’d probably feed you to his basilisk.” 
Theo grimaced. “Half of Hogwarts would weep at the loss of such a handsome face.” 
“However will we survive without your wit and charm, Nott?” 
He chuckled as he blew a ring of smoke up into the sky. You watched it float before holding your hand out. “Care to share?” 
“I didn’t know you smoked.” 
“Who do you think taught Mattheo how to roll his first blunt?” 
Theo stared in disbelief as you took the spliff, inhaling deeply. You held the smoke in your lungs effortlessly before blowing rings of smoke in quick succession. 
“Damn,” the brown haired boy exclaimed. “Who the hell are you, Y/N?”
You smirked as you tapped the joint. “Someone much cooler than you, Theo.” 
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After that night, you and Theo got on more and more. The banter and bickering was still there, but it was more playful now. Mattheo was glad to see his two best friends getting along so well. Since first year, it was all he had ever wanted. 
The days of forcing you two to hang out together was long gone. Now, you were practically as attached to the hip with Theo as you were with Mattheo. 
When Mattheo went up to the Astronomy Tower for a smoke break, he would find you sitting cross-legged across from Theo as he filled you in on the catfight between Lavender and Cho. When Mattheo visited you at the library during his free period, Theo was already there working on his History of Magic homework beside you. When Mattheo arrived at the Great Hall for assembly, he slid into the seat next to Theo as his friend craned his neck to peer at the crowd. 
“Looking for someone, mate?” 
“Yeah, Y/N said she was running late,” Theo answered distractedly. “I saved a seat for her.” 
At first, Mattheo loved the fact that you put your differences behind you and became such great friends like he always knew you would, but as time went along, your best friend noticed that you and Theo were becoming a little too close. 
On one occasion, Mattheo briefly excused himself from the common room party for a smoke only to come back to find you and Theo annihilating Draco and Blaise at butterbeer pong. He walked in right as you made the winning shot, witnessing Theo picking you up and twirling you around as Malfoy stomped off, grumbling something about an unfair play. A cheat of sorts. 
Mattheo couldn’t help but agree. Seeing you in Theo’s arms felt like cheating. The whole thing made him feel strange. It didn’t help that every time the three of you hung out, Mattheo noticed that you and Theo now had little inside jokes and references that he didn’t understand. Being jealous of his best mate was ridiculous, but yet he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that only grew stronger with each passing day. 
As you grew closer, Mattheo felt stranger. One morning, he nearly smashed his muffin to pieces when he saw you wearing Theo’s hoodie. 
“Why are you wearing that?” he asked through clenched teeth. 
You looked down in surprise as though you’d forgotten that you were wearing another man’s clothes. “Oh, I was cold so Theo let me borrow his hoodie.”
Mattheo frowned before pulling his sweater over his head. “Here, wear mine instead. It’s warmer.” 
The gesture was confusing, but you merely shrugged and exchanged Theo’s hoodie for Mattheo’s sweater. “Thanks, Matty.” 
Later that week, Mattheo found you in the stands in your usual spot before the game. He smiled when he saw his number painted on your right cheek. The brief moment of happiness was shattered when you turned and revealed that you had also painted Theo’s number on your left cheek. Mattheo nearly fell off of his broom. He was used to seeing his and only his number on you. First the hoodie, now this? 
The green monster reared its ugly head during the game itself, motivating him to play as brutally as possible. The Hufflepuffs weren’t safe from his rage and neither were his teammates. As he soared around the goalpost, he hurled the quaffle as hard as he could, fully knowing that Theo was within the ball’s radius. Thankfully for him, Theo ducked at the last second before shooting a baffled glance at his friend. Mattheo simply ignored it and kept playing. 
Despite their sweeping win, the bad mood failed to lift. Mattheo frowned as he slipped into the booth next to you, glaring at Theo’s head as the two of them sandwiched you on both sides. Across the table, the rest of the team sipped their celebratory milkshakes. 
The waitress set down a vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate milkshake in front of the three of you. Mattheo watched as you and Theo tasted your drinks before promptly taking out the straw and switching flavors. 
“Told you that you’d like strawberry more,” Theo said with a fond eye roll. 
“But vanilla sounded good.” 
“Everything sounds good at the moment, but you always go back to your favorite.” 
Mattheo clenched his jaw as you stuck your tongue out at Theo before turning towards him. “Aren’t you going to drink your milkshake, Matty?” 
“I don’t really have much of an appetite.” 
“Maybe it’s just the chocolate. Do you wanna try mine?” 
He shook his head, crossing his arms. “No, that’s Theo’s milkshake.” 
“Oh, well if you want the vanilla one instead, I can switch back.” 
Mattheo wrinkled his nose. “No thanks, Theo’s mouth has already been on it.” 
“Consider it a privilege,” Theo butted in. “Most girls and boys at this school would kill to swap spit with me.” 
“I’ll pass.” 
You cocked your head at your best friend, looking concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay, Matty?” 
He nodded rather unconvincingly. “I’m fine.”
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As weeks passed, Mattheo only grew more jealous. 
Granted, he was fully aware that he had no right to feel this way given the fact that he had practically pushed you and Theo together, but he just couldn’t help himself. The closer you grew, the more he regretted giving the two of you an ultimatum in the first place. 
Before you became friends with Theo, Mattheo never had to share you with anyone. He realized now how much he had taken it for granted. Your best friend missed the times that the two of you spent alone. He missed having you all to himself. Mattheo was determined to get it back one way or another. 
When Saturday night rolled around, Mattheo made his way up to Gryffindor Tower, glaring at anyone who balked at the sight of him on this side of the castle. After shoving McLaggen out of the way, Mattheo made his way up to the highest turret and let himself into your dorm. 
You were perched in front of the vanity table, swiping your signature cherry lip gloss on in the mirror. Mattheo made himself at home, sprawling out on your bed. He knew you had plans tonight, but he was hoping to convince you to hang out with him instead. Mattheo eyed your dress, his gaze sweeping along the red fabric like a lover’s embrace. You flushed at the intensity of his stare as his brown eyes flickered back up to your face. 
“Why can’t you hang out tonight?” Mattheo asked with a pout. “Are you going on a date? Is that why you’re leaving your best friend alone to perish?” 
You shook your head in amusement before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t be so dramatic, Matty. I’m not going on a date. Theo and I are just checking out this new band.” 
Mattheo stiffened as you sprayed perfume on your wrists. “Why didn’t you invite me?” 
“Theo did. He said you weren’t interested in listening to country club wife music.” 
While that may be true, Mattheo would’ve gone if he knew you were coming too. “He didn’t tell me he was going with you.” 
“Probably because he knew you’d feel obligated to go,” you responded. “But it’s alright, we won’t make you suffer through it. Theo will keep the creeps away.” 
Mattheo did not like the sound of that. It was his job to watch over you, not Theo’s. Besides, he never thought of it as an obligation. Even if he wasn’t a fan of the music, he loved watching you jump around and have the time of your life. Spending time with you was the only reason why he insisted on coming to every concert. Keeping the creeps away was just an added bonus. 
Now, Theo was taking away both. The realization put him in a foul mood, but he couldn’t let it show. He wanted you to have a good time, even if it wasn’t with him. 
“Okay, but can we at least watch a movie and cuddle when you get back?” 
“We’re going to be out pretty late. I don’t want you to lose sleep because of me. I know you have a Charms exam tomorrow morning, but I promise we can have a movie night tomorrow.” 
Mattheo only nodded as you patted his curls and kissed his cheek again. He watched as you left your dorm, frowning into the mirror as he touched the two cherry gloss marks on his face. 
The kiss prints were already fading, serving as some sort of sick metaphor. 
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To your credit, you did make good on your promise on movie night. It had been a while since the two of you hung out alone, which is definitely the only reason why Mattheo felt needier and clingier than usual. While his touchiness wasn’t anything new, he seemed determined to make it obvious to those around you. Especially with Theo. 
During breakfast, Mattheo silently laid his head on your shoulder and placed your hand atop his curls. Across the table, Theo continued gnawing away at his croissant while you told him about the new horror movie that had apparently been banned in twenty countries. 
“I wanna watch it,” Mattheo mumbled as you scratched his head. 
“But you hate horror,” Theo responded. 
“So? I still want to see it.” 
“I’ll ask my mum if she can send me a copy this weekend,” you said as you playfully tugged at his curls. “We can watch it in your dorm, okay?” 
He leaned in, nuzzling against your neck. “Just the two of us?”
“Of course, Matty.” 
Mattheo brightened at that, happy with your response. Perhaps it was petty of him, but he didn’t care. He wanted to send a message. You and Theo could be friends, but he’d always be the most important person in your life. Mattheo was your person, just like you were his.��
The others were beginning to pick up on things, despite his constant denial. It was sort of a moot point anyways, given the fact that he was single handedly proving them right with his actions. Nowadays, your friends would find Mattheo lounging on your lap, wedging himself in the small space on the common room couch just so that he was next to you instead of Theo. 
Every time you went out to Hogsmeade, he’d make a point of holding your hand and carrying your bags. Mattheo would stop mid-conversation and rub your cold hands in his, blowing on your fingers because he knows how cold you get even in the heated pub. 
“Your hands are cold. Let me heat them up, princess.” 
As you blushed, Enzo would shoot Mattheo a knowing look, which he deflected by focusing all his attention on you. Even Tom made a passing comment at all the sickening nicknames Mattheo had taken to calling you lately. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Is this seat taken?” 
“Morning, love. Do you want to go for a walk with me?” 
“Here, give me your bag. I’ll carry it for you, darling.” 
Though his older brother might disagree with his methods, Mattheo was quite convinced that it was working. Until it wasn’t. 
During the last week of December, you and Theo began acting strangely. Every time he walked into a room, the two of you would fall uncharacteristically silent. When he tried to bring it up, you evaded his questions and changed the subject instead. The secrecy didn’t sit well with him. 
After the last class of the day, Mattheo usually walked with you to the library, but every time he tried to find you that week, you had all but disappeared.
“Berkshire, have you seen Y/N?” 
“Oh yeah, she left with Theo a few minutes ago. Seemed urgent.” 
“Did they say where they were going?” 
Enzo shrugged nonchalantly. “No clue, mate.” 
Frustrated, Mattheo walked away before succumbing to the urge to throttle his friend. It wasn’t Enzo’s fault that you and Theo were acting so weird. Throughout the week, Theo would be out of their dorm for hours and hours. Sometimes he wouldn’t even come back until the wee hours of the night. 
When Mattheo checked your dorm, you were also nowhere to be found. He was trying his best not to spiral, but the nagging suspicion that the two of you were hiding something from him was too big to ignore. It was all but confirmed when he caught you sneaking out of the dungeons one night. 
You poked your head out from behind a marble column, watching students pass. Clearly, you didn’t want anyone to know that you were down here. Unfortunately for you, Mattheo had already seen you. 
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” 
His voice startled you, making you jump a step back as you glanced up at him with a nervous expression. “Oh! Hi, Matty. I was just — I was just, um, walking back to my dorm.” 
“I can see that, but what were you doing in the dungeons?’ 
“Just…hanging out…”
Mattheo could feel his blood boiling. “With Theo?” 
You gulped, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, he had my book.” 
“So where is it?” 
“Where’s what?” 
“Your book.” 
“Oh,” you said softly, avoiding his gaze. It was a tell-tale sign that you weren’t being honest. You always looked away when you were lying. “I guess I forgot.” 
“You forgot the thing that you came down here for?” 
“Hm? Did you hear that?” You mumbled, despite the fact that the corridor was silent. “I think Pansy’s calling me. I gotta go, Matty. See you later!” 
Your best friend watched as you sauntered off to Salazar knows where with a frown. Confused, Mattheo walked back to his dorm and found the answer to his dreaded question. As soon as he opened the door, the familiar scent of strawberry and vanilla filled the air. Mattheo felt downright murderous. That was your perfume. He’d recognize it anywhere. 
Mattheo glared at his best friend, who was laying in bed with a book perched on his chest. He eyed the rumpled sheets and Theo’s disheveled hair while trying not to assume the worst. 
“Is that the book Y/N lent you?” 
“Huh? What book?” 
Though he wanted very much to punch his mate’s teeth in, Mattheo restrained himself. “The book she came down here to get.” 
“She wasn’t here for —” Theo closed his mouth before nodding reluctantly. “Oh, right. Yeah. This is Y/N’s book. I should — I should return it.” 
“You’re acting weird, Nott. Both of you are.” Mattheo narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What the bloody hell is going on?” 
“Blase? Yeah, be right there, mate! I’d love to stay and chat, but duty calls. See you later, man.” 
Theo hightailed it out of the dorm, responding to an imaginary summon. Y/N and Theo. Theo and Y/N. His two closest friends. Sneaking around. Lying to him. Fooling around in his dorm. Mattheo didn’t know how to feel. He was angry, he was sad, but most of all, he was hurt. His girl and his best friend? It was the ultimate betrayal. 
Never mind that Mattheo had spent the past decade denying his feelings for you. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that he’d been in love with you since you were children. It was clear as fucking day. 
When Friday rolled around, Mattheo decided that enough was enough. He was going to confront the two of you. After quidditch practice, he followed Theo through the castle. The git buggered off to some dark, secluded area of the school that Mattheo had never stepped foot in. He kept a safe distance, peering around the corner when he heard whispered voices. 
“I’m telling you, he’s getting suspicious,” Theo whispered frantically. “He asked why our dorm smelled like you. I didn’t know what to say, so I bolted!” 
His heart dropped when he heard you sigh in frustration. “For Merlin’s sake, Theo! You couldn’t make up an excuse?” 
“Me? You were the one who got caught sneaking out of the dungeons. It’s not like you’re an expert on stealth, either.” 
“You know I can’t lie to him,” you exclaimed. “I’ve never been able to, ever since we were little. He knows all my tells. But, Theo, he absolutely cannot find out about this!” 
Mattheo didn’t need to hear the rest. His heart had already been crushed into a thousand pieces. He couldn't believe it. The two of you were supposed to be his best friends, yet here you were keeping this terrible secret from him. 
For the rest of the night, he sulked in his room. He was in the middle of brooding while listening to the Smiths when he heard a knock. 
“Piss off!” 
“It’s me.” 
Part of him wanted to send you away, but a bigger part — the stupid, idiotic, part of him couldn’t. With a sigh, Mattheo peeled himself off the carpet and opened the door. Since the secret rendezvous with Theo, you had apparently found time to get dolled up and changed into a pretty party dress. 
Mattheo frowned and crossed his arms. “Theo’s not here.” 
You frowned, cocking your head in confusion. “I’m not here for Theo.” 
He scoffed in response. “You don’t have to lie to me anymore. I know.” 
“You know what, Matty?” 
“I know that you and Theo are…sneaking around. Lying to me. Hooking up behind my back.” 
“What on Godric’s green earth are you talking about?” 
“Don’t try to deny it. I heard you in the corridor upstairs. I’ve had my suspicions all week. The two of you have been acting weird and avoiding me. More than that, you have your own stupid little inside jokes and you take him to concerts and you share milkshakes! Those are things we used to do together, but now you’ve gone and replaced me.” 
“The only reason Theo and I became friends is because you asked us to., Mattheo.” 
“I know that!” Mattheo exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “I regret it so much. I wanted you to get along, but not like this. Now Theo’s making you laugh and walking you to class and doing god knows what else with you in our dorm!” 
Your features softened as you tried to reach for Mattheo, but he took a step back. “Don’t try to deny it! I know you were in here the night I caught you sneaking out of the dungeons. I could smell your perfume.” 
Realization flooded you all at once. “Are you…are you jealous, Matty?” 
Your best friend crossed his arms and huffed. “Of course I’m jealous! I don’t want you doing any of those things with Theo. You’re my best friend. Mine, not his. I had you first. I loved you first.” 
The confession stunned you into silence. You blinked, processing the information before holding your hand out. “Come.” 
Mattheo looked like he was about to argue, but you just stared at him with determination. “Just come with me, Matty. I promise it’ll all make sense in a minute.” 
The logical side of him wanted to refuse, but he knew it would be futile. Mattheo would’ve ripped his heart out of his chest if you asked him to. You were his weak spot. 
Following you out into the corridor, Mattheo staggered a few steps back as you slipped into the dark and empty common room. With a snap of your fingers, the lights came on and voices echoed in unison. 
“Happy birthday, Mattheo!” 
Startled, Mattheo blinked at the sight before him. The common room was decorated with streamers and confetti, complete with a bright birthday banner that covered nearly half the room. There were tables filled with food and drinks, all of which were his favorites. All of his friends were present, including Tom, who stood to the side with his arms crossed. The pretty blonde beside him — Chloe, the girl Theo swore his brother was in love with — elbowed Tom, who sighed and flashed Mattheo a rare smile. Now that was something he needed to revisit at a later time.
For now, one shocking revelation was enough to deal with.
“Surprise!” You exclaimed beside him as you pulled him into a hug. 
At first, he was too stunned to return the gesture, but eventually he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a bear hug. With everything going on, Mattheo nearly forgot his own birthday, but he knew that you wouldn't. You did all of this. For him. 
When you broke apart, Theo clapped him on the back. “Happy birthday, mate.” Relief washed over his friend’s face as he spoke the words. “Thank fucking Salazar that Y/N pulled this off. Hiding this from you for a week has been absolute hell.”
“So…this is what you two have been up to?” 
You nodded in confirmation. “Mhm, Theo and I spent all week planning it. We wanted everything to be perfect.” 
“But it was hard because you were being such a nosy little git,” said Theo.  
The pieces started to click together. All that secrecy between his two best friends hadn’t meant what he thought it did. “So you two aren’t…you haven’t…you’re not hooking up behind my back?”
You and Theo stared at each other in horror. 
“Ew!” Theo dramatically exclaimed. “Y/N is like my sister. You don’t hook up with your sister. That’s gross.” 
“But I thought…you were hanging out together so much and you had all these jokes and it seemed like…”
“Please,” Theo scoffed. “Anyone with half a brain cell can see that you two are clearly in love with each other.” 
“Surprised you figured it out then, Theo,” you quipped.
The brunette rolled his eyes at you before breaking out into a shit-eating grin. "Wait. Is that why you've been acting like such a twat lately? You thought I was making a move on your girl?" Theo's eyes widened as Mattheo shifted uncomfortably. "I'm right, aren't I? First of all, I'm flattered that you felt threatened by me."
"Threatened is a strong word," Mattheo countered.
"Please, you nearly took my head off with a quaffle." Theo wiggled his eyebrows. "Second of all, I'm quite frankly offended that you'd think I'd ever go for Y/N. I would never break your trust like that."
"I know, I know." Mattheo said with a sigh. "I was being stupid, but for a second I was truly convinced that something was going on between you two. I mean, you've been hanging out so much lately..."
“Matty, do you even know what we talk about when we hang out? You. It’s always about you. You were right that we both have a lot in common. We were just too stubborn to see it, but the main thing that brought us together is that we care about you so much.” 
“Well, Y/N cares for you a lot more,” Theo teased with a smirk. “She’d like to care for you all night long.”
You flushed as deep and red as your party dress. “Oh my gods. Shut up, Theo!” 
“My work here is done. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to hit on that Ravenclaw who looks like she wants absolutely nothing to do with me.” 
“Sorry about him,” you said as you turned back to Mattheo. “And sorry that we’ve been acting so shady all week. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t suspect anything.”
Mattheo chuckled. “Well, consider me surprised.” 
You wrinkled your nose in disgust. “I can’t believe you thought I was hooking up with Theo.” 
With a boyish grin, Mattheo pulled you to his side and kissed your temple. “I’m sorry, princess. Jealousy just got the best of me.” 
“There’s no need to be jealous. If it wasn’t already obvious, I’ve been in love with you since we were kids.” 
“I’m a bloody idiot.” 
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot.” 
Mattheo beamed and kissed the tip of your nose. “Thank you for doing all of this for me.” 
You smiled softly, cheeks heating as he stared at you with bright, brown eyes. “Course, Matty, I just want you to have the best birthday.” 
With a smile, Mattheo leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your lips. There was something familiar about the gesture, like the final piece of a puzzle clicking into place. Kissing Mattheo was as natural as breathing. It felt like coming home. 
“Wish granted, princess.” 
Later that night when he blew out his candles, Mattheo didn’t bother wishing for anything. You leaned into him as he hooked his pinkie through yours, making a silent promise. Even if it took a little jealousy for him to realize it, Mattheo embraced the truth wholeheartedly. You were his person and he was yours. As the flames died out, he smiled.
Mattheo Riddle had no use for wishes now that he had you. 
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multifandom-worlds · 5 months
Party Like a Rockstar....Fuck Like a Pornstar
Genre: Almost smut? Like, smut adjacent.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Alcohol, fairly descriptive talk of sex, mild derogatory language
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader x Theodore Nott
Authors Note: This is my first fic for this fandom. Probably pretty out of character for them. Please let me know if there is anything I missed, anything I should do differently next time, etc. Thanks for reading!
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“I don’t understand why they prefer to spend time with her rather than with us?”
You listened to a group of random Slytherin 5th years as they fawned over Theodore and Matthew, watching them at their Quidditch game against Gryffindor. You were used to other students wanting your boys, even though the three of you did not keep your relationship with each other a secret. It just came with the territory—you had two of the hottest Slytherin boys wrapped around your finger, doing whatever you asked of them as the obedient little dogs they really were. 
“Look at her, seriously? Look at all the hickeys on her neck. She’s so trashy!”You chuckle to yourself, stretching out in the bleachers and enjoying the sun on your face. If only they knew how you got those hickeys, how fuck drunk you were on their cocks just the night before as they ruined you, leaving you a dripping, overstimulated mess on Theo’s bed. If only they knew how you had Theo whimpering,  begging to be touched while you rode Mattheo’s face. 
You watch, along with the other fangirls, as they fly around overhead, watching their muscles contract. You press your thighs together, feeling heat start to grow between them—they were losing, and you knew whenever they lost, especially to Gryffindor, they would be angry and take all that pent-up emotion out of you. Not that you mind, you had no issues being their little fuck toy, mainly because they would shower you with praise once they felt better. 
While you were daydreaming, Slytherin had caught the snitch and won the game. The entire Slytherin bleachers erupted into hoots and hollers as they descended on the field. “Party in the Slytherin common room!” Blaise shouted above the din. 
You watch as that gaggle of 5th years swarm Mattheo and Theodore, pressing themselves all up over them, batting their eyelashes and flirting relentlessly. 
“You played so well!”
“You looked so hot up there!”
“Come back to my dorm, and I can help…relieve those sore muscles of yours. I’m really good with my hands.”
Theo dramatically gags, hearing what they have said, causing the rest of the team to laugh. He turns his attention to the 5th year directly in front of him. “And what’s your name?”
“Lacey, Lacey Goldrun. You’re Theodore Nott! My friends are Tara, Serena, Elena and Sophia. We have been yours and Mattheos' biggest fans ever! We come to all your games and know your whole schedule, even where your dorm is!” One of them responds, her face lighting up at the fact that Theodore Nott was talking to her.
Mattheo looks at them suspiciously. “That’s stalkerish.” 
“Well, Lacey Goldrun,” Theo began, looking down at her, eyes boring a hole into her. “You must be new here because everyone knows Matt and I are spoken for, so if you dare touch me again, I will…” 
You stick your finger and thumb in your mouth, letting out a high-pitched whistle, attracting the attention of every person on the Quidditch field. Theo draws his eyes away from Lacey before he and Mattheo begin to push their way through the crowd to you. 
“Walk 'em like a dog, sis!” Lorenzo shouts as you begin to walk back to the castle.
“Walk am like a dog!” Draco echos, erupting into a fit of laughter.
Both of them roll their eyes and flip the group the bird before diligently following you back to their dorm for their after-game ritual. Most would assume they planned on bedding you, but the reality was much softer. They took turns taking a shower to clean off all the sweat before the player who scored the most points in that game got to steal you for a nap.
Theo came out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his hips, seeing you and Mattheo fast asleep on his bed. The faintest smile pulled on his lips before he kissed both your cheeks and went to get changed and go for a smoke. “He scored one more point than I did, cara mia; how is this fair?” He chuckled to himself before leaving the dorm.
You moan into his kiss as he presses his body into yours from the front. You could feel just how hard both of them were, and it was all because of you. With Mattheo’s lips on your neck, your free hand slides down between your bodies to palm Theo through his jeans. 
Hours later, the Slytherin common room was packed - drunks were flowing, music was blaring, and the party was in full swing. You were grinding against Mattheo, your arms around his neck while his hands were on your hips, holding you tight against him. “You’re so fucking perfect, mon petit coeur. This dress..” He trails off, his hands sliding down your legs, playing with the hem of your admittedly concise dress. You continue to gride on him, making eye contact with Theo, sitting a few feet away.
“Fuck, cara mia, you look so fucking good griding on him like that.” Theo groans, walking over to you and Mattheo. He grabs your cheeks in one hand, forcing you to look up at him before he claims your mouth, his hand falling from your cheeks to your throat, squeezing gently. 
“Merlin, I wish that was me,” A very drunk Lacey whines. She was trying to make it look like she was talking to her friends, but she was staring straight at the 3 of you. You pull yourself away from your boys, strolling over to her before leaning in close to whisper in her ear.
“You want to be this trashy, do you little one? You want to be so cock drunk that you don’t even know your name, and you can’t sit on your ass for weeks because of how many times their hands came down on your ass?” You give her a quick once over, clicking your tongue in disgust. “You couldn’t handle this being you; you’d break before they even got started.” 
Lacey looks at you, eyes glassy in her drunken state. You squeeze the bridge of your nose. She didn’t understand a single thing you just said to her—which is probably a good thing. You didn’t necessarily want to traumatize the poor girl. You turn to her friends, “Take her back to her dorm; make sure she stays there. I don’t want to see any of you until morning. Do you understand me?” 
The other girls nod quickly, fear prevalent on their faces as they quickly pull Lacey away, disappearing into the crowd. You walk back to Mattheo and Theo. “That was one of the hottest things I have seen you do in a long time,” Mattheo says, grabbing your ass and pulling you close, stealing the words right off your tongue. 
You hardly had a moment to breathe before Theo's nicotine-stained lips made contact with yours. Mattheo lets go of your ass, disappearing into the hordes of people. You were so lost in Theo’s kiss that it barely even registered that he was gone. 
He bites your bottom lip, pulling away every so slightly before letting it go. “If you weren’t so drunk right now..” He began, hands on your ass, “I would drag you update and fuck that mouth of yours. Matt was right; that was one of the sexiest things you have done in a while, telling people what kind of perfect slut you are for us.” 
You go to say something, but you are interrupted by a shot glass getting shoved between your tits. You know who that hand belongs to - you look up at Mattheo, fire whiskey in his hands. “Celebratory shots, Theo?” He questions, pouring the alcohol into the shot glass.
“After you,” Theo says, taking the bottle from the other boy's hand. Mattheo smirks, shoving his face between your tits, wrapping his lips around the shot glass before lifting his head up and back, downing the liquid in one swallow. He takes the glass out of his mouth before handing it to Theo.
“My turn, Cara Mia, be a good girl now, and I might reward you when you sober up,” Theo says, placing the shot glass back between your tits. He poured some fire whiskey until it was overflowing. “Whoops,” he smirks before he, too, shoves his face between your tits and takes the glass between his lip.
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hp-hcs · 11 months
male, nonbinary, & gender-neutral readers x hp characters
requests: open! (RULES)
join the taglist!
Do you hate it when you find a fic that says “x reader” only for it to have she/her pronouns, as if it’s some inherent rule that only fem people read fanfiction? WELL DO I HAVE A BLOG FOR YOU.
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
am i reorganizing my masterlist for the 10,000th time? yep! i’ve finally written enough that i need to break this down into tinier masterlists!
key: 🚹 = male reader ⚧️ = nonbinary reader 🚻 = gender-neutral reader
☣️ = yandere tw 💥 = violence tw ‼️ = homophobia/transphobia tw 🩸 = blood/gore tw 🧨 = implied sexual content/sexual innuendos ❤️‍🔥 = smut tw
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
mattheo riddle masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
theodore nott masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
polyamorous/non-monogamous masterlist
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“Splinched” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“Pansy’s Brother” masterlist • theodore nott 🚹 ☣️ 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“lipstick” masterlist • enzo berkshire and draco malfoy 🚻 ☣️ ❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“watercolors” masterlist • tom riddle 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“The Doll” masterlist • enzo berkshire, regulus black, draco malfoy, theodore nott, mattheo riddle, and blaise zabini 🚻 💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
“phoenix tears” masterlist • riddle brothers 🚹 ‼️💥🩸
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
draco malfoy:
the audacity, i can’t believe this 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
enzo berkshire:
shut up 🚹☣️❤️‍🔥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
ron weasley:
love triangle 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
neville longbottom:
mr. green thumb 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
weasley twins:
common room confessions 🚹
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
blaise zabini:
uniforms ⚧️
fiendfyre 🚹
yandere! blaise zabini headcanons 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
narcissa malfoy:
yandere! mother! headcanons 🚻 ☣️💥
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
riddle brothers:
June 🚻
crystal 🚻☣️💥 (referenced attempted S/A tw)
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
pansy parkinson:
paralyzer 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
viktor krum:
sibling rivalry 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・. .・。✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。✭・.
slytherin boys hcs:
slytherin boys: gn! muggleborn! reader’s music taste is rather…unexpected 🚻
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
random non-reader stories:
❌= implied/referenced child abuse tw 🛑= graphic child abuse tw
“where have you been?”
molly weasley discovers the extent of the dursleys’ abuse ❌
the weasley family and their cinematic adventures
just some funky lil headcanons
Harry Potter and the Amount of Abuse He Suffered at the Hands of His Guardians That Doesn’t Get Mentioned Nearly Enough (aka LET THE POOR BOY BE TRAUMATIZED)
writing prompt: “…jegulus taking in teenage harry after he runs away from the dursleys” 🛑 ❌
untitled tomarry thingy (i just love them okay)
writing prompt: “Touch starved Tom / Voldemort” 🛑 ❌
two thousand words of pure marauders-raise-harry fluff
writing prompt: “regulus black becoming the best seeker ever and harry being his biggest fan and then he finds out that his dad use to date him and he tries (and plots with sirius) to get them back together just so he can call the regulus black his stepdad”
Children Don’t Belong in Cupboards (pt. 1/?)
synopsis: jily comes to the dursleys’ to get their son back 🛑 ❌
.・。.・゜✭・. ☾ ⋆*・。.・゜✭・.
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Tacenda - Chapter 38 Snippet
Eleanor lies in bed and closes her eyes though sleep evades her. She tosses and turns her brain refusing to shut off as bits and pieces of the past couple of days float around her mind. Ron and Lavender split up, Harry knows about her and Theo, Hermione doesn’t trust Theo, Dean and Ginny split up, Dean apparently still likes her.
Groaning, Eleanor throws the blanket off herself before kicking her legs over the side of her bed and marching down into the common room. She knows she’s not meant to be there after 10pm but who actually cares? She can’t sleep and if she lies in that bed for another second she’s going to go insane.
She’s just entered the common room, the light off the fire causing flickering shadows to dance around the room. Eleanor stops as she notices a shock of red hair, she turns her attention towards it her stomach dropping as she realises it’s Ginny sat on the couch, her knees brought up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them.
Her feisty, go-getting friend looks beyond deflated and it’s awful.
Eleanor chews her lip as she walks forward. “Ginny?” She says softly.
Ginny turns to her with a look of surprise, wiping tears from her face.
“Elle. Sorry I didn’t think anyone else would be awake now.” She states, sniffing as she continues to wipe her cheeks. Eleanor’s heart breaks and she perches on the couch beside Ginny, watching her sadly.
“You don’t have to apologise.” Eleanor tells her. “Can you not sleep either?”
Ginny shakes her head with a tight-lipped smile.
“Do you mind if I join you?” Eleanor asks gesturing to the couch they’re sat on. Ginny shakes her head.
“Of course I don’t mind.” She answers before they both fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the flames dance in the fireplace the logs crackling as they watch mindlessly.
“I don’t blame you, you know.” Ginny states.
“Sorry?” Eleanor says confused as to what Ginny’s on about.
“About me and Dean. I don’t know if you’ve heard what happened yet, which you probably have considering we live at Hogwarts, but I said he was still choosing you over me, that he still loved you and… I don’t blame you, it’s just the truth. I don’t think you want or even know he loves you but he does, he’s possessive and protective and honestly he’d drop me in a second if he thought you needed him.”
“Gin-.” Eleanor starts sympathetically.
“No, it’s fine honestly. I’ve noticed it for a while but I’ve been trying to ignore it. I thought perhaps he’ll realise you’re not interested, that you don’t see him like that. When you went on a date with Smith I thought great, I don’t like the arse but maybe Dean will understand you’ve moved on. But he didn’t, instead he acted like a jealous boyfriend telling you not to date and trying to control your life.”
Eleanor watches with a pained expression. That was exactly what Dean was acting like, he was jealous and honestly she wish she’d have realised sooner because she hates that Ginny went through that alone.
“He didn’t even deny it you know.” Ginny tells her, fresh tears falling. “When I said he was just using me to keep himself entertained until you came back to him, he didn’t deny it. He actually said I was right.”
Ginny’s breath hitches and she sniffs fighting back more tears. Eleanor doesn’t know how to respond, she feels nothing but sadness and sympathy for her friend the usually tough and endearing girl who’s sat a broken shell of herself, looking like the 11-year-old who was possessed by a damn diary. She also feels anger and resentment towards Dean, how could he do that to her? To use her like he did then tell her she’s nothing more than a way to pass the time. Her stomach churns and she’s repulsed by both herself and Dean as she considers she’s that girl.
“Ginny I’m sorry.” Eleanor tells her, gently wiping Ginny’s tears away. “He’s a massive twat and honestly I hate that you’re crying over him because he’s really not worth it.”
Ginny lets out a small laugh. “I know. I guess he was the first boy I thought I might really love and he… I never stood a chance.”
Eleanor’s heart twists with guilt, even though she doesn’t have anything to feel guilty about really.
“I don’t think anyone does.” Eleanor admits truthfully. “I think he’s in love with himself and an idea he once had. I think I was his first serious relationship and he doesn’t want to let that go for some reason. But he’s not in love with me, he’s in love with a concept in his mind.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” Ginny disagrees. “I think he loves you, I think he always has but he’s just too scared to admit it.”
Eleanor shrugs. “Either way I don’t feel it back so it’s worthless.”
Ginny lets out a giggle. “I’m glad he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.”
“Whatever you need me to do, just ask.” Eleanor tells her with a smirk making Ginny giggle again.
“Thanks but I think I’ll be okay. I think really I was in love with the idea of a boyfriend, of someone who liked me back. I kind of feel guilty because I was using him in a way and Michael and the others. They might not have been as long as my relationship with Dean but I was still… I was trying to get over someone else who’ll never love me. Someone I gave my entire heart to years ago and they never even looked at it twice.” Ginny sniffs again fresh tears falling and Eleanor has the feeling she’s not upset over Dean, or she is but it’s nothing compared to the pain this other boy has caused her.
Eleanor brushes her fingers through Ginny’s hair. “It’s going to get better Gin, I promise.”
“I doubt it.” Ginny scoffs pressing her face into her knees.
“Really it will. Right now I’m happy, the happiest I think I’ve ever been and that’s even after all the shit I’ve had this year from pathetic boys.”
Ginny looks at her quizzically before schooling her features.
“Are you and Harry together?” She asks quietly.
Eleanor blinks in shock. “What makes you think that?”
Ginny shrugs. “I guess… I’ve seen you two together a lot, you’ve also both been disappearing a lot too. I know Harry says it’s to have private lessons with Dumbledore but why? I dunno, I guess he has a couple but uses the rest as an excuse to meet up with you, if that’s what’s going on. I also had to listen to Ron rant about Lavender trying to get him to set you and Harry up on a proper date.”
“Nothing is going on between us.” Eleanor sighs. “We both love people we shouldn’t, well I guess we should it’s just complicated. I don’t know about Harry’s lessons, but I’ve not been meeting him.”
“But you’ve been meeting someone?” Ginny questions.
Oh great, fucking idiot. Eleanor scolds herself.
“I have.” She admits.
“I can’t say, like I said it’s complicated.” Eleanor sighs sick of lying to her friends. She doesn’t mind keeping their relationship from the rest of the world but she really hates lying when people ask her about it.
Ginny watches her before nodding. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Eleanor asks in shock. She’s just accepting it? No one else has just accepted it before.
“Yeah, okay.” Ginny says wrapping her arms around her legs. “I trust you, I’ve seen you walk away from Dean and Smith when the vibes aren’t good and I don’t doubt you’d do it to this guy too. Therefore I trust you and I’m glad you’re happy. I’ll be here if you ever want to tell me who it is.”
Eleanor gives her a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
“What are friends for?” Ginny asks before scooting over and leaning into Eleanor’s side.
They spend the rest of the night like that, watching the fire with a blanket over them. They eventually fall asleep only to be woken gently by Neville the next morning.
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