#taco x microphone x pickle
mr-payjay · 5 months
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doodle dump :)
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pankiepoo · 9 months
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more assortnemenetmets of doodles
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cookieseals · 6 months
I've currently been putting a lot of my character studies to the side to do one for Taco cause oh boy, I got a lot to say about her..- And before I even finish that character study, here's my thoughts while currently watching S1 of Inanimate Insanity Literally shipping Taco with anybody is the strangest thing in the ii fandom. But ig I can't be surprised, people heavily misunderstand characters and the writers intent but it's clear that Tacomic and Pickle x Taco is literally a bad idea in the first place. And don't go saying that classic "I ship them when they were friends and stuff and being silly willy" Oh buddy, Taco had always had intent to have power and that prize money. She only teamed up with Microphone to try to get that prize money, the same thing for Pickle. Using him to get far and even 2nd place from it..-
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saraali-19 · 10 months
But remember, I draw two ships
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maxphilippa · 10 months
Do you like any crossover ships?
Oooo I do like em! I don't have that many but sure I do!
I like Mephone4 x Two (RunAway Hosts), Microphone (II) x Winner, I remember I used to ship Pickle with BFDI Taco but I now hc that she's a lesbian, so, it's more of a qpp thing rather than romantic. Been thinking lately about Bubble x Mic, Mic x Snowball or stuff like that. Dynamics are fun!
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sockmug · 1 year
the masterlist of ships I won't draw
(and some exeptions!!)
box x anyone
cabby x test tube
clover x nickel
fan x paper
knife x microphone
knife x trophy
mepad x anyone
mephone 4 x anyone
mephone 4s x anyone
microphone x taco (unless it takes place when they were working together)
silver spoon x paintbrush
Steve cobs x anyone
suitcase x anyone (i hc her as aroace!)
taco x anyone (besides pickle when they were in s1) ● (and besides mic when they were working together in s2)
tissues x trophy
toilet x anyone
yin yang x anyone
that's all I can think of right now so sorry if you suggest one that i don't want to draw!!
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pixelatied · 9 months
Ships im not comfortable with
Knife x microphone (I view them heavily as cousins)
Pickle x microphone (i see them as friends)
Taco x microphone/pickle(Why? Its toxic af only with pickle)
Mephone4 x anyone (I hc him as aroace same with mephone4s)
pepper x salt (I hc them to be half-sisters,though I don't mind drawing them)
Salt x oj (..Its giving yandare sim vibes..)
Pepper x oj (..She death threated him..)
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randombfb · 4 years
Thoughts about ii 14!
Please scroll past this post if you haven’t seen Inanimate Insanity 14 yet and don’t want any spoilers! This post is mainly about parts of the episode I liked and I guess my overall thoughts about it! This might be kinda long so...you have been warned!
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Awwww, Fan...I feel so baddd
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Alkmalkdsf IT’S BAXTER! He’s so majestic...
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Paintbrush is so adorable in that sleepwear I love themmmm! Also, non-binary pride flag!! Yeeees
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Trophy’s herbal tea.....
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Both of them sitting together is cute! But also, poor Mephone...
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klsmalskdf he’s so pure I just want him to be safe and happy 
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Wh-WHat? WhAt’s HAppeNing?! FAN?!
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This scene was really great!! I love all the action
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Baseball don’t worry your trying and I appreciate that so much 
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Awww, this scene was really sweet. I’m glad that they’re on pretty good terms it seems!
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Taco nO-
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YEAH! Team work! I don’t know why but I just love it when they’re all working together its so nice
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Lightbulblkamsldkf Look at all of them...they’re all so happy 
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I just wanna say that I love the Prime Shimmers with all my heart and the egg!! The egg is so adorable! All of them are!!
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This post is getting really long so I’m going to try to add less picslkamd This whole scene was really cool looking and I’m glad we got some lore! Lore is always good!! Also Fan saying he doesn’t know who he is without the show is making me depressed 
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The egg ships it...also I’m sorry for calling them the egg but I don’t know what else to call them so
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I’m so happy that Mic is standing up for herself!! I’m so proud of her! But in a strange way I feel a little bad for Taco still. I’m really wondering what’s gonna happen with her next
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Awww, Lightbulb...
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CUUUTE! I’m glad they made up with each other!
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Lightbulb nooo...I feel bad for her she just lost her last close friend...
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Baseball squish...
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Aaaand now for my overall final thoughts! I really loved this episode! The animation and backgrounds were amazing, the voice acting was great, I love all of these character interactions and this episode was just really amazing! Everyone who worked on this episode did such an incredible job! I’m sad to see Microphone and Test Tube go...and even though I’m sad she’s going I’m also really happy for Microphone! I’m glad she stood up for herself and made a decision that she’s happy with. I feel bad for Lightbulbsldkfmks why can’t they just be happy is that too much to ask for?? Oh! Also! Knife and Microphone talking was amazing. Knife’s “Say hi to Pickle for me” completely made my day. ALSO, Baseball was so good this episode??? I just....I love him so much??? But anyway...the ending has me shook. I’m really curious about what’s going to happen next! I have a feeling that either Baseball or Knife might get out. I’m saying this because Suitcase still has this whole vision thing going on and I feel that they might try to do a bit more with Lightbulb. I love Baseball and Knife but I feel like they have the least going on with them at the moment. Welp, that’s the end of my thoughts! I’m realllly excited for next ep, even though that probably isn’t going to come for...a while but that’s okay!! I’m fine with them taking their time if these episodes are going to be this good! 
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sperenity · 4 years
Inanimate Insanity Episode 14 Analysis
This episode was nuts. I mean, need I say that I was expecting it? I knew the egg was going to reveal itself since it was cracking, but I thought there was something in there, not some being that happened to be the egg itself.
The opening. Oh, the opening. I was seriously impressed. It hooked me to watch more of it. I really liked the black-and-white effects as well as the ominous tone put on it.
I was also surprised to see Fan have a role in the episode, and it was refreshing to hear some of the eliminated contestants’ voices again. For a moment, I thought the eliminated contestants were going to exit the hotel and watch the show or something.
Seeing MePhone4 acting outside of his role as the host was thrilling as well, especially that he nearly discontinued the show. 
Inanimate Insanity could have ended right there.
Oh, and MePad’s resignment was a shocker too.
I thought that Test Tube was going absolutely crazy here, which probably is true anyway. Her usefulness has reached a peak and she is riding the wave. I was also surprised to see how Fan suddenly appeared to take the egg back, and the contestants shared the same reaction as mine, too. Nice attention to detail! It was cute that the egg stopped “crying” once Fan interacted. I thought Fan was recognized as the father here.
When MePhone4 glitch-generated a Living Room set, I thought that somebody was going to be there, but I was also confused when he generated random things later, too. But as of writing this, I realized the sounds were not only the eggs’ way of calling their mothership, but also likely a defense mechanism against Cobs’ creations, and MePhone4 is one of them. Yet MePad was unaffected. Perhaps Cobs upgraded their hardware?
Suitcase’s depiction of her anxiety was also neat. The minimalist flashing as the crack grew. That was neat. I thought her snapping back at Test Tube was a symptom of it, considering her sudden defensive stance.
The fight with the spaceship was absolutely epic. MePhone4′s quick wit, his command to the contestants to save Fan (Though I think it’s to save himself from lawsuits once again), and Test Tube’s Tazer-powered Telescope Bazooka against the ship was absolutely wicked. Also, I just realized that the reason Cobs asked for a spaceship from MePhone4 is so Cobs could go after them.
The update of the dock from Kick The Bucket was absolutely glorious as well. I really liked the detail, it was almost serene.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Taco already ambush and incapacitate MePad in the background while Microphone was talking. And finding out later that Mic’s speech was in-sync with what Taco is doing.
When I saw the Egg’s transformation, I was anticipating the moment that whatever was inside was going to come out. I even thought the eyes were glowing from the darkness inside until I saw hovering. Then, I was confused. Utterly confused about what the ex-egg was. I thought Fan would possibly be imprinted as the father of what turned out to be an actual being as well. When Fan was bound by chains, I certainly thought the leader was going to send him to his death (even if he did anyway, MePhone4 would recover him.)
Then, Test Tube intervened.
The alien species (which are referred to as The Shimmers), then told their backstory of the “oppressor” (which was what I wasn’t expecting, honestly, but flashbacks from Theft and Battery ensued). At first, I didn’t know that the presentation on The leader Shimmer’s face was a depiction of the MePhones 1 through 3GS (I later realized that Steve Cobs may have discarded 3GS with the intent to destroy which was why it was so scared the previous episode).
Fan interacts with the Baby Shimmer, the group shares a laugh, a wholesome moment there...
Then, Test Tube explodes and Taco’s reflection is shown (I later find out she and Mic teleported to the ship). It was like an epic moment where the spy from an action movie shows off their tricks. Then, I thought the ship flew away with the group inside before I remembered Taco using Mepad for teleportation. 
When Microphone came with Fan... It was a sight to see MePhone4 acting all excited for the first time in quite a while. Also, I did NOT expect Microphone to retaliate against Taco by mentioning Taco’s history with Pickle, then ultimately quitting the alliance by shutting her out. What a way to go there, and what an arc. I wonder what’s gonna happen next with Taco. Will she ever be found out?
Then, the elimination. Honestly, at this point, I wasn’t expecting an elimination to happen considering how far off the show’s original format has gone. It was cool to see that it still retains its original flair. Imagine my surprise when I saw Microphone willfully choose herself to be eliminated. Does this even make II the same? Yes. But, actually, no? Honestly, I was somewhat relieved that there ended up being a double elimination. I think it suggests a deeper tension in the show’s coming climax.
Then, Lightbulb’s goodbye. Oh, that scene. That actually made me feel. Over many episodes, Lightbulb was the comic relief that everyone loved. She joked with her friends, especially with Paintbrush. Now, all her friends are eliminated. I wonder if that means her comic relief arc is over. If it isn’t, what else is there? For now, she’s gonna have to cope with her reality of being a finalist.
After the credits scene, in which I thought the music was pretty catchy (especially in contrast to the past episode’s more ominous tone), I was happy to see Toilet appear again. I had been so focused on what was happening that I actually forgot about him. Then, the crashed ship.
Then, MePhoneX.
I felt chills when I saw him. Adam was doing a great job making each design more advanced and intimidating than the previous, but this one is through the roof. I was not expecting another MePhone installment to happen. Should I even call this a running gag, or is this one actually so intimidating that it doesn’t constitute to humor at all? I thought I was going to leave a bit empty, but this one made me think the wait for the next episode is going to be worth it.
The relevation of the egg was certainly a surprise, much less expecting. However, I am a little disappointed that there was nothing inside the egg. I liked the buildup from Fan acquiring up to its hatching, but considering the amount of priority that was put into it and not that the egg was used for comic relief, I really expected the relevation to be overly dramatic and possibly change the course of the show or expand the II universe (which it did in both scenarios, but still.). This doesn’t mean that I dislike the direction the show is taking now. It was just such a dramatic change that it makes me feel such a way that doesn’t make me excited but rather makes me sober? I’m not saying the writers made a mistake, I love Inanimate Insanity’s creativity and I’m looking forward for more. It’s just not exactly my cup of tea.
MePhoneX is a creation you do not want to mess around with. It is obvious by now that this one is created by Steve Cobs. The earlier MePhones, except for the last couple, were bent on destroying MePhone4, and it was heavily implied that Cobs sent them out to destroy MePhone4. This creation should be no different. However, MePhoneX is not only sent out to destroy MePhone4, he is sent to destroy the entire reality show and the contestants with it, along with going after The Shimmers. If MePhoneX doesn’t destroy 4, he might force him to create a spaceship and enslave the contestants, including the former ones from Hotel OJ, to aid in Cobs’ capture of The Shimmers. Also, everyone’s assumed that the MePhones get dumber with each installment, but I believe that this X installment is one above all. It is designed in such a way that exceeds every preceding generation. In other words, this one is not stupid.
Also, I have noticed that this show still has its BFDI inspirations. The shaking, the loopy mannerisms, and the unexpected humor is, to me, a callback to the witty and eccentric humor that is shown consistently throughout the Huang twins’ show.
Overall, this show is taking a turn. I am actually enthralled that it still hasn’t let up. Especially after my departure from the OSC and coming back. I now eagerly wait for the next episode even if it’s going to take months.
UPDATES: I also realized that MePhone4 is beginning to have a personal connection to the contestants. What if his cruel tactics shown in season 1 and 2 are a result of his trauma with Cobs? I don’t know if he ever will, but considering his backstory, I can’t help but imagine that MePhone4 is actually moving forward.
Also, there was almost no frustration evident in Taco’s reaction to her plan failing. It was full of emotional surprise. Did she ever see Microphone as a friend rather than an “ally”?
I can’t get it out of my head that MePhone4 still has 4S’ model after the finale of season 1. I really hope the writers don’t throw him away. It’s confusing to know that MePhone4 has 4S’ model and still have the kind of Gemories that 4 had in his original model. 
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zpiggo · 7 years
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Don't reblog, take a screen pic and tag your OTPs
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101-objects · 5 years
Clicking on the link to the refs just leads me to the ask box???
It does? It should go to the list of askable characters. Works for me…
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But if that’s the case, here’s the list of all the dalmatians:
Barf Bag
Black Hole
Firey Jr.
Golf Ball
Ice Cube
Nickel (BFB)
Nickel (II)
Puffball Speaker Box
Robot Flower
Taco (BFB)
Taco (II)
Tennis Ball
Test Tube
Yellow Face
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