#tadaja talks
penumbratrolls · 5 months
tadaja. you see a very big crab. what do you do?
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"H- how big are we talkin'? Uhhhh… I zuppoze if it'z pozzible… a free meal iz a free meal right? zzo i'd pick it up and give it to the old man in the cantina to cook for me" -she thinks for a second and then breaks into a cold sweat- "But if we're talking…. like a REALLY big crab, I've zeen zome huge like… crab people? zzo honeztly I might run away, or break out the brotherz and kick it az hard az I can" - she points at her steel toed boots with faces drawn on them, before wiping her forehead and choking out a pained little laugh-
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
tadaja, it doesn't have to be your favorite but is there a quote, poem, or turn of phrase that's stuck with you?
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"I think I once heard zomebody buzking and they were zaying zome kind of muzical poetry… what waz it they zaid…? OH right, they zaid ""I get knocked down, but I get up again. They're never going to keep me down"" and I thought that waz a good way to think, alwayz roll with the punchez but never let them ztop you."
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Tadaja, what are three things you are grateful for?
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"In all honesty, the firzt thing that I think of is that... I'm juzt happy to be alive. Not all of my friendz zurvived that experience in one piece, and zome of them didn't zurvive at all." -she wipes a tear from the corner of her eye with her sleeve before moving on- "...But now that that heavinezz iz out of the fucking way! I'd zay I'm grateful for the few friendz that I've made in the area zo far, they've really kept me afloat and not abzolutely inzane" -she laughs to herself- "Finally I'm grateful to be able to zpeak to all of you who're zo interezted in what I have to zay. I can't always promize that it's going to be cheerful, but I'm always happy to zhare my experiences with you all... and hey, hopefully some day all of my anzwerz will be happy. Let'z hope, eh?"
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
hey tadaja how do you like to unwind after a rough day?
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"Hmm... let me think on that one. I'd say that one of my favourite places to wind down and zhake off a hard day would be at the cantina at my local beach. The owner of the place, Rioqih haz been one of the trollz that's really kept me grounded during... all this" -She flails her hands at the sides of her head- "I usually get a few drinkz; my perzonal favourite are the frozen daiquiris... I uzually end up chatting zhit and getting a zlightly ztern talking to... oopz... ANYWAY, thanks for the queztion"
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penumbratrolls · 5 months
Tadaja, what was your favorite subject in school?
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"Wow... haven't thought about zchool for fuckin' so many zweepz. Zzo I'd have to zay that between the fleet breathing down my back getting ready for the zecond I was ready to be inlizted; I most enjoyed when we'd do artz and craftz. I was never much of an artizt but I really enjoyed the craftz, particularly zewing and crochet; but I also tried a little bit of knitting. Other than that I loved gym clazz, the zportz were okay? but I really enjoyed track and anything that let me run! Thank you for the queztion!"
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penumbratrolls · 6 months
2 10 and 20 for tadaja : 3
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"How do you feel about your place in the hemospectrum?" - "*heavy sigh* ...well I didn't have too much of an issue being a rustblood until the fleet started essentially firing me and other lowbloods out of cannons and hoping we hit an alien. The powers help? But if I could take the cushy life of being a jade; I probably would."
What are your interests? - "When I'm not hiding from every fleet ship that comes close to my planet; I tend to enjoy drinking and socializing, I also enjoy music and I'm currently learning to sew"
Is blood colour a factor when choosing quadrant mates? - "I wouldn't say so, if there's a connection I think that's enough... Not that I've had much experience in that regard."
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