lightup0nlight · 9 months
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In my previous post, we've learned that Rasulullah salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam said that not all mu'min are equal — there are strong mu'min, and there are also weak mu'min. This is as Allah ta'ala says:
🌺 ❛Then We gave the Book (i.e. the Qur’an) as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are (1) some who wrong their selves, (2) and of them are some who follow a middle course, (3) and of them are some who are — by Allah’s Leave — foremost in good deeds. That, that is indeed a great grace.❜ 【Surah Fatir 35:32】
Based on this aayah, scholars say that the ummah of Rasulullah ﷺ are divided into three:
🌿 The first group of believers are those who wrong themselves. They do not do shirk, but they are careless in some of the fard ‘ibaadah as well as commit some haraam (impermissible) actions.
🌿 The second group of believers are those who follow a middle course. They fulfil all fard ‘ibaadah and avoid the haraam, but they do not strive further than that. Meaning, they may neglect some voluntary good deeds beyond the fard, and do some deeds that are makrooh (disliked).
🌿 The third group of believers are those who, by Allah’s leave, foremost in good deeds. They rush to all types of khayr. They fulfil both the fard and voluntary good deeds. They also avoid all that is haraam, makrooh, as well as shubha (doubtful) matters.
Ibn Abbas radi Allahu ‘anhu commented regarding this aayah: ❛This refers to the Ummah of Muhammad. Allah caused it to inherit every Book that He had revealed; (1) those who wrong themselves will be forgiven, (2) those who follow a middle course will have an easy accounting, (3) and those who are foremost in good deeds will enter Jannah without being brought to account.❜ 【Tafseer Ibn Kathir】
May Allah increase us in imaan, and make us amongst the stronger believers, the ones who are more beloved to Him.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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