#tag your posts properly yall i almost got spoiled
ellovett · 5 years
I’m gonna lay off tumblr for a while :,) please tag your posts with spoilers as ‘twst spoilers’ so that you can’t spoil anyone who hasn’t played. I’m gonna play the game soon but until then im just gonna step back from tumblr. Good luck to @unofficial-twstd with the translations, yall are great! And I hope everyone’s having fun with the game :DD
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toshis-puppycat · 3 years
Hello Again Part Five
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A/n: I am so sorry this took forever for me to post, I don't always feel amazing and its been hitting a little too hard recently But here I am again! Its good to be writing for Toshinori too, I've missed writing for him 👉👈 I hope yall enjoy and commissions are still open! Thank you all so much for being patient with me! <3
Summary: It hurt, remembering. And unfortunately danger was coming.
Ashido looked incredibly excited seeing the big three. You could see the dots connecting in their heads about them. Even Yaoyorozu said what you knew they were all thinking 'Still in school, but practically pros already. They're the students they should be chasing after.'
From what you'd heard about these students, they were that good. You could see them saving people already. You'd also heard about their previous sports festivals. Ahem, Togatas approach to things because of his quirk certainly made things interesting to watch. (I.e. when they showed you the footage you looked away mildly embarrassed at how Togata had to strip down for his quirk). But getting the title of "The Big Three" takes hard work, and you knew that because of it these students worked especially hard to achieve that.
"Get to it. Introduce yourselves briefly." Aizawa said, beginning to point at one of the students. "Let's start with Amajiki."
The boy gave an intense look to the class, one that you could tell scared them as they all sat a little straighter in their seats. He started shaking and quietly talked to the others. "Its no good. You two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words are coming out. My minds blank and my mouth is dry." You could tell the other students were confused as he shook. "I can't say anything. I wanna… go home." He finished turning to face the wall. You could definitely understand that part. You were mentally begging to check out yourself. The lack of sleep along with the overall stress still affecting you was a lot. But you were going to hold out. You'd sleep later. You were barely paying attention to the students talking, well mostly Hado asking a ton of questions to all the students. It was rather cute of her, she sounded like she should in your opinion. Young, without the major stress involved with being a hero since she's still a student she only gets the glimpses, and nothing has been severe enough recently. Only All Mights last battle, and well you tried not thinking about that tidbit. You tried not thinking about All Might at all. You only checked back in as Togata told the class that they had to fight him, all at once. You all made your way to the gym, watching him stretch and prepare. Although you didn't know much about the third years, you could tell the students weren't taking it seriously. They have fought pros, and they've fought legitimate villains. But right now that didn't matter. They needed to see the ones that are close enough to the level of pros. The ones they have to strive to be. At least Midoryia was taking it seriously. You knew he felt like he was missing a lot. And he wanted to strive to be better (like someone else you knew), you pushed the thought away, just as he rushed Togata. You blinked slowly at the sight. Was that… his clothing just falling off? Hmm, no wonder he stripped before doing anything during the sports festival. Poor Jiro, and well all the students. You remembered how red your face was seeing All- you had to push that thought away. That was slightly embarrassing for both of you, and well… again you didn't want to think about him right now. You felt your heart throb. You missed him. You didn't pay much attention to the actual fighting. It hurt. It hurt thinking about him. You bit your lip. It wouldn't do well to break down in front of everyone. You were strong, so you grit your teeth and pushed the feelings down. You could see Togata beating the crop out of all the students. Few were still standing. Now they were taking it more seriously. This kid put in hard work to be able to get everything down to a pat. Midoriya did well though, predicting exactly where Togata would be. But it wasn't enough, as all of them ended up defeated. Togata would have to work on that predictable part of his attacks. Villains would kill for someone that predictable, and although it took Midoryia actually analyzing the situation, a smart villain would do the same eventually. Or they would listen to someone who could do what Midoriya does. And it could get him killed. He was fast, but an unfortunate reality was that eventually, he wouldn't be fast enough. Someone would be faster, and it won't end well. Permeation. It was actually a good quirk to have with the right training, and well the spirit that Togata has as well. To be fair any quirk would be a good quirk to have, especially with the right help on how to train it. It was why you're a hero. You learned as much as you could, trained like hell, and overall just did your best. You turned everything you experienced into the power you showcase whenever you used your quirk.
"Let's get back to class now. Say "thank you"." Aizawa said. All the students yelled it happily. They were beyond excited at the prospect of work studies. Before the three third years left, you ran after them.
"Togata!" They all turned at you.
"Oh cool! You're that hero that disappeared 20 years ago right? How'd that happen? How are you feeling now?" Hado asked you hurriedly. You gave a smile.
"I'm doing just fine now." A lie, but you weren't telling children what you were feeling. No matter how close they felt to you in age. "Togata, I've got a favor to ask."
"I can help however I can!" He exclaimed. Easily giving you a blinding smile.
"You're interning under Sir Nighteye, right?" You asked.
"Yup, I sure do!"
"Great. The next time you're planning on heading over to see him, mind if I tag along? Eraserhead mentioned to me that he might need a healer on his end for things." You asked.
"I sure can ma'am." He replied easily, still giving a carefree smile.
"Great! I'll see you when that happens then alright?"You smiled at the group. "You guys are doing amazing, and Amajiki it's alright to be anxious. Just remember you have support available for you alright?"
"Y-yes ma'am." He replied, hunched over.
You ran back over to the first years leaving the gym. Trailing behind them, you finally succeeded pushing away the negative feeling at least.
In the safety of your own room you allowed yourself to finally relax. You were still trying to hold back though. The day was long, and it was difficult to not just break down again. Everything was just hitting you too hard. Thrown into the future, everyone busy and you still having feelings for All Might but him… he moved on. Of course everyone would. You were gone for 20 years. But it hurt. It… it hurt so much. You felt the tears gather in your eyes and sobbed. Your whole body was shaking, and you weren't breathing in properly almost hyperventilating at how hurt you were. The feeling wasn't going away for even a moment. You could just feel more agony, you wished. You really wished that he didn't move on. That you weren't thrown so far into the future. That your childhood friend didn't abuse his children and wife so severely. You wished that you were just better than you actually were. Alas you were just you, you were thrown in time. And you couldn't reverse it.
As the days passed it was getting harder to avoid him. You kept walking out whenever he would walk in. You really couldn't handle being near him. You were just avoiding the eventual confrontation that would happen. Avoiding him telling you he was Midoryias father. And then you especially wanted to avoid the press coming to U.A. all together. They could… probably figure something out, and you didn't trust the press too much. You didn't want to see something portraying you as some young gold digger hero trying to ride the coattails of a more experienced pro. You weren't trying to do that at all. You were a good hero on your own. But not a lot of people knew about how you showed up. It could easily be figured out with research, but even then it could still be spun around as such. Or the public view of you could turn to that even if it's not said or even hinted at. You cut your thoughts off. It would do no good to dwell on it. Not when the guest came in.
"Don't worry on my account, Mr. Aizawa. I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently from normal." Was all you heard as you walked by, giving a polite nod to the reporter and exiting the dorms.
Avoid it. Don't even think about it. Ignore it until you could be alone. Don't let anyone see you break. You needed to be strong.
You didn't really need anything, you left to mostly wander around. Get a true look at Musutafu and how it's changed over the years. Everything was looking a little better, people were safer. 'Toshi did a good job protecting everyone.' You thought. A symbol of peace didn't exist when you were a kid, just heros doing their best. He truly changed the game for what heros could do. But it wasn't all good was it? You could feel it, the way certain people were staring, how they interacted. There was some underlying tension between people. It was subtle but you learned early to read things like that (you tried forgetting how you learned that, not good to think about that right now). Today you were going to figure out what happened with Kotaro. You needed to know if he was okay. If he was able to be happy, if he was able to become who he wanted to be. You really hoped he was able to. Then you could see him! And spoil him the way you had planned when you were younger. And you could apologize to him. You could finally make it up to him. For missing out on so many things for him. All you had to do was look.
You made your way to the detective you'd talked to when you first came to. He was honestly the only one you could talk to in your opinion. He knew you already and understood that you were, by all means, a time traveler, so you trusted him. Toshi trusted him too. Don't think about it. You walked into the police station. You were going to be just fine. You were thankfully easily able to get his attention.
"Ah hello y/l/n. Its good to see you."
"Hello Detective. It's good to see you too." You replied. You stood by awkwardly, watching as he began sorting through paperwork. "I uh know we don't know each other that well. And this might be awkward but I need to ask for your help." You continued. He turned towards you a little panicked, (He knew you were avoiding Toshinori, mostly because the man himself came to him panicked about it, and well you looked exhausted) you didn't register that though, looking down at your feet. "I know we don't know each other that well. But… I really need your help to find someone." You clenched your fists. "He means a lot to me and he was hurting so much before I disappeared. I need to apologize." You looked up at Naomasa with pleading eyes. "I need to apologize to him Naomasa." He looked a little awkward at that.
"I can't help you like that." He said, and you looked away. "I can let you know if I ever hear about him though. It won't look good if I give out his address. But I can keep an eye out for you and let you know." He put a hand on your shoulder, and you looked up at him again. "I'll help as much as possible, just give me the name I need to keep an ear out for."
"Shimura!" You exclaimed in excitement, not seeing how Naomasa froze. "Its Shimura Kotaro!"
It was easy to get you to leave after he said he'd help you find Kotaro. He… he couldn't tell you what happened to him though. Not now. Not when you looked at him like that. And you just barely knew about Shigaraki. Plus it was too shocking to know you knew Nanas son. He could hold off on telling you for now. Just so he could figure out how he could. He hoped you didn't figure it out before then. And well… he had to tell Toshinori you knew his mentors kid. How the hell was he going to do that?
You were walking back with a little more skip in your step. More excitement than when you left the dorms. Naomasa said he'd help you! You would see Kotaro again. You'd be able to hug him with all the love you had in your heart. Things were finally going to be looking up for you. Finally, things will go right! Just then someone ran past you, and you heard someone cry out "My son!" And everything stopped. There were villains you truly believed could be successful if they had gotten help. But you drew the line when it involved children. You knew how devastating it was to be hurt so young. You immediately began chasing after the person who ran past you, flicking your wrist to have water rush to the child in their arms. They stopped running, pressing a knife against the young boys neck, as they turned towards you.
"Don't think I won't cut him you dumb bitch!" They yelled. They didn't notice the water. And they probably thought you were just some civilian trying to play hero. You narrowed your eyes at them.
"You don't have to hurt them-" they cut you off.
"If you come closer I'll slit their throat!" They snarled at you, the child in their arms was sobbing. Absolutely struggling to contain their tears.
"Its gonna be alright kid. I'm here to keep you safe alright?" You said to them. They looked at you and their lips were wobbling. You gave a reassuring smile. "Besides. They're not a cool villain at all are they? Their situational awareness sucks." The villain narrowed their eyes at you and was about to start screaming again, when you finally made the water move forward fully and covered the little boy in their arms. The blade wasn't even able to touch his skin. Not even a little nick as you forced the child out of their arms and into yours. The villain gaped at you, then tried to turn and run. But you already made sure they were trapped by another flow of water, plus using their own blood to hold them back.
The boy was sobbing in your arms and the mother was finally able to catch up to you, sobbing and reaching out. The boy was able to drop in her arms instantly, with a wobbly voice calling out "mom!" She thanked you profusely after that, and you both waited for police to show up. And you were almost scolded, until they realized you had your license and Naomasa greeted you by calling out your hero name. You and the mother gave your statements as they arrested the person who tried kidnapping the little boy. Kidnapping was a strong word though, they just knew it'd be harder for anyone to catch them if they ran with a kid in their arms. Afterwards you were going to walk off, but a tug at your shirt stopped you. A small hand clutching the lower half of your shirt. He had a small scrape on that hand.
"Thank you for saving me, Ms. Siren." His voice was still wobbly, still shaken up. But he was giving you a bright smile. The mother was smiling at you both, with a grateful smile on her lips and mouthing her own thanks to you.
"Kid, I've gotta thank you too! You were so brave!" You said, crouching down to get a better look at him. "Can I show you a little trick?" You asked, gently grabbing his scraped hand. He gave you a confused nod, but his eyes lit up seeing you create a flow of water and covering his hand with it. Any stinging he felt in his hand vanished in an instant, and his eyes widened in glee.
"Whoa… Ms. Siren you've got the coolest quirk!" He yelled. You didn't see it. But someone walking by saw you heal that little boy, and you didn't know it, but he was working for Overhaul. You wouldn't really know it until much later, unfortunately. But you went back to the dorms, running into the reporter who was just leaving and giving a respectful bow to him. You were safe at the moment. Unknowing of what was about to happen, and how your life was about to change again.
"Boss." A voice called out, getting the attention of a man holding a little girl covered in bandages. He nodded in acknowledgement. "There's a new hero out and about. But I think she'd be quite useful to us." He said. The other man passed the little girl off to another person, gesturing them to take her to her room.
"I'm listening."
taglist: @saratour, @devilkou, @yukiimanic, @theygottheircages, @itsallmightbitch, @toobsessedsstuff, @quirkyfandoms, @anxious-cat-with-cheesesticks, @waitwhatsrealityagain, @toxicjayhoo
If you want to be added to the taglist please let me know 🥰 I hope yall enjoyed 💖
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katzuyas · 7 years
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hi! it’s same-face-in-every-selfie kat lmao I was tagged by @nikiviki for the 7 selfies of 2017 meme, so here’s my pick at why-tf-do-I-have-so-much-pink-lipstick year lololol thanks so much for the tag love 💕
I’ll be tagging my angel @tetsya bc I haven’t seen ur sweet face in ages and I need me some of that cute uwu, and then also: @theexitgarden, @relent, @maniacani, @saniika, and @tendou-satori if you guys feel like it!
the rest of the tag games are under the cut ^u^)b
tagged by @evenifidie thanks for the tag!!
Take an excerpt of your writing, put it into Google Translate, translate it into a random language, and then back into English, and see what you end up with!
Yuuri's sleep warm and cuddly, and Victor wants nothing more that to keep spooning him until they can both wake up enough to exchange slow, soft kisses like they do on their days off. Sadly, it's not one of those days and they need to get up.
-- from a little something I have written for @domesticvictuuriweek
Yuuri's sleep is hot and vibrant, and Victor does not want to keep on blowing him until they both feel enough to move slowly, soft kisses like their days. Sadly, this is not one of those days and they have to get up. 
well the last sentence was underwhelming but victor blowing yuuri when he’s hot and vibrant in his sleep is definitely not the vibe I’m going for here ahahah lmao this was a bust
oh man I’m gonna tag ppl for it bc this was fun: @sagechan, @matsinko, @the-world-of-illyas-james, @shslshortie and @kaja-skowronek
tagged by @evenifidie thanks again!!
rules: post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic, original work, poetry, whatever floats your boat!) and tag the same number of people as there were words in the sentence 
One that Victor can't wait to be fulfilled.
lol good luck figuring out what this is
and I’m too lazy to tag for this one, sorry tcuhyjbnj if u want to do it, feel urself tagged tho! especially the ppl from the tag above! //winkwonk
tagged by @kaja-skowronek thanks so much for the tag, sweetheart 😘
posted and updated regularly only one (carry on), which is more of a drabble dump than a wip, but I’m working on 5 others which are eating me alive bc I have no chill whatsoever lmao
been there done that still doing it lol
definitely books, there’s nothing better than the feel of turning the pages and the smell of paper and ink while ur gobbling up page after page, it’s awesome. would never change for anything else in the world. now if only we could get fics printed out as well I’d be in heaven
I was probably around 12-13, visiting my dad in the us, and I got completely swallowed by reading harry potter fics. that’s when it all started for me. and then when I got home I wanted to try my hand at it and... now here we are, almost 13 years later lol
I usually don’t like to share my work when it’s unfinished so it’s v rare for me to do so 
my room, at night, when there’s peace and quiet and I can focus properly
definitely harry potter, no runner ups
the big dream is one day maybe publication but for now it’s just for fun
used to be pen and paper, and then I’d be rewriting that mess onto the computer, but now I’m just too lazy and wtf pen&paper hurts my wrist so much how did I even take notes back in school this is ridiculous omg
mm yea uni classes which were absolute shit eh
everything, really. what inspires me? the colour of leaves in the fall, the snow sparkling on the ground in winter, the fog that doesn’t let you see further than a few meters before you, the chilling cold on the morning walks, the dark that’s brightened up only by the dim street lamps, the colour of the sky that isn’t really blue but tints into reds and pinks and oranges and purples
what gives me strength to write? the comments and tags on my fics, that’s the best reward after spending hours on creating something - to see that people love and appreciate your work, it’s awesome
this was a great tag so I’m gonna put a few other writers on the task ;3c I’m tagging: @evenifidie, @saniika, @matsinko, @rayrayswimusic and @nee-saan
tagged by @evenifidie thanks babe ur spoiling me 💕
list five of your favourite fics (that you’ve written!) and why you like them
have yourself a merry little christmas (make the yuletide gay) 
yoi | victuuri | nsfw | 9k the reason why I love it is v simple: it’s full of sweet, winter fluff and doting on vitya nikiforov which I always will put before everything else 🙏🙏
if there's a will, there's a way
yoi | victuuri | 17k+ this fic is my baby and I have such huge plans for it that I’m almost scared of writing it but gosh I love it? it’s a historical fantasy au which is totally something of a crown jewel in my writing imo and I’m super proud of what already is posted and what else is to come
to keep you warm   
yoi | victuuri | 8k it’s another one of my multiple fantasy au fics bc I live for those and I adore this one especially bc of the imageries, it gives me good vibes and I loved writing it, and I still love coming back to it every now and then
oh ye of so little faith
dna | miyusawa | 32k what can I say? it’s another fantasy au, yes, you guessed it lol I just really love them? and I love this one bc of the characterisation which I’m super proud of and the character development and the actual writing I put into this bc I worked super hard on it and it still pains me that it received only so little attention //sighs
The Matchmaker
hq | kurohina | nsfw | 73k oh gosh there’s so many things I can say about this one but I’ll stop at the most important one: it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written and I’ll forever be proud of myself for sticking it out and finishing it //pats myself on the back
this was actually pretty fun so I’ll tag @kaja-skowronek, @shslshortie, @the-world-of-illyas-james, @starrwinter, @thatravenclawnextdoor and @harmonization
tagged by @kaja-skowronek thank you!!
relationship status: can’t believe I’m actually typing this but... taken ;3c
favorite color: I don’t have only one, but I’m really in love with the pastels recently
favorite hobby: definitely writing!
last song: transit by takaaki natsushiro bc I’m rewatching yowapeda before new season hits
last movie: caught the last scenes of hp and the sorcerer’s stone last night on tv ;3c
top three shows: wow... that’s tough. yoi is definitely the top top, but the other two I’d say daiya and khr bc the nostalgia is strong these days
I’m not tagging anyone for this one, but if someone wants to do it, I’m tagging you personally ^u^)b
phew, this was a lot to go through yhchyvbjn I’m so bad at doing these orz I’m so sorry yall it’s been like months since some of these tags I’m a lazy shit ahaha anyway, thanks so much for all of it, I really loved these!!! 💕
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