#but my phone is with someone else so ugggh
Did Nekomaru get a heart attack?
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*shoots at 5 different targets at the same time* ...
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Okay good, great job everyone! Now time for Neko-!
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Go-Go-Good... keep...going....!
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Nekomaru...? Are you okay?
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Huh? What's going on? Nekomaru...?
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Hey dude, you doing good?
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I don't think so, hey Nekomaru do you need some water?
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Hey coach, c'mon it's time for a fight! Are you really gonna give up like that!
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Nekomaru...? Are you sure your alright, I...I think we should get you to the hospital.
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Look! He say he's fine so he's fine, besides he can handle himse-!
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I-I'm...sorry... *As then Nekomaru falls to the ground and passes out, holding his chest*
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Hu-Huh?! What...!
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NEKOMARU!!! *rushes over and turns him over as shaking him*
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Wh-What...?! What just happen, Nekomaru!
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Holy shit, dude what happen to him!
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Oh gosh, th-this is bad! I...I'll get Mikan!
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Ri-Right, let's go and get her right this instant!
*Peko and Suzko left the gym*
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Ne-Nekomaru, are you alright?! Help is coming just breath carefully, I'll perform CPR!
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*trying to steady his breath* uh...ugggh....!
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*As then Miwa checks for breathing* He's still breathing, I better perform CPR...!
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Someone call 119 right now!
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*takes his phone out and dials the number* Got it!
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Is there anything else we need to do?
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Get the paramedics here, Nekomaru needs to get to the hospital right now!
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Go-Got it! Hatomi let's go!
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Wait but I need to change!
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Look will worry about that later, we need to save Nekomaru!
*the trio rush out of the gym*
'Today happen so quickly and we acted just as quickly, it was very unexpected...'
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ellovett · 5 years
I’m gonna lay off tumblr for a while :,) please tag your posts with spoilers as ‘twst spoilers’ so that you can’t spoil anyone who hasn’t played. I’m gonna play the game soon but until then im just gonna step back from tumblr. Good luck to @unofficial-twstd with the translations, yall are great! And I hope everyone’s having fun with the game :DD
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x09 Changelings
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Okay, another episode I have hardly any memory of. Oh! Is it a Rumbelle flashback? I feel like Gideon is in this one. It’s so weird not having memorised or deeply analysed s6. I’ve rewatched and analysed other seasons so many times but I’ve probably seen this season twice at most. I hate not remembering things. I must know everything!!
Are the fairies still nuns, as Whale asked in s2? You would have thought Christianity and magic wouldn’t mix but maybe they found a way.
Okay! I’m getting a strong sense my girl Belle is about to do something batsh*t! I love it when she does things completely bananas! 
Belle: “He’s trying to scare me so I’ll go back to him.” Yep. Generally, not a good technique for getting someone back.
Okay, but how on earth does Belle know the baby is a boy???
There’s a manual on defeating the Dark One? Gideon must have somehow placed that there. 
Ugggh. Finding it really difficult to concentrate here because here I am watching a show about magic, which is completely fiction while my mum is on the phone with my Nanna talking about fantastical witchcraft and how everyone is casting curses on them as though its real. I am going to scream. 
It’s giddy up Gideon!
It must be weird seeing your child all grown up before it’s born. 
I forget, is this a genuine vision of Gideon who’s trying to help or are the Black Fairy or Gideon manipulating Belle? 
Did he cut his own fate?
Ooh! Call back to s1! I’m guessing Snow doesn’t know Sidney killed her father. Or she probably does due to the Agrabahn vipers.
Don’t you touch Zelena, Split Queen istg!!
Why doesn’t Zelena even fight Split Queen?! Maybe she thinks she’ll just absorb her magic like Hyde did, which I’m not entirely sure if she possesses that power. But Zelena could have taken her! I don’t know why they didn’t show Zelena’s true magic potential this season.
Good! Thanks Reggie! 
Squid ink does not last long.
Oh my God! Leave Belle alone! 
Bell speaks fairy language?
Oh! He knew she was going to translate it so used that to his advantage by tricking her into it! Clever!
Oh. He didn’t use the magic to speed up her pregnancy?
Stop being a zingwhipper, Regina! Hades killed Robin.
Zelena: “you’ve been forgiven. You’ve grown. You’ve changed.” Regina: “You’re not me.” No, you’re much worse, Regina! I can’t with this hypocrisy, again. You’ve slaughtered villages upon villages with children. What makes you so special that you’re worthy of forgiveness but someone who hasn’t even committed half the murders you have isn’t?? And worthy of your forgiveness no less?! You’d think Regina would be more forgiving given the heinous crimes she’s committed but I guess not if her revenge on a ten-year-old is anything to go by. I’m not saying any of them are worthy of forgiveness or not but if we’re gonna forgive a child mass murderer we might as well forgive everyone else. 
Aladdin! If Ouat in Wonderland is anything to go by, becoming a genie is a huge sacrifice!
Blue! You got big for no reason! Why does she keep doing that this season? It goes against her abhorrence at Tinker Bell doing that.
Blue: “no one knows exactly (why the Black Fairy turned evil).” Another lie! Blue was literally there when it happened!
This must have been one of the only times Belle got out of the castle during her stay of a few months there.
Emma is so checked out this season and the last. Girl needs some coca cola or something.
Who sped up Belle’s pregnancy?!
Okay, but I am so attracted to the black fairy.
Also, she gives me Bellatrix Lestrange vibes.
You can tell she cares for Rumple by the way she looks at him. I’m not sure why she’s pretending that she doesn’t. Maybe I’ve forgotten something.
No need to hurt him!
I remember those few episodes where I thought Rumple was half-fairy and Henry was an eighth fairy lmao!
Well, at least Emma was kind enough to be there for Belle. God knows not a damn soul else looks out for her.
“Can you push me on the swing, mummy?” What? Loooool!
Did Belle just freaking black out during childbirth in order to see Gideon? She must have. When I have kids, I bet I’ll just straight up blackout during the first 5 minutes of labour. So many times I’ve had stomachache I’ve ended up unconscious on the bathroom floor lmao. I just can’t handle it! 
Gideon: “You know what you must do.” Belle: “Go into complete batsh*t insane mode again?” Gideon: “You know it!”
Belle, why are you listening to a vision that is probably the product of being blackout-drugged up to your eyeballs on painkillers??!
The stupid flipping book lol. Mustn't forget the book!
Belle, honey, this is a little extreme. I get you wanna keep him safe from Rumple but it’s not worth sending him to live in the freaking clouds! Whatever Rumple is going to do, which likely isn’t to hurt his son, is not worth leaving your baby to the fairies!
And you’re trusting him with Blue of all people?! She probably wanted this to happen!
Gideon means destroyer. I knew he was going to be a villain from the moment she named him that.
Jesus, she is obsessed with that book. I mean, her mum died trying to save some books so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s like everything she does is to be like the characters in that book but, like, to a detrimental effect!
“Okay, Giddy Up, look after Mummy’s book and don’t damage it or get food marks on it! Byeeeeee!”
That was absolutely bananas, Belle!
I do feel for Rumple here. Lost another son. 
Did he speed up her pregnancy?
Belle could have at least have gone with Gideon, no?
These parents are supposed to be Jack and Jill. Aren’t Jack and Jill meant to be brother and sister?! 
Oh! Split Queen sped up the pregnancy! 
Oh God, he has to find his son again! Oh no! 
Emma, are you okay? You seem tired to the point of being a different character who has possessed Emma’s body since season 5!! I miss s1-4 Emma so bad.
Destroy the sword, guys! 
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Ghost” Part 1
Bane’s wife is a mystery to everyone, including her husband. Ghost also happens to be The Joker’s little obsession, not that she ever pays attention to him. Maybe that’s why The King of Gotham should stop messing around: when you push too much, you might get more than you bargained for.
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“Boss,” Frost makes his presence known in the VIP room. “Ghost is here.”
“Don’t make her wait,” The Clown growls and Jonny nods in acceptance, aware the woman’s infamous temper might create some unwanted trouble if she gets delayed from her schedule.
The Joker passes his fingers through the neon green hair, not that it needs fixing; he also unbuttons another button from his purple shirt, only two of them holding the garment together now. A quick glance to the other man present here: still on the couch facing the windows depicting the busy night at the club; earbuds in while listening to an important cell phone message received a few minutes ago.
Might as well take advantage of the situation.
You part the sparkly beads and enter the premises, immediately positioning yourself on the loveseat across from The Joker’s without any invitation.
“Hi Mister J,” you flatly greet without any trace of emotion.
“Hello Ghost,” The King of Gotham checks out the guest since he finds the creature totally fascinating.
I mean, why wouldn’t he be captivated? You have white hair shaved on the left side that’s meant to expose the skull tattoo you got after you’ve met your husband; smoky, dark red eyeshadow and glossy lips. You always wear black, tight skin leather suits and boots; not high heeled because it’s not your style: more like the heavy military kind, custom ordered to match your spouse’s.  
“I have a business proposal; name your price,” The Joker grins and you give him a cold stare.
“I’m listening.”
“I want you to kill Bane for me.”
“Why?” you tilt your head in annoyance.
“I can’t stand him,” the honest response prompts retaliation from the guy that finally realized you’re there and just took his earbuds off:
“Stop hitting on my wife!” Bane huffs, displeased with J’s nonsense.
You’re not a big fan of The Joker either, yet you attempt to avoid useless conflict.
“I’m going to get me a drink. HB, want one?” you address your husband and he signals for his favorite.
“Triple shot of whiskey, no ice.”
“Be right back,” you announce and prepare to leave but tonight’s host is not happy with the outcome:
“I want a drink too.”
“Ask your girlfriend,” you cut J off and he underlines:
“She’s not here yet.”
“Too bad and so sad,” Y/N grumbles while vanishing from the VIP room.
Bane can’t hold in a very amused chuckle and choses to start something for the heck of it:
“Imagine being with a strong minded woman that does what she wants.”
J is far from receptive about Bane’s insinuation, definitely mad you brushed him off:
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”
“Did you ever hear the expression: jerk to the world but not to your girl?” Bane’s distorted tone amplifies today’s advice. “You might want to apply that to your fragile relationships.”
“Spare me your wisdom, HB!” The Clown Prince of Crime emphasizes the initials, deciding to counterattack. “B is from Bane, obviously,” he thinks he found something to make fun of. “H Comes from… Herbert? Hugh? Hedwig?”
Your spouse would love to wipe out J’s almighty smirk with a punch; savoring the aftermath of telling him the truth is infinitely better:
“HB comes from Handsome Brute; my wife calls me that.”
The Joker doesn’t have time to comment though: Y/N returns with the drinks and positions herself on Bane’s knees, helping him taking off his mask so he can enjoy his whiskey.
“Hey Ghost, how come you don’t smile or laugh?” The King of Gotham continues to be obnoxious, still upset you didn’t indulge his request for a beverage.
“I do,” you reply and guzzle down half of your drink at once. “HB makes me laugh all the time; he’s hilarious.”
J glares at the couple with his mouth slightly open; it’s fair to say you are probably the most serious people he does business with. I mean, sometimes you have this expression on your face that could pass as a grin in disguise and your husband…well, the way he looks makes it impossible to imagine him cracking up about anything.
“Duly noted,” The Joker scoffs and Frost suddenly yells loud enough to be heard from outside the VIP room:
“Sir, the truck is here!”
J gets pumped up and rushes out, urging his companions to follow. “Come on, let’s see if it was worth the wait!”
But Y/N and her spouse don’t oblige: Bane finishes his drink in one sip and you place your glass on the small coffee table nearby, casually mentioning:
“I’m late.”
“No you’re not,” he’s fast to disagree while pointing at his wrist watch. “You’re always on time.”
You place his hand on your tummy and it clicks.
“Oooh,” Bane gulps and his wife has to add the necessary info:
“Just a little bit over a week, might be nothing. I’ll have to check it out.”
“Oh my God…” he zones out since the possibility of becoming a father sounds exciting and terrifying all at once. “We might have created a tiny Ghost.”
“Maybe, but I have to let you know I have no idea how to be a mom.”
“Me neither,” his witty answer makes you snort before bursting out laughing like crazy.
The Joker is on the hallway and stops, confused: he’s returning to the VIP section to see why you didn’t follow him, yet the contagious snickering coming from inside baffles his mind: are you two laughing?!
“Bane!! Ghost!! Are you coming or not?!” he shouts and the chuckle slowly dies out as you help your other half put on the mask. 
“Yeah, coming!” the pair joins The Clown towards the exit leading to the private parking lot behind the club.
“What were you talking about?” J curiously inquires.
“Personal stuff,” Bane gives an elusive explanation and opens the emergency door, firmly halting The Joker’s movement. “Ladies first!”
“For God’s sake,” J puffs and waits for you to pass by.
“Where are your manners, hm?” your husband scolds since he doesn’t approve of the host’s behavior.
“Would you give it a rest?!” The King of Gotham impatiently speeds up, fed up with Bane’s bickering.
As you walk towards the truck, you notice something you don’t like: the new muscle hired just a week ago is smoking without a care in the universe. You stomp towards him, yank the cigarette out of his fingers and step on it, aggravated:
“No smoking around my husband; you know the rule!!!”
The crew knows this is law simply because Bane has breathing problems but Lenox decides to mumble a thing or two to himself regarding the feisty woman. That’s too bad: your spouse doesn’t like it one bit. You don’t even have a chance to react to the observations since the goon is slammed against the nearest SUV by a very enraged husband.
“My wife’s a Goddess, you fucking asshole! You’re lucky if she blinks your way!”
The man is trying to escape the tight grip, the elbow forcefully pushing into his Adam’s apple not budging.
“I’m s-sorry boss,” Lenox struggles to speak and the noise of broken bone brings the quarrel to an end.
“You’re fired!” are the last words the henchman distinguishes as his limp body falls to the ground.    
The Joker’s girlfriend sneaks up and grabs his hand, uneasy about what she just witnessed.
“Elected to show up?!” J growls, instantaneously criticizing her lack of coordination. “I told you to be here at 7pm sharp!”
“Sorry baby, there was a lot of traffic on the freeway. What happened?”
”Ugggh,” The Clown scoffs, unwilling to describe the events. “Clean up the mess!” he orders and pushes her arm away since he’s not in the mood for cheap affection.
Kara sighs, upset she can’t squeeze any type of intimacy from him except for the instances when they sleep together. The Joker abandons her, more interested in Ghost because she’s already digging in some crates lowered from the truck, not even phased by Bane’s performance.
“Did you find items that strike your fancy?” he hovers over your boxes.
“Yeah, this gun, “ you show him the pistol decorated with skulls. “ Matches my motorcycle.”
“Very nice,” he praises your option and leans to whisper: “One of these days I would love to sink my teeth in you. I bet you taste good.”
Such an inappropriate remark would usually prompt a punch or a bullet from your part, yet you are dealing with the dreadful Joker: he’s not worth the trouble. Instead you lift your tight sleeve higher, exposing skin that you take directly to his lips.
“Go ahead then: take a bite, this way we can all go on with our lives.”
In the meantime, Bane is talking to his mercenaries, instructing them to load the merchandise he’ll pick in the trunks of the bigger cars.  
“Ghost!” he calls out. “I need you to lead the convoy afterwards!”
Apparently you have your hand up to The Joker’s mouth: did he blur out some crap again?! Definitely.
Yet you abandon your problem-project, waving at your husband.
Kara approaches also, not understanding what she saw from a distance.
“Hi Ghost,” the woman sadly acknowledges, jealous The Clown’s unwanted flirting might interfere with their already frail arrangement.  
“Hey,” you elegantly reject more dialogue, pretending to be immersed in your task.
“I’ll go see what else we received,” J groans and shamelessly discloses his thoughts with his girlfriend standing right there. “When you get bored with Bane, maybe you’ll allow me to make you my Queen.”
Kara’s heart sinks at his indifference regarding her hurt feelings; Ghost certainly has no patience for his shenanigans.
“I’m already someone’s Goddess and I’d rather die than settle for less!”
The Joker smirks, groping his girlfriend in the process. He hops in the truck, starting to search the containers, entirely ignoring Kara and your reply to his proposal.
She sniffles after the humiliation on having her man utter such aberrations straight under her nose.
“You have to keep him in a leash; he sure loves to bark a lot,” you feel the urge to add, irritated she’s such a pushover. “I’m not interested in his rubbish,” you take pity on her pathetic demeanor. “He’s totally howling at the wrong tree mostly to exasperate you and my husband.”
Kara nods a yes, unconvinced her boyfriend’s reasons are the same with the ones you’re illustrating; she tried to unsuccessfully befriend you for a while now, her desire linked to J’s twisted interest in another guy’s wife. Her logic is not the greatest: if you believe getting close to the woman your partner has a special attraction for will help your case, then you should recheck your priorities.
Ghost never gave a damn about becoming Kara’s buddy since she doesn’t tolerate people to begin with. Except Bane. He’s special.
“Mmm…” The Joker’s girl fusses with her minuscule purse,”do you happen to have a pad? I thought I had an extra one in here.”
“Nope, but my husband does,” you serenely admit.
“Huh?” she hums, completely baffled.
“HB!!!” you get his attention. “I need you for a sec!”
He comes to meet you at the end of the truck, lowering himself so you can reach his heavy vest. One of the many pockets contains the required product and you can’t help but soothe his disappointment:
“No worries, it’s not for me,” you wink and he exhales, relieved.
As soon as Bane returns by his side, The Joker has to say it:
“You often carry feminine hygiene articles inside your gear?”
“Ghost might need it,” your spouse marvels at J’s question. “You don’t do that for your girl?!”
J doesn’t like to be put on the spot, yet your spouse grills him on regular basis as a payback for The Clown’s numerous offenses.
“I have no space,” he wiggles his way out of it.
“You got pockets attached to your fancy suits, correct? I’m sure you have enough anatomy knowledge to understand such matters and how simple it is to improve your woman’s life with such a small thing.”
“Would you give me a break?!” J interrupts Bane. “Nobody cares to hear about how perfect you are.”
HB doesn’t appreciate the irony in The King’s tone:
“You’re so hopeless,” he justly deduces, raising a massive crate with ammo he finds useful for his team. “I’ll take half of everything,” Bane changes subject, actually bored with teasing The Joker.
The convoy is exiting the parking lot following your lead: you usually ride your motorcycle in front of the vehicles, scouting ahead when necessary. You never know when there’s a road blockage or accident where cops will be patrolling the area; it’s wiser to steer clear of redundant trouble.
Your husband is driving the first truck behind you, followed by four more vans and six SUV’s. He wouldn’t have it any other way: Bane’s addicted to the nice view of seeing Ghost mounted on her customized Harley Davidson: skulls painted against a shiny, clear background to match her tattoo, a gift from him for your four year wedding anniversary.
“Your butt looks very nice on that bike,” he compliments and you giggle through the mike in your helmet. “I can’t wait to…”
“Boss,” Eric cuts in. “You forgot to switch the frequency to the other line; we can all hear you.”
“Goddamned jerks!” Bane groans and pushes the red button on his walkie-talkie, vexed he forgot to switch the channels.
You laugh at his frustration, finding it priceless this keeps on happening.
“Yes, I know you can’t wait to get home,” you snort and accelerate. “Me too; it’s been a long day and sex is bound to do the trick and wind us down.”
Watching Ghost’s long, white hair flying in the wind makes Bane even more impatient.
“We might need to pull over, not sure I can make it.”
“You have to,” his wife advices. “Otherwise we’ll be late and we might bump into traffic coming from 205 Southbound.”
“Shit…” he reckons you’re not wrong. “I’ll try my best but I can’t make any promises.”
After two hours
You ignore the first knock. The second and third also.  
“Jesus!” you moan, disappointed with the interference.
Bane continues to kiss your neck, making his way down your cleavage: he sure adores the red, skimpy little bra you’re wearing.
More knocking.
“You must be kidding me!” you grind your teeth and get off him, leaving a disappointed husband hanging by a thread.
“If it’s one of the boys I’ll bash their brains in!” he threatens and you tug on the door handle, prepared to lash out when the sight of Kara catches you by surprise.
“Yes?...” you roll of eyes at the unwelcomed visitor while wrapping the bathrobe around your frame.
“Hi Ghost,” she swallows her tears and you can see she is fighting to stay calm. “Is J here?”
“He’s not answering his phone,” she gulps and nervously bundles in the thin coat she’s wearing, unconsciously attempting to cover her ripped skirt.
“Well, he’s not here,” you make it short but something about her strange behavior causes a small investigation. “What’s wrong?”
She chokes and suddenly bursts out crying, struggling to articulate the sentences. 
“J l-eft me at the c-club to wait for him and o-one…one of the bouncers tried to rape m-me.”
You’re silent for a few moments before inviting her in your home. No wonder security let her pass: they recognized The Joker’s girlfriend and assumed she was expected.
“This way,” you guide her towards the living room, gesturing for one of the chairs. “Sit!”
She can’t stop sobbing and you pour some bourbon in a glass, encouraging her to drink.
“Finish this!”
Kara sips the alcohol and her shaky hands almost drop the container.
You take a blanket from the sofa and cover her with it, immediately snatching your cell from the table.
You touch the screen and it rings just once.
“Hello there.”
He sure picked up right away.
“Why aren’t you answering your phone?!”
“I just did.”
“Your girlfriend is trying to reach you!” Ghost mutters, literally pissed at his conduct.
“I’m busy,” he takes the easy way out and you are instantly fired up:
“If you would pay attention to Kara instead of wasting your charms on a married woman maybe the idiots working for you wouldn’t assume they can take liberties without any type of consequences!!!!”
J is stunned you’re screaming like that, yet he wants to find out what’s going on.
“What do you mean?!”
“One of your bouncers at the club tried to rape her and you won’t even answer her calls!”
The King of Gotham is dumbfounded and speechless for once since someone would dare such an affront.
“Lemme talk to her,” he requires and you hand over the phone to the horrified girlfriend; she has a difficult time telling him the details of her scary experience and how she barely escaped the attack.
You keep on gazing at her, Kara’s misfortune striking a chord within your soul: her situation reminds you of your past, although the circumstances were quite different.
Five years ago, Y/N survived her faith; the man responsible for creating the Goddess she is today saved her and didn’t ask for anything in return, not even for a name.
Although she told him once.
And he decided there’s nothing better than a mysterious Ghost, except being loved by one.
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Expecting the Unexpected Part 4
IM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! I have been slammed with school and work so I’ve barely had time to write! Luckily I was sick for the past couple days and finally got to finish it. I hope you all LOVE it as much as i loved writing it for you all.
Warnings: fluff, angst, childhood illness, SMUT (at the end)
Word Count: 6500+
Summary: When Joe gets back from his recent business trip he notices something is up with your new little one. Can an urgent ER trip change your lives for good?
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That night was even worse. Every couple hours Scarlet’s walling would jolt you both out of your sleep, her cries crushing your hearts with each beat. You turned to your phone for the time, 3:47 am.
“It’s my turn, I’ll go try to calm her down again.”
Joe was so strong through all of this and you never understood how. He had his breaking moments, but never let you feel like you were alone, his constant reminder that you all were going to get through this. Scarlet was going to win this battle.
He was persistent about you staying in bed. Not only did you watch Scarlet constantly during her treatment the day before but Joe knew that you weren’t eating because of your anxiety. His worries only grew as you continue to push aside your health for Scarlet. Of course he understands why you’re doing it, you can’t help, it but he just wants you to be healthy.
The last thing you remember was Joe crawling back into bed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a light peck against your forehead.
“I love you Y/N. It’s crazy how much I love you, you know that?”
“What’s crazier is that I love you even more.” you whispered in a daze, your eyes quickly getting heavier by the minute.
“Not possible my love. You are my everything and more. The both of you.”
He kissed you passionately against your lips, his soft lips melting into yours, each time falling deeper and deeper into him. He was such a tease but you were both so tired that this was all you needed. Each other. Him holding you. Falling asleep in his arms.
The warm sunshine woke you from your well needed rest. The only thing missing was Joey but you figured he just went to check on Scarlet. A quick buzz of your phone drew your attention as the screen lit up.
“Joe Mazzello leaves Oscars in a hurry. What’s actually going on and is there another “hospital visit” in store?”
Normally you would be furious at the press but your worries were easily redirected to the bigger picture. Scarlet. You always knew that dating Joe would bring unnecessary attention to your life but you could care less about the media. Joe was your true love, your soulmate, he was everything to you and more. A little press wasn’t going to change that. Then came marriage and little Scarlet. Everything was falling into place and the media was there to share it the whole time. Even when the press angered you, Joe was there to remind you that nothing else mattered to him but you. Only you.
After browsing through the various press releases about your husband and his ‘dramatic’ exit, you finally brought yourself to stumble out of bed. Not so gracefully throwing on one of Joe’s hoodies, you made your way down the hall to Scarlet’s room only to find your adorable husband asleep while swaddling your precious little one. Their snores, although cute, bounced off the walls into an echo. You couldn’t help but laugh. Scarlet was a perfect mix of you both but she has the best of Joe’s personality. You threw on a fuzzy blanket over Joey’s legs and cracked the door open ever so slightly, trying to avoid waking your sleepy family.
You threw yourself into your husband’s spot on the couch and clicked on one of the movies Joe always kept in the dvd player, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. It was always one of your favorites but Joe opened a new view of the movie to you. His experience with film making and acting always made movies so much more magical to you. Visiting on set, dress rehearsals, press tours, everything that went along with the movie was a new experience. You always tried your best to have these experiences with Joe. Undrafted was the first time you both got the chance to do it together as a married couple. He always took you with him for interviews, showings, even most of the filming days.
A familiar buzz took you from the memory as you glanced to the coffee table, it was Gwilym.
Morning Y/N, I tried to reach Joe but didn’t get an answer. We were all just wondering if you all would like to go out for some tea later, say about noon? We both know how much Joe loves a good afternoon tea, or literally anytime he can have it. It’s just a little something for us to show our support, plus it’s been a while and we’d love to catch up! Kisses to Scarlet for me! X
You were very quick to reply. Whenever you could hang out with the gang, you always took the invitation. Plus Joe could use some quality time with his friends and you really just wanted to take your mind off of things and talk with Lucy.
Of course Gwil! We’d love to. The Huntington Rose Garden Tea Room is our favorite in the area! Please tell me you’re bringing that lovely fiancé of yours, Lucy and I need another girl to talk with.
Yes she is! I take her everywhere after all. She’s dying to meet the little one! Hopefully she’s not feeling to bad. I am so so sorry about everything that’s happened. Just know that we are all here for you guys if you need anything!
Thank you Gwil that’s very kind of you all. See you at noon!
Time felt like it flew by. It was about 10am when you heard footsteps coming from around the corner.
“Good morning my love. Someone felt a little ill so I slept in the rocking chair last night.” he mumbled, rubbing circles into his eyes.
“I saw. All I have to say is how did I get so lucky to have a sexy, multi-talented husband who cares for his child and wife while dropping everything to be with them. You really are my knight in shinning armor Mazzello, you know that?”
His eyes couldn’t leave your face, your body. His gaze grew deeper into yours, falling in love with you more than he ever thought possible. He inched closer to you by the second, his lips soon locked to yours. Joe set the sleepy child into her portable crib he assembled the day before. He swiftly twirled you back into his arms, your lips interlocked again. You pushed him into the couch, quick to hover over him as your touch remained constant. His hands sliding down your back as you inched closer to each other.
“You drive me absolutely insane Y/N.”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing as you.”
Your touch never left his body, the distance from each of you nonexistent. If it weren’t for the little one right across the room you knew for sure it would have been more than a steamy make out session.
“You’re such a tease Mazzello.”
“I am? Speak for yourself.”
You both fell into simultaneous giggles, your head leaning against his chest as he stroked your hair.
“I could do this everyday. Just you and me. On this couch. But a little more-“
“Watch it Joe. Baby in the room.”
His gaze grew deeper into yours as a smile creeped along his face.
“Well, you already know then don’t you.”
“I have an... idea I suppose.” you said, a wink shooting in your husband direction.
“God the things I could do to you.”
“What. It’s true.”
“Ugggh, you tease.”
His playful smile soon fell to yours in a slow, passion filled kiss. It was true that Joe always felt like home. Even if it wasn’t New York, whenever you were with Joe you always felt safe. Nothing was ever gonna happen to his favorite girls after all.
“I almost forgot. Gwil texted earlier, invited us to afternoon tea with the whole gang.”
“Your joking.” he said, barely hiding the excitement in his eyes.
“Am not. Told him we’d bring the whole fam. After all, it’s been a while since we’ve taken Scarlet out and it could does us all some good to get out of this apartment.”
“I love you.”
“I love you to Joey.”
He placed a kiss against your forehead as he continued to rub your arm.
“I’m glad you’re here. With me. I don’t know what I would do if I never meet you all those years ago. Tom really did do his magic didn’t he.”
You giggled. Tom Hanks was originally the one who introduced the two of you. You weren’t an actress but he was a family friend and knew about your love for film. He insisted you come to set and even offered you a role as an extra for the end of the shoot.
“I couldn’t Tom. I’m not even an actress.”
“Come on Y/N I know you’d love it!”
As much as you wanted to say no a cute, fiery redhead walking this way had other ideas.
“Oh you have to take the part. A gorgeous girl like you can’t just be sitting on the sidelines. You’d be perfect!” he said, his eyes fighting to stay on yours.
“Y/N this is Joe Mazzello. He plays Eugene.”
Your face instantly flushed a deep shade of pink as you saw Tom’s smile grow from ear to ear out of the corner of your eye.
“I’ll leave you two to talk.”
“So what’s a gorgeous girl like you saying no to Tom Hanks?”
“Oh Tom is just a family friend. I’m no actress.”
“I beg to differ. With that personality you could do anything.”
He smiled. You could tell that even though he came on strong, deep down he was really shy and judging by the group of men whispering from a far, this seemed to be a big step for him.
“Well I was wondering if uh- you wanted to uh-“ he stumbled over his words, the confidence he had quickly turning into his shy persona again.
“Get coffee sometime?” you giggled.
“Really? You want to go out with me?”
“I don’t see why not. You are very sweet.”
He blushed before your turned to give him your number. Little did you know, that the part Tom has planned for you was to dance with Joe’s character at the end of the final episode. Even though it was cut from the show, Tom had planned for you to meet Joe the whole time. When he spoke at your wedding along side Steven Spielberg, they mentioned how one day they were talking about the two of you and noticed how similar of a chemistry you both had. Ever since then you’ve been together and you both owe it all to those lovely men.
Joe noticed how you were day dreaming. He could only wonder what you could possibly be thinking about. He loved how that intelligent brain of yours worked. When he looked at you again he noticed you dozed off. Considering that you were laying on top of him, he just held you tight, never letting go. He always felt the need to let you know how much he loved you.
You were both soon woken up by the small cries of your ill child from across the room. It hurt you to see Scarlet in such discomfort. Even though she wasn’t throwing up anymore and most of the hard side-effects had worn off by now, you could still tell she wasn’t her best. You grabbed her medicine off the counter and swopped her up to breastfeed. It was only a few more hours before you left and you didn’t want her to be cranky considering it would be the first time you all hung out in a while. You quickly swaddled her before laying back next to Joe to feed her.
“You’re amazing. I honestly don’t know how you do it.” he smiled.
He always knew you would be a fantastic mother. He could tell just by the first time you both spoke about having children, the tone of passion and excitement in your voice.
Joe offered to finish cleaning up Scarlet so you could go and start to get ready. Bless that man. You decided to go with something simple and just throw on some jeans and a comfy sweater. You were just about to leave the bathroom when you looked in the mirror,
“Yikes. Looks like I didn’t get very much sleep last night after all.”
You quickly powdered your faces and threw on some sloppy concealer just to cover your under eyes before heading down the hall to Scarlet’s room.
“Joey honey go get ready, I can get her dressed.”
“I’d love to but you know this is my favorite part.”
You both laughed in unison. It was true, Joe was quite the fashionista when it came to baby clothes.
“Ok well I’m on baby duty when you’re done Mazzello. We are running late.”
“Yes ma’am.”
God he always knew just how to make you laugh.
You swooped the baby from his arms as you pointed to the bedroom door, obviously trying to hold in your giggles. You slowly rocked your little one as you sang one of her favorite songs, trying to get that cute little smile out of her.
I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life
It didn’t take very long for her sweet, gentle eyes to light up across her face.
“How did mommy ever get so lucky to be blessed with you and daddy?”
Little did you know, Joe was standing in the doorway all jazzed up and snapping pictures of the two of you.
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“Have you been there the whole time?”
“Most of it. We’re gonna be late but I could stand here and watch you all day.” he giggled, a tear running from his eye.
“Aww love, don’t cry.” tears were quickly forming in your eyes.
“You both are just so incredible. I don’t know who i’d be without you.”
He encased you in his arms, his chin resting on your head while one hand wrapped around your waist and the other on Scarlet’s head. You wish the moments like these could last forever. While you rushed out the door and got Scarlet all situated in her car seat, Joe made sure that everything you might need was in her diaper bag and quickly followed you.
It was about a 45 minute drive to the tea room and Scarlet slept for most of the car ride, although both Joe and your singing might have woken her up a few times. Thankfully she was in a great mood.
“I’m so glad we get to do this. I know how much you’ve wanted to do something like this since the diagnosis.”
“I’m just glad I get to do it with you. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner to spend the rest of my life with.” the tears slowly began to fill your eyes.
“Aww baby don’t cry. I know it’s been tough but I will always be here every step of the way, through everything, not just this.”
“I love everything about you Joey. Even your snores no matter how many times I have to nudge you at night.” Your tears soon turned to laughter before you both got out of the car.
The paparazzi had been following your car for the past 15 minutes so you already knew what to expect. Joe had quickly unbuckled Scarlet and swaddled her in the blanket before he came around the car to grab your hand. Thankfully Ben had come outside to help escort you both past the outrageous amount of cameras.
“Seems like you three are quite the popular bunch.” Ben joked.
“To bad it’s just to find out about if we are doing our jobs as parents right.” you muttered.
Joe placed his hand against your low back, slowing rubbing up and down.
“Are you crazy? Obviously you both are the best parents. Everyone knows it, even the paps.” Gwil chimed in.
“Uggh it’s just frustrating. I know i’m not supposed to care what they think but this is mine and Joe’s child they are talking about.”
Joe could tell you were getting upset just by the way you were holding his hand.
“Why don’t we go find our table yeah?” Joe implied, looking to Ben.
Ben noticed what Joe was trying to do.
“Hey Y/N/N, you mind if I pull Joe aside really quick.” Ben asked.
“You don’t have to ask silly.” you smiled, taking the baby from Joe’s arms.
“Besides I think everyone is dying to see Scarlet anyway.”
As you walked away from the two handsome men, you were greeted by Rami, Lucy and Gwilym’s fiancé who you had met a couple times before.
“Oh my gosh Y/N has she grow already since the last time we saw her? It’s only been a few weeks!” Lucy exclaimed.
“I know she is growing like crazy lately. It makes mommy a little sad doesn’t it sweetie.” you say, as you direct your attention to your daughter who Gwil was now holding.
“She better stop growing, otherwise I won’t get to call her my little squirt anymore!” Rami laughed while Lucy nudged his arm playfully.
You noticed that Joe had been gone for a while now and it was starting to worry you. What could he possibly be planning? Was he ok? Your anxiety was starting to get the best of you after the encounter you had not long before.
“Excuse me for just a moment, I’m gonna go to the ladies room. Lu do you mind watching Scarlet for a minute?” you said as your worried expression was painted across your face.
“Sure love! Scarlet loves her auntie Lucy time huh little one?” she said as she let your little one hold her finger.
As you got up Gwil noticed a tear running down your cheek. He looked to his fiancé with a concerned look on his face,
“Love would you go check on her? I think she’s having a rough time with all of this.”
Gwil had told her about everything Joe had said the night before so she was somewhat caught up to speed.
“Of course, I can’t imagine any of this being easy for them.”
Just as she began to walk away Joe and Ben had entered the private room to join the rest of the group. Joe scanned the room for you after noticing Scarlet was with Lucy.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“Oh she just went to the restroom, she should be back in a second.” Lucy said, but something still seemed a little off to Joe considering the way you stayed close to him earlier.
“Joe-“ Gwil whispered, trying to get Joe’s attention.
He looked to Gwil instantly. Maybe he knew something?
“I noticed Y/N starting to get upset before she left so my fiancé went to check on her. Is everything all right?”
Joe hesitated. He didn’t know if he should tell him or not but Gwil was one of his best friends and Rami and Ben already knew.
“She’s been having a rough time. Her anxiety hasn’t been the best lately and it’s been hard for us with the whole diagnosis and all.” He looked to Scarlet, holding in whatever tears he had left.
“Joe I- I had no idea man. I’m sorry.” he could tell Gwil felt bad for asking, it was a touchy subject after all.
“No Gwil it’s ok. We appreciate everything all of you have done for us. It’s been hard and it’s not going to get any easier but with all of you supporting us it’s been very helpful. We can’t thank you guys enough.”
He smiled resting his hand on Gwil’s shoulder.
“I’m gonna go check on Y/N and see if she’s alright.”
Joe couldn’t get up from his seat any faster, his worries about you growing with every step.
You heard a knock on the door as you were crying into Gwilym’s fiancé’s shoulder.
“Who is it?” she said, trying to hand you more tissues.
“It’s Joe. Honey are you okay?”
You looked up from her shoulder.
“Baby please come in.” you managed to spit out between sobs.
He swiftly opened the door encasing you in his arms.
“Love oh no. Are you alright?”
“I’ll give you some privacy.” she said before leaving the room.
“Joe I thought I could do this. I really did. It’s just so much all at once and with the paparazzi and all eyes are on us right now. It’s just a lot. I don’t want to leave, I want to be here with our friends but I just needed a minute. I’m sorry i’m such a mess, you shouldn’t have to deal with this.”
“Y/N/N don’t you ever say something like that. Don’t apologize for something you can’t control love. I want to be here for you. I want YOU. You are the only thing I care about right now.”
His words comforted you along with his warm touch. You needed him so bad right now and you couldn’t understand why. It only took you a couple more minutes to calm down from your anxiety attack. Joe always knew how to help you through them. You pulled yourself together and Joe held your hand as he guided you both back to the table.
“Sorry for that. Just needed a moment.” you apologized.
“No need to apologize Y/N. We’re all here for you guys.” Ben explained.
It was obvious that everyone knew what was going on by now and an instant relief flew through your body. Everyone important to you both knew. Now the only thing left was the world but it’s definitely not the time for that. You smiled over to Gwil’s fiancé and mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ as she smiled.
“So how has everyone been? I know everyone has been quite busy lately.” you pointed out.
“Well 6 Underground has been a blast! We’re almost wrapped too! One production is finished you bet i’m gonna be at your house all the time to watch that little one of yours.” Ben winked to you, something seemed a little suspicious but you couldn’t quite put a finger on it yet.
“And I’ve just done a finally press tour for Top End Wedding! Movie weddings are fun and all but I can’t wait to experience the real thing soon.” Gwil smiled as he wrapped his arm around his fiancé.
“Rami and I have been doing a lot of traveling lately. See the world together. It’s been great fun.” Lucy turned to kiss Rami on the cheek.
“That’s fantastic! We’re glad you all are doing so well. We missed you guys like crazy.” you laughed.
“We missed you guys too. Especially last night.” Rami explained.
“Congratulations by the way Mr. Academy Award winner.” Joe nudged his shoulder.
“You could say that. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. Even you little squirt.” Rami smiled, looking to the small child resting in his girlfriends arms. He tickled the little girl until her giggles flooded the room causing everyone to laugh along.
You adored how much everyone loved Scarlet. There was never a doubt in your mind that they wouldn’t love her even if she was born right before BoRhap’s big premiere.
The rest of the afternoon was wonderful. Everyone chatted about what was going on in their lives and all the new upcoming projects. Scarlet was definitely getting all the attention no doubt. Everyone insisted on holding her and giving her all the cuddles in the world. It was way past her nap time so when she fell asleep in Ben’s arms he looked a little scared.
“Uhh Joe mate. What did I do?”
“Nothing Ben.” he said while everyone continued to laugh,
“She just fell asleep. It’s way past her first nap.”
Joe took her from Ben to relieve him of his baby duties while everyone else finished their tea and conversations.
It wasn’t long after that when everyone said their goodbyes and loved on your little one for the last time. Except for Ben. Something was definitely going on. Maybe this was what he pulled Joe aside for?
As the paparazzi scrambled to photograph everyone leaving, there was one in particular trying to catch shots of your little one before Ben got into the car.
“Hey buzz off mate. Don’t you know what boundaries are?” Ben threatened the man still shoving his camera towards your child’s face.
Joe was quick to step in, keeping you close behind him before helping you into the car after Ben had Scarlet situated.
“Babe what’s going on?” you questioned, puzzled by the blonde sitting directly behind you.
“I may have a little something up my sleeve planned for tonight.”
Your puzzled expression quickly grew into a smile. He always planned the best surprises.
“Oh is that so?” you teased, having an idea of what might happen tonight.
“What can I say. I’m full of surprises.”
“You don’t fool me one bit Mazzello.”
He smiled at you placing a kiss to your lips before getting into his side of the car.
On your way home, you noticed that Joe had missed the exit to go back to Ben’s hotel. You figured that was on purpose based upon the quiet giggles and smirks the two men had exchanged while passing it.
“What in the world are you two planning?”
“What are you talking about Y/N? I just asked Joe if he could drive me back to your apartment because I forgot some stuff there.” Ben explained, but something still seemed suspicious.
If Ben really had left something there, wouldn’t he have texted Joe about it before we left?
“If you say so.” you smirked.
This left the boys with a puzzled look on their faces. Did you already know what they had planned?
By the time you drove into the driveway, Scarlet was already asleep for her late nap so Ben had no problems switching her from the car seat to his arms. Joe helped you out of your side of the car and his hand quickly interlocked with yours as you both followed not to far behind Ben and the baby.
When everyone went inside, you noticed a suitcase had already been packed and was sitting by the front door. Trying to avoid anymore questions you simply just plopped down on the couch and flicked on one of your favorite tv programs.
“Babe I’m just gonna uh- grab something really quick i’ll be back.” Joe fumbled over his words as he looked to Ben.
He swiftly stammered down the hall and Ben day himself next to you on the couch.
“Any plans for tonight?” he said with an anxious tone to his voice.
“Nothing that I know of. Just another night in.”
Ben was quick to react to your words, a smile plastered across his face just as you said them.
You hadn’t even noticed Joe had come back into the room until you felt his warm touch slide across your arm.
“Love wanna come with me for a drive? I have to run and go pick something up.” he stuttered.
“Where to?”
“Oh it’s nothing just a few errands. Ben can watch the baby right?”
“Oh sure, I don’t see why not.”
You could clearly see right through Ben. He knew something you didn’t.
“Is love to go babe. After all your next project is coming up soon.”
Joe swiped the keys off the counter as you quickly went over to give Scarlet hugs.
“Momma will be back later ok sweetie. We love you.” you said as you kissed her forehead.
Just as you were walking out the door you noticed Joe grab the suitcase that was still sitting by the front door. He not so secretly threw it in the back of the car before helping you into your seat. He swiftly ran around the car and jumped into the driver’s side before handing you the aux cord.
“Anything you want love.” he offered.
“Anything?” you teased, hoping he might have an idea of the song you would pick.
You clicked on your favorite Elton John song The One and a smile lit up across Joe’s face. You always sing this to him when he is feeling down or upset about something because it perfectly describe what Joe is to you.
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You’re all I’ve ever needed
Baby you’re the one
The whole way to this “errand run” was filled with all your favorite artists and songs. The only thing that confused you was when Joe changed one of he songs that came on, Get Down, Make Love by Queen. He never said changes songs from your playlists ESPECIALLY Queen songs because he knows they are one of your favorites.
“Something wrong love?” you asked, your hand soon laying on his. You couldn’t take it anymore, What in the world was going on?
“Joe what’s going on? You’ve been acting weird since we left the tea room today.”
“Nothing. It’s uh- a surprise.”
Just as he said that, you pulled into the most fabulous hotel covered in golden, bright lights and fancy architecture.
“You didn’t.”
“I told you I had something up my sleeve.” he smirked, shooting a sly wink in your direction.
“So I’m guessing that’s what the suitcase is for?” you giggled.
“I may have called someone to pack us a bag.”
“And Ben? Is this why he pulled you aside earlier?”
“He asked if we wanted a day just for us so I called and made some reservations.”
“Well you did a damn good job of hiding it Mazzello. It’s almost like you’re an actor or something.”
You both flooded the car with laughter.
“Almost huh?”
You both got out of the car and Joe grabbed the suitcase out of the back before grabbing your waist to twirl you around.
“A night all to ourselves!” you screamed.
Don’t get me wrong you both love Scarlet with everything you have but it’s been so long since you’ve both had the night alone.
“After you my love.” Joe said, gesturing you inside as he held the door.
His hand never left your side the whole time, constantly keeping his touch to your body known.
“I have a reservation under Mazzello.”
The lady shot you a quick, jealous look before bringing her eyes back to Joe.
“Of course. Top floor.”
“Top floor! Joe I-“ you loudly tried to whisper to Joe.
“Hey. No ruining the surprise before we get up there.”
“What do you mean? I thought this was the surprise?”
“Oh like all I was gonna do was take you to a fancy hotel for the night. Someone has to make up for this morning.” he teased before placing a sweet kiss against your lips.
“What do you mean-“ Then it hit you.
“Oh so that’s what’s going on here. Let’s just say we’re gonna have a fun night then.” you teased right back.
When you walked into the gigantic room, or should you say suite, your mind was blown.
“Joe this is absolutely gorgeous! How did you even find this place?”
“Let’s just say a friend recommended it to me.”
“Nooooooo.” he said trying not to laugh, but it was pretty obvious by then.
Then you noticed the bed. Boy was that gonna be some fun later. It was blanketed in hundreds of rose petals, all which were making the room smell incredible.
“You’ve really outdone yourself here Joe. You didn’t have to do all this for me.”
“I did. You’re my wife and I love every inch of you, you’ll find out just how much later.” he winked, god he drove you absolutely insane.
“Oh will I?”
He nodded before swooping you off your feet and pinning you against the bed.
“Why wait?”
He lifted you up before you grabbed his shirt and threw it off his body. His lips pressed against yours, slowly making their way down to your neck.
“You wouldn’t happen to need this would you?” he said pointing to your shirt.
Your face quick to say no as your hands continued to entangle in Joe’s fluffy red hair. His hands make their way down to your waist when you feel your pants become loose as Joe pulls them off.
“Little eager are we?”
“With all the teasing that happened today? Most definitely.” he said, your hot bodies resting against each other.
Your panties became so wet after that comment, that burning sensation you needed from your husband pounding you against the bed. You went to slide them off before Joe stopped you.
“No No. Those are for me.”
His hands soon met your waist again after trailing their way from your breasts, pulling off your filthy, wet garments. His hand brushing the inside of your thigh, the throbbing from your desperate clit increasing. You pulled him closer, his chest against yours.
“Give me your best Mazzello.”
“Don’t I always.” he smirked before whipping out his long length. 
He gave it a few pumps before brushing it against your folds, pushing into your chamber. He covered your mouth to hide your loud moans, his soon to follow. He slowly pumped himself into you, easing you into your orgasm. Your nails digging deeper into Joe’s back.
“Babe your so tight around me.” Your moans now louder as he increased his speed, rocking the bed against the wall.
“Joe i’m so close.”
“Cum for me baby.”
His words sent you over the edge as you hit the peak of your high, his thrusts slowing to string you along through it. His lips meeting yours as he made his way down to your neck, sucking a purple mark into it. His hands had you pinned to the bed, his length still pumping into your slick folds. You roll over on top of him, guiding him into his orgasm. You loved the way you felt when his cum filled you up. Both of you breathing heavy as you come down from your highs. You throw yourself back down next to him on the bed.
“That was incredible.”
“Let’s never wait this long again.” he smiled.
“Round two?” you begged as your eyes met his.
“As much as I would love to fuck you all night, I had more planned for tonight.” You smiled as your hand brushed his cheek, your lips placing a kiss upon it.
“You’re absolutely perfect. You drive me insane and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” You slowly intertwined your legs with his, your head falling upon his chest as you hear the steady beat of his heart grow quick.
“I don’t know how I ever lived my life without you.” He placed a tender kiss against your scalp.
You pushed yourself off the bed and wandered over to the suitcase that barely made it through the door. Quickly rummaging through it, you found one of your favorite dresses to wear on date night. It was a short cocktail dress that flowed just above the knees and hung off your shoulders, the entire dress then blanketed in a thin lace. Not only was it your favorite, but Joe’s too.
“Such a fancy dress, what’s the occasion?
“You’ll find out.” he smirked before approaching you, twirling you into his arms, his hold on you ever so tight.
You shuffled to the bathroom to throw on your outfit with the strappy heels that were pack for you along with some subtle makeup. You weren’t one to go all out with your makeup but considering how the night was going so far, you wanted to make it special. 
By the time you were done getting ready Joe had already changed into your favorite dress shirt of his with black slacks, your clutch in his hand ready for you to grab.
“After you my love.” he gestured towards the door.
You barely made it out the door before he smacked your ass and you giggled like a little school girl.
“What? You’re such a tease little lady! I can’t help myself.”
He ended up taking you to The Grove first so you could pick up a few books that Joe had noticed you had wanted over the past few weeks and then to one of your favorite clothing stores in LA.
“Joe this is too much. I don’t deserve all this.”
“Are you crazy! Not only are you the most incredible human being, but you are the most amazing mother and wife through all of these unfortunate events happening to us lately. I owe you the world love.” His words sent you to tears, your head falling against his chest.
“Joe I-“ he left you speechless, his hand gently rubbing your back as the other played with your hair. His lips fell to yours, falling deeper in love with him by the second.
Dinner was next on his agenda and he took you to the most gorgeous and lavish restaurant in town. You hadn’t even noticed that the paparazzi had been following the two of you around until Joe had to tell them off a couple of times while leaving the place.
Your night ended with a steamy shower session and throwing on some of Joe’s pjs before hoping into bed.
“Today was absolutely incredible babe. Thank you so much.” you pleaded, your head deep into one of the new books Joe had bought you earlier.
He plopped himself into the spot next to you, his arm quickly wrapped around you.
“You deserve it my love. You deserve it all.” He turned to place a kiss against your temple before you met him in the middle, your lips pressing against his, falling deeper by the minute. You could have fell asleep lying against him until your phone vibrated against the side table.
“Joe Mazzello and wife Y/N Mazzello seen without the little one. Are they abandoning their sick baby just for a fun night out on the town?” 
A tear fell from you eyes as Joe sat up from his position on the bed.
“That’s it! We need to tell the world Y/N. I’m sick of everyone bashing us, bashing you, for something that they don’t even know about.”
“I agree. The world needs to know, but how are we supposed to tell them?” Your words calmed him as you both laid back into the heart shaped bed, your head resting against his chest. You could feel the pacing rise and fall of his chest.
“We are going to figure this out Joey. Everything will be ok.”
He looked to you before breaking down, tears slipping from his cheeks. He wasn’t crying from sadness though, it was almost a relief for him. The world needed to find out, and it was going to be soon.
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@onehystericalqueeen @sevenseasofky @queens-n-roses @soberandfurious @toger-raylor @sincereleygmg @mrsmazzello @myfreakydeaky @readdyyfreddie @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank @misterbrianmay @heartsarecompatible @ixchel-9275 @benmeadowstaylor @slutfordeacy-mazello @winnielinleigh @everybodyplaythegame @radioxtaylor @deakyspuff @okiegirl24 @imagines-xxx @classypaintercolorcowboy @super-heros-are-my-life @brookecarney1 @florenceivy @rogersradio
Thank you all for being so patient!! I have school testing for the next month so I’ve been slammed. I hope you all enjoyed!❤️ Don't forget that my requests are ALWAYS open!!
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t-bonebunton · 4 years
Hello and welcome to “Beowulf Has Left the Building!” The purpose of this blog is really for me to share moments in my life that have been seemingly insignificant or slight at first glance, but turn out to send me in directions I never expected. I am almost 44 years old and for some reason, I think I should share some of these things and at least leave some sort of record. For me personally, it’s the small experiences that take place in the moment, that permeate and grow into greater understandings as time marches on. Oh yeah.... there will be poetry as well!
I didn’t grow up loving soccer. Where I am from, it was played by the more affluent kids from in town. I grew up in the rural county and we played basketball, baseball, and of course.... American football. No soccer loving socialist here! Or so I thought.... I’m pretty liberal, so I would laugh at that if someone said that to me!
Back to the oratory....
If I knew of anyone that played that strange sport called soccer, I made fun of them and would comment about how “I would rather watch paint dry!” Self-righteous to the core.
This went on for years and years and then early in January 2012, I was home sick on a Sunday afternoon and soccer was the only thing that was on that I hadn’t already seen. I was bored with marathon style police and home improvement shows, and the Dallas Cowboys were not on TV that day.
But that Sunday, something caught my attention....
It was the crowd....the chanting and the singing in unison was the thing I didn’t hear in American football...or the traditional “American” sports in general. The fans were also way closer to the field (“pitch” I’d later learn)...As I was laying there with a 100 + temp and trying not to cough up both lungs simultaniously, I perked up just a bit. I didn’t even know who was playing at first...Arsenal and Fulham, I found out after a few minutes. Ironically, Arsenal was playing in the first match I ever paid attention to, but would eventually become a hated rival! I refer to them as just “Arse” now, because who would pull for Arsenal? Ugggh.
I was 36 years old in 2012 and had never given soccer or football a second thought, other than the obligatory glance on ESPN during World Cup. Brazil and Holland seemed cool because of their uniforms (I would later know are called kits), but that’s about it. My friend Wellington had told me a story about visiting his home in Brazil, once during a World Cup qualifier, and hearing a collective roar through the hillside when they scored a goal that would send them on to the next round. Apparently, the folks in the village had pulled their tv sets out into the streets to watch the match communally. I always enjoyed that story, but didn’t really understand what that meant...The collective power of community and sport. In the poorest of areas, the hope of a nation can rest on one simple goal. I’ve grown to understand and appreciate so many things about the healing power of football over the past eight years.
But on that day in January, something awoke from inside me and I had an epiphany.... 36 years in the making. Every sport or sports team I followed has been assigned to me, or I liked them because of a family member or friend. This was like discovering this obscure band that no one else you knew had ever heard of.... but they were yours.... Finding “real” football...was like this.
I was entranced and mesmerized by the beauty, aggression, skill, balance, speed, and lack of scoring! I thought of this as a brilliant chess match...In later years, I love that the lack of scoring is a real problem for “Arse”, but I found it interesting that in traditional American sports, scoring is always the focus. In soccer, a 0-0 draw or a 1-0 (nil) win is just as enthralling because of the flow and strategic patterns of the game. I truly can’t explain that realization any better...it just came to me and with that observation, epiphany, the crowd chanting and singing, I knew I was hooked.... My 100+ temp seemed to break and I was sweating by the end of this prolific 1-1 draw.
Thank God for the internet and Wikipedia....that afternoon, I knew that I had to find a team....and by the grace of God, it was not going to be Arsenal! Their manager Arsene (accent mark somewhere hahaha) Wenger, looked like the old man, Mr. Burns, from the Simpsons. Probably a nice guy, but there was something about him I didn’t like.
I didn’t have a smart phone then and I was teaching English at a local high school. Before school every morning for two weeks, I read the Wikipedia of every team that was in the Premier League in 2012. I started with some criteria:
A. I wanted a team that wasn’t (to my knowledge) a household name in America. I learned later my team was VERY popular and hated! So, no Manchester United or Liverpool off the top. They are both American owned. My team is Russian Billionaire owned, it turns out, and very well supported globally.
B. They had to have a winning tradition (yep...no losers for me)
C. No red teams (my Knicks, Cowboys, Yankees, Duke Blue Devils are all blue)
D. Need to be in the southern or southeastern part of England (where my mom’s side of the family are from)
E. Must have a crazy intense fan base (I knew a little about hooliganism...Unfortunately my team had a past history with that ugly aspect in the 1980’s and more than I knew at the time.)
So with that criteria in place I narrowed it down to five teams...I have forgotten all five sadly, but three of them were Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur (who I fortunately didn’t pick), and Queen’s Park Rangers (who were relegated shortly thereafter). Look up relegation and what it means, if you are mildly bored. I did initially!
I wrote them down and had my 5-year-old son, Rowan, pick them one at a time out of my sweat-stained Yankees hat!
Then on that glorious and beautiful day in January 2012, with his last pick, Rowan picked the mighty Chelsea Blues out of that hat!
It was all over from that point forward...I watched “real” football obsessively from that moment on. I had 5 cable channels devoted to football and European sports, and I learned the chants and songs sung from the terraces at Stamford Bridge (Chelsea’s sacred fortress). I learned the rules by reading all I could (offsides was a struggle to understand), and the points system for the many leagues and tiers associated with global football. I will say, however, that the only way to really learn about football, is to watch a lot of football. I studied the history of Chelsea FC and became educated about the legends and current superstars associated with the club...countless Facebook and YouTube clips of Chelsea’s greatest moments.
This amazing trip I’ve been on, ever since that sick and near-death day in January 2012, has given me so many great moments...Ironically in the first year of my fandom, Chelsea raised the Champions League trophy (look it up) and became the first London based club to ever win it. It’s the quintessential competition to win...It’s like winning 5 Super Bowls at once!
There is so much more that I want to say about this, or about the major moment’s I’ve had watching football with my closest Chelsea loving mate, Andrew Barlow, my 4 Chelsea FC related tattoos, my Chelsea FC adorned office, but blogs are supposed to be short, I know. I’ll close by saying that no matter how old you think you are, you are never too old to change your mind-set about something and, yes, people won’t understand it, and people like “the old me” will make fun of you, but so what?! Your internal passion about something you love intuitively will always be greater than their fear of things they don’t understand!
Next week....Meeting Herbie Hancock in a gas station! Stay riveted!
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twitevie · 5 years
You want a Revolution (Some Kind of Resolution)
Title: You want a Revolution (Some Kind of Resolution), Chapter 1. Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Sailor Moon Summary: This wasn’t how her last summer with her friends was supposed to go. Usagi had thought she was done fighting, that the peace they had worked so hard for would last just a little bit longer. But, her dreams are telling her otherwise. And the heat, this unbearable violent heat that wont seem to go away, might be the start of something....
The land under her was shaking, rocking back and forth as if on an ever-wavering sea. Her eyes searched around her, skipping from object to object unsure of her location but the familiarity of the surroundings sent a nagging feeling of irritation through her. She knew this place; she just couldn't place it. Her gaze finally landed on a single white five petal flower, ends curled in on themselves, that appeared to be too delicate to touch. For reasons unknown to her, the flower brought about a sense of peace and love, causing a warm smile to grace her lips.
"Lilies always were your favorite." The deep timbre of the voice behind her was so smooth and calming she didn't even startle at the unexpected intrusion. She could feel the soft sweep of air through the lace of her dress as the man came to stand beside her, his calloused hands gently stroking the flowers fragile petals. "Until another flower caught your attention, I'm afraid."
She wanted so badly to ask this man before her, who seemed so burdened with loss and sadness, what he meant but words failed her. It was as if even the simple task of forming them seemed to tiresome to try.
"Why do you haunt me so?" Turning, the man brought a hand up to caress her cheek but sighed when his hand met with no resistance. "Is it because I failed you?"
The question fell upon deaf ears. Her heart was racing, why had his hand gone right through her? Why was he speaking to her in such a way that it was as if she were nothing more than an echo from his own memory? She felt a painful palpitation in her chest as her heart rushed to catch up with her feelings. This was a dream! A memory? Something unknown and scary and she did not welcome the implication that she was nothing more than a memory to this man. She was real!
... wasn't she?
His hand hovered over her cheek, as if he wanted to touch her, but was afraid. "A war is coming. One that has been in the works for millennia." She watched as his eyes started to glisten with such raw emotion, she couldn't help but feel her own eyes well in sympathy. "All I ask is for your understanding. And, if it should happen, in the end, your forgiveness."
A war? War with who? Before she could even try to pose the question, something pulled at her, something bright and painful. Her breath hitched as she was wrenched away from the man.
"WAIT!" Usagi jolted awake breath coming fast and hard, heart beating a painful staccato in her chest.  
"Usagi?" The quiet voice and gentle paw on her hand had the young girl turning towards her cat.
"Dream." She responded. "Just a very vivid dream." With a heavy sigh of relief Usagi brought a cool hand to her forehead to sooth the warmth it was radiating.
Luna delicately made her way to sit on her friends’ legs, head ducking to stare into the girl’s eyes. "Are you alright?"
Usagi let her hand fall to rest on the top of Luna's head. "Mmhmm, I'm fine Luna."
"Good!" Luna shrugged Usagi's hand off before she jumped down to the floor and stretched. "Then you best hurry or you'll be late."
Forehead scrunched in confusion, Usagi grabbed her phone from the nightstand and hit the power button, eyes widening at the time. "9:00! Rei is going to throttle me!"
Usagi threw the covers off and scrambled to her closet. "Luna how could you let me sleep so late?! You were supposed to wake me!" Hastily, she grabbed a simple sundress and a pair of sandals before sprinting towards the bathroom.
All the while, Luna just watched with a raised brow as Usagi passed back by the bedroom door this time dressed for the day. "Silly girl."
"-corded its 4th consecutive day of temperatures 35 C or higher on Wednesday, reaching 39.8 C. That's the highest temperature recorded anywhere in Japan this year, according to JMA, and ties for the 25th-highest daily high temperature ever recorded in Japanese history. Authorities are cautioning citizens to please stay indoors as it's likely this period of extreme heat will be with us for the rest of the we-"
Rei switched the TV off and dropped the remote onto the coffee table. "Another hot day."
Ami set her book down and nodded. "Global Warming is starting to be a worrisome thing."
"Eh, I don't think it's Global Warming." Minako stated as she inspected the small cookie in her hand. "It's probably aliens bent on global destruction."
Ami sputtered. "W-what?"
Makoto shook her head in shame. "Please don't tell me you were watching that stupid documentary again?"
"Aliens of the Ancient World is not a stupid documentary it's based in fact! They have scientists and everything!"
"I... I don't know how to respond to that." Rei muttered, head in her hands. Letting her hands fall, the raven-haired teen plopped down onto the floor. "Why were you even watching that in the first place?"
Minako shrugged. "Artemis thinks the host lady is cute."
"Oh!" Makoto started leaning forward and resting her head on her folded hands. "Does he now?"
A giggle. "But don't tell Luna, she might get jealous."
"We really should be studying. College entrance exams will be here before you know it. And, I do not want to be one of the few people who have to take a Gap Year."
Makoto grinned and flicked a cookie crumb towards the blue haired genius. "I think you'll do fine, Ami. You're the top student in the year."
"Be that as it may-"
"Sorry, I'm late!" The group of four turned to see Usagi shoving the door open with a bright smile on her face.  "I overslept again."
Rei rolled her eyes. "What else is new? We haven't started anyways, so you’re just in time."
The grin slowly fell. "You guys didn't have to wait on me, really!"
"And let you miss all the fun of..." Minako paused to glance down at the title of the book in front of her, cringing. "Civics, ugggh."
"Hey, Civics is pretty interesting."
Minako looked up, smiled at Makoto, and wagged her eyebrows suggestively. "What'll it cost for you to do my homework?"
With a wink, the brunette replied, "You couldn't afford me, girl.", before she leaned back onto her elbows with a sigh. "Besides, we're on break, we still have a while before we have to worry about homework. Come on, let's go do something fun!"
Rei shook her head. "In this heat? We'd all wind up in the hospital with heat stroke."
"Too hot to go outside and now stuck with the two people who think homework is fun. Told you, Aliens."
Usagi raised an eyebrow at Minako before turning to look towards Ami and Rei, who both appeared annoyed at the comment. "Did I miss something?"
"Nothing important." Rei stated glaring at Makoto, who was covering up her laugh with a fake cough.
"Right..." Usagi knelt between Rei and Ami. She slowly reached for the civics textbook, her eyes lingering on the bright green cover with bold red lettering. She had a love-hate relationship with schoolwork. She knew she needed to try harder. She couldn't always be lazy daydreaming Usagi, but when she thought of all the battles she and her friends had faced and all the hardships yet to come, schoolwork just seemed like such a minor thing. She had talked to Mamochan about her concerns. Explained to him that she couldn't get motivated to complete her studies. And the stupid lovable jerk had been so understanding that she had ended up far more frustrated after their conversation. She wanted someone to push her, someone to hold her accountable, someone to tell her how silly she was being. She just-.
Startled, Usagi turned to Rei's concerned gaze. "Hmm?"
"You alright?"
Usagi took a deep breath and turned to stare at the cover of the civics textbook once more. "Yeah, just... just thinking."
By the time they had finally finished gossiping and buckled down to study the afternoon bells were already ringing throughout the shrine.
"Yaaas! Break time!" Minako shouted in jubilation, dropping the textbook onto the table.
"It's only been half an hour, Minako." Ami admonished, gently slipping her glasses up onto the crown of her head. "I'm very sure-"
"Break time~!" Minako interrupted in a sing-song tone.
Makoto stood and stretched, groaning as her back popped. "I agree, I could use a break."
Ami took a breath ready to issue another protest against taking a break but stopped when she heard Usagi's stomach growl beside her. She sighed in defeat. "Alright, I suppose a break would be beneficial."
Usagi blushed and held her stomach embarrassed. "Sorry."
Mamoru sighed in utter exhaustion as he fell back against the cool sheets of his queen-sized bed. He was worn out and beyond ready for sleep. Sniffling, he turned on his side and hugged one of his pillows to his chest nuzzling against the cotton with a breath of contentment. The twenty-one-year-old frowned after a few minutes when he felt his back begin to throb in protest of the position.
With a frustrated grunt he turned over onto his other side and slid his arm beneath his head. A smile graced his tired features as the new position sent the minor pain fleeting. Moments ticked quietly by before his hip began to elicit the same annoying throb.
Mamoru groaned; he was no stranger to insomnia. During the last months of his high school years he knew the affliction well. Between moonlighting as a masked vigilante, rising early in the morning for school, and staying out well into the evening hours for cram-school sessions; he was used to surviving on minimal sleep and taking small naps where he could. So, he didn't understand why his body was disagreeing with his current need for sleep.
He laid there for a few more moments before he sat up and scrubbed at his gritty eyes. With a sigh of resignation, he grabbed his cell phone from the nightstand and clicked the power button, squinting against the intrusive light to see it was only 10:48pm.
Completely ridiculous.
He set the offending object to his side and stood. The bright city lights of Boston greeted him as he made his way to the apartments glass fronted balcony. He stood there momentarily, taking in the bustling late-night activity of the city below, before slipping out of the balcony doors. The updraft of wind stole his breath as the traffic below sent an aching fire through his head.
"All's well my Liege?"
Mamoru clasped his hands together as he leaned against the balcony railing. The faint glamour of a man long past settled beside him, the warm brown eyes of his old friend studying him in concern.
"Can't sleep, unfortunately."
A non-committal noise of understanding escaped the man.
"For some reason, I just can't seem to get comfortable. My body is aching more."
"The winds of change have begun to blow."
Mamoru raised an eyebrow at the cryptic idiom. "That's not ominously vague."
The man shook his head, the crinkle at the corner of his eyes showing his amusement at the comment. "All life on this planet, organic or otherwise, is shaped by the forces and presence of Earth and the Cosmos. The connection, such as it may be, is deeply inherent to one’s well-being."
"What, exactly, does that mean?"  The side eye he received from his old friend had him sighing in frustration. "Kunzite!"
"You modern humans surround yourself with buildings of stone and metal." Kunzite started, crossing his arms. "You immerse yourself in machines and technology that cause a disconnect between the natural flow of energy from the Earth to your physical vessel."
"It's the way of the world." Mamoru stated matter-of-factly, turning to lean back against the balcony railing. "Technology is the future."
"Technology is ever changing. Even in the days of old." Kunzite agreed, "But you are of this Earth, Endymion. You are not just a being upon this planet with a vague sense of connection to this world. Who you are, what shapes you, your very state of being, is of Gaia."
"Okay." The information was not necessarily new. The connection he maintained with the Golden Crystal, as infantile as it was, connected him to his old home Elysian and to his new home on Earth. But what he didn't understand was how that pertained to his current predicament. "Okay, so what does this have to do with my insomnia and body aches?"
Kunzite let his head fall back with a roll of his eyes.
"It means, Nekkid Time!"
Mamoru sputtered and turned towards the second youngest of his generals, face beet red. "W-what?"
"I believe," A voice soft as silk whispered from Mamoru's right, "what Jadeite means to say is grounding yourself in nature will help relieve your ailment and restore yourself."
"Well, if you want to define it in the less fun way, then yes." Jadeite confirmed, winking at Mamoru with a grin. "You need to realign yourself and to do so you'll need to bare yourself in nature."
"Bare myself in nature." Mamoru repeated, closing his eyes with a put-upon sigh. "Sounds wonderful."
"-in the end, your forgiveness," Somehow those haunting words swept through her mind once more. The man had seemed so heartbroken and wistful during her dream that it made her heart ache. She wanted to help the poor man. She wasn't sure how, but she had a sense that the man from her dreams was real. She tried hard to remember if anything had stood out, anything that would help her identify the man; but the haziness of the dream was making it difficult to remember.
"What do you think?"
Usagi blinked, a brightly colored spoon hanging from her mouth as she turned questioningly to Makoto. "Hmm?"
Makoto let out a small laugh and bumped her shoulder against Usagi's, "Noryo-Matsuri is next week, I was thinking we could all meet at Patio-dori? Make our way from there?"
"Mmm." Usagi nodded, pulling the spoon out of her mouth. "Sounds good."  
Rei, who was sitting across from Usagi and Makoto, raised an eyebrow at the gentle response. "Don't get too excited over there, Usagi."
Usagi blushed and stared down at her shaved ice. "Sorry, just... I have a lot on my mind. I didn't sleep very good last night."
"Bad dream?" Rei asked in concern.
Usagi shook her head, "Not bad, just... odd?"
Ami rose an eyebrow, "How so?"
"Odd because...it just, it felt real?" Usagi took a bite of her shaved ice and sighed. "I don't really remember much. Just that there was a man, he seemed so sad. He was begging for me to understand. He asked for my forgiveness." Usagi paused for a moment, eyes focused on the frozen treat before her. "He said there was a war coming."
"Usagi..." Makoto whispered, arms wrapping around the blonde in comfort. "I'm sure it was just a dream."
"Yeah! You probably ate something weird before bed, right?"
Usagi looked towards Minako with a smile and nodded. "Probably. Mama did make spicy taco rice for supper last night."
"See!" Minako pointed out happily. "Nothing to worry about. It was probably just your belly and brain having a disagreement."
"I guess."
Rei pursed her lips, eyes lingering on Usagi for a few beats before the noise of rowdy shrine goers had her turning towards the door. "I swear if the heat doesn't get to me the stupidity of the visitors will. Hey!" Rei shouted before whisking out of the room in a blur of black hair and indignation towards the youths roughhousing in the courtyard.
"Should we help?" Usagi asked watching the scene outside unfold with wide eyes.
Makoto laughed and proceeded to finish the last of her shaved ice. "I think Rei can handled a couple of loud-mouthed kids."
"I'm not worried about Rei," Usagi started, watching as two kids - presumably their age - ran pass the door screaming apologies to the red-faced Rei currently chasing them. "I'm more worried about the poor people she's running after with a broom..."
"Don't do the crime if you can't face the angry Hino." Minako surmised with a wink. "So, Usagi, have you heard from Mamoru?"
"Mm, he called a few days ago. Said he was settling in just fine. He's supposed to call tonight and tell me how his interview went."
"Oh? Where's he working?"
Usagi pursed her lips in thought before answering Ami. "He said he was hoping to get a position at the university hospital as a nursing aide. He thought the hands-on approach would help him when he takes his testing this year."
"That's very smart of him." Ami agreed. "It's hard to believe he'll be starting his second year of Medical School."
"I know, he's been such a nervous wreck all week. I told him that he was being silly. That he would do just fine whether he stayed here in Japan or studied in America." Usagi sighed and nestled her chin in her hands. "He over thinks things. I wish sometimes he'd turn that oversized brain of his off and learn to trust himself more."
"Men are very complicated people, Usagi." Minako pointed out.  "They don't have the intuition that us women do. They all think with their upstairs brain and not enough with their downstairs one."
"That's the truth." Makoto agreed and then paused, flabbergasted. "Wait, what!?"
"Their hearts, dummy!"
"Oh, Minako... that's not, they're just..." A sigh. "Please, don't ever change."
"Okay?" Minako replied confused.
Rei huffed out a breath as she watched the three teenagers scurry onto the sidewalk and rush down the street. She couldn't believe the ignorance of some people. To come into such a respected place and act so ill-mannered, it was ridiculous!
"Did you hear? They said JAXA is meeting."
At the voice, Rei turned from her position to the stare across the street. Eyes lingering on the two-gentleman standing beside a trash can outside the Argentinean Embassy. She had always loved that her home was across from the embassy. The location brought much needed foot traffic to the shrine and such interesting characters as well. But, like everything, the government building brought its own share of problems too.  Most recently in the form of a protest about human rights, that had seen the streets crowded with people and the sidewalks lined with police. That day had Rei seeking privacy in the back rooms of the shrine trying to calm herself from the raw energy running rampant.
But now, as she watched the two men in business suits quickly make their way into the building, she could sense the panic and anxiety they were projecting in waves. Squeezing the broom handle, she strained her ears to make out anymore of the conversation but could only understand every few words. Something about strange lights and communication delays but nothing more. She wasn't sure why JAXA - an Aerospace agency - would have government officials worried but it definitely piqued her interest.
With a sigh, Rei moved to head back into the shrine but a heaviness in the air stopped her. An oppressive heat that had nothing to do with the sweltering air enveloped her senses. From the peaks of the trees above a guttural croak echoed down and filled the suddenly silent grounds of the shrine.  Rei looked up in time to see Phobos and Deimos stretch their wings and rustle the drying leaves in panic.
"You feel it to, huh?" Rei crinkled her forehead in concern, watching as her feathered friends hopped from branch to branch in distress.
If it hadn't been for the wind carrying the soft whisper, Rei wasn't even sure she would have heard it. The pleasant gentleness of the voice had an almost calming effect, sending the unease from before dissipating along with the breeze.  
"I'm sorry?" Rei questioned the owner of the voice, turning around only to be greeted by the empty street behind her. She glanced left and right her eyes searching the barren sidewalks for the owner of the mysterious voice, but none appeared. The errant whisper, she decided, most likely belonged to the lasts wisps of a spirit.
It wouldn't be the first time a random spirit had passed through the shrine and it would most likely not be the last. Rei had learned early on many souls visited religious places on their journey to rest; but, fewer of them had the required spark needed to manipulate the energy around them to affect the world of the living. That had caught her attention. Whomever had decided to pass through had been very energetic. And while worrisome, didn't really bother Rei, the spirit didn't appear to be lingering and had already seemed to have moved on, hopefully to find peace. Her current concern were the two feathered noise makers, whom had landed hastily in front of her, cawing and hopping back and forth; the parody of children trying to get their mothers attention.
"Hush now, you two." Rei admonished, turning her gaze to the two birds jumping at her feet. "Whatever was here is gone. No need to be so hyperactive."
"Go on,” Rei shooed, "find some sort of shade and cool down. I don't want to have to take you two to the clinic because you overheated yourselves." Phobos and Deimos cawed in annoyance before flying away to the inner branches of the trees above.
"And don't forget to drink something!" She hollered after them.
Mamoru wiggled his toes in embarrassment. Cheeks cherry red and his hands, cold from the late night, strategically placed to cover every aspect of his exposed manhood. The small wooded area that Zoisite had identified as a ley-line, a place of natural energy, had thankfully - for dignities sake - been vacant.
The soft chuckle and the ghost of a hand slapping his shoulder had the poor man cringing. "What did you think 'Bare yourself in nature' would come to mean?"
"I thought it was an expression." Mamoru muttered, eyes down cast. He was trying very hard to remember that the figures who had accompanied him were nothing more than a fantastical manifestation of energy from his deceased friends; And, that he had nothing to be embarrassed of.
"If the expression comes to mean buck-ass naked as the day you were birthed, then yes. It was an 'expression'."
"Nephrite," Kunzite started, “must you always be so crass?"
"The prince is ashamed of something that once would have been considered a time of celebration and renewal. It's most maddening." Nephrite answered before turning to Mamoru, "Your parents would hold week-long celebrations. There was much merriment and feasting to be had for all in attendance. It was a way for the King and Queen to honor their subjects for their fealty. The last great spectacle before the birth of the new year. It was definitely a sight to behold."
Nephrite sighed and lowered himself to the grass beside his princes’ legs. Eyes shining in fond remembrance. "I do so miss your parents... They were stricken from this world far before their calling."
Mamoru swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat. He could barely remember his parents from this life – just faint flashes of a shadowed smile and the gentle caress of a hand on his cheek - let alone even attempt to try and recall the family from a life long since passed.  With a breath of determination, Mamoru knelt beside Nephrite with a nod. "You'll have to show me this renewal ceremony."
Nephrite nodded.
"Very few were ken to the ceremony." Zoisite explained, settling himself in front of Mamoru. "Only those of the royal family and their court bore witness to such an intimate experience."
The poor man was back to blushing again. "Intimate..."
"It's not a sex thing!" Jadeite exclaimed, "The amount of raw energy that courses through the Mother Gaia, is nothing but pure elation."
"Calm your mind, My Prince." Kunzite whispered, "You must allow yourself to think what your mind wishes. Acknowledge the thought and let it pass, do not react. Your goal here is the allow yourself to connect to the energy of the Ley Line that runs through this very place."
"But how-" Mamoru started but was interrupted with a sharp tongued 'Focus' from Zoisite.
Focus, right.
Mamoru closed his eyes and wiggled against the ground trying to find a comfortable position, a hard task when one was naked and sitting on top of dry itchy grass. He wasn't even sure what he was supposed to be focusing on. Sure, he had meditated before, but that was as simple as letting his mind wander whichever way it wanted to go. This felt more like he should have a single goal to set his sights on; as to what, he wasn't sure though. He was curious as to what time it was, he had to be up early tomorrow- today? -  to finish buying supplies from the University's bookstore. He couldn't believe he was only two weeks out from the start of the school year. He had so much to do in the coming months. He had to get a hold of the exam board to see about taking the NBME. Not to mention he would be taking step one of the USMLE. The thought of taking that particular exam alone was enough to make his stomach roil with sickness. If he didn't pass the first test for his license, he couldn't start his rotations next year. And if he didn't start his-...
"Focus!" Zoisite admonished, again. "You are not allowing your mind to quiet itself. You are intentionally over-thinking."
How did-?
His answer came from Jadeite. "Your forehead does this weird constipated thing when you think too much."
Right. Focus.
Mamoru took a deep breath, expanding his chest as far as he could, allowing the cold night air to calm his worried thoughts. Slowly, as his breath left him, he allowed the sounds of the wooded area to encompass him.  He forced himself to focus on the feeling of the late-night breeze sweeping over his goose pimpled skin. The sudden chill sending a slight shiver through him. He could hear the rocking of the tree branches above as the wind seemed to create a gentle legato with the rustling of the leaves; a rhythmic caress that blended well with the staccato of an owl hooting off in the distance.
Inhale and exhale.
Ever so slowly, Mamoru let the tension in his body release. An unknown weight seeming to disperse as his body slowly sank deeper into the ground under him. He felt odd. As if he were so light he would float away but the heaviness of the land beneath him kept him grounded.
Gradually, his breath began to even out, no longer a harsh respiration but a continuous unchanging motion.
In with a rush of chilled night air and out with a sigh of warmth. He continued this until the sounds of the woods slowly faded away to the quiet of his breath, his body leaving the sensations of the brisk night behind as he continued his journey inward. Here, thoughts which had plagued him earlier, stilled. In this place of dark quiet, Mamoru allowed himself to settle- to be at peace.
The soft lub-dub of his heartbeat welcomed him to this place of restoration. He felt cradled in a blanket of warmth; a soothing heat that reminded him of the many nights he lay entwined with Usagi on his bed. Nights where the two were so entangled together he was never sure where she began, and he ended.
"You two would have conquered the Cosmos."
Mamoru startled at the intrusion, "I'm sorry...?"
"No need to be sorry."
The darkness around Mamoru suddenly flashed a brilliant blue, a beautiful spectacle sending a cascade of light sweeping through the black and illuminating the towering figure draped in fine linens before him. Mamoru stared in awe at the figure. Taking in the sheer unadulterated beauty of the Titaness before him.  
Ringlets of pure silken earth fell gently from beneath the golden crown adorning the unknown woman's head. Eyes that seemed to be made from the very seas of the Earth bore into him. Commanding his attention with every fiber of his being. The woman's aura seeped into the surrounding air between them and in that very moment something sparked to life inside Mamoru, something he had thought was long since lost to him. Something he never thought he would be intimate to again.
The light surrounding the woman slowly gave way as she swept forward hands reaching towards him. "Endymion. My baby, I had always hoped one day that we would be reunited. And, by the Gods, here you stand before me."
“What I would not give to have my Kiseru.” Kunzite murmured with a sigh.  
Nephrite snorted, “You’re an ethereal being housed in a crystal, how would you even smoke it?”.
“I would find a way.” Kunzite retorted.
Nephrite smirked in response before slowly shifting to stare at his glove covered hands. Paying attention to the fact that even though he knew the white leather should feel buttery-smooth – given the sheep stock the garments came from – he felt nothing.  He clenched his hands as a thread of anger began to the twine through him. He was a useless shadow of a man who fought on the wrong side of a war that claimed everything he had cared for. Blinded by a prophecy of fear and malcontent - too afraid to shake the foundations of what he had come to know for fear of his Prince’s life and the Kingdoms future. He was such an incompetent guardian to allow himself to be swayed by the sweet promises of a devilled-tongued handmaiden.
“Do not dwell on the sins of the past, my friend.”
Nephrite glanced to Kunzite with a grunt, “Hard not to when everything went to hell.”
“We all believed we were doing what was needed.” Zoisite tried to console.
“Except we were at the forefront of a war that ended with the deaths of thousands.” Nephrite hissed in anger, refusing to be comforted against his wrongdoings. “Because of our idiocy the Silver Millennium fell! We were supposed to protect our Prince and the Kingdom, instead we let a vile demon slither into our minds!”
“Nephrite! Enough!” Kunzite barked quickly coming to a stand, towering over his second-in-command, who was still seated on the ground beside Mamoru. “What’s done has been done and if this is our penance for transgressions past, then we will face this with the dignity expected of our positions. Understood?”
Nephrite came to a standing as well, his brown eyes dark with anger at Kunzite’s words. “Our positions? And what would our positions be? We are nothing but shades of our former selves, doomed to council a Prince we can no longer protect!”
Zoisite raised his hands, “Nephrite. Kunzite. Please, arguing about this will not bode well for anyone.”
“Um, guys?” Jadeite tried to interrupt, blue eyes tracking something off in the distance.
“No, but it will make me feel better!” Nephrite retorted.
Jadeite slowly stood, eyes widening as lights began to cast eerie shadows across the clearing. “Guys!”
Kunzite turned towards the younger man, “What!?”
“Something’s happening.” Jadeite stated, nodding his head towards the sky.
Zoisite glanced from Kunzite and Nephrite to the sky above. “Holy Mother.” He whispered stepping back in shock.
High above them, in a sky that was quiet with the novelty of peace just moments before, was chaos. Fire rained from the heavens leaving a shimmer of ashen dust behind as the flames travelled quickly through the night. Lighting flashed in the distance, tendrils of brilliant white spidering out across the cloud cluttered night sky, heralding the oncoming crack of thunder. The echoing boom ricocheted off the surrounding woods, startling the four men.
“What the heck is happening?” Jadeite questioned.
“A meteor shower?” Nephrite answered, unsure.
“Not a meteor shower, something else.” Kunzite supplied, eyes widening in horror as one of the fireballs seemed to collide with an unknown object high in the sky creating an explosion that resounded through the small clearing. “It feels hostile.”
“Hostile…?” Zoisite murmured in concern, “An attack? But, surely Serenity and her court would-.”
“Guys!” Jadeite interrupted in panic, “Incoming!”
Kunzite growled eyes tracking the same threat Jadeite saw. “Formation!”
Instinct took over as the four generals surrounded Mamoru, each reaching for the hilt of their sword about their waist. Kunzite watched as the swirling flames came ever closer to their position, the charred and still burning remains of the collision trailing behind. A gross reminder of the destruction that was raining down on, not just them, but the city of Boston.
A ghastly orange glow crept over the small clearing, casting distorted shadows across them. The trees above began to smolder from the encroaching heat; their overturned leaves, already dry from the harsh summer heat, quickly kindled to life. Flames, as brilliant and seemingly hot as the sun itself, quickly lapped against branches and trunk alike, hungry to feed the ravenous blaze. Plumes of thick grey smoke curled high into the air fading to a harsh black, a warning for those in the distance of the danger below.
Kunzite tightened his grip on his sword, unsure exactly what their defense would be against a firestorm and a massive forest fire. He looked back towards the still form of Mamoru, the poor mans skin already a bright cherry red and glistening from the intensity around them, and grit his teeth. What had Nephrite called them earlier – shades? How was a shade supposed to protect the most important person in their life from such destruction? In short, they couldn’t. He was useless! He was a leader, Advisor to the Crown Prince of Earth and Protecter to the Bearer of the Golden Crystal and yet powerless to do anything but bear witness to the inevitable. Kunzite blinked hard against the sudden reality that struck him.  After everything, this couldn’t be how it ended… it just couldn’t…  
“Kunzite?” Nephrite questioned, trying to gauge the older man’s thoughts.
“Hold position.” Kunzite replied, steadfast. Regardless of the hopelessness of the situation, it was his- their- bound duty to protect Mamoru.
An orange haze had settled over them, a choking smog that had Kunzite worrying at his bottom lip. Another quick glance at Mamoru also had him deeply concerned; the Prince’s breathing had started to sound strained, the heat and smoke most likely irritating the man’s airway. He hadn’t wanted to wake Mamoru, the trauma of being ripped from the ley lines energy would be stressful and cause a disconnect within the younger man. But Kunzite didn’t have a choice, they had to awaken him.
At the call, the youngest of the group turned towards Kunzite.
The elder jerked his head towards Mamoru. “We need to wake him up.”
Zoisite nodded hastily, kneeling quickly in front of his Prince. “I am sorry for this, but confused and alive is better than the alternative.” With a shaky nod to himself, Zoisite placed his hands on either side of Mamoru’s head and closed his eyes. He had no idea if trying to connect to Mamoru would even work; but, by the Gods he would try.
Zoisite concentrated on trying to follow the bond he shared with his Prince but every time he thought he had found the thread that tied them together it slipped just that much farther from him.  He crinkled his forehead in frustration. Magic was his specialty; energy manipulation was basic schooling. He had learned how to guide people into and out of restoring trances before he ever learned to ride his first horse. But this game of cat and mouse seemed like someone was deliberately trying to keep him from waking Mamoru.
Once again, he came upon that thread of warmth that always seemed to make the world that much brighter, the air that much clearer, but it slowly fell from his grasp. Zoisite could feel his Princes energy slowly slip from him. A dark seemed to settle over his senses, a deafening quiet that, had he been alive, would have had his ears burning from the silence. With a flex of his fingers, Zoisite prepared to follow the faint signature into the black but was pushed back into awareness by a sudden onslaught of raw energy. A soundless scream escaped him as he shoved against the force and pushed himself up; he tried to break the connection, but it was as if something had latched onto him, sending waves of nausea through him.
“Something’s wrong…”
“Of course, somethings wrong, the skies are trying to kill us!” Jadeite replied harshly, turning towards Zoisite in annoyance.
Zoisite blinked owlishly at his friend, suddenly feeling weak. “The energy… something’s happening…” With one last slow blink,  Zoisite fell forward into a faint.
Jadeite rushed to help, “Zoisite!”
Nephrite turned at the panicked shout, watching as Jadeite knelt beside their fallen friend. He stood captivated as a brilliant golden light seemed to explode from Zoisite, cascading waves of pure energy, beating in tandem with a seemingly phantom heartbeat, enveloped Jadeite blocking the younger man from view.  
“What in the Heavens?” Nephrite questioned starting towards the two when the light seemed to sense his movements and reached out and swallowed him as well.
Kunzite blinked against the harsh display of energy, he unsheathed his sword, and steadied his hand. He’d be damned if he went down without at least a swing from his blade. With a scream of frustration Kunzite raised his sword as the blinding light engulfed him.
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letsbreadthisgit · 3 years
pretty sure i was just being a dumbass tonight but i spent a good minute as I was leaving a bar feeling around my bra to double check where tf i put my credit card after closing my tab. and it was just on the other side lol i'm dumb. but then some girl i'd never talked to before walked up and was like "I'VE BEEN WATCHIN U AND I'M WORRIED SO PROMISE ME YOU'LL GET HOME SAFE AND GO TO BED RIGHT AWAY"
and I promised her I would but like... idk was I rly acting that weird?? i have no clue. I was able to ride my bike home fine but I have no idea what i looked like from a stranger's perspective. was I bein too white girl crazy singing sweet caroline????? i've definitely been more fucked up at clubs and no one's said anything but I'm still hella embarassed some rando person was worried about me ;_; but hey shoutout to u rando girl u the real mvp lookin out for potential disasters I appreciate it either way
also my friend's phone died and I had to call an uber for her to a mutual friend's place, and the fuckin uber dropped her off at the wrong address and i FREAKED TF OUT!!! I called the help line and everything. uggghhhh i've never had such a severe mini heart attack I thought she was wandering around drunk unsure where to go but she got there eventually. ugggh i wrote our friend's unit # on her hand to make sure she got there ok but i didn't put the full address ;_; ugghhhhh but something to remember for the next time i call an uber for someone else ;_;
0 notes
maybeapizzatrophy · 7 years
Thoughts on beauty and the beast 2017
-Audra McDonald is boss, but that song is weird.
-prince Dan is super sassy.
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-prince Dan does not deal in a plant based economy. 
- Honestly, I feel bad for anyone who just got a job there. I filled out my w2s, excited for new life adventure annnd now I’m a rug. Thanks Potts for recommending me.
*song Belle*
- ohhhhhhhh, emma can’t sing. Hopefully that won’t be too distracting.
-belle is mean 
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-are those boys checking her out?is that lady checking her out?
-Damn LeFou! Mark your territory.
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-so I guess in disney if you really think people are talking about you behind your back, they are not. They are singing about you behind your back.
-wow gaston gets distracted quick. Have fun with the ladies. Don’t get syphilis!
-ooo, belle asking her dad for a rose just like in the original story.
-Belle: I invented a washing machine to make your lives easier! 
               Towns people: witch!!!
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-Gaston, are you trying to guilt her for not having a baby? What are you her judgy aunt Edna, wondering why her sister’s not a grandmother?
- uggh the singing. why didn’t they just dub over her?
-Maurice in the woods. Just snow….in June. Perfectly safe. Totally normal.
- Phillip, the baller horse, saves his life,. MAURICE repays him by leaving him outside to be killed by elements and wolves. No stables huh?
- Pro Tip! When wandering into someones house, don’t eat their food. This might happen!
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- Maurice, run for your life, but there is always time to smell the roses.
-Beast smelling Maurice’s blood. Is the beast a vampire? That would explain the capes. And fangs.
- Yell at that horse, belle! Get a straight answer! POS Phillip. 
- God does Lumiere hit on everyone that comes into that house? Maybe that is why the Beast has crappy housekeeping.Wonder which object is his lawyer?
-Maurice “how did you find me?” that is a legit question, Belle.
-she’s either Sherlock Holmes or can talk to animals. Maybe that’s why she calls chicken “little people.”
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-Prince Dan has changed his mind about a plant based economy. Flower for a life. Sounds fair.
-Beast: you’re a fool. True looove?? At this point he’s gotten more action with her dad.
- Lumiere is giving belle a new room. belle has a vagina so that means you get nicer commodities. Also they don’t want another poor yelp rating. 
-is Lumiere hitting on her again ? “ oh you are very strong. this is a grreat quality." 
- is he priming her up so she won’t get crushed by the beast when they have sexy time later?
-# beast in the sheets
-"why should I be startled, I’m talking to a candle.” lols. OK, you got me movie.
- “whats in the west wing? Monologuing.” 
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- the East wing, or as I like to call it, the ONLY wing!
 -does Lumiere know the definition of modest?
-Lumiere! Not in front of the kids! Keep it in your pants, if you want a PG rating.
-Belle talking to a brush. She may need some therapy after this.
- did the wardrobe just fall asleep? Does the humanoid objects need sleep?
- Lefou has got it bad.
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-spelling is hard. Poor baby.
- uh oh. Maurice is raving again.
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-when prince dan enters the room, he makes an entrance.
- Prince Dan does not like hanging with the common folk. Ewww. She better not touch his cloak and make it dirty. Her father is a nobody!  (seriously maybe he should have kept Maurice around)
#Always warm in Beasts bed
-Lumiere: show me the smile!
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-I’m so sorry I lost my train of thought.
-Prince Dan does not think mental health should be a laughing matter. You should not call people crazy. He gets Bimonthly visits from his therapist couch.
-Go starve! Be my guest! And don’t even THINK about having an elaborate song and dance number with all my staff based on this same title! (runs off to the west wing and can’t hear fireworks due to another great speech by President Bartlett)
-*petal falls, castle shakes* flower based economies can not save your crumbling infrastructure! 
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-*belle is trying to escape* so she’s an active heroine because she’s trying to run away? Lets be honest, I don’t think this movie could pass the bechdel test
-Lumiere: they are fighting, oooh so hey must be in love. Umm does Lumiere have a problem?
*Be our Guest*
- yay you’re hungry, so your food will dance in front of you but you can’t eat any of it. seriously he gives her food and then takes away her fork.
-Side Note: I used to have the biggest crush on Ewan Mcgregor when I saw Moulin Rouge in High School. His singing can make me feel so many things. 
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However, singing in a fake french accent is just making me cringe.
- Mrs. Potts: you can change him! Great advice. that totally works. 
Belle wanders into beasts bedroom and is surprised he's upset. Actually think he's in the right here.
-Hey wolves, you don’t mess with Phillip!
-What are the wolves waiting for? The music to become more dramatic?
-Its a motherfucking growl off
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-Yep Maurice doesn't know where he's going. So Belle is definitely Sherlock or talks to animals.
Newsflash. In breaking news, Gaston is dick.
Belle and Beast arguing over her being in the west wing: You shouldn't have been in the west wing. DUDE. You're in the west wing now.
ANOTHER NEWS BULLET. This just in- Beast isn't cruel, hes a brat
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-Audra McDonald has the voice of an angel.
-WAIT A SECOND. WHAT the hell is this curse?! The prince gets stuck as a monster and everyone else DIES. Or stops existing. Boo freaking hoo, this prince has had a hard life but that doesn’t mean you have to die for him! where is the loophole. Agatha is a bitch to servants.
-Oh girl! Beast knows Romeo and Juliet. And he is mocking her. What is he going to quote his favorite Shakespeare Titus Andronicus? Or Fall out Boy?
Oh nice library.(Bitches love libraries.)
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The ice is thawing. SYMBOLISM! 
Ughgh the autotune.
So she's not “glancing at you,” shes staring at your hairy ass. She’s wondering if the rumors are true.
Lumiere please don't light the library on fire! its the only reason Belle is staying there. 
LOL. when Mrs. Potts says chip it sounds like shit.
The pep talk for the beast took a weird turn.
Like how they brought back the organ/harpsichord from the crap sequel.Tim Curry!
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-Prince Dan: Do you love it here? How much time has past, a week? you can’t leave! do you love me yet? 
-Ok I know he has to let her go so she can save her dad but he's condemning all of his people to death. I’m pretty sure if someone explained this loophole to her she would give a shit.
Oh, beast wants to love and be loved in return.
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Damn Dan can sing
Ok belle put the phone down. Gaston thinks he can be a politician
Gaston is sounding horribly familiar. That beast is a bad hombre.
LeFou- Wrong “monster" is released. ehhem. 
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Wow they fortified quickly. Maybe one of the servants was a former military general.
Oh I think its the coat rack.
Reading is fundimental! Illiteracy kills!
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Man, Lefou is fickle. Guess he’s  good guy now because he has a conscience and only tried to kill Maurice...for love.
Gaston, never look up your exs new boyfriends on facebook. You are only going to depress yourself.
The power of love will save you!
What is that, like the third time gaston shot prince dan in the back?
You came back? Oh course. You have a great library. And those rumors better be true.
Ok i am actually sad about the dog and chip, and Mrs. Potts.
Good job general coat rack. You were amazing. *getting emotional*
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Belle loves the beast but has to say it in front of Agatha. Otherwise doesn't count.
Prince Dan is human again. Now change him back! He was hotter before.
Ugggh ewan in a french wig is not attractive. Nope can’t unsee that. and now neither can you. bleh
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Who tells their 6 year old they smell good? Like really?
Mr. Potts story is ridiculously sad. He always knew he was missing something, and that something was not right in his life. Turns out his family was taken away from him and he was forced to forget about them but never really could. Fuck you Agatha.
Oh and cogsworth had a wife? But he hates her? weird tonal change...
Yep, Dirty Dan get a beard. He looks fine with a beard
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And lefou hooks up with a cross dresser. All well that ends well?l
Moral of the story, invest in something other then plants. Diversify your stock portfolio..
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dryasiulia · 7 years
August 21st: Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day
This idea is fantastic and I want to support it as best I can.  I’m constantly amazed that you guys take your free time to provide this for us; so this is quite literally the least I can do!  There’s a lot more below~~~~~~
I wish I had the time today to reread everyone’s work; AND to read everything I haven’t yet.  You all deserve pages and pages of praise; I’m sorry this is all I can do today.  In roughly the order in which they were originally consumed:
@claudeng80 Even if it hadn’t been my fanfic introduction (If you don’t count watching GoT), Noble AU would still hold a special place in my heart.  Honestly everything you’ve done is amazing.  I still haven’t made it through the RIDICULOUS amount of happy you made for us during bingo.  And that’s not even considering the ones I DID get to that I want to reread ASAP (omg that fairytale obi dragon one).  And of course Snowdrop~~~  No words~~~~  I even enjoy the stuff you do that is outside my wheelhouse *cough* star trek.  Plus, Akagami on the Bayou is literally perfection.
@sabraeal It’s lovely to see someone who is so talented spend so much time appreciating and supporting others.  The comments/reviews that you (and Joanna and Andi) leave in the community are literally as entertaining as the stories.  That said, obviously now I’m going to mention Seven Suitors because duh.  It is Canon But Better and I hope there isn't a sekrit counter somewhere that shows how many times Ive read it....maybe even with the Haki B-sides inserted timeline appropriately~~~~  And I don’t have enough time to get into Truth In Masquerade (Or In Which There Will be Ascots; yup, I’m pretty sure that was promised, even if it was just in my head it still counts), modern AU, OFC fae AU (why am I capitalizing AU?), high school, daemons, the kiss of life (I may think about randomly at times) all the bb obi backstory stuff, the amazing haki stuff, and the one shots!  Your 100 prompts was frankly, astonishing, and during a Very Bad Time for me.  It was so amazing to have something like that to escape to.  This workings of this site remain a bit of a mystery to me; things that are original and amazing frequently get missed or ignored; and a picture of a shoe with a cat in it like breaks the internet?
@superhappybubbleslove again with the “someone who is so talented spends so much time appreciating and supporting others” For me, watchtower is like “Uncomfortable RL Canon but Won’t Ever be Canon Because Shoujo”  You do such an astonishing job of like Easter Egg Multi Level Pains.  As if the over-arching pain isn’t enough; there are little poison barbs expertly sprinkled in specially designed for the utmost torment.  Of all the pains (main story pains; not touching the B-SIDE pains because I’m still recovering from Friday) the little ones stick with me the most.  Ugh, that part where he drops the spoons is honestly like the worst for me…..I’ve just upset myself again.  And likewise with the I REALLY REALLY don’t want to know my reread count xD  I don’t have the time to even get started on what Melt, the Mountain Lion au, and everything else deserves.  (Like, I’m still kind of angry about how much I enjoy the ballet au - I mean wut?!)
@infinitelystrangemachinex your commentary is ALWAYS +100~  Automation Heart……I love your Shirayuki so much.  She’s always a science badass.  And the chemistry with Obi, LITERALLY no matter what the set up, is ALWAYS perfect.  I’m not comfortable admitting 1. how many times I have read Analysand 2. how many times I then REREread it when you did Overflow — also rereading Overflow obviously and 3. How many times I read St Elmos Fire once I finally realized I hadn’t read it.  Let’s just leave it at….a lot….  There are still a few things from last year I haven’t gotten to; someone might point out that I MAYBE would’ve had more than enough time to read those I had I skipped a rererereread or two….don’t pester me with your logics~  I’m sure they are equally amazing; I can’t wait to get to them!
@nebluus Apparently I’ve missed a few things on the classic “you must read” obiyuki lists.  However, I have at least read Blizzard.  ~~~~A FEW times.  It most definitely belongs on the list.  Everything about it is perfect.  Ugggh….the part about how he would be a great father… “Are you the fire Obi?”  Dead.  Even though no true relationship stuffs happens it literally kills me every time.  
@xaphrin sometimes I worry from your tumblrs you don’t understand how awesome you are; but then I think surely you see how many people tell you your awesome….right?!?!  I can be a little bit of a cinnamon bun when it comes to reading sexy times, but I feel like you always try (nay succeed) to include it as part of the Whole Relationship.  AND AND AND can we talk about how phone sex AU obi is. the. hottest. obi.  Which is so weird…I mean if someone would’ve told me I’d love “phone sex” au I would’ve rolled my eyes.   BUT ITS SO GREAT.  And obviously diplomacy.  OBVIOUSLY.
@ruleofexception for me you are like a box of cakes.  (real talk, some chocolates are gross, all cake is delicious)  “dead obi with oxygen shirayuki” nuuu please don’t do that….omg that was amazing.  Hunger games?!?!?….moar pls all of the hunger games.  Disembodied voices??…..amazing yes please (I loved Knowing You so much!!!).  Whew and there are many things I haven’t yet said about Fall of the Crown….but I super love it’s gothic feels and I am super excite~~  (The knife naming/giving?!?!!)  And you have more I haven’t even gotten to yet; I can’t wait~
@akai-vampire you take the bare-bones of canon and breath life into it~  When the smallest obiyuki bit happens, my initial reaction is “oh god nina will make me pay for this shortly”  Late at Night is so lovely; I feel like “what happened if Shirayuki didn’t make it out” isn’t explored much~  And omg that blurted confession in Dreams…..  And honestly, if you seriously SERIOUSLY get to 50 in “The Fifty Times You Stole My Heart” you WILL kill me.  It’s only at 6 and I can barely make it now~~~ Srs.  All of it.  
@vivianwisteria okay, the “how Obi and Shirayuki met as kids” canon mystery is ongoing…  However, the way you handled it in Adagio Appassionato is my absolute favorite~  (Canon needs to retcon Violin Shirayuki if Sorata ever actually gives us the backstory there.)  I love it so much that when you dropped that bomb chapter I MAY have put off a serious work assignment to go reread everything IMMEDIATELY.   I LOVE all of Conductor Obi with Issues so much~ Okay, and Love and Other Monstrosities I mean WUT.  There are no other words for that…just WUT WUT WUT!!! Whew, and Impasse, the Damon Lindelof (but better) bad guys here are very mysterious and exciting.  And OF COURSE I love found in translation…. And obviously I am SO VERY EXCITE about Ex Gratia~
@jaygirl987 The “worldbuilding” for Neighbors is astounding.  For srs, you have fleshed out Bruce, THE CAT, more than most fiction manages to with human side characters.  I literally can not wait to see where this goes; everyone’s been established so beautifully.  I adore your obiyuki relationship one-shots as well.  I can’t wait to catch up on the bingo stories I missed!!!!
@meibemeibelline I haven’t finished all of Apple Red and Gold yet…I REALLY need to make a obiyuki “to read” list post it note.  However, I did get to Counting Coins and Motel on the Hill during Bingo.  I LOVE your storytelling.  Your descriptions and atmosphere are wonderful.  Counting Coins was adorable, plus Obi as a hot teacher yes please.  Motel on the Hill is so lovely~~~  It’s beautifully melancholy.  I can’t wait to read the rest; I’m sorry it’s taken me this long!!
@codango obviously the road to Clarines is gravel is amazing.  You succeeded where 18 years of my real life experience did not…you made the cowboy aesthetic attractive~  I adore your characterization of EVERYONE in this and I’ve been super excited for every chapter.  Seriously, the individual elements should not appeal to me, but your skill and ability made them in to something I love.  
@glitter-and-golden  Okay, I never knew that I needed a mithra obi, BUT I DID.  If I Walk It's With You Beside Me is a pleasure to read~  SO, I’m also a sucker for fictional food; and after I read this the first time I totally had to eat breakfast for dinner~  I love everything about this, Ryuu, their cottage, Zen, sassy mithra Obi.  I am so excite!
OMG this was supposed to be faster… -.- I’m past out of time, so please forgive my abbreviated loves:
@onoheiwa  - both your kiss stories were absolutely adorable~~ And I loved the amusement park; Obi’s disappointment when the park was closed was perfect.  I can’t wait to read the rest of your stuff!!  
@krispy-kream - I loved haki as the amyrlin and izana as forsaken SO MUCH.  My memories of early WoT are mixed to say the least….If you want to go ahead and redo all the early books I’d be %100 on board with that.
@another-miracle - your intermissions are beautiful~  your prose is also lovely in general,  I’m so sorry I’m behind!!!  I’m VERY MUCH looking forward to reading everything you’ve given us~
@littleaverill - your role reversal au was great~~~  I love the idea of obi growing up in the shop~ I can only imagine how he’d be different.  I REALLY love your style; there’s an element of the unknown and the implied that always leaves me like I just had a piece of cake that was EVER SO SLIGHTLY smaller that I would’ve cut myself — super delicious but if you even want to send me another slice I’d be okay with it! xD
@nonstopdoodle - The Spice of Life was so cute!   Ryuu as AI was perfect~~  There was something very nostalgically Firefly about it that I loved so much~  And just ftr, your ponies are SO SO SO CUTE
@rebeccaravenroth - okay, the balcony-plants story for bingo was so adorable.  I am fluent in passive aggressive post it notes.  I adore your writing style and storytelling~
I’m sorry I left out a few AO3 people that I don’t know their Tumblr blog name or may not be on Tumblr!!!
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truxi-twice · 7 years
ugggh, so my dnd group has a group facebook message that is *supposed* to be for, y’know, planning our sessions, but because everyone else knows each other better, it just keeps turning into long strings of jokes and “lol” comments, and like...dudes.  I HATE hearing my phone blow up with constant messages  (yeah, I’ve got the sound notification turned off).  I don’t want to have to wade through literally sixty messages in the off chance that at some point someone said something actually relevant to the planning. I’m half tempted to just drop the group message and tell the dm to just pm me personally with anything important.  But that would probably look bad...
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year25manifested · 5 years
thank you libby
ugggh, all of this makes my heart heavy. this shit is harddddd, and even that is an understatement. the first thing I will tell you is that you cannot compare yourself to this new girl. not only are you an exceptional and downright amazing person, but your history with Kenny runs deep and honestly when you share something like that with someone, it can’t ever be replaced. YOU are stunning and YOU are cool (no joke my friends in cincy still ask about you on the reg) and the fact this girl is dating Kenny does not in any way make you any less of who you are. YOU are the shit. YOU are amazing and incredible and worthy in all of your own ways. remember that.
second, in my experience, when someone moves on THAT quickly, it’s a defense mechanism. it’s a lot less painful to move on and start dating someone else than it is to work through your issues and make space in your life for your own growth. remember that your mindset through this entire season of your life is propelling you toward something bigger and better, and it will serve you. throwing a band aid on your problems only resolves it temporarily, so keep doing the work and stay focused on yourself. it’s hard and it sucks, but the growth only happens when you’re uncomfortable.
even though time has passed and the break up isn’t necessarily fresh, Kenny dating someone else is essentially a new wave of grieving for you. and that’s inevitable. he was such a prominent part of your life for so long, so being saddened seeing him with someone else is 100% justified. take the time you need to feel the pain, because that’s the only way it will ever subside. write about it. listen to music. go boxing. sit in your car and sob. whatever it is that allows you to be present in feeling that pain. set a timer for 20 minutes on your phone and be so present in the pain that when the timer goes off, you’ve laid as much of your heartache out as you can. and then when your timer goes off, do something that brings you joy. go for a walk. take a bath. get a manicure. see a movie. whatever it is. take the time you need to be sad and to confront your emotions head on, and then shift your mindset and tell yourself life has sweeter things to offer you 💕—Libby
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alidaalana-blog · 5 years
Right Through Me - 1
Tumblr media
Brrrrrring! Brrrrrring!
I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was 3:15 in the morning and my phone was going off! My heart stopped beating as soon as I saw the number glowing at me from my cell’s LCD screen: Jayel (James Lee) Lawson.
He needs me, I can feel it. I hit ignore, pushed my phone under my pillow and rolled over. I was honoring the vow I made months ago not to fall into that trap again.
I closed my eyes and fought every fiber of my being that wanted to call him back. At this time of night, there’s no telling what could be wrong or what kind of trouble he got himself into. The part of me that has always loved him was beginning to panic with worry, she was fighting against the part of me that was stubborn and had a point to prove: Fuck that nigga. He was the one that pushed me out of his life.
In just a matter of seconds, I was forgetting to breathe. My blood was rushing. Or was it my adrenaline? Whatever the case, something about thinking Jayel was in trouble always filled my body with anxiety, knowing that he was capable of doing anything under the wrong circumstances. This time was no different.
Just keep your eyes closed Clark and go back to sleep, I begged myself. He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself.
My phone vibrated one time under my pillow as a text message came through.
Jayel (James Lee): Don’t ignore me, Clark. I need to talk to you right now. I’m home. Please come over.
Oh boy. He knew I would go if he asked. It’s our dysfunctional pattern. We hurt each other, breakaway, then one of us comes crawling back when someone else has hurt us more. If I had a shrink she would advise against going over there at the crack of dawn just because he asked me to. But I never had a shrink and sure enough, my legs were moving before I could protest or even stage a good defense. Once again, I was putting my pride, and possibly my mental health, aside to tend to my friend.
All I had on was a wife-beater and my underwear. I quickly threw on the skinny jeans I wore earlier and a zip-up hoodie then pushed my feet into some loafers. I washed my face and pulled a beanie down over the top of my head, letting my hair flow out from underneath. I looked in the mirror one last time and shook my head, what I was walking into was going to be ten times harder to walk out of.
In less than twenty minutes I was using the emergency key Jayel gave me to let myself into his apartment. There was no way I was going to ring anyone’s doorbell and wait outside at four in the morning. He was sitting on the sofa in the living room when I walked in. The glass of brown liquid in his hand almost tilted over when he saw me.
He gave me a pained smile. “You came,” he slurred out. “You never let me down, Clark.”
“Oh yeah?” Well, this was the complete opposite of how our last conversation went. I believe the word he used to describe me then was ‘selfish’. “Can I get that in writing?” I half-way joked.
Normally he would laugh, chuckle, or at least give me a grin then comment on my smart mouth. None of the above happened. This was unlike him. This was serious.
“What’s wrong James Lee?” I was the only one he allowed to call him by his real government. He hated his name so much, in high school he made everyone call him JL, which eventually turned into Jayel. But I still love to say James Lee every now and then to remind him that he’s talking to me, the person that has nursed his heart and his wounds more times than a lil bit. I sat next to him on the sofa and took the glass from his hand. I smelled the Jack Daniels before it reached my lips and took a sip, letting a swallow of whiskey roll down my throat. My face frowned as the Jack turned from a liquid to fire somewhere between my throat and chest.
“I caught her cheating. I saw her.” He said.
“Who?” I was unaware he was even in a relationship. But I’m not surprised, Jayel can’t be alone for one second.
“Oh,” his other ex. I turned away from him and rolled my eyes. When we last spoke they were no longer together. Now we were going back down this familiar road once again. I’m so tired of this bitch. And I’m over Jayel giving her the benefit of the doubt. It’s not the first time she’s cheated at all. But for some reason, Jayel just can’t let her go. “Where did you see her? When?” I asked even though I really didn’t care. The story is always the same. The names and places may be different but it always boils down to Jessa being as trifling as she wants to be. But I did care about Jayel and I knew he wanted to vent.
“At her apartment. I came home a little early and saw this dude’s car parked outside. I used my key and walked inside like normal. Thinking maybe I was wrong. Maybe someone else has the same shit green hatch-back. They didn’t even hear me. Clark,” he clapped his claps together, Hard. “I swear by the time I made it to the living room I could hear them fucking.”
“Get the fuck outta here!” This bitch has balls.
“Fucking! In my muthafuckin bed!”
Jayel took the glass back from me and emptied the rest of its contents in one swallow. He reached for the bottle sitting on the table, but I got to it first and placed it behind the arm of the sofa, way out of his reach. I needed him to focus, “What else happened?” Knowing this hot-headed boi, it couldn’t have ended there.
He smirked, “I cracked his head open.”
My hand went over my mouth in shock, but Jayel said it like he was discussing the weather. “You did not!”
“They were on their way to the hospital when I left.”
He was serious. My mouth was hanging open, “What do you mean they? She went with him?”
“But that’s your girl? You were back together, right?” I was confused by the whole fucking thing already.
“And she left with another nigga.” He looked at me,” Shit was unreal.”
“Jayel, I’m so sorry, but you gotta stop doing this. You gotta stop going back to her.”I felt sorry for this poor fool. I gave him back his Jack.
“I know.” He nodded and refilled his glass and looked up at me. “Still mad at me?”
My eyebrow arched, of course I was still mad. I didn’t forget shit. But I didn’t want to get into our issues right now. That’s not why I came. “I’m here right?”
“That doesn’t mean anything. I know you’re still mad.”
“Then why’d you ask?”
“To hear you say it.”
“Ugggh,” I was in no mood to play these games with him. “Do you know what time it is? I’m not doing this with you. You want to know how I feel? The same way you would have felt if I didn’t show up tonight. Disappointed. Broken. Fucked up. I don’t know. Your friends are supposed to be there for you, not push you away.” Jayel opened a can of worms and I was finding it difficult to stuff them back in.
“That’s what we are, huh? Friends?”
“I’m not doing this,” I stood up and shook my head at him. “With your drunk ass.”
“I’m sorry Clark.”
“Letting her come between us.”
“Again. But in all fairness, you made her insecure. What was I supposed to do?”
“Me? How? You know what, don’t answer that. My fault. With you it’s always my fault. I’m sure her fucking someone else is somehow my fault too.” I swear Jayel can rile me up like no one else. He can send me from zero to sixty in three seconds flat.
He ignored my growing attitude and continued, “She says I never stopped loving you.”
This wasn’t a confession. It’s understood that we have feelings for each other. Our friends tease us about it every chance they get. But I never tried to come between him and Jessa. Not once.
“And she knows we use to hook up between relationships and shit.”
“You told her that?”
Jayel is a terrible drunk obviously. He just rambles, mostly telling truths he would normally try to hide. If Jessa was smart enough to ever figure out that two shots were all she needed to find out whatever she wanted from him, there’s no telling what he’s confessed to her.
He shook his head, “No. She told me once that she could tell. By the way, I looked at you. I just denied it. Told her she was crazy. She didn’t believe me anyway.”
These words came out slurred and were beginning to bother me. I’d rather not hear his feelings for me while he was crying over another woman. I don’t know. Maybe that’s just me.
“We’ll talk about it later. Right now you need to focus on staying out of jail. You sent that man to the hospital, Jayel. Now what? I swear in all of the time I’ve known you, You’ve never done the crazy shit you’re doing now. For her! I don’t get it. She doesn’t deserve you. And we both know that. You know how I know we both know?” I held his chin up made him look me in the eye, then tilted my head to the side. He looked so pathetic he was making it almost impossible for me to cough up some tough love, almost, “because we’ve talked about it a trillion and one times, Jayel. We’ve broken it down til it could break no more. That bitch is trash.”
He dropped his head into his hands, elbows resting on his knees.
At that moment I was done asking why. There was no rhyme or reason for the shit we do when we’re in love with the wrong person, when our pride has been defeated. This was the one relationship Jayel ever completely committed to. The one girl he was faithful to and she broke his heart. Stomped on it – like a true cunt. I almost envied Jessa’s boldness, her ability to not give a fuck and keep it moving.
I resisted the urge to point out this is how I felt when he cheated on me. That would be kicking him while he’s down. But shit, it’s the reason I can relate to his pain. Jayel is the one guy I ever let get the best of me.
I sighed hard and released that thought. This wasn’t about me or us. I took his hand, “Come stay with me for a couple of days. I don’t think you should be here alone.”
His eyes widened, “Really?”
“Mmhmm. Go get some things. Think you can manage to do that?”
He nodded and struggled up to his feet, “I think so.”
Jayel packed a small duffle bag with whatever and followed me to my car. I shook my head at the sight. Two hours ago I was asleep, minding my own business.
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prophetparadox · 7 years
Birds of a Feather Chapter 11: Realization (A Prompto x OC Soulmate AU)
Chapter 10 <-/AO3/-> Chapter 12
Word count: 2,306
Man, I’m just flying writing these chapters now! Which makes sense because I’m in a part of the story I’ve been waiting to get to for a while now. And yes, what you think will happen is finally happening. Prompto learns the truth! The only question is, can he fix things before it’s too late? Only one way to find out! And that’s to keep reading! Also forgive me for the cliffhanger, I had to do it.
Tagging: @themissimmortal, @blindbae, @cupnoodle-queen, @nifwrites, @takuahijackedthetardis, @lunarlapin, and @mini-moogle-queen. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates!
Prompto couldn't sleep. He was lying in the hotel bed, Noctis fast asleep beside him, as he stared at the ceiling lost in his thoughts. This had been happening for a number of days now, as he'd been worried about Katia too much to sleep or would just have nightmares, but now it was different. Now he was kept up by the realization he'd had just hours ago. That he was in love with her.
Honestly, he felt stupid for taking so long to realize it, it was no wonder Noctis kept making fun of them because it was probably obvious to everyone else. But the way he cared about her, worried about her, enjoyed being in her presence, it was all because he loved her. He wanted to make her happy and see her smile every day. He wanted to hold her in his arms when things got too rough for her. He wanted to make her laugh from the silly things he did. He wanted to give her happiness even if it meant she'd be happy with someone else. Especially since there was no way he'd ever be the one she chose.
He still didn't know what he'd done to make her upset so badly. And the events from a few hours ago played in his head, how she smiled as she danced with him and looked at him like he was the only other person. She seemed so happy, so why did she back away so suddenly like she was doing something wrong? And even without all that mess, he knew how much Katia wanted to find her soulmate. He'd never seen her marking before, but she talked to him about how she felt optimistic about finding her soulmate, even if her father never had. She wanted to find love and was hopeful that they'd love her. Whoever her soulmate was, they were lucky. Katia was so sweet, funny, adorable, it'd be easy for her soulmate to fall for her. After all, it'd been easy for him.
Speaking of soulmates, he felt the burning itching on his mark again. It seemed like for a moment, the pain had vanished and his soulmate had been happy. Maybe it was because they could feel his own happiness? But now that feeling was gone, and the itching continued no matter how hard he scratched at it. He wished it would stop. He'd already been dumped by Cindy, lost any chances he had with Katia, and he'd never find his soulmate. He didn't need a constant reminder that he was fated to never find love.
Maybe he just needed some fresh air, something to get his mind off of his heartbreak.
He slowly sat up and got out of bed, trying to be quiet so as not to wake anyone else up. He knew Noctis was out like a light, and Gladio was passed out from all the liquor as he snored away. Ignis was a light sleeper though, anything could wake him up. It was amazing he was getting any sleep with Gladio snoring in his ear. And as for Katia, he never knew what to expect. He knew she had sleeping problems, and it would take her a while to get to sleep, but he had no idea if she was easily awakened. He looked over to make sure she was sleeping and froze.
In the dim lighting from outside, Prompto could see Katia, lying on the floor in her own sleeping bag, looked unsettled. She looked like she was about to start crying, soft groans escaping her. She was having a nightmare. He wondered what would cause such a thing until he saw a small yellow object lying on the floor a few inches away. It was Squeaky. That's right, she told him the chocobo plushie helped her sleep better. He must've fallen out of the sleeping bag at some point. Well, he figured he should still try to help her, even if she did hate him. He walked over and picked Squeaky off of the floor, opening the sleeping bag just slightly so he could set him back in Katia's arms. She unconsciously grabbed him with her right arm, her face softening as Squeaky was back at her side. Prompto smiled, ready to get back to what he was doing when he noticed something strange.
Her left wrist was uncovered, and he thought he could make out something on there but it was too dark to see. He quickly grabbed his phone from the nightstand and brought it back over. If he saw what he thought he did... He turned it on, hovering it over her arm so the light wouldn't disturbe her, and the sight he saw was enough to send him into shock.
Right there, on her left wrist, was a feather shaped marking that looked extremely familiar. Prompto took his right wrist and put it under the light as well. Just as he thought, it was the same marking as his. It was the exact same chocobo feather, but on the other side of their bodies.
Prompto closed the sleeping bag and put the phone away. This couldn't be happening, there was no way it was real. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, then did it again three more times just to be certain. But nope, he was still standing in the hotel room, knowing that Katia Ferrum, the girl he'd been best friends with for five years and was in love with, was actually his soulmate. The soulmate he was convinced he'd never find and never love him back.
He stepped out onto the balcony, needing fresh air now more than ever. He couldn't help but laugh at the situation. The Astrals must've been playing with him. He'd known his soulmate for all these years, had been her friend for so long, and he'd never even thought that they were bound by fate. Not even when he realized he loved her just hours ago did he think they were soulmates. Six, he was stupid.
Then it hit him and the situation lost all humor to him. The pain he was feeling all this time had been hers. The happy feeling he felt while dancing had also been hers. The reason she was avoiding him since Caem...was it because she knew?
No, no, it couldn't be. Katia had never seen his marking before and there'd never been a moment where she'd have seen it by accident. Sure, she'd seen the barcode, but not the other side of his wrist. It was impossible. So how did she know? He felt like pulling out his hair, nothing was making sense anymore!
He slumped to the ground, sitting up against the wall. "Why me?" he asked. "Of all the people who could be her soulmate, why is it me? I'm not good enough for her, I'm just going to keep hurting her," Tears slipped down his face. "I don't even know why she's upset at me and I'm supposed to know her better than anyone. ...Shit!" He buried his face in his legs, asking countless questions he knew would never be answered. A moment like this should've made him happy, but all he could feel right now was guilt and sadness. She deserved so much better than a loser like him. How was he going to fix things now?
Noctis was surprised to wake up to an empty bed. He knew for a fact that Prompto had been sharing the bed with him, so the lack of him made the king worried. He looked around the hotel room. Gladio was lying in bed still, groaning due to the hangover. Ignis was nowhere to be seen, probably out finding aspirin or something. Katia was still asleep in her sleeping bag, or perhaps she was awake but didn't want to get up yet. He couldn't tell. But Prompto was not in the room.
As he got up out of bed, Ignis walked into the room. "Hey Specs, you know where Prompto is?" Noctis asked.
The advisor set down a bottle of pils next to where Gladio was lying, a glass of water already waiting there. "I believe he got up some point last night and went to the balcony," Ignis explained. "I never heard the door open again, so I can only assume he's still out there."
"Ugggh, can you not talk so loudly?" Gladio groaned, taking the water and chugging down a couple of pills. They certainly weren't going anywhere for a while, not during the morning at least.
Noctis walked over to the balcony and headed outside. Just as Ignis said, Prompto was still out here slumped up against the wall. "Hey, Prompto, you alive there?" he asked, lightly shaking his shoulder in case he somehow fell asleep like that.
Prompto's head slowly moved upwards, his eyes blinking open. He hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep out here. "Mmmmm...Noct?" he asked, trying to remember what had happened last night. Even though he managed to sleep, he felt so tired. Maybe because a balcony isn't the ideal sleeping spot.
"What're you out here for? Ignis said you came out here last night and never came back in." Noctis took Prompto by the hand, pulling him up so he could stand.
Prompto's eyes shot open, remembering what he saw last night. The feather, the proof of their bond, right there on Katia's wrist. He felt like he was about to cry again, but held himself back. The last thing he needed was to look like a mess. "Noct..." he finally said, trying to figure out how to tell him. "Kat, um, turns out she's..."
"Just spit it out, Prompto."
"She has the same mark as I do. We're soulmates." Prompto expected a reaction of shock, a wide-eyed stare, a gasp, anything. But his best friend remained silent. When he finally looked, Noctis was just grinning.
"It's about time you figured it out."
"Wait, you knew?! How?!"
"I saw her mark myself. She left her arm uncovered and I saw it. She freaked out at first though. Any idea why she did?"
"That doesn't matter, Noct! How long did you know? Why didn't you tell me?"
Noctis sighed. "I found out back in Cape Caem. I'd had my suspicions before that, but never any real proof," Wait, Caem was where the whole mess began. When she started avoiding him. Did she know after all? "And would you have really believed me if I'd told you?" Prompto shook his head. He had a point, if someone else had told him Katia was his soulmate he wouldn't believe it. He'd been convinced that their relationship would never be more than friends, and even if he'd realized his romantic feelings he'd never think it was due to the soulmate bond.
"Does she know? Is that why she's upset at me?"
Noctis shook his head. "Nope, she has no idea. I didn't think it was right to tell her in the state she was in," He glanced inside, seeing that Katia had woken up and was looking around the room. "As for why she's upset, it's a bit more complicated than that."
"Not like it matters," Prompto stared down at his feet, his heart sinking. "I couldn't even tell her that I love her last night, how am I gonna get her to believe we're destined to be together?"
"So you do love her?"
"Of course I do! Kat's the sweetest, kindest, cutest girl out there! She laughs at my stupid jokes, she listens to my problems, and she's soooo pretty."
"Prettier than Cindy?"
"I mean, Cindy's beautiful and all, but Kat's different. Cindy can't compare to her, not in my eyes."
"Then you should tell her that."
Prompto practically jumped out of his skin. "What? Are you crazy? I can't do that!"
"Why not?"
"Because she deserves someone better than me, Noct!"
"Pretty sure the whole soulmate thing makes you the best for her."
"Besides, I just can't tell her when she doesn't even want to look at me!"
"Just tell her. The whole reason she's upset is because she thinks-"
The door opening halted the conversation as Katia walked out onto the balcony. "Oh, Noct. There you are. Iggy said you were out here. There's something I need to-" She turned to see Prompto standing there, looking sadder than ever. It hurt to see him like that, but she told herself not to let her be distracted. "I'm sorry, was I interrupting or something?"
"Nah, I need to head in anyway," Prompto made his way to the door.
"Gladio's hungover, so try not to bother him." Noctis warned.
Before going inside, he stopped next to Katia. He wanted to tell her something, anything, let her know he loved her. But he couldn't do it. "I had fun last night," he managed to spill out. "I hope you did too, Kat." Without waiting for a response, he went inside, leaving her with Noctis.
Noctis sighed, he had to tell her at some point. He'd make sure it'd happen. And she needed to tell him too. "You did look like you were having fun last night." he said, hoping to ignite the spark these two needed.
Katia looked at the ground, her shoes suddenly more interesting. "I guess it's because I forgot the truth or something. That he loves someone else. I don't know." No dice, she was still moping.
"Anyway, you need something from me right? Well what is it?"
Katia took a deep breath, knowing that this wouldn't be easy for her to say. "Okay, so, the thing is... Shit, how do I put this exactly?"
"Just tell me."
"Alright. Here goes. Noct, I think I need to stop travelling with you guys."
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sakialumei · 7 years
I was Taaaged
By the wonderful @sugaredrefrain​ Thanks so much, deary~ <3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Water but I don’t drink much else 2. Phone call: My brother :/ wondering when he’d get home so I could start dinner 3. Text message: My mother when I responded “okay” to her list of chores pfft 4. Song you listened to: Re-Sublimity by KOTOKO 5. Time you cried: MmmmMonday night?
6. Dated someone twice: Nope. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: reeeeeeee Yes 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: Yes 10. Been depressed: Oh yeah. Not all the time, though. but I’ve had rough moments  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Gotten drunk yes but never thrown up.
12-14: Rose red, ocean blue, and cotton candy blue! 
15. Made new friends: More like a whole family but AIGHT 16. Fallen out of love: Nope. 17. Laughed until you cried:  Oh yes. Thank you Mario Kart. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Bitches always be talkin’ bout me 19. Met someone who changed you: Definitely 20. Found out who your friends are: oh yes!! 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of my FB friends are from high school so like... most. Haha. 23. Do you have any pets: Not at my current apt but my dad’s house has our family dog, Uma! 24. Do you want to change your name: Nope. I’m gonna hyphenate if/when I get married :D 25. What did you do for your last Birthday:  I went to Disneyland and I LOVED IT (not my first time but I love it eeeverytime) 26. What time did you wake up: 11:20 AM ish... not my proudest 27. What were you doing at midnight last night:  working on the campaign, I believe 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’ll be revealing some big stuff this upcoming Pathfinder session so WEEE  29. When was the last time you saw your mom: two minutes ago when she walked in.   30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Either my weight or maybe having a cool job haha 31. What are you listening right now: The sound of the freeway outside my apartment 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My mom’s boss! He’s nice. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: I have way too many games to play most of which are endless RPGs 34. Most visited website: Tumblr and YouTube with Roll20 in second.
35. Mole/s: mm nope? 36. Mark/s: cheek and hand 37. Childhood dream: Many. Chef, artist, famous writer...  38. Hair color: natural it’s a mid-brown but I recently dyed it a couple of shades of red, other brown, and blond 39. Long or short hair: long! 41. What do you like about yourself: I have a lot of hobbies and I have a lot of talents surrounding them. Knowledge of one helps me with another :D 42. Piercings: two on each ear. 43. Blood type: B+ 44. Nickname: Sofi! Most people call me Sofi. Except my family. It’s a new nickname every day.  45. Relationship status: Single ;w; 46. Zodiac: Libra 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: ugggh not watching a lot of TV rn. I can always rewatch 30 Rock though. 49. Tattoos: None. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: Does wisdom teeth count?  52. Hair dyed in different color: see above :^P  53. Sport:  nnnnnnnnnnope 55. Vacation: I went to Cancun two years bac. LOVED IT  56. Pair of trainers: uh yes?
57. Eating: I made burgers for my family for dinner. 58. Drinking: Juuuust water. 59. I’m about to:  Work on my campaign and then some RPG Maker 61. Waiting for: motivation? 62. Want: To stay motivated holy shit 63. Get married: Yeeee ;w; I def want to get married but I ofc won’t force it and whatnot. 64. Career: Planning on getting a degree in Comp Sci & Math and then I shall go forth into game design :D
65. Hugs or kisses: I haven’t been kissed in so long... I miss it 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller! 68. Older or younger: older  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I love arms  71. Sensitive or loud: ???? 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I... hesitant?? I guess??
74. Kissed a Stranger:  Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor: yeeeeeeeeeup 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex on the first date: nope and still a virgin oops 79. Broken someone’s heart: yes. 80. Had your heart broken: don’t think so
81. Been arrested: Nope.
82. Cried when someone died: of course 83. Fallen for a friend: hhmhmkfdjfd yes...... 
84. Yourself: Well if I won’t, then who will?  85. Miracles: At times 86. Love at first sight: In a way! There’s some science behind it but it’s not soul mates or anything 87. Santa Claus: n. no? 88. Kiss on the first date: ssssssssssssure
90. Current best friend name: *whips out 5 mile long scroll* 91. Eye color: Brown 92. Favorite movie: Midnight in Paris <3
it’s totally optional but I’ll tag all my besties <3
@hardworkin-queerdo @glacialdragon  @your-netlord @scalding-coffee-cup @lady-cici @rapis-razuri @fancy-plans @pt-piranha
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tizzybella12 · 5 years
The Heaviest Heart on KQ 782/311 💓💓
It's 23:00 in Dubai on the 16 April. I've just checked in and my flight boards at 01:20. KQ 311 is a direct flight from Dubai to Nairobi (Kenya). And then I hop over to KQ 782, a Kenyan Airways flight from Nairobi to Cape Town, South Africa. I feel like I've waited my whole life to get on this flight. I just want to leave already. This day has been a TMI day. Too much information..I never thought my last two weeks let alone my last day in Dubai would end this way. But it has and as much as I want to fall apart, i can't. I need to be strong and I have to go home in one piece. I have interviews in two days and a life that must go on. So let me take you back to four months ago.....
There I was at 05:00 at Dubai International Airport. I had just made the biggest mistake of my life, and I didn't even know it.
This has been one of the most challenging four months of my life. Emotionally and Mentally. I'm exhausted. I haven't slept, eaten and lived my life properly in the longest time. When I landed in DXB on the 07th of December I told myself it was too late to turn back now. I had to be strong. I knew something didn't feel right about this job but I went against my gut and I followed through. I knew it would be hard and I would miss home and my friends. I was prepared for that. I was not prepared for what was about to come my way though...nothing could ever prepare me for the lies and unhappiness that followed. Both at work and my personal life.
Firstly if you are moving to a new country for work. Find out exactly what your job entails and exactly what you will be doing. The middle east is very fond of changing or tweeking "job titles". A butler is just a fancy word for buggy driver etc... A guest relations executive is a fancy word for a glorified waitress. That was my first mistake. I didn't bother researching my job. I was so engrossed and excited about moving to a new country that nothing else mattered.
The weeks that followed were torture, I just couldn't find my feet. I didn't understand the work operation. I didn't understand what my role was and I didn't want to in all honesty. I thought time would help. Keep in mind I was doing a job I had zero experience in. Oh yes, this is very common in the UAE. We will hire you regardless of your experience is their go to slogan. By now, two months had gone by and I still wasn't performing. I spoke to my manager about my issues, i wasn't coping and emotionally I was losing it. My mental health was starting to deteriorate rapidly. There was a sense of well "We all go through it". And we can't do anything to help you kind of attitude.
I had to think fast if I wanted to get out of this, so I did. I needed to take drastic measures. One week later I had successfully resigned. I was serving my notice and I would be going home in a few weeks. I did have second thoughts, but I had made a decision and I had to stand by it. ✌ As time went on I felt like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. I was finally free. I was excited about going home. 😀🙏 I did what I had to do to be happy and I will always put my health first.
And then there was my "barely there" personal life...
This next part, I'm not really sure how to start. I was blindsided this time. I always thought South African guys were assholes, but wow you should travel more. 😂😟 They get more "assholier" north of the continent. I won't go into too much detail here. I guess I'm still trying to process it all. Guys are sneaky bastards (like leaving out the fact they are getting engaged and married soon). They tell you what you want to hear and they know how to manipulate their lies to their own selfish benefit. The bottom line is never take what they are telling you at face value and always look out for the red flags. They're always there we just choose to ignore them. I guess fantasy is better than reality sometimes.
Here's the thing, always use your instincts and your truth as your compass to navigate you through relationships. Whether it's friendships, platonic, romantic, etc. Never discredit your gut.
Below I've included some tips for how to weed out a "two timer much like the one I encountered in Dubai 😡:"
He's always on his phone when you're around:
Here's the truth, he's not texting his bff or his mum ladies. If you're around he shouldn't be texting at all. This is disrespectful and also a sign that he's not really that interested in you. If his phone seems more appealing perhaps he should have stayed home and you should be out with someone else who will respect your time and effort.
  2. He doesn't pay attention when you talk to him:
He never listens to you, or he seems distracted when you have a conversation with him. Or try to. He brushes you off. Or he says things like "you already told me that". Ugggh who wants to be around someone who doesn't pay attention to them. ✌Also it's not easy for someone with a double life to pay attention to so many woman!
3. The wondering eye:
This is an obvious one. Girls if he takes you to a bar and starts telling you he's hooked up with half the bar, run! He's doing it to seem cool but that's not a good reflection of him. And chances are, he has hooked up with all of them!
4. He starts being distant:
When a guy starts being distant he's trying to get rid of you to make room for a new person. It's really that simple..don't make excuses and try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Guys get bored after the chase is over, it's not your fault. He has his own issues.
5. He hides you from his friends and refers to his ex as crazy:
If you have never met his friends, there's a problem. He's hiding you and you deserve to be shown off to the world girl!
If he tells you that his ex is or was crazy there's a problem. Why was she crazy? What made her so crazy?? Guys say this when they have done something wrong in the relationship and aren't ready to take ownership for their fault in it. Watch out for this line.
As woman we tend to be naive, but you pick up on patterns and you need to remember these in every relationship you get into. Don't be hard on yourself, men are great at the game of deception and take great pleasure in making us feel bad about it.
As for me, I'm adjusting to being home for now and spending my time with people who are positive and who contribute good vibes to my life. I've made God and prayer the centre of my life, not just in the tough times but the good to. I'm committed to having a good life moving forward. One with balance. Thank you to everyone who supported me and sent me good wishes when I was going through a tough time abroad. I'm home now and my heart is happy again. ❤🙏
They say.....Time Heals All..but the scars remain to show us how far we have come.
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