earthygirl-t-blog · 6 years
Follow me on my soundcloud  (iam_Earth)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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"Se orgulhar das suas próprias cicatrizes é a oportunidade que você tem de não fazer mais as mesmas merdas no futuro." "Se orgulhar das suas próprias cicatrizes é a oportunidade que você tem de não fazer mais as mesmas merdas no futuro." #man #positivevibes #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #pensive #igers #gaybrasil #instamood #wcw #gay #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #gayhot #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #moveon (em Jandaia Hotel Campo Grande)
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sacramentosluts · 4 years
#tastyjizzbomb - Tagdef
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mogabel · 4 years
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eknowledgetree2015 · 4 years
How to Find Twitter Trending Hashtags in 2020
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If you are using Twitter, then you should use Twitter hashtags. These make your conversations and posts easy to search and find on the platform. The use of hashtags is one of the highest-rated social media marketing tactics since they help users get maximum exposure for their account or brand. 
Why Do You Need Twitter Hashtags?
According to Twitter, tweets that are enriched with the right hashtags increase engagement by almost 50% for brands and 100% for individual users. This means more clicks, but also more replies, retweets, and favourites.  When you add a hashtag to a post, Twitter indexes it and makes it discoverable and searchable by others. When a person clicks on any hashtag, Twitter will lead them to a page that has all posts that have used the same hashtag. Now, some of the hashtags that are being used pick up bigger momentum than others. Those are the ones that are trending.  What does this mean for you? Twitter is one of the top 5 social media sites in the United States alone, which means that when you create a post there, it is just one into a sea of many tweets. If you want it to stand out, you need hashtags.  However, too many of the use of wrong hashtags has a similar effect to none at all – your message will lose all value. According to René Johnson, an assignment writing expert, three things determine the success of your use of hashtags: ‘’You need to know where to use them, in what quantity, and most importantly – which ones to use.’’ – she says. In this article, you’ll learn how to find the Twitter trending hashtags to use on your profile. But first, let’s determine where you need to place them. How, When and Where to Use Hashtags on Twitter The right use of Twitter hashtags is when you’re referring to a topic. You can use hashtags for places and events, themes, items or things, industry terms, and verbs. Right now, some of the trending hashtags include those for Twitter Chats like #SEMRushChat or #QChat.  When it comes to using the ones you have chosen, there are a couple of general rules you should know about: Use a limited number of hashtags per Tweet. Twitter recommends one or two.  Don’t include punctuation in your hashtags. Don’t leave spaces in a hashtag.
How to Find Twitter Trending Hashtags
Now that we’ve gone through the basics about using hashtags, it’s time to introduce the best tools that will allow you to discover the Twitter trending hashtags to use in your posts. Twitter Native In this article, you’ll discover that many excellent tools will help you narrow down the choices, but in any case, Twitter should be your first destination when you do this. Robert Terrence, an assignment help expert and social media marketer, says that ‘Twitter is the most obvious and most basic place to look for when you want to find trending hashtags. No tool could provide you with more accurate information, though you should utilize other tools for best results.’’  The downside to using this source is that you’ll only get a peek of the top trending hashtags and topics. If you want to widen your search, you still need to use a different application. There’s one trick that could help you a bit with this – use the Twitter mobile app since it provides you with a couple more Twitter trending hashtags compared to the desktop version. When you open the app, go to the left-hand sidebar right after your profile and search for the list called Top 10 Trends. These are automatically based on your searches and your location, but you can click on change if you want to change the location. Trendsmap Trendsmap is one of the best tools created for exactly this purpose – to come up with the latest Twitter trends on a worldwide level. You’ll get access to a map filled with words and hashtags that you can click on. When you do, you’ll get results for the specific location that you’ve chosen. It’s a navigational tool that helps people discover which hashtags are trending in which area. This is extremely useful since the popularity of hashtags can vary greatly in different areas. Depending on your target audience and your personal or brand’s goals, this is a neat and handy finder.  Hashtagify Hashtagify is one of the widest used, most effective tools for finding popular hashtags. It provides users with custom suggestions and helps them find the competition and influencers in the niche. It works rather differently than the previous option.  To use it, you need to insert a hashtag you’re considering for your Twitter post. Ideally, you should utilize tools like Twitter and Trendsmap first to come up with some ideas, and then insert those ideas to check them here.  Once you do, you’ll instantly get results in the form of percentage for popularity, recent popularity, weekly and monthly trend. To make things even better, this tool provides you with additional, alternative hashtags that are similar to the ones you’ve inserted. Finally, Hashtagify will tell you who are the top influencers related to the hashtag you chose.  RiteTag RiteTag is a brilliant source of trending Twitter hashtags. To use this tool, you need to enter a term you have in mind. RiteTag will then provide you with two lists – one for instant trending and one for long-term trending.  The first will feature green hashtags that are currently popular. The latter will feature blue hashtags that are continuously trending and generally popular. And lastly, there’ll be a separate list of hashtags that I find to be useful – the one with hashtags that you should not use.  In addition to this, RiteTag provides a map of statistics and connections regarding the hashtags you select. This will give you a complete image for each option you choose there.  SproutSocial SproutSocial is a less popular tool, but a truly useful one nonetheless. If you’re looking to analyze hashtags for a brand, this is an excellent source of useful information. They have a Trends Report that will analyze your incoming messages and tell you which hashtags to use with your brand.  This should help you maintain quality conversations and relationships with your existing followers, but you still need to use other tools to discover the trending hashtags that would help you attract new followers.  #TagDef #TagDef refers to hashtag definition. This is a website that lists all popular hashtags by time frame. You’ll find lists about current trends in Twitter hashtags, weekly trends, and all-time-favourite hashtags. It is more of a generalized list of hashtags, but it is useful to marketers who want to get familiar with a field or topic before they create Twitter content. 
Creating Your Hashtag
The Twitter trending hashtags have all been created by someone. Therefore, one of the best tips you can get is to experiment with hashtags and try to make your own, popular hashtag. This is especially useful if you are working with a new personal or business brand. A unique hashtag that refers to your brand or your message is an excellent branding tool and will help you stand out in the Twitter crowds.  It doesn’t even have to be one hashtag. For example, Nike has its popular #JustDoIt hashtag that we all recognize immediately. But, they also create hashtags for their campaigns such as the #Breaking2 hashtag they’ve created when they tried to break the two-hour barrier for running a full marathon. The result of this hashtag was the usage of over 400 thousand times and over 2 trillion impressions on various social media channels.  So, how can you create your hashtag? Here are some tips that will help you with this: Make sure that your hashtag is unique and isn’t used before. Check Twitter thoroughly to ensure that it’s your unique idea.  Make it short, memorable, and snappy. Long hashtags have higher chances of being mistyped and aren’t effective. Up to three or four words is perfectly acceptable.  Use capital letters to make the hashtag more readable. The great thing about hashtags on Twitter is that they aren’t case sensitive, so even if others use it without capital letters, it will still be your hashtag.
Wrapping Up
The trends surrounding hashtags constantly change, but one thing is for sure – they are here to stay. Hashtags are used on almost every social media platforms and their number grows with every minute. By using relevant, trending hashtags on your Tweets, you can boost your brand’s awareness and reach new audiences.  Author Bio: Michael Gorman is one of the few exceptionally skilled essay writers in the UK. He currently works at a company known for its great reputation with dissertation writing services. In addition to crafting dissertations, Michael also creates blog posts and articles for numerous publications online. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or his Twitter Read the full article
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minnievirizarry · 6 years
How to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags
Twitter hashtags help make posts from disparate posts and conversations connected around the same topic easier to find and search.  Hashtags are formed by using the # pound sign in front of a word with no punctuation or spaces.  Using hashtags, users can find all the posts around a certain event, theme, mood or more. This also makes it a great tool for marketers to gather ideas and join in on wide-ranging conversations.
Including trending and popular Twitter hashtags in your social media posts is a great way to boost your messages to reach people beyond just your own followers. When you use a popular hashtag in a post, you expose that message to everyone discussing that topic and looking at the messages relevant to that subject.
However, in order to take full advantage of this, you’ll need to know which hashtags will work best for you using our Twitter Analytics and more tools on this list.
Sign up for a free 30-day trial with Sprout Social to start tracking all your hashtag data!
Sprout Features Mentioned in This Article
Twitter Analytics
Trends Report
Twitter Keyword Report
9 Tools to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags
For quite some time, this topic has been one of the most widely discussed on the Sprout Social Insights’s blog, so we thought it was due to really build it out to help our readers. We’ve put together a list of nine hashtag tools, broken down by category, that will help you increase your social reach and brand awareness.
Find Trending Twitter Hashtags
Find Popular Twitter Hashtags
Visualize Your Hashtags
If you’re completely new to the concept of hashtags, you can check out our complete guide:
Related Article
How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network
It’s probably not a stretch to assume that most people are familiar with the basic idea of hashtags. But knowing Read More …
How to Find Trending Twitter Hashtags
Great marketers have found success in the use of real-time marketing, which is the idea that you include something topical—something that’s trending—in your social media posts to help increase the overall reach.
It's #NationalDonutDay and one gotta go. pic.twitter.com/Xo57NAx6BJ
— Complex (@Complex) June 2, 2017
In order to capture the most reach, you’ll need to figure out what is trending at the time and create relevant content for that hashtag. These tools can help you find trending hashtags and give you a description so that you can create fitting content.
1. Twitter Native
The most obvious place to check out trending hashtags is the actual Twitter website because it has the most accurate information on the subject. Not only is this the best source based on legitimacy of data, but Twitter also offers “tailored trends” to each user based on where they are and who they follow.
The only negative to Twitter’s hashtags is that it is only gives you a snapshot of the top trending topics. If you’re looking for more hashtags, you’ll need to use a third-party application.
One handy trick to squeeze a few more trending hashtags is to use the mobile app instead of the desktop. Go into the search tab and Twitter will display the top trending topics personalized to your account. If you scroll to the bottom of the “trending now” section, tap on more.
This will show you a list of the top 20 trending topics.
2. Trendsmap
Trendsmap is a navigational tool that allows you to look up the trending hashtags by location. This is fun and powerful for marketers because you can see how different locations are discussing different events online, and use that information to geo-target your messaging.
Getting a pulse on what’s going around in your local area is a great way to speak directly to segments of your audience. The trending topics in Chicago can look completely different from what’s trending in San Francisco or New Mexico. Whether your brand is national or local, this is a handy hashtag finder to go beyond the more broad national trending hashtags.
If you want to get really creative, find which hashtags are trending in a specific geographic location. Then you run ads against people in those areas and include the top hashtags in your Tweet.
3. Sprout Social
Full disclosure, Sprout Social is the company that brought you this article, but we really do have a fantastic tool for hashtag research. When you’re researching hashtags to use, it can be beneficial to see which hashtags are already associated with your brand. Sprout Social’s Trends Report analyzes all of your incoming messages and shows which hashtags are trending with your personal brand.
Once you know which topics and hashtags are being associated with your brand, you can start to use those terms to jump into the conversations with your followers.
4. RiteTag
RiteTag is an amazing tool for a handful of reasons. The first is that it provides a list of trending hashtags on its site that you can use to take advantage of real-time marketing.
RiteTag will also give you feedback on your hashtags as you type, which indicates the strength of your Twitter hashtag.
How to Find Popular Twitter Hashtags
Leveraging trending hashtags for increased reach is a great idea, but what’s trending isn’t always what’s most relevant for your brand. However, it’s still a good idea to pepper your posts with hashtags to incrementally increase impressions. Try using hashtags that used to be popular. One example would be the NFL taking part in the “throwback Thursday” discussion.
Exactly 14 weeks until the NFL season…
Enjoy all 14 of @D_Hest23's career punt return TDs! 😱 #tbt pic.twitter.com/2I8EjI8VxR
— NFL (@NFL) June 1, 2017
5. #tagdef
Tagdef—as in hashtag definition—is a site that lists popular hashtags by time frame, including current, weekly and all-time top hashtags. Tagdef is also great since the site provides the definition for each hashtag, making it easier for marketers to familiarize themselves with the topic before diving in to create the content.
Use Tagdef to avoid looking like the out of touch brand jumping on trending topics without actually knowing what they mean. It’ll save you a lot of embarrassment and awkwardness.
6. hashtagify.me
Hashtagify.me is a hashtag finder that makes it easy to search for hashtags related to those you want to target. You can then use those hashtags along with your original to increase your reach by that much, leading to more clicks and conversion on your posts.
How to Visualize Your Hashtags
When you’re creating and managing hashtag campaigns, it can be incredibly valuable to visualize all of the engagement taking place. These tools will help you anticipate campaigns, making it easy to monitor all the activity surrounding your hashtag.
7. Tint
Once you’ve started your hashtag campaign, you can use Tint to aggregate all of the social posts containing that hashtag into a beautifully designed social hub.
The above is an example of the Nasdaq team displaying its social feeds using Tint.
8. Tagboard
Tagboard is one of the most aesthetically pleasing of all of the hashtag research sites. For each “Tagboard” you create, you specify a hashtag for it to track. Tagboard then displays popular posts containing that hashtag on a board that looks similar to the one below.
You can then easily peruse all of the posts that contain your specific hashtag. The tool has also incorporated “Feature Post,” which pulls that post to a separate board, making responding easy.
9. Keyhole.co
Keyhole originally created its platform for internal use, but decided to open it up to the public when it started receiving some positive feedback. Keyhole has features that are available for free, but more advanced features are accessible only for paid membership.
The above is an example of a fantastic word cloud that Keyhole generated when we searched for the hashtag #socialmedia. Each of those hashtags associated with #socialmedia are also clickable, which makes it easy to search Twitter hashtags around a specific theme.
Creating Your Own Twitter Hashtag
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The tools above are all great for finding existing popular and trending hashtags, but what if you want to create a hashtag of your own?
Branded hashtags can bring your community together, differentiate you from the competition and add a little fun into your Twitter marketing strategy.
Not all branded hashtags are created equally though. Great hashtags are easy to remember, readable and unique. This is a hashtag that’s going to be associated with your brand, so you should put some thought into it. Here are some tips to make sure you get the most from your branded Twitter hashtag.
Attach Hashtags to a Campaign
Most branded hashtags will fall under one of two categories:
Always-on hashtags
Campaign specific hashtags
Always-on hashtags are ones like Nike’s #Justdoit or Under Armour’s #IWILL. They’re a part of your brands overall messaging and not specific to any singular campaign. You’ll often see these types of hashtags used when followers share user generated content for their favorite brands.
Made with only natural ingredients, #ChobaniKids Greek Yogurt Pouch makes a yummy and healthy lunch or snack treat! @Chobani #ad pic.twitter.com/qFIdLr6g0s
— Manila Spoon (@ManilaSpoon) January 12, 2017
The second is campaign specific hashtags. These typically have a shorter lifespan and are used for a particular promotion. For instance, for National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, the Alzheimer’s Association promoted the hashtag #EndAlzheimers.
"There's so much research going on, it makes me hopeful." @LifeInPiecesCBS star @betsy_brandt on the fight to #EndAlzheimers. pic.twitter.com/krvwrVpZIj
— Alzheimer's Assoc. (@alzassociation) June 2, 2017
The advantage of these hashtags is that they can be tied back to a specific campaign. Whenever you’re running a contest, competition or campaign, create a branded hashtag to go along with it. Then you can use a tool like Sprout with hashtag tracking to get an in-depth look at your campaign’s performance.
Perform a Hashtag Search First
Before you settle on a hashtag, make sure you search Twitter for it. Specifically, you want to make sure nobody else is using the same hashtag and that it’s not tied to anything negative or outside your brand. If your desired hashtag was used several years ago, it’s probably safe to use it. But if a well-known brand is using it as a part of a current campaign, it’ll create a lot of confusion and make your legal team cringe.
Don’t Make the Hashtag Too Long
We’ve all done it before. Whether it’s typing out a text or Tweet, missing a character or misspelling a word happens all the time. The longer your Twitter hashtag is, the more likely it’ll be that someone will make a typo when trying to Tweet it.
You want your hashtag to be something that people can easily remember and spell. Some things to look out for are:
Using multiple words that end and start with the same letter (#gamingguys). These doubling up of letters looks confusing and makes it a little difficult to quickly write out.
Making it over three words long (#itsgamedaytoday). Your hashtags shouldn’t turn into complete sentences. Ideally, keep your hashtags to fewer than three words.
Using words that run into each other. The classic example of this mistake is is Susan Boyle’s album release party hashtag fail. When you’re stringing together multiple words in a single hashtag, double check for any hidden messages.
Avoid Using Too Many Hashtags in a Tweet
This tip goes for both branded and non-branded Twitter hashtags. Unlike Instagram where it’s pretty common to see 10+ hashtags in a single caption, Twitter is a little less welcoming to hashtag cramming.
Keep your number of hashtags in a Tweet to less than three. But one will usually be enough, particularly if it’s a branded hashtag that’s a part of a campaign.
In Closing
Hashtags are an extremely popular aspect of Twitter and other social media sites, and should be utilized by brands to assist in their marketing. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you’re using the best tools to research, create and monitor all of the hashtags associated with your brand.
If you’re looking for a good place to start, try out Sprout Social’s Twitter Keyword Report to see which hashtags and keywords people are currently discussing around your brand.
This post How to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/twitter-hashtags/
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jessette20 · 6 years
How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network
Including trending and popular Twitter hashtags in your social media posts is a great way to boost your messages to reach people beyond just your own followers. When you use a popular hashtag in a post, you expose that message to everyone discussing that topic and looking at the messages relevant to that subject.
However, in order to take full advantage of this, you’ll need to know which hashtags will work best for you using our Twitter Analytics and more tools on this list.
Sign up for a free 30-day trial with Sprout Social to start tracking all your hashtag data!
Sprout Features Mentioned in This Article
Twitter Analytics
Trends Report
Twitter Keyword Report
9 Tools to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags
For quite some time, this topic has been one of the most widely discussed on the Sprout Social Insights’s blog, so we thought it was due to really build it out to help our readers. We’ve put together a list of nine hashtag tools, broken down by category, that will help you increase your social reach and brand awareness.
Find Trending Twitter Hashtags
Find Popular Twitter Hashtags
Visualize Your Hashtags
If you’re completely new to the concept of hashtags, you can check out our complete guide:
Related Article
How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network
It’s probably not a stretch to assume that most people are familiar with the basic idea of hashtags. But knowing Read More …
How to Find Trending Twitter Hashtags
Great marketers have found success in the use of real-time marketing, which is the idea that you include something topical—something that’s trending—in your social media posts to help increase the overall reach.
It's #NationalDonutDay and one gotta go. pic.twitter.com/Xo57NAx6BJ
— Complex (@Complex) June 2, 2017
In order to capture the most reach, you’ll need to figure out what is trending at the time and create relevant content for that hashtag. These tools can help you find trending hashtags and give you a description so that you can create fitting content.
1. Twitter Native
The most obvious place to check out trending hashtags is the actual Twitter website because it has the most accurate information on the subject. Not only is this the best source based on legitimacy of data, but Twitter also offers “tailored trends” to each user based on where they are and who they follow.
The only negative to Twitter’s hashtags is that it is only gives you a snapshot of the top trending topics. If you’re looking for more hashtags, you’ll need to use a third-party application.
One handy trick to squeeze a few more trending hashtags is to use the mobile app instead of the desktop. Go into the search tab and Twitter will display the top trending topics personalized to your account. If you scroll to the bottom of the “trending now” section, tap on more.
This will show you a list of the top 20 trending topics.
2. Trendsmap
Trendsmap is a navigational tool that allows you to look up the trending hashtags by location. This is fun and powerful for marketers because you can see how different locations are discussing different events online, and use that information to geo-target your messaging.
Getting a pulse on what’s going around in your local area is a great way to speak directly to segments of your audience. The trending topics in Chicago can look completely different from what’s trending in San Francisco or New Mexico. Whether your brand is national or local, this is a handy hashtag finder to go beyond the more broad national trending hashtags.
If you want to get really creative, find which hashtags are trending in a specific geographic location. Then you run ads against people in those areas and include the top hashtags in your Tweet.
3. Sprout Social
Full disclosure, Sprout Social is the company that brought you this article, but we really do have a fantastic tool for hashtag research. When you’re researching hashtags to use, it can be beneficial to see which hashtags are already associated with your brand. Sprout Social’s Trends Report analyzes all of your incoming messages and shows which hashtags are trending with your personal brand.
Once you know which topics and hashtags are being associated with your brand, you can start to use those terms to jump into the conversations with your followers.
4. RiteTag
RiteTag is an amazing tool for a handful of reasons. The first is that it provides a list of trending hashtags on its site that you can use to take advantage of real-time marketing.
RiteTag will also give you feedback on your hashtags as you type, which indicates the strength of your Twitter hashtag.
How to Find Popular Twitter Hashtags
Leveraging trending hashtags for increased reach is a great idea, but what’s trending isn’t always what’s most relevant for your brand. However, it’s still a good idea to pepper your posts with hashtags to incrementally increase impressions. Try using hashtags that used to be popular. One example would be the NFL taking part in the “throwback Thursday” discussion.
Exactly 14 weeks until the NFL season…
Enjoy all 14 of @D_Hest23's career punt return TDs! 😱 #tbt pic.twitter.com/2I8EjI8VxR
— NFL (@NFL) June 1, 2017
5. #tagdef
Tagdef—as in hashtag definition—is a site that lists popular hashtags by time frame, including current, weekly and all-time top hashtags. Tagdef is also great since the site provides the definition for each hashtag, making it easier for marketers to familiarize themselves with the topic before diving in to create the content.
Use Tagdef to avoid looking like the out of touch brand jumping on trending topics without actually knowing what they mean. It’ll save you a lot of embarrassment and awkwardness.
6. hashtagify.me
Hashtagify.me is a hashtag finder that makes it easy to search for hashtags related to those you want to target. You can then use those hashtags along with your original to increase your reach by that much, leading to more clicks and conversion on your posts.
How to Visualize Your Hashtags
When you’re creating and managing hashtag campaigns, it can be incredibly valuable to visualize all of the engagement taking place. These tools will help you anticipate campaigns, making it easy to monitor all the activity surrounding your hashtag.
7. Tint
Once you’ve started your hashtag campaign, you can use Tint to aggregate all of the social posts containing that hashtag into a beautifully designed social hub.
The above is an example of the Nasdaq team displaying its social feeds using Tint.
8. Tagboard
Tagboard is one of the most aesthetically pleasing of all of the hashtag research sites. For each “Tagboard” you create, you specify a hashtag for it to track. Tagboard then displays popular posts containing that hashtag on a board that looks similar to the one below.
You can then easily peruse all of the posts that contain your specific hashtag. The tool has also incorporated “Feature Post,” which pulls that post to a separate board, making responding easy.
9. Keyhole.co
Keyhole originally created its platform for internal use, but decided to open it up to the public when it started receiving some positive feedback. Keyhole has features that are available for free, but more advanced features are accessible only for paid membership.
The above is an example of a fantastic word cloud that Keyhole generated when we searched for the hashtag #socialmedia. Each of those hashtags associated with #socialmedia are also clickable, which makes it easy to search Twitter hashtags around a specific theme.
Creating Your Own Twitter Hashtag
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The tools above are all great for finding existing popular and trending hashtags, but what if you want to create a hashtag of your own?
Branded hashtags can bring your community together, differentiate you from the competition and add a little fun into your Twitter marketing strategy.
Not all branded hashtags are created equally though. Great hashtags are easy to remember, readable and unique. This is a hashtag that’s going to be associated with your brand, so you should put some thought into it. Here are some tips to make sure you get the most from your branded Twitter hashtag.
Attach Hashtags to a Campaign
Most branded hashtags will fall under one of two categories:
Always-on hashtags
Campaign specific hashtags
Always-on hashtags are ones like Nike’s #Justdoit or Under Armour’s #IWILL. They’re a part of your brands overall messaging and not specific to any singular campaign. You’ll often see these types of hashtags used when followers share user generated content for their favorite brands.
Made with only natural ingredients, #ChobaniKids Greek Yogurt Pouch makes a yummy and healthy lunch or snack treat! @Chobani #ad pic.twitter.com/qFIdLr6g0s
— Manila Spoon (@ManilaSpoon) January 12, 2017
The second is campaign specific hashtags. These typically have a shorter lifespan and are used for a particular promotion. For instance, for National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, the Alzheimer’s Association promoted the hashtag #EndAlzheimers.
"There's so much research going on, it makes me hopeful." @LifeInPiecesCBS star @betsy_brandt on the fight to #EndAlzheimers. pic.twitter.com/krvwrVpZIj
— Alzheimer's Assoc. (@alzassociation) June 2, 2017
The advantage of these hashtags is that they can be tied back to a specific campaign. Whenever you’re running a contest, competition or campaign, create a branded hashtag to go along with it. Then you can use a tool like Sprout with hashtag tracking to get an in-depth look at your campaign’s performance.
Perform a Hashtag Search First
Before you settle on a hashtag, make sure you search Twitter for it. Specifically, you want to make sure nobody else is using the same hashtag and that it’s not tied to anything negative or outside your brand. If your desired hashtag was used several years ago, it’s probably safe to use it. But if a well-known brand is using it as a part of a current campaign, it’ll create a lot of confusion and make your legal team cringe.
Don’t Make the Hashtag Too Long
We’ve all done it before. Whether it’s typing out a text or Tweet, missing a character or misspelling a word happens all the time. The longer your Twitter hashtag is, the more likely it’ll be that someone will make a typo when trying to Tweet it.
You want your hashtag to be something that people can easily remember and spell. Some things to look out for are:
Using multiple words that end and start with the same letter (#gamingguys). These doubling up of letters looks confusing and makes it a little difficult to quickly write out.
Making it over three words long (#itsgamedaytoday). Your hashtags shouldn’t turn into complete sentences. Ideally, keep your hashtags to fewer than three words.
Using words that run into each other. The classic example of this mistake is is Susan Boyle’s album release party hashtag fail. When you’re stringing together multiple words in a single hashtag, double check for any hidden messages.
Avoid Using Too Many Hashtags in a Tweet
This tip goes for both branded and non-branded Twitter hashtags. Unlike Instagram where it’s pretty common to see 10+ hashtags in a single caption, Twitter is a little less welcoming to hashtag cramming.
Keep your number of hashtags in a Tweet to less than three. But one will usually be enough, particularly if it’s a branded hashtag that’s a part of a campaign.
In Closing
Hashtags are an extremely popular aspect of Twitter and other social media sites, and should be utilized by brands to assist in their marketing. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you’re using the best tools to research, create and monitor all of the hashtags associated with your brand.
If you’re looking for a good place to start, try out Sprout Social’s Twitter Keyword Report to see which hashtags and keywords people are currently discussing around your brand.
This post How to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from http://bit.ly/2JWeuQq
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salmoblog · 13 years
TT's: Twitter vs tagdef
Uso muy poco Twitter y me llamó la atención lo que pasó con #soyprole y su estado como "trending topic". Lo que no entiendo es porque en http://tagdef.com/ #soyprole es el número 2 mundial y en http://twitter.com/ ni aparece dentro de los de México. ¿Alguien sabe que pasa? ¿Será que tagdef no está censurado?
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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Sei que um dia eu posso perder as chaves do meu coração, por isso deixo cópias com os meus amigos. #friends #meusbebes #amo #mans #positivevibes #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #pensive #igers #gaybrasil #instamood #wcw #gay #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #gayhot #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #moveon (em Daza)
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l3fan-0-rama · 13 years
tagdef saves the day.
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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Não existem más idéias. Só idéias incríveis sendo mal executadas. 😎 #man #positivevibes #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #pensive #igers #gaybrasil #instamood #wcw #gay #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #gayhot #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #moveon #tvd (em Campo Grande, Brazil)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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too good at goodbyes! 🦄🤓😉 #man #positivevibes #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #pensive #igers #gaybrasil #instamood #wcw #gay #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #gayhot #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #moveon #samsmith (em Mansão Dos Costa)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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Eu desejo o bem para qualquer pessoa, mas principalmente para a que me causou mal um dia, porque essa sim é a que mais precisa. #man #positivevibes #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #instagay #pensive #igers #instamood #wcw #likeforlike #gayms #nofilter #tweegram #instago #mcm #ootd #shoutout #gayman #diy (em Campo Grande, Brazil)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 6 years
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Chega um momento que é mais do que um jogo e aí ou você dá um passo pra frente, ou dá as costas e vai embora. Eu poderia desistir, mas aí é que está: eu adoro o campo onde eu jogo. (M.G.) #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #instagay #pensive #igers #instamood #wcw #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #rayban #greysanatomy (em Campo Grande, Brazil)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 7 years
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“Não dá para saber qual dia será o mais importante da sua vida. Os dias que você pensa serem importantes nunca atingem a proporção imaginada. São os dias normais, os que começam normalmente que acabam se tornando os mais importantes.” #love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #instagay #pensive #igers #instamood #wcw #likeforlike #gayms #nofilter #tweegram #instago #mcm #ootd #shoutout #raybanove #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #instagay #pensive #igers #instamood #wcw #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #rayban (em Campo Grande, Brazil)
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jeffpotter-blog1 · 7 years
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Bem lesgooo!! 👊🏻✌🏼 #aboutlastnight#love #instagood #photooftheday #cute #tagdef #instagay #pensive #igers #instamood #wcw #likeforlike #nofilter #tweegram #instago #mcm #ootd #shoutout #diy #pandinha #sense8 #relationship #love #niverdabruna (em Campo Grande, Brazil)
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