#tagged: helyne
gale-helyne · 7 months
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loserlovesattention · 2 years
Blood of Fire Chapter Two Jacaerys Velaryon x Servant Reader
Summary: The day had been long and hard and lonely... So when the princes asked for a princess, how could you refuse?
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem Reader
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Chapter Two 
The following weeks were a whirlwind of lessons, duties and exploring. All the excitement made you practically devour all your food when you ate, and rush through the corridors to get to your next activity. This rambunctious behavior earned you more than a few scoldings and extra chores. You couldn't help it- there was so much at Dragonstone to do and see and learn!
“Ladies do not run in the halls, scarf down their food like savages and especially squirm while standing!” Lady Jeyne lectured you. 
“I'm sorry, my legs hurt!” You whined. “How much longer must I do this?” 
“You will do this all night if you continue to shake!” 
She must have seen the tears welling up in your eyes at her outburst. Her voice softened.
“Y/N, when you become an attendant, you are expected to stand for long hours at a time. How do you think it would make the princess feel to have her servants lounging around, while she must be on her feet all day?”
You nodded at that, desperately trying to blink away the tears that gathered in your eyes. 
“Remember; keep your shoulders back.”
Shoulders back, stomach in and chin high, you thought.
“Don’t lock your knees! Standing at attention does not make you a statue, you must relax!” 
You exhaled the breath you were holding, urging your muscles to release. 
“Better, much better.”
Many minutes must have passed; when you glanced out of the window yet again, you found the sun had moved to setting over the horizon. 
“Let us continue this tomorrow, you are dismissed.” Lady Jeyne relented.
You curtsied before you made your leave, anxious with anticipation.
You learned quickly that evenings were the best time of day. By then everyone's day time activities were winding down and a majority of the household had about an hour's worth of downtime. Some of the gentlemen ushers and stablehands would play cards in the servants cookhouse. A couple of washerwomen would attend the sept to pray. A majority of the maids returned to the maiden's chamber to sow and gossip. Even the Maester would emerge from his cell to keep long important discussions with Lady Jeyne. Your mother often enjoyed long walks around the castle with the older ladies, talking about nothing and everything. 
Helyn and you found such activities tedious, forced to make your own sources of entertainment. On bleak rainy days, the two of you would find an unoccupied window seat to play with the few toys you possessed. Other days, the two of you played tag or hide and seek in the deep caverns located beneath the castle. But on clear sunny evenings such as this one, there was nothing more you loved best than climbing up to the rookery to watch the dragons. 
Ever since the royal families' arrival, the dragons they owned had been kept in the pits just below the keep. And on glorious days like today, they were released to roam the island as much as they pleased. To lure the beasts back, the dragon keepers would leave out freshly slaughtered cows or goats-sometimes even live ones.
It was exhilarating to see the sun gleam off their scales as they ascended into the air. Even from a distance, you could feel the gusts of wind from their wings when they flew past. The orange light from their blasts of flame seemed to fill you with an overwhelming, powerful sensation, which you had never felt before. 
When the dragons roughhoused, they would shriek boisterously- the large gold one especially. The smaller ones often fled from the fighting to perch on the lower roofs of the castle, or catnap in one of the courtyards. 
From time to time either the prince or the princess would emerge to saddle their dragons themselves and vanish into the clouds. 
Never together, you noticed. Well, mother had once told you married couples should spend some time apart. Otherwise they may tire of each other's presence. Perhaps dragonriding was something the two used to have some private time? 
As of late, the two oldest princes have been spending more time training their own dragons. The younger commanded the smaller pale one, crested with crimson. While the elder commanded the larger green one, whose wings shined like bronze.  
“Why don’t they ride them?” You wondered once. “If I had my own dragon, I would do nothing but spend all my days flying!” 
“I don’t think they’re big enough to ride.” Helyn answered. “You have to wait until they can support your weight or else you may crush them.”
However, you were in no mood to visit the rookery today. Helyn had come down with a chill and was sentenced to bed rest, at least until the fever abated. Going alone just wouldn’t be the same. 
Where have I not explored yet? You pondered. 
A majority of your lessons took place in the unused chambers inside The Stone Drum-the massive tower on the West side of the fortress. It was fascinating to go there on stormy nights, to listen to the roaring waves and howling winds. Occasionally lightning would light the room bright as day, before the whole tower shook with thunder. 
“You mustn't fear the storm Y/N,” You would remember, “Do you know where storms come from?” Storms are gifts from the Gods; to make us brave and strong. Sometimes you even liked to close your eyes and feel the vibrations all around you. This is what being inside a dragon must feel like…
Of course you had seen some parts of The Sea Dragon Tower, where the rookery was kept. But you were forbidden to enter The Maesters Chambers there, as well as The Royal Apartments where the princess resided. Helyn had taken you to the Tower Cells there once, only to find it empty and unmanned. Of course that hadn’t stopped you from playing jailor and prisoner there. 
“Aegon's Garden is just outside The Windwym Tower,” Helyn had explained. “You can only get there through a long corridor called The Dragon's Tail. I’ll take you there when the weathers good enough.” Why wasn’t the weather good enough today? As far as you could tell today had been the warmest day of the year! 
“Pardon me,” You asked one of the passing footmen. “I am still new to this keep. Could you please tell me where I may find The Dragon's Tail?” You made sure to bat your lashes at the end of your question. All the adults around here were fond of children, and practically bent over backwards when you played innocent.
“Of course, it is down these stairs, across the gallery and to your left.” He said, pointing. 
“Thank you!” You bowed low, before scurrying away.
There were many levels inside Dragonstone, each with their own purpose and stories. Some parts held broad stone arches and columns. Others contained statues of basilisks, demons, griffins, hellhounds, manticores, and wyverns. To the most grand and ancient rooms, you found their doors set inside the mouths of stone dragons. Even the torches throughout the corridors and halls were held in dragon's claws. Very often you found yourself gazing at all the details embedded around you; lost in a world of wonder.
It’s all like a dream from which I hope never to wake!
Even The Dragon's Tail was furnished in the grandest manner; with rich tapestries and detailed oil paintings adorning the walls. In the very center on the left hand side hung the largest painting of all: a family portrait.
In the middle stood a tall, robust man with a square jaw, short pale blonde hair and a matching close cropped beard. He wore a richly colored velvet doublet, a matching cape and a steel circlet studded with large square shaped rubies. On his left side was a slightly older woman, with the same pale blonde hair piled in braids atop her head. Shockingly, she wore mans mail with a grand three headed dragon on the chest. She even clutched a sword like the man beside her, albeit a lighter more feminine sword to fit her smaller frame. Lounging in a chair on the other side was a more girlish, gentle beauty. Again, the same pale hair but she wore it long in curls cascading down her chest. Her silk dress hugged her curvaceous body lewdly, fine stacks of bracelets adorned her wrists, and around her neck she wore a string of the largest diamonds you had ever seen. 
the conquerors, you knew instinctively. King Aegon and his sister queens: Visenya and… Rhaena? Rhaenys? You racked your brain to remember, but couldn’t find a clear answer. 
As a child you loved playing Visenya in your games with the other children. Often getting into trouble for playing too hard, whacking so forcefully with your pitiful tree branch; imagining it to be a sword.  
“Visenya was not like most women,” Mother used to tell you. “She was a great warrior, maybe even greater than her brother. She even wielded a Valyrian steel sword called…”
What had her sword been called? What was the name of the dragon she rode? It all seemed so distant now. It felt shameful- once you knew every detail about your idol, and now that you were face to face with her you couldn't recall a thing. 
You gazed longfully at the painting one last time before you departed.
I wish I was born sooner, when you lived here. Would you have noticed me? Would we have been able to be friends? 
Aegon's Garden looked nothing like how you expected. In all your fantasies, castle gardens were full of fountains, marble statues, large luscious trees and flowers that bloomed in the most vivid colors. 
This garden was sparse and dark. There were no fountains or statues to be found. The trees were tall thin pines that casted long shadows. There was a cobblestone pathway, but instead of being lined with posies, it was  smudged between towering thorny hedges. 
It was no pretty paradise that reminded you of peaceful meadows. No, this reminded you of the scary stories your father would tell, of deep dark woods that hid wolves, bears and wild cats. It was fitting for Dragonstone, you supposed. An equally dark, strange and exotic place.
Cautiously, you followed the path deeper into the garden. This was a castle after all, surrounded by strong high walls; you had no wolves, bears or cats to fear here! The path winded left and right, between a mixture of pines, shrubs and thorn bushes before emerging onto a clearing. In the center of the clearing there appeared to be a small pond beneath a looming black dragon, which appeared to be carved from pure volcanic stone. 
You kept your eyes on it as you moved closer. Was it volcanic rock? It was so black and shiny it must be-
You failed to notice the boot sticking out from under one of the bushes and fell sideways into the grass. 
As soon as you did notice it, you reached forward to pull back a branch, revealing the person lying there. Who in the world hides inside a bush beside a busy path?
It was a young boy, even younger than you. With a mop of curly hair and wide brown eyes-
“My prince? What are-” 
“There you are! I found you!”
A few feet in front of you stood the eldest prince, expression wide and excited.
“Looks like I win again!” 
Instantly, the younger prince jumped to his feet and out from the bush.
“That wasn’t fair! You didn’t even find me! I want to go again!” 
“Does it even matter? I’ll still win anyways!”
As the boys continued to argue, you did your best to remove yourself from the situation. Backing away slowly, you went to return the way you came. Perhaps you can wait to explore the rest tomorrow with Helyn…
“Wait! Maid!”
 Behind you was the eldest prince, trailed by his pouting brother.
You did your best to bow, remembering your lessons.
“My prince, please forgive me for intruding-”
“You may rise, there is nothing to forgive! In fact, there is something my brother and I mean to ask you.”
“Yes, my prince?”
“We’re starting a game of Come Into My Castle, and we need a princess to rescue…”
You had never heard of such a game, did they want you to find someone who did? Or…?
“What Jace means is, do you want to play with us?”
It was very tempting. The day had been lonely and uneventful without your friend, and you longed to play in a group like you had back home. But were you allowed to play with them even if they asked? Your mother or Lady Jeyne had never discussed it.
“You won’t get into trouble if that’s what you fear.”
You thought on it some more. Your one and only friend was gone for the time being. You were awfully bored. They had, in fact, approached you. They did say you wouldn't get into trouble… 
“Okay! How do you play?”
“It’s not fair!” Prince Lucerys whined,“You’re bigger and stronger than me!”
“All is fair in love and war!” Prince Jacaerys whined back, mimicking his brother's high pitched voice. 
It turned out Come Into My Castle was not a very amusing game. All you did was scream when Jacaerys dragged you away by the arm and hid you in one of the trees. Whenever Lucerys tried to save you, only to be chased off by his brother, you occasionally cried out; “Oh save me my prince!”
When the two switched places, Jacaerys as the hero and Lucerys as the villain, nearly the exact same thing would happen: Jacaeys would best his younger brother at every turn, until Lucerys gave in to his exhaustion. This time Jacaerys had come out on top yet again, pinning his younger brother to the ground until the poor boy's face was full of dirt.
You waited until the round was finished before you spoke.
“It appears I win again and the Lady is mine to keep!” Jacaerys roared, offering his hand to help you down at least. As the youngest in your family, it pained you to watch the youngest at the mercy of the oldest. Immediately you thought up a game that may help.
“Perhaps we should play something else?” You proposed.
“Such as?” Lucerys asked excitedly.
“Such as…” You reached down to undo your belt, before loosely fastening it around Jacaerys waist. “Capture!”
The two boys stared at you, clearly confused. Perhaps this was not a game the highlord's played?
“One player, Jacaerys, must wear this belt. He cannot take it off. It is our job to take it from him!” Lucerys seemed to perk up at that.
“So it is like tag!”
“Exactly! And so we are not just chasing Jacaerys until he is too tired to run…”
You looked around briefly before picking out the best landmarks. “The stone dragon and the backgate are safe. Jacaerys can place his hands on those two things and we cannot take the belt from him- as long as he is touching those two things.”
“And what is stopping me from just staying in the safe spots?” Jacaerys asked, skeptically.
“You can only stay there for, let’s do thirty seconds, so you can catch your breath. Once those thirty seconds are up the belt is ours to take!”
Lucerys was practically bouncing up and down with excitement, clearly thrilled to finally have a chance to best his brother.
“I still don’t know…” Jacaerys asked, perhaps sensing a threat to his winning streak.
“Please!” Lucerys begged, “It sounds fun! And besides you’re still faster than me.”
“And it’s not like you’re afraid to be beat by a girl, right my prince?” You chimed in as sweetly as you could, again batting your lashes.
Prince Jacaerys considered it for a moment, before nodding his head reluctantly.
If only he knew.
Boys are much faster than girls, you knew. But comparatively you had more running experience. But you couldn’t flaunt it, not yet. You had to lure the prince into a false sense of security first, before you won the game fair and square. 
So during the first few minutes, you always stayed two steps behind Jacaerys, with Lucerys trailing on your heels. To and fro it went, back and forth. When the prince's breathing grew more labored and his pace began to lag, you decided to pounce. As he circled around Lucerys, making a beeline for the dragon statue, you reached out snatching the belt clean from around his waist.
“Point!” You cried, triumphant. 
 Jacaerys appeared shocked, then determined.
“Okay, this time you wear the belt and we’ll see how well you do!”
Needless to say you lasted much longer than Jacaerys had, knowing the right time to zig zag, dip and dodge. You only relented when you noticed Lucerys still trying desperately to keep up. So it was to him which you gave the honor; winding around one of the trees and running right in the young boy's direction. 
“I did it! I did it!” Lucerys called.
You froze in your tracks. You recognized that clear sweet voice, even though you had heard it only once. 
Sure enough standing above you on the lower balcony, just overlooking the garden, was the rightful heir to the Iron Throne herself- Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Had she been there this whole time?
You dropped to your knees instantly, silently praying to The Gods for mercy. Jacaerys had assured you were free from any trouble, but still. You had not thought to get her permission before agreeing. Was going behind her back treason?
“What are you doing?” She didn’t sound upset. In fact she sounded simply curious, or at least you had thought so.
“Just playing mother!” Jacaerys called up to her, “We should be done in a couple of minutes!” 
She smiled at that, before glancing down at you, regarding you with careful violet eyes.
“And who is your friend?”
It hit you then, you hadn’t even bothered introducing yourself to them before you started playing. Of all the shameful stupid things- 
“Y/N, your grace. The princes asked if I should like to play with them so I-”
She held her hand up to silence you. 
“Very well. Make it quick, supper is almost ready.”
And in a quick flash of black brocade, the princess was gone. 
“Told you it was fine.” Jacaerys said, grabbing the belt from Lucerys and fastening it around his waist again. “At Kings Landing our uncles never wanted to play games with us. Aegon was too busy chasing girls, and his brother was…Well...So we played with the serving children instead. Mother never minded.”
You sighed in relief, placing your hand over your racing heart.
“Oh good. I had thought-”
“Are we going to finish the game or not?” Jacaerys teased. 
“Last I checked we still don’t have a clear winner!”
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silversong79 · 7 years
Chapters: 13/25 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Female Character, Doriana (ofc)/Rowan (omc), Switch (oc)/Vadii (oc), Crow (oc)/Avis Deryn (oc), Charm (oc)/J'razi'aderi'amowei (oc), Cat (oc)/Mouse (oc), Tala Morrigan (oc)/Dancer (oc), Helyne Maai (oc)/Daanin (oc) Characters: ARC-7039|Rowan, CT-6039|Switch, CT-3971|Crow, CT-3986|Cat, CT-4444|Charm, Doriana Erithuda, Dreu Erithuda, Ligara, Rogue|Witcher Additional Tags: Clone Troopers - Freeform, jedi ocs, Clone OCs - Freeform, Chiss, pantoran, Zeltron, Twi'lek, Togruta - Freeform, all characters tagged are original characters, character tags will be added as they show up, Mostly original characters Summary:
A small squad of clones is left behind in a life pod after a battle, and rescued by a ship full of lady smugglers and a renegade soldier. Each one of them, born to die in a war that makes no sense, will find a place in the cruel universe to call their own, to finally call home.
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gale-helyne · 7 months
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gale-helyne · 8 months
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gale-helyne · 9 months
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gale-helyne · 9 months
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With you, I forget my goddess
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loserlovesattention · 2 years
Blood of Fire Chapter Three Jacaerys Velaryon x Servant Reader
Chapter Summary: Invited to play with the Princes yet again, You bring Helyn along to enjoy the fun.
Additional Tags: @number-0-iz @akinatrix​
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem Reader
Gifs:  1) Jacaerys swordplaying (terribly lol)  2) Your best friend and fellow chambermaid Helyn
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Chapter 3 
The following day Helyn recovered miraculously, returning to the maiden's chamber practically skipping. 
“Did you miss me terribly?” She asked, throwing herself on to your bed. “I shall admit while I wasted away on the brink of death, it was your sweet sweet memory that kept me alive!”
“That is a shame, I had prayed for The Stranger to take you quickly. Perhaps he couldn’t handle your mouth either.”
She brought her hand over her heart, feigning a hurt expression. 
“My love! Why must you wound me so!”
When she reaches out to pull you into an embrace, you dance out of her grasp. 
“Well, I am glad you are feeling better. Yesterday was very dull without you.” 
“Was it now? From what I hear, you’ve already replaced me with a pair of dashing princes!”
Your mouth drops open from the shock. As far as you knew Helyn had been locked away in complete isolation until this morning, with only a single physician allowed to see her. Even then it was sparingly; to deliver soups and potions. How on Earth did she know already?  
She laughs at your expression. 
“Rule number one about this place; if you do anything out of the ordinary someone will notice. Rule number two; news travels fast here! So tell me Y/N, since when were you and the royal princes so chummy?” 
You roll your eyes at that, returning to your previous task of fastening your stockings in place. Helyn had confirmed that she was ten years old, two years your senior,  so you honestly didn’t know how she managed to stay so immature. Perhaps she was an only child with no siblings to check her? Or maybe she was an orphan starved of attention? It occurred to you then how little you actually knew about her.
“Helyn, who are your parents?”
Her eyes bulged at your question, caught off guard. And for a moment she looks confused, before she smirks, sly as a fox. 
“You’re trying to change the subject, aren't you?”
“No, I’m just-”
“You are!”
She jumps to her feet, pointing. Irritated,you push her arm down.
“No, I'm just curious. You’ve never talked about your parents. Or your siblings. Or where you're from-”
“No, I suppose I haven't…I could tell you my life's tale, if I care to. Only if you tell me what happened!” 
It was only fair, you supposed. If you had been the one who had taken ill, and Helyn was the one playing with the princes, whom she never interacted with before…You would want an explanation as well. Besides, it wasn't like yesterday's events were excitingly scandalous. As Prince Jacaerys explained, the princess had overlooked such breaches in protocol before. And at this point it was almost expected that the young boys should play with other children- regardless of rank. 
The firm, cutting voice of Lady Jeyne Waters stops you short.
“Your training is not yet finished, if you recall.”
“Yes ma'am.” 
Before you turn to leave, Helyn fixes you with a look that seems to say: This isn’t over.
Your lessons consist of standing for hours on end, pouring countless goblets of wine, and mending holes in several pairs of socks.
If Lady Jeyne disapproved of yesterday's behavior, she doesn’t let it show.
“Now pull your thread all the way through- don’t pull too tight!”
You follow her instructions, carefully, before continuing your criss cross pattern.
“Once you get to the top of the tear, move your stitches closer together.”
When the fabric is connected by the thread, you gently pull the string to close up the hole, and tie it off in a small tight knot. 
“Good, very well done Y/N. Your stitches have vastly improved! Perhaps tomorrow I’ll have you mend one of the princesses skirts.”
You remember those grand, flamboyant black gowns you’ve seen the said princess wearing. With their long trains, scaled fabric and delicate embroidery… You doubted if you would be able to handle it. What if you messed it up?
“Do not worry, you’ll begin small. And sooner than you think, you will be sewing the most magnificent dresses.” 
 She holds up her own work- a long stretch of spectacular blue satin trimmed with silver lace. It reminds you of a peaceful flowing river, a calm open sky and the precious jewels you’ve seen depicted in portraits around the castle. 
“Is that for the princess? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her outside of her house colors.”
Lady Jeyne nods, threading another needle. You can’t help but marvel at how graceful her old hands move. Even when she sews, her fingers seem to dance- light and airy- just above her fabric. Like a dragonfly that skits just above a water’s surface. Someday, you wished you could sew like that.
“Indeed, the princess is a very proud lady who represents her house well. But she always makes an exception for Mother’s Eve. It is her favorite holiday I think. She’s never made such a fuss over Maidens Day or Fathers Feast Day. Not only will there be beautiful gowns, but a grand feast, tournaments, masques and dancing!”
“Truly?” Back home, Mother’s Eve was celebrated in a simple manner. The fishermen and farmers only had to work half the day, while the women spent their hours cooking. If the weather was good enough, neighbors brought their tables and stools outside so the village could celebrate together. Prayer to The Mother Above was given. All the mothers and grandmothers were honored by having the first pick of all the food. Then the feast would end with a great toast to The Mother and the countless blessings she had granted you all. 
“Yes, by then we will have many noble ladies and young gentlemen to watch and serve. Won’t that be exciting?” 
The reminder hits you again. No, you will not wear a pretty gown or dance or give your favor to handsome knights. Just like how you will never swing a sword, ride a dragon or marry a prince. You remembered your mothers voice all those weeks ago; “The Gods made and shaped the Targaryens to rule, we were made and shaped to be ruled.”
The nobles were born and bred to take and enjoy. You were born and bred to make and endure. That was the way of things.
When you finished mending all the socks, Lady Jeyne dismissed you swiftly; now fully absorbed in her needlework.
Of course Helyn was waiting for you outside the chamber.
“How was her majesty today?” You attempt, trying to be polite. 
“She is most well. But last I checked, we were not speaking of her grace this morning.”
There was never ever beating around the bush with Helyn. She always seemed to speak bluntly and to the point, a quality you both liked and disliked. It annoyed you at times like this, but her intentions were pure. She was just genuinely curious- and had every right to be.
You take her arm in yours, as you make your way to your usual playing spot on the South side of the tower. 
“It wasn’t such a big deal as you're making it to be. The two princes simply invited me to play with them because they needed a third player. So we played a couple of chasing games in Aegon's Garden until supper. I haven’t seen or spoken to them since.”
“So they approached you? How?”
You explain the whole tale to her; you venturing into Aegon’s Garden on your own. Discovering Prince Lucerys hiding in a bush whilst playing with his brother. Prince Jacaerys inviting you to their very boring game. You showing them how to play a real game. Princess Rhaenyra interrupting from the balcony. And the two princes running away once the game was over- you winning of course.
“Wait, The Princess saw you? And she wasn’t upset?”
“No, as I said, she just wanted to remind us to finish before supper. Prince Jacaerys explained that they do this all the time. Apparently they played with the serving children often back in King's Landing. There was no one else for them to play with.”
“So you played with them, and didn’t let them win?”
She broke away, exasperated.
“Y/N you can’t just best them! They are your betters! You have to let them win- at everything!”
“I am?” 
When you recalled yesterday's events, the princes didn’t seem too upset at their loss. Jacaerys was irritated to say the least, but bid you a pleasant farwell when he departed. Lucerys was quite cheerful, perhaps that someone bested Jacaerys at something, and was disappointed when they couldn’t play another round.
“Just think of how embarrassed they may feel if others found out a girl had beat them at something. And not just any girl, a serving girl!” 
Surely not. The boys had neither looked or acted embarrassed…Or perhaps they were hiding their shame? Trying to pretend the loss had not affected them so? What if they told their mother? What would the most powerful woman in The Seven Kingdoms do if she felt her sons had been slighted? 
“Oh no…” You bury your head in your hands when the shame rushes up to greet you.
“Shh shh,” Helyn tries to soothe. “I’m sure it is not that bad. Perhaps they forgot it by now. And seeing how you’re still here, the insult was not taken to heart!”
Everything in that moment is so suddenly overwhelming; you begin to cry. You had only been trying to make friends! You had never meant to offend or embarrass anyone! You were lonely, and thought it had all been fun. Oh how wrong and foolish you were!
For a while you do nothing but sob there in Helyns lap, as she tries pitifully to reassure you.   
“Pardon me, Y/N?” 
Your head shoots up at the unfamiliar voice. Before you is a gentleman usher whom you have never seen before. Judging from his fine fitted uniform, he must be of the higher ranking household. 
“Their Royal Highnesses Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, have requested your presence in The Eastern Courtyard.”
“What for?”
“Swordplay it appears,” He says smiling gently, “They have an assortment of wooden swords and shields with them.” 
You look to Helyn, who appears just as surprised and dazed as you do. 
“Perhaps… They were not offended after all?” You venture.
You end up dragging Helyn with you, against all her protests:
“They asked for you, not me! You will offend them!” 
But you do not mind them; “That is what you said earlier! Besides, I can’t leave you out this time. It will be fun!”
You get many queer looks from the passing maids and gentlemen, but you don’t care enough to look. Too excited with the promise of what may come. Far from humiliated, the princes had invited you to swordplay with them! Was this the beginning of a new tradition?
The Eastern Courtyard was quite bare, save for the two young boys trying on their padded doublets. So there would be swordplay! Or some form of hand to hand combat!
You thought of Visenya in her armor, with her Valyrian Steel sword. Once, she too had trained in swordplay on these very grounds! You may never be a Queen like she was, but you had this in common at least. Did she look on with pride or shame at that fact, you wondered.
“Y/N!” Prince Lucerys shouts at your approach.
“Did you hear? Mother has sent for a new Master At Arms for us! He's coming all the way from Pentos!”
Pentos? You couldn’t point to where Pentos specifically was on a map, but you did know it was across The Narrow Sea. 
“Why Pentos?” You ask, “Forgive me, but The Princess could pick anyone from anywhere across The Seven Kingdoms.”
“Six Kingdoms actually,” Prince Jacaerys corrects. “We have yet to conquer Dorne. But Mother says The Pentoshi warriors are not just descendants from The Andals, but The Valyrians as well. Some have also been trained in Braavosi water dancing. So instead of just learning regular fighting techniques we’ll have ‘variety’, whatever that means.”
You bob your head obediently. 
“Then I am very glad, My Prince.”
“You can call us by our nicknames, they are a lot easier to remember!” Prince Lucerys says, making Helyn huff and shake her head.
“And who is this?”
“Prince Jacaerys, Prince Lucerys, this is my friend; Helyn.”
“I’m Luke!” Lucerys bounds over excitedly. “And that’s Jace!”
Stunned, Helyn looks to you, before making a slight curtsy.
“It is an honor to be presented to you… Luke?”
The young Prince nods enthusiastically, before kissing the back of Helyn's hand like how a proper lord would greet a noble lady. She looked discomfited, as well as she might.
This is all still new to her, like it was to me, you remind yourself.
“Well I am glad you brought a friend. Things are better in equal numbers.” Prince Jacaerys, nay, Jace said. “Today we had hoped to test out our new equipment.”
Helyn gasps at that, horrified. 
“You mean to try your swords on us?”
“No, for you to try our swords on us!” Luke explains. “Our shields and armor are new designs- supposed to protect from even the strongest blows! Maester Raff said so!” 
The princes dawn their helms and breastplates, before giving you their blunted swords. 
It's so big, you marvel. Thicker and heavier than the twigs you used to fling around carelessly. In fact, holding it for too long makes your arm tire and shake. 
“Criston Cole used to say the sword needs to be your arm.” Luke instructed you, “You never drop or tire from swinging your arm!” 
“Alright. Hit me!” Jace commands.
You and Helyn share a look, before you swing the sword down hesitantly. When it connects, it practically bounces off of Jace’s chest making a loud hollow sound. 
“You call that a blow? Try again!” He booms.
So you swing, hurl, stab and poke at him until your arm gives out from exhaustion. Helyn does the same with Luke, in a nervous, subdued way. Regardless, neither of you succeed in knocking the boys down. 
This quickly turns into the princes facing each other, attempting to accomplish the same feat. You cheer Luke on, telling him to aim low- use his height to his advantage! Helyn, more at ease, cheers for Jace. Encouraging him to use his strength and endurance. 
This goes on for quite some time, until Luke finally falls, Jace's sword at his throat. 
“I yield!” Luke calls, breathless. 
“Let’s do something fun now!” You suggest, picking up Lukes discarded sword from the ground. The weight is not so bad now, that you’ve let your arm rest a while.
“Such as?” Helyn asks, warily. 
“Aegon and his Queens!” You say, “Queen Visenya rode a dragon, and wielded a sword!” You brandish the blade as opulently as you can. 
“Yes!” Luke roars, practically jumping up from the dirt. 
“But there are four of us!” Jace protests, “Who is Lucerys supposed to be?”
“I want to be Aegon!” The younger boy whines. 
The two boys argue back and forth, while you move closer to converse with Helyn.
“You don’t have to play if you don’t want to. You can always watch or-”
“And forfeit playing Queen Rhaenys? Fat chance! She was no warrior like Visenya, but she was still a Queen in her own right, and rode a dragon! Besides, I have no interest in combat.” 
You reach forward to squeeze her hand. I’m glad you’re included, you want to say.
“But you are always Aegon, or Prince Aemon, or Durran Godsgrief!” Luke protests, “I want to be the hero for once!”
“And you can!” Helyn announces, “Lucerys will be Aegon The Conqueror. Y/N will be Queen Visenya. I will be Queen Rhaenys. And Jacaerys can be Orys Baratheon!”
Orys Baratheon? Of course you knew the name Baratheon, they were the Lords of Storms End just West of here. You knew they had Targaryen roots… Perhaps Orys was that very Targaryen ancestor? When you recalled those bedtime stories about the conquerors, your mother made no mention of him… Or perhaps she had, and you just blocked it out. Too hyper focused on your role model Queen Visenya. 
“He was a fine, distinguished warrior.” Helyn supplied, “Who defeated The Storm King Argilac! Without him The Targaryens would have never taken The Stormlands!”
For a moment, Jace ponders this. Before sighing and nodding reluctantly. 
And thus the game begins, you and Helyn kneeling at Lukes feet;
“My dearest brother and King,” Helyn starts. “The Seven Kingdoms are ours and ripe for the taking. Where shall we begin?” 
Luke gapes at you two briefly, before gaining his composure and squaring his shoulders. 
“Sweet sisters, I am deeply moved that you grant me this great honor of being your King. And I swear to you, The Gods as my witnesses, that I will honor your trust, loyalty and devotion. You shall look back on this moment with great pride!” 
Behind you, Jace scoffs. 
You stand and turn to face him. 
“Baratheon, you should kneel before your king!” It is like you can feel the long dead Queen within you, filling you up with courage. “Unless, you would call yourself a turncloak?” You reach for the hilt of your sword, remembering all of Jace's previous movements. He was bigger and stronger than you, but you were faster than him. If he made to hit you, you could easily dodge and aim low-
Grudgingly, Jace lowers himself to his knees. 
“You may rise my dearest family!” Luke directed.
“For I will need you on your feet when we attack! We shall all land at the mouth of the Blackwater River, and conquer all the lands there! The highlords will fight us, but they stand no chance against our might! Visenya shall ride Vhagar, Rhaenys shall mount Meraxes, and Orys will command our troops!”
The three of you then run about roaring, growling and shrieking- imagining waves and waves of armored soldiers burning below you. Jacaerys swings his sword back and forth against one of the practice dummies found in the yard, before knocking it down onto its side. 
“Victory!” He cries. “The land is yours My King!”
Luke immediately comes to a halt, dropping his arms back to his sides.
“Y-yes. It would appear so.” 
When it is clear he is at a loss for what to do next, Helyn takes the lead yet again. 
“Well, a proper King should have a proper coronation! Visenya, if you please.”
Your mothers voice came to you again, an echo from the past; “And there In the Aegonfort, in front of their new subjects, Visenya placed a crown on Aegon's head and Rhaenys proclaimed him King of all of Westeros.”
Of course you did not have a crown on you, nor the resources to get one yourself… So yet again you use your leather belt; fastening it tight around Luke's head. 
“All hail Aegon, First of His Name, King of All Westeros and The Shield of His People!” Helyn cried out, before kneeling once again. You and Jace kneel as well chanting; “All hail King Aegon!”
Night was falling already. A number of servants had just come to light the torches. Soon this must end, you realized, and the princes would retire to their royal apartments. While Helyn and you would return to the Maiden's chamber to begin the day all over again.
But we still have a little time… 
You jump to your feet, waving the practice sword above your head.
“You may call yourself King brother, but we still have Six Kingdoms to claim! Where to next?”
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loserlovesattention · 2 years
Blood of Fire Chapter Four Jacaerys Velaryon x Servant Reader
Chapter Summary: Helyn tells you about her past, and The Princes make a new friend.
Additional Tags: @number-0-iz @akinatrix​
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem Reader
Gifs: More Helyn and little Jace 
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Chapter 4
“My mother died giving birth to me,” Helyn explained over breakfast the next morning. “Her name was Alys, Or so I’ve been told.”
“I’m so sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” She pauses to wipe her fingers on her apron, before grabbing another piece of bacon. “It’s not like I knew her. Or my father either, no one ever told me about him. I highly doubt anyone even knows who he is. He could be a lord, or a rat catcher, or dead for all I know.” 
You set down your spoon to ponder it all. What must it be like to have no father or mother? You had been so close to your own parents, it was unfathomable to imagine.
“But your mother was a maid here?” You finally say.
“Aye, a kitchen wench apparently. She washed all the dishes, scrubbed all the floors, fetched all the ingredients, even prepared some of the meals herself. She did such a good job, Lady Jeyne felt inclined to take me in and train me in the fine art of servitude!” She laughed, before shoving another spoonful of porridge into her mouth. 
“How old were you?”
She stops to swallow before answering. 
“I was six the first time I came to Dragonstone. Eight when I first began my duties.” 
Six? That seemed so young. What had you been doing at six? Minor fieldwork with your family, and playing with the other village children?
“Were you the only child?”
“That first year, yes. It was desperately lonely. You may laugh, I made up my own friends in my head when I played by myself. That, or I would wander around the castle and make up stories. You can probably guess how put off a lot of people were when they stumbled into a child, walking around and talking to herself.” 
You did not laugh, actually finding it quite sad. Your mind conjures images of a young, sad looking Helyn. Aimless, the little girl paces back and forth muttering gibberish. Lost and alone and aching for a friend.
“The next four years were bearable though,” She continued cheerily. “I did make friends with two others my age. Dayle, a stableboy, and a new maid named Maude. Like you, she started training at eight and played with me when lessons were over.”
“And where are they now?”
“Well, Dayle is still a stableboy. Of course he grew bored playing with girls. So when he isn’t spending time with his mules and his horses, he’s with other serving men and grooms. And Maude…”
Her eyes flit away to focus on the ground. For the first time she looks unsure, uncomfortable even. 
“And Maude?” You prod, gently.
“She… died last Winter.”
You let that sink in. Even just hearing of it shocked you. 
“How old was she?” 
“She would have been ten, if she held out until Spring.” 
There’s a long stretch of silence between you. It must have been so awful, to lose a close friend you could finally call your own. Not only to bond with them for four years- a substantial period of time in your mind- but to suddenly have them stripped away…
“That is horrible. The Gods can be cruel…” It’s something you heard adults say often, especially at funerals. 
You could remember when little Tom, the youngest son of the local crofter, was crushed beneath a plow and died two days later. Your father had held you close the night when he broke the news. 
You did not know Tom very well, he just being a toddler, but it was still strange to you.
 “Papa, I thought only old people should die?” You had asked.
That only made him pull you closer, “That isn’t always the case Y/N. All sorts of people die. Young, old, weak or strong. The Gods work in strange mysterious ways when they choose our fate for us…Perhaps they thought Tom was too good for this world.”
You had gone with your parents when they took Tom away- his body bundled in a sack and hurled onto a burial cart. Those agonizing screams the crofter's wife had made, you could remember as clear as day. 
You did not know how to react, you were still so stunned… You could only watch as the cart dashed away, and Tom's mother collapsed to the ground hysterically howling in pain. 
Did Helyn scream like that when Maude died? You wonder, Did she even get to say goodbye?
“What- what took her?”
Helyn shakes her head, fixating back on her plate.
“The shakes. I caught it too. And so did the footmen, and the cooks, Lady Jeyne, and Maester Raff… We all caught it. For a fortnight the castle sealed its gates shut to stop the spread. I thought we were all done for. Then…”
“You recovered?”
“Aye, we recovered. One day, I was in and out of it- jumping from this world to the next. The fever was bad, but trying to breathe was worse. Then the next thing I knew, one of the older maids was feeding me and telling me my fever had broken. That in a day's time, I could be on my feet again… But not all of us made it.”
“Did you see her before she…”
“Died? No. She died while I was still asleep. I didn’t get to see her off either. All those who died were brought to the training yard and burned as soon as possible, to prevent any contamination. After that, their ashes were thrown into the sea.”
You reach out, and squeeze her hand in yours. She squeezes back playfully.
“I was sad, for a while I admit. Then I thought; Maude would hate the lumpy dumpy lowly sack of shlump I’d become. I was slacking in my duties, which old Jeyne did not appreciate, and despised the things I used to love. It all hit me then; I could die any day, just like Maude, and I would die angry and unloved! What kind of a life is that?”
She finished her food in one giant spoonful, before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“I learned to love everything I have now! Yes the days are long, and the work can be hard… But I have a roof over my head! Food on my plate! A little time to make my own fun! Good company-” She pinches both your cheeks, making you yelp and smack her away. 
“And I get to live another day! What more could one want?”
“Do you miss her?”
She thinks a moment, then shrugs. “Sometimes. I try not to think about her too much, I don’t want to turn into that lazy miserable oaf again. Besides,” 
She wraps her arms around your shoulders.
“I’ve got you now don’t I? So you better not go dying on me.”
That evening, yet again, you were summoned to The Eastern Courtyard.
“You summoned us, My Princes?” 
“Yes. Y/N, Helyn, this is Glen. He’s the new apprentice to the armorer.”
Slightly hidden behind Jace’s frame, there is a small redheaded boy. He must be a year or so younger than you, with a freckled face and clothes two sizes too big for him. He’s so scrawny, is your first thought. Quickly followed by, he’s so nervous. 
You approach him and offer your hand, like how you used to greet other children back home.
“I’m Y/N. That’s Helyn.”
He does take your hand, eventually, and you feel how cold and clammy his palm is. Before he drops the hold as if he had been shocked by your touch.
Has he ever met a girl before? You wonder.
“So Glen, you do speak don’t you?” Helyn teases, and you shoot her a look.
“He does!” Lucerys says, missing Helyn’s sarcasm. “We spoke in the stables this morning when we met! He’s from Trawlers Town ya know?”
Jace scoffs at that, yanking Luke back to his side.
“It’s ‘Did you know’ not ‘Ya know?’ What would mother think if she heard you talking like that? You desperately need to work on your grammar, before the Ladies and Gentlemen come.”
Your ears perk up at that, enough to take your attention away from the small boy before you. Lady Jeyne had made mention of such plans, but kept the details vague. Perhaps the Princes knew more, and were willing to share such details.
“So there are more nobles coming? Where from? When?” 
“Maester Raff made the dispatchments today. He says we can expect up to three new squires, and ten Gentlemen from The Crownlands and The Stormlands. Mother only wanted Ladies from the houses Velaryon, Celtigar, Stokeworth, Darklyn and Baratheon. We do not know who will accept the offer, but all will be set in two months' time.”
Lady Jeyne had sworn your training would be finished in time for the nobles' arrival. Now you had an idea of what to expect. You longed to join the other maids, and serve alongside them. Not that you resented Lady Jeyne in any way, but it was still quite isolating to be set apart from the others. To be separated. 
“I pray we aren’t overwhelmed,” Helyn says, “Summer will end soon and resources may be tight.”
“Maester Raff says we have enough goods stored to last a ten year Winter.” Jace corrects, “We should all pray the coming Lords don’t have the appetite of a ten year Winter.”
You all chuckle at that, except for Glen of course.
“So Glen,” You begin, “What did you do for fun in Trawlers Town?” 
The pale boy keeps his eyes downcast when he answers you. Even his voice was small.
“We fished… And tied nets… And built boats-”
“Fascinating.” Helyn interjects, “Did you play with the other children there at all?” 
Glen nodded slightly, looking up briefly.
“A little, when we had time… Sometimes we played at knights or dragonlords.” 
“Good.” Jace patted the boy's shoulder firmly, making him flinch. “Are you familiar with the history of Aegon The Conqueror?” 
The boy's face lights up at that, obviously thrilled by the story- just as you all were.
Lucerys stood as tall and proud as he could, straining to glare up into the eyes of his older brother. As ridiculous he may have looked with your belt still strapped around his head, he looked every inch a king in your imagination.
“Yield now, and you may remain The Lord of The Iron Islands. Yield now, and your sons will live to rule after you. You see my army outside your walls. You see my dragons high above your head.”
“What is outside my walls is of no concern to me!” Jace exclaimed, imitating the voice of a cruel wicked old man. The hoarse, scratchy tone giving you gooseflesh.
  “My walls are strong and thick!”
“But not so high as to keep out dragons. Dragons fly.”
“I built it in stone. Stone does not burn!”
Glen steps forward now, suddenly brave, drawing his practice sword.
“Shall I kill him now, Your Grace?”
Lucerys only needs to hold up his hand to order restraint. He reassures Glen with a curt little nod, before turning to his brother one final time.
“Very well, you have made your decision. When the sun sets, your line shall end.”
Jace, as angry and petulant as you’ve ever seen him, spits to the ground and marches defiantly back to his imagined castle. 
“How dare you turn your back on your King!” Glen calls after him.
“He is no King of me!” Jace calls back.
You place your hand on Glen's shoulder, calm and confident as Visenya.
“Fear not Lord Tully, my brother speaks true. Stones do make for perfect ovens.”
Instead of answering, Glen shrugs you off and makes to follow Luke when he walks past you. Was he hoping for a fight? You thought, Surely he knew that wasn’t how Harren fell?
“There will be no need to raise the troops, or mount your dragons,” Luke says, “I will handle this business alone. For years Harren Hoare has made this land suffer. Now it will be him and his family,” He gives you the signal of his signature hand wave. “Who will suffer the most.”
You both recognize the signal, and make to join Jaces side- Helyn dragging Glen behind her. Immediately, you take up the role of one of Harrens many wives.
“Husband, did those terrible dragonlords leave? Surely they understand they have no chance against our high walls!” 
Jace shakes his head, before lifting and inspecting an imaginary goblet. 
“Valyrians are stubborn and stupid! This one especially, he insists I kneel and call him King. If I do so I can call myself “Lord of The Iron Islands”. Bah!” He sits on the ground, Helyn sitting beside him.
“But father, what about his dragons?”
“Fire does not burn stone!” Jace roars, “We are as safe as can be! And when he least suspects it, we’ll send a servingman to kill his dragons while they sleep!”
He seems to finish his drink, and you pretend to refill it for him. When you notice Glen still standing apart from the group, awkward and uncertain, you gesture to him.
“Son, come and join us. We must break our fast.”
Gingerly, Glen sits on Jace’s other side, fiddling with his fingers.
“Lord of The Iron Islands… I am King of The Iron Islands and The Riverlands! My ancestors conquered this land first- it is my right! I raised this castle! Not long ago it was I Lord Tully bowed to and called King!” 
Helyn cackled as menacingly as she could. 
“He’ll call you King again before long, when this so-called conqueror fails. What has he conquered anyways? A few measly castles and low lords!”
You pretend to serve them all supper, and sit across from your imagined family. To signal Luke, you make sure to speak your next words loud and clearly. 
“One of the men at arms told me he said, “When the sun sets, your line shall end.” But look about! The sun has passed setting, and the night is clear and still! No usurper can cast down the might of House Hoare!” 
Jace raised his goblet high above his head, shouting with all the might he could muster.
“To House Hoare! May we destroy the Dragons and reign for a thousand years!”
You all echo his toast, raising your own imagined goblets, and drinking deep.
On cue, Luke came rushing upon you. Flapping his arms and roaring, heaving breaths of invisible fire.
Together you all collapse to the ground, howling in pain. In your mind's eye you see tall towers of stone collapsing around you, melting like wax candles. When you look at your hands, you see the charred flesh blister and pop. As you look upon your family, in these final moments, you see horrible ashen corpses screaming in their death rattle. 
“Jacaerys! Lucerys!” 
The castle's Maester stands before you, his arms crossed across his chest. With all those chains around his neck, you would've thought he’d make more noise at his approach. Perhaps we were screaming too loud, you think and flush with embarrassment. 
“What do you think you are doing?”
Jacaerys shrugs when he gets to his feet.
“We were just playing, Maester Raff.”
Lucerys nodded excitedly. 
“I am Aegon, and Jace is Harren Hoare! I was just about to burn and conquer Harrenhal!”
The Maesters face seemed to pale, and a certain look crossed his features. He schooled his expression before you could determine what was wrong. Was it fear? Anger? Jace had sworn there was no problem with playing, Princess Rhaenyra didn’t mind-
“Your mother wishes to speak to you in the Solar, there is…” His eyes flit over to you and Glen, still laying on the ground, before returning to The Princes. 
“There is some news. Go now, you can resume your game tomorrow.”
Lucerys removes the belt still strapped to his head and hands it back to you, before the two boys rush back towards the castle.
“I’m sorry!” Glen cries as soon as they vanish.
“They asked me to play with them! They said it was alright! They said-”
The Maester silences him with a shake of his balding gray head, seeming to relax a bit.
“It was nothing you did children. Come now, supper is almost ready.” 
In a flash the old man turned and swept back across the yard- his chains rattling with him.
Helyn helped you to your feet, and readjusted your bonnet- definitely sitting askew atop your head.
“I wonder what the news could be. Seeing how upset Raff was, it probably isn't good.” 
“What if The King has died?” Glen squeaked. “Then that would make The Princess The Queen.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! The King is in perfect health. I hear he has hunting parties every day, and throws balls and banquets every night!”
“That’s not what Dayle says. Dayle says The King is rotting from the inside out- that he could die any day.”
Helyn rolls her eyes at that, before leading your little group back towards the outer door. 
“Dayle is a stupid stable boy who’s never been to Kings Landing! He’s never seen the King in person, so what can he know? I’m willing to wager-”
The rest of the evening fades in your memory. You can remember pondering over dinner just how things would change if the King truly was dead. Whether or not you'd join the new Queens household in King's Landing. You imagining what The Iron Throne may look like. How large The Red Keep would be…
But you hear nothing about The King's death, or The Princesses elevation. In fact you hear no news at all, good or bad. The household staff carry on their routines without a hitch. Maester Raff returned to his cell when he finished his meal, as usual. When the kitchen is cleared, the men retire to their apartments. You follow the rest of the maidstaff back to your chamber when you finish, keeping your ears open for any gossip- only to hear mindless chatter of no importance. 
When mother came to tuck you in and kiss you goodnight, you had asked her if she heard anything. 
“The only news I know is that we’re expecting a shipment of soap, spices and fresh herbs tomorrow. Nothing too exciting I’m afraid. Why dear, what is it?” 
“It’s just… The Maester stopped us while we were playing. He told The Princes to go to their mother, The Princess. He said there was some news-”
“What concerns them does not concern us.” She says firmly. “They are Targaryens, remember? We worry about their needs, while they worry about the needs of the realm. Besides, if we are not properly informed, then it is of little matter. A rumor, or a family squabble I’m sure.”
When she sees the uncertainty on your face, she gives you a reassuring smile and smooths the hair off your forehead.
“If The Princes want to tell you, they will. But do not ask; it is not our place to impose. Do you understand? It is none of your business, unless they want it to be.”
“Yes mama, I understand.”
She kisses you one last time, before blowing out the lantern just above your bunk; submerging you in darkness.
 You do not dream at all; at first. Your mind filled with a calm soothing emptiness… Until a fire blooms out of the abyss. A small flickering candlelight that soon grows bigger and bigger- engulfing the entire space. When it eventually moves over to you, white hot pain completely overwhelms your senses.
The sheer terror of it all hits you suddenly. When you try to run away, you find the nearest door stubbornly sealed shut. The stone walls around you seem to materialize out of nowhere, like the flames, they grow higher and higher. Encasing you into this prison.
The fire finds you again, and the pain returns. This time there is nowhere to flee, and you have no choice but to let it happen. It begins at your ankles and rises up your legs, your waist and to your torso. Much like your past imaginations, your skin singes, cracks and blisters in the heat- the horrible smell of it fills your senses until you can practically taste it. You desperately want to vomit, but the ash in your lungs prevents it. 
Soon it is all too much to bear, and you desperately wish for The Gods to have mercy; to end your suffering and just kill you. The last thing you see being the crumbling stone ceiling above you, and the yellow inferno consuming it all-
You wake up sweating and shaking profusely. It takes a moment for reality to wash over you, and the real world slowly comes back into focus.
I was never in Harrenhal, you think to yourself. I never left my bed. I’m still at Dragonstone, as safe as can be. It was just a bad dream. 
You let your racing heart slow to its usual tempo, and take long deep breaths. When all is well, you move to push your blanket away and go to the kitchens. Some water will do me some good, you think. 
Then there is a hand covering your mouth. 
“Agh!” You gasp, and wiggle to get away.The fear from your dream creeping back.
“Shh it’s just me.” The small voice of a young girl says above you. Helyn.
You push her hand away.
“Helyn, it’s the middle of the night! What are you-”
“Shh!” She hisses. “Listen,” 
The room grows silent again, the only sounds you hear being the heavy breathing of the other maids. To your right, you hear the sound of shifting blankets and someone turning on their side. You almost speak again, demanding Helyn go back to bed, until another sound rings out. It is a distant, shrieking sound. It reminded you of the screaming Luke had made in the yard earlier that day, and the sounds you would make when you pretended to be a monster. 
It wasn't loud enough to hurt your ears, or rattle your bones. But clear and distinctive enough to make out, even this far into the castle.
Gently, Helyn speaks the words you already know.
“The dragons are screaming.”
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silversong79 · 8 years
Chapters: 5/21 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Female Character, Doriana (ofc)/Rowan (omc), Switch (oc)/Vadii (oc), Crow (oc)/Avis Deryn (oc), Charm (oc)/J'razi'aderi'amowei (oc), Cat (oc)/Mouse (oc), Tala Morrigan (oc)/Dancer (oc), Helyne Maai (oc)/Daanin (oc) Characters: ARC-7039|Rowan, CT-6039|Switch, CT-3971|Crow, CT-3986|Cat, CT-4444|Charm, Doriana Erithuda, Dreu Erithuda, Ligara, Rogue|Witcher Additional Tags: Clone Troopers - Freeform, jedi ocs, Clone OCs - Freeform, Chiss, pantoran, Zeltron, Twi'lek, Togruta - Freeform, all characters tagged are original characters, character tags will be added as they show up, Mostly original characters Summary:
A small squad of clones is left behind in a life pod after a battle, and rescued by a ship full of lady smugglers and a renegade soldier. Each one of them, born to die in a war that makes no sense, will find a place in the cruel universe to call their own, to finally call home.
Hey everyone, I wrote this!! If anyone`s been following my Argument Series collab with @kaminoanbat, it’s up on Ao3 now, newly refreshed and rewritten to my current standards, since I started writing it with no idea how far it would go or what it would become (plus I like to think I’m a better writer now ^-^) So check it out and leave kudos/comment if you want, I’d really appreciate it!! 
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