#taggin​g the inner workings of my brain is maybe a little weird considering i would say none of this shit offline but oh well
chronic-escapist · 5 months
soo one of my dog’s has a growth on her. she has to have surgery to remove it and get desexed (the growth is hormone related or smthn and they rarely see those types of growths in desexed dogs, was vet’s recommendation) but going under anaesthesia is risky coz she's 13 and she's so little but she went under anaesthesia a few years ago and she was okay. that type of growth is usually benign but there’s like a 20% chance or smthn that it could be cancerous so um yeah i don’t even know why im fucking talking about this on here but whatever. i’ve grown up yapping on the internet, who needs boundaries when you could put your entire diary on tumblr dot com. for a ‘quiet kid’ i really never do shut the fuck up, anywayyy
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