#tagging jic hrgfhdsjg
soaptaculart · 3 years
HIII hi hlloooo i love ur ideas for aa7... do you have any ideas of what the plot/cases that would make up the game would be yet? im so curious, i love constanze and klaus already
WAUGH THANK YOU SM!!!! It makes me so happy that people like our silly little idea ;;w;;
I've got a couple questions like this, the plot is much more of a question mark than the character arcs etc at the moment lol but a brief little synopsis of what we have atm! Under a cut because even if it's brief it's. Still long hrhgsdjf
- Case 1: Athena defends Phoenix in a very lighthearted wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time situation he ended up in. Our excuse for the compulsory "attorney has no idea what they're doing in the first case" is just that she's nervous as hell about defending her boss bc it feels like a performance review except if she doesn't pass he goes to prison, so her mind keeps blanking lol
- Case 2: Introduces Klaus, Constanze and Franziska. Set in an art gallery, which Klaus is understandably excited to visit after he joins the party at the start of the case. The case revolves around a victim who was inexplicably seen alive by several witnesses after they were supposed to have died - just the kind of nonsense Constanze struggles to deal with, but Athena thrives on. This case also introduces a forensic scientist character, senior to Ema, who will be recurring throughout the game
- Case 3: Set on a train because I cannot BELIEVE we haven't had an AA murder on a train yet. Blackquill was a passenger on it at the time and hangs around for the investigation in a Klavier-in-AA5-esque way. Klaus is really rude to him bc he thinks he's being mean to Athena and Blackquill is uncharacteristically thrown off by this, which Athena finds hilarious. A twist halfway through reveals that the train was at a different point when the murder occurred than was initially thought, necessitating a new station being opened on the second investigation day. Athena and Constanze have a heart to heart at the end of it as Constanze is getting very frustrated that she keeps losing, but they come out of it understanding each other better
- Case 4: We haven't found a setting we're satisfied with for this one yet, but this is where shit starts getting real. The case seems simple initially, but it becomes apparent that there are connections to a case Franziska worked on 9 years ago - the GS-4 incident (lmao). During this case, the then 10 and 7 year old Constanze and Klaus were kidnapped to blackmail Franziska into releasing her suspect. She was able to find and rescue them, but while she was doing so, her suspect was murdered, and even though a combination of some evidence young Connie smuggled from the scene and drawings Klaus did of what he remembered allowed their kidnapper to be caught, he also died mysteriously shortly afterwards, and the culprit behind both murders was never found. Over the course of the present day trial, suspicion falls on the forensic scientist for fabricating evidence, but when they go to visit him during the second investigation day, he is found dead, and the case ends on a cliffhanger
- Case 5: A continuation of case 4, now with the death of the scientist being investigated simultaneously as he was believed to be an accomplice to it all. Apollo also comes back to visit and have a nice talk with Athena about how much she's grown already. But as the trial is about to start again, Klaus is kidnapped Again to pressure Athena and Constanze to secure a guilty verdict for Athena's client. The result is a desperate courtroom scramble where Athena (with Apollo bench buddying for moral support) and Constanze have to stall for time by any means necessary, which even the defendant gets in on, while an intermission takes place with Phoenix, Trucy and Franziska searching for Klaus. They find him and bring him home, armed with a drawing he made which contains a clue that will lead them to the real mastermind behind everything, stretching from 9 years ago to the present, with a trail of deceased accomplices behind them... we'll have to keep that last twist a secret though, lol
But at the end of it all, Constanze has found a new sense of freedom and belief in her own unique strengths and is ready to truly consider her own path and what she wants for herself, Klaus is allowed to stay at the WAA permanently and has his family's blessings to be an artist, Franziska can put to rest an old case that has followed her for all this time, and Athena is just feeling generally on top of the world. Good for her
There's also Two DLC cases, one starring Phoenix as an OG trilogy gang reunion case in Kurain village with Franziska prosecuting, which ends up in a crazy double-victim situation with Maya channelling one and Pearl channelling the other on the stand. The other is starring Apollo as an AJ gang reunion (so yes - Klavier prosecuting, finally, and Trucy and Apollo being investigation partners again at Last). That one takes place at a drag race, the car kind not the R*P**l kind, just because we thought that would be fun lol. I swear when capcom learns that the right way to use DLC cases is pure fanservice with reappearances from beloved characters who it was difficult to fit into the main game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
EDIT: More details on the overarching plot, big bad and case 4 + 5 here!
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