#taiki looks so hot gosh
apotatowhenever · 3 years
Taiki Sato and Mikami Ai will be staring in the new dorama adaptation of the manga series "Liar" by Hakamada Juri and Moarasu.
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1,000 Follower Giveaway  2nd Place Prompt
First and foremost, I need to severely apologize to @sheilaquail . This took way WAY longer than it should have for me to write, but that’s really no excuse. I had this giveaway months ago and wanted to get all these prizes out in a timely manner, but that just didn’t happen and I’m very sorry. Hopefully you still enjoy this!
Winner: @sheilaquail
Prize: 2500 Words. Todoroki x reader. Reader has a siren quirk. Taiki Chikito Quirk: Manipulating things by singing. example: Singing about the ocean gives water powers. She turns to a mermaid in water. As long as she's singing the effect stays in place. Stops once she stops singing about it. Ive been thinking maybe they go karaoke, maybe revealing herself with a tail at the hot springs, or bakusquad and dekusquad want to help him and decide to make him sing a song for her. One thing i know for certain is to beat up mineta as much as you can.
Total words: 2865
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There was something about Todoroki Shouto that you really couldn’t put your finger on...something about him that drew you to him like a child to a gathering of fluttering fireflies at night, or a surfer in love with the feel and smell of the sea, unable to resist the temptation of a gathering wave. Yeah, there was something about him that you liked. Maybe there were a lot of things, actually.
Too bad you were too much of a chicken to tell him how you felt.
When you started at UA you were determined to do well and accomplish your dream of becoming a Pro Hero. Nothing was supposed to get in your way, nothing was supposed to distract you from your hard work. Of course things don’t always work out that way; the road to   
becoming a hero was paved with unexpected twists and turns and bumps - no, boulders, really- but the last thing you were expecting was to gain a massive crush on one of the top students in your class.
Your quirk was a bit odd, truth be told, and some people even found it annoying. In order to keep it going you had to sing, so over time you trained your body and quirk as well as your breathing and vocal chords to be able to sing and fight at the same time...but there was only so much you could do on your own without proper training. That’s where UA came in, and sure enough they worked every student right to the bone. Over time you improved but still lagged behind the top students in your class, Todoroki being one of them.
“Todoroki-kun!” Hearing his name at a nearby table in the cafeteria caused you to look up from your lunch. “Come sit with us!”
The boy with white and red hair sat down next to Midoriya and Iida with Uraraka and Tsuyu opposite them. “Hey.”
“Soba again today?” Midoriya asked while looking down at Todoroki’s tray laden with the familiar noodles. Todoroki nodded, but he seemed lost in thought like something weighed on his mind outside of lunch and his surrounding friends. “Todoroki-kun? Everything alright?”
“I don’t know how to ask someone on a date,” he blurted out. Todoroki was always one for oversharing, not quite grasping the concept of keeping things to himself. If he could blurt out to Midoriya during the Sports Festival about his father and childhood, there was no issue in holding back something like this, right?
The way his friends reacted, though, made him second guess his judgment.
“Todoroki! A d-date?! With who?” Midoriya’s face was glowing in secondhand embarrassment than his friend obviously didn’t inherit.
“Oh my gosh, a date!” Uraraka and Tsuyu looked at each other, excited at the prospect of Todoroki trying to actively pursue some kind of social interaction with someone outside of classes.
Iida started wildly waving his arms around at the table. “Please, everyone! It is our duty as Todoroki-kun’s friends and peers to help him in this endeavor!” A piercing blue eye twitched at the word “endeavor” but no one else caught the slip. He wasn’t really asking for help so much as just voicing his thoughts out loud; maybe he’d slowly picked up on Midoriya’s muttering habit without realizing it.
“So? Who is it then?” Tsuyu asked curiously. Everyone else at the table nodded at the question.  
He wasn’t embarrassed so Todoroki didn’t have an issue with telling his friends. “Taiki Chikito.”
“Oh! She has that singing quirk, right? Isn’t she in 1-B?” Todoroki hummed with a mouth full of soba at Uraraka’s question. A startled noise nearby caught the the attention of everyone sitting at the table. Looking over with a mouth full of soba noodles Todoroki saw you - the main topic of conversation - looking agitated and annoyed with a particular short and purple classmate of his.
“I said leave me alone!” You’d finally had enough of that grape-headed pervert’s gross advances and wanted nothing more than for him to just disappear...so that’s what you made him do. Standing up from the lunch table you brought your foot back and then, with a determined grunt, punted Mineta halfway across the cafeteria. It wasn’t the most heroic thing you’d ever done, but honestly you thought he deserved it. You were so distracted with self-preservation you didn’t realize Todoroki had nearly leapt out of his own seat across the room at seeing Mineta bother you, the flames on his left side igniting just enough to nearly burn Midoriya who was trying to hold him back.
Uraraka clapped her hands together, an idea forming in her head. “Todoroki-kun! If you ask Chikito out on a date...then you could totally be her boyfriend and Mineta wouldn’t get near her! She can protect herself, sure, but it’s something to consider if you really want to ask her on a date…”
“Hmm…” Todoroki hummed to himself at Uraraka’s words. Not really being one for hesitating he stood up and walked right over to you while you were still standing and calming yourself down from beating up Mineta. “Excuse me, Chikito?”
You stilled before slowly turning around, intimately familiar with Todoroki’s voice at this point. After an unnecessarily slow turn you finally faced him, unsure of why he was here or what he wanted. “Um, yes?”
“Go on a date with me.”
It was so blunt, so flat, so perfectly Todoroki that it shouldn’t have caught you so off-guard...but it did.
“Wh...y...ah...yes? Yes! OK!” you answered while trying not to stumble over your words. All Todoroki reacted with was a nod before he started to walk away, only to return a few seconds later, a sheepish look finally appearing on his face.
“I don’t have your number.”
You fixed that issue very quickly, exchanging numbers before he walked off for good. Your legs felt weak as you went to sit down, nearly missing your chair before a friend quickly slid it under you to avoid a painful fall right to the floor.
“Did that just happen?” you asked yourself, not realizing you said it aloud.
Everyone at the lunch table exclaimed a collective “yep!” The rest of lunch was a disaster in concentration as the only thing you could think of for the rest of the day was the fact that Todoroki of all people asked you out on a date. Your classes were a blur, you ran into at least two different walls while walking around, and someone had to stop you from walking right into oncoming traffic that afternoon. Being in a daze proved as dangerous as it was enchanting.
Over the next week you discovered that Todoroki was exactly the same through text as he is in person: concise and without much of a filter, though in a different way than his far more explosive classmate. He asked you direct questions rather than being roundabout in finding out your hobbies and interests. Obviously your quirk made you partial to things like karaoke, but you also enjoyed swimming and the two of you shared some music and movie tastes as well. While he was straightforward with his texts, you had no clue that he was desperately bugging his classmates for advice.
“Please help,” Todoroki asked in front of Midoriya’s desk one morning before class. The green-haired boy flailed his hands in the air with bright red ears at sudden question.
“W-why would I know how to help?! I’ve never been on a date!”
Todoroki hummed, but still seemed determined. “No, but you’re good at coming up with impromptu ideas and plans. You can think on your toes with limited information.”
Midoriya stilled at that, because technically it was true...but it mostly applied to combat training and using his quirk, not with dating or social interactions. “I mean, yeah, I guess? Uh...can I get back to you later?”
“We’re meeting on Saturday, so the sooner the better.” With that, Todoroki walked away and sat down at his desk, leaving Midoriya to ponder how in the world to give advice based on no personal experience whatsoever.
By the time Saturday rolled around, Todoroki had suggested going to karaoke or a hot spring. You picked Karaoke, because the idea of being in a bathing suit around Todoroki on a first date made steam pour out of your ears. In addition, your quirk focused around singing, so maybe you could show off a bit outside of combat and training situations? You’d never seen or heard Todoroki sing before, and hoped this might be a ticket to breaking him out of his shell if you could set your own nerves aside.
Todoroki stood awkwardly at the train station, adjusting his shirt once more before he heard his name called out somewhere off to his left.
“Todoroki-kun! Hi, hey, sorry if you were waiting long,” you said as you walked up to him while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He was about to reply, but felt suddenly distracted by how you looked and what you were wearing. The school uniforms and hero costumes were so normalized that he felt his throat go a bit dry with just how cute you looked now with your own personal style, unhindered by dress codes. It was a nice change.
“No, not at all. Should we go?” he asked while you nodded and walked side-by-side with him down the street towards the karaoke bar. You thought about asking to hold his hand, but that might be too forward right now...maybe at the end of the date, if it went well, you’d build up a bit more courage.
When the two of you arrived you observed the place was smaller than you anticipated, tucked away neatly behind a fancy restaurant. A bright neon sign sat out front with KARAOKE in bold, glowing magenta, inviting you inside as Todoroki held open the door for you. After agreeing on some snacks to order which would be sent to the room later, the two of you were escorted to a dimly lit room with a wall-mounted TV, a couple of couches, and a low table in the middle housing a tablet where you picked out the songs.
It was odd being alone with Todoroki when the door closed behind you, the air suddenly feeling a bit tense and stifling.
“Have you done karaoke before?” you asked while sitting down and picking up the tablet to scroll through the nearly endless list of songs, both new and old. Todoroki examined the room and TV before sitting down next to you and shaking his head.
“No, but I believe you have, right?” he asked.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’ve done it a few times but it’s been a while...oh!” You exclaimed after skimming through the book and found a song that you knew well. It wasn’t too old, but wasn’t too new, either. The lyrics sat in your head, memorized over years of listening to it on repeat. Todoroki leaned over to see what song you picked, but you turned the tablet screenside down before he could see, leaving the two of you nervously close before you cleared your throat and stood up, grabbing the microphone to stand in front of the room.
Having him stare at you with those jarring eyes of his made you feel more nervous than you anticipated as the name of the song finally popped up on screen and the music started from speakers mounted in the dark corners of the small room.
The words fell from your mouth like petals down a stream as you felt your quirk slowly activate, singing a song about the beauty of the elements, verse after verse describing the poetry of color. Todoroki’s eyes remained fixed on you, watching as your body relaxed and fell into rhythm.
When you sang about the wind, a gust rushed through the room as if a window had blown open, carding through your hair before disappearing just as quickly.
When you sang about water, droplets formed around you and danced in the air as if hung on the edge of a roof after a rainstorm.
When you sang about fire, Todoroki swore his left side felt warm as an orange glow wrapped around your silhouette like a cabin fire in winter.
As the song faded from the speakers and you opened your eyes you almost gasped at the intense stare Todoroki was giving you. “Um...well, did you like it?” you asked hesitantly before clearing your throat.
The question seemed to snap him out of his daze. “Yes, yeah it was really good. I knew you could sing because of your quirk, but this was nicer somehow.” That he enjoyed this one-on-one singing date with you already made your face feel very warm, but just then the door knocked as someone from out front delivered the snacks you requested. A perfectly timed distraction to keep you from turning into a bumbling idiot.
“Did you pick out a song?” you asked before taking a sip of water. He nodded, pressing “PLAY” on the tablet before standing up and positioning himself where you stood minutes ago. Now the roles were switched, and you were eager to see what kind of song he picked out and what kind of singing voice he had.
Todoroki had a couple songs in mind before coming here, hoping they were on the roster to sing. He wasn’t a singer or vocalist, it wasn’t something he even did in the shower, really, but he enjoyed music and had expanded his tastes and experience after coming to UA and meeting so many new and interesting people. His friends helped him pick out the songs, and Midoriya was the one who suggested Karaoke in the first place.
When the music started the reality of what he was about to do hit, but there was no going back now if he looked like a fool with his terrible singing in front of you. He flitted between you and the TV screen to make sure he didn’t forget the lyrics, even though under any other circumstance he would know the song by heart.
You listened intently, the lyrics you right in the heart like an arrow. It was a sweet song about firsts, about vulnerability, about overcoming emotional obstacles and accepting change. Was it...was it about the two of you? The song seemed far too short for your liking as the music faded and Todoroki’s voice came down with a sigh. He quickly realized the microphone was nearly frozen over and released his quirk before he’d have to pay for a replacement.
“Was it alright? I’m not really a singer,” he asked. All you could do was smile brightly and nod.
“Yes! You did great, I promise. The song was nice...now it’s my turn again!” Wanting to keep the atmosphere light and happy you picked out the next song and traded places once more.
After several hours the two of you became more comfortable with each other as songs became sillier and more easygoing. There was an occasional brush of fingers or shoulders, but nothing too overt or forward. When your throat was tired and the snacks were long gone, the two of you decided it was time to head out and leave.
The evening started to grow chilly as Todoroki walked you back towards the dormitories while making light conversation. About halfway back he held out his hand for you to take, and you did without hesitation. It was his left hand, cool to the tough but less calloused than you expected.
By the time both of made it back to the dorms exhaustion hit you, and the idea of falling into your bed sounded perfect...but not before the two of you said goodnight.
“Thank you for tonight, I had a great time!” you said, turning to Todoroki.
He hummed, his hand still clasped in yours. “Hm, yeah, me too. Could we go out...again sometime?”
The idea of going on another date with Todoroki put butterflies in your stomach as you nodded with enough enthusiasm as you could muster with how tired you were. “Yes, I’d love that!” Before you knew what you were doing you leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before pulling back with a look of shocked realization and a glowing blush. “Oh gosh, uh, I’m-”
“Don’t apologize,” he said while avoiding eye contact and hiding his own blush. “We should get in before Aizawa chews us out for being out so late.” Even you could see the small smile on his lips, which set you at ease.
“Y-yeah...um, goodnight Todoroki,” you whispered while reluctantly letting go of his hand. 
“Goodnight, Chikito,” he replied before heading in the opposite direction towards his side of the dorm building, the linger of your hand still new on his fingertips. If this was any indication of how things might unravel in the future, well, he wouldn’t mind a second date, and hoped you wouldn’t either. 
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