#taikyuu & souza
kowaindar0u · 1 month
2 (yuichi :3c), 15 (taikyuu ;3c) (@zantedeschia-praesul)
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
02.     entry made on the best night of their life.
Oh, I'm so exhausted. But... I'm so happy. I don't think I've ever been this combination of so tired and so full of love.
Today actually started out quite dire... I hadn't heard from my second unit lately and I was worried-- they were supposed to be coming home already. So I took Nagasone and we went to find them. Turns out they had gotten ambushed and were locked with the enemy, seeming to be going after them directly as they had already thwarted their attempts at altering history there.
It was not an easy battle-- it seems every one of us sustained injuries, even me (I really need to practice more of my combat spells, I think I was holding my men back a little...).
But after a long-fought fight we made it back, and it seems everyone had been worried-- when we returned they were all there waiting for us. They saw us, all still on our feet even if torn up and bloody, and before we knew it, I think the whole honmaru was out on the grass in the rain (how did we move from under the pergolas? I guess we just all didn't fit).
It was storming, all coming down hard, but... I don't think any of us cared.
We've had better days... Days without bloodshed, precious few days without rain... Days with actual parties, planned celebrations, days that were all full of fun... But something about tonight... I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, as many times as I want. I can't imagine being anywhere else, with anyone else. I love my men, my beloved touken danshi, so much... And I know they love me, too.
I'm soaked to the bone and my clothes are covered in mud now on top of the blood. I'm chilly and I might even catch a cold after this. But god, I'm going to remember tonight forever.
15.     entry made featuring desire.
Souza Samonji.
we shouldn't work. i don't even think i should work with anyone, just being objective about myself. but somehow... we just do.
and oh... do we work.
he's beautiful. i'm beautiful. we both know that. but we're surrounded by beautiful men.
i want him-- i want him with me, around me... on me, in me... and i want him to want me back.
and he does. i know so by the ways my name left his lips, and by the ways he touched me... and by the way he looks at me sometimes...
i don't really know why i'm writing about this. he's on expedition, so... maybe i just miss him. a lot. it's not like i can actually tell anyone about this stuff.
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melancholicblossom · 3 months
13 (for Souza, re: yuichi + taikyuu :3c )
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Dear Diary ...
13.     entry made featuring mention of (sender’s) muse. 
[10 February, 2205] I'm not sure if I want to even be writing this. What if Saniwa-san finds it and disassembles me? Not that they would; Yuichi-san is a bit of a pushover. I can tell. This citadel I've been summoned to, it's such a strange place. I can tell that none of my brothers are here yet. Am I the only one?
Whatever. I'm not here to be friends with anyone. Isn't that Ookurikara's line? I'm co-opting it. Saniwa-sama seemed happy to have me in their collection, something about 'the esteemed Samonji line,' or whatever. It's good to know that I'm just another sword for them to collect, just another danshi to add to their pile. But Yuichi-san doesn't seem like the type to want to rule the world, at least.
[12 December, 2205]
What's with that loudmouth that Yuichi summoned today? Taikyuu Yasusada, I think his name is. I don't know, all I heard was shouting in the courtyard. Day one and he's making enemies? What's his damage? It's not like we're all here to get along, I guess. I'm going to do my best to avoid confrontation, but that feels impossible when I consider that Saniwa-sama will probably put us together on field duty or something.
Yasusada-san has brothers here, at least. I think. Is he related to Yamatanokami?
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
@melancholicblossom (x)
"Yeah. I think so..."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ with @melancholicblossom | from here ]
"Ugh," Taikyuu grumbles, taking a step back. He starts to say something else, but a strained look comes across his face for just a moment before he sneezes again... and then again.
He lets out a sigh and leans against the stable door, looking up at Souza with a look that's a mix between miserable and annoyed-- which naturally manifests as something of a pout.
"I thought us touken danshi were meant to not be susceptible to human diseases. But according to Yagen this is could be allergies? Are you fucking kidding me? This is embarrassing..."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
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just a scrappy pic of current souyasu situation lol
(cc: @melancholicblossom)
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
[ CAREFUL ] - for taikyuu ♡ souza is too itty bitty to carry him but she sure will try
[ CAREFUL ]: sender gently lifts the receiver out of their seat and carries them carefully to bed after noticing they fell asleep and not wanting to waken them.
It's not often that Taikyuu dozes off. Normally, he goes to bed a bit late, and rises a bit early, just by seemingly his internal clock.
But after coming home from what seemed to have been a particularly stressful sortie, he's seemed quite tired for the rest of the evening-- but, naturally, declined going to bed early.
So instead of going to bed... He falls asleep at the table in the dining hall.
It's a wonder he doesn't wake up as Souza just manages to pick him up-- or at least not fully. He opens his eyes, but can barely keep them that way, as his head rests heavily against Souza's shoulder.
"Mmm... Down..."
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
Im on my phone so i cant copypaste but PAINTBRUSH FOR TAIKYUU
i present ... dis .
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ for @melancholicblossom | from here ]
Ever stubborn, this is one time where Taikyuu won't be swayed by Souza's pleas-- though he does glare tantous daggers at anyone he catches laughing as they pass.
"No," he grumbles as he trudges toward Souza's room. "'Cause this isn't a romantic thing. It's a me taking you to bed thing-- for sleep thing." He huffs a little, having clarified his intent. "You gotta be more careful. You can't hurt yourself-- you know I wanna fight anyone who might hurt you. But I'm not gonna fight you. So..."
It's not too long before they get to Souza's room, and he finally puts him back down-- it's a bit awkward, as it turns out to mostly just involve Taikyuu bending his knees a little to lower his feet to the floor.
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
🍸 + "taikyuu-kun do you liiiike me" - i wonder who this could possibly be from.
[ Send 🍸+ a question and my muse will answer while drunk. ]
"Maybe... If you stop asking stupid questions. Stupid questions, you already... You know the answer!"
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kowaindar0u · 6 months
[ from here | @melancholicblossom ]
Yasu hadn't even been paying attention. He was too focused on kneading the dough in front of him, that Souza leaning toward him had barely registered.
But then he feels Souza's lips on his forehead, and he freezes what he's doing, hands clawing into the mound of noodles-to-be.
"... What was that for?" he asks, eyes closed. His face is taking on a shade to match Souza's outfit. "I... I mean..."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
@ taikyuu
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"Okay, fine, but ... don't cry......."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up -- for taikyuu <3
[ Manhandling symbol starters ]
Taikyuu would absolutely never admit it (like most things), but he absolutely loves... well, he loves any time he gets to spend with Souza. Any time, like tonight, where the two have gone for a walk around the honmaru grounds and now found a seat on a bench that perfectly overlooks a lake and some scattered flowering bushes.
He loves it, and he loves Souza, very, very much. But there's still a loneliness inside him that tends to rear its ugly head when he spends too much time with the other Shinsengumi swords, and knows that one blade very close to him is missing-- that of the spear used by Harada Sanosuke.
And he'd spent most of the day with his brother, who had happened to incite a little gathering with the rest of that group, and... Taikyuu seemed unable to really participate in their festivities without his mood souring, and wound up leaving them in a bit of a huff.
So... perhaps he'd been a little extra clingy tonight with Souza compared to most nights, and had spent a decent amount of time since they'd sat down leaning against her shoulder, and holding onto her arm, without saying much.
But... it was about the time the two tended to part ways for bed-- or at least time for Souza to return to her brothers. He didn't like to keep her from them, so he'd started to stand up to walk her back when she'd put that hand on his leg.
"...What?" He squints, looking up at the sky, as if trying to make sure it was the time he thought it was. "It's getting late, isn't it?"
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
⚡ - to take shelter from a storm together . for taikyuu from souza <3
[ Misc Actions Meme ]
Taikyuu usually finds expeditions to be... well, a little boring. He doesn't dislike them, and he does enjoy the challenge of procuring resources, but more often than not, they wind up being pretty uneventful.
This time had been no different, at least until now it seemed.
The clouds had started rolling in early this morning, and throughout the day the sky had darkened considerably, bringing with it some decent rain and rumbles.
But now, as they're out and about, a little ways outside the nearby town, it's starting to pick up pretty quickly.
Taikyuu and Souza are already drenched by this point, and as the rain comes down harder, it's getting more difficult to see. They should find someplace to hunker down before trying to reconvene with the rest of their team.
"I think I saw an old farm shack not too far away," he calls against the downpour, pointing toward a hill dotted with a sparse few trees, overlooking a field. He grabs Souza's hand to lead him on, and soon enough they do make it to the shack, albeit not without a muddy almost-climb up that hill.
Taikyuu lets go of Souza to peek into a window.
The place is abandoned. Good. He really didn't want to have to bother trying to request shelter from some poor unsuspecting person.
The door is locked, but not by much, as Taikyuu is easily able to pry it open and head inside, pulling Souza in with him and shutting the door against the increasing wind.
"Thank fuck."
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kowaindar0u · 5 months
👫 yasu yasu yasu annnd yasu
[ Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship ]
I think normally kitchen duty is Yasu's least favorite chore... except for when he gets paired up with Souza. They don't really butt heads, and by now they can work together quite efficiently actually! Especially if it's something they've made before, they are just a well-oiled machine.
Yasu and Souza are indeed very very different, but somehow it's in a way that makes them mesh well. But Yasu has no idea how to interact with Souza's brothers. Sayo by himself I think maybe, but Like... Imagining Souza inviting Yasu to eat with them or something... Yasu would get so antsy in the sheer silence and like he's horrible at just friendly small talk so he'd just say something like "so... I heard u almost broke on your mission last week" wanting to start a conversation or something but it just..... 💀
I think for with Souza... Yasu'd be the big spoon (or try). No further comment.
Yasu would be so protective of Souza. Not that he needs it, but he would absolutely square up with anyone who gave him a hard time, especially if Souza didn't seem to be fighting back. (Looking at you Hasebe. (Tho yasu doesn't need a reason to fight Hasebe but u know what I mean))
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
💘 Yuichi and Sengou and Taikyuu :'3 (@zantedeschia-praesul)
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
(cut cause this got long lol)
Yuichi, as we know, gets very shy, but it seems that if he knows his feelings are reciprocated he gets comfortable with the other person in a way he isn't with anyone else (especially regarding physical touch/affection).
Well. I don't think Yuichi is too picky in terms of appearance. He is well aware that he is surrounded by beautiful men every day. (But lately he's been really into tall guys with golden eyes and black & blonde hair, so. ;3c)
I don't know if this is a love language exactly but... He's got a lot of unfun stuff going on in his brain. Anyone who can manage to pull him out of or see him through that stuff just... really can have a direct line to his heart. Patience with his struggles is something he really, really appreciates.
He feels like he takes a lot, especially in terms of just... comfort and support. So... when he gets the chance, he tries to give, and to at least make sure he wants to do the so. Physically, he loves playing with the other person's hair, and holding hands. (He's very much the type to hold hands tightly when stressed/excited/very happy)
As far as distinct signs... well, again, he gets very shy around the person, and quite distracted in general. Depending on circumstances, he might find himself nervous or quite stressed, especially if he isn't sure how the other person feels.
Sengo is a little trickier I think. He becomes quite protective, I think, and depending on circumstances maybe a little more annoying. (I think Saseki might be a special case because the fact Saseki is his master means that he comes at it from a different and more wary angle (ie repressed his feelings)). He's already pretty flirtatious/teasing so I think it's the subtler things that would give him away.
Sengo is very prone to finding people cute/pretty/handsome lol, but I suppose as far as emotional attraction it's gotta at least be someone who... handles or maybe looks past his eccentricities, gives him the time of day.
I think what speaks to him might be persistence, similar in the above vein. For his part... Well. He's a very, very good hugger. He's also quite good at gassing people up, complimenting them and such and showing real interest. I've always thought of him as the type to see saniwa show up in a different look or something and be like "*hands on his cheeks* wahh, aruji! sooo cute/handsome/pretty etc!".
I'm not sure that he shows too many signs. Though he may appear a smidge more relaxed-- although I think those very close to him might pick up on that.
Taikyuu's answers I think might vary widely depending on who it is he's fallen in love with, so we'll see how this goes. I think as much disdain as he seems to have for taller people... He seems to find himself drawn to them in various ways. Souza is tall, Hasebe is tall, Jirou & Tarou are tall, his yari companion would surely be tall... Such is the life. He's stuck this way. Whoever it is, what gets him good in the heart is someone who understands him-- or at least tries to-- and shows him that, because he often feels like others don't as much.
His love language is very very much action-based than word-based. He is very unlikely to give you a speech or flowery words, and often any affectionate things one manages to extract from him will be yelled, snapped, or growled, aside from very rare occasions behind closed doors. More often, he might give a gift, do a favor, share something, etc. He very much likes physical affection, but it would probably take a while before he's up for doing that in front of people. Also if he lets you touch his hair, he likes you to some degree. Be fucking honored.
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kowaindar0u · 1 month
"Can't you tell they love you?" (To Taikyuu)
[ Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! ]
"...Of course I can."
... Logically, he knows that here, at home, at their honmaru, he shares the space with so many other touken danshi who love him. And he loves them too, in his own way.
The Shinsengumi swords in particular, have been welcoming to him-- he's one of them, after all. His brother is someone he doesn't think he could go without. They support each other, and Yasu feels a special soft spot for him, even if he doesn't like to show it.
He's been more intimate with Souza than he has with anyone else, ever. He has a patience for him, a way about him that tends to temper his moods, and in the back of his mind he likes that about Souza, as it brings him a peace he doesn't know how to give himself.
Even those he isn't particularly close to... If he took any touken danshi aside, asked to speak with them about something on his mind... they would probably listen to him, at the very least. Some might even try to console him, or help him through it in any way they could.
He's not... without anyone who loves and cares about him. And he doesn't really feel like it, either.
It's all... him. He doesn't know how to ask for help, or an ear to listen to, or--heavens forbid-- a shoulder to cry on. He barely knows how to let himself feel these things without pushing them away, only readily accepting them once his mind has put them in a blender and funneled them out through anger, frustration, and resentment.
He is tough, he is strong, he is fierce, and his pride in being those things makes needing anyone else's love or consideration feel like rolling over and admitting defeat.
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