#tailii raisa
csleko · 2 years
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So I beat Elden Ring again. With Tailii as a dual-wielding DEX build.
Went for the Frenzied Flame ending because while I like the game more than Dark Souls, it's still full of a lot of that same obnoxiousness, and burning the whole world to the ground seemed like the perfect revenge for it.
Know what's REALLY annoying, though? Getting awesome looking armor, but it has a negative effect. In this case, the Hero Forgery I've made here doesn't fully reflect the loadout I actually beat the final boss with because each piece of the Rotten Duelist set increases your goddamn aggro! The only time I noticed this going on was when RADAGON WOULD *NOT* LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.
As soon as I switched to any other less cool looking leg armor, he chilled out enough that I was able to get through the fight with more than 2 flasks left.
And I had to switch to the Godskin Peeler for the black fire attack because Elden Beast has WAY TOO GODDAMN MUCH HP FOR HOW MUCH OF A PAIN IN THE ASS HE IS TO STAY CLOSE ENOUGH TO HIT. (Did manage to beat Maliketh without summoning help this time, so there's that, I guess.)
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Don't mind me, Marika. Just T-posing on your petrified corpse before I set your entire world on fire and watch it burn.
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csleko · 2 years
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"Hey, look! It's me!"
Because not ALL my OCs can be perfectly recreated with Hero Forge. I've had the idea to try turning my Leko model into a miniature for a while, and it seemed like a good time to give it a go.
Pull in the model, scale to mini size, pose it, add base, delete the rig, re-mesh to combine individual pieces into a single solid model, crank up the detail, hope my computer doesn't crash while regenerating a couple million polygons, decimate polycount to reduce eventual file size without compromising detail, export STL.
Worked without a hitch, except I had scaled Leko down to be about the size of my halfling miniature, and it was immediately clear to me that would have caused structural issues regarding his extremely thin arms and legs. So I scaled him up closer to a regular human size and hoped that would keep the small parts from being too fragile when I printed it.
Oh, I also had to remake his head because the original model is actually hollow, which I had completely forgotten about until the re-mesh completely broke it.
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It looked to be printing perfectly fine, but I was still nervous about those limbs. They're thinner than the light supports I use on minis! Hopefully my flexible resin mixture will keep him bendy, and not breaky. Getting those supports off is going to need surgical precision.
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WELL, CRAP! Surprisingly, though, the failure point was actually his ankles. After those broke I gave up on trying to save it and just ripped the rest of the supports out without care, which is actually when the arm and leg snapped off.
Luckily, I had the foresight to put an extra on the plate in case of just such a catastrophic failure. I was a lot more careful with this one.
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Success! After a few minutes in the curing bucket, his fragile looking limbs are actually quite bendy, and not as brittle as I worried they'd be. I'm not going to put the mini to any harsh durability tests, but he stands up to some reasonably forceful poking, so my fears of Leko being obliterated by an errant dice throw are *somewhat* lessened.
Now that the anxiety part is over, we can get to the fun part. Let's paint this little guy!
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I thought the dark metallic base might let me get away with not having to manually paint the more detailed darker pieces (upper limbs, waist, neck, palms,) but it's a little too shiny and not quite as dark I would like. Not that I'm going to complain about having to do more manual painting. Like I said, this is the fun part. It's just that getting good results from laziness is also fun when it works out.
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I don't know why, maybe it's just me, but I think most of my painted minis look absolutely horrendous in closeup pictures, even though they look pretty good to my own actual eyes. Like the silver parts in this final paint job look really spotty and messy in the picture, but they're honestly not! It's like my phone camera has some "make painted minis look extra crappy" setting that I can't figure out how to turn off or something. I dunno. I've been looking at getting a decent camera for future video making purposes, so maybe it'll be able to take decent closeups.
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ANYWAY, Leko's OC gang is all painted up and ready to kick some multiversal butt!
Leko: "My scans indicate that these creatures have a durable exoskeleton, and some sort of corrosive retaliatory defense mechanism. I would highly advise ranged attacks."
If for whatever reason you want to try printing your own tabletop mini Leko, the STL will be available on my PATREON, and nowhere else! It'll only cost you a single American dollar! Besides the occasional exclusive downloadable stuff like this mini, sometimes you can find higher resolution, non-watermarked, or even alternate versions of stuff I've posted elsewhere!
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csleko · 6 years
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Well, hello Tumblr. You’ve seen her around in some of my comics and drawings, but I don’t believe you have ever been formally introduced,
 So here’s Tailii, one of my oldest OCs. Originally from way, way, back around just before high school I think? I believe I was just being introduced to the Final Fantasy series around that time (7 and the Advent Children movie which had just recently come out in particular.) 
APPARENTLY, one thing that stuck with me was the cool character designs and how some of them had asymmetrical armor and outfits. I liked Cloud’s shoulder armor and Yuffie’s whole general look. So I was like, “I wanna make a character with those kinds of elements in mind!”  
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So about 12-13 years ago, this random thiefy/piratey/ninja-ish girl was drawn. On October 2nd, 2006 I redrew her in Flash, named her, and and made my first ever post on DeviantART. She became a Comic Shorts character, had some minor design changes over the years, got a backstory that really has yet to be explored in any detail in any of our comics, but here we are.
 So...y’know...if anyone else wanted to draw her...
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csleko · 2 years
What if Comic Shorts...but Star Wars?
Random idea I had a little while ago to redesign Comic Shorts characters as if they were from the Star Wars universe. I started with Tailii, and eventually made the rest in Hero Forge, so that's what's going on in this post.
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Tailii Raisa, human female. Throughout her career as a "treasure hunter" she has built up quite a collection of curiosities such as a Nightsister sword, a beskar pauldron, a restored antique blaster, pieces of Phase I Clone Trooper armor (painted to match her look), and a "lucky vest" she stole from an auction (the seller dubiously claimed it originally belonged to a famous smuggler).
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Zanshlou, Mirialan male. Raised on exciting stories of bounty hunter adventures, Zan entered the profession at a young age hoping to find an epic story of his own to some day tell. Unfortunately, though he is competent, the ever growing number of bounty hunters in the galaxy is making it quite challenging to stand out.
I originally had Zan as another human, but I figured he needed a little something to be more Star Wars-y and not just "kinda cyberpunky version of his original design." Mirialans (usually) have greenish skin, dark hair and face tattoos, so I thought that'd be perfect for Zan who's trying to build his brand as a mysterious ninja.
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York, Duros male. An experimental treatment for the rare skin condition that robbed him of his species' typical blue/green pigmentation has left him with significant memory loss. After assassinating the head of the medical company responsible, York went on to become a prolific hitman preferring to take jobs targeting shady corporate officers who believe their wealth makes them untouchable. He is all too happy to prove them wrong.
York and Buddy were a challenge. In our canon universe, they're the same type of creature. (That being a faceless pale humanoid with large black eyes.) There's not really an equivalent in the Star Wars universe, so I had to get really creative here. I ended up making York a Duros since they *kind of* have the look I wanted to go for, but their coloration is in the blue to green range, so I decided he could just have a skin condition that makes it white. My main concern is he comes off as too Cad Bane-like with his signature hat and being the same species, but whatever. Everything's a ripoff of something.
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"Buddy," Umbaran male. The creature known to the group only as "Buddy" is an oddity among oddities. Unbeknownst to his companions (and even himself), rather than being simply "Force sensitive" he is actually Force *hypersensitive* to the point where his mind is completely overrun by a seemingly infinite number of voices constantly feeding him conflicting interpretations of the "will of the Force." While able to speak and understand Basic, the majority of his speech comes out as unintelligible gibberish, though during brief moments of near lucidity he does express a consistent delusion of being a Jedi Knight. Zan has given him a "lightsaber" (a metal pipe painted blue) to hopefully shut him up for a while.
Buddy wears a helmet of unknown make that seems to keep him in a constant state of audiovisual overload in an attempt to drown out the voices. Whether it actually works or not is impossible to tell, but he refuses to remove it under any circumstance. L3-K0 was only able to determine Buddy's species through a genetic scan.
If there's not at least one character in a mysterious face-concealing helmet, are you even making Star Wars content? Buddy's backstory was actually surprisingly easy to adapt to this setting. Just instead of "weird multiverse energy broke his mind and made him immortal" it's "The Force broke his mind and made him immortal." (And yeah, there wasn't really a good place up there to throw that detail in, but Buddy is basically immortal.)
I had a couple of ideas to explain the helmet, and it's actually the reason I decided to make him Umbaran. They're pale, extremely sensitive to sunlight, and also tend to be psychic, so I thought maybe he wears the helmet to protect himself from the sun and it helps keep him from constantly the minds of everyone around him since he's a lot more psychic than the average Umbaran.
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L3-K0, A.K.A. "Leko," droid. A prototype tactical analysis droid, L3-K0 gained sentience when his developers were unable to find a way to memory-wipe him without also resetting his analytical effectiveness. Reasoning that the best way to improve the droid's capabilities was to allow it to accumulate experience without limits, Leko convinced his creators to allow him to freely travel the galaxy with the goal of simply learning all there is to learn about it.
Throughout his travels, Leko met and recruited several interesting individuals to form a sort of mercenary team and perform various jobs across the galaxy.
So there you have it! If you want the HF links to any of these for whatever reason, here they are:
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