#tails is fine with this bc he only believes in laws if they're good and this is a dumb law fr
tails-boogie-board · 2 years
It's my 100th post! It means nothing but I'm sentimental so have some baby!Tails. This one is a bit older, it takes place before the other Chaotix one with Charmy. It also explains why he and Sonic were there in the first place
"Nope." Vector said, casually throwing out Sonic's only real lead. "We aren't investigating anything this weird and last we saw him, he was normal. No idea what happened to him."
With a huff, Sonic dropped the orange box on Vector's desk anyway and rolled his shoulder. It was some machine, with Tails' logo in the corner and more importantly, a sticky note with 'vector chaotix tomorow. grab tweezers' still stuck to it.
"Which was?" Sonic asked.
"About 2 days ago." Vector said, and the timeline matched up, "Tails was helping us out. The car got... uh"
"The cops took it!" Charmy announced from the floor, not looking up from his crayons.
"It wasn't the cops." Espio said, sharpening a kunai.
"Uh, yea they were. They had badges 'n everything."
"That didn't make them the police."
"But when we pretended to be cops, we had badges."
Vector sighed, looking up from his desk as the two argued behind him and gestured to the lump of technology.
"It got impounded when we were helping out with Eggman. Tails was givin' us a hand getting it back."
At his name, Tails flew up to the desk to hover next to Sonic. He was holding his drawing close to his chest, but eyed the machine hungrily.
"They always take stuff!"
Vector scooched to the side to give the kid room to land, but Tails just circled curiously.
"He was supposed to stop by yesterday, but we figured something was up." Behind him, Charmy was slowly rising to be taller than Espio.
"That doesn't always mean they're cops, Charmy!"
Tails looked between Sonic and the table and then down at his paper. He dropped to the ground and walked over and Sonic dropped to a crouch instantly.
"What's up, buddy?"
Tails' big eyes got even bigger and he stared up at his brother in awe and Sonic smirked. Rocking on his feet, the kit used his paper to hide his smile before he shook himself down to the tips of his tails.
He pushed his drawing at Sonic, not looking away and Sonic inspected the back of the paper for a second longer than he wanted to admit before he took it.
"Hey! Remember what I said, if you throw crayons, he can throw kunai."
And Sonic had seen enough blueprints in his life not to recognize it, even if this one was in crayon. It was for some kinda plane and Sonic's grin softened, Tails never really changed. There was arrows pointing to potential improvements, probably.
His own name grabbed his attention, and on top of the plane was him, with Tails in the cockpit. They were both smiling and he was pretty sure that it was Angel Island in the background, and the Master Emerald wasn't the large red dot on it.
He looked up from the paper and Tails bashfully ducked behind a Tail. Sonic pulled him into a one arm hug and after a second, mused his fur, it was still kit soft. Tails squirmed to get away and Sonic leaned into him, holding him down with his weight, the drawing safely in the air.
The kit dropped to the floor and Sonic followed, hitting his quills on the desk.
Tails. baby. shorter. Right.
"No! No one throws anything, capache?"
He groaned and there was a victorious giggle above him. Sonic rolled over onto his back, picture clutched to his chest. Tails was hovering above him and shot him a thumbs up before he finally fell to temptation and landed on the desk. Taking a moment to collect himself, Sonic looked at the picture again and at the one star in the clouds.
Rolling to his feet, Tails bare twitched an ear. He was busy messing with the thing -though it was technically his so Sonic figured it was fine.
Vector had Charmy under one arm and Espio's wrist in another and they were both arguing. Vector's headphones slipped and bass filled the air and Charmy yelled louder in response.
The desk beeped and all noise stopped.
Sonic's shoulders hiked and he was a step away from grabbing Tails and bolting before he caught up to himself. Tails looked surprised too and pulled away from the machine. A green light was on, but otherwise it looked the same.
"It's doing some weird stuff." Charmy said, floating closer.
Tails pressed the button again and the light turned off.
Espio leaned in close and looked at the machine, Tails pressed the button again and the light flickered on.
"I assume it is some sort of an EMP or it causes some equal disturbance."
Charmy laughed, "Bet it would take off the boot, no problem."
Vector pushed Charmy away and nodded at Tails who cheerfully turned the machine off.
"Hey Sonic, up for some fun?"
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