#taiscerayne talks
taiscerayne2426 · 1 year
I need drunk Aziraphale coming out and telling Crowley he loves him
Like, Crowley is helping his (heavily inebriated) angel back into the bookshop and Aziraphale stumbles, so he leaps forward to catch him. And Aziraphale giggles and says that he's just like his Crowley, always there to save him. And before Crowley can do much more than blink, Aziraphale puts a confiding hand on his arm and says, "He's so thoughtful, and nice. In his way of course, he hates when I call him nice. Slammed me up against a wall for it at least once. I almost discorporated right then and there, let me tell you."
And Crowley smiles indulgently as he gushes on, turning him out slightly as he struggles to open the door. He almost drops Aziraphale when he hears, "I love him you know, so very much. Oh but shhhh you can't tell Crowley, he's not ready yet" as he stumbles giggles again and stumbles heavily against Crowley's side.
Crowley, who has gone completely rigid.
Crowley, whose face is more red than a holly berry.
Crowley, who can't seem to get out more than a strangled "Nghk".
The sound gets the angel's attention though, and he turns his head to the side, eyes squinting, "Crowley, is that you? When did you get here? And why are there 3 of you?"
The squinting, it turns out, was not a good idea. Aziraphale well and truly loses his balance this time, reaching to catch himself on his (now open) door and finding himself instead flat on his bottom in the entryway of his shop.
Luckily, Crowley snapped out of it and jumped forward to help him. Unluckily (or luckily, depending on who you ask) Aziraphale was in the process of trying to get up himself and ended up pulling the both of them down.
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taiscerayne2426 · 7 months
Ohmygods. I meant to make this post back in December but totally spaced
So. December 26th. Holiday dinner at my fiance's house with his family. We've done this a few times now, and there's a yearly tradition of asking silly questions that everyone has to answer and we decide whose answer is the best. Typically things like "favorite flavor of chips" "best Elvis song" or "most annoying holiday movie".
The question comes. "What's your favorite fruit?". My gay-ass hesitates for a singular second before saying "well. I'd like to say me?"
Folks. I am out to literally everyone in my life. Everyone. This entire table freezes. Considers. And moves on.
My partner later tells me they cornered him to ask wtf I meant because aren't I in a relationship with him?? (I'm genderfluid but AFAB and his parents have always struggled with this). This poor boy has to figure out how to explain umbrella terms to people who barely know how the internet works. I'm still not sure they got it lmao
Anyways, consider your audience before making jokes about being gay, or at least be ready to explain it to the mango-loving conservative eating next to you
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taiscerayne2426 · 10 months
I have a brain MRI in 3 hours, check in for it in 2.5, have to take the meds in an hour and a half, and I haven't gotten a single minute of sleep.
Might pass out on the table honestly.
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