#takamine midori
cosmical-flowers · 1 month
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ryuseitai papercrafts :D
i have more silly images under the cut
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i have the power now to recreate sooo many stories
The templates were made by @nanashisaboten_ on Pinterest! Here is a link to his account :D https://pin.it/7KTYb9riT He also made some for ra*bits and 2wink. This was also cross posted to my Pinterest account!
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nekomiras · 1 year
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i forgot to post this earlier cause i was farming anyway happy ring.a.bell on the global servers
(also reposting these ring.a.bell sketches)
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meow-tay · 2 months
Day 2 - sleepover
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keyrinq · 5 months
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( accidentally overwrote the original file with the compressed version and grieving over it...auuou................ )
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lastdiinosaur · 3 months
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ryuseitai x the happy prince // a to z x cinderella
artworks I was able to create for the ES Mythos zine! thank you for having me ; ; <3
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ruinstt · 2 months
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magical girl midori
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road2manjuumaster · 1 year
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eden walked so nagisa ran or smth
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tinylittlelilac · 1 year
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tumblr. oh sweet tumblr I have missed you for my month leave! past month has been insane I fell ill went on multiple trips did so much artfight and enough excuses I also fell into the cycle of I am anxious about what I missed on tumblr -> I put off opening tumblr -> I am even more anxious about what I missed on tumblr -> and so on.. yeas i am mentally ill
as a return gift I offer my wonderful sopping wet cat I have been event grinding for the past few days!!! I also have some doodles I'm gonna post along with my artfight pieces :> ok time to go like and reblog everything in the yuzuru fushimi tag
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shinobus-left-eye · 5 months
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blorbo doodles pt. 2
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kokokonoekonoe · 7 months
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beautiful flowers, like you my love.
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eveh-koko · 1 year
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Midori Paradise!
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coffee-cait · 1 year
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📺 💙 🖤 ❤️ 💛 💚
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nekomiras · 1 year
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silly little guys
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meow-tay · 4 months
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Ryuseitai mlp verson, its my first time drawing ponys, sorry for the mistakes
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themusicalsky · 2 years
inspired by some tiktoks i saw
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ghosticyuzu · 1 month
happy pride month
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sighs dreamily. midoyuzu
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