#takasugi hcs
lilac-5ky · 2 years
Sick Reader/Takasugi Headcanons
A/N: I'm a bit sick and as always, I connect my life to writing so there you have it. What would it be like if Shinsuke was sick, and what it'd be like if reader was sick?
Warning: No proofread, busy practicing sneezing as if it were an Olympic sport.
Takasugi being sick
He probably won't even tell you that he is sick.
Most likely confined himself in his room and doesn't let anyone take care of him.
If you find out through Bansai or something, then don't expect him to just let you see him like that. He doesn't like showing his weak side, even to you.
Insists he is fine despite constantly coughing/sneezing/having high fever, until it gets too much and he indirectly admits defeat.
No, he won't ask anything of you, but if you offer to forcefully take his temperature and feed him his medicine, he won't shoo you away.
If you bring him some homemade soup and sit by his side, he'll appreciate it even more. It's during such moments that he realizes how lucky he is to have you, despite not uttering a single 'thank you'.
Overall huge grump!
Don't make the mistake of asking him whether his pillow needs fixing. He'll have you rearrange it about ten million times until he feels comfortable enough.
Just because he doesn't ask for help, it doesn't mean he won't require you to do things his way.
But you know, you can't help but find sick Shinsuke a bit cute.
With red cheeks and sweat drenching his unkempt hair, he looks just like a child. An insufferable, bossy and constantly nagging one, be it adorable at that.
And if you ask to spend the night by his side, lest he worsens or needs help? Then maybe fever won't be the only reason behind his redness.
He feels like letting you in when he's in such weakened state is a big deal (think of cats letting humans pet their bellies), and so him doing that indicates how much he values and trusts you.
Before you know it, his arms are looped around you in the clingiest way possible, while his breath feels heavier than usual upon your ear.
You won't be able to tell, though maybe somewhere along the delirious rumblings of his lies a small 'I love you' and 'thank you being here'.
So much for not wanting to say it to your face.
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Reader being sick
Now, when you think of the word 'caregiver', Takasugi is not the first person that comes to mind.
Unless is something very serious, he probably won't care enough to pay you a visit, but supposing there's something in it for him, then he just might show up to gloat.
'Serves you right for refusing an umbrella' or 'So much for knowing how to take care of yourself'
He might come off as a bit of a jerk with his backhanded comments and snide grins.
But if you exaggerate your little cold and make it seem as if you're about to meet with the Grim Reaper? Then expect to see a kinder side of him.
No, he won't cook you the 5 star hospital meal you were dreaming of. Hell, he might not even now what the right medicine for your condition is.
Still, if there's anything that you need, you'll have it. Be it him sending a member of his faction to get you a warm bowl of soup across the galaxy, or him offering to massage your weak points, he'll be extra attentive.
That's not to say he won't be very stiff and awkward about it. Even while taking your temperature, he'll have this very serious and grim expression on his face. It's just how he translates worry.
You won't have to ask for him to spend the night. He'll be out the door before you get the chance to, all under the pretense of not wanting to catch your sickness.
However, if you wake up in the middle of the night, there is a high chance you'll find him sitting on a chair by your side, half asleep.
There's no one he'd entrust the most precious thing in his life to.
In a way, a flu can be seen as harm, and he doesn't want you to get more harmed. He wants to be the one to oversee your condition personally, supposing there's no dire terrorist drama for him to get involved with. (but even then, he'd probably send bansai to deal with it, cba smh)
Finally, if he finds out about your little ruse, then he'll most definitely be pissed. Relieved it's nothing serious for sure, but very very veeeeery frustrated.
Not so much about your lie, as he is about a sneeze interrupting his lecturing.
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braveryhearted · 7 months
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"Arsene Lupin is only 5'7 too and look what HE accomplished". Is he trying to make himself feel better? No, not him. Shinsuke would never.
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
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no one would believe Hijikata if he told people that he, gintoki and Takasugi beat up an old man in a junk yard
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inkonssstantgeissst · 2 years
Bansai listening to the song of Takasugi's soul and it's basically just "Kein Liebesleid" by OOMPH!
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and despite that, you will still love it
<- Takasugi fr
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bulleheart · 3 months
What your HC for ginzurataka morden AU if they were playing a escape room
Oh, pure chaos.
Zura would of course be trying to logic his way out of there. Except he's trying too hard. Like, thinks he needs to count the lines on the floor or something stupid like that. He goes into long speeches about how things connect and how the clues work and it's all actually bullshit. He's genuinely trying, though, but he's just not doing it properly. he still somehow gets the right answers and no one has any clue how.
Takasugi would handle it like he does anything else. With violence. if there's a lock he tries breaking and shaking it(only to be told off by staff) and if he can't find a clue he yells at siri to assist him(staff has to come take his phone) he starts threatening his brothers, and opening sections that aren't actually part of the escape room(like a drawer that has nothing in it and is supposed to remain closed... that's broken...) He's asked to not return. Blames Gintoki
Gintoki actually just does nothing. The only time he ever would is if it's a horror theme(in which he's too frantic to do anything but get in the way.) but he's also the one that solves all the problems correctly. Like he'll just be wandering around bored out of his mind before finding a clue and being like, "oh I think this corresponds to this lock' and boom. It drives the other two insane because they're trying too hard and Gintoki does nothing but ends up being the best anyways.
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joelletwo · 6 months
in my mind. takazura genders slightly attuned to each other. handwaving away the preshoukason and probably kyuubei-like logistics that would be necessary for canon compliant trans man takasugi. katsura and shouyou that buddy system takasugi to ye olde informed consent clinic for blockers and then t. sweet little pre-gintoki gay-straight childhood romance confused by but not complicated by takasugi gender but he does make lots of mean little YOURE more girly than i am comments.
wartime strategic genderplay (multifold. maybe [its always morally correct to kill off chars dads in ur hcs] sugis parents die as a war consequence and they take advantage of this to fudge takasugi's gender marker records IN the comedy of errors that leads them to getting for real legally married as part of an undercover thing where katsura is in drag. this awakens nothing in katsura for ten more years but takasugi does like being the husband and everybody does like teasing zura about it)
10 yr separation from everyone (??? what is going on in zura's mind in the absence of the normal influences.) takasugi gets back alley top surgery by sword from a rando
so funny to me to have to work transphobic early-series katsura into things. ig he has his egg cracked after working for mama saigou. but he does still go on e early early. hes diying hormones. unrelatedly concurrent-and-post-benizakura katsura sliding his conception of himself to the beleagured wife who has to keep her wayward husband in line made easier by the fact that she has always been caretaking takasugi.
ignoring ss for the purposes of this but farewell shins-onwards zura second puberty rereckoning with herself (tags on this post post-me seeing amanto war nostalgia cosplay takazura in SS) real. still. zura keeping them divorced by being #fullmasc zuramp during twitter assassination. real i guess. zura also gets top and bottom removal surgery somewhere in here. maybe when she's on a government salary. anything else about their open-ended development during and post SS. not thought about yet
BUT. all this to say. if put into bfy world and if given decades to grow in a gintoki-less world. i think zura goes evil ojou-san laugh and takasugi finds himself gravitating back towards womanhood in various senses to interface with zura (and to fill the tae hole in the narrative). i think they orient themselves by each other. my beautiful little two-faced coin wives that never stop mirroring each other even when they swap positions.
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plucky-belmondo · 8 months
My F/Os, but I put them in a tier list based on how they'd play Mario Party
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[ Based on this imagine from Twitter ]
HCs and all that under the cut [ please do not take these seriously, as someone who grew up with most of the Mario Party games, this was for shits and giggles ]
DO NOT trust Mahito with Chance Time. He will, and I mean WILL cause so much chaos with it. The scary part? He times his hits with such precision.
When it comes to minigames that're like QTEs, Vicious and Richter have the fastest reflexes.
Madeleine Cookie will always pray to the Divine for luck. It doesn't work, sadly.
Jade and Takasugi also enjoy using Chance Time to mess with everyone, but the difference is that they just go with the flow. It's hard to tell who exactly they're aiming for.
Did you steal any of Tibarn's coins/stars/items? That's OK. He'll get his revenge in later turns.
Piers is four million light years ahead of everyone. Even when he gets his stuff taken away, he figures out how to get it back quickly.
Kirby is always finding Hidden Blocks.
In Game Guy's show, Yuyuko can correctly guess which option gives more coins. Because of this, she's mostly ending a game with over 100+.
DDD will try to get others to form a truce with him to take down whoever's 1st.
Kirby and Bandanna Dee comfort whoever's last place.
Big Man unintentionally uses the Wacky Watch, not knowing its true use.
Mahito will also be the type to put in asinine rules (think Party Crashers with all their "Mario Party but [X]").
If Richter is last place, he becomes more competitive. He's also great at button mashing!
Chai would be the most bummed about losing, but would get over it after a while.
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doki-doki-imagines · 8 months
Gintama masterlist
Gintoki Sakata:
He loves you but you love Takasugi
Sitting under sakura tree
Gin B-day
You love his curly hair
Break up
Teach him how to swim
You are crying during sleep time
With reader that never dated before
You can pick them up
He sees his crush naked
Gestures that make Gin acts like a school girl
Crush works in a Host club
Watching horror movie
"ASMR artist"
Unrequieted love
Can you make him dance?
Cuddle attack!
Open with affection reader
Domestic prompt
He prepares a date for his s/o
Big bro
Upset s/o
Acting cute
Father's day
He became a dog! (💕)
dating hcs
Kotaro Katsura:
With ballerina!reader
You meet in war but never got in touch later
Penguin expert reader
Upset s/o
Acting cute
Touch prompt
Father's day
Tatsuma Sakamoto:
Open with affection reader
Upset s/o
Acting cute
Father's day
Toshirou Hijikata:
Reader worried about his past love for Mitsuba
Christmas prompt
sitting under sakura tree
Big bro
you are jealous
Crush works in a Host club
Unrequieted love
Cuddle attack!
His type
His partner is an artist
Help me fold my clothes
Okita Sougo:
Break up
You can pick them up
Crush works in a Host club
Unrequieted love
His type
Help me fold my clothes
Kondo Isao:
His type
Help me fold my clothes!
Yamazaki Sagaru:
His type
Saitou Shimaru:
His type
Color prompt
Break up
Why he prefers the nurse outfit
You can pick them up
"ASMR artist"
Reader has ed (TW: eating disorder)
With a human reader
It must be a Yato thing (💕)
He became a dog! (💕)
It must be a Yato thing (💕)
Shinsuke Takasugi:
He likes you
Met during war and meet again after a long time
Upset s/o
Acting cute
Touch prompt
Father's day
"ASMR artist"
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teatitty · 2 years
Look my Joui 4 HC's are very simple and so so easy to understand. Gintoki is an aro-ace manslut who will sleep with whoever if he's in the mood for it but has only ever dated his Joui 4 bros and Katsura is non-binary-genderqueer and only interested in his Joui 4 bros and Takasugi is firmly homosexual as fuck but in a demi way and then Sakamoto is bi/pansexual in that he frequents brothels and hostess bars but the Joui 4 are the only dudes he's ever wanted to be with
They're dating, married and divorced all at the same time. It's so simple and easy to grasp guys. [In my own self-indulgence Gintoki, Katsura and Takasugi are all demons who bully Sakamoto in bed and Takasugi especially is prone to jealousy. Don't worry about it]
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zurajanaizurakoda · 6 months
Do you have HC for both ginzura and takazura ?!
First of all, thank you so much for the mail. I haven't gotten mail in years, I just assumed that it was activity, and holy shit, it was mail! I have so many complex and conflicting headcanons. In fact, just for you, I found that rant I started about why I write Takasugi like I do and my personal thoughts on him. But in the meantime, my current strongest headcanon is that Katsura is a sleep cuddler and Takasugi doesn't want none of that shit and Sakamoto's first response when he wakes up next to someone friendly is to get handsy, he doesn't even have to be awake for the process to start, so it was mutually decided that Gintoki has to sleep next to Katsura, and sometimes Gintoki just wakes up with Katsura clinging to his back and a big wet spot where the drool has soaked in, and if he's really awake he'll smack him a few times to try to get him to stop drooling but most of the time he'll just sigh extra loud to make sure the universe knows he didn't ask for this, and then he settles in a little closer and falls back asleep and he's surprised after the war how much he misses it.
...But Katsura misses it significantly more.
I got self conscious about posting personal thoughts when more people were following me obviously for the memes and I noticed people had me blocked and I wasn't sure if it was for the AI or the generally unpleasant subject matters I deal with, but I'd be happy to talk more if you're interested. And until someone gets mean, I'll keep anon on, so no judgement!
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k4mvi · 2 years
OH btw!!! Got any aspec headcanons?? I know im always partial to hitting characters w/ the uh. aro/aceification beam adsjgkhsg
firstly all the characters are aroace by default for me unless i say otherwise but ill run down some hcs that i stand by firmly:
kamui is 100% aroace
gintoki is definitely aro like... its not even a headcanon at this point i actually do believe hes aro
takasugi is aroace but like with 39485 unresolved emotional issues
sakamoto is anything but aroace
katsura is demi but unlike takasugi he doesnt think about it nor does he acknowledge what his sexuality or even gender is. just living the bliss of not caring or knowing about all that
there r probably more but i cant remember so if u wanna hear feel free to ask about a specific character 👍
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salty-sleep · 5 months
I love joi4 too :D so do you have HC what favorite takasugi and gin Chan part of zura body to kiss ?!
in my hc, gintaka don't have specified favorite parts of zura's body to kiss. however, gintaka indirectly kiss,,,,,,, by aggressively kissing the exact spot one of them has kissed zura ( and/or sakamoto) 2s before. it looks like some sort of competition. 2 of them need to work on that unresolved sexual tension pinned-up feelings between themselves without a third party who can ensure they won't fight/get themselves in t h e s i t u a t i o n lol.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
Gintoki/Takasugi reacting to their S/O introducing them as a friend
A/N: low effort post of the day woo
You thought it'd be fun to pull a prank on him, wondering whether he'd get jealous or mad, even.
The perfect opportunity came up when you stumbled upon an old classmate in the middle of the street.
“Friend? Friend?!? Wait a minute, why am I your friend? Oi, Y/N, do you not hear me?”
Even after your acquaintance left, Gin didn't stop pestering you, bringing it up every three minutes seconds on the way back.
When you got home, he kept pouting and nagging, sighing dramatically out loud. “Can you hand me the remote?” “Sure thing, FRIEND.”
Brings up the incident days after, unless you make some sort of public declaration regarding your relationship status and promise to stop introducing him as your friend.
Until that happens, Gin refuses to touch or kiss you, acting as If you really are just friends.
Says that if that's all you are, then you wouldn't mind him becoming friends with Ketsuno Ana he wishes.
When you are about to enter Yorozuya so that you can go to bed together, he closes the door on you, saying that friends don’t sleep with one another.
Even if some time passes and you go back to being intimate, he might ask whether friends really do such things or whether you do such things with all your friends.
Makes you memorize an entire repertoire consisting of ways to introduce him to others. wouldn't mind you addressing him as sir or master
Overall, the most petty out of the four.
You did not just call him your friend. Him, Takasugi Shinsuke, your friend.
It was probably a bad idea, but even so you were curious to see what would happen. Would he get jealous? Would he even care?
His glare was enough to both set the world ablaze and freeze the seas, I promise you that much.
You can hear boss music coming from your side and all of a sudden you see three hearts pop up in the top corner of your screen.
After he is done glaring, Takasugi will go along with the name you assigned him, quietly escorting you and your friend to dinner.
He actually behaved himself, acting kindly and even offering to pay for the whole thing. It looked as if he wasn't bothered in the slightest by your comment.
How disappointing.
But when your actual friend asked whether you could handle eating your portion and you said it was too big to handle?
“That’s not what you said last night.”
He said that in the calmest and nonchalant tone, sipping his drink as if it was nothing.
It was your turn to go silent, glaring at his smirking expression, while doing your best to change the topic.
Supposing you got your lesson, he won't make a big fuss out of it. He is petty, but not that petty.
However, if you still tried anything similar on him, then he'd make it so that you'd never be able to call him your friend again, leaving a visible trail of marks upon you that speaks of your relationship on its own.
Takasugi doesn’t like to be called your friend, but make no mistake to call him your boyfriend either. Who knows how he'll react?
istg not even he knows what he wants to be called. tsundere.
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
Takasugi and the rest of the kiheitai walking into a bar *turns to Matako*: stay out here
Matako: i’m old enough to go in you know 
Takasugi *stopping*: aren’t you 12?
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inkonssstantgeissst · 2 years
The never ending saga of Utsuro being jealous and possessive over Oboro when anyone attempts to capture his attention
Utsuro: Oboro is the ONE thing in this entire world which is and has ever been MINE, don't you DARE--
(and Oboro is dying)
^^^^ The actual reason that Utsuro wants to destroy everything.
I mean it makes sense, right? For thousands of years Utsuro had been hated and feared by humans - and then there's this one human who is utterly, completely devoted to him, who Utsuro is able to banter with as his immortal self and who Utsuro is able to trust with everything. Not even Gintoki, Katsura and Takasugi love him like Oboro loves him. And if you had this one and only one person who loves and has ever loved you like that, wouldn't you hate it if anyone else tried to capture their attention? Because they are the only thing that is yours.
Also look haha that possessive jealousy is even canon:
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Look at those dark jealous eyes. Utsuro fucking never gonna get over the fact that Oboro is/was also loyal to Shouyou. That he shares Oboro with Shouyou.
Like can you just imagine in an AU where Utsuro and Shouyou are twins how much Utsuro would hate Shouyou whenever Oboro shows him any attention. Especially cuz Shouyou also has Gintoki, Katsura, Takasugi and the rest of his students - but Utsuro only has Oboro.
Actually I do have an AU idea about that and it's kind of really sad...
But yes, I absolutely hc that Utsuro gets jealous and possessive over Oboro whenever anyone else tries to capture his attention. Utsuro's totally killed people just because of that I bet.
Man, Utsuro would've killed Sada Sada so fast for the way he spoke to Oboro, istg lol
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bulleheart · 2 months
Ginzurataka HC : when they kids , it obviously they bickering and fighting often so what do you think each one of them will tried do as apologize
Hmmmm Gintoki would probably try to give them sweets. Like, he'd never actually apologize, but Gintoki giving you his dessert is a huge deal.
Zura would give a formal apology, but he'd also probably make rice balls for everyone, just because he wants to. But unlike Gintoki he announces that it's part of the apology.
Takasugi would do that thing where he mumbles "i'm sorry" and then as everyone can't hear him he slowly gets louder until he's just shouting "I'M SORRY" until he's red in the face from embarrassment
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